OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, April 13, 1880, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1880-04-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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-. r- TT
JC. A. Burnett.
OAee: Bulletin Building, Washington Avenue
gubiorlptton Ha tea:
0t4W (delivered by carrier) per wee.
By mH ttu advance) one year
Wx month
Three month!
Ob month
.1 85
. 10 IM
. 600
. It AO
. 1 00
r U (In advance) ene year
(x month
1 00
Postage In 11 case prepaid.
AJtvertlelns Uate:
Fvrl toscrtion. per square
Huheequent Insertions, per square .
For on week, per iiutiro
For two weeks, per quare
Hot throe weeks,
8 00
4 50
Kor one month.
7 00
4 00
Bcn additional square
Obltuarie nd resolutions passed by societies
ten cent per line.
Death ud marriages free
trtlBertton,per square
n Ina.irllnna . ..
1 Koht line of Mid
tlttht line o( Ud nonpareil constitute square
i5,,lVd advertUementwin be charged, accord-
log i' the space
nio the pace occupied, at above rates-there be.
tn twi.e line or ouu iype
n iww've lines 01 - -,. i,in.
To regular advertiser we offer mperior Induce
JntTKth tiito rat, of charge, and manner of
tKtoi'teeiiUpw line far drst Inter
tvinTteScenU Per line for each .ubseqnent in.er-
. 1 a 1 . t Clan P RniVAll
tret) wbero advertising contracts may be made
to the public are at all times acceptable. Kejocted
'K. A. Burnett. Cairo, Illinois
Mb J II. Bates, Newspaper Advertising Agent,
41 ark Row We. Ruiidl'ng). New York.
thonaed to contract for advcrtisiments iu The
Bi'Lxmx, at our beut rate.,
Thl. paper may be found on file at Oeo. P.
Howell & Co'. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, MO
Spruce St.), where advertising contract, may be
made for It in New York.
Ouly Morning Daily in Sonthern Illinois
largest Circulation of any Dally in
Southern Illinois.
We are authorized to announce GKOROK F..
OLMSTED a. a caudidnte for Police Magistrate,
at the ensuing municipal election.
Jlditor Cairo Bulletin:
Please announce that I am a candidate for the
office of alderman, at the eusning municipal elec
tion, to repreecut the Fourth Ward.
Yielding to the solicitation of many citlr.etis. I
hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman
from the Third ward at the enduing election
We are au.horized to announce that, In compli
ance with the request of a number of voters, Hon.
T. W. Halllduy will stand an a candidate-for re
election to the city council from the Fifth ward.
It is said that there is entire harmony
between the Readjusters and Republicans
of Virginia. Together they arc able to
control the state. If Grant is nominated
at Chicago the Rcadjustcrs will support
him, which will give him the state. United
States Senator-elect Mahone is beginning
to show his hand. He is the leader of the
Rcadjustcrs and he proposes to maYshal
them under the Grant banner.
Sherman has got the blues bad. His
political prospects look as blue as ho feels.
Blaine is getting the best of him in his own
state. Unless the secretary makes a better
showing than he is now making Ohio will
send a Blaine delegation to Chicago. The
politicians do not appear to want Sherman
this year. His oflico holders don't amount
to as much as ho thought they would.
William E. English, of Indiana, evi
dcDtly thinks the Sherman plan of getting
his name before the public a good one.
lie has had a sketch of his life publ'mlicd.
.It occupies fourteen columns of the Indian
apolis Sentinel. It is generally understood
that ho wants to be nominated for vice
president on tho ticket with Tildcn. He
Bays, however, that he is not troubled with
presidential aspirations, but that in the
vent of the election of a Demociatic presi
dent, he would like to be secretary of the
treasury. That, bo declares, is the plain
English of the matter.
Tuk friends of Ex-Govcrnor Seymour are
not yet saiinCed as to whether or not he
will accept tho Cincinnati nomination if
tendered, him. It seems that Seymour
hasn't been defiuito enough in his remarks
about this matter to satisfy them. Tlicy
propose to address him a letter asking him
to say definitely what his intentions are.
Aj Seymour refused to accept the nomina
tion in 1803 until the last moment, it is not
improbable that ho will pursue the same
policy in 1880. if an opportunity is offered
Onck more the DunhosB of Marlborougl;
dniiU that there is "dire destitution in tho
mountainous parts and on the sea coast of
Ireland, and that there is great need of
clothing and need." The Duchcn ahould
imi Kuuiifc mm Hirst; uuijiiiu iifiw in inurrnya
. .1 1 4 41. -4 4l... ! .
wouiu uo in inoir graves, victims to Knglitm
4 t Lf - . . ...
BUticial famine, were it not for tho plucky
exposure of Ireland's condition made by
f'1.haal rWeltr and fhfl Tjind fonrriin uM.l.
.IV4M. r "HUH
jua lorrooa. .
That pestiferous and cantankerous old
politcian, Montgomery Blair, is doing all
lie can to prevent a reconciliation between
tho Tilden and Tammany factions of New
York. The Democratic union is trying to
restore the unity of the party in that state,
but its efforts arc nullified by Blair who ii
amusinghimself by making attacks on Kel
ly. In his last communication he asserts
that Kelly's hostility to Tilden is kept
alive by southern leaders la order to detent
Tilden. The Democratic union has inti
mated to Blair that bis retirement to ob
scurity would be very acceptable. Blair,
however, isn't tho kind of a man to permit
himself to be set down upon without a
struggle. Tho weight of the . Demociatic
union will hardly be sufficient to silence
A company has been organized iu New
York known as "The Mexican Telegraph
Company." Tho purpose is to establish
telegraphic communication between this
country and Mexico, Central and South
America, and ultimately, New Zealand,
Australia, China and Japan. The work
will be commenced by laying sub marine
cables from the coast of Texas to Tampico
and Vera Cruz. At these points connection
will be made with the Mexican government
lines, which extend to the capital nt .Mexi
co. At the city of Mexico there are 7,o00
miles of wire, extending to all parts of the
republic. English cable makers have of
fered to lay a cable to Vera Cruz by way of
Tampico for $000,000, and to have the
work completed six months after the con
tract is given them. Of course several
years must elapse before the whole scheme
is completed. It is believed, however, that
the proposed lines will pay a large dividend
on the investment.
One woman can make a man sufficiently
miserable when she gives her whole mind
to that sort of work, but two of them can
make him. wish, every hour in the day,
that he were dead. Jessie Raymond and
her attorney, Bel va A. Lockwood, are just
now engaged in taking all of the sunshine
out of Senator Hill's life. The senator's
attorney went into court, a day or two
ago, and moved to dismiss the suit which
Miss Raymond brought against him. The
attorney thought Miss Raymond was in
Atlanta. He had not notified Miss Lock
wood of his intention to make a motion to
dismiss the suit. He had hardly made his
motion, however, before both women put
in an appearance much to the surprise of
everybody present. Miss Raymond made
a sworn statement effectually demolishing
the grounds on which a dismissal of the
suit was asked, and Attorney Lockwood
did some tall talking for her client. ' It is
not probable that the senator will get
clear of these troublesome women as easy
as he expected.
Hon. Jacob Mueller, of Cleveland, Ex-
Lieutcnant-Governor of Ohio, has been
making a careful study of the German
feeling in that state in regard to Grant's
nomination. Here are his expressed opin
ions :
"Mr. Mueller says that from his observa
tions and knowledge of the , German char
acter he is satisfied that nothing can take
place which would reconcile the feelings of
the Oermans to Gen. Grant. . They are dead
set against him, and under no circum
stances would vote for him. If he be the
Ciicago nominee Ohio will surely give the
Democratic candidate from 25,000
to 50,000 majority, and the chances
woultl be good for the majority to reach
even 75,000. 'Why, Bir,' said the ex-lieu
tenant governor, 'I candidly believe that
Grant would not get fifty votes among all
the Germans of Cleveland. In fact, I have
not seen one who said that he would vote
for him. Personally I am as much opposed
to Grant's nomination as any one can be,
because I think his re-election would be a
very bad precedent."
Ghosts. Not (Job Ingersoll's "aristoc
racy of tho uir," but real human ghosts.
Ghosts that were once healthy men and
women, but are now simply the "ghosts ot
what they once were." As we meet them
and inquire the cause of all this change
they repeat the old, old story, "a cold,'
"neglected cough," "catarrh," "overwork,'
or "dyspepsia," "liver complaint," and "con
stination," with unsuccessful physician
and remedies. In offering his Golden Med
ical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pe 1
lets for the cure of the above affection. Dr
rierce does not recommend tnem as a '"sur-
cure" in all stages. For if tho lungs b
lialf wasted away, or thero bo a cancerous
complication, no physician or medicine can
cure. The Discovery is, however, an tin
equaled pectoral and blood-purifier. It
speedily cures tho most aggravated cough,
or cold, and in its early or middlo starea.
consumption. By correcting all irregularu
ties of the stomach anil liver, it readily
cures blotches, pimples, scrofulous ulcers,
"bunches," or tumors. Hundreds testify
that it has restored their health, alter emi
nent physicians had failed. For conBtipa
tion, use tho Pellets. As n local remedy
for catarrh, use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
How to Grow Fat. Just now when so
many fat people are trying to grow lean, we
would suggest that It would be a good idea
for lean ones to try and grow fat. To do
this keep the bowels and liver regulated
with Mott's Liver Pills, and your digestion
will bo good, and you grow rat rapidly.
Farmer'! Journal (Taylorvllla.)
- Wo are pleased to learn that Hon. John
H. Oberly, of Springfield, is getting the
boom for the nomination of governor on
the Democratic ticket. This is tho more
gratifying to us from the fact that the
Journal was auoui me n rat paper in we
state to couple his name with gubernatorial
honors. Our long personal acquaintance
with Mr. O. dating back to the days when
we were both dwellers on the "dark and
bloody ground," and our knowledge of
his peculiar nmcss ior me nign omec,
promoted us to suggest him as one worthy
the favor and confidence of the people of
the great state of Illinois.
Mr. Loins Kkilmak, Malmnoy City, Ta.,
informs us that his wifo suffered for a whole
year with pains in the back.and was at times
unable to attend to her household duties. He
procured a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, and
this wonderful remedy relieved her at once,
and efl'ected a permanent euro.
"What we want in our government is
stability and continuity. It is a point of
weakness that our president holds office
only lour years." Beccher on Grant.
"We will put a crown on your head next
year, general." Judge Bradwell at Chi
cago Boom.
"The people would joyfully place the
crown on the head of U.S. Grant." More
land, in Pennsylvania Convention.
"Without blnodHhed and rivers of it.
there will be no political change in the ad
ministration." "We need a stronger gov
ernment." "The wealth of the country has
to bear the burdens of the government, and
should control it." "To avert fearful blood
shed, a strong central government should
be established as soon as possible." Sena
tor Sharon.
"The Democrats must be voted down or
whipped down," "Republicans should be
prepared for trouble at the next presidential
elecetion." "General Grant would call to
his side half a million ot veteran soldiers."
Beecher is for Grunt first term.last term,
and all the terms. Chicago Journal i liep.)
In the cure of consumption there is prob
ably no known medicine equal to the Syrup
of Hypophosphites prepared by Mr. James
I. Fellows, chemist, St. John, N. B. A
number ot cases have come under our no
tice the past year when the results which
have followed its use have been astonish
ing. Wc write this unsolicited by any one,
and advise the afflicted to try it. Editor
"Colonial Farmer."
Norfolk Landmark (Dem.;, March 11.
When a general in Virginia could send
an editor to prison, when military courts
could take prisoners from civil tribunals,
when the freedmen's bureau was withhold
ing large tracts of property from private
owners, when, in short, we felt ourselves to
be literally and, in fact, an oppressed peo
ple on all the Atlantic coast, Gen. Han-
T ' a r i e """"'r'""' ''" I
umilin.il me illl)Ulin.-s ui Jiiiicm uu nuriiy
to be the lawful inheritance of the people
under Ins command, and we are amazed
that so many of those to whom he was a
benefactor in those days should seem to for
get his noble declarations and his still no
bler acts. It seems to us that, apart from
any feeling of gratitude, a just apprecia
tion of his statesmanship should make him
a popular favorite; for it is only by pre
serving the rights of minorities that the re
public can be preserved; and those rights
are boldly announced and justly vindicated
by General Hancock under circumstances
which give us assurance that he is emphat
ically the man to do justice to north, south,
east and west at any time and under all cir
cumstances. Establish healthful co-operation be
tween the stomach, the liver and the bow
els, if you want t banish sick headaches,
nervousness, and mental despondency.
Upon the vigor of the first named organ de
pend the good service of the two latter.
That fine stomachic, Hostetter's Bitters,
pure, approved by physicians, derived Irom
the best botanic sources, soon puts to route
the symptoms which make the lives of ner
vous, bilious invalids miserable. The very
fountain head of such trouble is feebleness
of digestion, for which it is an incompara
ble, long established and widely celebrated
remedy. It builds up the constitution
when shaken by disease, and protects it
against malarial and other hurtful in
fluences. It is an agreeable appetizer, a
useful strengthening cordial for the conval
escent, and greatly mitigates the gathering
infirmities of age.
Profit, $1,200. "To Hum it up, six
long years of bed-ridden sickness, cesting
200 per year, total $1,200 -all of this ex
pense was stopped hy three bottles of Hop
Bitters, taken by my wife. She has done
her own housework for a year since, with
out the loss of a day, and I want everybody
to know it, for their beneGt. N. E. Farmer.
The Voltaic Bklt Co., Marshall,
Mich. Will send their celebrated Electro
Voltaic Belts to tho afflicted upon 150 days
trial. Speedy cures guaranteed. They
mean what they say. Write to them with
out delay.
"An Old Physician's Auvick." Coughs
colds, asthma and other pulmonary afflic
tions should bo looked to and promptly
treated in time and thus all serious results
may be avoided, and for this purpose we
know of no better remedy than "Dr.
Swnyne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher
ry." Tho first dose gives relief, and it is
sure to euro the worst cold or cough in a
very short timo. Try a 25 cent bmtle and
bo convinced, and you will thus , avoid a
o convinced, anu you win musuvoid a
odor's bill, and most likely a ser ius spell
f sickness. Price 25 cents and $lpcr Init
io, or six bottles $5. Tho large sle is the
of sickn
most economical. Prepared by DrlSwayne
iX son, isonn sixth street, llniadel
phia. Sold by all prominent drugg.sts.
A $1,000 Guarantkk. Warner's Safe
Kidney and Liver Cure will positiveW euro
Blight's diseaso and diabetes; ami R is
guaranteed that it will also cure 0!) pel cent.
p I, ..
of other kidney diseases, 05 tier cent
f all
i of
liver diseases, and will help in oveJ
without injury to tho system, when
according to directions, and the si
$1,000 will be paid to any person w
prove that it has failed to do tliig.-l f. Jl.
f can
Warner & Co.
Dr. C. McLANE'S '
are not recommended as a remedy "lor all
the ills that flesh is heir to," but' in affec
tions of tho Liver, and all BilHous com
plaints, Dyspepsia, and Sick Headache, or
diseases of that character, they stand with
out a rival.
No better cathartic can be used prepara
tory to, or after taking quinine.
As a simple purgative they are uncqualed
The genuiue arc never sugai-coated.
Each box has a red-wax sral on the lid
with the impression, McLane's Liver Pill.
Each wrapper bears the signvtures of C.
McLane and Fleming Bin.
-fyInsist upon having the genuine Dr.
C. McLane's Livkr Pills, prepared by
FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa.
the market being full of linititions of the
name McLask, spelled differ 'ntly but same
Mutual Aid Society,
Organized July 14th. 1877, Under the
Laws of the State of Illinois.
Copprighted July 9, 1877, undir
Act of Congress.
STRATTON, Phisidknt.
Mrs. A. P. TAYLOR.
Mid. Adyixer.
.T.J. liORDON. I'liyeician ......Cairo, llh
jjrh, A. 1. TA 1 LUll, Puperlllteuulvill Of
bchoolf, Alexander t'oimty
J. A. OOLUST1NK. of (ioldi-tlue 4 Ron
euwater. WuoIi-huIu and Retail Denier
in Staple and Fancy Dry (ioodn '
N. B. TH1STLEWOOD. of llinkle &
ThlMtlewood. C'oniinlouioti Merchant,
Cotton ud Tobacco Fuctor " "
S. I). AYRKS, (ifAyrrs fc Co., Comml
cion Mi-rebuilt '
THOMAS LKW1S, Inauruuce Manager
ami Attorney at Law "
WM. STRATTON of Striitton .t Bird
Wuulu'altf (irorern "
OKO. M. ALDKN. l'onimtion Mer
chant, 78 Ohio Levee " "
JAS. S. REARLlKN. Aent MiHhimijipl
Valley Transportation Company '
('HAS. K. STUART. Wlioleoule and ite
tiill Dry Uooda and Notion" " "
KDWARl) A. UL'I'ER, Manufacturing
Jewler and Wholesale dealer In Woteh
makeiVn TooIk and Miiterlali ' "
Rice, Lumber Healers
C O. PATIKR. V. (). Ptitler & Co,
Wholesale utirt Retail Merchant " '
Rev. B. Y.UKuROK, 1'antor Frebbyterlan
Church " "
I. ('. WHITE. Insurance Afcvut "
(i. W. McKEAl', Postmaster ' -
S. P. WHEK-LKR, Attorney and Counsel
or at " "
OSCAR IIAYTI1 RN, Wholesale and
Retail Rout Hlioe and Dry (rood.... " "
A.J. ItlKI), Merchant and Steamboat
I f Proprietor " "
WILLIAM KLUGK. Oeneral Merch'dise "
P. O. SCH I'll, Wbolesaiu anil Retail
Druggist "
.l.T. RKNNI E. Foundry and Muehiuist. . '
Miw. L. A. HOWARD, Hoarding House..
W. F. PITCHER, Insurance Agent ' "
A. H ALLEY, Dealer iu Stovts, Tin and
Iliinlwarc " "
K. W. liRKEN, (Ireeii, Wood H mittt
Millers "
II. F. POTTER, tditor and Publisher
ArjiUN-Journol.... Mound Citv, '
Mils. S. A. AYERS Villa Riilir'e. '
A.J. UtENCH, Farmer Bird Point, Mo
ToW. W. M. McPbecters and all others whom it
may concern:
You urn hereby notified, that a ale of real estate,
in'iile by tho collector, Peter Snup. at the south west
door of the court house, in the city nf Cairo, Coun
ty of Alexander and State of Illinois, on the 16th
day of July, A. I). 1878, R. S. Youiin
pur V.useil 'the following described real estate,
sltii.iti'd in said county for tin; tsres, special as
segments, penalties and cits. due anil tinpsid
thereon for the year A. D. 1H77 aud prior years, to
wlt: Tho fractional south west of section thirty live
(DM. township flftccn OS), south range three (:i
Said land being taxed In tho name of W. W. M.
Mi.Pheeters, and that tho time allowed by Inw fur
tho redemption ol said real estutn will expire on
the lKth fliiv of July, A. D. 1HSU, at which time 1
will apply for a deed.
Notice Ih hereby given, that on the 16th day of
April next, between tho linurs nf in o'clock In tho
forenoon unci & o'clock In the afternoon of said
day, at tho late residence of Wlllium O'Collahan,
deceased, in the city of Cairo, county of Alexander,
and state of Illinois, the personal property of said
decedent, consisting of household and kitchen fur
niture, bureaus, bedsteads, washstunil. bed and
bedding, stove, cooking utensils, bar fixtures,
counter, one cow and other articles, will be sold at
public salu. Term of aula rash In hand.
March 90, 1SH0. Adminlstrutor.
The undersigned, having been appointed admin
istrator with tho will annexed of the estate of Llii
xle R. Hulllday, since Hughes, lute or tho county
of Alexander and state of Illinois, deceased, hereby
give notice that he will appear beloro tho county
court ol Alexauder county, at the court house In
Cairo at tha May term, on the third Monday In
May next, at whl. h time all person having cliilm
agalnat said estute uru not I lied and requested to
attend for tho purpose of having the samo adjusted.
All person Indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment to tbn undersigned.
Hknkv L. Hiixiiiat,
Administrator with will annexed.
Sated I hit WUi day of March, A. D., 18SJ.
Literary Involution and
Universal Knowledge
An Encyclopedia in 20 vols., over 16,000 pages; 10 per cent moro matter than any
Encyclopedia ever before published in this country, and sold, handsomely and well
bound, in cloth for $10, in half morocco for $15, and printed on lino hcuvy paper, wide
margins, bound in half Russia, gilt top, for $20 an enterprise so extraordinary that iU
success, beyond all precedent in book publishing, may be fairly claimed fo inaugurate a
Literary Revolution.
The Library of Universal IvNowi.EixiK is a reprint .entire of the last (1879j Ed
inburgh edition of "Chambers' Encyclopedia," with about 40 per cent of new matter
added, upon topics of special interest to American readers, thus making it equal in char
acter to any similar work, better than any other suited to the wants ol the great majority
of those who consult works of reference, and altogether tho latest Encyclopedia in the
Si-ecimkm You Mil m cither tyl will be nmt lor eiaminatlon with prlyllrge of rMurn on peedpt cl
proportionate price per volume,
first iai. Discount to all early iubacrlbers, and citra dlcoont lo clnb. Full particular with des
criptive catalogue of many other tlandard workicqually low In price, sent Ire.
Leading Principles of the AMERICAN BOOK EXCHANGE :
I. Publish only book nf real value.
II. Work npi.n the baaii of present coat of making book, about one half what it wai a few year ajo.
III. Sell to buyer direct, and save them the 50 to CO per cent commission commonly allowed to
IV. The cost of book when made 10,000 at a timo Is but a fraction of the cost when made t a tim
-adopt the low price and cll tht laro quantity.
V. Use good Vypc. paper, etc.. do careful printing, and Krone, real bludlus, but avoid all "piddlng,"
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boak appear large anil flue, and which greatly add to their co.t, hot do not add to their vattnt.
VI. To make $1 and a friend la bettertbau to make fi and an enemy.
I.lhrury ol Universal Knowledge. 'JO vols, JID
Milnmn' (.Ibbon'a Rome. 5 vol. $J.M
Mai aulay's History of England, : vol. V)
chambers' Cyclopn-nla of Eng Literature. 4 vols.tj
Knight' History of England. 4 vol J:t
Plutarch' Lives of Illustrious Men, 3 vol. $1.60
tielkie' Life and Word of Christ, "fl cent
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purine ). $ J 50
Acme Library ol Biography. M cent
Bonk of Fables. Iip, etc, llln. AO cent
Milton' Complete Poetical Work. SO cents
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W ork of Virglt, translated by Dry den, 40 cent
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Arabian Nlcbt. lllu. 50 cent
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Munchausen and Ouiliver' Travel. Ilia. 60 cent
Stories and Ballads, by K T Alden, lllns, $1
Acme Library of Modern Classics, 50 cent
Remit by bank draft, money order, registered letter, or by exprru. Fraction orone dollar may be
tent IB postage itamps. Address
JOHN B. ALDEN, Manager. Tribune Building, New York.
The Great Carriage Manufacturing llouse of the World.
Top Buggies audi I Phaetons.
Beet material, good workmanship, handsome style, strong and
durable vehicles in every rchpect.
70,000 Carriages
Manufactured by EMERSON, FISHER 4 CO., are now in use
in every part'of the American Continent.
They give unfailing satiffaction. All thoir work is warranted, They nave received
testimonials from all parts ol tho country of purport similar to the lollowing, hundred
of which aro on file subject to inspection :
Messrs. Emkbhiin Fishkr A Co. :
I have used one of your Top Buggies three years,
1.11,1 111,: unvu jfliuu uiu pvi iv, B.HDi.i.t'uu uw mi
Messrs. ConwR A ,lotinN
Deur Sirs:--! have burn using the Emerson A
pose a
i any olio rnniu. I naa a last none, arove mm
myself In the buggy, aud It is tis-Uay wor.b all the
Uugglet will do.
The favorable reputation tho Carriages havo made in localities where they havo been
used far several years by Liverymen, Physicians, Farmers and others requiring hard and
constant use, has led to an increased demand from those localities, to mecLwhich tht
manufacturing facilities of thoir mammoth establishment have been extended, enabling
them now to turn out in good style,
360 Carriages a "Week.
American Patriotism, Mcenla.
Talne'e History of Kngllt h Literature, ; J (
Cecil' Bok of Natural History, $1
Pictoral Handy Lexicon, S5 ccut
paying, (y auinor or Sparrowjrrasa Paper, M) a
Mr. Ilemans' Poetical Works, 75 cent
Kitto'a Cvelopa-dl of Bib. Literature, 2 vols, $3
Rollin's Ancient History. . as
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