OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, November 25, 1880, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1880-11-25/ed-1/seq-2/

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1 r-.olntirn of nnT XDfiil V in
jTmRvv "
Southern Illinois.
!y Mornlnff Dally In Southern Illinois.
VsiMflu), wnrA IntrmlilPoi! Into En?-
jTlio first Atlnutio cable was laid An-
tst 12, 1867.
The ncrcopo of wheat in the United
ates nggri-gatcs 80,000,000. .
Tlifi Sultan enrourngos tailors by
lying tlireo liiiiuireu ami mxiy-uvo
iu a year.
I m
Ahnnt nnpliuiidrod thousand watches
e sold every mouth iu tho United
jSineo tho discovery of petroleum in
59 Pennsylvania lias produced uj,-
2,o:i!) barrels ol crude oil, valued ni
1 -
The population of the district of Co-
mbia. as oflicially civen, is 1Y7,GH8.
Jbout one-third of tho number are col-
cd people.
Althoutrh Tirmor collars have to a
cat extent gone out of use within the
st ten years, 200,000,000 of them are
w manufactured annually.
Rsmenv! has three violins, of which
no is a Stradivarins, called tho Trin-
ss, and valued at $5,000; another,
.lied tho Prince, is an Amati. of the
Lma vnlne: and the third, called the
fwn Prince, and used for parlor play-
2, valued ai yj.uuu, was mane oy iur.
dton of New York, who -works so
owly and so carefully that should bo
ork till very old, ho would complete,
i 1 r r. i
is sum, oniy micuu viuhiin,
The London Times makes this statc-
ent of the progress of Great Britain
fid Ireland in the last ten years:
topttlation haa Increased 11 per cent-
evenue " "
ubllo wealth SO ' '
btninerce 13 "
flipping - 18 "
lextila manufactures 2S " "
Iinerali V " "
ailway traffic 4S " "
oitoffica 45 11 "
;hooli 122 " "
nhlicmorality 13 " "
veiiareoi me poor u
Thk "London Hair Color Restorer"
is the most delightful article every in
troduced to the American peoplo and
totally different from all other hair re
storers, being entirely free from all
impure ingredients that render many
other articles tor the hair obnoxious.
Where baldness, or falling of the hair
exist, or prematurely grayness, lrom
sickness or other causes, its use will
restore tho natural youthful color, and
causes a healthy growth, cleansing the
scalp from all impurities, dandruff, etc.,
at the same time a most pleasing and
lasting hair dressing, fragrantly per
fumed, rendering the hair soft
and plyablc, making it an indis
pensable in every toilet.
sk your druggist for London Hair Color
MBtorcr. Price 75 cents a bottle. (1)
A Modern Poet.
Vhat is a modern poet's fate, to write his
thoughts up a slate,
he critic spits on what is done, gives it a
wipe and all is gone,
ik Ulimirnfilimii from our bodies flv.
Jvhen Thomas' Eclcctric Oil we try.
Sold by Paul Q. Schuh.
Always avoid harsh purgative pills,
'hey first make you sick and then leave
km constipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills
I'gulatetho bowels and makoyou well.
'' A Card.
To all who aro suffering from tho errors
,nd indiscretions of youth.nervous weakness,
arlv dec ft v. loss of manhood, etc.. 1 will
end a recipe that will cure you, free of
i mi i i i
tnarge. i ins great remcuy was discovered
y a Missionary in South America. Send
self-addressed envelope to the Kev. Joseph
'. Inman, Btation D, New York City.
Ciiri9t. Gereeb. "Wholesale Hardware,
Toledo, Ohio, says : The Excelsior Kidney
Pad has acsomplished more for my wife in
ihrce weeks than all tho medicine bIio has
taken in three-years. Refer all Bkeptics to
no. See Adv.
Tub remedy that will cure so many dis
ases peculiar to woman is Warner's Safe
tidney and Liver Cure. Mother's Maga
The Voltaic Kelt Co., Marshall,
lieu. ill send their celebratod Electro-
S)ltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days
al. tspeedy cures guaranteed. They
Wan what they say. Write to them with
Wt delay. "
Thomas Mverr, Bracebridge, writes:
'Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is the best mcd
cine I sell. It always gives satisfaction",
ind in cases of coughs, colds, sore throat,
urng, &c., immediate relief has been re
wived by those who use it." Sold by Paul
For the Bpeedy cure of consumption and
ill diseases that lead to it, such as stubborn
Wughs, neglected colds, bronchitis, hay
Tever, aBthuia, pain in tho side and chest,
Jry hacking cough, tickling in tho throat.
Hoarseness, sore throat, and all chronic or
angering diseases of tho throat and lungs,
r. lung's .New Lnscovcry has no equal
d has established for itself a world-wide
putation. Many leading physicians
mmend and uso it in tlieir practice.
The formula from which it is prepared is
lighly recommended by all medical jour
ials. Tho clergy and the press have com
plimented it in the most glowing terms.
Jo to your druggist and get a trial bottle
eo of cost, or a reaular sizo for $1. For
ile by Geo. E. OTIara, Druggist, Cairo,
Never, No Never.
An Mr.ha.ntre nni Ulvtea 8. Grant will
iwer be emperor, but will always etaud
5gh in the hearts of his countrymen, oc
cupying tho position that Spring Blossom
jaldi, ia curing sick Headache, Bilious
:, Indigestion, et. Prices: SO cents, trial
iottlci 10 cento.
From tue French of Krckmann-C'liatrlan.
Last Sunday afternoon, ni) malil
eorvant having gone out to vespers, and
tho heat of, the day toward three o'clock
being overpowering, I foil asleep read
ing Darwin.
Sly window opened upon the Charter
house garden; the rustling of the leaves
vaguely to my ears; a light breath of
air caressed my cheeks. Suddenly, in
a dream, I saw myself transported to
the banks of tho Ganges, not far from
1 was sitting in tho shado of a great
tamarind tree; the sacred river rolled
before mo like a lake, whito with light,
and upon its banks an immenso forest
of palms, bananas, and other exotic
plants spread itself, whoso lances, par
asols, and fans mingled together us far
as the eye could reach.
And while 1 contemplntcd in wonder
ment this splendid landscape, a slight
noiso in the leaves over my head drew
my attention. I looked up and saw
guess what I saw!
1 saw myself, Nicholas Poirior, pro
lessor of philosophy at tho College of
r-aint Suzanne, in tlio form of a eliini- j
panzer, hanging by one of my paws to
the lower branch of tlio tamarind tree,
and making faces at myself.
Judge of my astonishment!
Comprehending directly that my body
ka.d dissevered itself from my soul, ai.d
was capering about in tho lonely forest,
1 was in consternation.
"If it wanders off into the depths of
tho wood," I said to myself, "it will
never return, and I shall remain hero
alone, wiih my nietaphvsics and noth
ing else to console nie.
Tho thoughts made me shudder. I
wanted to Himmon niv Not -me- to re
sume immediately its accustomed place,
but tho fear of frightening it modified
my ideas, and with a conciliatory tone,
I said to it:
Come! come! mv dear Nicholas,
consider does that posture suit the
dignity of your character!' uugni a
professor of 'philosophy to suspend him
self from the branch of a tree? Is it
proper? Come, my friend, come back
to propriety!"
But the chimpanzee, after replying to
me bv two or three grimaces, said:
"Ah! now. do vou take mo for a fool,
proud and stupid spirit? 1 descent from
my tree to seat myvelf again in your old
arm-chair, and wear out my eyes in de
ciphering silly stories! Ah, you know
me little if you reckon on that. No, no!
I am very well on my tree, and here I
stay until the fancy takes me to get
down and munch a lew aimonus or
treat myself to a coeoanut. That's
what suits me. You! do what you like,
discuss, dream, babble; that is your
affair. I have had enough of it."
At this impertinent answer I had a
mind to be angry, but for tho second
time reflecting that this would not be a
good way to bring back the Not-me, I
resolved to convince it bv the force of
logic, and in softened accents cried:
"I comprehend, mv dear Nicholas,
tho wish for liberty which has taken
possession of you; the desire to stretch
yourself was natural enough, after be-
ing luuiy yours iu rest. iui tuia uiieu
is enough. You should listen to rea
son. Come, my friend, come,"
"Hear me," interrupted thft chim
panzee. "For a long time 1 have known
what you keep in store for me; that you
distinguish between yourself and me;
who aro your own body and your own
life; that you propose to survive me,
after having made me work and sweat
to satisfy your vanity. You have told
me so a liundred times, winie we were
together under the same envelope. You
have said to me, 'You, bocJy, shall die;
you shall turn to dust, after being bur-
;.. i 1... ...t T -..!..:.. I
leu I'eremuiiiminrj , uut i, riiru, i urn
of another essence than yours; my es
sence is one and indivisible; it is im
npnrtal, outside of space and time; tinio
cannot affect it. You, you were made
to be eaten by worms.' is it true? Did
you say so:'
1 could not deny it, my body having
lived with me fifty years in the most in
timate confidence, and, besides, l had
taught the thing professionally in the
lecture-room, according to the pro
gramme of tho university. I could not,
therefore, dispute tho fact, and tho
chimpanzee, seeing me enibarassed, re
commenced making faces at me, giv
ing forth peals of laughter with an air
of triumph.
I lost patience.
"Aro you coming down directly?" I
cried. "I am tired of all this talk. It
is I who command, 1 tho spirit; and
matter ought to obey."
"You have told nie so a hundred
times," said the ape. sneeringly, "and
I wns stupid enough to believe you.
But times are changed. Stay in your
arm-chair. I am going to skip awny,
swing on tho vines, uudtry to find some
pretty monkey to beautify my exist
ence." At this threat a shudder of horror
seized me; and, softening my voice, I
"Well, then, yes! I have said wiiat
lias been repe'atud for six thousand
years: It is clear that the body turns
to dust, but that it is not my fault; it is
a fact, and every reasonable animal
must submit to positive material facts.
What is the use of struggling? That is
evident to the senses. But the spirit,
invisible, impalpable, is necessarily im
mortal." ,
On hearing this, mv chimpanzee burst
into endless' roars of laughter, chatter
ing his teeth and repeating:
"The soirits is immortal! immortal!
Ila! ha! La! that's a good joke! immor
tal!" 1
Ho slapped his thighs and went into
8ueh convulsions that I was afraid of
seeing him fall from the tree, anil be
gan to cry out:
"Honk yourself on, animal! Hold
yourself faster. With your extrava
gances you will end hy breaking your
neck, and I i here, without n body,
v hat will become of me? How shall' 1.
get up before my scholars and mako
them recognize me?"
These reasons appeared to affect th
ape, for ho was inlcresU'd iu his per
servation as much as 1. Then, having
calmed himself, he continued:
"You are immortal, and I mut dis
appear! Yet wo have but one '1.' l'or
fifty years wo hnvo been working to
gether for thn development of this 'I,'
both of us. 1 liave sulfered. as well in
you, the privations which were needed
for your greatness. Haven't wo had to
riasfi dav and night digging Inlo Latin,
reek, Hebrew, and Sauscrll, without
speaking of living languages, to get
your chair of philosophy. And now I
must perish, whilo vou will survivo mo
in existence of unalterable satisfaction
and felicity for ever and everP Coma,
now, that is contrary to common senso.
Where would be tho eternal justico of
which you are always talking?"
My spirit, having no other answer to
mako, tried: "shut up!" But, directly,
feeling tho necessity of wheedling this
Biibtle animal by somo sort of reasouing,
I added:
"Your physical sufferings wero noth
ing in comparison with my intellectual
and moral sufferings. Besides, they
were compensated by a host of pleas
ures suited to your nature. I never re
fused you anything. As soon as my
means permitted, I put on you a lino
brown suit of clothes, patent-leather
shoes, according to thotasut you have
always shown; waist coats, fashionable,
cravats, tho latest trowsors were not
lacking to vou for vanity was as great
as mine. You had to havo white linen,
ornaments to your watch-chain things
which 1 could have done without, but
for you. And your lovo of good living.
1 never saw tho liko. Haven't wo
shouted and sung and fensted at tho
Prado, at the Chaiimicre? How many
sausages with sourkrout, slices of ham,
and crawfish haven't you swallowed at
tho Strnsburg Brewery, La Harpo
Street? Have I ever reproached you in
tho least? Even when my pockets wero
empty, and Iliad to go on tick, did I
hesitatoP I do not speak of the innu
merable pints of beer which have gouo
down your throat; they would piako
thousands of kegs if you would reckon
them up. And the cigars, and tho mu
sic, nnd the theatre and all tho rest."
My chimpanzee half shut his eyes im
patiently. "Good!" said he, "you nev
er refused anything to yourself, either,
and a thousand times you havo depriv
ed mo of tho greatest necessaries in or
der to adorn your library with some
new book and satisfy your vain curiosi
ty. In the early days, especially, I had
to pass winters without a fire; my fin
gers numb with cold and my stomach
"I suffered from it more than you.
Your privations enfeebled mo, and tho
fear of losing you gave me a fever."
"Ah! ' cried the rascally ape, "to bo
so afraid you must have been not quito
suro of surviving me. ' Say what you
will, we shall end together; you snail
not survive me a second. When I sleep,
wo both lose tho sense of tho 'I;' when
I begin to wako up, you dream, you
babble; when; I open my eyes, you re
vive; when I am sick and you suspect
the filighest dangerous injury to me, you
do not know what Baint to pray to.
Go! your ease is as clear as mine; soothe
yourself with your darling illusions, wo
shall none the less depart arm-iu-ann."
Ho stopped, aqd seeing me reduced
to silence, the animal went on with re
doubled insolence:
"Formerly, in tho time of the Egyp
tians, I was embalmed after my death,
and remained hundreds of years in
the condition of a mummy. It was a
just tribute to my amices; the honor of
being enveloped in consecrated ban
dages and stuffed with rare perfumes
consoled mo a little for tho loss of life.
But at present you disdain me; you
think to elevate yourself by despising
your body. For all that it is only a
comedy on your part. Do you remem
ber our rheumatism in the stomach,
when Dr. Boniface gave us both up? I
could hardly help laughing, in spite of
the sadness of the moment, at your
looks when you received tho last conso
lations of this terrcstial world; the big
Latin words served out to you had not
the appearance of reassuring you much
as to your final lot, and for the sake of
keeping mo two or three years more
you would not have hesitated a minute
to sacrifice your eternal life. Come,
own up; be honest toyourself. Is it true?"
I was confounded at his impudence;
then, with a movement of indignation
nnd as a last resource, and striking my
breast, I cried:
"I think; therefore, I am."
Artd t he chimpanzee imitating my
gesture and caressing his stomach, jeer
ingly cried:
"I digest; therefore I am. One can
doubt everything except that one di
gests; for to doubt ono must digest,
doubt being a phase of good diges
tion." So much audacity deserved chastise
ment. I rose to bring the rascal to his
senses, when I perceived in the deep
shadow of tho leaves a moving object.
Looking closer, I recognized the Hat
head of one of those enormous serpen!
of the Ganges marshes, with whom apes
are a favorite dainty. His tail loosened
itself from the tip of the the tamarind
tree, and his scaly belly glided undu
lating in silence down to tho lower
branches. A cry of horror burst from
my very bowels:
'"Look out!" '
And the chimpanzee, perceiving from
the corner of his eye the fearful reptile,
made a prodigious leap.
It was too late; the python had fol
lowed him lik a dart, and I heard his
bones cracking, when my maid-servant
returning from vcspers.opcned the door,
"Did you call, sir?"
What 'luck! I seemed to feel all the
hairs on my body stand on end, and I
"Nothing, Jeannette, nothing; I only
"See, for all that, th" emotions to
which a man is exposed in reading Dar
win. Life on tho Tarra,
"Nothing but a fanner," is a phrase
that is heard now and then in America.
It would probably be heard iu no other
country short of Algiers. In thn best
at least, of the older countries the
tradesman, tho teacher, the mechanic
not to say the conunervial traveler
would congratulate himself on the good
fortune that, promoted him to the stand
ing of a free-hold farmer, even though
his acres should be few enough to bo
counted on his tio'.'crs, The notion that
n man stands n little higher who wears
linen und bends over a desk or a count
er than the man u ho wears and holds a
plow-handle is a ba -k woods notion. If
it has had any inlluerieo as it douhtess
has had - in beguiling young men from
the shop, the mill nnd the office, It will
not have it much longer. As a new
country sentiment It will go tho way of
the log-cabins and the corduroy roads.
Uvvd Co'"!.
Fob diarrhoea, dysentery, bloody-flux-cramp
in stomach, and colic, whether af
fecting adults, children, or infants, Dr.
Pierce's t'ompound Extract of Smart-weed
is a sovereign remedy, It is compounded
from the best brandy, Jamaica ginger,
smart-weed, or wutcr-peper, anodyne, south
ing nnd healing gums. For colds, rheu
matNm, neuralgic affections, and to break
up f -vers and inflammatory attacks it is in
valuable and should bo kept in every house
hold. Fifty cents by druggists.
45 Yearn Before the Public,
nrenot recommended as a remedy "for all the
ills that flesh is heir to," but in affections of
the Liver, and in all Iihious Complaints, Dys
pepsia, nnd Sick Headache, or diseases of
tliat character, they stand without a rival.
No better cathartic can be used prcpara
tory to, or after taking quinine.
As a simple purgative they are uncqualcd.
The genuine are never sugar-coated.
Each box has a red-wax seal on the lid with
tlie impression, Mi LANE'S I.1VF.R PILL.
Each wrapper bears the signatures of
C McI.anb and Fi.kming Eros.
tT Insist upon having the genuine Dr.
C. McVANE'S L1VKR PILLS, prepared by
FLEMING BROS., riltsburgh, Pa.,
the market being full of imitations of the
name McLane, spelled differently but
same pronunciation.
II Ain 'En's Baza it.
Thin popular periodical Is pre eminently a Jour
nal for the boimehold.
Every number furutphnn the Intent Inrormation
in ruKiint to ruHlilona In drena anil omnumiit, the
nuwi'Nt and approved pattern, with defcripllva
artlelen derived from authentic and orlKluul
ourccH; wiillo Its Stoilue, 1'oeinn, and Kni8 on
Snclul and Domestic TopWe, i;lve variety to ita
HARPER'S BAZAR, Ono Year $1 00
The THREE above-named publications, One
Year 10 00
Any TWO above named. Oue Year 7 CO
Postage Free to all tuhacrtbera in tho United
Staieaor Canada
" The Volumes of the Raz ir begin with tho flrM
Numberfor January of each year. When no time
ia mentioned, it will bo undcrxtood that the cub
ccrlber witthea to commence with the Number next
after the receipt of the order.
I he lint Eleven Annual Volumes of Hakper's
Dakar, In neat cloth binding, will bo nent by mail,
pontage pnld, or by expi-em, free of charge (pro
vided the frcighi doc not exceed one dollar per
volume i for $7.1 0 each,
Cloih caeca for each rolumo, snitablo for bind
ing, w ill be aent by mall, postpaid, ou receipt of
$i.iO each.
Hemlfancca ihould be made by Pont-Ofllr?
Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of looa.
Ncwvpap' m ore forbidden copy thn adver
tlnement wl.liout th- express order ot Haiifish &
BuoTHKiia. Addrern.
Harper's Magazine
I L L U S T R A T E D.
"Studying the lubject objectively and from the
educational point of view necking to provide that
which, liiken ttitogelbcr, will be of the mol serv
ice to the largest number I long ago concluded
that if I couM have but one work for a public li
brary, I would celect a complete set of Harper's
Monthly. "Charles Francis Adams, Jr.
I's contents nre contributed by the most eminent
author and artists of Europe and America, while
the lobg experience of its publishers has made
them thoroughly conversing with the desire of tho
public, which they will spare noelTort to gratify.
HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year 4 01
HARPER'S BAZAR. One Year 4 00
The THREE above publications, One Vcttr.... 10 00
Any TWO above named. One Year 7 00
Postage Free to all subscribers In the United
State! or t'uiiada.
Tho volumes of the Mngnz1ne begin with tlio
Numbers fur June aud December ol each year.
When no time N spe tiled, it will be understood
thai the sunserlber wishes to begin with the cur
rent Number.
A Complete set of Haiu'Ku'h Maoazink, com
prising 0 1 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be
sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser,
on receipt of fj-ttS per volume. Single volumes,
by mall, post paid, i-i 00. Cloth cases, for bluj.
lug, 3H cents, by mail, pott-paid.
Remittances should be made by Post-Office
Money order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement
williout the express order or Harper a llrolbers,
Address HARPKR & R MOTHERS, New York.
This periodical, by Its able and scholarly discus
sions of the questions of the day, as well as by It
IHiiHlritHiitiH u hlrh nrn nrmiMrwl liv thn hniit art luia
has always exerted a most powerful and beneficial
inniience upon me pumic muni.
Thewelgetof It influence will always be found
on tho side of morality, enlightenment, and refine
HAKI'I'.R'S BAZAR, One Year ,
The THREE above publications, One Year...
Si 00
. 4 00
. 4 00
10 00
Any TWO above named, On eur 7 00
Posts go Free to all subscriber in the United
States or Canada.
ThVn1nmf the WeoVlv beeln with the flrnt
Number for January of each yenr. When no time is
mentioned, It Will be understood that the subscri
ber wishes to commence with the Number next
after the receiptor the order .
'lh last Eleven Aniiuul Volumes of Uarprh'r
Wr.BRi.r, In ui s' cloth binding, will be sent by
mull, nostsgu mild, or by express, free of expense
(provided the freight does nut exceed ono do lar per
volume). rr $7.11 e"i:n.
( loth Cases for each volume, suitable forb ti'ltnir,
will bo sent by mall, postpaid, on recolptof $1.00
Remittances htilil be mndu bv Post office Money
Order or Until, to avoid chance of lost.
Newspapers arc nut to copy thin advertisement
without tho express orueroi iiAiti'ttn hkohikiib
Tho ertrnordlnarv effect of this Ilnrhn, as Pre
pared by Dr. Haydock, upon the Kidneys and Uri
nary urguus ih wiiuoui a nerani i in uiu iiimorjr ioi
nieillcliiw, and its results furjbeyond nny of tho
Kidney remedies of the day. It sl'lmuliites Diges
tion adds tone to tho system. Invleomtes the De
bilitated, and Is luiulllhlu for the euro of Ditt-
I etc In its worst form.
One trial of a teaspoonful In a w ine-glass of
water will convince the uiost rccpiicitl within fiom
ten to tweuty minuter.
Disorder of the Kidneys.
In all dlsenses atl'ectlus these organs, whether
they secrete too much or too little water, or
w hether tnev lie (I 111 ic tell Willi stone or gruvel, or
wilh nclies and lialns settlediu theloitis oyer the
reglou of lliekiilneys.
Vitalized Bucnu.
Will give almost Immediate relief, when all other
melius have fulled. '1 ho moi-t powerlul existing
meiili'liif for the cure of female complaints, Fifty
years cxpcrlcncolticonteHtablv proves this remedy
unrivalled for the dli-orders Incidental to the female
sex. No ftimilvsliould no without It, and it may be
taken by young orold, us It w III restore health when
every oilier means prove unsuccessful.
To the stomach w e trace dyspepsia, headuche and
general debility to tlio liver, bile, Juundice, and
yellow fi ver; to the bowels, diarrhoea, diseutary,
constipation, piles, and hs'ula: to the lungs, con
sumption, etc.; to the mood, scrofula, scurvy,
und all rutuhcoiis eruptions. Ity keeping these
organs and vita fluid pure and' healthy we may
safely defy the attacks of disease, und no wcdlcite
vet prepared Tor this puruusu can cijuiil the ac
tion of
Vitalized Iftjciiu.
"It has mule nie a new man."
"Dr. HnydiKk's Buihu haslncrcased my weight
fifteen pounds."
"My wife would net be without It for any
"Our little boy Is much better, I enclose one
dollar for another bottle."
"1 find it as easy to take as milk "
'We have sold thirteen bottles this week, and
shall want three dozen next order."
".My morning agony is gone thanks to your
Wet of space compels me to conclude.
Auv Invalid or sufferer ulllclea .w ith any Kidney
disorder who will write me as to their complaint,
will be treated humanely and kindly. It Is my
most earnest desire to Investigate all forma of
Diabetes, and to give relief at all limes, ll you are
too poor to purchase, w rite me any way, aud your
case will hue immediate attentiou.
Observe tint the signature of Jos. Haydock 1)
acrois the mouth ol each bottle
Price One dollar for large, and fifty ceuta for
trial sizes
7 Dey Street, New York.
To Nervous SulTercm The Great Europenn fiem-edv-Hr.
.1. It. Miniwon'k Specific Medicine.
Dr. J B. Simpson's Specific Medicine is a posi.
tlve cure for Spermatorrhea, Impotencv, Weakness
and all diseases resulting from Self Abuse, as Ner
vous Deliilllv, Irritability. Mental Anxiety, Languor,
Lassitude. Depression of Splrils aud functional de
rangements of the Nervous System generally Pains
In-i'.ack or Side, Loss of Memory, Prematura Old
Aee and diseases
that lead to Con
sumption Insani
ty and an early
grave, or both.
No matter how
shattered t h e
system may be
from excesses of
any kind, a sboit
course of this medicine will restore me lost limo
tious and procure health aud happiness, where be
fore was despondency and gloom. The Specific
.iieoiciuo is uemg usea wun wouacriul sue
Pamphlets sent free to all. Write for them and
get full particulars.
Price, Specific. $1 .fl per package, or f'x pack
ages for $.Vfo. Will be sent by mall on receipt ol
money. .Address all orders,
No. H4 sml lisi Main St.. Buffalo, N. Y.
TRADE MARK. The Great English ! KA1)E MARK
itemecly, an un
failing cure for
Semlnul Weakness
Sperm atorrhoea,
Inipotency. and all
direases that fol
low as a conse
quence of self
T r mi' autise; asloss ot
ijelore lamememorv. universal
lassitude, pail1 Tn the back. dliii Af... ir0v;
ness of vision, premature old age.auw AWUHS
and many other diseases that b ud to insanity or
consumption and a premature grave.
Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we dtj
sire to send tree by mail to every one. The spe
cific medicine is sold bv all druggists at fl per
package, six for$!, or w ill he teiii Iree by mail on
receiptor the tnoiiKy by addressing THE OKAY
MEDICINE CO., No. 3 Mechanics block, Detroit
Mich. Sold in Cairo by Ilarcluy Bros., Paul U
bchun and (ico. r.. u iiaru.
Outfit lurnlshed Iree, with full In
kstructlons for conducting the most
I profitable business that any oue can
fill I encage in. The business is so easy
TT toTearn, and our Instructions are so
simple and plbin, that any one cub
make great proflts from the sturt. No one can fall
who Is willing to work. Women are as successful
as men. Ilovs and eirls can earn liiree sums.
Many have made at the business over one hundred
dollars in a single week. Nothing like it ever
known before, All who engage are surnrlsd at the
case and rapidity with which they are able to make
money. You can engage In this business during
your spare time at great profit. Youdo not have to
invest cupital in It. We take all the risk. Those
who need ready money, should wliro to us at once
All furnished free. Address TRI E & CO., Au
gusta. Malne
We buy and sell at current rates:
U. S. Government Honda
Central Pacific Land Oiunt Bonds.
Central Pacific First Mortgage Gold Ponds.
California and Oregon do
Sau Joaquin Valley do
Western 1'acHlc do
Southern Pacific of Cel. do
Chesapeake & Ohio RW. Co. Domla and bond
and stock serin and courons.
Wo have for sale the Chesapeake Ohio Series
"A" 6 per cent. Ponds, at !'.' aud interest,
We buy and sell on commission tho securities
dealt In al the Mock hxebange. and make au
vancei thereon to responsible nurties.
We also tiny and sell on commission all classes
of securities not quoted at the Stock Kxchange
We receive deposits und allow tuercst ou dally bal
-S777 .
A Y KAit and expenses to
agents. Out tit
freo Address. P.
Augusta. 31ulne
,t ARlegant Chromo Csrds.Ncw Styles, 10c. Agentt
'iOwauted. L. JON ES & CO., Nassau, N. Y.
The most thrilling, exciting, fascinating book
ever wiluen. Taken from titivate records never
before publish' d. Sketib ef the Aullur, the
groatcst living Detective. 'IliiHlltig Illustrations
Low In price. No competition. Outsd'a all
other books. It".0r0 sold Immediately.
r' 4 f WX'VSl I Subscription only. Applynt
1 V AUTii! AO (once for terms and territory
U. W. CAKLEION CO.. I'utillshers, H. X. City
A nit a week In your own town, $S outfit flee, No
l Minsk. KCHuur, ir you want, a nustnesa at
'W '''which persona of either sex canmake great
day all the time they work, write for particulars t
11. iiALXUi r uu.. I'oruaua.
Ve Mean Cured, Not Merely Kelk'veu
And Can Prove What we Claim.
IVfcThcrii are no failures and no disappoint
ments. If you aro troubled with SICK IIKA11-
At 111. you can be easily and quickly cun d, as
hundred liuve he n already. Wu sliull be pleased
to mull a sheet of testimonials to any interested.
Carters Little Liver I'M
Also cure all forms of IllnouMie ss, prevent Constl
patlou and Dyspepsia, promote Dieestlon, n llevu
distress from' too hearty eating, correct Disorder!
of the Stomach, Stimulate the Liver, and Regulate
the Dowels. 'I'lrey do all this by takini Inst ono
little pill at a do.e. They are purely vegetable, do
not gripe or purge, and aru as nearly perfect a
It is possible lor a pill to be. Price i'i celts, 5 for
81. Sold by druggists everywhere or sent by mail.
A)l 4 VCI!,'',t,'"",i S to S5 Stops. PI
Address DANIEL F. lit A 1 I Y,
Washington, N.J.
W'ANTED.-To cure a rase of CATARRH in
l-Hi-ti 111 iirhrwtrii.fiil uilli lis V u fc t , . It. ,-...
Hy, lo .htrmluci! It. batm-lo iri'u. ULK TIL'KN,
tli.lut...... II.. '
Jill "(Ml 1 I .
rer moutn. during rail and inter, In every
county. Inte:esting and valuable Informa
tion, with full particulars, free. Address at
once, J . C. iMTRDV A CO., Chicago, 111.
lowest prlees ever known
Kin.-, and Hnoltrra,
at irreutly reducvd pru-e,
sx-iid nimnn for our New
yy li.y 1 J1ij;tj;ctivksof
Europe and America
25 years experience In the Secret Sen ice cf Cele
brated Detectives, In all parts of the vorld tM
octavo pages, W full paf;e engraving. Als in
press two new Illustrated books. Hxlra induce
ments offered. FortermsaddressJ.lt. Rl'RR A
CO., Hartford, Ct., or Chicago, Ills.
New and terv Attractive Styles are now ready
Rest cabinet or Parlor organs In
the world, winners of highest dis
tinction at every treat Worid'l
Exhibition nr thirteen y, ars.
"Pricei. .M , ',7, tHi, $4. $ln lo
JVM and upward. Foreasypay
nieuts, $il..in a quarter sr.d op
ward. Catalogues free. MaON
A Hamlin Organ CO., T4 Tre
mont street. Huston :1 Knst 14th
street, (fnlon Square,) New York, 14M Wabash
avenue. Chicago.
A brilliant book, fascinating In style, pure in
language, endorsed by pbysli tuus even where. An
elatiorute exposition of the Physical Life of Man
and woman. Elegantly printed and fully llhistrut
ed. Extraordinary Inducements to Agents Ad
dress JONES UKO'MI EltS it CO., Chicago, Ll.
Ji UIl lIll lilIiriA .This well known
Illustrated Magazine will cuter on its 1Mb
year In 1!. l..'ua Year, in advance, Seud for
Sumplc No. and premium-List. New Subscriber!
get extra numbers lor subscribing now. Addr.-ss
Huston, .Mass
I pprtVtl? pur . Pronoutuxi th Nwt tTthi hind
el at ml i fit) nithorititu id Uic km M inun hit; It. -it
aw.tr ft At 111 WorM'ti Firw-iM"nv utrl Ml Pins, 1-7.
bvlU hj Uracil.. W H BCUIEFFEUN CO il T
MarrrUmt muvru.
Irmnepertoni ReitorH!
foraU RaAtn ft Srava Imsusxk, (tifuiurt
'Cur f.ir htl. KniUntu nnA An Jfticlirml.
IfFii.LiBM If taken u illrx-tsd. Ao Pitt al-r
nrtiaay Hue. Treatise ami f 2 trial tjottleirvsto
Vltiiallenta,ihsypa.vltueipresMe. Bend nam!,
P. 0. ami exprrss address to Da. KI.INK. 1
Arch Su Philadelphia, 1'a. &tvnncijuliirueifut4.
Without medrjlns. ALLAH'S 80LTTBLK MEW.
tATED Bul tilltt. Patented October 16, ItO.
One box.
No. 1 will eare any ease In four daya. or less.
No. 2 will cure the moil obstluato cue, no matter
Of how longstanding.
No nauseous doses of enhebs, copaiba or oil of
VmUlwood, that aro certain to produce dyspepsia
h destroying the coatings of the stomach. Nn
lyrtngesor astringent mjeclloui to produce other
terlous c or.ipltcatloni.
Price f l 50. HOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, or
balled o receipt of price.
Fori bar particulars send tor etrcalar.
F. ). fl, X lii. J.C.ALLAN CO., M John Btraat,
Sew York.
Wt otter 1500 reward for any car I thsy will not
ulck, laf a and sure car.
(hl.. AV Am Unit, thufc
may prove the itepplng-stono to a life of bucccm.
It Is especially adopted to thoie who have, reached
the foot or the hill. Address U. YOUNO, 1T8
Greenwich Btreet, New York.
Indl.MnMbl. to Ksrm.r., M.ehtnlcl, Mmhtnta, Prn'.ulon.l.,
Etuit.nL, or th. Rlrk, l.bllil.d. Dlt.ll, Hoauk..p.ni, Ac,
Kpim RpMtnn Copy . AAlrtH i, Ik MOSUUM,
UI buoUi nth Street, Biwklya, tl.J, '
men who destre to read
a sclentltlo treatise on
Rnrmialorrhaa and We.
nal Prblllly, together
I a-iih unuarinLli)ia ftat to
th best. REMRDIKB and tnethods of treatment,
shonld aeud for the new pamphlet., by s phjilelan of
thirty year! experience. Price, W cenU.
Adtlreia Murray Hill Fab. Co,
N, y. CITY.
Yonrselvcaby making mon
ley when golden chance i
offered, thereby alwaya
keeping poverty from your
door. Those who alwny
tane anvniitiige or the good
chanrrsfor making money that aro offered, general
ly become wealthy, while those who do not im
prove such chances remain In poverty. Wo want
many men. women, boys anil girts to do work for us
right In their own localities, Tho business wilt
pay more than ten tunei ordinary wages. We
furnish an exponsenslvo outfit and all that you
need freo. No one who engages falls to make
money rupldlv. Von can devote yenr whole time'
to the work, or only your opare momenta. KuM
Information and all that la needed sent free. Ad
dress ST1NSON A Co., Portland, Mahio,
1 1

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