OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, June 15, 1878, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1878-06-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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Offie: Bulletin Building, Waslilnpton Avenue.
. Snbsdription liatpe:
da it. v.
Pally delivered by carriers) per week
Jly mail (In advance), one. )r "
hix month Sir.
Thro month f .
lne mouth
fly mll(ln advance. one j.ar ?-"
tis month ' i
Three month , "
To club of ton and over i per co
Pomade lu all case prepaid-
Advertising Kutes:
First lnai'Jllon. per square " 2
rnleUui Insertion, per iiiare j
. For one w eek, per niiare
For two week, per t(iire
Fur three week, per .iiaro "
For one month, per square "
Inch additional square -w
First Insertion, per siiiure
Subsequent insertions M
FlL-tit line of Mil id nonpareil cini-tftute a qtiare.
Displayed advertisement will lie charsed accord
lac to the space occupied, al above rate there he
lnir twelve line of f.ilid type t the imh.
To rcL'tilar advertiser we oiler nperior Induce
ments, both a t.) rat. of charge aud maimer of
dlKplnviuu their favor. .,.,.
Locid notice tweiitv cent per lino for first nwr
lion; ten cent per line for each ulilifeuuout luscr-
U e"'mmiinicatIon uwn mhject of ceneral intoroit
to the public are t all time acceptable. Kcjecteit
manuscript will not be returned.
Letter and communication should he addressed
'Cairo Bulletin, Cairo, illiuoi."
JXQ. H. t'BKRLY, Oncra! Manager.
Only Morning Daily in Southern Illinois.
Thos. yally, Kditor.
Democratic Nominations.
EDWARD L. CKON'KKITE. of Stephenson.
roB rTMisTritutsT or rcBt.ie instrcctios-,
fe.VML'EL M. ETTEK. of McLean.
JACOB 0. CHANCE, of Marion.
chavu Division.
JOHN Q. H ARMAS, of Alexander.
The Democrats of the Eighteenth Con
gressional district of Illinois are requested
to send delegates to a convention to be
held ut Jonebloro, Union county, on Tues
day, 23d day of July, 1878,
at 10 o'clock a.m., for the purpose
of nominating a candidate for representa-"
tive in the Forty-sixth congress. Each
county of the district will be entitled to
the number of delegate to, and votes in,
the convention get opposite its name liclow,
Alexander vote
Jackson 1" "
Johnfon "
Massac I--- "
Ferry . "
Pope ....4 "
Pulaki 4 "
Randolph ...IS "
I n Ion
In the counties "v not alreaJy aP-
tainted delegtites tho Central committees
. . !,l ' I
tlie Democratic pany win, in sncu inun
uer and ut such time ns tliey may deter
mine, cull count V conventions to npjxiiut
delegat's " '"ls eonvention.
isy order of the Denux ratic Central Com
mittcoof the Eighteenth Congressional dis
trict. J .no. If. Oiikkly, Chairman.
A. Pol.K JuSEH, Secretary.
finnual installments on the first daya of
January and July of each year after date of
said honds, and ntt'tiiny through a period
of llijj years as follows. to-',t: Eiglit uemi
annual instill linents of three per cent of
the face of said lionds for and during tlio
first four years, and tliir y t ipinl Pemi-an-nual
installments of live per cent of the
face of said honds for and during the next
fifteen years, and one final installment of
the remaining of principal and interest of
the said lmixls ut the end of said lllj
years, each and till of said installment to
lie evidenced ly coupons to lie attached to
said lionds and payable only upon presen
tation aud surrender of such coupons, and
said bonds to lie uImi surrendered and dis
vlmrgcd upon payment of said cousins lor
tinaliiistallment,thepr(Heelsofsaleof which
said one hundred and twelve thousand five
hundred dollars in the new bonds, to be
expended under the direction of the proper
county authorities of said county in the
purchase or retiring o.'cuch and al'l of said
intMand!ig bonds, and for noot'ier purpose
Wherefore your petitioners respectfully
pray that the honorable board of countV
commissioners tifjMWid will submit to the
legal voters of said county at a special dec-
,mn 'o ' 'll,',vi1 Ibr such purpose, the
question of kMi-ig bonds under said act h
number and amount, mid w'th ! iterest and
ol the tenor imd elfect and for purpose
iifuivsahl it, ma ami form as aforesaid,
and as j.rovid,.,! in :unl ,v the act afore-
r.,i , us in (llliy MU vor i.itiimi'N
win ever pray, etc.
I. T. I,'ncgar, John . H.cilv. John
l.ansilen, (iciL'e r'iKlior li... ,
15'ack. J. ll.U.'icliev. UIc Iimi-,1 Pii.r,.,.,,!
Janios S. Meliahey, Thonms Boyle, ('has!
i . u. i. nus. ,nliner. II. Mvers,
I'l.'in r lliirtmiiti. H P iu,.l... i.' t
(laiiL'her, ,la:nes (iivonov, (ireen. WchmI
iV l,.io.tt. Knmk W.'Wnrcrnf.Iuincs
(hen.7. I). ,1. C.Hio.,,,, Swollod,,
Whereupon tin- iHi:trl alter being fully
advised of the matter ami tilings relating
to said petition, cut, red the I'ollow'ng or
der which was on ii,tj,m adopted, as b.
lows, to wit :
WiiEHMs, A petition of iu 1 ri vot,,,.,,
resident in 'he cotiniy f Alex'a ider and
state of Illinois, hus been presctotl to the
lioiml of county commissioner of the said
county of Alexander, representing to said
cuuuty board, first ; That said county has
heretofore issued its municipal bonds,
which are binding, existing nnd leal ob
ligutioiib of mid county, and the same to au
amount far in excess of said county's
nhilitv to nmav. remain outstanding and
unpaid, ull of which said otitstund' ig bonds
can, a fcidd petitioner beleive, lie pur
chased ami retired at about TiO cents on the
dollar, by the issuance and sale of new
bonds tor a lniu ii ics amount ami uraw ing
a lower rate of 'itcrest than said outstand-
ni Iximls under and in pursuance ot tlie
act entitled, "an act to amend an act an
act relating to county ami ci, debts; and to
provide for the payment thereof by tax
ation !'t such counties and cities approved
February 1U, 1803, and to amend the title,
thereof approved, and in force, April 27,
Second: That to the end aforesaid, the
said petitioners believe that it is the wish
of the majority of the legal voters of said
county that the proper authorities of said
county shall issue new bonds under said
act, and sell the same to raise, money to
purchase or retire all of said Ismds; which
new bonds shall cons'st of 210 1 Kinds,
munliered 1 to 210 of the denomination of
f00 each, and 150 I Kinds numU'red 211 to
Hit!) of the denomination of fiO.cach,
inak!,ig a total of 3U0 I Kinds of the u-.'Lrre-gate
aniot'Mt of $ll'.."i00, Winy; alsuit fifty
per centum of the sum total of all said out
standing bonds proposed to lie retired, all
of said new I Kinds War date of July ?,
1S71. and draw interest at the rate of 0 per
cent per annum from date until paid, IhuIi
pr tcipal and interest to W payable at the
First National Hank of New York, in the
city ami state of New York, in semi-annual
installment!', on the first day of Jau
ua.y und July of each year, after date of
said lmnds, and running through a perhxl
of 19 j vers as follows, to wit ; 'a : 8 equal
semi-annual installments of 3 per cent of
the face of said 1 mnds for, and during the
first 4 years: 30 equal semi-annual install
ments ' of 4 per cent of the face of said
Wuds for, and duritiLf the next 15 years,
and one final installment of the remainder
of principal and ! Merest of said Wnds at
the end ot said VJli years, eacti ami all oi
said installments to W evidenced by cou
pons to W attached to said bonds, and pay
able only upon presentation and surrender
of such coupons, and said Wnds to be also
surrendered and discharged Usin payment
of said couiHins for final installment.
The proceeds of the sale of which, said
$112,!00 new bonds to lie expended under
the direction of the proper authorities of
said county, in the iiurcha.se or retiring of
each und till of said outstandHg hinds and
for no other purjmse whatever.
And praying that said county Ward w'll
submit to the legal voters of said county at
a special election to be ordered for such
purpose, the question of issuing Wnds un
der said act in numWr and amount, and with
interest anil of the tenor and effect, ami for
the purpose aforesaid, in manner and form
as aforesaid and as provided in, aud by the
act aforesaid, and,
Wheukas, Said county Ward is desirous
and willing to call said special election
and submit said question us prayed !n said
Therefore, Ik- it ordered by the Ward of
county commissioners of Alexander county,
Il'inois, that a special election W held on
Tuesday, the Dth day of July, A. 1). 1878,
in the several precincts in the couu.y of
Alexander, Illinois, as follows:
At the Hough aud Heady engine house
in the South Cairo precinct; at the Court
House in the North Cairo precinct; at the
School House i the Dog TKith precinct;
at O. Greenly 's store-house in the Gimisc
Island precinct fat A. H. Ireland's store-
!- v- v.. iirec'"Ct:i ' !T" , "
liromi cv iio. siore-liousc " the 1 nebes
precinct; at Cottner's School House n the
Clear Creek prec-net; ut the residence of
Nnnuel IJnley in the Hazlewoisl precinct
ami at store-house of Win. Holmes in the
of town Sandusky, in the Un'ty precinct :fur
the purjKise aforesaid, at which special
election there shall be suhmittedto the
legal voters vi said county, the question of
issuing the said bonds under the act afore
said, in niancr and form, and for the pur
pose specified in the preamble to this order
and as thete!,i set forth.
That said special election shall be held,
and due notice thereof shall be given by the
county clerk of said county, and the ballots;
cast thereat shall read in iii.T-'er and form
as required by the said act.
Approved and in force April 7, 1877.
In pursuance of an order of the Conn.
Hoard of Alexander Cof'i.y, !- State of
Illinois, adopted June N, fs7S, provid;,ig
for the hold' 'g of a special election, ami
submission of the question of issuing
bonds under the act named in said order,
public notice is hereby given that a special
election will be held on Tuesday, July the
luth, 1878, in the several precincts oi' said
coiui.y, as follows to-v "t: AttheHoiiahand
Heady Engine House, in the South Cairo
precinct; at the Court House, in the North
Cairo precinct ; at the School House, '! the
Dog Tooth precinct: at the store house of
(). t!reetilyin the (ioose Island precinct;
at the store bouse of A. II. Ireland, in the
Santa Fe prec''Mct ; al the store house of
15. F. lirown & I5ro in the ThcWs precinct :
at the Coiner School house, in the Clear
Creek precinct, at tin- residence of Samuel
Jlriley, in the Halewood precinct; aud at
filestore house of Win. Holmes, in the
town of Sandusky, "i tin; I'nity precinct,
for the purpose of voting on the question
of the issuance of new bonds bv said
coyii, under the act of the LegUlatui f
sum fi.ue, cm, iieu, -i t act relating to
county and city debts, and to provide fur
the payment thereof by taxation, in such
counties ami cities, approved Februai ,-1 :ttli
lHil.'i, and to amend the title thet I','" ap
proved and in force Auil '.'7th, 1SJ77, and
sell said new bonds to raise money to pur
chase or retire outstanding Wmls of said
covity, asspceilieil in said order, which
new bonds shall consist of '.'10 bonds
numbered 1 to'lll, of tin- ihaiom'-ialioii of
ijrtOO each; and l.'n bonds, numbered ','11
to IIIIO, (if tile li Humiliation of $.V) each,
inaksng a total of IHill homix, of the u"-"tc
gale ainount if if 1I'.'..Mhi, H.lMtr nhoiil .VI
per ceiiiilin of the sum total of all III it
standing bonds proposed to W retired, all
of said in V bonds In bear dale July 1-1,
1M7H, mid draw intend at the rule of six
percent per annum from date, until paid,
both pr' icipal and interest to he payable
ut the Fitst National Hank of New York,
in the City and Slate of New York, in
semi-annual installments, on the first days
of January und July of each year, after
date of said bonds, and riiiiiiing' through n
period of lli'j' years, as follows, to wit :
Eight Kcnii-aunuiil Installments of i per
cent of the face of said bonds for and dur
ing the first four years; llll equal semi-an-mm!
installments of per cent of the
face of said bonds for nml during the next
fifteen years: undone final Installment of the
remainder of principal and interest of said
bonds, at the end of said ll4' years cueh ;
and all of said 'istallment to bo evidenc
ed by coupons to Wattatched to said bond,
ami payahle only upon presentation and sur
render of such coupon; and said bonds to he
also surrendered ami discharged upon pay
ment of said coupons for final installments.
The procccils ot sale ot which said one
hmdrcd ami twelve thousand tive hundred
dollars new lionds to be expended under
the direction of the proper authorities of
said county, n the purchase or retir e,' ol
each and ull of saidoutstanding Wnds, and
fur no other purpose whatever. At which
said special election there willbe submitted
to the legal voters of said county, the said
question of issuing the said new Wmls un
der the said act upporved and in force
April 27, 1877, !,i manner and form, and for
the purpose aforesaid; all ballots cast at
said special election in favor of the said
question submitted as aforesaid, shall read,
for issuing the bonds," and all ballots
cast agirnst said question shall read
"against issir'ng the bonds." Polls at said
election vt ill lie opened at the hour of
eight o'clock in the morning of said day of
election, and continue opun until the hour
of seven o'clock in the aflerniKni of the
same day, when they will be closed.
" SaMCEF. J. HlMM,
County clerk of said Alexander counv, 111.
Cairo, Ills., June 8. 1878.
The County Clerk is hereby instructed to
advertise for proposals for cutting out a new
road, beginning on the section line betw een
section 2 an 1 11, in township 17 S.. H. 1
west, in this county, and running thence
north to the new bridge now being built
across Cache river, said road to to be clered
100 feet wide (50 feet on each side of the
center section line) 30 feet in the center of
said 100 feet to be thoiiroughly cleared of
everything above the surfrce of the ground,
and that on the other 70 feet everything to
be removed excepting the stumps of trees,
said proposals to W returned to the county
clerk's ortice by the second Monday in July
next. The county board reserving the
right to reject any and all bids.
The chairman of this board is hereby
authorized to employ an engineer to run a
line from the southern approach to the new
bridge now Wing built across Cache river, to
run along and near to said river to a point
near the junction of the Thebes and Jones-
Wro roads in this county, with a view of
lix.ating a new county road thereon, and
the county clerk is hereby autkorized and
instructed to advertise for propisals for cut
ting out said new Mad, said ro&l to be four
roils wide; 30 feet in the centerof said mad
to be cleared of everything aWve the sur
face of the gmund, on the remainder of
each side of said 30 feet everything to be
removed excepting stumps of trees. Said
proposals to be returned to the county
clerk's oflice by the second Moid ay in July
mxt. The county board risen !ng the
right to reject any and all lmh.
The chairman of this Ward isaiso author
ised to contract fr the ri l!ng n of the
court house yard with such quantity of
earth as will form a slope from i line with
the flisirs in the lower story o the court
house- to the natural surface ofthe ground
at the fence around said vurd 4,"' '
ikm mi engineer to give the levls for such
tilling. I
For all claims allowed at thl session of
the board the clerk is hereby 'Vtructcd to
draw warrants upon the treasurer of this
county, said warrants are pavabt- out of tho
funds specially appropriated for such pur
poses, as follows, to-wit:
Win. Hawson, for service asbailiTat
September term. 1877 ; ... $10 00
Geo. Vaughn. 5 davs us builitr ft thu
January term, l"s78
C. M. lieiinitkld, l! days as bailiT at
the June term. 187 i. . .
H.T. Miller. 7 days as bailiif mil 3
days cleaning court twin
W. II. Schutt'.-r. 13 days ashaililfund
3 tlays cleaning court room . . i. . .
Joi n She-han, 12 days as bailiff tuid
3 days cleaning court phiiii. . :. . .
John Gladncy, 11 days us bailitflind
3 days cleaning court rKiin
I). Sullivan, 3 days as bailiif lull 3
days cleaning court room .......
J. M. Kinitear, days aslmilill' aid 3
days cleaning court riMiin
J. Ii. Kelly cv Co., Warding juty on
the Craig case
I'.XI'KNSKS i if ( Ot.NTY tut IT.
7 50
35 00
13 50
l!l 50
::o fuj
K, 50
4 50
12 IKI
fil O1)
Hctlbeti S, YiK tim 1 qr-. salary Hi
county Judge, to July. 187. . i
Peter Saup. for month o" March.
Henry F. Miller, fm month, of Ap
and May
. SH
2 H O'l
Dr. Win, WikhI. for 3 months ti
June, 17.( including salary . . .
On i
Tims. A. Hrown, for 3 months it
June, h',h at pisir farm VO
Taylor kv Parsons, 4 quarters rclt
of lo for Hannah L"c .
Dr. J. A. M. dibbs. medical nttea
tioti to paupers ' the coci. , . , .,
C. A. Manhildon md-e, for Nauey
llohlel, . .
Thus. A. Hrown, colliu for Viola
Win. G. Caty, 2 collins
Geo. W. Sainiiioii, 1 qrs. salary,
OVelsi-er of llll! poor
Geo. li. Sargent, groceries for Han
nah Lee, lor 1,J Weeks to Jtllie
St. M ity's liiliiintiry, for keeping
Thus. 0 !eien25davs
M ii iv IU . ins, for keeping Harriet
Cunningham 13 weeks
20 00
18 35
13 05
5 00
(5 50
18 00
o 5u
I If !l0
Will. Ilaliell, oioeeries for Hannah Lei
1". . .... V ....... I l I , t - . V .. .. . 1 .. , II M -
IOM1I ,ilo-l O 1, I i o ,ove liner 1 I I.
4,, .. .. . ., , i., ..
ill full of . ml hill, iis the board tindei-t amis
that said bill w.. tnadeoii a ba-is of cotiniy
orders at 5o cents on t!ie doliur, . f II :.'!i
si TliiNI IIV ASH Fl 1. 1..
Illinois ' illtilc; ( 'i,,,iv, lis- -sot's
' ' i . 'it oei.i,i ii tiiistio''''''! ."
blank. $ 25 ;
Illinois I'ri'iiing ( 'ompiuiv . iissessol - !
blanks ,' j 5o ,
.1. Al. II. .lolles, fi cord lol' conuiy
clerk s 75
Chicago l.i'ijal News Co.. 2 copies
reviwl statutes. (.(I)
Clllvei". I 'age, lloyne v Co., bill !'
$55.15 I'm p cord uml lilm.k- l- r
cireuil e li i k . On iin.tioii tin
sum of $27.57 wasallowcd i:i In
of said hill, us this board i ad
vis 'ihliat said bill Was miuo on
a basis of county orders at .Viper
cent discount. ,' 27 57
Mrs. P. A. Tvlor, 10 days services
ut H per day ' ! 40 00
John A. Hecve, fees in criminal
cases to June 3, 1878 130 05
John A. Hecve, for making abstract
to supreme court 21 50
S.J. Humin, ballunee on collectors
biKiks, extra official force 315 89
J. 0. Hal wing, 3 shovels.
3 75
4 50
35 05
Jol 'i Gear'ig, 3 davs work on
J. P. Heed, shovels, scrapers, spades,
J. P. Coil, 07H feet of lumber for
culverts, and 1 Jj days work with
3 yoke ef cattle and 3 men.
Amount of bill $17.70. On mo
tion $0.70, the amount of the
lumber, was allowed. The $11
claimed not allowed, inasmuch
as the road supervisor reports to
this board that the labor, etc.,
charged has been claimed by the
parties us credit for work, ser '
ces, etc 0 70
A. W. Pyatt & Co., for covering
hooks, map of city of Cairo, etc . . $ 8 G5
S. J. Huinni. express charges, stamps,
etc.. for 3 months 5 55
Tims. Winter, service in clerk's
office 21 00
11. F. Hlake, whitewash brush for
jail 00
L. Schuckcrs printing postal cards
for Assessor f 1 50
T. W.Halliday. cash paid for shade
trees in court house yard fl 00
Cairo City Gas Co.. gas for 3 months 14 00
W. F. Schuckcrs. 1 quarter proceed
ings of board to June 1st, 1878. . 17 50
F. M. Ward. 241 lbs. ice 2 40
F. W. Warren, loe-k for clerk's olliee,
mdse. for jail and services at court
house 11 75
A. J. Ahhn. postal cards, stamps,
etc 3 4)
Green & Gilbert, 1 quarters legal
service and eX(M'uses 257 20
John P. Hely, lor making scIiiki!
district map 5 00
John McNulry, 2 padlocks 75
V. Reiser, stove pipe, etc 4 50
F. Vincent, one Mil. lime 1 35
N. Fcitli, 4 coffins for parties over
whom inquests have Wen held. . 40 00
H. Fitzgerald, for holding four inquests as
per report, $44.00, also to the following
named persons who acted as coroner's
jurors at said inquests, the sum of one
dollar each: N. Fcitli, Win. Tainalnian,
Richard Cass. P. Kennedy, W. J. Tinnett,
Henrv Fox, Tim O'Conncr. Win. Crinn.
Plennev Mills, M. Driscal!. II, urv Russell,
W. H. Walker, Jacob Eehning. j). .1. Fo
l y.J. E. English, Piles Car-.her. W. M.
Downs, R. E. English, Joseph Uledsoe,
P. Collins, Jas. Sullivan, J. Murrahati,
Darrel Kellev, II. L. Kinnear. Sol. A. Si!-
ver Daniel Kelley W. J. sVrman, J W.
Ihslge, A. C. Coleman, H. Hasvenlager,
Geo. Lohr. Jno. Shafer, P.Collins, ('has.
Holnn-s. Jacob Lehning. Z. P. Holley, Y.
H. Walkers, N. Keith. M. J. Shuhan. D.
Monahan. H. H. Fox. .1. Monahan, Phil
Hrown. Win. Wanalman, F. Cunningham,
Rufus Hatmnon, J. H, English, and Jno. C.
Tall M.tt.
Also the following for per diem sen lees
Thus. H. Halliday, 0 days commissioner,
$18.00. Geo. W. Summon-), 0 days cotn
1 miU'HHP, $J0.B0. fl. ,F,
Huinni. 10 days clerk of probate and com
missioner's Court to date. $48.00.
Therefore the Ward adjourned sine die.
Samcei. J. Hi MM.
County Clerk.
There is Tiou iii.E is stoke for those
who neglect ti) r"ctify irregularities of the
stomach, liver and bowels, which they 1W!
ishly imagine will "come right of them
selves." Of this silly error such persons
are usually disabused by the development
of some serious chronic malady, traceable
to what they were pleased to consider a
trilling disorder of the above named uj
cinte organ. Such a culmination is easily
avoided, A course of Hostctter's Stomach
Hitters invariably has the e-tfect of renew
ing the seeretive action of a torpid liver,
restoring healthy digestion and assimila
tion, and rendering tic habit of body per
fectly regular. Th" activity of thes.. all
important functions, being restored ;;nd the
oiuirc nyleii toie-d and r-gulat'-d by this
incomparable eorrootive and iuvigoranf.
tin dano'T to the general healt'i is to be ap-
$lsi) on j prehendi-d from cau-es which, if not eradi
ea'ed in time, will assuredly underiniiie i:.
i:nMi I'.affi.l. -Ticke ts for the rattle of
Hibernian engine ,i
and two lots
''property worth overlive hundred dollars);
are now i' e!y f r sale and may be had of
members i f the company. Tickets r.re aUo
for siie at ditf-rent biisiness liotisi's
tliroitghoiii the city. The drawing will take
pi ice in the new engine house, Jnly 4,ls7x,
and wiil be under the direct supervision of
Me-rs. T. Y. Halliday, R. II. Cunning
ham and Sol. A. Silver. Tiik'ts, $1.
S.mokeic, if vou wili a fin" "K'-y "West
cigar store. It is the oniy iaee in the city
!, t d iPc in receiot of fri-h o-ood '
innio i ' l -1 1 . HI nnipl oi IP -11 Loo. I-..
I'oI'VTV SilTII ts
I VoricM TO niNTH.UToK
f A 1
S".le. pp.el-ll Will be
t'l Vlolnl.n . Hi.. t,i i ii - of
.F i.: v. ,.
fit lay off. i
D. Is;-, for
I illewii, rami work
s od piop i-.ilf may i in-'!,!' -
aid roll'!-, bv He' le f'e I f a'lV
I ,, , , , ,, , , , . '
I p-irt Oiori-ot. the e..nt:y r rvnii' Oierl.'ht to n-joet
tlie .1 1 o.- i l . 1 1 1 of
Hi: , or 'I ' I I 'I- , I .
or i nil I a..
1 Hell III
ell a f.o'V I'll III. 'lejltillil:.' ol, I he ei
. I., iv.e.-ii - i I ii-,- u,o r.i mr.l ' .ev
lev.i.-lilp I ,. .o itii r.'ai'.'. I vie. i, in '
'e ;t.ti . 'ii,.! rai an i.oi: rl'i tu Hi- n-,v i in-
"" .- ii. oi in1 e j liii.'.i n... i ii. j... , er
r -ii'l
I", I
i.i. i ,,i
re el i '' i I 'll i ."I I 11 l i t v Jl. i ll . . I ii..
of the e.. i . Hie. la I ,... I: .
" '''. I1 ' I" 1 i 1 1 " i i o '..'! i ' '. i ir -i ..I .
' "' in- ,-i- ...i.e. and on fie o'
lo 1 .' I "'.I'l' . d exO'-il Mil- llll
Al-ii for -I lo.. ! to o laiai'.aie ai the
prion h of Hi- ni'al law 1 , t-! ) ' . , ,i,ro
Hot a i.w
.Id I'llCli
i-ii. r. mi l to run iiloii.; ami it- ir s ,1d r! v r Ion pojiil
li'-l r the .Inil' tiiill ol II. o Yleres nul Jiiii s;)oiii
run ,!. Ill till county, mIi mad In he t -i. r--it -I r'e'.l
Hide. :'o f.'.t In i "M. r of suld r-iii'l to be tiiorola;ulv
I'le.ir-d nf ev.r.Mlihi.' above II. o mi, f.,e.. of the
liioiilld. on the c l .1 o 1 n ! r of e.e'li side of llld ;lo
. 1 1 over) lliliii to to be removed cxreittlaif stumi
ol ire.-.. SAM! CI. ,1. IICMM.
Coiiiitv clerk.
C.oiio. .tiiue l. -
1 slirtlillK IU'Ws
I'laini. Ori'iui: host, tf Look ffe
OrL.lllis. t-J ilotitf 4-A t'lui'..
only Jirm. i'n. Wi, Circular Ii. v. Ji. J". lieu;,
ty, Ulil:iKtou, N. J.
Wmuika. The County Hoard of Alexander coun
ty have, under advlciuc ut a propoeil chiiuue of thu
electlou prei'tiut 111 mid conuiy, all partlei hav
ing any sanction or petition to oiler In regard to
tlm niuii' lire hereliy re(ueted to tile thu saniu hy
thu September e(on oruid board.
KAMI EL J. 1H. .MM. Comity Clerk.
In pursuance of au order of the County Hoard of
Alexander county. In ftutnof Illinois, adopted June
S, IsTS, providing for the hnlilliiK of a special elec
tion, mill mlmilpon of the iiuctioii of UruiiiK
bonds uudur the act named In mild order, public no
Hoc 1 hereby glveu that a special election will hit
held ou
In the veveral precinct hi ald county, a follow,
to-H it : At the Hough A Keadv enulne house, hnlici
South Cairo precinct; at the court house. in the North
Cairo product : at llieachool house, In the Ilo'Tooih
product ; at the store house of l). l.reenlee. lu thu
lioo-e Muud precinct ; at Ihosiorehouruof A. II. Ire
laud, in the Santa Fo precinct; at tin store houe of
It. F. Hrown Jt Hro., In the Thebes precinct: at the
i otiier si hool house. In the clear Crook precinct:
at the residence of Samuel llrllev. In tho llazlewood
precinct, and at I lie store hoiue'of William llolun.
hi the town ol Sandusky, lu thu I'nity product, for
the purpose of votlin,' upon the question (, ihe I-mi
ihicc of now bonds bv said countr. under the act of
the lofl-lature of said state, cutl'tled "An act relat
In:: to county and city debt, ami to provide for the
payment t hereof by taxation, lu such louutie aad
cities, approved February nth. si.V anil to amend
the title thereof."' approved and In force- April v!7,
Wii. and sell said uew bond to raise money to pup.
chase or retire outnundlui; bund ofmii! countv. as
pei ifled In slid order, which uew bom! shall' eou-si-i
ol two hundred aud ton bond, numbered l to
-lo. of the denomination of 'j each; and one hue
dred and liny bonds, nil inhered '.'11 to Hrti. of the de
nomination of J.MI each, niukiltu' a total ol three
hundred ami nxty bond, of the a'ropato amouu.
of Jll-J.so, l.elnir about 50 per ceuiuin of the sum
total of all the outstanding limuls propo-ed to be re
tired, all of said new bond to hour date July 1. IsTS.
and draw intorosi at the rale of six per colli per an
limn from dale until paid, both principal and Inter
est i, he payable at the Firtl National bank ofXo
York, in tin-city and stale of New York. In semi
annual iu-talluieiiis, on the llrst dais of .lanuaiy
and July of each year, after date of said bonds, and
ruiuiim through a k rlml of niuciceu aud a hull
EiL'ht semi annual in-tallnient of : per cent of
the face of raid bonds for and durliit; the flr-t four
years: Wi oijual semi annual Installment of per
cent of the lore of said bond for aud during tin
next lifteen r: and one final iiistalimonl of Ihe
remainder of principal and iuterel of -aid boiul.
and payable mil)-upon presentation and surrender
of such coupon: and said bmuls to ho also surren
dered and discharged upon the payment of said
coupon for tlnal installment.
The proceed of suit-of which said ftl-J..'Mi new
bonds to he expended under the dinition of tho
proper authorilio of said county, in the iiiikIhi-m or
ri'tirincnf each and allof said outstandliiL' bond,
and for uo other purpose whatever. At wblrlisaid
special elsi tinii there will be submitted to the local
voters of suld county, the said (ucstcui of issiiluir
the said new bonds, under the said act approved
and in f.irce April ".T. Is;:. In manner aud form and
for the purpose aforcairi ; all ballot cast at said
special election In favor of the said ipu-stion submit
ted a atoresaid. shall road. " For lnl!i(; t.ie
bonds." and ail ballots cai n.-am-l said qiiestlou
shall read. "Against lsulnu the bonds." Polls al
said election will be op.-n i the hour of S o'ylix k
lu the mornltiL' of sai'l dav ol election and continue
upsn until the hour of ; o'clock in the afternoon of
the same dav. when tfcev will be rinsed.
!. M t'F.I. J IICMM.
Countv Clerk of said Alexainler l ounlv, l'.is.
Caiiio. I;'s ..Ijii.-s. IS;-,
The Jox au J (U
fl BSlMI
Floofinsr. Sidinyr. Lath, Etc
At Ihe verv ;owet rate.
Haying a Heavy Stock of Logs ou HanJ,
W are prepared lo
Ou the shurtc ui otlce.
We also manufacture FHl'lHHnX.M ATEIlF A l.rt
t racker, e'audy, Packing Iloi . stavoa, llradinn
('iiiro, UlinriiH.
CAPITAL, S I 0 0.00 0
eii'FK KIls:
W. V. IIAI.I.IIMY. Pri-iil nt
II I.. HALLIDAY. VI. e I'le-ldeUt.
WALTtli HY sl.nl'. ( u-LI.-r.
I.. 11. VMU.Ia1.mjS. slhl'III.S Ulllli,
Exchange, Coin and 1'nited Stales Humls
ii('liiI!T AND SOIJi
f)-I)-i! red ;v, il and a f ti.Tiil !:i!.);!uu' btislin-
coi.i.ai ii.
Coniiiiercial Aycuue mid Eighth Street,
K. Iiridss. President.
I' N KFF. Vice Pre-iient.
11. WELI.s. l a-Ulor.
T. J. hi; K i ll. Assistant t a-hler.
F. Ilro.s. ( Hlrn: Wlllbitu Klie.'o. Cairo;
l'ol-r NefT. i .ilro: Wllllmn Wolf, ( ulro:
A. su-anku. Cairo; l(. I.. Illlllii-'slev. SI. I.iiul-:
I h. Under. Cairo;
F. II llrltikmaii. St. Louis;
i ii. won". airn; .1 . I . i letiisnn. i itleiloiila
'.EN K I! VI, HANKINd lil'slN ESS DONE. K-
i ,.h,lllL. Ml,v, ,mi;1,r .r,. ,,.,, ,,.
Scviie.-s ionirttueiit. I ollertions made and nil
H'lslll. .s l.roUlpliV atletlHell to,
( liartereil 'Marcli ;. iraid.
e ol en, I IIIii'iIh.
NT!'.;ti;s"t" ) il.l on deposits March M and Sep.
.1 I .nth.-;' 1st, lai"t-.'"i i "it withdrawn l milled lue
luei'.l: I. I) lii the principal or the deposit..; thereby
e.,'" tle.'ia laiuijiii'iiid luiurent.
irf'lil!ilren nml niarrlcil woineii niny ilcpiii.it
money anil nu one else etui draw il.
WALTER 11YSLOP, Thkakuikk.
ranhionablo J3arber,
Eioiitii Siheet, (iii Risers liuildint'
TMI'I.DYS only first-class workmon, und odca
A.J or lo accord lo all courteous treatment.
Cointnerclul Avenue, bet. I (. m
Sixth aud pevoiiih st. f I (tll'O, JJl, !
MM KKS pleasure In aiinoiiticlin;to liU patron am
I I Uo publle generally that ho has receiaiv receive,
the finest aud most .. h i t ,i, k of I.euilier of ever,
description over hrouehi ti, ihis ,-,v, All Hnrk
hi llnu executed promptlv and In t'he be-t nianiie.
hntlre sallslacilon len In every liiiui.co. prle, ,
reasonable. A oordlal luvieitlotroxiended to u;i
call and examine o,,od and learu jirices.
dyi:d ok Jii:PAiiii:D
At u Trillins Expcnse-.'. (). p.
rif Laeliea and Outs' o!d bats made new. '
THE circulation ol this popular ncw;inptr ,,
1 more than trebled durtiu the pat war. it nm
laius all the. Icadlnir lima coiitsim-d' in ths : r
Hcra'.d, and 1 arran-d lu handy departrcdit. TLe
oinbracea sperlal dlspalchv from ail i,uar!i r ol
the flobe. to-other with unbiassed. fai!i,fi;J nad :
IJtaphic picture of the ,'reat a. u Europe. I i.
iler the head of
are irlvou the Telegraphic !)epatf)ie of 'as f, k
Ironi all .art of the I'niou. Thl feat re a.oL.
tlie most valuable newspaper in tl. vtuiM. a :i :
the rlirapest.
Every week I (riven a faithful report of
onibrni-liii,' romplete and coiuprsheiisivi' depiitr).r
Ir.nii Washington, im .ludiiij; lull report- of :tio
sH-eches til eminent politician ou.the (iuosiIol of
Ihe hour.
of the Vv oi kiy Herald u'ivithe latest a ei; a ti e
most praliiai iiiati tion and discover!. " ria:if i;
to Ihe dtilie ol lb- furuiT. hint lor railing Cam...
Puuitry, lralii. Tree. Vopoiahle. etc.. ele . v.:;U
sii,-;estiorj for keepini: buildii." and larmini; tt. n
il- in repair. This is tuppii nn-ntcd i.i a Weil
eillted rie.artniei,i. ulde.y loplod, under tie Lead
Ifivlne re i;n for ira. i.eal dishes, hint for makiL.'
..lolhiuii and 'or . repine up ilh the latest rastiioi.s
al the lowest pr.ee. Loiters from our I'ari and
i.otidoii rorri spoiiileiit on the v-rv latest fa-liions.
he Homo iN-partuieiii of the Weekly Herald ..l
save the uoiis.-ile mure lhau one hundred tiue s
the price of iLo pier,
There Is a page devoted to all the litest pha.
of the hiislne market. Crops. Morchsndirr do ,
dr. A valuable feature I found In the rp.-cia. j
rejioncd prlreii aDd condlilou of
W'l.iU all tb Dw Iwn IU U.t dr.- to ihr II.
covert of Stanley are to he found lu the VSkimt
HkluUi, due attr'ntiou la Kiveu to
at home and abroad, top ther with a Siont tr. ry
ws-k. aSRkaoa by some eminent divine. 1. it. ran.
Mu-h al. Iiramatlc Personal and Sea Nni. TI.. il
ls no paper lu the worid which rontala- a- ru u- a
m-us matter every week a-tln-WtiM V llnui ii.
whlihis .-nt. postar Iree, lor One liulljt. Vu i
may nibsoribe al any time
in a wiakly form.
Papers piiblirhlr.s this pro.pe. ti
author:.! d wiilnoi 1.1 .r'. v t'-i
ia.'II.,.- .
HioadnnyA. Ami St.. New York.
Di i nm want lo no reasi ot.r trade "I I ;;;M t.p a
irtidi-. ol build up a l.e Li si liis v
I I I'-IVW ''" '''' people kll'lW What .oil l::0-t'i
II Jll.,.;i. flow thai cull be doiii at On 1 -1 - -in.)
I- Morili a-kiiik' about. Nepape:-" n a
more penpl,. al a less . .sju ne than anv .ahsr tt i !t
o Ciiiiuiuiiii'iition. Hi in I-. an ailvoriis'-uioiA Hui
i iiu be s'iM a the tini-l circulation for iln- tuotiev . la
"..ml papers, I- the "i.r' -l way to iL-m iop ;."i.t
business, To try for tm li IllMN IlI'll
Si itd for a ropy of our siandard llt and b arn h..t
an iuum-iisc i ir. uini inn vou can irot lora .'null sut.i
i.Kii I' ICiWEI.l..V en .
in S.rnci. Street, New Yotk
H.(in , vi rv order lor this Ll-t we will ulve ei
over hall a 111 lliluu circulation iu other raw" n;;.i
oi.t chaiu'o.
iTi"A DAY to AL'ents 1 aiivu-sin:' for th- Fiiiksok
N Visitor. Ti rms and mil tit Ireu Audr' -s. P
tr ' II. H
KKHY. Augusta. Maine.
Avarilril vW rlV III Csctsnnlal I.Iti-.i"n i"r
Jl i i-Wlnp v Minim atid rrftlenrt ni IwHn "tir
oes f ius"iv 4 AjmcO j. Taa Mil liliaoc
rrr made. A i.nr less u:p 1-a.tf niark II flosHf
hnllllr.i o-i Itifsrlnr rsH ' Hial J-irtn't hn n
00 vert Plua. SeM I'T all isal". SssH fr "vaiflf
free, la C. A..iciint k Co.. Ufn.. l'turitiiui,
Of V Ib aiililul C i rMirand U ' V
I l..t ' pianos, rust JI.kki. only t'Jlt'.s
tliV SiiperliOraud SiUiiii. Piano, cn-t l.lii. only
U':. Elo'.'iuit rprlulil Piano", co-t Jno. only fl.Vi.
Newttvlo t'prljht I'iiiims Jlli.'SL Oru'ai'". "r
enns I j stop. J'.'J..Vi. ( hnnli ur'.-sns. pi slop-, co-t
$ati. otilv 1 l.V Eb ".-11111 floi Mirror Top eiryaii'
milt JIuS. Treiii'Midotis sio ritb e to close out pie
cnt stoi k. Now Sli'Mlu Factory soon t" be erected
Newspaper with much Information about co-t ol
Pianos and ilru'aii. .-lit Free l'loii-e addn-
Damki. F IIkaiti. W asliln-ioii. N !
h?lo. TwJ. ri). si 00.
Iiivi'.ted .I111ll1i011.lv In Stock iiipiloht or Prhil-fin-1.
s n .are mad'lo rupld lorttine. . I uU iletal.
aud Olllcial Slo.'k KM'lllllii.'" lb P'Tl I'd'; Adi!l' -
T l'oni:u Wii.iit c.t.. Hankers, Wall sired.
New York .
Send lor Free Culde u'lvlii.' (VII end roilnblo In'or-
llllll lull 111 leu'illd III the elieilpost. Iliost pfilliUd I v ".
Illld liesl , , . e. I riirilllllU III"1'" 'a '"iO'le. A' '
'!i' t- .1. I''.. !,()( 'K SS' l (telicinl I111I11I
iiii.lloii A'.'i-ni, Kiiutas City. Mlsmiiri.
Pl'opoiil v. ill bo received bv tliiMUulersll'lieil a'
tho county clerk's otllce. cui'll MoihIiiv, .1 11 .if !'
la xt. lor the illllii'.; In of the court liui.-e yard. In
llll- city, with such qaiiiiiliv of oartli 11s will loria a
slope froin a level wlili the iop of Ihe door sills la
lower tiory of said court house, (lesceiidlntf I" th''
nrituriil -url'iu of tin- cround ill the fetice
sal.1 yard. Proposals inuv bo niiide for snid !"!'
lor the whole work or by iliecublc vurd. The rUI;t
!.. reti rvd to reject n'nv un.l all bid.
Cteilrniiin Coinilv lloard of AloMiudcr I oliu') .
C.'.mo, 111.,,, lui.c p.i, s;h.

xml | txt