Newspaper Page Text
THE CITIZEN. runuMiErt :vtnv Wednesday asd Friday by TUB CITIZEK rCBMSIUKOCOMPASY. Kntercdas M-cond-class mattiT. at the post olllce. Honci'tlale. Ia. When a man gets eo rich or bo high in , society Hint he is nshamed of his bent old ' mother in her plaid shawl, and of herjtcms of lack of grammar, he is too snobbish for honest men to trust. LOCAL MENTION. Interest Hereabouts and Thereabouts. SUIISCKIPTION! Give the boys something practical, such as a box of carpenter's tools, a a yhab. i.v advance soldering set, or a drawing outfit, in stead of guns, drums and toy pistols. k. n. iiai:ikni!i;im;ii. imiksiiiext v. v. V()OI. c. ii.iKinn.txf.Ktt. IIKNKV WILSON. - - MAN.U1KK ANDSKC'Y DIRfXTllR: M. II. U.I.KN. K. II. IIAKPKXIIKIUill. . HOOP. ! Teach creative not destructive force. Last call to fix won't freeze ! up that pump so it A. man has to work harder to be a poor fanner than he does to be a good one. The open air treatment is good for consumptives, but it isn't beneficial for arming machinery or tools. The farmer gets his crop out of the ground, his money out of the crop, and his pleasure out of the money. Ai.EXAS'iiek the Great conquered the world, but he didn't make so much out of it as Mr.' Rockefeller ha made. Somehow or other we have a good deal.of respect for the man who keeps the walks clear of snow, whatever faults he mav have. Mlt. 1'AHKKl! savs the Democratic party needs new policies, while Mr. Hry an says the old policies of the Itepubli can party which he oiiginated are good enough. Mh. Rkya.n has concluded not to fol low the advice of the Minneapolis min ister and become an Evangelist, with a view of becoming a i-ccond St. Paul. His reason as given in a recent inter view is that he wishes to continue his Fifty-two cases of scarlet fever de veloped in Scranton up to Thanksgiving day for November, which were twelve more than for the entire month of Octo ber, and ten more than for the corre sponding mouth last year. As a conse- quence of this, alarming increase, the It is very annoying to telephone sub- bureau of m,alth .mA pUwlciaiw of tho scriberstofinddunnglhc very busy hour :,..,,,!. ,.,. ,h(. sitl,a,i011 is a m-ave in the evening, when they want to use ; ' , , , a1)rehensiv.. of the phone, that some young couple is' ., ,, " ,, ,.,.. check the spread of parking over-, the wire, or somebody else is holding a long, gossipy conversa tion. Some people use the telephone al most any time for almost anything. the Honesdale Needs CIVIC CLUB, composed of men interested in the general wel- are iug made to i dread disease Joseph Kreider, of Mast Hope, sub , mitted to an operation for the removal of an abdominal tumor at Dr. Lafl'iu's hospital, Narrowsburg, last week, and is already able to walk about. On Wednesday last Harrv ui.i,- n 1 Jitoeniinion tuna with u. . f tTnnncrinlft It slinnlrl nipft nt .-.. - , - i rcaMirer, (j per cent, of clrcu- l uonesaaie. it snouia meet ai .. v , jP1,i,,ri. ,,.r.,.,,,i,jt l.ti,,,,, ...... ' Affairs that nre of h .' . ...... Jnicfnmi U. S.Treastury. other a urav Hiuiiin iiuu kuiiiiimk hi mr uianoi rcnenimion runu greatest fury, ran down the tree from its . sur'p'ulund.'.?1'!.'.1!'.'. nest, leaped at the hunter and bit him ' Undivided profits. less A who fare leusi onee a muiiiii. .wiuua iiiat itiu ui . , general interest should be discussed and woodg' Ufm mt To a?t(mish ,,r.,uWlBuu. thp irre, apparell,iv j the itlOII IIIU Mill 111 Ul IHUIIl- Vll DllVVIdt schools, sewerage, public service, rail road facilities, etc., to those who have these matters in charge. Concerted ac tion by those interested would bring changes and new impetus to needed im provements. Why not send your name to The as favoring a call for a meeting toward beginning such a move ment ? If individual ideas and opinions can be crystalizcd into a united senti ment progress will ensue. Interesting correspondence from Har- risburg, Beach Lake, Sterling, Maple-, wood and Orson is unavoidably deferred until Friday's issue. i : i I liEPOliT OF THK CONDITION" or THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK : AT H(XKSIiAI.K.VAYNK COUNTY. I'A., at the close of business. Nov. 27. r.EsorRCEs. Ijian and DNfounts $ ( iverd rafts, wtired and unsecured 1'. S. Hunds to -ccu re circulation. Premiums on t'. P. Ilonds Howls, sft'ttrltle. etc.. i liaiikliiK-lmuse. furniture and fix tures Due from Xalional Hanks (not Iteerve Agents; ... . Hue from Mate Hanks and Hank ers Due mm approved reserve audits . . i Check and other cash items ... ; Notes or u.lier .sailouul llunns.. Fractional patter currency, nick els anil cents Lawful Money Ifeserve In Hank. viz: Specie ff!i:ib5U ! Leual tender notes 11.415 1)0 The COAT Sensation of the Year ! Total... MABIMTIES. through the thumb, tearing the flesh and splintering the bone so badly as to ne- !...... ........ I... . ' Itnn li. lnli. .1 tin.. ss exDonset and taxes nald National Hank notes outstanding State Hank notes outstanding.... Election Expenses. What it Costs to become a Public Functionary and what the ''Also Itans" Had to Pay Some Interesting Figures. The thirty days allowed for the filing with "'the l'rothonotary of statements of the expenditures of local candidates dur- work of reforming the Republican party , 8 the recent campaign end to-morrow, by supplying them with policies which . d probably all the contestants will he will force them to use by beinga(bave complied with the law by that candidate for I'lvident in HU2 to en- time. We give below such statements force them. 1 as are of record up to this writing, and ; i will supplement it with additional re- I'xi.Kli.-TAXDlX.i the necessity for in-. lK,r,f! ' 0,,r lu'xt iss,K' dtistrinl education. K. II Harriman has i Miles C. Rowland, successful Dcmo- encouraged his daughter, Miss Mary, to 1 erect a school hoiw on the Ihtrriman estate at Arden, N. Y., for the educa tion of the children of laborers employ ed on the estate. It is also reported that Mr. Harriman has planned to build a trade school where poor young men can be taught industrial pursuits. It is high time that some of the public moneys raised io support our public schools should be expended in this direction. It will take a long while, however, to re move the false notion from the public cratic candidate for State Senator. Re ceipts none ; expendituies : l'ike Coun ty Democratic standing committee, $50; WayneCounty. do.., $lo() ; Monroe Coun ty, do., f-.IX); Carbon County, do., $150; printing, $'22.t0 ; transportation, $8.58; cessitate amputation of the member'. - The managers of the Honpdale banks are showing good judgment in ad vertising their several institutions in the papers of Hawley, Callicoou and other nearby places. On Saturday before Thanksgiving, J. II. Hartman, a Stroudsburg butcher, brought a drove of 250 turkeys to that place from Bradford county. Fifty or sixty years ago such droves, and often larger ones, passed through this county, on their way to city markets. Local poultry raisers on such occasions found it necessary to pen their birds, as other wise they were sure to join the passing ', army. The droves always halted at sun down, and roosted until the next morn ing, quite a percentage of them tailing ! victims to foxes and other predator' animals during the night ; but, owing to i accessions from farmyards alprg the I route, the losses were not only made up, but the (locks were usually bigger nu merically at the ending than at the be-' ginning of their long journey. The bills for the advertising of the , proposed constitutional amendments in 1 advance of the last election are now be ing gone over at the Capitol. There were about I'tiO papers that published the advertisement. The cost may ap- Xone None Due to State Hanks und Hankers Individual (U'iH)slts subject to check a Demand certificates of deposit 25.1UH IM) Certified checks US VI Cashier's checks out standing St5 y Itouds horrowed Notes and hills redlseounted Hills payable. Includlnc certifi cates of dviHjsIt for money bor rowed I.iabllit ies other than those above stated Total lUMMIS SI State of Pennsylvania. County of Wayne, ss. I. Kdwln K. Torre'. Cashier of the above named Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the Iwst of my knowledge and belief. " K. F. TonitKY. (.'ashler. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this' 1st day of Dec.. 1KW. 15. A. SMITH. N. I Correct attest: .. II. HrssKM.. ) torts J noRFLtNUEn, -Directors. II. T. Mknnkr. ..$1,901,418 82 Jg&M 'Ml(mX&. .$ i5t.uw oo , yjrswm&ftf . 15UJWUU0 Jfht. IHislftffiikwvSav i.iatimu, None None We Reduce Our Coats to a February Every woman desires to be dressed in the VERY Latest Styfe! This Sale will enable EVERY woman in the County to secure the most stylish gar mentat a cut price. KATZ BRO'S. LYRIC THEATRE ! BEN). U. DITTRIUI. LESSEE AND M1UAGEE FRIDAY EVENING DEC. 4th postage, $8 ; telegraph and telephone, $4.25 ; hotel bills, traveling and person- proximate $150,000, or even some thoiw al expenses, $44.05. Total, $038.08. I ands more. This indicates an average M.Lee Braman, successful Itepubli- price of about $575 for each paper. As can candidate for Sheriff. Receipts none ; expenditures: Independent print ing, $20.85 ; Hawley Times, $12.25 ; Fok obvious reasons this paper, like all its contemporaries, is giving much space to the cattle disease which is fast spreading through Pennsylvania. The authorities at Harrisburgiuakeno secret ' of the fact that, unless people co-operate with them, there is a possibility of the plague spreading throughout the en tire Stale. Hence there should be no ' effort nt secrecy, and all suspiciouscases should be reported to Harrisburg, by telegraph, at the expense of the Stale. If there is. a single cae in the com munity, the authorities should he in- formed of it is; :.r , far a the ad- , ministration of medicine is concerned, j there appears to be no specific, cure for ' the ailment ; safety lies in preventing the spread of the disease by the prompt slaughter of infected cattle and the dis infection or destruction of buildings in which such-cattle were kept. 'A Hazardous IJusinesH." The recent examination of John D. Rockefeller, in the proceeding against the Standard Oil Co., under the anti trust law, has brought out some inter esting points. In 1K82, the valuation of the Standard property was $55,710,(i.l8.24, nmwl !l,at v,i,,n ,nn ...,,et l,o v.. ' jltlMMI, I KCpUDIICall OOU1UV UOIU- lege education to succeed in "life. Miss "''ttee, $150 ; transportation of voters, Helen Gould has for manv vears been ; & typewriting, $25 ; postage nnd quietiv and unostentatiously expending stationery $50 ; telephone, $20; travel- monev in the support of schools ilevot-: v.." ed to handcraft education. . candidate for l'rothonotary. Receipts I none; expenditures : Democratic Coun ' ty Comniittee, $250 ; livery and hotel bills, traveling expenses, $203.88 ; print- ing and advertising, $51.50 ; teams for , i voters, postage and telegrams, $71. To-1 tal, $03S.3S. I Alfred O. Blake, defeated Republican' candidate for Register and Recorder. Receipts none ; expenditures : Repub- licau Co. Committee, $150 ; Indepen dent, $20; Citizen, $20 ; Hawley Times, I $0 ; Cuts and )riutiug, $35 ; livery bills, I $50 ; cigars, $100 ; hotel bills (board) i $250; postage, $50; work at polls, $50. , Total, $734. Edward Deitzer, Defeated Democratic candidate for County Commissioner. Receipts, none ; expenditures : Demo cratic County Committee $100 ; livery, $18 ; traveling expenses, $28 ; printing and advertising, $20.50. Total, $172.50. The following candidates each certified that his expenses for the campaign did not exceed $50: Myron E. Simons, successful Republi can candidate for District Attorney; Herman Hannes, defeated Democratic ' candidate for same office. M. .1. McAndrew, Democratic and W. 1 Hrock Lesher, Republican, successful i candidates for County Auditor, and ! Russell F. Mumford, Democratic, de- the advertising must be done all over again next year, it is evident that con stitutional amendments are rather an ex pensive luxury. A new counterfeit $5 silver certificate (Indian head) has been detected in cir culation. The counterfeit note purports to be one of those authorized bv the act M. J. Hanlan, successful Democratic I of August 4, 1880, series of lK'.Rl, check The New ROWLAND & CLIFFORD Comedy-Drama Production. rnHORNS m m I And Orange Blossomstj 1 nv I.EM. II. PARKEIi Played by a Superior Cast, including MISS MCII.K (JAIlDINElt. and pro duced with a Scenic Mounting. Pictur esque and Klaborate. An Intensely Human Drama L ami its capital stock issued vas$0,000,-, feated candidate- for same office. 000. It has since paid out over $501,- j Jonathan Brown, defeated Prohibi 000,000 in dividends, and accumulated a j tion candidate for Register and Recorder; surplus of $300,000,000. For the last , Alsup V. Tyler, defeated Prohibition nine years its business has been especially candidate for Representative, and S. P. prosperous. From ISO.! to 1907, its net I Jones, defeated Prohibition candidate earnings were $551,022,004.50; in 1SK)7 ! for Sheriff. they$KO,000,000. Mr. Rockefellerthought I such profits were not exorbitant, because I the Company's business wns "very haz- Worrying is like wearing peas in the ardoils." This hazard arose chieflv from shoes. It wears out the stockings ; it the danger from fires, which occasionally ' makes the feet sore ; it takes the joy all occurred, and the exhaustion of the sup-! out of living. ply of crude oil. No particulars, how- , A neighbor who is visiting in tho city ever, wereuiven resnectim! tho actual loss i since corn-husking is over, writes home THINKLETS. from these causes, nor did if appear that the Standard had suffered from any haz ards which independent refiners were not equally exposed to. It clearly appears, from tl testimony of Mr. Rockefeller, and the established facts in its history, that' the oil business has been really hazardous only to the independent oil operators. With the re bates secured by the Standard, and its system of cut-throat competition, the business was made "extra hazardous" to the independents, and they were to a large extent frozen out, under the bri gaud claim that all the oil business be longed to the Standard, and that no one had a right to compete with them about taking chances on a six-cylinder motor car, and last summer he objected to his wife buying a gasolino stove, be cause he was afraid to i have tho pesky thing around. The man who has a good wife and conscientiously takes her advice, is not likely to get into very deep trouble, either in this world or the next. A mule once drew a heavy load up steep hill ; when ho had almost reached the top he kicked himself loose and the load rolled down the hill. That mulo had to go back and draw tho same load to the top of tho same hill again. There are lots of mules in the world. Ponder, and be wise. . letter It, face plate number 2, back plate number (((!. with portrait of Onepapa. The officials declare it a dangerous pho- A i u tomechauical production printed on one L piece of heavy bond paper, but a defect in the plate gives the Indian chief a cross-eyed expression. The blue seal closely approximates the genuine in color, but is badly printed, being coarse and rough, with many broken lines. The back of the note is a very deceptive piece of work, and except for being lighter in color, appears much like the genuine. There appears to have been no attempt to imitate the distributed silk liber. The Hawley Times gives particulars of two wrecks in the Erie yard at that place on sunday and Tuesday mornings i of last week. The first was a rear end near IIX tower between 4:00 and 5:00 o'clock Sunday morning. Engineer Frank Bond, with engine 1,500 ran into Con ductor J. P. Kelley's train. The engine was derailed and quite badly damaged, ' the caboose and one car were demolished, and several cars were derailed. Fortu nately no one was in the caboose when the accident occurred, as the members of the crew had just finished switching. Engineer Bond escaped withslightbruises to his back. The damage amounted to about $800. The Port Jervis wreckers cleared the wreck. Another wreck oc curred near the West Hawlev railroad bridge about 0:00 o'clock Tuesday morn-1 ing. T. Delaney's train was going east from Honesdale, and while Conductor i Buckley was making up his train it was , backed down into the side of Delaney's I loaded train while it was in motion. J Three cars were damaged and one was I destroyed. Considerable damage was i also done to tho tubing and wires of the yard signal system and the tracks. Dam age amounted to about $400. The tracks ; were cleared when the morning passen-1 ger trains arrived, so there was no delay in passenger service on account of the i wreck. j The Honesdale Reserves football . team won a fine victory overthe Carbon-1 daio No. 4 school team on Athletic field, i Thanksgiving day morning. The Car-1 bondale bunch greatly outclassed the locals in weight, but honors were about even, with no score for either side, until just at the close of the last half; when Ralph Brown, of the Reserves, profiting by a fumble by one of the visitors, got possession of the ball, and after a fine run, secured a touchdown, Goal was kicked by J. Barbieri, making the score 0 to 0 in favor of Honesdale. Umpire, H. A. Oday ; referee, F. X, 8oete. ' Prices 15, 25, 35, and 50c WIHuirram opens ut the box ollice. at m i- ruiay, iec. i. ELECTION OF DIRECTOItS-In com pliance with an Act of Assembly and In accordance with Article 5 of the Constitu tion of the Wayne County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co.. notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the said company will beheld In the office of the company. In the Post Olttce building. Honesdale. Pa., on .MONDAY. JANUARY 4. HWit. at 10 a. m.. forthetranonction of general business, and that an election will beheld at the same place of meeting, between the hours of I und 2 p. in. of .said day. for the purpose of electing ten members of said company to serve as direct ors for the ensuing year. Kvery person in sured in the company Is a member thereof, and entitled to one vote. S. I!. CRANK. President. Pkrrv A.CI.AKK, Secretary. Honesdale. I'a.. Dec. 1. 1!K .1!H4 A f ix South Canaan about two weeks ago. Yellow and If of Jersey breed. Owner can have same by pay in: JtSeoil ! Costs. JOHN IiKONSON. The Best is the Cheapest -AT- CHAS MARKEY'S SIXTH STREET . LYRIC THEATRE ! BENI. H. DITfRICH, - - LESSEE AND MANAGER Monday. nCH 7 evening ub-Ui i ADIES ORCHESTRA NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Estate of Albert Whitmore, late of Honesdale borough, deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate nre notified to make immediate payment to the undersigned ; and those having claims against said estate nre notified to present them, duly attested, for settlement' HKNKY WILSON. aiwb Administrator c. t. a APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. In the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne County. N'otlce is hereby plven flint an application will be made to the Hon. Geo. S. Purdy, President Judge of the aforesaid Court, at Chambers In the Court House, on the fifteenth day of December. I!M, at ID o'clock A.M.. under the Act of Assembly cn)l tied "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain Corporations." ap proved April 29th. 1S74. and the supplements inereio, ior me manor ot nn intended corpo ration to be called the Ralkcom Cemetery Company, the character and object whereof is for the maintenance of a public cemetery, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits anil privileges of me saiu .iri 01 .semuiy ana lis supple ments. HICKMAN HAIt.MKS. Solicitor. Honesdale. Pa.. Nov. 21. liKJN. :: At DODGE'S ( uil II ill it (IV twi I AVCIICIIV ilO-TI'l ipilCillf IM articles suitable for Christmas presents A FEW SUGGESTIONS : And MART KING The STORY TELLER BEAVER Stoves & Furnaces T:n and lron Roofing. ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR Steam, Hot Water and Hot Air HEATING. SANITARY PLUMBING. , Honesdale. Pa.. Nov. 23, UW. :8w3 Bibles, Toy Books, Calendars, Perfumery, Toilet Cases, Prayer Books Fine Gift Books Christmas Cards Pocket Books Fountain Pens Hand-painted Novelties "Webster's Unabridged Diction ary for $3.50 IN THE SHOW WINDOW OF G. P. SOMWIER'S are A Refined Attraction ! 1 PRICES 25. 35, 50 and 75b W SEAT SALK at the box office, at a a. in.. Saturday. Dec. 5th. jm Theatre BENI. F. D1TTE1GH, LESSEE and MANAGER TUESDAY EVE., DEC. 8 Mlt. HKNItV II. HAItltls: presents the lireniesi American riuy 01 louay Tfte j Tie LI MOUSE I fllMlllllll ' lir n M P" A Long List of dishes can be made quickly and easily with By CHARLES KLEIN Interpreted by Notable Cast. Including OLIVKH DOOI) HYKON and DOHO THY DONNKLLY. PRICES 35,50, 75, $1 and $i.5o 9- SKAT SALK at box office at 0 o'clock, u. m Monday, Dec. 7. Sargent' mi Food I Mince Meat, Hash. Himbure Stc!.( Croqucttoi. Si'.sd Fi:h Bi!h, Chili Sauce, nnd miti'.' otlif r o.m. spETttaua NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OK .Trtlf K T. HAM,, late of Honesdale. Pa. AH persons Indebted to said estate are noti fied to make Immediate payment to the un dersigned : and thoso having claims against the said estate are notified to presont them, duly aitesrea, ior Rciiienieiii. , 57 jbSKI'HA. !t(UIE.Executdr, FOR JOB PRINTING call at the The Citizen Office. Bill Heads, Statements, Letter Heads. Circulars, Hand Bills, Public Bale Bills, Programs, Ticket, Etc fwo Dainty 14 K GMTHS Oni' will bo civen to the MOST POPULAR SCHOOL TEAOH- KR, either lady or gentleman, in county, on umuai- Wnvne MAS DAY December 25,1008. &: ST Every purchaser' will be entitled to ONE VOTE MoFgoo chased in SOMMER'S STORE, com mencinR Nov. 9th to Dec. 24th. BALLOTS to be deposited in sealed box, and counted Christmas eve by a committeo to be appointed by County Superintendent, J. J. Koehler. New Portieres, Rugs, Curtains and CarneU at Menner & Co's. 22eltt