Newspaper Page Text
Thanksgiving Sale CyOOOy&OOOS&iiB Factory No. 2 of the Hawley Ghun . The Bostoman ladies' Orchestra -Miss Carmine I.. Petersen, President CUT 1 UTAnn PA! HUM SI Co-has resume! work with a fall force, and Mart King, Header, is announced of Ihe Honesdale. Improvement Society, I .hill A WllKl) LtlLUMri after beinz idle since the first of July, for Slonday, Dec. 7th, at the Lyric has hecn made a member of the eland-. 5 TSf'ilicinf thPfSrteri:.n church 1 iieaur. xuus f miixii euui)iii urou , luovuiuiuiua: vu uu ui uk aaic im- a uoou uunce m ctica an dccrpiaoic ina iseiui uitt at a Eating in pns ::riei?!r&X-tnit-2VZf m l-caiiejniinei re.;jyien..nciiui;ii ...... .... , .s -. - . . . , i .1 na iDirnuacuon ki uunirswuv ikviih: as rniiuu ui lniiwiiiHiua nuaira. ACRES FAItM-t-ori bai! barrHs ti North Carolina. filled with -m'i - -". - jir. ana jirs. tuson ii. uianain, oil MU S?J? jrrrxiflT-FiL lUwi?v r2! clothing, show, etc.. Lr destitute colored race in this town on several occasion, Scranton, welcomed a little daughter of lixvur. JQ. ri-.i.N U.W kit. llawier. r. 'f SJ ,he ,afl ,;mc nnd lhe auspices of the ine pounds to their Iwmehold, Nov. lh&XUZriZ- Ev a recent otder of tU, T V' formerly liss TAX1AXKI. in MmT Tea department, revered maif matter is to , b-7"an. chBh- e'r ' Z M KnaPP' f Honesda,e- townix-. b m to work oat their ro.4 , . ,a , , 11 entirely new, consisting of . ... . , caSkK! So iwrr KrV. OYSn:i: sri'PEK at !ilbin irrtisrl rinrr. t-ttinlijr. Xw.ii. M.J. llanlan. W. II. nuli-1 i-1 ifcrr will mite sdarew. Voa ar? Inv!;I. '1 IiST A rai ill oiiJIx-.l j!r iniUli'w wUanJ nln. set w:ta Sunrae re"?- A lib eral reward for rrara to Ctn.irjo:fioe. ll lANTEIl-Ojcniient Bkter. AH'ly nKTniiKS Mum MM airl ittM. la!il Ktf TJtor A Mtiira . K2 I IXJ:!:!IaHjtrMi u. renKirrhtj- from lhccMiJi-H.lifi.trd 1 CTupnim. lit.'. A. CHAI'JJAX. .diiiiii5ytrT. mi: SALElut aiwl hniMiar lrailnl at Iia Maki IHj-alrc o.- wnlcl . K. Tlllli:i: LISKEX. prJUkaJuj-bolcr- M-arxJ raniiirt mjicr. o j.m sim. clasRcal and popular selection. Graham Wat!, who, Slay 10, 1S55, wa promoted to the grade of Kegimental Quartermaster Serjeant of the 67lh Iteg. Pa. Vol. Infantry, leftjon Sunday mom- o Honefa,e r r r T ' ing IUI ior rmuncK ijiowcacyj junc tion, laryland, where he witnessed on Tcesdav, the 2tt!i. the ceremonies at- sJdresftJ. Not even on a written order will is b? d3ivere1 t sn-lhfr iv?r.n. N. K. Kinsbaiy.of Aiiam:: leaves, tlii cously, has bvuslu o::S thi- bakery basn?.s of . II. Fox, in Depart. He ImV rrtession on I n Jay !at. Mr. Fox renisijiinj; for the pre "Jit a an assistant. District Superintendent M. Fuller, tendant upon tlie dedication of the inon of Carhondale, will hold quarterly meet- nmeiit crecteJ in honor of the gallant itig services in th? SI. E. church, AUcn- dead of Ihe 7Ui. S7th and ISSth Pa. nlle, Sunday, Nor. 2?lh. ai iJS) p.-Jt., and at P3aant Valley thi Mine day, at Tri p. ;i. Wolfe and Charles Yetter, of Strouds- Eugene Fay is building a lamuier burg, and Samuel U"n":er, of Swiftwater, boarding house at Stariisht. calculated Monroe Co., were also in attendance. a young lady, weighingcight pounds, who came to the home of Sir. and Mrs. Arthur B. Mull, of Xew York city, Xov. 19th. Sirs. Hull was formerlv Sliss Edith F. SSiml ?ywtr' "commodate forty city guest . Wm. ir1ifinm-li1x! nunwr. Xt-. Coniining, of Lake Goino, has tlie con tract for the erection of the hotel, nhich Sergeant Watts Yori citv. made Ihe trip via Kew THE WIIATSOEVEK vf tbeM.C "hurjj will bW luaniiui Ijir and aprer will b? up-to-date in evirv detail. TtiarsiiUj-aItcmj and ermirtr. Int-r . ... ... , .... , Srd. FantTarJirlf"(.'lll''.apTi3saiiainje- Tlie fact that November l-ith I -rw Kjrmnirlf.itJ.i:i.ainnsana borac- me tact that Novemoer l-Mh tell on R&V2JgR. "5Sm Sunday this jTar aided one day s lease . of life to the lot of some of the deer that MlKKKXTU. KlAJltltiA. a popular and roani the forest. The deer seawnsliould Sirs. William II. Guinn, of Haw- i ley, is seriously ill. Sirs. Joel Hill, of Lookout, was a rorasuid Mrtkalars. addrc-M J!. M. i:iti-. hare opened on November 1-Hh, but as !u noimlar and SpjJlhlul winter rewmt. For 1CM txww. art. as abire. 3115 holiday m:xrrri:Eat ni:ovx"s. Parlor Suits at Brown's. Bedroom Suits at Brown's. Cuucbe at Brown's. PaotT C3iirs at Brown". Itiniii; ane and wood Cbalrs at Brown s. 3Clf FOB SALE OB FOR BEXT.-Hwelllas bvase.onmprotlViurt and Eisbtn stroet.Iu rairec II. Z. UuseU. WAYXE FAKM A:EXCY.-If ra hire anr (arm protieriT or rcair? 3 any cinu. ruu can rcristermthurrrec(oH4.ana prosrtr will be adxrrt ised throueti tbe I'nited States. Smd for rirculir. WAYXE FAKM AGEXCY. Hnnewlilc. I'a. 2if Sirs. Adam Sletiger visited her daughters, Sirs. George Gotlschalk and Sirs. George -Miring, in N'ew York city, last week, and while there attended the wedding of her granddaughter. Katherine 1 U llf-i f I. I- ... x- regiments. Co. Commissioner Thomas ; r &"Kcr' wi" C. Ma iden, of Angels, this county, Peter , or ' Jirs. rraiiK oilier, and her two ; children, Hildegarde and Frank, left last i Saturday morning for Philadelphia, to spend a few weeks with Sirs. Voltier's parents, prior to going to Hartford, where Sir. Voltier is to take charge of a I large Elevator concern. George W. Knapp has been assign 1 ed to the run of trains No. 7 and 8, from Jersey city to Elmira, in the place of Edvard Iiosencranse, deceased, and Wm. H. Lent, of Port Jervis, succeeds him on trains 47 and 43, the Southern Tier Express. Sir. Knapp will move from Hornell to Elmira in Ihe spring. The late Webb Horton, a native of the town of Liberty. N". Y., who died in Sliddletown a few years ago, leaves an estate of between $2,000,000 and $3,009, 000. Deceased was well known in the PERSONAL. Ladies' Tailor-Made Suits and Coats. At Price that save yon from ?2.0 to $5.00 on a gannent. Fur Department. A superb" assortment at the lowest priu fjr equal grades. Ladies' Waists. Th? tinest Waists offered' this season at Special Prices for Thanksgiving. Millinery. The SIdst Comprehensive Assemblage of I lata ever seen in Honesdale. Linens. Splendid values in THANKSGIVING LINENS. Fine Irish, Belgian and German. Damask Table Linen, an importation of New Desiens at special nrices. Hemstitched Damask Sets including one Table Cloth and one doien Napkins, at special low prices. Exceptionally good values for Thanks- -Biving. Grocery Department. ; Groceries; none but the best gra3 KAT2 BRO'S. Sale of Thanksgiving Groceries; none but the best grade of goods sold in Grocery Department. FOR SALE. Hunsc. HI tVrjrt St. Bitky. IIdcsiU. Ta. Snndav huntinz rs not nemiitted. Slon-' Charles FaaU succeeds Jacob !day, November ICth, marked the open- Deutsch as janitor of the Lyric theatre, ing of the season, and the killing of deer ' Sir. and Sirs. W. F. Suydani will i may cc-ntinue until December!. Each, pass their Thanksgiving in New York hunter is limited to kill one male deer, citv. ! with horns, in a season. Ilex. J. H. Boyce. of Hamlinton, is Oiiicials of the Prudential Insurance j conducting revival services at Slapie Co. are investigating the ciicunistances I wivmI. surrounding the deatli os" Norman E. Henry Z. Hussell and daughter, Sliss ; northern part of this county, and in Da LaBarr, formerly of Starucca, who was Sophie, are spending a few days in New : mascus, where he was interested in the Kr. :.. n--!. .... x- t - " tanmnir indiistrv. I . v. d ..Mill uAunvn, inrum. lOrfcCll.. ' - j t X'iL. tT 1 . J The deceased took out a policy for$5,-( Mrs. A. W. Simons and children, of Announcement was made at a din-J W ltll VOlir 1 UrkeV, Or ailV Other meatS C00K 099 with the Conipanv during the past ' ii.i.- ,.. , fi,nri ,-;; in n. ner recently tendered bv Harvard men year. nnl the policy is void if the insured p r.nmH p.,,nirt " Boston to the crew and ball team. 1 e WHAT A TEMPTING DINNER O i committed suicide within one vear. The Born, to Sir. and Sirs. E. Keed, of LOCAL NEWS. . . M - " - uonlpany cairns ,na, mere aamneni . .vw.e jn,u a an(1 to Mr. and Mrs, mystery about Labarr s death to war-, 1TaBamll a ivenior Sttiart has approved lhe appliiin for a cliarter for a railroad to It will be the spcond railnod J,r- a,,u .J"B' ". J ' . Royal Taft, of Dunmore, formerlv of York Giants, will coach the Harvard pitchers next spring. "He will have 1 rliam of tlif mrlr in tlir. hfi&fHill furre -ReabenSmaU.of North Slain street., and hasbeen imUedtn with me 1 went to sew lorK city, lasi oaiuraay, to remain a week with friends. ed in one of our PERFECTION ' ROASTERS ! , squad until outdoor work is well under i wav. "Unman Lite." a splendid illustrat ed monthly magazine, edited by Alfred Henry Lewi, i!l be sent as a premium to each of the first hundred friends of county, i! urn oe Hie i-cona railroau . . , .... , - i tioyai xait, 01 ui TKC who ' "tr, and wi be styled the 'T ,f '1 coupled with . ji ort .icrvifi and ueianaro alley, its - " inat 01 inerre5iaem-eiect as an intimate l Sirs. John Sampson, of Bethany, has r.M 1 1 i rf nrnlA4 tilt. iRpmitnti Ttnto tint payinent fora!1M.t ; :viiV Tl... ,i;r.tra been the cuest of her niece, Mrs. J. II. who and a haff, either for a new tiuu or as an advance Be one of Francis A. Sawyer, Canton, President ; Kinbeck, of Peckville, for several days. i I" - .1 O T 1 ?. f .. I C .1 ,1 . J 1111'." outill..-. til cuuuucuuig, iv- cently spent two weeks in Philadelphia, j Emerson ami James S. Helden, Port Jervis, and Representative Alfred Slar- viu and T. F. DeGraw, Slatauiora.. name alreadv on our list. he hundred! " ex-Congressman U. r. right, usque- Ulof ,h,h,k-,l H..,..i;"i "anna; Isaac N. Beardslee, Ednaxd I closed on Thursday, Nov. 35th, Thanks giving day. SIowow. nu-i iiifr the Wavnpoonntv lino.inlk.'.wnm Ui.,!,,.! troudsburg's free mail delivery Bank, nith a capital of $?,G90. while believes the genealogical statement J THINK about this in advance of that Thanksgiving Dinner. We correct ihe item so , nave tne Roaster. We want you to TRY it. intimate with the . J system was inaiigiirate.1 on Slonday of . Tl net proceeds of the cake sale, in , , . i i the town hall, last Saturdav, in aid of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, was $15..Y. There are now at rei-t in beautiful Glen Dyberry, Ihe reiuaiiir of I.-VW jr sons, in nijich are included the llit of sixty-nine soldiers of ihe ar of ISIS, the Slxican and civil wjrs. Tl'e firet inteitnetit a made in Ihe ceiuelery, Nov. 21, Kit. A year ago Fred. W. Kreitiier pur chased a lot, by r2 feijt, on ItHh sirl. of the Fanners" and Mechanic:- Bankr Tlie projterty .va terenllydd ! Kivh ntr Brothers. Consi delation in !lh traiiactionr, private. The latior linn gave she Irani aild !ied to Frank .1. Xut ce, if he would remove iliem, aud he has completed ihenork. ICreilni-r Br:h ers trill at once eject a iiK3ern two story dwelling, containing ten Mmms, and high attic, on the !(. There trill be no ditliculty in renting Ihe projvriy. Ilovvaid Hailuug, fonueilya Hones dale butcher; now t-iuployed in a Dick son avenue meat mat 1-1, Scrantou. picked a chicken on a wager in forty j-fconds, a few days since. The feat serine likely to give him inore than local nuloriety, as a travelling man for a baked bean company happening to see an account of-his accoiuplisiiinent. and S r. M. Hen-, nhere we liave had carriers fur year, we have to be content with two deliverie a day, and it so hap pens that thev are at not by any means at th n'jost convenient hours. A letter reaching Honesdale by the afternoon Erie or D. sinl H. railroads, if address ed to Mrec and number, must lie in the poit-o:l;ce til! the next forenoon, too late f i a reply even by the morning mails on either m.-.d ; a:id such matter as"conies aft.-r tiflon on Saturday vill not reach the parties addresswl liefore nine o'clock, on an average, the nest Slonday inoniing. Certainly here ii gnd K-cafjoia f r I'ncle atii to fit up anil notice. its an ill wind that b!'v uobwly g.od. WIicm tlie I'aik Theatre in Brooklyn, N. Y., wa entirely derttoyed by tire Zfl week, patnm of that house were for the time being robbed of the delights of stepping from their front dMir into a New York attraction, and ihoe that deMred to visit a theatrical performance were compelled to take a long trolley or subway ride, or stay at home, and on tin- oiher hand, some sixty iKTSiins were ihrwwu out of work Until tlie theatre can be re-bui!t ; but had not this undesired catastrophe oc curred, patrons of the Lytic would have true, he desires to far as to his being president-elect is concerned, as he has I holding court for the peaceful Quakers. ! no personal acquaintance with him and, j TV AT VTa J Bj r I I A I T T Ei -Mrs. W.F. Suydani. and son Dur-; infac'' has never hil"' . 1VX . OX i- I X IVJO J-V. land, of Ha wlev. are spending a few' Tlie following young people of Wayne' ! davs w ith the former's mother. Sirs. Coe ! county, are students at the West Chester, , . . 1 1 tiuiianu. Sirs. Keturah Branning, of Hawley, lias returned from a six months' visit with friends in South Dakota and Slichi- gan. Sirs. Peter Pa., State Normal School : G. Lucile Abraham, Damascus ; Slarv N. Brad bury, Beach Lake; Slildred J. Elliott, Hollisterville ; Reed F. Gager, Coldi Spring; Harriet I. Gregory, Prompton; Floyd W. Hawk, Soutfi Canaan ; Walter - i r r-J r rrimiz anu tLNeiT t-uiA t,. - c r Ererlmg, of tins place, attended the Ma- J mm . Maude E Xob,e Ca,khl5 hoski-Evviling welding reception m & g,,,, Canaan. F Simpson last wc-ek. Revnolds, Slilanville. Charles J. Weaver is hiking after, rmler w healill f ..VValU and tne inieresi oi iii-u-i itayne """s -T-ilL-s ONLY $2.00 FOR ALL ! the absence at Sizerville of hi brother John II., the proprietor. Mayor J. Benjamin Dimmick, of S;ratito:i. was the guest of Governor the executive mansion, Harris burg, on Thursday evening lat. Mr. and Mr. Ray Bayly, of Beach Lake, have just moved to Honesdale, inonz Artists," last Sunday's New York Herald say: "Mis Jennie Browiiscombe is at work on a painting of three young girls in an orchard in blossom. She has recently completed a single figure of a gill seated by a window emblazoned with coats of arms. The girl is making a garland from a profusion of roses that lie on the carved bench on the former baring secured employment which she sit. Sliss Brownscouibe also with I lejrving Cut Glas Co. I has just finished fome successful portrait , Ilenrv W. Dunning, Esq., of Wilkes-1 w,,rU l'astel." promptly visited him and made an ar- be?n coiuwlled to gto their turkev re- raugeiueiit for another contest to come off with a rival chicken picker at an early day. There w ill probably be some fowl work when the match comes oil. We call attention to the advertise ment of the Scrantou Life Insurance Co, on tin fourth page of cover of this issue THis company wrote $13,000,000 worth of life insurance during its lin-l year. It is oflicercl by men who have been verv successful in business life, and the same care and energy which brought 4ioces.s in other lines lia fitted them to tafely and successfully carry on lhe business of the Scrantou Life Insurance Co. Those desiring insurance will do wellto read their advertisement and care fully examine their new plan for placing nonagenarian, Mrs, F. B. l'enniman of life insurance. the latter cla&s, clear in mind, though Tlie first American Thanksgiving physically weak, having reached her Day wag observed in 1021, ihe year af-' ninety-ninth year. Just at this writing, ter their landingfrom the Mayflower, by however, we timet yield the palm to To- Ihe Pilgrims at Plymouth, Mass., as a wanda, Sire. Klira SlcKeau having cele- token of gratitude for an abundant liar- brated on Saturday, the 21st, iii that vest. In Iu23 a public day of thanks- town, her one hundred and first birth- .,r.iul .ml one is mentioned in dav. in nossessiou of all her faculties I . . . ..i ...:'i, An:nnnf i,.r .-o.;i. oi.-He money a letter oi i tt.. kiuuiuu jiiuimcu ..v. .j..f,.... i uii-Ii .lv in 17K9. after tlie adoption of can see. but not very well. She was born in Ljlclitieia, tiericimer county, past without the thought that afterwards they could witness what the Brooklyn folks, were missing, for "The Sign of The Four," the famous Sherlock Holmes detective drama, was booked for Brook lyn this week, and now that it has no theatre tohouse them, Hoiiesdalelheatre goers can reap the harvest. Tickets now on sale at the box oflice. Wayne county is quite noted for its cases of exceptional longevity, a num ber of its residents having passed the century mark before answering the final summons, and one at least Mrs. Sarah Benjamin attaining the ripe old age of 113. We have several octogenarians in Honesdale to-dav, aud an occasional B.ure, has ju't purchased a lot on the eastern portion of Glen Dyberry. adja cent' to the Reed-Dorfiinger plot. Sir. and Sirs. O. T. Chambers, of 11th street, will partake of their Thanks- 1 giving turkey at the home of their dangh- 1 ter. Sirs. Geo. G. Johns, in New York city. Dr. Divyer, of Forest City, has an-, nou need his intention of removing to Great Bend, for the purpose of practic ing medicine. He will al- open a drug store in that place. Mr. and Mrs. Win. B. Holmes en tertained the choir of the Prcs-byterian church, and the Sunday school class of the latter, at their pleasant home, last Friday evening. A second son arrived at the home of Sir. and Mrs. Geo. D. Keyrer, of Salt Lake City, Utah, a few days ago. Sirs. Keyser was formerly Miss Florence L. Suydani, of Honesdale. -Sirs. Frank SIcKeuua, of Ridge street, returned home on Ihe Kith, from the State hospital, Scrantou, when- she submitted to a severe operation. Her health is greatly improved. Wm. G. Faatz and F. H. Faatr, of Lestershire, N. Y., former Ilonesdalers, w ill eat their Thanksgiving dinner in Sa vannah, Georgia, where they are attend ing the great automobile races. Fritz Breideiistein, ol.Willow Avenue, has received the legacy recently left-bim The marriage of Helen Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Henry M. Boies, to .lames Jerome Bidden, of Syracuse, will take place Tuesday evening, Dec. Sth, in the Second l're-bytcrian church, of , scrantou. A reception will follow at the Boies home on Clay avenue. The bride cleft's Mstc-r, MUs Ethel Boies, will be mald-of-houor, aud Mr?. David Boies will be one of the eight bridesmaids. Sleade Belden, of Syracuse, will be best man. Among the social functions given this week for the bridal party are a -luncheon, by Sliss Frances Jermyn; :i tea by Sirs. J. 31. Wainwright, and a bridesmaids' luncheon Saturday, to be given by the bride-elect. . Tlie many friends of Rev. Dr. II. C. SIcDermott in Honesdale will be pleased ' to learn of his appointment by the Board of Bislwrps as one of the representatives of Ihe Methodist Episcopal church to the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, which is to meet in Philadelphia in December. The Sletho dist Episcopal church, with its three and one-third million members, will be rep resented by " men, nine of whom are bishops and some of the most prominent editors, secretaries of benevolent boards, college presidents and pastors in the de nomination. The Council, which rep resents some fifteen million church mem- By a recent nrraitrciiient with the publishers we arc able to offer The New York Tribune Farmer The "Human Life" -and THE CITIZEN FOR ONE YEAR FOR $2.00 TIIBTItllSl'NK FAKMI:i: la thoroushly practical, helpful. up-to-date ilhitratel iritiima! wtt-tcly. Srwial na;es for Morse-. Cattle. Sheep, etc.. ami mo-t c-lansrate ami rellalile martlet reports. ' , Ir. I. Smead. tin-lxt known veterinary Mirseon in America, writo regularly for Till-: TlillSl'XK FARM Kit; thoroushly covering lhe linttiln;. care ami feeillntrutall iKimi'.-ticanlnuls.aiHl hi artiele- meet the neetNof every praclinil workins farmer. and lntetvt every man or woman in the c ity or town who owns a horse or cow. The "llainan Life" i a monthly magazine with the worMV ln't con tributors. Sample copies of the three publications sent on aDplication to THE CITIZEN, Honesdale, Pa. H. C. HAND. Pkesident. W. B. H0LSIES, Vice Pre- II. W. SALMON, Casiiiek. . WARD, Ass't Cashier We want vouto understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECUKITY of this Bank. WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS HONESDALE, PA., ANK HAS A CAPITAL 0P - - - slOO.OOO.OO AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - :ir5,000.0Q MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 455,000.00 by a relative jn Germany. line the ment jg a f,e ,ribute to Dr. SIcDermott. amount ($300) is not startlingly large, f, and Sirs. Charles H. Dorfiineer will come very handy now i an(i Miss Dorfliueer. of White Mills, who that winter is closing in. Our artistic are. j Xew York ibis week, arc staying i friend has our congratulations. at the Hotel Walcott. They are atteud- t.VI.'ltV nriT t. 11 ,if ., l.tnl. mini 1... l.ct U..t.r.. nnv,L.u..-;iAr n. tn. n IJ.'W' bers, and about twenty-five million Sun-, u hag conjucted a growing and successful business" for over 5 years, serving day school scholars, will be one of the an increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction, most significant gatherings ever held on 1 Its cash funds are protected by SIODERN 'STEEL VAULTS. -the American continent. His appoint- .n.oh.hi,,.. ........ ..,..... irUI. I'KltSi l.y the CAItKI I'EltSON'AL ATTKXTIOX constantly civen the ml benefit- and welfare of the nation, i Y., on Sunday, November 11, 1807, to ' -Anna, the only dajughter of Judge tog the opera, as well as shopping. Lincoln revived the custom in 18C3 and Sir. and JIf. Truman Merry. &ne mar-1 ana airs. it. m . Arcnuaiu, win oe mar- enee Uiat year tlie Presidents have al- ried Allen McLean and moved to To wayi i&saed procUmatioBS appointing wanda in 1818, here she has einee lived, the lut ThnrwUy In KmnW . V?r hurtan" serving twr've years a; ?r.v- Ttiaiikfgivitig (ay. tlionoUrj' of Bradford county. edo-?n f' Pf0; 1t' to I PittLADKLPiiu is to have a new $10,- W. Silver, of New York city. Only the 1 000,000 art gallery. If they don't watch immediate relatives of the bride and the grader, they'll fill it who ciinuiios groom will be present. V" f "M masteis. llank's aflalriibva notablrnble Itoanl of Directors assures the Datroni of that SUl'HKSIK.SAFKTY which I tbe prime essential of a eood llanlc. Total Assets, - - - $2,733,006.00 DEl0SITS' SIAY BK 3IADE BY SIAIL. DIRECTORS IL C. HAND. A.T.HKABT.k, T. It. fl.ACK. ciiAs.j.HHrrn. II.J.CONOKI1. xf. f. strrnlsr. W. U. IIOLUI Y.V. KlMltt.I t !. HAT.MOV.