An Hlslorlo Spat Which Will toon II
lhln fit the Pail.
The historic Dlennerlmssett Island
In tlio Ohio lilvfr In Rrndimll.T being
whsIioiI hwr.v, nod Intely tli wati
Iiha found r rhunnel thrmih the cen.
ter, which I rapidly nlilltiu tho worl
uf destruction. It will toon he t
thing or the past.
IVrliiips no spot nloiitf Hip Ohio h.H
inch an IntcrfstliiK history us Wen-tii-rhiiMsi-tt's
Jsltitiil. lin lore I that
tf (tin iiiitliin Itst-lf. It m licrf
that Aaron Hurt's treachery wa
praclicnlly rherkr-il, and Die triumph
Df that, emit Is mellowed by the and
new of the full of pour old Illcnner
bassett tlio diis of llurr. Over a
telilury uiro this Kcntlt-tiinn nettled
nn the Island, luillillnir himself a tie
IlKhtdil residence, ami ever afterward
llspenslnit most, i-lt-Kiint, hospitality.
Here It was I hat Aaron llurr Inter
fated him In Ms m-Ih-iiio for srl'ln
Mexico, where, In case of success,
llurr was to lie Kuiperor. Theotliwln
Alston, Burr's ilittiKlilor, whs to he
Miipti-ss, aud lllenncrhassett, was tn
recelie the title of luke ami appoint
ment us Ambassador to Kiiitltitnl.
Itlcnnerliasuci ( expended lin?e swim
In llitliiK out an expedition, and,
UioukIi iMscoiii:i)d when he learned
If Hurr's real designs, the Intranet
bad such Inllucnco wlili lllcnucrlins
lett's wife that the old man still ad.
tiered to him. After becoming thor
fttixhly Ititt-rr-sti-il In Hurr's visionary
tntei prise, Itletinoi linssrt t, took him
fiver to the town of Marietta. Ohio,
for the purpose of purchasing supplies
for. the voyage. Provision were
bought ami orders nlvcii fur building
llfteen boats. Further work was In
terrupted In lecemlier, ISml. by th
aillltla, who, discovering llurr's plans
look possesion of the Imats. '"h
lays follow ing were lively times on
lllennerhasKct t's Island, llurr and
lllenncrhassett both having to go
icavlly armed to protect, themselviM
gainst suspicious cltiens. When,
ater on. they lied to Cincinnati and
the South. Mrs. Itlennei basset t, show
Hi her loyalty to her husband by
lending ber trust worth servant, Peter
Taylor, alter the old gentleman tr
bring him back.
Ulennerhassett was arrested In 107
and held for trial as a traitor, but
Hurr's acquittal set all suspected peo
ple fire. Ills beautiful island anil
home had been sucrilli'il to creditors,
ami he went to Natchez, a bankrupt,
lie undertook u cotton plantation,
but the war with Knglaml ruined
rouimerce ami bo then removed tn
Montreal, where he practiced law. In
1822 he went to Ireland, but, here he.
failed tosecuie certain property, and
routined to fall in every project, lt
undertook. In the last, years of hit
ilfe ho was supported by his sister,
iv ho had left a small estate to hit
wife and children.
It Is nn trouble to cut a striking
picture of a pugilist.
it, i
Children, uf Mr. unit Mrs. M. M. Roller
Altnniia, I'u.
Both Had Eczema
In Its Worst Form
iter riiynlclaHH tailed, llnnil'i
Sarapafllla Verfevtly t'ureil.
Great menial agony is endured by pa
rents who see their children sulTi-riiijr
from diseases caused by impure blond,
and for which tliero seems no euro. This
is turned to joy w hen Hood's S.irsaimrillit
is resorted to, for it expels tho foul hu
mors from the blood, anil restoios tlm
diseased skin to frcih, healthy bright,
nest. Head tho following i
W tliliik Hood's PnrMiimrllla l the most
valuable medicine on I lie market for IimmkI anil
kin dteeaiiea. Our two tliilttreu aiilYered ter
ribly with (he
Worst Form of Eczema
for two years. We luul three physicians In Mint
time, hut neither of llicm nueecMle! In curing
them nreven in Kivlmi them allttle relief. At
last we tried llond'a tSttramrills and In a
inonlh both children were perfectly
Oured. We recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla
M a standard fumll)' mdiclne, slid would not
In without II." Mh. and Mhh. M. M. Hom.ku,
141V second Avenue, Altootiu, I'a.
Hawd'a Pllle cure liver Ilia, enualtpatkm, bd-
, jaunuice, aica ueanarue, inuigvauon.
m v 4i
Iiuiaii rDrr tissue nt nr. nun-.
IVI r I L rnbb Veertaliie Hriiiedjr lui
a teitnl. Hrnd KI nd In
CMAHI.KS S., Pol 471, 1'lll.bilrRh, r&
fltllllVl Morphine Ileblt Cored In IO
lll'lll. ItaaOdave. Kiidh tlllrard.
UriVlel OR.J.fTEPHENtTlebsnen.Ohio.
. ' My wife, after having used Mother'
Friend, passed through tho ordeal wit h
little pain, va tronger In one hour
than la week after the birth of ber
ftu-mer child. J. J. McQoldrick,
Beuns Sto., Tena
' SUtker'e Friend robbad rtn of Its tsrrnr
ml ehonened labor. I bv tb healUitaM
cblls 1 ? aa. '..,
Hhs. U M. Cochran, Ua.
IMhteeiMc riietwi wmA, rfif el i
eeffaeUM. monk "To Huiiwn" e,IUHi.
eiwlekr aliUii.Ufc ATLHI. UA.
This thews Ihs Best and Worst of BuaO
neaa-Wheat Lower Than liver Before
Other Linn Oood,
II. (1, Iltin A Co. Ill their weekly review of
Irmle sny: There Is a rnr fnmlnr from I'ltls
burg to the Hw k J Moiintnliis. This slngls
fact shows the Ih-sI and the worst of biisb
ness. The Vet Is mnrkellng snnrinniia
rrups, pridml ly esceedlug ill ipiiiullly all
olllrUI or imolhVlnl esiitnn'e, but Kurope H
buying only iiiuricrntcly, the di iiiniiili ol
Hie KsmI are not greater than iisusl anil all
die elevainrs lioth enst and wet arnrram
iikmI with grnln iiikI llie ynriW full of IoikIisI
Wheat Is selling at tlm lowest price ever
known III New York, Many yews ago II
touched 71) in "lie diiy, but the quo ntion is
now i.'il for Uctidier delivery.
Itceclpls nt weslt'rn ports hnvelieen n.IKKl,.
IHMI liii-hels in tour ilnvs and luore limn ;UI,
lino ikmi linshels III linir wi'i'li" Idle i lie ex-
Iiorts Irein Atlionie ikuIs in four dnyn have
ieeii l,:iii.noo luinliel. , he price here has
declined He, and the opinion slemllly eidus
irroiiuil Hint all estimates id the imoii linve
been lielnw Ihc triilh. l orn has ikImiiicpiI
He mid eats le. The liellef Is t lint the yield
of coin, HiiiiikIi Inigerthnu wns recenllv es
pei led, will not ipilte ripml the year's lie
luiind. Oil has declined ife. While codec
litis ri-en ie, hill (lie price of cotlou Is the
sntne n a week iifO. At Hiiiton money s
slim mid colleclintis satisfactory. Vonlcn
inatiiUiicliirers are hiisy with prices nil
chanced mid ill" slum ' nutntifiietiircra lire
inessed with orders. At, Philadelphia llie
iron Innle Improves. The ileiiiuuds lor
worsteils is satisfactory ami carpet mid khit
Koinls winks I'nirly einplnyed.
A jump In prices .t soft steel Is seen nl
I'illsliuru, but llie chins trade Is not In i'""l
eiiuditiini. At I iiii iiiniiti whisky IfJ-ininu
the ileliinnd incieasliiK and llie inediuiii of
lower grmles nl tohhiicn Is slniUK. Ileneral
tiailn is iMHulent I 'Icvc land, with nil lei I Iron
in in-live demand. At Indianapolis trade Is
unusually ".nod. and at l'ctrnlt active, Willi
money in lair deiiianil. 't he celehialinti at
rhlcnjio has reduced Itusiness; Midi I receipt
in corn, Increased largely of oheat, 0 pel
eeio of lloiii-, cheese IM per cent and of but
ter 7 per'ecnt. in comparison will) last, year,
hut a decrease in oals, rye hurley, dressed
lici t, cattle and lioiAS. At Milwaukee Hilda
is Inreer mill nt Kt. Paul good, Ihounl I
lectuiiis am only lair, hut Minncnpiilif
w heal rci ciins lire UrMIOil Imshels.
the luinlier trade is excellent. Ililslnest
lit rl. Louis is Mlrinic. grain leceipls lielnii
ri'iiiniknhly large in hmisas l ily; reet-lpls
ol cattle and hogs ate heavy, though th
ear blockade checks traiisiielloiK Iheie. At
llinaha Irmle Is heavy in groceries, in dry.
gooilh and Imrdn nreaiid at I leaver enod In
all lilies. At l.ltlle Hoik Hie mil look i
ghsiuiy. lull at l.otiivtlle trade is sntisfne
toiy, and steailv at Memphis, tlionrh lieloa
the mil null, litisiness is tatr at Nasliville.
Iiul somen lint ipiiet at New ilrlcans owiiii
to hihor Irinihlcs.
'I boiigii ll Is not the season for esiecla!
net i v it y ill hoots and shoes II Is staled that
not for years lias there been such a demand
The demand paper Is so Inrjie thai price
ol line iptaluy have lisen I cent and Imei
paper from i- to )e. Textile mauidactiuei
tire imsy as usual.
KxHrtsiif ilomestle products eoiillnui
much lielow lusi year s in value as is mini
ml. the decrease In New York for h or weelo
In lug 211 ier rent. Imports colilinne re
markahly largn mid ireiisurv receipts
heavv Ihal thestock of gold increased l.
:iisi,ctl'l anil of silver S'.'.'.ll i.ikki, w hite , Tiki.
mill more paper w as put out. The stock mark
et has In en stronger, lint speculation is still
unsupported hy tiny pilhlic deinamt.
The business Inilures occuiriiiK thruugli
nut the country iliepast seven days iiuinhei
la', as compared Willi a total of l!.V I'orlln
iDtresiKinditm week of lat year.
iivi:s sits kii.i.kii. nvr mtu.i.y tx.ii'Br.r
.mi six ei niini. v iNninrii.
An appalling accident ccctirretl lo a gintg
nf trnckdiiyers on the line uf the lirent
Notthern tiiilrciid, resulting in tlm death ol
(even men mid the tc-luus injury of six
The dead are: .loliti l.entinrd, conductor,
of St. Paul; Join).. .Inliii'oii, James Wright,
Ihnnel Wakhux, N. Nelson, J. llrody, a.
Olsen. The last six were nil lahorors. The
falally injuii'd are: J. (Jilnier, .1. Ko'ert
inn, Nelson, J. .1, Cainphell, H. I,. In.
ville. The tcrioicdy Injured are: (ieorge
Nelson, Charles Anderson, I'ohcrt Antler
on, A. Maxwell, ('. James, Henry Payne,
The men had finished the truck tilths
vVcnalchee river, tiudstarlel to lay nils
across the stream. When the middle of tli'j
leeoud spun whs reached, the false work
under the bridge collapsed, mid the truck
machine, together with two car I mils of
rails, fell to the river, M) feet helow. The
workmen were thrown in every direction,
and some of them were buried under llei
and rails. The accident wus duo to the un
dermining of the fulse work of the bridge
hy the water,
The general rules governing the conduct
of the Columbian exposition have been Is.
sued. The gate wid !,d open to the em
ployes at 11 a. in. and to iho ptib'iu nt 8 a.
in. They w ill lie uinscd at 7 p. m. unless In
case of soiuo special exhibition or event,
w lien tin y will he closed not luter than U
p. m. Admission will be In all eases At)
cents per head, except in that of childrei:
under 0 year', accompanied by a parent or
guardian. These will be admitted free. A
limited amount of power will he furnished,
gratuitously to exhibitors, but where a
larrfc amount of power is required a charge
will he mad". The exposition will exert
reasonable care in the protection of exhibits,
but will not stand responsible for any loss
or damage. No luiiont medicines or nos
Hums whose Ingredients are concealed will
be accepted for exhibition. Catalogues
will be printed in Knglisb, French and
Spunish and will be published by the ex
position exclusively.
A Ulnar Released Af er Hours of Hard
Work From a 8x6 Feet Cavity.
After having been imprisoned 20 pours
by a fall of coal at Indian Kidge colliery, of
the Philadelphia and Heading Compuoy, at
rihenundoub, Fa., Hilney Klemevltoh, a
Polish miner, was teleased from his perilous
position. Tne rescue has been curried on
since tbeaocldent occurred t 1 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. The man was confined,
as it wtre. In a living tomb. He was forced
by the falling coal into an almost recum
bent position In a cavity 3 feet, high by S
feet long.
On reaching the main part of the mine lis
wus S3 delirious with joy at his escape that
lie kissed and huggod his deliverers, He
Was given stimulants and In half an hour
was able to walk to his home, ' During his
Imprisonment he directed with his voice
the movements uf fan rescuers. ;
Tea thousand grain ears are blockaded
In Chicago because there ii no place dor
them to unload.
ke en Joke eta (bat Are St..e.e la
, Have Heen Iteeently Horn- Serlats '
Koines that Are Oil 4. Curiam aa4
Sprtntttee of Rplr.
A campaiiin lie may be nulled, but
rnticnsesiire hulled. Soiiiervlllc.lour
luil. Winiis may romp and winds may
(fin Imt (tlniicesler rniva go nn for
ever. Aw explotbd theory-1 didn't
know It, was lo.nled. I'tilon Count
In thn iiatnrn of things two lovers
tiitist full In love In-fore they can full
niit,.-l)iillas News.
The sculptor Isn't tho kind of man
that cuts tin tlguie In the world.
lilngliamton Lender.
A man's Idea of practicing economy
la to preach It threw t lines n day to
his wife. Atchison tilolie.
"ANirriiKK cherished link gone,"
said the young man who lost, Ills cuff
hut tot.. Washington Star.
Sort- gloM-s nro worn by pugilists
to prevent hard feeling In a friendly
light. -New Orlruti. I'lciiyiine.
.Iaosiiv any there nre lola of men
who start for heaven ton late to gel,
past, tiuiirnutinc. Klmlrii (ia.elte.
Tun man who la stuck on himself
Is one who backed his Judgment, and
bet on tho wrong man. ITcayuno.
Tub man who lias "something
which run heat Nancy Hanks" wants
to trot. It nut. Vonkers Statesman.
I r Is a (tieer thing that after a girl
bus consented to My with a man aha
usually has to walk. flu 1st Ian
Wmkn n wife hears a dull thud on
the doorstep she knows that the
lodge has adjourned.--I'.iiighamton
A rouTK tramp: .lodge "What
Is your natnr?" Trump "Allow inn
to exchange cards with your Honor."
Texas Slfllngs.
Ii'a'Uikh No appetite this evening,
eh? What Is the mutter? l-ntn
lunch? Little boy No, alt. Kaily
apples. (iiiod News.
TiiRiirc Isn't iiiin-h lifting power to
your religion If It doesn't miikn you
do your best to pay 100 cents on the
dollar. Itam s Horn.
Tiiry linve "potato oehils" In Kan
mis. The namn may he from thn fact
that tho young peoplo go there to
pare. Texas Slfllngs. ,
"On, dry up!" as autumn said tot lis
leaf. "I'm not as green as was,"
replied Iho leaf, "so I'll take your ad
vice." Texas Slfllngs.
I'ointinu at the caudal appendage
of the liand-orgati monkey, tjulbblo
remarked: "Tho tall of a wayside
din. " I It iHtnn Tra user I pt .
When thn devil sees church mem
bers wrangling with one another he
knows It will he safe for him to ait
down and rest. Hum's Horn.
Mack told me last night that he
had given mo his heait." ''Well, It's
damaged goods.' Ho tohl me last
week that I had broken It. "--Life.
Tub corn-aalTo that la not a pure
preventive of cholera Is made hy u
man who doesn't understand the art
tif advertising. lilngliamton Iicpub
llcon. Those who would read Nature'!
open book In meadow and woods have
an extra facility at present. Sho Is
herself turning tho leaves. i'hlla
delphlu .Ledger.
The first Is called tho Index finger,
but when u man takes three or so It's
un Index of his opinion that the sea
son has grown too cold for beer.
rtiiladclphiu Times.
CottiiKTT has soltl tho tight to h
whisky II rm to name a new brand
after him. No doubt It will bo a
good liquor to mako strong punches
with. Philadelphia Kecord.
Mil. T hit 1 1 a N 0 ' A i L "I can't Imag
ine what wo ever got married for;
we're totally different at every single
point." Mrs. Tootliandnail "Oh,
yon flatterer." Huston Courier,
Son "Pi!" Father "Well?" "Is
a vessel a boat?" "Yes." "JV"
"What Is It?" "What kind of a bout
Is a blood-vessel?" "It's a life bout.
Now run away to bed." Tld-Ilits.
"How did they llko you In Scrag
glevllle?" asked one actor of another.
"Very much, Indeed, it appeared. It
wus all I could do to Induce the luml
lord to let mo leave." Wushlngton
There Is a great difference be
tween military engagements and love
engagements. In one there's a good
of fulling In, and In the other there's
a good deal of fulling out. lonkers
Tub common impression Is that
there is very little poetry In matri
mony. 'When people take out their
marriage licenses they are supposed
to surrender their poctlo license.-
Washington Star.
"I bee thutO'Grogan has got hlra a
coat of ar-r-m since he was app'lnted
dep'ty sheriff." "The dirty arlsto-
crut! AVance he was glad enough to
go out in his shirt sleeves wid the rest
of us." Chicago News.
" "Yoh kain't alias Jcdge a man's
achievements," said Uncle Ebcn, "by
de 'mount ob noise he makes erbout
'em. - De cannon ain't nialtln' er
soun' now, but de bass drum am Jes
ez talkative as ebcr." Washington
First Country Boy "Your sis
ter is pickin' up lots o' city manners
from them summer boarders of yours."
riecond Country Boy "Yes, indeed,
She's got to sayln' 'not In it and
see?' and las' night she let a feller
kiss her In tho hammock." Good
Kews. j . ' i
( HOl.fcltA Hiai.ETINS.
iiKrntir run itt, tiik iMrcrrn sinis or
mi: tvntu.n.
t'ossrANTisiii-ir. Two rases of clinli-rn
have developed In Hlnnpe, a lllsck Sen putt
uf Asiatic Turkey. Hutu I lie nllllcted per
lunsi-nme frmn Odessa'.
riMiit r. Miihiliiy's cholera record fur (lie
n hnle of Holland shows fmir new crises nnd
one death,
Vll:sx. (Ine death from cholera ami
lilnn fresli stt-plcloiM tnses were reported in
thlseiiy Monday. Hlrlug-iit pri-cai-.tlonary
measures have la-en taken to pri-vent the
tllsrnse from spreading,
III tn Pistil. Nlliflecti licit llfes (,f chill,
em and live deaths wi-rn reported to the
lie-ill Ii itiithorilles In thin city Monday.
II IMIil'llii. -Seven iich ciisi-s (,f cholera
and two dniths wi-te repiitli-d here Monday
Mr. I'l n iisiii mi. Two new cases, of rind
era iicciirn-d here Monday. I bolera bar up
pcarrd In WI1111I17.11, n limn plu,,llii, nnd
owing to the lin k of sanitary arriiiigi-iiii-uls
I In- disease Is rapidly rpri-ndlng. The In
habitants arc panic slilckcn.
- -
I'orNini VNiiiNU to a ti:i:i:.
A vottNTiiri 1. 1'iiii or t.MM'tts Kit ivn
Hlllt Ml I f II Y Till: Ml tun III lis.
A girl of iihinil 17 and a youth of about III
years were found hanging to a tree In tin
park woiid near Hi-ssau, f lernuiiiy. The
cniipln were strolling In the wisul when
thi-y were nMnclicd nnd rohht-d, and Ilia
girl, assaulted. The youth pi rlslu-d in en
deavoring to ilci'i-nd bis cotiipaiiioi:. His
skull was crushed, in If by a blow from a
chili. Tlm murderers then limited the
bodies in order to created an impression of
AN I It IIM t.llllMsr I M IS.
1.. II. Uriscnll, an aeronaut, nas falally
Injured while making an ascension at
Harper, Kan., yesterday iifterniiou. When
I tie balloon had reached a coiislilerahlv
lieghl. It suddenly collapsed. Then HHseoll
slatted lo conn-down In his parachute. At
a heiclit or M l feet Ilia hallnnu struck Hie
paiachulc, ktiiH-kiug it siili wiiys nnd is.
the Inillnnnlst lo fall to the earth. When
picked up litis oil was liiscii-ihlc, nnd his
Injuries were pionoiiiici-d falal.
ei rtsiuini.
1IIK HOLI SM. : I'llll M Alll'IIIVI v tit ioiv.
i.intv. 1 1 mi li ami I un
WIIDAT No. 2 lied
No. .'I lied
f'OllN So. l! Velluw ear...
Ilii:h Mixed ear
Mixed ear
Hhilh-d Mixed
OA'IS-S'o. I While
7K (it T!l
7i 7U
f,:t (4
fi2 fi.t
IM fd
:i :ih
i!7 MM
.'III .'17
M !l
li.'i IDI
4 10 4 7.1
4 Ki 4 ll'l
4 Ol 4 rt
M Ml it 7fi
II 7,'i 4 (HI
i:t on i:i '.'.ri
I J IK) l - ,VI
7 .'SI M IM!
17 01 1H 01
1,1 INI III 01
II Ml l.'l 00
it rsi
:)(i a2
I'll i!H
if;i ar
1J ii
10 II
11 12
11 l.'l
1:1 n
to ij
2 1)0 2 ,'0
I .vi 2 no
1 ISI 2 IS)
1 m 1 70
1 oc
1 .V) 2 mi
1 2 I 40
1 2) 1 0 J
ll'i 70
13 14
12 II
17 1H
40 60
.Ml) tut
71) 7,'i
VS 14
No. -i White
No. a White
ItYK-No. I Pa iV Ohio....
No. -J Western, New
I' l.lll' It -I'aiu v winter'
I'ancy Sprit v p items
l-'niicy Hi might winter. ..
XXX linkers
live Klour
HAY- Hided No. I Tim -..
Hilled No. 2 l lliiiilliy
Mixed l lover
Tinioihv from country...
HTItAW Wheal
i ints
Ki;i:iiNo. I W'h Md V T
Hrowu .Mulilllii('s
IIMIIV l-flolll'l "I'M,
Ui'l"H'.lt-Klirlu rriami-ry
I ancy t n-ameiy
I iiiK V country roll
I 'hoice country loll
Low t'rado ti cookiuii . . . .
ITIKKNl; II New er in mild
New York Hoshen
WIm-ousui Hwiss bricks..
Wisconsin Hwt-itzer
nil it ami VKnrr.Mii
AI'Pl.lCS-Kiincy, V hid...
I1 air to choice, f tun ... .
IIHAXH ScliH-t, 4 lui
I'll ifell Ileitis, fl Mil
I.lina Hi-aus
vellow danvers 'f hii....
Yellow onion, in Mil
fiMiiisli. V crate
CAIIHAI.I'.-New V bid
I'ancy Idle per hit
( Iinii c licit per hit
l-oi t.niv ITU,
dukkski) (ti:lki;ns-
V lli..v
llri'ssrd ducks V'W
lircsscd tnrkevs V It-
I.IVK I ill! KI-.Nis
l.ivc Spring chickens pr
Live 1'iiiks V pr
Live liei-sn 'i pr
Live Turkeys 'tt
l-',lillH Ph it Ohio fresli....
Kxtra llveiieese n-
Sol Kxire livegenaefllb
. MISI di.i.anioi s.
fiO '
7 Ml
7 7S
1 in .
2 (l
1 ir,
1 no
1 40
TA I.I.OW -Coiuilry, jjl 111 . . .
I II v
EKKOH West Mcd iu do er
MhiiiiiioIIi t'lovt-r
Titniithy prime
Timothy choice
. Illue grass
Orchard grass
Millet , ....
ItAtlH t'ountrv mixed ...
HI INKY While clover...-.
Duck win st
2 29
1 50
FbOrit 12 M(it 3 H
WHICAT-No. 2 lied Ill) 72
KYK-No. 2 67
UOItN-Mixed 44
OATS !12
Kuort Hi ly
" I IIII.MiKI.I'lllA.
WIIK.Vr New So. 2. ited..
COHN No. 2, Mixed
HATH No. 2, White
llHTTKK Creamery Kxtru.
WitiH I'u., Kli-sls
lit 40(3 I I (10
71 74
1H 61
its HI)
24 :u
21 24
Ki.orn rutonts 4 bo 6 00
WHKAT-No, 2 lied 77 77
UYK Western 68 (10
COHN Ungraded Mixed...,. 411 61
OAl'S-Mixed Western M !W
HUTTKH Irnamerv 20 2S
WIOH state and i'enn 22 '23
Prime Steers ,
l-'uir lo liood.-,
Hulls nnd dry cows ,
Veal Calves
Heavy rough calves. .......
l-'resli rows, per bend... .
Prime aHo 100-lb sheep...
Common 70 to 75 tb beep..
4 60 to
3 75 tq
8 26 to
1 60 to
6 50 to
4 0
4 30
8 75
2 60
0 !."
i 60 to
8 00
20 00 to 46 00
4 40 to 4 60
8 00 to 3 60
4 60 to fi 00
Philadelphia hogs,.
Corn Yorkers
Houghs ..
5 00 to 6 00
8 66 lo 6 85
6 2Jv S Mi
An attempt Is being made In Kdln
ourgh to teach young women to bo
(ood housewives. A diploma Isglven
lo those who pass satisfactory exami
nations In "practical housekeeping
and management-"
la Olilra Times
People (he lintmrlance ef per.
inanrnlly heni-Aelnl elte "Is sad Were snllsMi-il
wllli tianslenl a -llnn, hat tmw thai. It Is cen
ernlly knnw that. Hj riii of l-'la will perma.
neiillr rare hniilncit constipation, k n.
fnriin-il iieoplo will tint buy other laxnllves,
which act fur a time, Imt finally Injure the
In (li-nesee i-i untv, N. Y., Iheie are I Mi
latuilies hn have never situ i-vi-ii the
cover of a Hlhle.
W. II. Ilrlllln. .hi. kMin, Mlcti.. wrlli-s- "Snf.
fcreil with I tut I ll lor llllecii yearn, Hull's t lt
tiirrh t urn cured no-." Hnhl bv tinu-iiMs. tfin.
I ! Ii n Ii ili-ii t r-in has heen deelnri-d by vote
tin- stale (lower of W ashiiieloii. ,
I'os't fool with Inillcrsllnn rnr Willi a
ilUoritereil llirr. Iiul tes Hi eeliniu'e I'iila
lur Inmii'illnte rclltc. Hi cunts a Lin.
Kixty llioiisand people on Hie I'lliernlil
Isle tn-ak Irish only.
.In si Tliluli 01 ll I
What se-ls or ill, en . fire s-nv,i Ii v nnlnles In
llie fer-'i or foii"li anil t'ri,ni svruiis. limit
Imliti r Ih iiiiliti nt hi Hint tliihtUiq tnh lt'ltn. Hr.
Ilimsic's I 'erlttln t 'roue ( 'ure lines not eoitlaln
enliiiu hi iiuv (one, I rinili, l)lilillierln,
W ,onilriix t'ouirli ami llronr'lilllH iirtumitly
vlelilliiU. N lil h. ilrmrelsta. Us-. Aihlri-m
A. I'. Ilnxslr, IliilTiiln, N. .
Yiiudi-rhlll ha. n whip.
4 t'eiiielete eftHiiiiei- 1'itr One fen.
'Ihr I'tthtitltltli I'loiiiorn ''li lrlt ripli s snlil lu
ll 1 1 News Auenls mill ili-.lvcrml hy I'arileri
evei ywlieri. for llnr I 'rut a copy nr Mi r i nils it
week. H contain, ilully, the new of the
uttrlil. I ccel ' lint MS It ilic s. llie report . lit liolll
llie Assoelulell Cress anil Ills I 'llile l I'r -ss. No
litlier piiii-r wlilch sells (nr Die- I'm) receives
liotn nr lln-se repiri,. its Nini ttinf, h in ini-tat,
('nslilon, unit linuseliiilil I len ii tiiieiils urn un-
lillnlil, littler It fllllll Mini- News Auellt.
I( aflllcteil Willi soreeyes iism lr. Inne Tlnirnn
mui'h Kye-walur. Ilruviilstssnll iiI:.k: per Imule.
"What is AttRUst Slower for ?"
As easily ntinwi-red ns usked. It is
for Dyspepsia. It is (l special rem
edy for the Stomach nnd I.ivcr.
Nothing more than this. We believe
August Flower euros Dyspepsia.
We know it will. We have rc-nsons
for knowing it. To-day it lias on
honored place in every town nnd
country .'-.tore, possesses one of the
largest niuiiiifucturing plants in the
country, and sells everywhere. The
teason is simple. It does one thing,
anil docs it right. It cures dyspepsia)
Kidney, Liver and BladderCura.
Kill' ii in all sin.
I.iimtias'n. pain In Joints nr buck, brick (Inst ill
urine, freniienl culls, Irrlliilimi. inlliinuiliob,
srevei, ulis-riition or catai rh of bladder,
Disordered Liver,
Imtmlreil rtlestlon. (font, hllllnus-heannrha.
ATI l-ltoT cores kuliicy ilKllcnlt iea,
ixi;rli(ie, urinary troulile. brlghl s diseuia.
Iin pure Illood,
Bcrof ilia, rrmiBrir. (reiVI wrnknf ortlohliltT.
iMfiNt -l'ikf iHintnfinf fmn IV.HI. It no. bom
AUd, Unikftfiirt will rrfuinl to you tl piir pt.14.
At Draffftlts, 50r. Mlxc, $1.00
JnTntldar" Ould to Helth"f rss (.'onsnilUtlott fr
The Best
In the
Tlie FI8II llltAXB HI.If'KFR la warrtinK-d watrr-
pruof, and will turt-p ynutJr In iiiu hnfU( tilorm, The
new I'OMMKI. H1.U KUlli a MTiwtriiiiniroat, an'1
covvra Uieemiraiutidla. Iiawareol' imliatioua. jMn'i
iiivacuut If Iho " id HrMir i nut (hi ii. jtnuira-
Mrs v 3. Rnwell. Medford. Maw., sars b' r
mother nas been eurail of Scrofula by ths ks
of four bottles ot S 'l siwr navmg naa
innrh other treat- " inent. and belnc
retluoed to qnita a tow enndition of tealth, as It
was thought sba could not lira.
Cured 037 llttla bo ofbaredW
Urrscrofulaj VS wbleb ap
peared all over bis ' For
S year I bad (fv3'' r'n up all bop
of bis sjWY wcorsry, whan Snallr
I was IndnDtd tons
Afawbo "ttl cured him, and no
ryaiploais of the dlauaa raaoala.
II. T. I Ma-nisna. Mataarrtrk, Mlis.
1 lln ItniiiK Mifiitf th tun.. "'! I"i(i Mf
'I'hr KIMfiK Nun HlMti I'nlish in lrillliiti,fpflr
I if"t ihiniiiit. ftml Mir t'uiMH.r in lur no un
1 or ii l(iiM wlih vm v tnrrtm,'.
JriO 11
w vunis
ii has no tkunui
FN II 44
, We pay tlir printer to give'
you good advice about health
and to J;ad you to careful
Oi r reason is that Scott's
illtntilsion of rod-liver oil in
:ro often a part of 'careful
If yon would go to your
doctor whenever you need
!his advice, we might save our
jnoney. 1 le knows what you
Let us send you a book on
careful uving; free.
Scot r It Howes, ChrmitU, i i Sautti sth Avenco,
Mr Vmk,
Vftttr ilrtipKiti lirefis Sinn's RmuMmiol cod'llver
all all ilriiKKifti v-ryM,hf re do. i.
Hold ihs wfirftt fii
ttirtj n lth Mi uii
dur all clrrmiiM(tNe
Perfect !
JIliimrnKsJ i'-ll AI.J nil 4
tr rlf inur nn fits
Surely ssmltvl. 0.f llns
iff Urf, 144 llrostaV
w.ty, Nt w tura Lily.
Nt t'al liiiiiiitmrnt
rDA7rn axle
BF.HT IN TUB WOltl.ll.
Tt wearlna nnnllilee are nnsiirnnsseil, artnslt
eailnsiinK three tmres .if snvullir nrand. N-l
il'O-ll lijr lienl, Iff-1KT TIIS fdr.n IIIISHs
uui iiuiu i uu Ko:v,
h'in, ltaitipiffn. (I Kitin.uTa ''., SIB w mhh.,M.i,
Cures Constipation
rtao'a Rfrrifrty (hr raArrh la th
f is-t . 1''nitt In ami rhaprt.
rMilii hy ilnifiKinia wr bf mall.
UK. K. T. llaMlilna, War ran. Fa,
1ATrATH I 'KfON f -Mnrl for Inrttn
oi 'm llnldr nr Mutv in ihiiiln n I'atniil. ml.)r
MafH.i.f I'KNHION nnsl HOD NT V I, A Wr,
lntliiiltt of Phorihiinif.
Nn. Kllfh a vein if. I'lllHlmrir. I'u. flm-
linni nrid I'llniHti nynlom, I'rlvnl ami mutl
Innlriii ttoif. hM?iHl rtM-i)l flnpnffl fornl wril
trn. IiimmJ iifiailiofin (nr roniitnt atiiilenta.
l-nriiinalle WHF.fl,Sf(,r
iu I'er I'n I r. Aim
U . I 1,1 tfSS S'l K I. TCRKS.
JOHN H. lrSl'?JL!..;wL"
W'ANTr.n-l.aHleeand Yenef Men lowers
IV AT lltiMI-;. I'leesent eniiiltiyment at S'joJ
rtcee. No renvassitie. Aitilri-M, ntll Hi AMI,
Itauilarn nra. i n,, M niia nn, n. rrai e-'""!,"-1
yht Knfhlr(Mva Fle) Kaaiantav
r,nr-nan ins .ci. ...... r..-.. . .
w . j. -... ...k ....hkArLMMl StlcOSAK
I whnlesale " lefnreaaa '. X
ROtrtttltn SSUISlun ,l nocnainr, n
Want f Irnrn nil ttxvit a
tU'Ttm ? flow lo Plft Out a .
((union? Kniwlitffrf
tlf im and mi OimM aitalnat
flaei a C'ura wln am t
rw.h)ft ? 1fl the ate
tl iMifh? What to tall lh Uinrrftnt Tort of th
Aninai? How tohi a Ilfi'aa I'rciporlr ' Allthia
anil ntltfr Va u iM Informatlfro ran im oHtainad by
rra.lli.K ftiir iMt-VAUK IM.t
IIOICHR IIOOK, whleh w will forwarl po
lad.on leeelptor renia In itnatpi
134 Leonard 8t. Naw York City
even It yu aierely keep Ihem aa a dlvantnn. In oe.
iter to naaille Knwlm jtHlles.ualy, you aiuat kecisr
(Hiinelhlea ahoul tnem. To aieel Ibla want wears
elite a ,K aiTlna iha eiperienee Anlw QR
ot a prnili, ai puultry raner InrWlllJ HV.
iwenlyne jeara. ll u wrltua by a mail wKo pus
all hla nilnd. ami time, and money ui NiaalnK a aiMy
eeaanf tibli-s.nralsluf nolaaa paallme. but at a
bualneae aid If y"" wl prnBt liy hla lw nty
yeare' wurk, yoa csa tsa many Cbieka annually.
Salatsp Cafearaa."
aad aiake your Kewia earn dollars fee yen. Tmm
point la, that you must ba abl to Uelecft truuble la
tea Poultry ara as eonn aa It aptieara, ana kaow
kuw lo lb. Ibla look will teach ywu.
it talla bow lo aXael aaU rare auwaaai' to feed foe
afftfeandi.laoforfaiieolnai wbtcbfowie 10 save lee
beenliaa pun oaaai and aafylal. leaeaat. yoa
aaou m aaow oa laie aui jaei u aaeao w pruniaow.
Wnt auatpakl lur Iweulji S oaaJi la le. er I
aek Publlahlng Kouaa,
134 Lsaaaaii at. . 1. cljla.