Newspaper Page Text
mt it Star ttiiliKrrltlinn $I.M per vmr, in mlninrr. An liidi'iHUitli'iil Imul im per, piililMirdKVi'ry mIim' iln y nt HeyiioliUvllle, Jefferson I'd. I'll., demled li llii- liHerr-sl nf HcyiioldivUle Mel .lerTeiimni'iHiiily. Non-iolltlriil, will t rent nil wllli fnlriii'ss, mill will ImmmmIiiIIy fi li'inl ly InwiiriN the IiiIioMiir rls. Hnl'rlilliiii mlreI.IMIH'l yiiif, III n il v uni t". ('tmntiiiiili'iitliin liitrnilpil for iiiihllriillon tme'l ho in'coniimiili'il liy the writer's iinme, not fn mililtriitlon, tint mt ft siinrnntnp nf rimhI fiiltli. liilerestliiK news Hems solli'lled. Advertising ml os mini' known tin Hpiillrn tlim tlieomVe In Arnolds' Hliwk. LriiKhly riminiiinlriitleiis uml rliniure nf ndvi'rtlenii'iils should refti'li Hits ofllre hy Mnitiliiv neon. Aililri' nil I'emmtiiilrntliiii Inf. A.Hti'ph noti, Hi'ViinldNVllle. Is, Kiitereif nl I hi' ismloltlre ill IteyniililKVllle, I'n.. H4 mih'imiiI rlsis mull miilier. V. A. N-rKPIIKKONi Kdllor mid lib. VV K I ) N KH I ) A Y , N(V V. M It K 1 1 2. IW2. Tlio prollt nf llio rittHlnii'tr KxirinI tlnii tills yenr iiiuiiuntod In iiImiiiI HKI.lHHI. It was lit llrst Hliili'il Hint t lie loss liy .lire III Milwaukee iiininiiili'il to fil.lKNI,- (Kill, llllt It llltH IHIW llnllllltl'll dlllVII til :t,:7r,(Mto. I l ll'l tlr Hie ( 'nl tl HlhllH eololirntiotl lit New York n iiihm with H loud nf stills wns looking lip Hie hIiiii'I people In the erowd wlo wanted to we the priM-osslon over the bonds of the tnller, Amerlenn Ingenuity Is ever on the nlert. Do you nirreo with Synnelc In the follow I nf? "Nonsense," renmrked Mynnek, "It isn't love Hint, innke penpln nmrry. It's flattery, rnnk llnltory. The mnn Id plensed Ihm'Riiso the woninn took fliney to ho Inferior A lieiiitf ns lie known liiniNelf to lie, nnd the woman's vnnlty Id tickled for pmdsely Hlmllnr reBBon. To sloop Well, says the f VmiifniKmni, Ib one of your duties. Do not rultlvnto, do not permit, any of tho sentimental nonsense which Bponkn no If Bleep wero a mntter of chnnco, or were ont of your control. You miiHt Bleep well, If you menn to do the rent well. You iniiBt linvo iMxly nnd nilnd In kinkI working lyiler; and they will not lie In jfpod working order union you sliep re(riilnrly, steadily nnd enough. On the streets, In places of business, on trains, In fiu-t most any pliieo you go, only to religion gathering, yop run liCHr old lijen, midillo aged men, young men, lioys yet In their 'toon and littlo follow who nre nimble to HHnk plain yet, and froiueiitly women and girl, iibo profmie Inngungo. I'rofnuity I a vlnliitlon not only of the law of mini, but the law of (Jod. And yet the frequency of It indulgence 1h Indeed Astonishing. Men who itHplt-e to Ihi tiomoliody in this world often otnpiiil'.lso their opinion with an oath t tint I .dtBgimtlng to people who have any regard for tho welfare of Immunity. Hoys are groat imitators and they think what papa Bays or does I jiiHt ahout right. A story of extraordinary vigil comes from China. There I a man at Klukiung, on the Yangtze, who ha taken a vow to watch throe yoar at hi mother' grave. Tho lady died at the end of last year, and bIio was burled, a usual, on tho sldo of a nolghborlng hill In tho family burying plnco. When tho remain had been consigned to the earth the son made a foolhardy 'declaration that ho would not leave the grave for throe year, and so far ho haa boon true to hut word. Families In the neighborhood are foolish enough to tako turn In preparing hi food and taking it to him. We would not advise any young lad in this busy land to attempt uch tomfoolery, for ho would either be false to hi vow or starve to death. American people aro kind hoartod and sympathetic, and when death enter a homo are ever ready with a helping hand, but, generally, speaking, a they turn their back to the new made grave their thought and attention are called In other directions, they would not have time to prepare and carry food to a young man for three year. When manual training with it domestic economy department of cooking and sewing was being urged a a nooessary part of publlo sohool training, teachers and wise men brought forward the argument, "That It Is not needful for mothers to teach these things." From every city came the answer, "Mothers do not teach these branches, and our girls are being brought up without practical household training." One summer a lady had two hundred and sixty girls from offices, stores and factories to board during two weeks vacation. At the end of the summer she found that but nine of the number knew how to make a bed, and many of them made it a boast that they "never had made, a bed in their lives." Some did not even know whether sheet or blanket should be put on first. And these were not destitute girls, but such a represent our self-respecting wage earners girls who were expected to make theif own beds. Mothers had not trained them. There are hundreds of bright, intelligent girls of fifteen, sixteen, eighteen, and even older, who have never sewed, and do not know whether a thimble should go on their thumb or forefinger. What kind of wives and mothers are they to make? Home Joumrl t To the Friends of Labor. i At a regular meeting of Mahoning Assembly, No. II.M7 hold In Hair's hall, I'uiixsiitawney, Pa., Oct 2Hth, IW2. tho following pt'oamlilo and resolutions were unniilmoiiHly adopted: WllKHKAH, It, hit come to our a! trillion Hint, certain uiiNci'iipuloii pai'tle, devoid of those manly principals which nil good men admire) have Is-on resorting to Ignolile method to work up prejudice against tho candidate endorsed by the Industrial Convent Ion ciiiiiNiseil of Knights of IjIiInu', tlrangii and Farmer' Alliance of .IctTersmi county, and ittimng other methods, hy asserting that these organizations were dictated to and controlled by uiitutturnl Ir.ed foreigners, liinrant of American Institutions, therefore, lie It Himihvfl, That we deiiouiiee such men, ami also such elTnrts to pervert mid poison public opinion nuiilnst Hie eanillilates euiliii-scil. We, us a body represented In Hint convent Inn, nre ClllUpllsell llf A 111' i ll II II l'l 1 1 I 'IIH IMWSI'MH- Ing all the rlu'lits and privilege guaranteed by the constitution of Hie t'niteil SI at i'h, anil have the same ilcht to express our preference fur cnniliilales for political nlllce as any oilier Individ uals or IhiiIIcs of men asciulicil for that piirpiiHe, 'I'lie time has gone by when Hni wealthy anil aristocratic port ion of a community can nllord to treat Hie tailoring iiiaii with eouteiniliioiis indif ference in political n II a I im. 'I'll Is Is . I mi i iVii, We nre not slaves. All we ask is no cipial voice w ith other cltieus ami this we deiiuuiil as our right. Me it furl her YiWriif, That we cull iihui all friends of lalsir, and all men lNlievitig In cipial rights nnd that "Oovernineiits derive their power from Hie consent of the governed" tostand by the canilldates endorsed by this Industrial convention of .leffcrsoii count v. ' W. II. QtlHil.KV, Chairman of committee. Resolution of Respect. At a regular tatod meeting of Conll dence Nidge, No. II 14, K. of H.,beld Oct. .'II, 1HH2, tho following preamble and resolution wero unnnimously adopted: Wiikiirar, Almighty (lod In hi all-wise providence ha mi suddenly removed from our midst our late brother, Charles Alliens, and Wiik.hkas, We have always found him a true friend nnd a devoted Pythian Knight, and while wo deeply deplore our Toss we hom It was his eternal gain and that all glories and mysteries are now revealed unto him. Therefore 1st It llcmhvd. That while wo Isiw In humble submission to tho will of him wlio Is our (ircat Commander and who dnetli alt things well. Wo sincerely sympathize with tho friends of our deceased brother, especially thoehlldren in this their hour of sad allllcllon. Himtlrnl, That as we sympathize with them, we recognize In our brother' death a visitation of Divine Providence to wai n us of tho uncertainty of life, and to admonish us so to live that when Hut tl mil summon comes wo may Ihi iirepiired for that great change that leads to life eternal. IliKiihnl, That as a token of esteem' for our departed brother our charter lie lll'lllleil III llioill'lilnir for idyll iliivs and Hint a copy of these resolutions be sent to the relative of tho deceased; Hint they Iki spread on the minutes of the lodge and published in the Kevn- oldsvllle Star. Li. A. Hays, 1 (iKO. HllOMKH, Committee. T. J. IIuoadiik.aii. ) Resolutions of Respect. Following aro resolutions that were adopted by tho Thistle Iodgo No. Ill, A. P. A., of Hnthmol, Pa.: WllKKKAB, Through tho Divine Providence of tJml, Lie ha seen fit to remove from our midst the wifo of our brother, William Lylo, on the 2th of October, 1HH2, thoroforo, It 1 Hcmltrd, That the sympathy of this Association Imi extended to our brother at thl time of his borouvomunt, com mitting him to tho kind consolation of Him who dooth all thing woll. lbmilivtl, That a copy of these reso lutions suitably engrossed and signed by tho Worthy Master and Secretary of tho Association be transmitted to our brother. Itrmlrtil, That those resolutions bo spread on tho minute of this Associa tion and published In tho lteynoldsvillo tiTAR. Vtfttiiily knew Hint tlmu rt mnifi And tlmt tin siinin rcturnlcs tlile, Which liirt Hi. mi from us, still ulldcn ihi And we wlm mourn tlit with It illicit). Geo. Adams, James Huntkk, Boorotary. Worthy Master. Gfxroe Chahi,ton, sr., ) tm WlLIJAM GEARHEIM, TJ. ,i?:,i " Geokue Adams. . plolutlons. Resolutions, At a stated mooting of Shining Light Lodge, No. 37. A. P. L. A., Rathmol, tho following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God in his Divine wisdom to remove from our midst our beloved sister, Laura Lyle, liemlfed, That we bow in humble submission to that Divine decree; we mourn the loss of her who so young has boon removed from among us. Ibmlifd, That as a token of respect our charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days. Hemlved, That a copy of these reso lutions be placed on the minutes of the lodge. Itesohed, That In sympathy and sorrow a copy of these resolutions be sent to the bereaved husband and he published in The Stab and Volunteer of Reynoldsvilla. P. M., Catharine Cameron, ) Isabell Walker, I Com. Susie Marshall. j Prohibition County Ticket. roa t'OM0Ris: EARNEST h. OROBLG, Of Manor, Pa., Westmoreland County. roa STATS SIMATSI ARCHIE MoOULLOUClH, Of Grove Summit, Jefferson County, Pa. VOa RKPBSSKMTATIVCI JEROME 0. Bl'KANKLE. Of Orange, Jefferson County, P. roa oociiTT sdbvstobi MILTON 8. BTERLEV, Of Revnoldavllle, Jefferson County Pa. roa coaoBu: JAME8 B. KEARNY, Of Lanes Mill, Jeffenon County, Fa. Rathmel. i A child of Alex. Foster's Is seriously III. A small child of Wm. flarrl ha boon III for several day, The lmnls'r for the tipple at the Henry mine las lieen delivered. Mrs. Itetij. Prleo' condition Is such that there 1 very littlo 1iohi of her recovery. Andrew Hutner, who was Injured In tho mine a few week ago, Is suffer ing yet from hi Injuries. The funeral of Mr. and Mr. Oiilnney's child on Tuesday and Oscar and Kitty Hays' on Frldny wero largely attended. Service at both were con ducted by Hev. Furbny. The sorrow stricken parent of Isilh have tho sympathy of the entire community. .dimes llevernge, jr. nnd Miss Dollle Walker wero united as one forever or while life mny Inst on Tuesday. May their eiiibarkmelit on Hie matrimonial sen ls mint tended with unpleasant, sail ing mil II they have anchored In tho port of eternal bliss, Is our sincere wish. About forty member of Conllilence fHlge, No. .'HI, K, of P., attended the funeral of their deceased brother, ('has. Alliens, on Friday. Mr. Alliens was a christian man mid lunch resNcted by all who knew him, bo whs devoted to the principals of Pythian KnlghthiMHl Friendship, Charity mid Henevoleiiee. His presence and gissl counsel In the lodge room will Ini greatly missed, while the brother of tho lislgn deplore hi untimely and sudden demise from among them, they rojoloo to know that ho was prepared to enter tho castle hall of our ( ircat ( 'ommander. Bit of Wisdom. IKnim the ItHin's Hem. Tlio only true bravo toople are those who nre not afraid of the truth. There Isn't a man In the world who In not nerving some kind of a master. Nothing make a man a bit richer that lbs' not make him more grateful. No religion can do you a bit of gisxl that doe not make you try to do good to ot her. It seems to take a great, deal of trouble to get some ieople whom they can bo happy. A hyiMH'rito always atretehe himself up a little taller every time ho rnx-Ha giNl man backslide. It very oftens bapHn that tho man who la an ienhurg In hi church is a boiling spring In bis olltlcs. Make it a rule to look uHin t he bright side nnd you will soon find that there I always a bright side to look upon. Tho main (IIITereiico Isitween a wise man and a fixil I that the wise man's blunders always teach him something. (6 ro) BELL WE HAVE FIRED THE FIRST AND THE FIRST SHOT PUT A BIG HOLE" IN PRICES ON ALL FALL AND WINTER GOODS.( V Men's Good Warm SuitH 4.00 worth 5.00 Men's Good Serviceable Suit (5.00 worth 8.00 Men'H line BusineHH Suits 10.00 worth 12.00 Men's Fine Dress Suits 14.00 worth 17.00 These Suits are made in Sacks, Cutaways, Double Breasted Sacks, Three Button Cutaways and Straight Buttons. First Shot. Second snot. Having 2 large stores with big stocks we can "Eat Up" all our Competitors in the way of showing you a variety of goods. STORES.-; Reynoldsville Was It You? Wo frequently find people who noem to take delight In saying unkind words, acting nelllsh, criticising other, finding faiilt.utteilng sarcasm, iVo. .consequently wo clipped tho following from an exchange and ask our reader to truthfully answer tho seven questions: There was Hoiiinhuriy who Ik ir rowed a hook and kept It for month. Was It you? There was somebody who salil unkind word which hurt somebody elan. Was It you? There was sonioliody who harshly criticised tho act Ions of soinclxxly else. Was It you? There was HomelsNly who found nothing hut fault In the belonging of her friend. Wns it you? There was soiuelsHly who never stopH'd to think who wn Ijurt by the sarcastic word. Wns It you? There wns somebody who wns thoughtless ami selfish In her manner nnd mode of living. Was It you? There was somolHsly who, day in and day out, never did anything to make myhody else happy. Wns It you? For the cure of hciidnclio, constipation, stomach and liver troubles, and all derangement of the digest I vo mid assimilative organs, Ayer' Pill aro Invaluable. Helng stigar-rontcil. they aro pleasant to take, always reliable, and retain their virtue In any climate. Card of Thank. I hereby express my thank to Mr. David Heynold, Mr. Tho. Shields, Mrs. Win. (HIihoii, Vnd other kind friend and neighbor for their kindness through the illne nnd death of my husband. Mira. A. M. Ki.iikk. Tho wisest course In politic 1 to vote for the best man, and you cannot lie mistaken. So, In the use of blood puriller, you can't Im mistaken if you take Ayer' Samaparilln, because all parties agroo that It I the lt tho Superior Medicine. Try It Uil month. Valuable Heal Katata far Kale. Tint Ilaptlst church and grounds containing several lot situated In PrcHcottvlllo I now offered for sale. Very desirable for resident lots. For term and particular enquire of M. M. Davis, IteynoldHvlllo, Pa. for Mala. A well finished house, suitable for a Isianllng house, In Prosoottvlllo. For further particulars, inquire at Cam, Mitchell's ofllco, or at tho oflleo of the secretary of tho Iteynoldsvillo Huildlng and fjiiaii Association. CAMPAIGN NOW OPEN Boy's Good Suits 1.00 worth ijil. 50 Boy's Heavy Suits . 1.50 worth 2.00 Boy's Fine Suits . . 3.00 worth 4.00 Boys Dress Suits 5.00 worth 6.00 These Suits aro Double or single Breasted with long or knee pants, ages from 3 years to 19 years. Third snot. Men's Servicable Overcoats from $2.5oupto$ 5.oo Men's Lightweight Overcoats from 5.ooupto lo.oo Men's Fine Dress Overcoats from 8.oo up to 2o.oo Men's Heavy Storm Overcoats from 7.oo up to I8.00 All sizes from a 34 up to heavyweights 44. Fourth Shot. Bell DuBois. Nolle to Subscribers. ' A few people who are subscriber to THE STAR have neglected to nettle for their snWrlptlon. This I an Import ant matter with tho printer and should receive your careful consideration. for "air, Celebrated Caledonia sand. No sift ing required. Tom McKernan, Drayman. Old lad Ion' warm llpier at Robin son's. For Sale-One ear load No. I lH-lneh pine shingle. S. SlIArPKR. JXEU'TOK'H NOTICE. Iittirs lesliimeiitiirv en tin etnte of rllritlM-tli I'. Sliiuii'r, ilcccnscil, liili- of Wins, lew Iiiwii,IiIi. .IftTrrsdit riiuitlv, I'll., Illivlntf liei'll Krillili'il the llliilcrsliriiwl, not In, Is liiTi'liy lvi,i In tliox. ktmwln IIii'iiihi'Ivps lliili-lili'il in asm l",lnl idmnke Iiiiiik'iIImIi' luiyiiiciit unit llioe liiivlinf rltilms nii,liisl ilie siiiiie to pri'Ki'iil them duly Hiilhnrlteil It ir iM-i I if'UK'lll . t'. MrrriiKi.t., Ai iihit llfrsoi ihi, Alloriny. Kms'iilnr. Itcyiiolilsvlllc, Oi'tolii-r -il, IHir. I) ISSIil.UTION UK I'AHTNKIIHIIII'. Notice Is liereliy Klvcn Uml I ! f ill rl to-rxl, I p .....-,,,,,. iMnniiu iN'ini'ni rrnr. iamiix, lilllchers. of llMKikvllle, Iiiih this lliiy hi'Cll lllssiilvisl hy iiiiiliuil roimi'iil, I hn vi' snlil my Itileri'st. tit Hlmiiti Miixxiiril. All i,rsim's linvlnit iii'ciiiiiiIs iiiriiliiMt Hip II tin nnd nil iH'rsoiis IhiiiwIiik Hirmsi'lvcs liiili'liied In the II r Til will si'llli. with I'hllH. KlnK. ns lie will liny nil hills uml ns'elve niisliiiiillinr moiiey, OrliilMT U, isir-, IlKNlir Fhit. VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA SIJHSCIUI5K FOIl "THE STAR" $l..r0 I'EU YKAR. VAVAVAVAVAVA VA VA V A V A V A V A VA V A VA VA BROS. OUN buit of Uuderwear, all a tnxxi Burt Hat for A Good Soft Hat for A uooa servicable Fair Bros EkL Gooder, j E 0 T I I L I R 0 ' n ; Reynoldsville, Pa, OpiHiHlto Seiko's drug store. t ftT 9 7 I.60 'I 1.75 I I.00 wool for fl.oo' worth 1 . 1.25 worth . . 75 cents worth of Gloves 5o cents worth 75