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fg Semi- Weekly Founded! 1 1908 I 1 Weekly Founded, 1844 i2 Wayne County Organ $ of the $ REPUBLICAN PARTY 65th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1908. NO. 41 tmett 5R iOVEMK MEET. Again Discuss Conser vation of Resources. iOOSEVELT AND TAFT TO SPEAK fatiOnal Capital the Scene of a Rouble Gathering In Re sponse to Invitation of the President. Washington, Doe. 8. Not since last lay, when the governors of the states I met here in response to the Invitation nf President Roosevelt to discuss the question of the conservation of the na tion's resources, lias the national capi tal been the scene of so notable a gathering ns that which assembled here today. Today's sessions began this rooming with an informal meeting in the red room of the Wtllard hotel for the pur pose of organizing. This afternoon there will be a great general meeting In the Belasco theater, at which "Presi flent Roosevelt and President 'Elect faft will be among the speakers who will address the members of the Joint ronservatlon conference, the rivers and harbors congress, the -southern com mercial congress and oilier organlza- GIFFORD PIXCHOT. tiocs with allied objects whose ses sions in Washington beip to mtia up What 'has been called "conservation After the opening session the .Joint conference will take up its business in earnest at the Hubbard Memorial tall. The plan ii to take up one after an other the main subjects which the na tional conservation commission under Chairman Gifford iPi-ctmt baa been tu dying waters, lands, forests, min erals. Distinguished men. Including 'gov ernors, senators, TepresentattTes, bank ers, business men and others, will -address the meetings. 4. .T. Hill, John Mitchell, Andrew Carnegie and a ecore of other representative xen hare ac cepted invitations to be present. SJnoe the conference seven months a, -Then the president quickened the uterest of the ntlre nation in hm of Its most perplexing problems, the na tional 'Conservation commission has made an Inventory of the natural re- sources -of the country. This invento- i rj will be presented to Chairman Plnchot, who in his report to the ppes Ident Jan. 1 - will make recommenda tions which both the work of the om-mlsstan-ttad the joint conference may suggest as vital iu solving the conser- vation prdWem. The Inventory is completed now as far as present knowledge can go. The members of the commission declare and the country as a whole Is con vinced that the state of affairs is one that requires immediate and effective action. The problem that the joint confer ence must help to solve is what form this action must take and in what di rection it must he pushed to be most effective. This is a task which de mands the shrewdest Judgment which the national conservation commission can call to its aid. The commission rtoclares that It realizes that It has reached the critical point In Its work. All the. Information It has gathered in Its months of study will result in noth ing of permanent value unless It can be made the basis of a practical pro cram of constructive activity. STEAMEH SINKS; 70 LOST. Japanese Veeiel Founder Off Welhal wei In a Gale. Kobe, Japan. Dec. The Japanese teatner GIiihcI Mani foundered off Welhalwel during n galo. The entire crew nnd all the passen gers, seventy persons In all, were lost tcII------ t -M--- M- ....1HBH Tra1piEAD WITH SOUTH. ' Says the North Yearns For a Closer Association. New York, Dec. .8. President Elect William II. Taft, who came to KeW York to address the North Carolina society of this city, was given a tu multuous reception by the members of the organization and by prominent men from all parts of the south at the annual dinner of the North Carolinians at the Hotel Aster. Mr. Taft In ho course of nn address which was coiiilned entirely to the south and Its problems urged that the voters of that section should break away from the outlived sentiment and traditions of their past political affllla lions and cast their ballots In accord ance rather with their economic and real lmlltical beliefs. Mr. Taft - declared that nothing would give him greater pride during his coming term In the chief executive office than to o direct the policy of the national government with respect to the southern states as to convince the intelligent citizens of the south of the desire of his administration to aid them in working out satisfactorily the serious problems before them and of bringing them and their northern fol low citizens closer and closer In sym pathy and point of view. "During the last decade."' saM Mr. Tuft. "Iu common with all lovers of our country. I have watched with de light and thauksgiving the bond of union between the two "sections grow tinner. I pray that It may be given to me to strengthen this movement, to obliterate all sectional lines and leave nothing of dlffere'nce 'between the north and south save'R friendly emula tion for,, the benefit 'of our common country.'' At the ronvlmlon of practically ev ery one of his po'lnted sentences Mr. Tuft was interrupted by cheering. Ho frankly expressed himself regarding the o called ""negro question" and de clared that neither ho nor the Repub lican liarty had any idea of forcing npon The people of the south the.domi nance of an Ignorant class. ?tflj aieese rtat"that there Is or'otight to be a common ground -npon 'which we can all stanfl In respect to Ihe race qnesfion in the sontYi and 'Its political bearing that tal;es tiway any justification for main ta'tnlug the continued solidity of.tba onth to -prevent the called negro domination. 'The fear that In some, way or other a -social equality between ttoe races slinTl Ik; -unforced by law or brought a"hout by political measures really has ire foundation except in the imagina tion of Those who fear such result." "Mr. Taft declared that the north yvarns Tor a closer association with the south and quoted -statistics to show that the industries . the south 'fend grown and prospered more Qnring Yhcpasfc-tfecade than any other section T the eontry. He eW it was entire ilF practical for the sonh to adopt laws tfhich would square with the fif teenth amendment to the constitution and yet prevent the dominance of an ignorant class, olth-r white w black. ICSrSER IS DEPRESSED. tebeelatJ-sag bf Prestiea and la 9Uat! DJa . posed to .TaUc. PoUdusa, Dec. &TJhe emperor, who lias been living in occlusion tax three vweeks, 'has resumed audlenoes with .ceference to official business, the .finance .nilnlster. Bares von J-heln-lusden, aad Heir von Valentinl, chief of the civil cabinet, being among those received. Although' the emperor H ableflo talie long walks and rides, he seems great ly (depressed by recent events and is not disposed to talk even to members of Bits household, as he feels ideeply his loss of prestige abroad and caaons his lown people. Th emperor feels grieved that old loyal, such as Baron von Rbeinbaden, -General von Klnena and Dr. tSertbmann-Holweg, as well as Chancellor vo Bulow, should desire to limit his freedom of speech in his after -dinner conversations, wen though with foreigners. WEW HAVEN ROAD YIELDS. Strike Averted by Concessions to Coa ductors and Trainmen. New Haven, Conn., J)ec. 8. As a re sult of conferences between the gen eral committee representing the con ductors and trainmen of the New York, New Haven and Hartford rail road and General Manager Higglns for the company the railroad men were granted every concession asked for in the matter of mixed runs and the ex tension of mileage in the passenger service. In turn the men gave way on other minor unit tent that were being con sidered. These two grievances, Jt Ik stated, were the chief cause of the friction. Turkey Extends the Boycott, Vienna, Dec. 8. The boycott of Aus trian good at Constantinople la in creasing. .1,000 Turkish fliins having been added to tho boycott con.inltleo's IM In the last few days. LEST WE FORGET. Portrait Making in the Long Ago. NINTH ARTICLE. When" the grav-haired men 6f tu-dnvt'1" w, m " m' . " ,',..: t.i. land's store a few months before, and ' Vere UOVS, UUll Wieil Pisilia nviv kiiic, could have their pictures "took," even , . -.-.l UA ov. tlinv ltml . !-. uneamenis perpciunieM iui itiv iiviiun.i- tron tif their descendants, i In Honesdale's early days James Wil-, sob an'd Joseph Vandersluys were the , , popular oil portrait painters, and it is I the yiridc of many a nyne countean , to-day, to take his visitor into the sacretl precincts of his parlor, and show him the pictures of father and mother, done on canvas bv those noted artists. The till remain, mute witnesses of e still of their creators, hnt c Skill oi uieir crtaiore, om, portraits still --.lot!- d- Ih. r rrontflK. hill . ..u " 1 I I sad to relate, the painters themselves ! passed under a cloud. Wilson, after sol lecting everything due him m a plea that he was imexnectedlv called awav t ar ,.(-,!.,, jt bv the death Honesdale and forgot his 'own obhg- vi., tions, nevtr returning ; anderslnys, thev rarclvsaw counterfeit presentments , , , . " "i-v , , -., ., ,.-,. .,..wr, ami uiai uie i wmran, uayne o., on .ugist , n iwmw l eveent in lookllin Ulas-c- . ,ulorul"8 anotner siriKing iimstra- unter, by adopting the rates and busi- Three years later the family re -we don't av "mirrors " because such ,e 0ld say,ng tl,at two of a ( ness methods of the Old Line Compan- SeeM.lle, and there she lived nrUtocratic hmiries were rarelv heard i . . aRree: . ,e "vsllP'lxcs IMrMiniw ora ' Iraterual In- seventeen years. On April 7, nf hMf a cen.nrv or more in the past. , u,e tn-.e.01 wwing battle, 1 SnrflliOP. ' was married to Cornelius C. Jadw i ft mi n srPflii !-. v.t ,m... i. ..- 1 ri I i . i. . ' .. T K xxhn lmil t .M.f.i.$ v . -M, inKiW, on DCIiail OI llie a ivw muiiuiS) iawr uwy uiaue after allynig himself wn one oi hc iEKJVi.nTaMtV most respectwl families in the cocfhtv, Trcndid pictu-rsby me are done , , ... .. ., ., . --"J";y.inniiuiccflari, mey siaaoen the abandoedhis wife, and.inl&jl, theough eye." proceedingsinstituted fcy hrrnest ifiend, Wlemderful-stridw have been made in Pope Bushnell, she watsgrabtexl a decree iplKography-sitic the da-s of theise in divorce from her miant hnsbsnid. I pkneers in the an, and Hoiesdale lias If the reader wmld like "m-see sil- always been.foi:niate in theskill of her hnwttes of tlic Tomincnt people of pieture takers. Prominent among eSie Wayne county imirlie early diys, lie can Jmg -succession of the names of ou lo be gratified thiw.h a call ?pnn almost 'rn artists arc-ihose of Focdiscli, Kel, any of our oWtefr't families. When cut MTiittaker. Steams, (father and -son) the portraits! were eaMly wrcognizable. ..Bodie,-IJftVpjotscli, Rohbins and Ridge and even tcnSav family wseniblanoes wav. are readily traced in their ' delicate a accural! jtfGrt&negii-. 'The itrt6ww rarer because iawi more cxpowive. The Tportraits wore usually cm-oil shells, and a wry fine' specimen 'fit this class w; work, a mo&il lion Kirtrait of the lat Rev. Dr. Zwli ariah 3?arMlrick, cirwE in 1S4T hy J. Whitfield, can be sseoii at the jewvlry store of Sliss C. IVtersen. It is .net the purpose of this artioi- to slviw that these early methods of ;por ttaitnn!tavebeenavtn;lysupejwde. On tlteeoittrary, a first -class oil portrait, or an :ntktic salhouette, or aa -aoenrate ottineo would pTdbably eraunmid a fcargorjirice now Khazi ever below.. Still the tints remains thflt, throcffhiiplotog- raphy as now "developed, a thousand Gikonmses arei made to-day m -,-qrj por- tTait mimed oat bvianv othT miet&od in vogue sixty years ;o. 'Ulit writer iell remembeT.'itu! be- 'jiniiiiag of what is now the photograph 'business in Ilfimidale. 8t -vcivt only iifivi-wr six yeacre -after Tjsqus dicquea Slande Daguerre I'.had perfeoesdlics pro jesa "in France, hat, a genial ihnt sadly iKlefonned man named anx, ,pui in an ' appearance; in nite i iboroth, uneid an nounced himseJ. as a dagonrionartisU litierDiade good. Ticturea taijoniiy him ..areiiir. existence ao-day, tad -a!.'! be a ient4jryj or nioj3ience, nnrimnRed and tindbtngeablc. Following Mr. Ward caiue "George W. iJolloiner, from !.Wilkes-Baope, .in 1 1 852, locating in the Foster block; .and..!. A. SlaiKiriester, of tlie firm of Manchester Brotiiers, Providence, R. I., who 'Opened liis studio over Hand & Kirduindle now illonn Frennd'ajittore. Tbe latter so Sicited orders for ""Crayon"" porttaits, twhich "for beauty Jiul art-etae -tasit are tar .superior to ti-. old." Fr .tlo,tirst fewyeiirs 'Sir. Colltmer was a inira tory bird, staying is town fw year or two,-aiid then,aane- proccs8w.deve.5ap- ed, takieiR flight to JTew York or Phila delphia -o perfect hi.nself in Iik art&sd kwp liimself in UmicJi witluicwniiethode. la November, 1KH, he sold Et tiT. , !, Brojiln-, w ho claimed an expericn i of six -years, giving him a practical knowledge of all the tete iniprov-iienl' in the nrt ; and declan-d that lie wn "able tO'Cumpete with the firnt artists Of tlie land So please the most fastidious." In Octobei, 1S55, S. IVullock succeeded tjt IIh- SlHtichester galkry, and in 18.V! Sir. Collnmer returned and bought out Bullock. Tite next yeav he formed a ' partnership with J. 11. Condit, son of) Reuben Condit, of Waymart. Sir. Con- I...I... n ., . .. riu -milium, i lie t'OllBllier and Condit firm otablisl.ed tlien.wlves where dil was a natural artist, and had spent ,:,. r, i, , " , ' Vi' n ' I P08Flu,f'- "niy after he had left the 1. So i 1 KiiVri i. Z f. i V,a"arc'aI1I)"'"1i considerable time in learninglithograpliy ' Z 1 1 m f h,mt' JlrS' Jndwln Iiad I'aken of ! ?en.o -ed I, 'uM a. V,"" W.a8.4?a! l.ef,,e coming to Honesdafe. Con.binl I J r J Ts ?Jft3 '"V Ab"1" fl ' ', .ra ing that art with plmtography he got ont ' L " 1 " . , l"!j,T 1 """"U,R af",r '" 1'It Iray had lieen ! P"';t lime. He was i,,i ffi a beautiful pecimei, of 1 is skill in the ! , , , K ",.prlof V1" removed, JI.Vh Dora SI. Conger entered lV 'ife Lo' J". '''''. I. O. f). F, Miapeofa llonesdale hank note as an Z TLTtkto S'l " '' a''c1Kf mel advertiMng card, iij.icl, as m nearly a 1 yltU , " , a ,'enrlv t,, dm ,n i fl"r'. ?th twt "n tht' hnh ,n ' 1' Wall""Paupack .2h1$"J& 'n fat- M.nile of the genuine bill in )I mve ' SI "n.S m ' ?? b'"'S down or rising fche had , jJj.'T'i ? ? ' 1 lvpl,50rf,? I . fna" the wording, an rendered it likely to de-1 ! , , , apj.lause.) fapn u m floo ,k, , hi tl, o dest or near-oldest Aid Fe low 7 " r -or h . i "25 1: JSK: ' iJ'z;; ? r Md 7 am, ?u vrP ArB',- was found neeesKary to suppresn its ,.. ,.J,i .i..i , ... ... . " , , lu ro" ln-d, Imrned for assistance, and change the mail at ,. i.V fi ' Dunkelberg's meat market now stands, on Slain street, announcingtheir gallery as 'opposite Col. Seely's Slansion." William A. Carrier had opened a .1 . .... yt'nrs. Both sides ran to poetry, Col- anisiic a Hprenrr n fmv $:imnlM ' Time Is prosrcsslnz And stealius your beaut y ; "Twill be quite dlstrvMnc It jxu neglect duty." "ou will not wait it you behold The pictures here displayed. Hu t felcti alone your choicest sold. And have your likeness made." "Vome In and cet your picture. And It shall be tiptop : 'Twill not be dark and f?y As at the other shop." Wc can give only one $pcc. t n ni tle and Condit poctty.: ,".M i apaJnterO'thc Snn.hev: AssiedwweWssMtlslnacieirtk luWnmv-'lNni.W1M. ASlrOVT-hlSffMsln)l(lrirtlf;:-;t-r vlnisoiiUrciwo.aiHl ihc ini isdreh X svctothinifcmtti0oivvc, ! 1 1 And a vtaWmvttitJr- 1 elve to the Summer a .ien shS-i'i " Ti'eroysNhicAutumtJ'hts red and cray. i i I m i lib iwr iKinrairs fu iiifKO wiin ri 1 1 1 At the upJ-date calkrr where I shine, Mthapactteof llfhtl-drawthtmall. i And I add more charms 'to the face dlvl divine: jiA FRATERNAL CATHEBSNG. Ot-Ser f the Golden SeaC at -Stasnccn. Baaquet acd Enthusiastic Meeting. Tbo a Cap of the Order ,S,xltr, in Kqui; this ctrantv, died la. ""JIT"1 "llrs"f gentle dignity, ii.i the t.oldon Seal helda public iieetingw !lv.wk of hftart Av,.a. S5Kf. v,n ,-. Selfishness, and devotion to the duties Moatdavevening, in Jlrs. Strcig's HaU. Arthur K Bouton. she Suyrf me Secre tary, met with a very enthusiastic rc cchuu Previoust. the mcting a ban- qurt wcrved at the Monrtain House, wtach.ifn -delicacy n,f coobiag, and - ceiBeiioe -of se-l would be hard to oeat-D-ve best equipped tnotels of the latce tees. Aniscog tfcwi- present at dinner .were A. F. Boutcr.asnd Charles Hanbni-, of Roxbtrj-; It D. Bunnell, of Scranton ; Joseph McMpSkhi, Snsque lenaa,nd W. W. Mumford, Dr. E. W. Iitwntoi!, Dr. J. M. DeJ-nx, V. Erk, fi. L Cullender, W. A. Crsley, A. W. Luxabec, A. W. (Brown, Irvine Buck; J. 21. (Cement, r. n Sirs. W. G. X-ashei, Alba F. liic,.aod SlissHSarni. Wtapnlc. Dorothy, the pretty little daughter 1 Mr. and Airs. C. VL Smitb, dressed io i-r.-.-titc dress, -B-rved'aelicious home made candy. Great praise was bestowet. oe lifst Smith for ihe .-admirable ar- raxcements he liafi made; and also c his me,nogether with Mrs. E. H. Hen- derwin intvd Sire. JO. Swcrtz, for their excellent cookery, and also for the dainty decnuctiorof the tallies orifi dining roam, L'urmgahe receptxin wfcich preceded tlw x uner, Sliss Sata& Whuiple rendered in liar well-known 45tfJe s-tral excellent M&exftxxns on the puuno. iter .dirjner tlie npaj.-v adjourned ' 10 jur r-irpng-siiAH, wnw. was paefcod withpple YromStim!ca,ar8on,Poy.. - u-ihj, cenuj-Kcn, Tbe Slarucea Band, render the leader- snip oi xuviir.n btiiteSn, enhrtained tbe large audirtiot. W. W. JlunJord ptided. and thow present on liie platfonn rre A. F. Bon ton, Clias. Hfii nm-, R. I. JJijinell and A. F. Hine. The chairman n introdncaugAlr. Bou ton, told of tbe treat work the Order of i. V.-M... t - ' . .. .. T'.r?r''J? -"reBt- ...oi . .i.,. .... ,.. Z a ... ,, ' , social j ... ..... u,.... ... u.ryu g peo- ple of the place, and urged on h hear- ers hi' neeeonitv r -ii... !,,,. a. Camp Mh ,B , o d r mighl become act nairJd wit . all Ihe dans ,d working ' . n ' ' "" . ""."-- mm, Pill llie ll-JH WOI1IU , i,, , ,. .... " ' "Oiiger i nil in" n jwcinucr Uie Lesu it Cost.." He showed clearly that the methods , adopted by the Order with the sanction j 'and commendation of tile Insurance Do- ' partment is ihe cheapest and safest in-' 'J vised. In all their work , S. H. Wolfe, the well-known Insurance i people of Stamcca, said that a committee had been fonued to prepare a series of j questions, and he would ask Sir. Bou- ton and Sir. Hanbury to answer them. , Tl. .. .. 1 .1 .1 I i hi: uiisnera uy iiic-e vniiciiicn I were more than satistaclory, eliciting I hearty applause. 1. I). Bunnell, the newly appointed Supreme Organixer of the Scranton Di vision, in a hnmAfiMiK nilln-to nntliniwl ' the methoils lie hoped to adopt in his ! Tfii funeral services were ht(d on Sun dhtrict toward making the camp a cei" 'day afternoon, Rev. Ir. V. H. Swift , trc of social and intellectual life in the officiating. The following relatives of ' various rommttnilies. Sirs. Jadwin, from ont of town, were The chairman, in closing th'e'rsftting, . conjjratolatcd the Order of he Xtolden Seal on thr business plans, ior as an I.T . -j i j.i. . T. , : ' l ' more his Insurance o4 Vm. hut with " B "uwm OI ne vwien beai, in uie Old Ixsx Field, there was nothing for it, but that the longer xtiti were a member 'the 5ess it would cost. He urged the people to take sowte'insurance, and thus ntaicc protection for'those depending on Cordial votes, df'thanka were passed w the band, to .WF. Bouton, Charles lltm- burj-, and tbt'Chainnan. An exceSJSbt buffet lunch was dlieu served by Krs. Caden. OBITUARY. shcri, W-edttfdav years i c x.:i.3 . .... i j Sirs. William Booth, of Tttis'uiwn-;,, si.j ,-iw,, -rs,-.' un-BuuiKun t iiuiin tuuure a , i..ii i i.. f i, a ."It , oi last week, mc ots .,. AHfUrti'U-ti bi aire, anu is siimwaav ner litx- . ... -;jei-, H, - lSlT S8 "cMweetotss ail anuabaUv.of&arMtetv 6.11m, se-en wtiroriWwintfAm Ufinc-ient of natmv, qnkk intrfligenc ' , .- a. - Shs. Lvdia B.Ml,n,vd .i..1 n.l -s. n. t ,f tT;.,.wi. -Li. t ' UrrchcHl eiRbUMMglit xcrs if she h.d :iixd until Xei Yearfiav, having b-n hhrni.,FK-knA i.- i ci ,to lis 184fi. Tho tWM is . by mrriwl daughter.. lw !d,.8bal diednm veare ago. ; Bert. Woaansee-ionnerir ,f lak- fomo- ie conity, dk of consuosiktion, ait Arteffii., Jttv Mcsaico, on Tuesday, -Nov. SAtix. Jjf was .a son of tfjlwster "Woocl-uuieec, of Jjikf Como, and Menl -westeif-Lteeirc-enrs ago, being 'ntploj-ed. by to CL h.l overntnent as a surveyor. He 37 years old, and leaves sur-i -ing a ifo and a d-aaghter 4 vears old. 3iianenaiisiv.cre brought Imibc for in- teriicart- Al5suSonj Jtegg,of BerEa twacship,. died an. "her home ontheSIast Hope road,, on nfiay, if-jcember (5th, 1908. Had sheH-vefiaintilthe coming Sunday she: wocM .hare racched Hie age of 64 wars. She TK iboni .in Jfeanover, Gerstany, and came to Shis coontrj' enfaen twenty yeart .old, mmrying Henry ftegg ta-o years ilatnr, byvhom:and eight children she k jEurrived. Sirs. Utegg m as a wnsa ber s ith iLuUieran congKgatios of 1 Honeoflnl anfi the nstor, fiev. tV. F. Hopja, wlll ofliotate atehe funeral servi ces, mliich will ke held in the church at 2 o'clock :tls, Wednesday, afttraoon. -"Uunaway Vike" is boacdiuc i. 4he comsdy ,Wastile. havirnr diffi ui,i. Uustice W. J ,ui re rani o ... ...6i jiajineni oi a iwie am - osed for a vielatio of the ordinances of that boron gh. He was bnwglit to the (Kounty oext on Saturday br Coottable TV. F. Kimble. Death of Mrs. C C. Jadwin. Charlotte Ellen, wifeHon. Cornelius r i T" 7'T i. T "'"i:"""e"a C -ladwin, d-d at her home in this hot U fllJ08. ShehadbnaiUnWor allirL0 !M '' ? 1)111 during Thumlny appeared brtt and i ,.XC(.M11 t-irh;; Mr - j - ,j, - in , - - , hltmtnt abo,H'Vlock. Asl erea h d 1 . . -mi u ? hM " ,M'r' ',.. t ".hVu- i,' in l'a ',e)',,on,,,)l'llraR.a('lvasfollowed , removed in JH't" ; but he wa" appointed ..-',"fi ,," " ,. J?! . X "foundl ..,.1 ,.l,.l., .... .... "" " "I""""" Jao win, linen the latter reached the room. Sirs. . lad- win was dead. Her forehead and cheeks were somewhat bruised, and her neck discolored. Death was obviously due to cerebral hemorrhage. Sirs. Jadwin was the oldest daughter of Kzekiel G. Wood, and was born on her father's farm neir Aldpnvilln !n T moved to for some 1804, she in, and their home in 1 tone-dale, where they resided until her death. They had seven children, only two of wh.oni.are now living; Slajor Edgar Jadwin, of the Engineer Corps, IT O t ; . . .1. . nu; ieiucni r.iigiuccr ai Gatun dam, on the Panama Canal; and tirace A., who tot several years has been connected with the Slorristown, X. J., school district, with a position in the Itserintendent's ollire. present : Frank Weed, of Green Valley, arren Co., Pft.A' brother ; Sirs. Louis- SIcKelvey, of Tftnsville, and Sirs. Anw W. FranchoV -of Clean. N. Y.. sistew-t N. V. V. Fratichot, husband of the latter with their ton, Pascal Franchot,, and d&nRhwrs, "Sirs. Louise F. Slunsonof' 'Allliatfftsfurtj and Sliss Janet Franchot 5 Mrs. Clara White, of White's Yalleyy Wayne Co., Pa., a niece, with her soiv j Frederick. The following relatives of Mr. Jadwin were present : Charles P.. ilnuwin, of Scranton, a brother, withihis. Baughtcr-in-law, Sirs. Reuettt. Jadwin Robert A. Jadwin, Sliss SUdjel Jadwin,. and Sirs. Anna SIcSIulIan,, of; Carbon dale, children of Henry B:. JadVrin, a brother, with Thomas Ii.. SIcSIullen,. husbaml of the daughter last named ; Sirs. Frank Anderson, of SaaFrancisco, a danghter of O. II. Jadwibv,i Brook-. lyn, Jf. Y., a brother,; SIisses:'Sa8ipN .ano ay perceptions, ana, wirougnoui. a life uneventful and unobtrusive, left a I ani interests that center in the family ' c'mr,' a,,d '"'bracP t,,e var!os social 1 nations that grow up with the flight of ynrs. Her death is a shock that is felt .for beyond the line of relationship. PERSONAL. A. Karbieri went to New York 'tit v . Mouday, and Mill spend most of the wfk tiwsre. Oimty Snperintendent of Schools Xoehler has removed from Han ley to Honesdale, his family locating here on "Tedteeday last. In noting their de parture from Hawley the Times says : "His nuy friends are loth to have him heave. As a token of their appreciation r-ti rthtar -splendid work for the society, ie . a:, b., of the German church. save Sir. nd Sirs. Koehler a handsome imemlwtkiice before their departure." JVe learn from the Haw lev Times tfaat y the will of her sister. Sirs. Rarh- jlkuiae, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Sirs. Chris- n tipple, of .Panpack township, lias received $3,000. Sirs. Barthlemas. ed at the home of Sir. and Sirs. Epple, . ago, leit a large estate. iTbere ere twentv-nine bon-:--: ineHtioned in her will, the lowest aniount- IBg IO tW. Slastcr Meciianic SI. J. jCartondale, was olfered the position of j f.jreiaan during thr erection of the State 1 'Z7L wl A . ,u !:.'.... r",nal insane at Far 2nened hnu-ovor tl.., i , V 1 i! .' ' 31 i !-v efort' th' " :uereu mm tie had a telegraphic offer of a position with one of the big railroad companies of the West, with headquarters at Denver at a .alary of $300 per month, which he'ac- nter upon his duties. -George H. Lancaster, of South Ster one i , . I as most re- "i"" county, shall be . " 7 ' Wr,1B T,K C,T'- "'S: "Mv fntli.r .. -o , . . inrirtiii. - .. ......I W " miury oi D.i.ul a quarter ..... 2 Vi, was from Tafton, Pike Th t Zl, ""'XiX"'?" wty. .Mrs. j-auwin was a v.onuMa -.T;xarev i