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"PAID IN FULL" AT THE "Paid In Full." Harper's Weekly, in speaking ..f Eu gene Walter's play, "I'.ii.t in Full," pays: "The third act of the American play, 'Paid in Full,' which is prfs-nieii at the Astor Theatre, is : fi.r v.liieli the author, Mr. Eugene W.ilrr. de rc" much commendation. The pl.iy. train beginning to end, iseNtremely well d"ii" both by playwright and- company, and 'with interest' might well be adilnl to the title as an expression of what the audience derives from it. "The play deals with humble poisons; humble, that is, in conipiiii.-uii uith tlie 'high society' folk one is accustomed to see strutting through th- measures of social drama. The reason for calling at tention to Mr. Walter's third act is, that he has made it just what it should ie quick, alert, full of interest, and a strik ing climax, of the play. Alter seeing it there was a reasonable suspicion that a fourth act might spoil tiie drama, at least might de.-troy the force of the third. However, Mr. Walter's fourth act does not mar his play in any way; if any thiugit adds hi ticji'iu i:lingliie strength of the one which preceded it." "Paid in Full" will be the attraction at the Lyric on Thursday, Dec .11, ew Year's Eve. Wagenhals and Kemper promise a fine production and a notable cast of players. The play is in its sec ond year in New York and has also to its credit a run of over live months in Chicago. Power to Executive Elbows. It Is generally conceded by review- j ers of the great struggle between the states that a strong man In the White House In ISfiO might have saved the country from civil war over the slae controversy. Lincoln took the helm In 1SG1, and the guns of Sumter forced him to act vigorously. For four yearn he kept doing things to back up the bold Initiative he had taken the mo ment the flag was fired upon. Since that era the demand has been steadily growing for executives of strong per sonality. Even governors who will do lh'nzs are wanted, and the iaot xtir tin;.' clectlon-i In the states often turn rpon the personality of the candidal. for governor rather than the claim: of party. A writer In the Atlantic Monthly tsil'.e tho ground that the old school Uieorle of government have been overthrow:, and the tendency today is lo hold president:? and governors responsible for what legislators do or fail lo do. While "executive aggression" U some times condemned, it Is tilo bi t'.ily ex tolled and by the very same voices. In the long run the exe.-utlve who de votes his energies solely to the good of the state has the support of the masses, for ;it heart the people are not partisans. They want some sort ea up some very gay uinner some of program put through and look to , where" h f .i. , .i ii "I was going to dine with Boots the man at Uie top to do It. As to fourth class postmasters, America is too easily an all around winner to have a fourth class at any thing. Bomethlng to cure that "misery In tho back" caused by lifting the $8, 000,000,000 crop from the ground to the granary would be more welcome to most farmers than a dose of moral uplift. Haiti can muster a good sized army at any time by simply drafting the "generala" in the ranks of presiden tial aspirants. Strange how ninny explanation of things said or written do not explain) LYRIC, DECEMBER 31st. Buy at ii iu true it is that meal is another man Home. "what is onenian's s poNon." While lioiiesdale merchants had a line Christ ina tra lc, t'.ie si.iwlev Times intimates that too large ; percentage of it came from tlia. nougli. their local stores si;:f.'ri:ig in consequence. Doubtless this N in a measure true, but it is equally a fact that our dealers suffered much throiign oiit-i'!'1 buying. Many orders were "v-nt off for g'id, especially of the mote expvnshe kind, which could have been placed here juM as satisfactorily as to quality, and economically as to prices. .So on the whole, what was gain ed in one way was probably lost in an other, and this brings us back to the position taken by Tiik Citizen several weeks' since, that the proper motto for ' the people, of the smaller towns especial ly is to "buy at home." As to what effect the proposed trolley service , between Honesdale and Hawley might have on the trade of the two towns, there is little need of speculation just at present. It is pretty evident at least that the New Year shopping won't be seriously affected by it. Here is the I plaint of the Times : A I,,.,,, 1'II ll, fj I I,. ..... .I..!,. goij at the West Hawlev station on Saturday. There were also a large number of tickets sold from Hawley to Scranton during the week. .Most of these people did their Christmas shop ping in one or both ot the above places and it is safe to say that many hundreds of dollars were taken out ol town that should have been left here. What seems to be the trouble with the stocks of our local merchants that they nae ceaseu to appe;! to local buyers? Are they shoddy, s-hopworn, too cheap or too dear, too small or incomplete V What ever the trouble, it is time for our local merchants to sit up, or wake up, and take notice. This is a matter that de serves their serious consideration. Prob ably never in the history of Hawley has so much Christinas buying been done out of town. "The question naturally arises What would a tio'.ley line between Honesdale and Haw ley do to Hawley'."' The Younger Set. 'i outbuild from iiugeUi Selwyn stayed until he made peace ( with bis sister, then he mounted to the 1 nursery to "lean over" the younger children and preside at prayers. This being accomplished, he descended to tho library, where Eileen Erroll in a filmy, lace clouded gown, full of tur quoise tints, reclined with her arm around Drlna amid heaps of cushions, watching the waitress prepare n table i for two. i He took the fresh, cool hand she ex- ; tended nnd sat down on tho edge of i her couch. "All O. K. again?" he inquired, re taining Eileen's baud lu his. "Thank you quite. Are you really going to dlno with us? Are you sure j you want to? Oh, I know you've glv- I when Nina rescued me. Poor Boots! I I think I'll telephone" "Telephono him to come here!" beg ged Drlna. "Would he come? Oh. please I'd love to have him." "I wish you would ask him," said Eileen; "It's been so lonely and stupid Eileen reclined with her arm around Drlna. to Ho In bed with a red noso and fishy eyes and pains la one's back and limbs. Please do let us have a party." So Sclwyn went to tlio telephono add presently returned, saying that Boots was overwhelmed ana would be present at the festivities, and Drlna. enraptured, ordered flowers to be brought from the dining room and a large table set for four, with particu lar pomp and circumstance. Mr. Archibald Lansing arrivnd very promptly, a short, stocky young man of clean and powerful build, with dark. keen eyes always alert and humorous It 1 I ... I uJ3 our uit iuc vjav ui uugUiur un der bis dark mustache. His manner with Drlna was always delightful, a mixture of self repressed Idolatry and busily nairc belief In a thorough understanding between them to exclude Sclwyn from their com pany. "This Selwyn fellow here!" he ex claimed. "I warned him over the phone we'd not tolerate him, Drlna, explained to him very carefully that , you and I were dining together In , strictest privacy." "He begged so hard," said Eileen. "Will somebody place an extra pillow for Drlna?" 1 They seized the same pillow fiercely, confronting each other: massacre an- pcared Imminent. "Two pillows," said Drlna sweetly, and extermination was averted. The child laughed happily, covering one of Boots' hands with both of hers. So you've left the service, Mr. Lan sing?" began Eileen, lying back and i looking smilingly at Boots. "Had to. Miss Erroll. Seven million- aires ran Into my quarters and chased i me out and down Broadway Into the offices of the Westchester Air Line I company. Then these seven merci less millionaires In buckram bound and gagged me. stuffed my pockets full of salary and forced me to type write a fearful and secret oath to serve them for five long, weary years. That's L sample of how the wealthy grind ihc noses of the poor, Isn't It, Drlna?" The child slipped her hand from his, milling uncertainly. "You don't mean all that, do you?" "Indeed, I do, sweetheart." "Are you not any more, then?' a soldier lieutenant i shp Inquired, horrl- lily disappointed. "Only a private in the workman's battalion, Drina." "I don't care," retorted the child ob stinately. "I like you just as much." "How tall you're growing, Drlna." (cmarked Selwyn. "Probably the early spring weather," idded Boots. "You're twelve, aren't rou?" "Thirteen," said Drina gravely. "Almost time to elope with me," nodded Boots. "I'll do It now," she said "as soon as my new gowns are made If you'll take me to Manila. Will you? I be '.leve my Aunt Alixe Is there" She caught Eileen's eye and stopped short "I forgot," she murmured. "I beg your pardon. Uncle Philip." Boots was talking very fast and laughing a great deal. Eileen's plate claimed her undivided attention. Sel wyn quietly finished his claret The child looked at them all. "By tho way." said Boots abruptly, "what's the matter with Gerald? He came In before noon looking very leedy." Selwyn glanced up quietly. "Wasn't he at the office?" asked Ei leen anxiously. "Oh, yes." replied Selwyn. "He felt a trifle under tho weather, so I sent him home." "Is It the grip?" "X-no, I believe not" "Do you think he had better have a tloctor? Where Is he?" "He was here," observed Drlna com posedly, "and father was angry with him." "What?" exclaimed Eileen. "When?" "This morning before father went , rlowntown." Both Selwyn and Lansing cut In cool ly, dismissing the matter with n care less word or two. and coffee was scrv 'ed, cambric tea In Drlna's case. "Come on." said Boots, slipping a bride rose into Drlna's curls. "I'm ready for confidences." "Confidences" had become an estab lished custom with Drina and Boots. , It meant that every time they saw one ' -mother they were pledged to tell each OBSERVE 1 ri;m- GROWTH ! Honesdale DIME bixth Statement. RESOURCES Loans Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages. Real Estate, Furniture and Fix tures Legal Reserve Fund, Cash, etc.. Overdrafts OFFICERS; K. C. MUMFOKD, President. W. F. ItlEFLKK, Vice President. JOS. A. FISCH, Cashier. Total Assets Over Half a Million. I,,crease in DePosits in other everything that had occurred In their lives since their last meeting. So Drlna, excitedly requesting to be excused. Jumped up and, taking Lan sing's hand In hers, led him to a sofa In a distant corner, where they Imme diately Installed themselves and be gan an earnest and whispered ex change of confidences, punctuated by llttlo whirlwinds of laughter from tho child. (To be continued.) FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. Two men went to jail at Carrollton, 111., with thirteen Indictments for stealing chickens banging over them. They'll certanly be hoodooed this time. Pennsylvania farmers have lest many turkeys through hunters this year. At Bangor tbey knocked seven off a fence right beside the furmhousc. If farmers weren't so afraid of bull lss these thieves would be more afraid to trespass, If eggs are clean, fresh, uniform lu size and color and put up neatly they will win you prestige and special price, while pleased customers will praise you to others. Thus you will always have customers and be able to couimnin' the best prices. With a leported corn crop of 2.tM2. fiST.OOO bushels the duck men are Ju bilant. When corn Is the great factor In preparing ducks for market you can Imagine what a short crop means on a 50,000 duck ranch, our carpenter couldn't see why we put In wide doors and steps when we ,uUt. Wo cau see why when we put our 0K brooders away and run the tvheellinrron- throuch to clean un every I week. The only place hindsight excels foresight Is in a mule. Three million five buudred thousand Iowa "ggs reached New York In one day. Many western states are making such remarkable strides lu the poultry business and competing so earnestly 1 for tlrst place that It Is dldicult to fol low the race. Iowa Is now the banner state, but Illinois is mighty close. ' Colorado sends $3,000,000 out of the state for poultry and eggs. She. with a Tew other states that haven t pushed poultry culture, is beginning to think It doesn't pay to buy what you can raise yourself. In shipping guineas wash the head, mouth, feet and legs. Leave the feathers on, but be sure they are smooth and clean and wrap each bird separately. During the closed season one to two pounds are most popular weights That smelling disinfectant kept In the drinking water to ward off dis ease Is an egg killer and a grave filler. The man who makes his bens sleep over droppings that alternately freeze and thaw should he dealt with accord Ing to the law Coldly Practical. His dulcet lyre He twanued with lire And warbled to the dove. This was the lay He did essay: "Oh, come and be my love!" The maiden heard His final word. Then, with a scornful look. She asked the swain In high disdain, "Canst guarantee a cook?" Louisville Courier-Journal. Hopeful. Sirs. O'Toole She's takln' on awfu DTer husband got three years, but h kin git twelve months off for good be havior. Mrs. Dooley Tell her to rest alsy. Sure an' he may not behave hlmscl New York Life. The Champion Bore. The greatest bore of all's the one Who talks and talks and talks Forever of his views alone And every effort balks Of thore who would their thoughts ex press And tell their troubles too. Yes, he's tha greatest bore unless He happens to lie you. Kansas City Times. A Feminine View. Mrs. Smytlic 1 wonder whj the judge deferred the sentence until to morrow? Sirs. Wbyte Oli, I suppose ho want ed to talk the case over with his wife. HONESDALE, PA. The Healthy Qrowth and Proptrou Condition cf Itonei dale Dime Hank, the 1 otul Assets, after Three Years' Uusl ness being Over Mall a Million Dollars, Indicate Public Con fidence In the Scfety and Integrity of Its management. STATEMENT NOV. 27, 1908. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock 8 75,000.00 Surplnss, Earned 28,103.08 Deposits 408,903.51 Cashier's Checks Outstanding... 10.00 3 362,877.44 67,192.50 20,000.00 61,045.75 .00 $ 512,016.59'oui thomas m. JAt'OII 1'. KATSS REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK nOKXSDALX, WAT MS CO.. PA.. at the close of business. Nov. 7, 1908. RESOCI1CE8 Reserve fund ..( Cash, specie and notes, toH,fi! 83 Legal securities 15,01X1 00 Due from approved re serve agents 123.7K7 12-W.VB f7 Checks nod cash Items 1.UUG M Due from Hanks and Trust Co's.not reserve agents !,0OS 32 Ullls discounted not due. EOT.519 32 Kills discounted, time loans with collateral... 39,385 50 Loans on call with col lateral 77.7S7 50 Loans on call upon one or more names l.t$ 00 Loans secured by bonds or mortgage 3.000 00 17J.197 32 Stocks, bonds. ctc....l0SUH7 US Mortgages and Judg ments of record.... 185.001 21-1 30 Real estate XI.OUO 00 Kurnlturcand Fixtures 2.0U0 00 Overdrafts 10 20 Miscellaneous Assets Juu 00 tl.ltlJOLH K) UABIUTIKS. Capital Stock, paid In t 100.000 00 Surplus Fund rsuu.uuu 00 Undivided Pnillts. less e.teiises and taxes paid VAJXii 89 iieposiissiinjeci locneiKtiAi.tic us Deposits special 2MHJKH H nine cenincaies oi ue- poslt 2H 7 Certified checks ail :ci Cashier's check outst'c 7!7 05-2J2jli"l 84 Due to commonwealth 25.000 00 Due to hanks and bankers, not re serve audits 1.TS0 M t!.tlSUS tit State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. 1. II. M-oll amiou. casmer ol the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the anove siateuieni is irue. to tuc ucst ol tny knowled!;e and belief. (SiL'ncd) U.S. SALMON. Cnshtpr Subscribed and sworn to befurc me this 2nd day of December. i;. (Stoned) ROBERT A. SMITH. N. 1' (Notarial Seal! Correct Attest: W. 1!. Holmes. ) AJjonzoT.Seable, J-Dlrcctors. It. C'l.AHK. ) Ki.-.ii&i.r.H'.'s .Mjnufc.. isotioe is hereby given that the accountants herein named have settled their resini-tlve accounts In the office of the Iteslster of Wills oi v iiyne county, l'a.. and that the same will lie presented at the Orphans' Court of said county tor continuation, at the Court House hi HoiicMlalc. on the third .Monday of Juu uarv next viz: First and Una! account of ('corse I. Kvans and licorse Rucse. executors of the estate of Christian Ifm-sc :i!rm. First and llnal account of Sophia Wcidcn- ociii. iiniuiiurairix oi ine ciaieoi i.ouisu i.isii'iKiiier. uncrry lima1. First andtinal account of Francis It. l'.-i:itz executor of the estate of Mary Moure. Clin ton. First and final account or 1". P. Kimble, ex ecutor of .liliicl .lustlii. 1-obaiiun. First and linal account of August Lnahs. administrator of the estate of Leo Victor .Miszier, licrlln. First and linal account nf .Iiiilsiin K. Tiff. any. surviving executor of the esttae of John r. i many. .n. rieasant. First and Imal account of Frederick Itrutsche. administrator, C.T. A., of the es tate oi .1 1 1 1 a urutsciie, t'aupack. first aim nnal account oi S. .V Cross, ex ecutor of the estate of Charles F. Cllif. Ster- 111?. First and final account of Ini-zll. Curtis ml mhiistratrlx of the estate of Ueorse It. Curtis, Salem. First and final account of Cclcstla Rude Seaman, executrix of the estate of Mcreena line, ou, Texas. First and final account of.I.MIItou Spencer, uuniiiusiraioroi me estate oi mui. spen cer. Mt. Pleasant. First and tinal account of Adelbcrt Harra ser. executor of the estate of (ieorge W. Jlar rager, Uuckingbam. First and llnal account of K. W. Hush, ad- ministrator of the estate of Walter J. Rush. Damascus. First and final account of Lewis 1 1. Redner, executor of. and trustee or the estate of Sain uel B. DalrvmDle. Honesdale. First ana partial account of fieo. I), l'rcn tissandtieo. E. Mouse, executors of the es tate oi .Martin -'remiss. .Mt. I'lcasaiu. First and final account of James Wulsh act Ing executor of the estate of Patrick Walsh soutn Canaan. K. W. (iAMMKI.i.. Register. Register's Office. i Honesdale. Dee. 21. 1!0S. J 13 OTICE OF ADMINISTRATION', ESTATE OK DEIXA RLOCKUKItriKR. lain of tho lowiishlit of Dvbcrrv. Pa. All persons indebted to said estate are not! fiirt to ninki Itiimpdlatp oavnit'lit to tin liu- clorsi'MK'd : and those bavin'-' claims against the said estate are notified to present them duly attested lor settlement. UeoltB W. L. I.KMMTZKR. Kxecutor. VI OTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, 1 ESTATE OK JOHN T. HALL, late of Honesdale. Pa. AH pcr.-ous indebted to said estate are not! lied to make immediate payment to the tin dcrxignrdtnud those having claims against the said estate are notified to present them uuiv attested, lor settlement. :i7 JOSEPH A. I'.ODIK. Executor! ' LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES? It will pay you to call at the finely equipped GOLDEN'S OPTICAL PARLORS 11 South Main St.. CA RHONDA I.E. PA BANK Organized 1906 8 512,016.59 DIRECTORS: W. II. KItANTZ I'.KN'J. K. IIAINKH W. I'. ItKIl'I.KU W'.K. 1'KltHA.M .TOKMf. 1111. 1. KltANK 8TKIN.MA.V 8ix Months WMM i PKO FBSSIONAIi CARDS. Attorney a-at-Law. WILSON, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, hvildlng, second floor. Offlm. MAnnto Honesdale. l'a. M. II. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUN8ELOR-AT-r.AW. Office over nost office. Alt Iwnl promptly attended to. Honesdale. I'a. E.c-, MUMFOKD, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-1. AW. Ofll l.lhortv llnll hull, lit,,. k. Post Office, llonesdale. l'a. HOMER GREENE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-L AW. Office over Keifs store. Honesdale. Pa. AT. SEARLE, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office near Court IIou-e. Honesdale, Pa. L. ROWLAND, . ATTOIINEY A COL'N'SELOn-AT-LAW. Office over Post Office. Honesdale. Pa. riHAHLES A. McCAHTY, KJ ATTORNEY J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. 1 Special and prompt attention given to the', illiv-llmi fif M.ltnitt f Ultra (ivor Ifntf. ....... f COl store Honesdale. l'a. RP KIMBLE, ATTORNEY COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over the post office. Honesdale, Pa. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COl'NSELOR-AT-LAW. Office in Foster building rooms 0 and 10, Honesdale, Pa. H EHMAN HAHMES, Patents anil twnstnn.q uh-ii rod. (inieo In tho Court House, llonesdale. Pa. ETEU II. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. (UUCP Soraml f1rMtv ..1.1 c,..t.,t.a !.... k. building, Honesdale, l'a. RM. SALMON, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office-Next .door to iost office. Kormerl occupied by Y . H. Dinimlck. Honesdale. Pa Dentists. It. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Ofllm1 First floor, old stnvltiru llmL- IimIi.i- ing. Honesdale. Pa. Physicians. R. 11. 11. SKA ISLES, HONESDALE. PA. Office and residence HI!! Clmreli vtrooi Telephones. Office Hours 2:U1 to 1:U0 and :iwtoe:tw. p. in. Liveries. G.1K WHITNEY, LIVERY AND OMNHIUS LINE. Rearof Allen House. Honesdale, Pa. r ltelcphones. For New Late Novelties IN JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES Try SPENCER, The Jeweler "Guaranteed articles only sold." ARTISTIC HONESDALE, PA. 1036 MAIN STREET. JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Oillco: .Second floor Masonic Iluild in);, over C. 0. Jitdwin's drill store, llonrRdnle. MARTIN LAUFIELD