Newspaper Page Text
IWieieioioreieiei SPECIAL XOTIl'E-I wish to say to my pntrons that the tiro did no damage what evkrIo any photos, plates, n etures, or any ot our studio work. V. U. ItldRewny, Photo-craphcr, John Congdon is building a large addition to liis storehouse and palntshop, at the rear of liis residence, on East street. A fine musical entertainment will be given nt the Methodist Episcopal ( church on Friday evening next, under the auspices of the choir. The Whatsoever Circle of the M. E. church cleared $260 by their fair and sup-1 per, lat Thursday, ine rcccipss were Dolls of all sorts inn! sizes, candy, cookies and doughnuts, annuls, bags, klnionas ami neckwear. ltnzar opens at :i o'clock. Hrst supper at half past live. .Hot croquettes, creamed potatoes, rolls, cold ham, rahbapc salad, ice cream anil cake, rricc, . cems. i , ,. . at . ,..,,lv hnnili 5,v? 11 Served bv the l'arlsh Aid Society of (Iraoe (loll booth, !f.S(.i; eanuj nooin, i..i.ii , Church. Thursday, nee. mm. FOR SALE Hay house. on Hast Extension street. large lot with sixty feet front. M. h. Simons. iftcoltf A good hot supper. He sure to come. Ilolls. candy. everything for-Christmas at (trace Church Sunday School rooms. Thursday. December lUlh. Fon SAix-The restaurant building' 011 711; street. Including front and bark bars and furnace, now occupied by .lohn Theobald, and known as one of the best .business stands In Honesdale. I.. Kl'KltTll. .Ml Eighty thousand pounds 6f turkeys were shipped out from Montrose over the Lackawanna branch in one day, be fore Thanksgiving. ' A special meeting of the Y. 1. S., of St. John's Lutheran church will be held on Thursday, at 8 i M. A large nttendance is desired. Hev. Dr. Win. H. Swift will preach two sermons to young men. Sunday The Derqpcratic county committee of Lackawanna eounty received $10,365 and the Republican organization $12,098 for use in the recent campaign. The former have a balance of $745 and the latter a deficit of$77, after paying all expenses. Among the contributors to the Republican fund we find the names of Col. L. A. Watres, for $200 j J. Ben- ijainin Dimmick, $250 lames H. Torrey, Judge Alfred Hand and Theodore G. Wolf, $100 each. J. J. O'Neill, the r 1! ...i!.i... t...i J bitted $1000 to'the committee's exche quer. 100 ACKKS FARM -Hood bulldlncs-for sale or exchange for a house In Honesdale or Hawley. JOSrsTKKXIIAt'KK. Hawlcy. Pa. 1 1'OltllID all persons to remove hay from the estate of CUIIiird I.. Chapman. (thO. A. CHAl'.M AN. Administrator. evening, the 13th. on "The Making of a jn? enotral bootli. S05 OH : ,'Man." Sunday evening, the 20th, 011 tun .tiaKing 01 a vienueinau 1 flowers, $"i.5.1. Total, $1115.(18. . en particularly invited. There will be a prayer and busi-, At its meeting, last week, Capt. Ham A dispatch from Little Rock, Ar ncss meeting at the Honesdale Baptist . l'ost, G. A. R., re-elected the present ( kansas, states that the Arkansas Dia cliurch, at 7::!0 Wednesday evening, led ' olllcers for the next year. As the Fri-, mond Company filed articles of incor by Rev. 11. I). Minch, anil all who are 1 day of January, the time llxed for the 1 poration to-day with the Secretary of ! interested in the future of this church regular meeting, falls on New Year's , .state, after acquiring (he l'ike county ' are urged to he present. ' Day, it was decided to postpone the in-1 diamond Held. The land transfer was -We make our bow to our namesake I "taliation " " V1P . .y ... i tlu rM"U of a rt'1ort of "s consultmK ary, at winch time tne oincers 01 me mining engineer, John T. Fuller, for Ladies' Circle also will be installed. nier manager of the diamond inines of ..I T , i.. C. .1. I -The brick work of the new high , wu" eeers company, in oom.i .virica, I il At... f! 1! f ti .11. ..1. imL school build'ng was completed on Sat' urday last. The whole structure is eii' closed and the roofs in such state of ad LADIES' Dress Goods Jacket suits Fur Sets Opera Coats WlnttTr Cloaks Separate Skirts Stylish Waists 'GENTS' Umbrellas WinterHJnderwear Gloves and Mittens Furs and Collars Initial Handkerch's Bath Robes, etc. CHRIS1T1AS SUPPLIES -FOX- roi! SAI.KI.ot and building located at 1121 Main street. Enquire or write ( . h. (llbbs. Monesdali!. I'a. '' HOLIDAY Kl'KNITt'itKat ISllOWVS. Tarlor Suits at Itrown's. Bedroom Suits at llrown's, Couches at.llrown's. Kaney Chairs at llrowns. Dining eane and wood Chairs at Hrown s, .Fitf KOK SAI.K OK FOR KENT. Dwelling house.corner of Court and Ktshth street. In quire of II. Z. ltussell. The Archbald Citizen, which says : "The esteemed Honesdale Citizen has taken on a new lease of life under its present owners. It has been changed in torni hut not. in substance, we are pleas ed to note. Its Thanksgiving issue was a very ucautiful number. We are pleased ! flint flu, finrlitur .if iiin illnmrmila tliia Arkansas field exceeded the record of African mines at a corresponding WAYNK FARM AOKNCY.-If you have any farm property or realty, of any kind, you can register with us free of cost, and property will be advertised through the United States. Send for circular. WAYNK KAISM AtSENCY. Honesdajtel'a. LOCAL MENTION. The Pike County Press says Tiik Citizen did the handsome thing in the way of a holiday number. Milton Robinson, who was struck by a train on the Erie at Dunmore on Monday night of last week, died of his injuries at the Scranton State Hospital on Tuesday night. He was fifty years old. Mrs. H. P. Mead lias contracted a thirty acre tract of hemlock and hard wood timber to Cole and Johns, which, added to other lands in their control, will furnish them occupation for several seasons to come. The Mead tract is near While's Valley. Judge Fuller and the two jury com missioners of Luzerne county have eliminated from the jury wheel the names of all persons who are known to have conscientious scruples against cap ital punishment. It is claimed that, as a result of this action, nearly two hun dred citizens who were drawn as jurors' in 1908 will not be summoned in 1909. The papers of the large cities are all right if you want them, but it is your own home paper that advertises your churches and societies, sympathizes with you in your afilictions and rejoices with von in vour prosperity. In short it is the local paper that mentions the tlious-' and and one items in which you are in- 1 to see this excellent journal tlourish with such vigor." Foot-and-mouth disease is fined to cattle nlone, but affects all am mills that have a cloven hoof, such as cows, hogs and sheep. Where the dis ease is epidemic, however, dogs, cats and pigeons are either condemned to death or put under quarantine to keep them from carrying the disease germs, and thus spreading the plague. At Lewisburgone poultry dealer who had bought up a car load of turkeys for the eastern markets was prohibited from shipping them for fear of conveying the disease to the cities. So far as known human beings are not affected by this disease. Capt. James Ham Circle, Ladies of the (5. A. R., at their regular monthly meeting of Friday last, elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year : President, Mrs. Win. Clnrk ; Senior Vice President, Mrs. I. H. Ball ; Junior Vice President, Mrs. W. H. Varcoe ; Treasurer, Mrs. B. D. Mantle ; Secre tary, Miss Jennie M. Ball ; Chaplain, Mrs. Mary A. Thorpe; Conductress, Mrs. William Kcnsinger ; Assistant Con ductress, Miss Nellie Cook ; Guard, Mrs. Berth A. McArthur ; Assistant Guard, Mrs. George Kimble. A committee was appointed to make arrangements for the annual supper and installation service in January, 1909. The social hour and refreshments were very much enjoyed by all present. Reetler & Coffin, a law firm of Eas ton, having presented to the Commis sioners of Monroe county their bill for counsel fees in procuring.a State bridge over Broadhead creek, it was refused pay ment on the claim that it was exorbitant. The attorneys then brought suit to re cover, aud asked for a change of venue on the ground that, they could- not secure a fair and impartial trial in Monroe. The case was then transferred to this county, but this arrangement also proving un satisfactory, it is now understood that the contention will be settled out of court. The rumor is revived that the Erie R., will w;ithin the next few years the terested during the year and do not find build a branch from Port Jervis to 1 in papers of large citjes. ' Lackawaxcu on the towpath or bed of 1 Down in West Virginia it appears ex- j he old D. and II. canal, which parallels pensive to sell a man more whiskey than ; the present road between those places, lie can carry internally, and then turn on the opposite side of the liver. It is 1 him adrift. The case of Dinah .1. Pen-, "aid that the increasing freight business liington, suing for her children, against of the road will necessitate this unilei CJ. D. Gillespie, a saloonkeeper, near taking, and that the new branch, Hendricks, W. Va., was deeiiledreeenlly by the jurv awarding the plaintiff $1100. At a previous term of court Mrs. Penning ton sued and obtained n verdict for I $800 for the lossof her husband who was! killed near the saloon, and Gillespie was sued as the man who soldthewhiskey on 1 which Pennington became intoxicated. , when completed, will probably lead ton resumption of the extensive ling stone business which nourished v Sullivan count v while the canal was in operation, and was necessarily abandoned when means of transportation were cut off. A Loyal Temperance Legion was organized in the High School building, Spencer, Secretary of - X. 15 Honesdale Business Association lias ac cepted the offer of Messrs. .Kobling and Schreiber, the publishers of the next edition of the Honesdale and I law ley Directory, and will under their proposi the ! Mondav afternoon, Nov. .'iOth, hv Mrs. Margaret Stanton, of Carbondale, Lack awaiuia Co Temperance children and several members of the I local W. C. T. U. met Mrs. Stanton at ynneement that work on the interior will doubtless be comfortably itnd vig- not con- orously pushedduring the winter months-.' The structure will be a splendid one, imposing in appearance and thoroughly up-to-date in all of its appointments. The recent lire at Belmont, which destroyed the large barn of J.T. O'Neill, on the Meredith place, was doubtless an incendiary one, and as a number of bones were found in the ruins, directly under the haymow, while no cattle were kept in the building, it is surmised that a tramp perished in the flames. It is suggested that the hobo probably took shelter in the barn for the night, and accidentally set the hay on tire by a spark from his pipe. At a regular communication of Haw ley Lodge, No. 305, F. & A. M., held Tuesday evening of last week, the fol lowing officers were elected for the en suing year : Frank J. F. 'VVarg, Worship ful Master; John JM. Chapman, Senior Warden; George W. Lobb, Junior War den; George C. Blossom, Secretary; William A. Gregg, Treasurer; John H. Ames, James Millham and Anthony J. Lobb, trustees ; Reinhard F. Warg, Rep resentative to the Grand Lodge. The water famine isclearlv worse in many other localities than in this imme diate vicinity. Residents in the southern section of Hazleton are suffering acutely because of lack of water. Some of the children were obliged to go to school with out having their faces washed, no water being available in their homes. It is claimed that the water company has plenty of water in its Hudsonville reser voirs but. refuses to turn it into the South Hazleton mains. The people are threatening to resort to legal measures. --Last Friday evening, J ames M. Thorpe Post, No. 195, G. A. R., of Hawlev, was I visited by Col. Graham Watts, Aide on j the General Staff of the G. A. R., and H. I Wilson, Commander of Capt. Hani Post, Honesdale, and the annual inspection of I Thorpe Pot was conducted by the latter. 1 The visiting officers report the Hawley I Post in excellent condition ; though weak in numbers, strong inspirit and interest; ! with Commander Ely, Adjutant Decker, ' and Quartermaster Holgate, and the other officers, well qualified and efficient in the discharge of their duties ; and the Pot generously sustained by the peo ple of Hawley. The visitors were very pleasantly entertained by their comrades of the Hawlev Posl. Dr. Peter Gibbons, who was born and brought up here, but is now, like his brother Dr. Richard, a prominent physician of New York city, has long con tended that electrocution, as now em ployed in certain States as a substitute for hanging, docs not kill. His theory has been a subject of more or less ridi exploitation period. The new company is capitalized at $1,000,000. Kngineer Fuller is. a son-in-law of Andrew Thomp son, of this place. PERSONAL. Miss Florence Kimble is a Carbon dale visitor. Mrs. James S. Lindsay, of Church street, was a Carbondale visitor- last Thursday. Miss Anna Tuft, of Hawley, is visit ing her sister, Mrs'. N. K. Hause, of Harrisburg. William D. Guinnip, father of Hon. Win. B. Guinnip, of Atco, is at present in very poor health. A jolly party of young people enjoyed a "Class Night" dance, last Thursday evening, at the Lyric Hall. -Mrs. Henry W. Blandin, of West I street, is in Scranton, where she will pass the remainder of the winter. The Misses Grace and Lois Williams, of Carbondale, were the guests of the Misses Sccor.of West street, on Sunday. Miss Florence Niles, of Port Jervis, and her aunt, Miss Harriet Kingsbury, I of Lake Como, are visiting relatives in 1 Scranton. Mrs. Josephine Yarrington, of Dun AT MENNER&CO. Store open evenings for holiday trade after December 12th to January 24th. JUNIOR and MISSES' Nobby Suits Jumper Dresses One Piece Dresses Winter Cloaks Muffs and Boas Fur Capes and Hats I GIRLS' and INPAMTQ' White Dresses White Skirts Hoods and Capes Gloves and Hosiery Muslin Gowns Muslin Underwear Ribbons, Mufflers, &c, &c. GENTEMEN'S CORRECT CLOTHES daft, Susquehanna Co., Pa., Is the guest of her sisters, Mrs. J. S. Lindsay and Mrs. K. G. Secor. John F. Myers, of Lackawaxen, a brother of Herman Myers, of the Oak Cafe, .of this place, has sold his hotel to Otto Kessler, of New York city. Mark V. Richards, cityeditor of the Port Jervis Gazette, is suffering from a severe attack of grip. He is a son-in- law of Isaac J. Lobb, of this place. Rexford D. Wickwire, of .Carbon dale, who is well and favorably known here, has gone to San Antonio, Texas, to enter the employ of his uncle, K. G Wickwire. Miss Kate Kldred, who has been quite ill for the past three weeks, and under the care of a trained nurse, Miss Alice Owen, of Seelyville, it improving. Mrs. Albert Kberhardt, Sr., of North Main street, has a fully ripened tomato, ; which she raised in the houe, from a seedling. It has attracted a great deal j of attention. Mrs. Clarence Lovelas, of I lav. ley, ' spent Saturday and Sunday with her husband, who is employed in Port Jer-1 vis, and boarding at the home of Mrs. 1 W. L. F.aton. . , -Mr. and Mrs. M. .1. Kelly, of Wood ' avenue, are receiving hearty congratu-' lations over a second visit of the stork, , On account of the mild weather we are offering suits at greatly reduced prices. Decidedly new designs for young men who ap preciate a difference and desire to be a little ahead of others in the matter of dress. 4 ...j 1 m tCMintS G3f. t CO. rial Klif ri Ekltlr-wrB nil,)w To Furnishings and Young Men. a M 1 Vt it I'lH ft k v 1 latest j Men There's a Special Afoilel forovery taste and every figure. In SUITS and OVERCOATS. Our Suits, Overcoats. Rnln Coats and Full Dress Garments rep resent the highest 1'OSSIHLE achievement In clothes making. They nre delsgned nnd made hy SCHLOSS BROs. & CO., of Balti more and New York. Exclusive In design. Correct In Style. Itlght In Quality. Moder ately Priced. We unquestionably give the best Suit and Over coat values ever offered in America. The newest and 1 Novelties for ncy ellects hid. Full Dress to complete the cial occasions. dress of a nil the lit - that go Man for I6U5JCIV u jrnnrantt.,., j-. Shirts l; the right (lit P"' ' Collsrs " (iuar.ti'rs'zi'"'i"'"'r'ct '',s attractive patterns some gay aim sporty others plain right fitting kind. which made them a call on Saturday j Dqippvo q The sensible garment for mid-season or for anytime-made of last and left a line ten pound boy. j lYdllltHdlJi jviestly and other cloths. Worsteds and Cheviots in numerous Herbert J. Quinney, who is in some-1 styles, shapes and lengths a light-weight Overcoat suitable for wet or dry weath- patch from Trenton, N. J., says that j view to removing hi and larce business houses throuchout 1 Duililing. the following olhcers were this and adjoining States, a copy of this , appointed : Miss Mattie Gillen, Super- Ill It-Ill, VIII , .'ll.-n J.,'1111- I, III, Directory, in order that a knowledge of Honesdale, her people and her indus tries may be familiar to other com munities. In his new play "Billy the Kid" by Joseph Santley and Walter Woods, Frederick Santley, the star, gives an ex hibition of horsemanship not often seen even on the stage. The action of the play called for his exit at the end of the third act 011 horseback, but he makes his entrance on the animal as y,'cll. The horse he rides has a history. Every wild west show has a number of untrained iton, of Carbondale, Lack- j cule in professional circles, but it seems , what delicate health, is about to try a I er waterproof yet dressy in fact very handy the year round for theatre or dress Superintendent' of Loyal j that he has dually obliged the anthori- change of climate, and willshortlv leave I oCr-!npir"'iriY fTTk i"0 it j I YTk Legion work. Kighty-six ties to sit up and take notice. A dis-1 for Albuquerque, New Mexico, witli a R MtS I MN Klf 1 1 HflTlfnfl If Pfl The COAT Sensation of the Year ! county physician Frank G. Scamincll, family thither if the hoped-for benefit is realized. tion send to the various boards of trade, ; Miss Gillen's room in the High School I of that city, announces that lie will try to , y. McAndrew, who has been' Superintendent ; Helen Whittaker, Presi dent ; James Spencer, Vice President ; Hazel Harthehnes, Secretary; .Teannette Pohle, Treasurer; Charles Quinney and F.lwood Hurnard, Captains. A meeting of the Legion was held at Miss Tollcy's room in the High School building, on 1 Tuesday afternoon, Dec.Sth, at 4 o'clock. Among the blessings vouchsafed tons people on this side of the Mooie is free dom from any considerable percentage of "undesirable citizens" of the thug order, imported from slums of southern Europe resuscitate the next man electrocuted in the New Jersey state prison, in order to disprove the claim of Dr. Gibbons that electricity does not kill, and that elec trocuted auimalsdic under thesurgeon's knife in the autopsy, or the quicklime used in the burial. The next murderer to he electrocuted is John Mantasanna, who is sentenced to die during the week of Dec. 21st. During the absence from home of lT. G. llidgeway, the South Main street 1 photographer, who was in Callicoon, on I Fiiday evening last, a fire was discover- ed by his wife in the clothes closet of a 1 bedroom adjoining the sitting room in working for the Consolidated Telephone Company, at Archbald, for some time, has been transferred to Hawley. where he will be employed in the same capacity- A. T. Searle, Assistant District At torney of the United States District Court left on Monday for Harrisburg, to attend the sessions of the court, and expects to return to Honesdale to-mor- j row, 1 liursuav. western horses which are known as Over in Luzerne countv, in the last two 1 which she was sewing. The residence bucking bronchos. This horse was one of them and one of the most vicious in the equipment. The show was in New York this unimer and as no one could do anything with the horse, the owners were glad to part with it for a tithe of its value. It fell into the hands of the actor, and many were the weary hours he spent, treating the horse with the ut most kindness, before he could even mount its back. Now the horse ap pears to recognize tho mastery of the man, but there is no one else who can even throw n saddle across its back with out taking his life practically in his hands. Yet with Mr. Santley he is as gentle as a kitten' and invariably re ceives his sugar each time he is ridden. Santley is to present his play at tne Lyric next Friday, Dec. 11th. weeks of criminal court, more than a , is over his gallery and the Co-operative hundred cases were continued, and in store adjoining on the south. An alarm most of them this was donu because of a 1 was given to which Alert Hook and hick of time in which to try them. The' Ladder Co., of East Holiesdale, tho Wilkes-Harre Record says ii is only about Chemical Engine Co., of Texas No. 4, 15 years ago that one criminal court dis-' and Protection No. :i promptly respond posed of all the cases. Now two are insnf- ed. The fire was soon subdued, tho flcient. The growth of crime has been main damage resulting from the Hoods far greater than growth of population. of water which were poured into the The Hecord notes that the cause is up-1 building. From this causothe "Ground parent if thetrial lists areexamined. The names are mostly those of foreigners. Fifteen or twenty ycarB ago the majority of miners were Welsh, Irish and German, aud they were not criminally inclined. Now the collieries are filled wilh foreign ers of less stable character. They are by far a minority of the population, but are responsible for 11 major part of the crime, Floor Studio" suffered somewhat, al though none of its negatives or stock were injured, and the Co-operative store damaged to some extent. The wood-work tip-stairs was considerably charred and the contents of the closet destroyed j losses which will be made good by the insurance) companies. The blaze is supposed to have orignated from 11 bhort-circulted electric wire. Miss Romaiue II. Spruks, of South ! Side, Scranton, daughter of Thomas II. 1 Spruks, formerly of Reach Lake, this county, was married to Harry E. Schuler, j on Wednesday afternoon last, Rev. E. 1 F. Ritter, of Trinity Evangelical Luther-' an church, olliciating. Major Edgar Jadwin, engaged as an 1 engineer in the construction of the Pan-, anui canal, received scriousinjury to his I knee caps from a fall while horseback j riding. A letter from the Isthmus to the Major's father, Hon. C. C. Jadwin, states that it will requiro perhaps two I months for a complete recovery. The Carbondale Leader says of Mrs. . Clarence A. Wright, who will come to Honesdale as a bride and permanent resident nt the close of the wedding trip: "The bride is one of this city's well known and popular young ladies, and her legion of . friends will hasten to ex tend hearty congratulations upon tho happy couple's return1 from their honeymoon." We Reduce Our Coats to. a February Price Every woman desires to be dressed in the VERY Latest Style ! This Sale will enable EVERY woman in the County to secure the most stylish gar ment at a cut price. r