OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, April 02, 1881, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

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Only Morning Daily in Southern Illinois.
"Jt'n no use, Susy, we cau't find it.
I'll have to take llie whipping."
There was a dejected thrill in the sad
child-voice, telling alike ot the physical
dread and of utter hopelessness of
"Wait a minute, Robbie," answered
a cheerier tone. "WhU. until I look
under the huy-bed. A liuch-nin's little,
you know, and it might roll. I can't
bear to give up yet." And as the girl
spoke she swung her lantern under the
huge vehicle, anil stopping, began to
search carefully among the loose chall
and wisp of hay scattered over the
The scene was tho threshing-floor of
a large barn, with great mows frown
ing iJaiKly above on either hand, and
vast granaries stretching away in the
rear, and the speakers wero a little or
phan boy who had lost a liuch-piu, and
the sympathetic kitchen girl of the
farm. As tho latter rose from her fruit
less search I he bright glow of tho lan
tern fell full upon her, revealing a face,
not pretty, certainly, if viewed from a
cultivated, artistic standpoint, but fresh
and girlish, and just now, glorified by
a halo of womanly pity.
"Oh, Kobbie! I'm so sorry," she
said, rising. "Can't you think where
you had it last?"
"No, Sue, I can't. I've tried and
tried. I reckon old lieeson will nearly
kill mo ho did the last time." Then
with a shudder, throwing his childish
arms around her waist, "Oh, Sue, he's
"Poor baby!" cried the girl, clasp
ing him closer, while her soft, grav
eyes tilled with tears. ' I wi-.li I could
save you. How did you ever come to
bo left with him, anyhow?"
"Why, you see," was the reply,
"when mother died there was only me
and Chris., and Chris, ain't like me.
He's strong and smart, and afraid of
nobody. So he thought he would go
away and make a fortune for us both.
His name is Christopher like Christo
pher Columbus, you know and he
meant to do some great thing, too. Not
in a ship, though, but in a big city. He
had read of poor boys making money
there, and rvs the homestead was gone
he was bound to try it. And then old
Beeson offered to keep me while hewa
away. But Chris, never meant for me
to le abused. I heard him say that I
was to go to school, and be well treat
ed, and that he would pay for my board
and expenses when he come back. But
I reckon fce'll never come, now." And
the poor child's tears fell ft at the
"Oh, maybe he will," answered the
girl soothingly. "We'll hope so, any
way." "Well, maybe," he assented drearily.
"But, O Sue; it 1 were only of age, like
you, wouldn't I go to seek him!"
Then, as if with a Hidden thought,
"Sue, what makes you stay? You were
of asre six mouths Icjo."
"1 know," she said, and paused as if
the question was an unsettled oue with
herself, then, with the light still upon
her brow, "Partly for vour sake, may
be, Kobbie., and partly because I don't
know where to go. 1 don't mind work
ing, and I must, do that in any place.
Besides it is better fur me; I'm in the
house with Missis, and Robbie, she isn't
like him. Many a piece of bread and
meat she gives to the hungry beggars,
and many a poor tramp she allows to
sleep in the barn when he ain't around"
The last clause was unfortunate, for
the boy. clinging yet closer, cast a
shuddering glance upward toward the
great mows where the shadows were
scarce! v disturbed by their feeble glow
of light.
"Oh, Sue!" ho cried wildly. "What
if he should make me stay all night
in the barn? He has threatened to
many a time. Oh, Sue, what can we
The poor excited boy sank down in
"We might pray," said Sue, timidly.
"Pshaw! He prays."
There was a whole volume of incipi
ent skepticism in thee three bitter
words. ,
"I know," answered Faith, sorelv
puzzled, yet clinging to her anchor.
"I know, but it don't sound like thu
prayers I used to hear at tho'sylurn.
There they spoke to some one close at
hand, so gentle, so loving, and yet so
"Oh. Kobbie. now I just remember
the words, so 'strong to deliver.' Who
knows but He might save you. Them
was the man in the den of lions, anil
tho three children in the fiery furnace."
"It's no use, Sue," he answered sad
ly. "There's no deliverer for me but
Chris., and he'll never come now. fio
on to the house and tell the 'old man
that I can't find it. It's as well to get
it over."
"Poor Iamb!" said the tender-hearted
girl, kissing the quivering lips that
were trying so hard to be brave. "I'll
leave the Tight, and I'll beg hard for
you." And repressing a sigh over tho
hopelessness of her task, she glided
into tho starlight, leaving tho poor lit
tle victim to await a cruelty which, con
sidering the centuries of Christian pro
gress that have elapsed since tho
slaughter of the innocents, not only
out-llerods Herod, but is one of tho
darkest blots upon our social scale.
Just hero must I pause to oiler a plea
for tho children, the most defenceless
object In all (.mi's creation. We sigh
over tho miseries of poor Smike, over
little David Copperlicld's sorrowful
Journey; alas! that magic hand which
so moved us has vanished forever, but I
can match these thrilling narratives
with true stones of a chifd rendered
diotlc by continued cruelty, ftnd of a
littlo fugitive bound boy who. after
weary days of hunger and travel, sank
blistered and fainting at his mother's
feet. I can tell of a woman think of
it a woman! who, for some childish
fault committed during the day, fol
lowed an orphan boy to his bed with a
horsewhip, and then, when there wan
no protection save the one little thiu
night garment, broko upon bis inno
cent slumber with stinging blows. And,
upon tho evidence of the laundry -girl,
when thu Name little garment camo to
tho wash, it was striped with blood.
This Is not pleasant reading. It Is far
from being pleasant writing.
"A father to the father' Cod in
bit holy habitation!" Think of this,
0 mother, whose household contains
one of these children of the Highest
Think of it as you gather your little
ones around the glowing fireside for
song or story, and make room for t he
stranger within your doors. When
you divide the hoarded store of cakes
or apples, remember that his own littlo
milk teeth are as eager for sweets as
your own darling's, and be there much
or littlo, givo him a share. When your
band is laid caressingly upon your own
children's heads, let its light pressure
also touch his young brow. Who knows
but it may bo there like a consecrating
chrism, annointing him for noble deeds
for God and humanity? Do these
things, and do them now. Check n ot
your kindly impulses until it is too late,
until the thin hands are crossed within
tho coflin, and the sad eyes hungry
for a mother's kiss have gone to tell
their pitiful story to Him who has said,
'.Sufl'cr the children;" or worse, until a
young soul shall have grown hardened;
and a little one, offended by you, shall
have become a curse and clogging mill
stone upon the neck of society.
1 But to return to my story. Left
alono in the great barn' the sensitive
child endured the two-fold agony of
nervous terror and anticipated suffering.
But he had not long to wait. Soon the
heavy boots of old Ueeson were heard
tramping across the cow-yard into the
barn. Robbie stole one fugitive glanco
as he entered, saw the hard-set face;
saw the long black whip trailing from
his hand, ami the last, vestige of hope
was gone.
"Now, you young rascal, I'll pay
you for your carelessness," cried the
bitter master, as he caught sight of the
cowering form; and seizing the trem
bling boy by the arm, he raised the
whip like a great stiffening serpent,
high in the air.
But why ilid it not descend? The
boy, who had closed his eyes, and set
his teeth hard, wondered at the delay.
From somewhere above came a rushing
sound, aud the cruel, uplifted arm was
grasped and held with a grip of iron.
What could it mean? Had (iod sent
one of his mighty angels down to res
cue the little waif, too hopeless to im
plore his protection? It well might be
so, for our Father is not indifferent to
the troubles of His suffering children;
but the eyes of his glorious deliverer
were gleaming with 'too much indig
nant fury and Tiuniau passion for those
of a heavenly visitant.
"Chris!" The one glad cry burt
from Robbie's lips, and then, unnoticed
by either, he sank sobbing among the
Lav and straw linorin the floor.
Coward! hypocrite! traitor!" These
were the words which burst impetu
ously from the young man's lips, and
with each epithet a stunning blow was
planted in the breast of the fanner.
"Is it thus you tre.it the little brother I
entrusted to your care? Were it not
that since I have Is-en away from your'
vicinity. I have learned to be some
thing of which you do not even know
the meaning a gentleman 1 would
take the horsewhip and Hay you within
an inch of your life. Well,' indeed, it
occurred to me to test your faithfulness
in treating him kindly before I gave of
my hard earnings for the boy's 'board.
Here in my pockets are four hundred
dollars designed for you payment for
every week he has been here but not
one copper of it will you see now. On
the contrary, I shall use it to prosecute
you to the utter limit of the law."
And he kept his word. This youth,
whose energy and pluck had won the
victory in a hand-to-hand struggle with
tho world, was not likely to be troubled
with morbid pity for his adversary; and
with Sue's fair, "honest face on the witness-box,
not only was tho full measure
of justice obtained, but the hard, grasp
ing farmer was disgraced forever in the
eyes of bis friends and neighbor.
Aside from tiie triumph concerning
his little brother, the trial resulted most
happily for Chris, himself. While
seeking to redress an injustice aud a
wrong, like his illustrious namesake,
he discovered another fair realm even
the sweet old Eldorado of love. And
now, when the western sun sinks amid
the floweryjprairies of Missouri, Ids last
beams gild a cottage porch, where of
ten sits a slender student youth and a
broad shouldered, bronze-faced pioneer
the resfuer and the rescued; while
above them beams the soft, womanly
face of happy Sue wife and sister
.loved and honored bevond all the
Grateful Women.
None receive so much benefit, and none
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Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer is the
marvel of the age for all Ncive Diseases,
All fits stopped free. Send to 'J.'Jl Arch
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L'nd Edition of Job.
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my face and body was one vast collection
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tle of your Hpriiitf Blossom I am quite cur
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feel better than I have for a long time.
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No Preparation on earth equal.. St. ) wi Oil u
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A trial entails tun the cninar&t;v'ly trirhnp outlay
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can have c.'ie.rp an.l r-;iiivo pnvf of lu claau.
Diret:nns In Eleven I-anpuafes.
Baltimore 3Id., V. B.M
Loss of appetite, Nausea.bowela costive,
Pain in thelfMovmhYdul) sensation in
fEe backfpart, Painunder the shoulder
blade, fullness after eating, with a disin
clination toexerti6nj)fbody or mind",
Irntabilityjif temper, Low spirits," Loss
ofmmoryLwith ajeeling or having neg
lected some duty, weariDeBa, Dizziness,
Fluttenn sref the Heart, Dots before tha
eyes, Yellow 8kih',"Headache. Kestless'
ness at night, highly "colored TJrine
TO'ITS PILLS r rTlally adapted to
ffUch CHAf H.OIlt' tlflHC Hl'ectt HU('llUrllllUjli
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Tbey IncreiiM Ihe K M-llle. arid oww tb
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It lack by a single npi.il. alion if thl Dyk. It
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Office, 39 Murray St.. New York.
Dr. TITTS HAM IL of VtliuMr Infonaali 14 k
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Who want glossy, luxuriant
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elegant, cheap article always
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Obtalneil for tiew lnveiitinr;. or fur Improvement!
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mark md lulivia. Rvcste. Aiol.'Mneutit, Inter
ferenrc", Apef. Milic for liifriiyeineijlf, and
all cai-en urifwit under thu I'ntrnt l.n. prompt
ly atteiiileii to. Invention that have been
(PIPf'TI-'ll ''' "1U ''"" mv MM,
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US. Ik-lilt' nj.jioMle tn- I'. H. I'utent Ilenartmcnt,
nd ttniWK'til in I'utenl foiirieci. exclue Ivefy, we can
mnk i.loKer "earelief, mhJ cerure 1'ntetiti' more
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I V VK "Tni,lN "''"'J " Tn'"l', r sketch I
1 aX T JjaI 1 'J It. ) your ilevici:; v make ex
amltiatlutis atitl advise 'as to ;iHleritublllly, Irep of
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priri's low, and no ebure unless J'ai!iii is -secured.
We flcr in YVn-hiFitrhiii. to Ucin Postmaster
General I). .M. Kev, Kev. V, D.I'ouer Tin: Ucrman
Anierlmn atinnul Mink, to olllclnls in the I?. M,
Patent Office, and to Senators and Meprcseutatlve
In C'frnrrnssi uiii! ispi clully to our cllenis lu every
State tn the Union anil in Canada. AddreM
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
Opposite Put nt Officii. Washington !. C
Outfit sent free to tnoe vtlni wish lo en
fmu'e In the most pleasant and profitable
mslue known, Kvcrv thine; new.
Capital not rcoulrcil. We will furnish
everything Ins day anil upwards Is yet
I'B.llv tn (fa. u I Itn ml Mlnvliii. suav from
home, over nluM. No ilsl whatever. Many new
wnrk'Ts wnnted at, nni e. Mativ am ntaklnif fort
unes a th business. I. miles make as much as
men, iiidvounu bovs and elrls im.Ke ureal pay. fin
"tie vmio Is willing to work falls to make more
money every day Until cn be niHilelu a week at any
ntbiir employment. Those vt ho eiiiraite at mice
h"rl r"Hl1 fortune. Address II.
H Al.l.hTT 4 CO., Portland .Maine.
: La
NEW YORK. JAN. 1st, 1881.
Assets, $11,108,602; ail increase of
more than Three Million Dollars in
Surplus, 89,228,291; an increase of
One and Three-quarter Millions of Dol
lars in 1880.
New Business, $35,170,805: an in
crease of Eight and a half Million Dol
lars in 1880.
Amount paid to Po'iey-holtlers and
their representatives during 1880,
A liberal surrender value in paid-up
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ry policies, in case of forfeiture.
Tontine Savings Fund Policies may
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These policies prove more profitable to
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Actual examples can be furnished at
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sured for ten years, and then ujion
termiiisting' their Tontine Policies, re
ceiving: cash in some instances equal to
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No technicalities nor arduous condi
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Policies incoutextable after having
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incontestable policies will be paid at
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Society's ollire in New York of satisfac
tory proofs of death, together with a
valid and satisfactory discharge, trom
the parties in interest, and without re
quiring uny delay, even for sixty or
ninety days, as lias been the custom
heretofore, and is still usual with other
Every Style & Price.
Guaranteed Unequaled
mproTemeuta and Conveniences found in
no ethers.
Always Reliable.
For Sal In Every City and Town
la the United SUtec.
and by A. HALLKY. Cairo, 111.
Vulcan Ikon AVokks
H AVIS'O I'KUbllnric worku at the tiovemn
tlnneil Vlnri! in; tatter propiirftd than ever fur
niHtmfairtii rint: HteKin Enirluue and Mill Machinery.
IIhvIiik a M'rim Hummer and ample Tooln, the
mannfiictiir'! of all klmla nf Macldiiury, Railroad,
Hti'Hiiitiont and Uridyl! Kortflnn made a apocialty.
Kipvrtnl attention glveo to repalraof KiiultieBaiid
11raHi CaptiiiKK "fall kind! mail a to ordei
I'lpn FlHlnu in all lu limnchiia.
li-y Win n a Kulllell I'hHIlCH III
rm l.nl vi,h hv ntublnn tn.tn
fitfiTrrl. Oiitrtthv mIivmv
keuplnjc t'owrly from your
dour. TIioho who alwaya
i.hk anvBiiUM or tiio Rood
chBnri!c rur iniiklriR money that are ollerfd, khii'thI
y become wealthy, wlilln thiixe who do not. lm
prow aucli rhancun remain In poverty. Wo want
many men, women, hoyn and girl to do work fur na
right In their own Whittled, The bualnena will
pay more than ten titnea ordinary wairna. Wo
furiiiHii an ixpeniiilv otitllt anil all that yon
need rrae. Ni, ne who etiirHifea falla to make
money rapidly. Yon ran devote your whnla time
to the work, or only your aparn momenta. Full
Information and all that la m-rded aent free. Ad
drean H ri.NHON dr. (.')., Portland, Maine.
ST. LOUIS, I. M. & SO. RY.
Arkmuu aud Texas Kvprena 11:43 a.m. Dally
illHHt; AI'CAIHo,
EiprenH 11:35 a. li. Dally
Arcnm modal ion a : p . ui. Dally
Ticket olUce: No. 55 Ohio I.evco.
II. U. MILBl'RN, Aifent.
Short est ami Quickest Route
St. Louis and Chicago.
Tho Onlv Lino Kunning
Prom Cairo,
Making Dikkct Connkction
Tiuinb Lb avc Cadci:
r a in. Mail,
ArriviiiKin St. l.ouin 9:V, a m. ; I'uicatrii.B:! p.m.;
'i cilua a! H'l.naiid Klllnirham for Clncln-
i.uli, Lonimiili-, Iniliaiiapulia aud pointa Euoi.
1 I : I ;i.ui. tSt . I.niiiK mill Watnrn
VZ x jir-e.H.
Arrivinu' in St. I.ouln V:W p. tn., and connectini!
for all poiu'a r-i .
-1 :;.( ji.tii. Fast Kxprfen.
I irSt. Louis and t'liiin'o, arriving at St. Loula
lo:.'ip ui., and Chli-a-o :..ti a in
-i :'JO p in. t 'iiiciiiiiati Kxir'HH.
Arrhin' at t'lnilnnul ?:ni a.m.; I.omMlIe 7:ii
a m.; It.dianapo.ia 4:"' a.m. faarenirera y
thi train ream the alune point to
lUitl'S id inhuni f of any ullier route.
frTh- 4-Jii p. m. expr.-M han I'L'I.I.MAN
M.t:piN'i ( Alt t niro to Cincinnati, without
rhant'ea, and throMh !cu i m to M. l.oula and
J'a.-t Time I'.nst.
''KsPllo-iilv ,,T f"th roil t;li to Kan.
1 1 ,.. J..HHU v. it tiotit thy delay
caiiaed l ui'lrty inn ,. n, '1 lie Saturday afier
noun Irani fr..ai t'uiro arritek in new York Monday
in.iriu'.'ir ut i'i T.ir: Imurf iu advai.rv o'l
anv ot'n r n.-i. ,
f l'or tnrotifh tirk"'H ami f-.irf (kt information,
a; j..v at liinoi ('.ni.-ai liiinroad Depot. i.'alro.
.1 An. .)HNMi. J. Jl .lUNKli,
en. Soi;iiem A t. Tlrkel Atr'nt.
A II HANsiJX, (ien I'a. a. Aifwnt. ttlcaso.
A nlnahla Dlaroveryand w I)partar In Mod
lcl K incn, fta eulireljr uWferl.J p.wiliri,ly elfMctiv
lnjilyi ir ih"lyan'l iriuiont('ijrof Bvinl
Dal rnia!cna aud In.iotncy hj lh only tmn
way, via: Direct Application totho prlnclil HU
of tne 1 "-jvAo, acting by Alorptlcn, tad m.rtliwt
IUil-!licirllu,oci.'0 tba bflmliuil venu lea, EJa
uUiUjiV Xn. U, PronU'.oOlmd.aDd Urrlhra. Tlis
am of It,. Lnunty in n.'ndeJ uii no pain or locou-pnl-n',
and di not Intrteni witb the ordinary
puixouiot liff ; it ia lui, klj (liAf)lI ind aooo ai
korbwl. iirmluvinR an ;u)in. 'JIi wwlblnituid rmtor
ailre fN-i d;i..d tx.o im-xjI and nervous orvaulz
liiDjiwrwckH'l from a.ilt-aljiit anil eimv.., .topping
th drain Irern ttw ru-m, n.'.torinij tlin mind Uj
hnalin and Huiind memory, n oioin tha DlinneM
of Biirht, 5rvoua Dt Oility, Conf'i.iion of Idea.
Ayenuon to Bo'i.ity,atc,et:.. and lhitpprmnc
of prciunture old uks unually a cmoanrlnir Ibla
tronlilfl, and n-lorlnK pm-fuct Bcxual VlKor. whi.ri
it baa len d'lraunt for roam. Inla modniK trut
mot hao atpd tu t In t-rt wmtw cum, and la
nowa preononped ucca. lVruraar ton much pr
mlid In tftew t miilli, and, a manjr can oaar wit
BHMt,wi1h hut ImlMf ! piirmanpotkood. Thnr
la nn V inw.ux' aliout thu It. naradnn. Tra Ileal nb
rf atton vnaMmi na to jr.niv.iiy (tuitnuiUw that It
will Kiroaiitiafnctioo. Ourina (hi eight rAm that
It ban ooa lu vootaI nw, we imve thouunl.iif utl
rnnniAMa to iuvalux. aod II Ik nowmnrwlnd hy th
MtMlh-.l l'rr.l.lno id Im Ihn newt ratlofial nwn rmt
dlnm,re I of nun hiutf and cirlnirtlils ry pnnalrnt
troublM, (hat la wnll . D'.ri to tm theraiiuof nouild
mlwiry to o n'anj, and upon whom quu ka prr l
their uhbImwi n )iriiriia and bin fooa. Tha HnjAd
la put up In net hniiM, of thr .lwa, Ko. l.i.noutffi
to Iwt a month, i No. 8, .nlli'lent Hoffwt per
manent enra. unlea In Hrvei enfi,l 96; No. 3.
llAllni over threw mnutiH, mil aou vmlwlnna and
rMtoro vitir in lha worHl caeA.) if. Snt ti, mall.
Healed, In plain wrapper. Kill! I'IRKCII0M8 for
ualnif vul accompany KACH BOX..
(Srml for hralnt Ih-tcrlittivn Vatnph-
IrlH ii r ,i(i A nulotnlrnl illHHtruttonn V
itnl 'paimmomu, u-hirh rlf roHrinr
Ihr (if nkrihrt'l that thru ran H
rrMttnwt taprrtfvt fnuitttomCnnd flt-
ferf fnr thr. iirVi nf llfr, mna tut if J
ttrrrr ajjrrtrd. hold O.VLJr' Ity
Market and B'.h Sts. St. LOUI8. Mo.
61 7 St. ( linrli H Mrcct, SI. Louis, Mo.
A lt(rilfr wrurl'iniH ot twt Mt)i nl Collins. Iiu Iwhq
InnMHr ncti- i tii.in nnjr n; iinrl'hyflt'iiin in ht Innl,mi
city (wi-m tii'H',iini) i.ll nl'l r-ut'tnti iitrw. Byttbilii.
Onnorrhu'n.OI-i.t.btrici uri'.On hitiM Rnt'ture.nll
TJriuary ByihlJif 10 ur Mercurmi AfTooticiu of
Thrait, 8km or IionftMrurHtl Hnfely, l'rivntly.
epjinHforrn'n,8tf kuU liability nnd ImHitncy
M thn rno'ilt ) Kutf-AtiitMi, hiim khwmii mHt urnr
jMr,nr over tir nnmirk. pnim innrvnitnwt,Kmlri'
at nmliAionM, i1"Mliry, (lininfmtt'Klnht.fltffmMlvn min
orTt hjrlni ilicny, nvnrhlun to woi'My rmfiiHon of
MttHM, IttMnf vfitmt pnwr,nlifht lotwiP.rMnr1ir1ni( innr
rlnun linptopur.Hra jM-rmiinntly cnrU. (lonMottHtMiri
nt timixt vr liv nntil itH nri'l Invited. Hiimphlat num
fftitmii. mi!r-tTn fwnt hy mini or mpro. f 'im i
trxMnntof. W hnrff doolii. -tintn it In frankly KtnttKi.
rmh. i GUIDE!
Thhnlelory, woll told, iu it latrua to III", nn I hi
fnllnwlnii aoIiji,i-u: Wbn nmy murry. who net. why.
Munhnod, Womanhnod, rhiHieiil dHi Hy, Wlm nhniild
miirry, howlllHiitirl hupplniNiiiiiylHilnrrniiAM.I.i.if
Of rolltiiu'y find exreiiH, Hnd mimv more. 'I Ikimi liliiri i..
orrinierni'liillnit iiiurriiiirnaliniilil riMd It then iie..r. n,.
dnr luck nd key. 88 CtB. hy mil In money ur iHia.
tn. Kngllnri oeemnn- Krenrh r"'id end nnedn
i I ..(Vinluliin;if Idana, Averalnn fo HoelKty
I'irfecilvM Meninty nnd lnwirdra lirnuvhtnn hr Self.
Almiw. Any.lrnMlHih,,n).r.rti(.nU. St.'Uu,.
(Viriillrnltfe.r.lliHt.Chnrl...,:.!. ,,,(,, Mo, '
rnnllniii". i.ieiim BpinniiUji rlrim. Hi tnlinil Wenk
noaa, Imponncy.,,i forrn.of Hvdillw,flon0rrnr5a.
r, d'u ?i'"'V."r W'i,!f.,:r dlwnw 'Iter"
cured III n lv iliiin. All Ilia ilieaAe rrneill Inn from
ill lo ri , Advlm re. (Iliarwulow. Cull or wrli.
ln.iret,vm,Hnr,M. Hmn'om Hook fori wnatnmp
mm w 0 m
Ba a
A tt"i irt f rnmnl" tilWr. TO W I.I) MM K,
i"' nlnrt.ru' riiiulnri nti A ruiniiflfiit Wrmin.
I liiiu'l. ! rt.ifi of V'iU t'.viilMirpN nf Virrin.
t UaiM, ' ma, . .., f.,hl,.,, ImHiWkA'C If I Mm'
ef "I. .. I.... (,,!. ,.r' II ' ,,. aNn t,,,.
U.al H i .f l, .1 tt ) MI l . f ai l ,) ,
li t i " l'rivitt) Mrrhcul Ativlii!'" Hirn ft-
Rlllttni frum ir.'irr tf fill Ati'iall"iil, and "II trlt nfit
m-i kaiMl .rf t.ti, i. I .1, en Aa ,a, .IM,t HtMf ti..,aia, ,
.. mA ia r r. nmiie v uu''iw, k-nii -A
1 1..
.! ' olx.Hfi ale iT, ll,l ... .tth .iBB 4
, i.. it...,. i ivii.. pk,".i n I..,, r.,t..i.y
(D H a. I'. .11 i .(Khih fM HI 111 URiaM V tH.e M-V
m4 A K.aw ihot W-af '" i-i"i im ll i-tMa(. 1
ftwl-Vu f t 3'"'r i & p rw's a w y . "" " " t- n i.-it.. via
bcitih a 14, ,v
TrarliWjHf V
1 ArJj
WANTED.-Mnnfactnrln(r concern wbdm a
bualnual man tn Cairo, and Inevury city mot al
readrtaken.) A lew hundred dollars neceiaary to
pay for good on delivery afier ordera have been
accurcd for the aatnu. fl.'Aj pur month profit
guarantied. The mnat auarching Inveatliiation
aoliclted. A. S.AHN01.D4 CO, corner rim
Street and Broadway, Brooklyn, N, Y.
Humphreys' Homeopathio Speoitica
Proved from ample experience an entire
uecen. hlinple, 1'rollipl, K III I'l.'ii I . ml
lleliulile, tliey are the only uiudlclnua
aditpieil to popular ime.
uar hkikcii'ai. Mia, i i hii. pxici.
1. Keyrra, CoiiKeatlon, Inflammation, ;g,
i. oriin, W orm Fever Worm I'olle. .as
3. Cri Inn t'ollc, or TeetliliiKof Infuuta,
J. Illarrlieaof children or Aduli,
J. IK.ciiiery, (irlpliiK, IiIIIoiik Code, .a
J. I liolera Murbiia. VomlilliK, - .
7. (oiiiiha, Cold, Uroncliltlit, 2i
;. neuralala, lootliBclie, Knceaehe, .
Jleadaeliea, fllcli Headm heH, VerllgO,
11). Ilyaneuala. Kllloua hlimimdi. ... .7,
g.ltti'J.lLLI.a UN JH1IIB1 ii JIM
.l t,;Tf'.r"""."d ur '''fill I'erloda, .
i Uliilea, loo prof tie I'erlodA, . .
i Ji,1 "Jfjl-"Hli.1,l'inifult lireii,,, . x,
? ..i i-rjAiixiaa, r.riipiioua,
S Itlieiiiiiall.ni, Ktavuiiiuilo I'hIiia, . .;,
16. fretrrand ane, ( lilll, fever. Avuea '.i
17. I'llea. llluid or llleedlni, . . . . ij,
IK. J alnrrh. uiuiih or clirouli-; Influenia.'fiii
il. WlioiipliiV f 'oiiali, violent Co null Vi
U. (ienernl llehllily, I'ltya'l Wvukueaa, .Hi
hl'lney DIipaap,
H. ertoiK lleliillty. Spernmtorrhea, l.m
II. I rliiaryUenkneaa,ettliiKthe!,M,riii
C. IMaenao ol llie Heart, I'alpliatloii, I (,
For mile hydruKirlAia.oraiMit liy the fuiw
or Alngle Vial, free of charge, on reeelpt of
price. s,.nd for lr. Iluiuiilirrv' HiHiknn
lUi'A.e. tVc., il4liaijea(,lao lllualrated
Calalomir, I'll KK.
AddieAA. Iliiuiulirrva1 lloiniim.ihiA
Med. Co., 1UU tullou Bt.. .ew lurk.
-Op. S. Silsbso'c E sternal Pile Soaedy
Civet Imtant relief audit anlnfallihla
fold hylirnirr'taevi ry where, J'rV e, fl OOp.r to
prrn';i.fliym.iil. 8imila tout jrrr io l'lijnrli:t
tnd lllantfer rt.hy I'. Nenataeifier A n (x
he luiatity. bollnlalnu.txlrtot"nlAl,,,
perfeflly ten... Prnnnnnr.. I
.l Uied'e.l aelh ,r,,. ,n xb ... , , ,
awd .1 l o,l.j . ... i ,, ,..,,
buia b ui .1. i.u. w b atiiitrrtLiM co i i
PjTja ''"'' liit IB A Ra JilAttaiA. y ,u,4
W ft ' ur' Sur l14- tlnirV '""I A err A "hu'iAi.
LjaNrAi iirLi! if uci-naa u;r.ri. Au f iU,i:r
iu, iuk, liraiiM arm ir'tl LOH clretOt
r .1 pAto nt.,lhrr parinif eipr. ajL'A. h.-r d nun"
I'. O. ar. I nii.M addre.t i.i Kl.fNK.v I
An Lai. I'U-AUi'ipiiU, l a. ,br t.riiyTtjJuiUrui;juii,
iwitivk crRB
I ATB? E'.fT- A"-"8 M.VIKr. MKHT.
One b.!i 'R'l'0"'ft 1 'nted Ocvotr 16, U'k
ho. 1 trtll rare any eta In f mr dr. or le
hn. 3 will cjre inr m.i otr.Uiiaie i a.:, UJ uittter
Of how lonnaundiLg.
NohtuAeotit d ,a. j of enlha, roptll t or oil of
fendtlwuod. tlial ara ceru:n I... pro.iur- y.r,
tf .d-AiroyitiK Ihe alliim of the nouMr-b Nu
Ttnimor ainnKnl inlectioiii io pr-.im.e ollur
atrlonarni.iplicaiiona. v 1
rol(T !' h'IUBT ILL r'llI.Vir.isTS. or
Dialled recNpt of nrlre. '
rorfr her ranieniaraar nd for clrriar.
rV."'k! -ALLASn..MJolinBtret,
eirfe"l'B' r 3a ' " u' rM : "ity will not
Ui.lri,tt( tud lure curt.
1 Or Udy lot! .end. u Heir
fMrr. U r reive loiue .
thinit frit bu M ill, that
may prove irm aieppinir-aujne lo a lire or ancceaa,
li la mi' ally rvianied l thote wlm have reached
the ro, I Tie Mil.
M. VllLM,,
Crreciiwirh pireel, Kei
IATTQ T r"t HWtlT f
Burt aa Fak k.-m ivoj. har.,iai
t.ir.UlUT. lmi"l4Ti'-T. ki.d
iritAr,rvv fArMB tl V!:
tUfW, 2kMWU, v.4Jj
in1 vMM.dr'twfa-i
itkA..f , it m ii oi r.'.xt ,J
m VrofuU DlwMMi ef Mm
111 W m' r''1 ll rhr-'iia
J i '.mm)M,'ih(i,ti,ltittHof
JJ m M'll Mj. Co bM M,
I art 1,117
rrni wni lor Ltllinrir' ap
UiBd,Slyitlluat, IUvlan,ttitt.a.d. tra-aunuDauoa
Jtriecli.!adlngShotr,nna,llfltof.m Double Knot
,j,..t,-jr u atit'in ii.i, ttn
' r nun. ,i 1 11 . 1 .. ni HKe uuiin, . tv .... r
ITS Itevolvera. ft to hen t for free lllutratel
CaiaWiie. InXAt VtbblLlUa Ul'.X MOl'.KS,
riitatiur.'h, I'a.
mil HV iv ; rx In nf
1. r-u r 1 dW U aaW .1 V. 1 1 (W
"m L-avv AMrM
fuea.;' tU i ..an, aw
aa-l I t ,l ,1 a, Sm
i alai. i.aL.lUia
AfM-. rMM, lite (MfMl t, !J
To Ncrvotin SnM'i ii-rs The I. rent Kuroppun Ri'i"
f lv- tip. .1. H. SiiiipMonNSpeciiir Jleillcliic.
Dr. J B. Simpaon I ftpcr.lllc Medicine In a pom
live cure for Spermatorrhea, Impuienrv, Weukneai
and all diKe:iKe re.ulliiiif fmiu Self Ahun'. an Ncr
voiiA Deblliiv, Irrilaliilltv. Mentnl Anxleiy, I.anelior,
l.aeallude. Iiepreeelon orSilrll mid fnni lloiial du
ratitfcnienHnl ihe Nervona Svatem irmierallv 1'alna
in liiii'K or Mde, ,iia nf Mi rnorv. rremutiire
k'e nun iiiaeiiHi'H
tluit lead tu dm
ti in t t on I llNHItl
ty and an early
crave, or both.
No mutter how
chattered tho
yatem may be
from exceanra of
any kind, n nlinrt
l ourHo of thl medicine will rcaii.ru llie loet innr,.
Iiiiiim and procure henllh nnd InipplUeHA. wheru hit
fnrc w dcApimdcncy and i.'loiiin I hu hpcclllc
Medlcliiu ia hciiig Hand wlih a wonderful atic
cce a.
l'liniphlcla acnt free lo all. Write fur them and
l!t full purl leu lap.,
I'ricn, Speclilc. Jl.rnpcr pacliiioe, or Hx pafk
airea tor S"' -'- V III ho cent pj mull ()n receipt of
money, AddrcH" nil ordera,
,f 11. Sl.Vll'SoN'S MEDICINK f'O
Not. and HHI Main Kt... HiiHuU). N. Y.
Itemcdv. an tin-
falling cum for
Mcuiinal Weaktieaa
Iiiipotcncy. arid all
dlacaacH that fol
low aa n cotie-
,,,.,,, en nt ...If
UetOrO TllklUCmemi.rv. iinlvuraal ;v?
laaHiluilu, pulp Mi Ihe hack. dim-Jfinj. I'pVinff
neaa or vihioii, premaittru out an,- tr
and mimv olherriiaeaeea tlmt lead to llimullyor
conaiinipilon nnd n preniBturo gravn.
Kill) partlruliira In our pnniplilid, wblrh we rle
alrn to aend freii by uiall to t very mm. Tho ape
tlMciiiedlcInn la aold hv all druggiata al fl pur
packauo, tlx for t.'i, or will b aunt Iree by mall on
receipt of tbn tnoimy by mldwaalngTlfK (iHAY
MKI)K'1NK!0., No. 8 Mechanic block, Dotrolt
Mich. Hold In Cairo bv Barclay Ilroa., I'nul O
Schiih ami Geo. K. O'llara.
..lM6..1.;:V.J:.. - ., -ni,r mini I.I J
3 ei ii sv-r
V .ia awTVtr CacaVIxfTrv..
i ild
katoua. At-rau,

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