Newspaper Page Text
CHOICE MISCELLANY Markers Use Short Cuts. Ex, for express, nnd the single letter X, made to serve In like manner, fol lowing the name of the company, as used by shipping clerk In ninrU'uB packages, are anciently familiar forms of abbreviation, and, old time ami fa miliar as they really are. they cer tainly etlll answer their purpose well But there Is now employed by markers 1 another abbreviation or mark that hows vastly greater Ingenuity and re-. suits In n vastly greater saving of time, labor and marking Ink. This later mark Is made with n sin gle sweep of the brush, Just one straight mark like this: . Aud that mark, nfter the right word, stands for the word "line." So the shipping clerk now no longer marks n case Ray j line or Hudson line or whatever tho line may be, but Just tho name of the Hue with a dash after It, as Bay ' or Hudson , and so on. This mark Is of much later origin than the old time Ex or X. In fact. It Is of comparatively modem Introduc tion. But It has already among ship ping clerks como Into wldo and gen eral use. Chicago Inter Ocean. Maori Navigators. "When the United States fleet steam ed Into Now Zealand waters," writes an utumuu i capuuuBiii, lu .o.,B- uincent array of warships left one sec-i n f mm,,nif winiiv ,,n. v r mi n see anything wonderful about It. They Have traditions of their own about navigation, and when they recall the fact that their ancestors explored the Antarctic In their big decked canoes, uisvuvticu xviucuvu, tiupuiuicu umu and sailed the Pacific from end to end yon cannot convince them that there is anythbig remarkable about the vis New Zealand and to the northward , beyond Sakhalin the Maoris, according to their own legends have left their traces and It Is certainly a curious ibvl iuui mere ure uuuurtua ui v.uui In Malaslan dialects which are still part of the Maori vernacular of to day." Canada's Postal Savings Banks. Thero arc some conveniences about a postal savings bank system, like that of Canada, for Instance, which must be highly appreciated by certain classes of depositors. A person may open an account at one postofflce and continue It at any number of other of fices, depositing wherever he may hap pen to be, and yet have the whole amount at his command at any one office should be wish to withdraw It. This Is made easy by the fact that bis account is kept at the postmaster gen eral's office In Ottawa. A family mov ing from one place to another does not have to draw its: money from the sav ings bank and carry It along at the risk of robbery. It finds the amount at Its disposal wherever It goes. A commercial traveler, depositing In twenty towns, has the sum of all avail able at his home office as soon as a letter can pass to and from Ottawa. I St. Paul Pioneer Press. , . Orville Wrlnhl'a Schoolboy Essay. ', "I was in high school at Dayton at the same time as Orvllle Wright, now famed as Inventor of the aeroplane," remarked Ernest P. Crummel. "We were not in the same class, but I re member one essay that Wright pre pared for one of tho literary pro grammes. It was about airships, and Wright read from his paper that the time would como when men would navigate the air. "He read on so enthusiastically that tho other students nil laughed good ' naturedly at him for writing along I such foolish lines'. They all told him 1 a man would be crazy to try to ride ' an airship. But, as everybody knows today, Wright's youthful enthusiasm has carried him along to success and fame In just that very direction." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mexico's New Military Prisons. The Mexican military prisons of San .Tlinn .la TTlun In tlm l.i .ln s. t?A...i " , V1 Cruz, and tho Santiago, nt the capital, Jalapa, are to be completely remodel! ed when the new military prison now being completed nt Parole, state of Vera Cruz, will be ready for occupan- cy. The latter, It is claimed, Is to be supplied with all modem sanitary im- provements and will accommodate 2,000 prisoners. It will bo an agree- able change for the unfortunates now nt Kn !., ,i Tii .i removed from sea level to an altitude of about 4,000 feet, whero tho climate Is almost equal to the temperate zone. England's Ever Youthful Quean. Age Is an open secret with royal personages, nud most of us know that our gracious queen Is Just sixty-four years of ago. Vet her perfect features remain. She Is still slender In figure, Is bright nnd nlcrt und keeps as keen burning In the back yard without dan ns ever ou many Interests nnd amuse- ger. The destructor Is a basket of incuts. She is still n good walker, can wire Duit on nn ,ron frame 8Upport. drive her own motor, Is a regular 1 jng it several Inches above the ground, opera goer, attends balls and parties into this the household accumulations and Is always dressed to perfection.- re dumped as well as the sweepings. London Strand. a match applied soon reduces a big 1 pile to a handful of dust Such a Paper Teeth. .dovlce solves completely the problem One of the oddest uses to which pa- of the disposal of a great deal of ma per has been put Is that which has re- terlal. suited lu tho manufacture In Germany ' of nrtlflclal teeth. These naner teeth 1 The Latest Fad. are manufactured from the same varl- ety of pulp which enters so Inrgely Into the composition of many novelties In (he paper line. Paper teeth are said to afford satisfaction, not 'only retainlug their color well, but being less liable to chip than ordinary false teeth. A ROYAL SITTING ROOM. Quean Alexandra'! Taite Is Conserva tive, but Absolutely Perfect. Alexandra, queen of England, set the fashions for 'Great Britain. Tho queen's taste Is conservative, but per fect. It Is so faultless that pointing! THE QUEEN'S 8ITTIHQ HOOU. and photographs of this beautiful wo man made years ago never look old fashioned or out of date. The portrait of her by Wluterbalter, . . . f. . married m 3 f . B" iI,in though presenting her In the crinoline of the t,me- sUows the eletenntly dress ed woman even to the critical eye of today, for the keynote of her taste la simplicity, aud that Is the one thing that never grows old fashioned. Though In the sixties, the queen has still a perfect figure, which Is always dresnpil In lonir lines to accentuate n ? C"?X! rQ ,' k Th , d ,n(J furbeIow(J of any kind, and many another queen, f M1 has wonae8red why he could t ach,eve tho dlBtlnctlon of tho Br,tlfjh , Bl ,e Qf ,fttffl the ha8 dres8e(J Qi,af i-i i ,,,,, ,,lltD nA grays or black and white, but her fa vorlte colors are pale pink and blue, nud these are always Introduced in her apartments wherever she may be staying. The accompanying cut shows one of her favorite sitting rooms done in white and pale pearly gray silk, The rug and draperies Introduce the pink and blue, and, as in all apart mento of the queen, there are quanti ties of flowers. The plants In this room rest In gray wlckerwork Jar; dlnieres. The furniture is pf the first empire, the screens and pillows in brocades showing pink and blue on a gray foundation., The whole shows the perfection of refined simplicity. REFUSE BASKET. Device For Getting Rid of Household Accumulations. "Oh, my! Whatever shall I do with all this rubbish?" exclaims the house- keeper, beholding a miscellaneous col lection of papers, scraps and paste- board boxes, the roundup of the regu- lar weekly cleaning. "The ashman de- cllnes to tako anything but ashes, the rubbish man picks out only such as he THE rROCSSS IN OPERATION. , - ... . cau fiu' "so for' tft"d the secondhand mttu wlU 'e nothing but the whole ""d , must, be cIean at ,mt Th'8 "tu monologue may be I'eard most anywhere The conditions ?ro Hbout th?, same, In Placf of '"W or modlum size There Is a . fcrcnt ,dea' of a"Um"Iated, T rlai ro"nd n bouse which is quite difficult to dispose of. It might be burned, but n" ,1" ' l Lf1",?' B ?BB ? an uiuiuuij dluvc wuuiu uivso iuhu imejy lead to disaster, even If the stove is of suitable proportions to accommodate the collection. Most of them are not The housekeeper's quandary has led to the Invention of a model device to be added to the equipment of the household. It is a refuse destructor, lu which the accumulations of the ' hnnsnhoiii n rn ho nt j The latest fad for serving after din ner coffee Is the Individual percolator of copper, nickel or brass, with tray and screen. The set costs 0. The steaming miniature coffee maker has a lamp which Is lighted by the guest after the trays are brought to the table. I sitJki.. ' 1 . FASHIONABLE FURS. Quaint Old 8tyles Revived In the New Stoles and Muffs. So widespread has become the vogue of furs that no longer nre they re garded as a luxury, but, on tho con trary, as quite au important detail of the toilet. Because of this wide spread vogue and the necessity for supplying the demand for pelts the four corners of tho earth have literally been scoured, and wonders have been accomplished by means of dyeing and plucking. One sees the plebeian American red fox, by no means a comely beast In its native condition, transformed into a marvel of ebon blackness by expert coloring. A proc ess of dyeing has made an amazing change in squirrel, which In plain gray proved so unbecoming to most women when it was Introduced six years ago. But the most wonderful treatment of all is that which transforms the Amer ican muskrat's pelt Into a fur which cannot readily be distinguished from sealskin. Never before has there been a season when the fashions in furs have been so distinctly different for matrons and debutantes, for not only is the wearing of sable and broadtail confined almost exclusively to the. cider set of women, but it is noticeable that few of them are in favor of mink or caracul and that In reserving lynx for themselves they are graciously allowing their Jun iors to have prior call on sealskin. This rule applies especially to fur coats Intended for street use, and of these there are a largo number of styles to suit the Individual purse. Stoics are of infinite variety. Some of them are so long that they reach far below the knees and at the back cover the shoulders halfway to the waist line, in fact, so large are they that sleeves would almost be sufficient to transform them into coats. The flat, broad stole is always at Its best In a short haired fur, but it Is seen fre quently lu lynx, black fox nnd stone marten as well as iu Persian paw. In sabled squirrel and In mole. The novelty of the season Is the rug muff, which can only be developed In a pelt having naturally a small head and tall, such as are seen with sable, mink and ermine. In the rug muffs a row of tiny heads overlap a similar DnutcTonm coat in sealskin. number of tails, and when outspread It becomes simply a flat oblong, hand somely lined and conveniently fitted with several pockets. Some of the so called "tailored" fur coats are literally In three pieces- muff, jacket and detachable lncroyable collar, with or without deep lapels uo neatb the throat and fastening with large ornamental buttons. It goes without saying that such outfits ap peal strongly to the women of econom leal tastes. The illustration shows a stunning dlrectolre coat In sealskin. Trimmings a Girl Can Make. This Is to be a season of trimmings, and the girl who Is clever enough to make her own can save her purse, One of the easiest for home mnnufac' turo Is thick cjton cord covered with oins buk sewea on me macuiue uuu then used in the form of braiding. As the cord Is large, the wotk is quickly done when sewed Into curves, scrolls or circles. It is specially ef fectlve on net or rooussellne. It Is sewed by band with loose stitches. Another showy trimming that can be made at home is from bands of flowered silk cut to outline flowers nnd appllqued to white or ecru mousseltne de sole or chiffon. The raw edges nre finished with a gold or sliver cord, very narrow, or with a ruffle of the narrowest ribbon that can be bought. When Hanging Curtains. A house decorator gives this impor tant advice to women who arc arrange lng their homes. They should not hang curtains of one color against a wall paper of nsother color. They should not Join carpets of opponlto colors. They should not put different papers on the walls of adjoining roon.s which have wide archrways or folding doors between. These are simple Bug gestlons, but they mean a great deal The woman who Is guided by them will arrive at much better results than she who Ignores them. When It Is not possible to havo the carpets alike in rooms that are Joined by wide open lngt a rug should be laid over the long earn to hide It. THE STITCHJN TIME. Yulotide Gifts One Can Make at Her Leisure. EMBROIDERY SILK CASE. A Comfortable Posseselon For the Wo man Carelese With Her Skeins of Silk Couch Cushion That Is a Little Out of the Ordinary. Tho case shown here is an ideal re ceptacle for embroidery silks. In it they remain smooth, straight and clean. In the book nre sheets of plain paper. Each skein Is laid be tween them. Cut two pieces of linen 11 by 4 Inches. Place the design In the center of one of the Dleces. with a piece of carbon paper -nnder it. Draw around IU UCOlgU. JLUO UU1U1U1UUI1U5 M uvmw in a plain, soiia uensingion buu-u. Next cut two pieces of pasteboard, 8 hv 2U, Inches. Cover these with the pieces of linen turning the material back over the edges, and sew it back and forth from side to side. In the renter of tho lonir entrn of each Dlece sew a piece of half Inch satin ribbon fnr the fastening. Cut two Dieccs of plain white paper 7 by 1 inches. Pasto tnese pieces nrmiy over me wrong side of the covers for a finish. Lay the covers wrong sides together and overhand them neatly down the back. To make the Inside of the case, cut three pieces of plain white paper, 7tt CASS FOB EMBBOrDEBY BILKS. oy 3AVi incnes. is oia one aucta ui tuo paper exactly In the middle, tho fold being of the seven and a half inch lpnirth rfn rt cjiph half over acraln. jengtn. noia eacn nan over e"i cringing tne ouisiae eage 01 cacu uuii. "in ,i j. 1 vei- umu 11 iuucubi iu veuwi xiepear. wis loiaing on tne otner two sheets, and put the center fold of each sheet together, one over tne otner. Put these folds against the overhand- tug uown tuo center ui me tune uuu sow through all. This forms six little Dockets In Which to nut the Skeins Of oiiir It WOUld be a pleasing Idea to put a skeln of silk In each pocket before ,, " sending it to a irieuu us.u v.unsimuB 81". Appliquo Couch Cushion. the same bold effects as those of tho ofonnll hut nrlth erroator lf.hne.aa nnfl effectiveness, Is that of applique. The use Of one fabric upon another, With outlines and small details of design brought out by embroidery, is peculiar- , , , , .. ,. - , ly pleasing in its results and a method which has heretofore not been thor- wnicn nas neretoiore not ueeu tuor needle workers. The principal object iu these simple designs Is the obtaining of good restful lines with broad effects In col or and mass which aro not handicap- ned with too much detail Annlloue pea wuu too mucu uetan. Appuque Is well suited to this purpose and Is very easily done. All that Is necessary Is to cut out the design and after carefully basting it in place make it Secure by a couching Stitch about the pdee The outlines of the desltrn nre then worked in outline stitch and the small details In satin stitch as re- , ' i , 1 mi quired. The seed pod design lllustrnt- IN SEED POD DESIGN. ed is so simple that almost any worn an accustomed to art needlework could cut her own pattern, but craftsman Iinnn Imwovpr npll rhene neRlcmn fnr snops, however, sen "ese aesigns ior those who cannot mako their own for tho seed pod cushion.- A gray green canvas could be chosen, and the pods ... - ' .. . . . could be cut from gomen linen witn the seeds done In a brilliant peacock blue. This would give a sharp color contrast to the pillow. The couching and outlining are done In rich golden brown floss. ROLL of HONOR Attention Is called to the STRENGTH of the Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York City lniH published a ROLL OK HONOR of tho 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK StaRS 38th in tllO United StBteS. n.n,i in.i n, ,! MaiKlS Will 111 PentlSylVania. Stands FIRST in WaVlie COUntV. ' ' Capital, SlirplUS, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00 Ilonesdale, Pa., May 29, 1008. ItEPOliT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA.. At the dose of business. Nov. 27, 19)t RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discounts I 248.028 29 Uverdrnfts.secured and unsecured 24 89 11. S. Konds to secure circulation. D3.UUU uu 2,800 00 1.301.6CO 33 40,000 00 3.959 96 353 66 144.444 51 2.419 90 400 00 215 78 97,731 50 Premiums 011 u. s. nonus Honda, securities, etc iSaiiklng-house, furniture and fix tures Due from National Hanks (not Reserve Agents) Due from Statu Hanks and Bunk ers Due from .approved reserve litems Checks and other cash Items ... .Notes 01 otner national lianks.. Fractional paper currency, nick els nud cents Lawful .Money Reserve In Unnk. viz: specie v;na sj ljeeal tender notes ll.JsYi Oil Redemption fund with O. S. Treasurer, taper cent, of circu lation ) 2.730 00 800 00 Due from IT. S. Treasury, other nan or. redemption mini Total $1,901,418 82 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $ 150.000 00 Surnlus fund 1.7UKX1 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 82,452 72 National Rank notes outstanding 54.100 00 State Rank notes outstanding. ... 900 00 Due to other National HankR 1.549 11 Due to State Ranks and Rankers 78 07 inuiviauai deposits subject to check Demand certificates of aeposic... Certified checks Cashier's checks out 25.109 00 118 91 standing Ronds borrowed 84 5ft 1,462,338 92 None Notes and bills redlscountcd..... Rills payable. Including certifi None cates 01 deposit lor money bor rowed None None Liabilities other than those above siuieu Total . $1,901,418 82 state of Pennsylvnnla. County of Wayne, ss. I, Edwin F. Torrey. Cashier of the above ""ineu iHiiiK, uo soiemniy swear mat tne ab0Ve statement is true to the best ot my Knowledge ana belief. H. l TOR HE Y. Cn shier. Subscribed and sworn 1 to ' before me this ist tiny or Dec, i!)tw. t'orrect-attest: A' SMITH N h. z. Russell, i h.t. .Menkkr. "'rcciors. CJHerifF'S SALE OF VALUABLE J REAL ESTATE. Rv virtue of process ls- sued out of the Court ot Common Pleas of and to me directed and delivered. I have lev- ?a " P,ml wl,u expose to public sale, nt the Court House In Ilonesdale, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1908, at 11 a.m. All of defendant's right, title and Interest in me following described property, to wit : All those certain pieces, parcels or tracts .,... .1 . l U.n.n . t). ......... I ..! bounded and described OS fOllOWS ! the west cor'ner'of a lot In tho possession of iiaymonu ,iyier: tnence aiong sam xyiers I linn ennrn fT-frri to ilnornna on u r fnrririlnht porches to stake and stones; thence along the line of land belonging to jephtha Keiiam south forty-five degrees west eighty-three and one-half perches : thence north forty-live degrees west forty-eight perches to post and 8tones: thence north forty-five degrees east elehtv-threeand one-half rterches to nlncnnf beginning, uu.m aihibu iweniy-nve acres The Seconp. REOINNING at stake and stones In line of David Skinner's land ; thence south forty-five degrees east eighty perches in lineof Jenhtha Kellam: thence north fortr' five degrees east fifty perches to beech tree; tn I)ortll forty.fve degrees west eighty perches to hemlock stump In line of David Skinner ; thence by said line south forty-five iir containing twenty-five acres, be tne same more or ess of lot conveyed to Hornbeck & Keator on line of Jcphtna Kellam's land : thence along Bnd north forty-six degrees and forty-one perches; thence north forty-seven degrees west nine perches to end of stone fence; thence along the sume north Ilfty-six degrees west four ana two-ienins percnes ; tnence soutn sixty degrees west slxandtwo-tcnths perches to 11 post ; thence north forty-nine degrees west eighteen and two-tenths perches to 11 nost : thence north thirty-seven degrees west fifty-six und two-tenths perches to a beech utnmn ! thence north twentv-elilit ilpprepH west twenty-six and three-tenths perches to lu post on warrantee line; thence along the same norm iwciuy-eigiiiuegreeseuHi twenty nine aud two-tenths perches to stones and roots of fallen beech: thence north seventeen desires west tlttv nerchesltheneo north fnrtv. one degrees west sixty-four perches ; thence norm toriy-tnreo aegrees east twenty-two liercnes; tnence along tnc line or Oliver Ty ler's land nnd the land lute of William Tvlcr south forty-seven degrees east one hundred aud sixty-two nud two-tenths perches to stones uy neniiucK uu uuymona i-yiers line; tnence aiuug uie tume ana line 01 jepntna Kellam's south fortv-thrce degrees west eignty-nve nercnes to tne piace 01 oegmmng, CONTAlNINil one hundred and eight acres and one hundred and eleven perches, strict measure, more or less. Being same tana which Jackson Chadwlck conveyed to Leon Wllllnms'by deed dated .recorded In Deed Rook No. , page . Excepting and maiipii I in. .ilnnliT nnnu mnrn (! leaa a.tlrf in Lucus Raker by Jackson Chadwlck. vnl smu Iimpcriy is unv inu-siury irailiu hougCi OIle frBme bnn)i one bed, (wo fine apple orchards, and nearly all improved 'd and taken In execution as the proi- erty of Leon Williams at the suit of Jackson I ' ...I ,.1. V.. OJOntnlini.TA.m 1011 -"",:'-"-r,iehVsi JmV collectedTi50. with 6 per cent, collection fee. t.urma ma'i 'Zln Sheriff's Office. Ilonesdale. CrriaEX ad's bring remits. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank OF HONESDALE. WAYNK COUNTY, PA., .at the close of business, Nov. 27, 1906. RESOURCES. Reserve fund $ Cash, specie nnd .notes, $11,014 52 Due from approved re serve agents .$32,883 85- 43.898 47 Checks and other cash Items H8B8 Hills discounted, not due 31.548 oo lillls discounted, time loans with collateral 18750 00 Loans on call with collateral 5'too on. Loans upon call upon one or more names 1808300 Loans secured by bonds and mort gages , , , 3.873 00 Investment securities owned exclu- sive of reserve bonds, viz Stocks, bonds, etc. 137,892 60 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 19320 91-57213 41 Real estate 18 mo m Furniture nnd fixtures m 41 Miscellaneous assets , 1,770 72 $ 205.193 24 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In $ 50000 00 Undivided Profits, less expVnies nnd taxes paid 2853 fit Deposits, subject to check. .$51,616 52 ' Deposits, special 100,806 69-152,323 21 (.'ashler's checks outstanding is 10 205.1IO 24 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss I. C. A. Emery. Cashier of the above named company, do solemnly swear that the nbove statement is t me to the best of my knowledgo and belief. C. A. KMERY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of December, 1908. . . RENA S. KDOKTT, N, P. . Correct attest : ! M. E. SIMONS. ) F. W, Kreitner. 5- Directors. John Kithbach, ) REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONIBOALE, WAYJJE CO., FA.. at the close of business, Nov. 27. 1908. RESOURCES Reserve fund t cash, specie and notes, 158,182 85 Legal securities 45,000 00 Due from approved re serve agents..... 125,787 12-229,169 97 Checks and cash Hems iiikw Due from Banksand Trust Co's.nut reserve litems 9008 32 Rills discounted not due, 1297,319 32 Rills discounted, time loans with collateral... 39,385 50 Loans on call with col lateral:..... 77,787 50 Loans on call upon one or more names 54,805 00 Loans secured by bonds or mortgage 3,000 00 472,497 32 Stocks, bonds, etc. . . .1)8,947 Oli Mortgages and Judg ments of record IKTiUVI V4-I ni arm -m Real estate. 33,000 00 Furniture and Fixture 2,000 00 Overdrafts 10 20 Miscellaneous Assets 40O 00 $2,742,598 f LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, paid In 100,000 00 Surplus Fund 300,000 00 unuividea rrouts, less expenses and taxes paid 61,952 89 Deposits subject to check 9154.792 88 Derjoslts srjcclal 9.091101 7i Time certificates of de posit 238 78 Certified checks Hil 39 Cashier's check outst'g 797 05-2,251,251 84 nue to yommonweaitn 25,000 00 iuu lu.uauna auu uaiijtvrs, nut re serve agents lgp VB , , ... , , 12.742.698 69 tate of Pennsylvania. Countv of Wnvjie oo I. H. Scott Salmon, Cashier of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. inigneai ti, a. sauio.n, cashier Subscribed and sworn tn hefnrnma thlanri day of December. 190H. (Signed) RORERT A. SMITH. N, P. Notarial Seal C)rrcct-Attest: W. R. Holves. ) AlonzoT. Searle. -Directors. T. R. Clark. J REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE HONESDALE DIME BANK HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA., at the close of business, Nov. 27, 1908. resources. Reserve fund S 59.074 19 Cash, specie and notes... .$13,405 79 igai securities o.iaaj uu Due from approved re serve agents 40,668 40 Checks and cash Items 474 85 Due from ranks ana Trust uo's, not reserve agents ; 2,396 71 Rills discounted, not due 210,195 97 Rills discounted, time loans with collateral 75.987 50 Loans on call, with collateral 60,153 97 Loans on call on one or more names 13,315 00 Loans secured by bonds and mort gages 13.K5 00 Investment securities owned ex clusive of reserve bond, viz:.... Stock bonds, etc 61,442 50 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 15,750 00 -7.182 50 Real estate 18,000 00 Furniture nnd flytures 2.000 00 Overdrafts 90 $ 512,010 69 75.000 00 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in Ho mlus Fund. 25.000 00 3.103 08 Undivided Profits, less expenses and Taxes paid DeDOsttssublcct to check. 128.466 51 Deposits special 278,391 97 Time Certificates of De posits 2,000 00 Certified Checks 45 00408.903 61 Cashier's Checks outstanding 10 00 $512,016 69 Slate of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. 1, Joseph A. Flsch, Cashier of the above named Company, do solemly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOS. A. FISCH. Cashier. Subscribed und sworn to before me this 3d day of December. 1908. lloRl-'RT A. SMITH. N. P. Correct-attest : Frank Steinman.) Renj. F. Haimeh. -DIrector. E. C. Mum ford. ) ELECTION OFDIRECTORS-In com pliance with nn Act of Assembly and In accordance with Article 5 of the Constitu tion of the Wayne County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the said company will be held In the office of the company. In the Post Office building. Ilonesdale, Paon MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1909, at 10 a. m.. for the transaction of general business, and that an election will beheld at the same place of meeting, between the hours of 1 and 2 p. rn. ot Bald day. tor the purpose ot electing ten members of ssld company to serve as direct ors for the ensuing year. Every person In sured In the company Is a member thereof, and entitled to one vote. S. R. CRANE, President. I'iirv A.Clabk. Secretary. Ilonesdale. Pa., Dec. 2, 1908. 39t4 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OF jimn Jiii.u iBieui iiuuesume, rn. All persons Indebted to said estate are noti fied to make Immediate payment to the un dersigned ; and those having claims agalntt the said estate are notified to present them duly7.t..tedtfor fflgfflfo