OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, March 15, 1879, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1879-03-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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I and
For the cure uf nil dl"i-tte arli-in;- from llii'.'iirc
blood, aud fur In trutintr and str.ai -.lln iiln i th''
Vital ore: m. Areou weak, ii.iv.mik, ililillinit.-il.
i.alo amt i'iuacbil..-l Have yon lost your uppellte?
Jlaveyou rn. u. )atit m tin- li nk. Ac? II so Dr.
Llii'.-V H Hli .od S.'.in liiT will ililve nut the ilii-ui.i-nilhrii
l.u.'k llu- Mown nf ll.'nlili. il inl'l14
Holla, KrvalpclaH. TVC-r. Hull Itiicuiu. Ac, lire lull
urlttcr! Indication nf Illouil Disease; and Dr. bind-ti-j'n
Illimil Srari'liiT. Iy ptirihiic tin- -tit sort.
iik l lie kIii mid Im'hiiIIiIi'" tl' compli-Nlon. sold
by all drucM . $1.00 perlioltlc. It K. Seller,
proprietor, l'i t ti-lm ri;. I'll. Hun lay Urn., A-,eiits
UTIT l.mw.s1 IHUll.rllit. it in im i'""' I"""
and popular remedy fur Coii;ti-. Colds, Croup,
llnamnc and all throat nml I111115 d-.-ae. Huh
been In nae fur half acenturv. Doctora recommet:
tod pn-crllto It. J. H. Vuninau. Loii! P. o .. F1;;
iiav: "It navcd mv two children fiun lv- ""V,',,
A ' L. Simmon, of Baltimore. M.l.. nl
will cure the worst roieli Immediately.
drURRist or ecn.-ral storekeeper for it (it take
other, Price, Sic.. 50.. mid $1.0) per ! Hi'- ''''
for circular. U. K. Seller- Co., Proprietors,
PUUburg. Han-lay Urn.. Agents. '"
. iw. nvl...itlH ,.lit 1. lu I 1,.. mi nti.OMiilit
PoroverSnveAraKF.I.LEK'S I.IVKII FILLS have
K ,VS , t "lard remedy for Liver Complaint.
cu VM" Hick Headache. Pain In Shou iler r
Back I)l".lntM, Coated Touum-. Fever and A sue.
art a I urUtnn from a deranecd h W o the
Liver or Stomach. Thoiniu Adama. of lilt to l .
Kvav.: Moilaf- Fill- lis v.. ,aved hundreds of
dollara'ln doi'tora" bllln in till" country. It. h.
SSlcE Co., Proprietor-, Pittsburg, Pa. Barclay
Broi.. AgnntH. Cairo.
II. BRYANT, M. 1).
nvnir.K- KU.hth and Washington Avenue.
OftlM boiir-. a. m. to r, .
BESlDKNCKt-Corniir NincttHiuth and Wai,u
tngton. J
T If. MA RE AN, M.
Homeopathic- Physician and Surffoon.
Offlc 188 Commercial avenne. Kcnidcncc comer
Fourteenth St. and Wawhiuglon avenue, Culm.
11. SMITH, M.D.
Office and Residence :
J )-rital Surgeon.
Orri'-K S'i. W. Comni'Tcliil Avenue, betwuon
BiKhtii anj Xlnilt StreeU :
OFFICJi llU'litU Street, near Commercial Avenue
J J Is EG Ml
'Fl''!' !' - No. 11:! Cnmnierri il Aver.".
Oniy Monilnsr D.iilyiiiSuaihcni III.:iioi
jpoK il.Wolt.
Wcuwaatliorized to n::n.min e tbnl Cait. N. II.
Tiiii;.i:woiL if a candidate lor tins o;li.:e of V ,ijnr.
We ure natliorled to nniionucp tbe limiie of Ai.
ntKU CoMiMiif us a candidate for City 'Prea-ure.r nt
Ibc vaiuuiiis city election.
We are alhorli-d to annmiiu e le nume of Wau
tkh L. IIiiwtoI. n a ciitididntu for tile olllre of City
Treasurer, at tlie ensuing ilidrter election.
We are authorized to Bnnoiinc" that Mit.m W.
Vakkkii Ii aciindldal". t the eni.ul:i',' city election,
fur the oflkc t.f City Treasurer.
Knmm Rri.l.KTis: Fleac nnnomifc t!u;t 1 am n
candidate for the office of City Treasurer, at the
approaching city election,
Kiiwauu Ilrr.oMA.
Wc are authorlr.ed to aniiounce W. F. NciircKriif.
acnndlda:u for City Clerk at the apprim'hiUK
municipal election.
We am authorized to announce Lin-'m L. Davib
MacauMidntu for city Clerk at thu em-uiti); inu
ulcipal election,
Wc are authorlie l to announce John 11. Pniu.is
aaacandidiita for re-election to the office of City
Clerk at the np,roachinR municipal electlou.
Wa authorized to announce tl:at William II . Howk
In a candidate for the ofllceol City Clerk, utthe en
uint itv election.
Sminai. Orre-n. t
titlK), 111., March 11. W.
Time. Bar. Ther. Hum
Wind. Vel. Weather
(:48 a m 17
11:11 " Mitt
3 At " M
38 K0 NW 10 Fair
81) til NW IS Fair
41 57 W U Clear
Ai M W 8 Clear
"Maxliam Temperature. 4'J' ; Hiuinium Tern
perature. lUlnfull.O.no Inch.
W. 11. KA I ,
Scrj't Signal C'oroa, U. 8. A.
M'uw . E. Willard in llefonu Club
hall to-night.
Major Sam Lewis, of Villa Ridge, was
in Cairo, yesterday.
Five hundred persons were out to hear
Rev. Mr. Furgerson lam night.
The "dark horse" in the ccotett for the
City Clerkship, is now avowedly in the field
Children receive ns good attention u
J. Q. Btancil's meut shop, uh is boi-towed
upon growD puople.
The new department of the Arus
the "spirit of the morning press'1 is very
Interesting. We read il with much profit.
Swiboda and Sehult.t litvn put down
i cinder sidewalk along the Eight .tenth
street front of their "Sharp Corner' prop
erty. . I'rof. Hardy's dancing academy gave
out th" sound of iuuhIc and flying feet, last
night. 11m ladies und miss'-s classes will
meet this afternoon.
If the weallir is propitious to-day,
thechildren attending Mis Hitgan'is de
partin'mt of the High rk'mwl will ln luluc
ia a picnic in St. Mary's nirk.
Mrs. l'euny, sccompanii-d by her
daughter, Mrs. Oliver, both of whom reside
in Johusou county, are in the city, visiting
Mrs. A. J. AMii.
Division stipei int ndi i.t I!. A. Hei k, Esq
wid his awiihiai.t Mr. Seymour, came to the
oilyontlio new nix-wheel driver engine
that hits been jmt to 'ho incline service.
Ahurgliir fiiteiiNl Green Zook-i hluek
KinUh Hlitip lnt ; Tliiirsiluy iiiitlit, mul c)'.r
l ied off it lot of tools -such u limy l n-ed
to inlvimtnrc for liuroltn ious mroHes. So,
- Charles Kelly yot ilriink, yesterday,
and was urrcsteJ lv ollicer Ilugsin. It was
a plain drunk one of the oho dollar kinds.
At least that's the price that 'squire Itobin
son put upon it.
Tin.' House, by il very decided major
ity, reduced the salary of the Eailroad and
Warehouse Commisioners from $3,500 to
$1,501). The bill must yet receive the con
currence of the Senate.
A youtiif lady, ti visitor at the High
School yesterday, took such notes, steuo
graphically, of Mr. O berry's speech, us
will enable her to write it out for publica
tion. It will appear, therefore, in to-morrow
' paper.
"Vi"e didn't know that Judge Mul key
cfiinrlil tii lii tlm cilvincii ir lit Tiiilii-rt Tlrivvn
Cairo Sun.
As a "don't knower" you are peerless.
Anybody else would have passed the mat
ter for what it really was: u typo, blunder
The gambols of two or three gentle
men on the top of the custom house, did
not, as we expected for awhile, furnish us
material for a "two-line header" local item
But whrnono chap mounted the ventillator,
"we were in hopes."
Wotiten, the meddlesome fallow, says
tint no more dead hogs, cats, dogs, spoiled
fish, or rotten vegetables, bad eggs, etc.,
must be thrown upon the surface anywhere
within the city limits, and left unhuncd.
If wc can't be as misty a we please, what,
we should like to know, are our boasted
liberties worth?
Alex. Frothingham & Co., have been
for many years stock brokers and bankers
in New York, ut 13 Wall Street. They
have Ik' reputation of gaining for their cus
tomers large returns from invcMmeutsrung
ing from $"0 to $30:), and have the envia
ble reputation of always m iking quick re
turn. Send for their rinaueial II. -port
That Union railroad depot. how large
will it be? How ntin'h will it co.-.t; When
will it be bi.iii .' Will it be of brick, or
stone, as it ought to"be. or will it be con
structed of rough, upiight boards? as it
ought not in be. l! uvuld be quite ti siu-pii.-ing
as gr..:il'y:!::. if :t really ct!y,
showy, .; icious an.! er.'ilitablt: depot should
be elected in ( ' ic '.
!n !ii" iiit'-r-N-.nn.il liierarv cont t
hold in ('arbiri'i ile.
of the honors were
Sta!.1 Xonird. .'.
Tluioday ii:g!it, most
borne awi.y by the
.S.'Utliei!) "fellt-is"
gained a I'-iv substantial vietoiles, but it i
only fair to corieede that, as a whole, our
record is not quite as g. io 1 as ihiit ol our
compelitois. One coiiMiiatinii is left us
however. We just know that we are-the
better looking.
The Mississippi Central company has
established a repair shop on the grounds
near the St. Charles hotel. With all the
advantages Cairo possesses for industries
of that character, it is somewhat atirnri.-inr'
that one of the companies or all of
the roninauics owninir railroads
thai terminate here, combined, do not put
up car shops here establishments
for the manufacture of freight
cars, including castings and all
The advantages Cairo possesses for the suc
cessful prosecution of work of that charac
ter, are certainly vastly superior to those of
Vincciines, Centralia or even Chicago.
We never saw a printer who was m.j
willing to swear that our manuscript is as
plain as print, and lhat it is a real pleas
ure to "set after it." Whiie protestationsof
that kind embody a slight exaggeration, it
is true, nevertheless that we write a remark
ably plain hand. This being true wc know
the public w ill uphold us in refusing to tell
what we did with the body of the type setter
who made us say that the Cairo Sun spoke in
highly complimentary terms of Judge Mul
key as the probable successor of Judge
Hhown. The printer who, having our
Rrecse before his eyes, deliberately sets up
Rrown," and at n time too, when he knows
wc can't read after him, deserves an un
known grave to go down as this fellow did,
unhonored and unsung.
Ellen Valentine, a lady of color, can,
at wid, be as mild as n May morning, or
as terrible its a thunder storm in the Ural
mountains, lu one of her stormy moods
she aeciHtid n colored neighbor, namd
Martha l'arker, and the ;ile of red-hot
anathemas she heaped upon .Martha's head
whs terrible alike in quantity and quality.
Martha sued; nod Squire Robinson con
cluding that the oeeuhion called for the in
fliction of a fine of live dollars and costs,
which could be paid with eight dollars in
cadi, or a stay of eight days in the cala
boose, ho so informed Ellen, whereupon
that variable female al once exhibited the
amiable side of nature, und tendered to the
'squire an expression of the obligations un
der which he had placed her; and then,
with Dm apparent willingness of a Wul
dense martyr, was led away to the cooler,
where she now abides.
We spoke, yesterday, of the arrest of a
uomi-thief, named Wall, llu was arrestee
b Coiiil Arler, on a telrgram received
from Mayllcld, Ky. Yesterday Cyrus Cob!
of Big llick, Tenucss,:c, owner of the stolen
horse; J. W. Murphy, of Lov,!'ac.'vil!e, 8.M.
E..!e, of Uutnier Mill, und l. 8. Mid ory
of V.hvG.iM, kni(d la th city, nitablinhetl
1 the possession
across the river.
of the Ihief, and ret,
I Nil
with both. It is n-l oui
purpose to east
any rollectioits; but llie
chase" have suffered so
pie of the "I'ur-
verclv from the
depivdalioii'- of IiorM thi
i s, the past year
surprised in the
or two, that we shall not
leat if it vumpany ol nJ
ked men" over
take Messr-t. Cobb k V
out of their hands :id
t-stations hurry him oil'
take the thief
-pitc their pro-
lii some obscure
place, and hang himtv ; forest tree.
1 i
Mrs. Henry W ilV iin, a woman of
color, ci.niplained to p Hire Coinings, ye
terday, that although slit-was the mother
of Henry's children, aid a g)'Hl, virtuous
and dutiful wile, he 'had persistently re
fused to provide for Inr. l'"r a long time
she had been compellid to go from door to
door to beg the fond that the children ate,
and as for herself, not one single morsel of
food had pasW her lips for more than two
weeks! While this tile of Ill-treatment
was being unfolded, Henry ettered. His
story was that the Lord had ntver before
made such ashe-di vil us Mrs. rienry that
her tongue was aqua fort is, und that no
man could live with her, and he didn't pro
pose to try to do so
any longer. The much abused
mother listened and then declared ".'o' dc
lo'd-' that every word that that nigge,' had
spoken, was a lie that he was a brute, ami
so on, and that no decent woman would
have anythino to do with him. And thus
the nimable couple continued, until Henry
1c ft the office. The woman then conclud
ipg that if she sent him to jail, where he
deserved to be, she'd be sure to get nothing
out of lnm, she made up her mind to let
him run, and take her chances.
The exercises in the High school, yes
terday afternoon, were unusually interest
ing. The visitois were pleasantly enter
tained with vocal and instrumental music,
readings and declamations, and br a talk
to the school by Mr. Oberly. The instru
mental duet by Misses Annie Aivord ami
Edith Oberly was finely executed. The
duel sung by the Misses Corliss was deserv
edly praised, as were the piano playing
ami singing of little Miss Mamie Strattmi.
Recitations and gymnastic, exercises lol
lowed a recitation by Mr. Frank Carle
commanding marked uttrn'.ioii and ap
plause. N"ar tiiod'i.-e of tin cut -rtaia-ni.-iit,
(Mr. J.. In II. Oberly and w if.-, having
entered tie1 room i Mi.--i Al.ee Vardir-r read
tlie JlLrh School's I'ar-well u Mr. Oberly,
as wiiiten bv .Miss M '.ml' Kitteuhunr-
We pablMi lie.' "F.in.-weii" if) another col
umn. .'If. (' ,:y ivptie'l ;i a laiti
about a halt iioti.-s i;i:rat:.r,
ciiiiii.eii many v.-.Y'lesom'.' tiiiii
tellers pupils as well ::s vi.-itr
id toid th
, His l.s
Sliea!, of
tie- lalu J.'i ten:;.; !i:at are
We ilaVe been ur1'."!. ill'l
i!y i uiogi. tic.
ei'd to J'.c; -l; ;ii-
.ti r. i). t ) write uo'Au w
t Itr t:u:;!-
lid. that We lll.:V make it pulic fur our
Sunday rea h-rs. At the concr.sions ol Mr.
0i remarks the sch'. il was dismissed.
At a soc'ud gath'-rhig th" itlur eveti
ing, a young ntlemaii whosi bearing is
wondrrfiiliy acute, heard wjat lie cmi
ceived to be the distress stgtnl ofa steam
boat. He listened. Tlie whi-tli;ig contin
ued, unceasingly. His s-ymiathies were
touched. Possibly til.; boat wxs on fire, or
had torn n large hole in her Ixittom, i.nd
wasrapidly going under. Ill his mind's
eye he could see trantie paengers run
ning hither and thither, iiiljiis;ing life-preservers
to their bodies, and tiivowing over
chairs and mattresses lo the struggling,
drowning creatures in the water; and,
worst of all, he could see frenricd, shrieking
women,clingingtoblanched-fitced men, and
s"e little clnlilren, in terror ot Irigtit,
screaming for help that could not be tend-
rcd. All this be saw and heard, in imag
ination, and, seizing bis overcoat, he urged
a companion to accompany him and gain
ing the open air, much to his disgust and
horror, his companion indulged
in a rour of loud and
long continued laughter. "What, Sum,"
he ejaculated, almost angrily, "laugh now,
when " "Yes," icplied the otliT,
"laugh now; and I think it alxiut time to
laugh, when a man who has been about the
river as much as you have, can't tell the
singing of n heating stove from the dis
tress signal of u steamboat!" The young
man had a pressing call, all ut once, to go
down into the city. At all events he didn't
go back to be laughed at.
Among such of our readers as urn nnt
advised of the inner workings of Cairo's
sociiil structure during the past (ifier-n
mouths, the remark ttiut the largest pub
lic gnthetings to be cecii in Cairo, are
those that are called out by the announce
ment that souii.-bodv is to mako a t.-niDer-
ance speech, will excite surprise, Mid proba
bly shock credulity, For a period of
nearly u year and a half, meetings liuvo
been held here once a week or ofuier, yet
there is no apparent diinii.ution of interest.
Uig preachers, renowncl leclunrs, much
vaunted dramatic commutes nothing
"draws" in Cairo, like a temper
ance lecturer, At the meeting
last night, dipt. W. L Wright, vice
president of the club, intoduced (u, qv,
Mr. Furgerson, of Kentumy, Mr. 1 m ap
parently about (15 years olage; i,m K,iu h
wiry and vigorous man. Iu talked in a
veay curliest manuer, leuing thu rostrum
at times, and addressing lunself ilm"".
dience from different idndponiu in the
uWle. He regarded the wcn-n iisnn m-mf
i t A I A .
oi great power in tlie t in,lri; ,1()Ve.
inent, and appealed to thn to in ver we-iry
in the fight nguiiut that wh h h-tJ ,ri,,,,t
t tlmn sudi niitry, woo ml degndatlon,
their right to the Insso
the demon Alcohol. Ho claimed, too, that
1IlIII is pist reclamation,
The nioht debauched can bo
restored to sobriety and manhood. It was
not an Impossibility, therefore, to make Illi
nois u temperance State, and the whole
American people a temperate people. An
end so glorious would justify almost any
means, and no amount of labor; effort, time
oo money was too great to expend iu its at
complishtnent. Every seat iu the building
was occupied.
A Mrs. Rurner caused the arrest of u
Mr. Anthony, yesterday, for whipping her
child. Upon the trial of the case it
came out that Mrs. R's. child being much
the larger, had assailed Mr. A's, child
quite violently, and that Mr. A. running to
the rescue of his child, and feeling deeply
exasperated, had pushed Mrs. R's child, so
that it fell to the ground. Esquire
Comings did not regard the case sufficient
ly aggravating to warrant the intliction of a
line, and discharged Mr. Anthony from ar
rest. Whereupon Mr. A. swore out a "peace
'warrant" against Mrs. IL, alleging that she
was "the terror of the neighborhood," and
had been in the habil of applying to him
regular installments of very exasperating
pet names so called. The trial came on,
and under the evidence the 'squire could do
nothing less than hold Mrs. 11. to security
to keep the peace with Mr. A., during a
period of twelve months. Rut the bond
didn't include the name of A. Comings,
Esq., and upon the devoted head of that
gentleman descended 0 such a tornado
of objurgations and maledictions,
interspersed with invocations and benedic
tions as never before was showered down
upon a mild and unoffending little gentle
man, since police courts became a part of
municipal machinery. It was a shower ol
nitric acid, succeeded by a douse of hot
water, inelt.-d pitch and "blue vitriol."
In the upper part of the city resides a
young man, who is not yet well broken to
tin' matrimonial har.iess which he ndju-tcd
to himself less than a year ago. He is a
circumspect young man, given to no bad
habits, and it is said, for one who is not
entirely familiar with tlie business, he
makes a provident and considerate lue-'-Iwind.
Thursday night, ho-.vev.-r. It cling
the want of a little "relaxation,"
lie visited the Tieaitrc ('unique,
'i'h ' siio.v w.'.s one of B..wn:..n's lu .-I-lhe
iie-ii were li'-ver I'uiiiii t, nor the women
inn; - naive end cq.tivatl:.:
U.e-l li in '.Iced to th" e!i :.
al:.-. to Ihi.i hbilsi-lf I. .fe
ed ::'!) !iv, a f.nniiiar mi
:--'-o the you;,
re idling I. "in
. .a,
. al
1 r- -i
1 S'l.'h
i.et of
!-i to
el.ied a lilt!, iu.ee or,-- ;
ig.. r I ' I.i.- blow.,, tii.-.t a 1
lllell a lil
el -hot
. :.d .1
a . i,i..'..w inTO-s tlx v..-y, at.d
kn-'W "what i.i li II h w..- try
1 the
down lhat ileor f. i :" lie; -tii
"In tij-r bait"' s -ein I t i .-!. p m.
vo;i::g man sal ilowu at. , c.'gi. .:!; t'en
arose and gav.- th" d iv a furious k i k .
RsU no p-spon.,". II" now il d.wr.. ad-ju-t'.-d
his back to tii ilo-.r jam, and bad
abo'.it coii'-iii'l'"! l i mak
t night ot it !
there, w he.) a window, ab ivc.
and a voice inquired softly:
a.is r.cs-il
which is as good a name as any for our
pnrjios ., did you knock?" ''Kuo.'k 1" re
piici!Wii!iaiii, "My (bid! 1 .-irons -d all
the Fourth ward." "I heard yon." was the
mild rejoiii'W. "Wouid you like to come
in?" Such aq i"stion; why of course he
would like to come in. "Would you lib
it well enough to promis..- me, on your
honor a.s a man, that you will never leave
ine alone again until 11 o'clock at night
a stranger as I am iu this strange neigh
boibood!" To this there was a reply of
"oh, bosh! let me iu," and immediately af
terward tlie sash was let dowu and us Wil
liam heard the sound of his wife's retreat
ing footsteps, he exclaimed quite audibly
"Hang me if she isn't going to bed
again!" And be was right. Ten minutes
later he resumed the knock. It whs
promptly answered. "Will you promise?"
"It's a mean advantage, Mary," responded
William, "to take of a feller that you kuow
has to get up ut six o'clock again ; but us it
is a pretty (dear case of "no promise no bed,"
I make the promise." And thus the little
woman ''nipped" a bad habit in her husband,
while it was yet "in the bud"; for nothing
that remains for future verification is surer
than this faithful performance of that en
forced promise. To other young wives who
have "uight-walking" husbands we say "go
thou und do likewise."
During the exercises in the High School,
yesterday, the following very happily word
ed "Good-bye to Mr. Oberly," written by
Miss Maudie Rittcnhouse, was i"aii, and
very well read, too, by Miss Allio Ward
ner, lsitli young ladies being members of
the High School:
Mr. Oberly-Dear Friend and Patron:
It was with feelings ofthe deepest regret
and sorrow, tiiut the fact of your departure,
became known to the ineinbeis of the High
School. To be sure, we were partly recon
ciled to this calamity by the knowledge
that you were going in htate und honor,
only to taku higher stand ou the ladder
of fume, and to tread the flowery paths,
which we are led to believe surround the
politician. A friend f the school you have
been; beloved by all, since the first. At
the laying of tlie coiner stone, the beginning
of the foundation of this great source of
good, the Cairo High School, on the north
cast corner, June, 21, 18117, you, it was,
who held forth a helping bund, and stirred
the. hearts of tho people by your
grsnd and eloqii.'nf addresses. You, who
biuaiU.i.i hnurta ot our lirs'. graduating
class, with cords of love and frienship ;
voc who itirred them on to nobler, higher
lUiibitions; voi: who roiHcd tlu lr energy
and made their hearts burn with the desire
t do something good, to be something in
this world, to. leave behind them "foot
prints on the sandsof time." And to every,
or very nearly every class since, you have
made just such brilliant ne'er-to-be-forgot-ten
sii'echcs. We shall ever miss your
pleasant visits lo our school, and upon
many a Friday ufternoon, our scholars will
find a blank, a vacant space in the room,
when they fail to see your kindly smile of
greeting, and notice that an intelligent and
appreciative spectator has disappeared
from among ns Your cheerful counte
nance always inspires us with fresh enthusi
asm, und after seeing you, liken draught
of new wine to thosoul, we "proceed to the
labors of the day" refreshed.
Mr. oberly has given ur school the
praise which it deserves, in the well patron
ized paper which he formerly edited.
The compliments paid to the school, in the
columns of work reported of it, were al
ways appreciated, and in behalf of both
scholars and teachers, we now earnestly
thank him for them all. Many of the
pupils of this school will also miss the
bright "good mornings" of his fair little
daughters, but the one dear girl, impulsive
und warm-hearted, who is associated with
so many pleasant reminiscences in our
minds, will be sincerely longed for by all.
Accept our best wishes for your self and
family. May you ascend so high in life,
that your name w ill be engraved on the
hearts of all the world as clearly as it now
is on the minds of the people of Cairo.
We do not deem it necessary to add. may
you ever be a joy to the people of this gen
eration, for is there not un old saying "A
thing of beauty, is a joy forever f"
Fun Tim Caiiio IH i.lktin:
KOl'M) HEAD IN AN (tl'I'.N F I F.LI).
It is to be hoped that Judge M archil
don's "explanation" exonerated the men as
men, and as jurors, in the ea-e of that "found
dead" woman. Ugh! what a pitiful sight!
"Old. poor and homeless," 'itisiillieiciitly
clothed and starved." and this in a
borhood so thickly s.-ttled that twelve
strong, warmly-clad, well fed men could
b" f.itin 1 to ho! I a c ire: -r's inqu'-t ov r
h ;v
poor I ii niy I I w -iV" m :i
vnr" I'oint'ort "f ! ntll'ii
it. wh' 1 e l.'i wa.i.t of I'oo
-!;elt -ted In
lee-l's, I;o
or warmth
e-,i r coii'ie; wliere th
f. on I .".ine rt and
V '! V d-igs lived
I int
.',-, Wli
i al. l 1'
m'i in
, : th -if
:;:"!- in
land I'-..
I anil
v r li
str.i" ."
U le !
' -hut
ill I w ..rm-.. i w .
s'llt! oil'. lb..
, i
. . i
s.'i -, l ', io if nut. a-i, '. i .ii
t ,
at e
I ph lily w itiiiti th" v.
n'.i ;i home, I'er. lia'i. e
I If."g but th .! tie-
I. r
ii anil. hi
ro." lcigiitly
lilnbs b"g:.!l
pli tUf
ot In r ov. n hri sid" r
le r as her i'l
,, 1
to tr'-nib!" ai
the tile.
I ,
rai.-i tn w ami
T. 1 f'iW long siln-f she. too,
litth: ones, slno'ing Hit in to
inn - -. I 1 it r
sle-.-p with
tie- g -ntle lullaby so sa.-red to evi-iy moth
er. heart I How many years since she,
herself, was some fond mother's d tiling ;
Flirty or fifty. -r less; 'lis hard l'J t''H the
woman's year-; when sic has starved and
fio.en to death. Stakvui. in this land of
pl.-uty l-'Uiizi-.N. m this land of forests and
coal .fields! and a woman, ut that ! What
a picture for the philituthruphist ! Vi'hat a
sermon to the "missionary societies." "Let
every man pluck the beam from his own eye"
is aptly syinbo!i,"d iu cases like this, when
we are so merciless and pitiless to our own.
And to think of the stockingless limbs and
almost naked feet; the thin, worn cotton
clothing with never a comfort about her!
Only to think of the horrors of a starvation
that hud fastened itself upon her when the
very neglected walnuts as they lay iu the
woods, suggested themselves as a means ot
prolonging life the miserable painful life
that she so clung to that she so loved
that she so longed for that she could not
waste even those poor walnuts, but boarded
them in the folds of her thin dress; carried
them in her chilled bosom! Was there
ever a time in the years past by, that a
baby head lay nestling there ( That warm,
rosy lips drew- sweetest nourishment from
the throbbing, life-giving breast? Little
dreamed she then how hard her lite
would prove little reckoned she of the
day whin her last hold tin life
would be a sheltered handful of walnuts
where the baby-head had lain! Talk not
to me of the snares that lurk in riches; one
handful of gold would have bought for
that woman tlie shelter and warmth, the
light and the food ot the best home in llie
whole Mississippi Valley. For lack of it
she starved, and l'roz.t, and lay alone be
neath the blue sky, an J shrank and shivered
before the the winds "that are tempered to
the shorn lamb" but pierce tn the bone the
naked woman lay there, alone, suffering
God knows what dreaming of home nnd
friend, of light and warmth and died!
Could we know if pitying angels carried
her soul to heiivcn cmil.I we believe
aught else? Whatman deserts and ('Sod
shows no mercy' for, mav not the angels
compassionate? Verily, yes.
U, Jom.h has on hand for the use of his
customers the very best leather und
material for fine find heavy boots nml shoes
cmt brought tl,:H w,(,,;on, i;R work
men nre firs! cl.isM. His work tho very
best und pr'n cm as low as the lowest. Sat
ini'at tun ijiiurstuced in all cases.
For tin. Cairo Hulletln.
IN Tilk caiiio rural' mil hi:.
N'iT IIV THE HOllnTKIlil"rMltSli:illlA,
FlKht.brolher'Kttillciili', Unlit, lilm-k mid fill re!
HtriUn, ou un and kick - miiileli luinil-ful oflulri.
l-'lt'lit, colored brethren, und never illi-pui
I'ntll .McKeuli,' ia no longer our poMinui'mlrc.
Let Mae, In hot uiiger, uvoiv and declulre,
That John didn't vole with ItejnibllcuiiN BiUiilie;
For John v. Ill not llluih, l,m will elvelulre fon-talni
A ml swear Unit HcK In a "i J d J Hare."
Then (Iglit, brelliren, (IrM, keep up the wui-fjlre;
The while- with the black- a Ioiir worn uiiixt now
Kjna i r-;
For lllrd mul 1)111 scotl ofthu hjmiIIn sei k full nhnlrea
And will never M uji '111 they're made oftlcoulros
io In, Rivlhnit blacks- niakv vocal llie itlie,
Willi your curio -of inenwuo refuse to tolo faire.
Theyv'e u-ed und iilm-cd- you, and now they all
That for ncro olltciulc llie time ia not hcuirc.
Then light, Jilted black-; lllit hard and don't -palrc.
The Hpoll- are denied you, und what need you Cairo
If thu Itepiibllciiu party koi'M out "aa bad aire,"
Since it won't share the epolta with the faithful
Ad-ni-, Mr- Addi
llri-iol. Mr- M K
lliivle, -Mia Julia
Clark. Mi lletllu u'ol)
Kills. .Mr- Dluna
1 1 o in --, -Mr- Ada
Hut. hl-ou, Mi-a Cornelia
llaltsclow, Mr- Mary
I-oii', Mm M j.rnri-tl
Ai tii tin, Mr- Klonnce I.
Wyatt, Mr- MattiK A
Aiidernin. Ib-lon
Iturnell. ,Mik-mIHb
Cane, Plio liii
Clark. 31 1- Motile
Oordoii. Ml Kliaa
Mus-.Mira Llr.iy
II, 'tain. Mr- Amanda ('!)
Ilainlltou Mr- Sarah
Manuel, Aniel'a
ltendell, Mi-k Uroo
Strattou, FlUa M
Ander-on, fa I.i
Airry, .laim -Alien.
Tlioiiin- It
ll.-laiid, Frank
Ilark.-r, J ann a
Crouch, C
l uili.'e, llannan
Callni;hiiil, Me hcl
Fitzlit-iiry. John
Iiaiii.-k.'. '.Iiwcpli
Freely, Marlin
liute-, l.i iire
(law ley. Cliai C
llailArll. .la. oh II
lbxiard. WJ
Li-t. hd
MiaMaliaii, John
Moore, A
Mi l 'uriiib-k. Willii.m
.Murphy. W II
Mai-tniTf, S
IVaU.iitir, J
Mlllltl. K .1
Tune r. I. -i W
W lie.-.' .a. li
'A ii i.i.ns. I
Itij-e. I ral.u M-'.-rs
Ainler-oii, Jaiiic
A tid'Tsoii. A
M litem. Mart
liuyle, II J
liow. r-, John M
llartlell JticharJ
Coil'-e. lienrije
I'lii-r, Frank
Clark -Ma-l.-r SVIlllo
l)uri-oii, 1) I
IMd, J.i-i ph
l-aiee. Wi-.l.-y (col.)
Ilurri-oii. l.n-en II .
line-, T J
lloldeii. Wlltlam CJ)
I. on. .la- V
l.o.l. -. i' iank
Malady. .Sla-tcr Jcha
M.iIII-.I:r, ll.'V J Si
V.mr. N A
Cay. II T
I'aitoii, I) VV
s.' -; loo. M
Ta.-lor. IJ.Mii Jmaa
V.,rl,-, John
Vr:.",t. A I.
!; A.i.rl ,c W inn ii.. Ini-r
II r
Mi-- 1'i:.'.m E. Wk. i .!:-. will d--liver
I a I- el'ire ill Ti llip--r:.:! e Hall this e-., rhjii.
i at th- r.,-,u! tin, -. Sliev.-I! ;,),, a-tuii ..- the
chil-Ir-n, at half past thr-'f -nth- at'ier:io.m,
I,-to. i.ne in!-, tie- opporfiiii'v In he'tr
h I., n t, , cap I n .l.h -1 ot woni in.
i.l- ' I i i'l I'.NIIol Sli.
' Ar,.:i, and su.i p! - - r"pv. i
No ..at; -..:) i v jo ;h gn. "f it.eek
n "-. iy l.-t.-nng ; a .h'.' l-.ov. Stop
il- f": i 1 1 :x-- - le.' i ;.. ( hi ' v.hh )r.
! !
I o '. :i 'i i V,
'I'll i.'.J- ('..III , 1"
.Ilk", tie- (lr.it
I iV.ne-r. A.itho-
1 ,
;eh-flu! Little
'lone 1'1'yi-r and Jig
that h ," n. t so. :i him
had b. tter n d Id- thl- i
1 .1'k' i- th-- o'.mge .,t
! thn. - year; old.
I F.'i: RknT- Au ex.-: 1
; inquire
viniiy. Little
s-h i:al, being
i -':! O'A i lliivj b'.llsc.
Gi.ii. Fl-ni;it.
( 'oi:ne:ci tl avenue I lard -invites
attention to hit
toi k of tinware, stoves,
goods. cook !ove
; .V. 11 i i iv,
ware lli'-ic'.a
larg" and . '
cutlery i iid :'
are among !.il.-t and bi-.,t patterns and
arc- not exe. ',. -d : . bakers by anything in
tin- market: 'h-y an-of the heaviest make
an 1 will la ' longer and Use le-.- fuel thsn
any other. '. so clu-e as U- make it an
ol j.-ct to call and ctf.mine. Everything
cl.v- low to suit the times.
1'istn.vi Tacki.e For prtifes.sional or
amuteur fishermen. C. W. Henderson has
on band the largest stock and greatest vari
ety of fish hooks, fish linis, reels, rials,
flies, etc.. etc., ever brought to this market,
all selling at "rock bottom prices." Also an
immense stock of pistols at the lowest
prices way down !
Having decided to close up my saloon
business and open a restaurant and board
ing bouse I offer for sale ut low figures my
saloon fixtures, consisting of Tables, Chairs
etc., also an Ice Box of my own manufact
ure, that will save a greater per cent of
ice than any other ever manufactured in
the United States, besidi s it is furnished in
such style as will adorn any dining room.
ClIAltl.KS SciloKNM KVKIt.
Caiiio, Ills. March 15, 1870.
Pocket-Rook Lost. It was in the town
of 15., and Mr. S. had just concluded some
puichases when he made the startling dis
covery that his pocket book was hist. While
searching bis pockets bo found a buckeye,
and said "Gentlemen, my pocket-book is
lost, but there bus been something discov
ers 1 by Dr. Taber, of Niudiville, of fr
greater value. It is the Ruckeye Pile Oint
ment, which will cure Piles in nil cases,
when used according to directions. Try it
Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by Rar
clay Rros.
Ciikw Jack.'-onV lKtst Sweet Navy To.
O A. I R Q,
Saturday & Sunday, J Titli and Kith innr.
She will addrMn a Children' meellnij In thfi
Temperance Krfnrin Club room at half inim thn-e
Hat irday iiflernnon, and will dullver an ihMithk at
thu HUin.t iIhcc Hnnduv evening Bhc will tirubabli
apeak lo t'-atitrdnj eyttilng.

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