OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, January 31, 1882, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1882-01-31/ed-1/seq-2/

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Ixvwof RppMttfl.Naiisofi.bowMs costive,
PilurthoH'eri.l.witJitt dull aonmtion U
fhtfbiiek "puitTl'ainuTiilcr tlie shoulder
bliilo, hiUnetui al'tertiiiK.withadiHiu-j
cliuftfionju exortionjMoiiy or miml,
Imtttbihtfcf temper. Low jpiritB.LoHs;
ofttie'morywith a fooliriij of liuvlnir negft
rectod'sonio dutjyVwekrinoHH, Div.tslnoH.
i'lutteiriD'if of the mart. Dots before thj
eyeYelVow bkTn, Headache, Hetlo8
he88lnigbfrblgb.ly"colorfld Urine.
ttjtT'B PILLS miiwlHiiy a1nptvd to
Of roellnK HN Ul 'UlliKU tl UiTir.
Thov InciYiiw AM-tll kiiU ruse thj
taaly'io Tiili on f'iU. Hum flu s stent In
nuiirisniMl.aii'l lv 1 ifli Touic triHtnou ilia
l,iinU4iV''"' KeuiilMrMtwIaarepriS
dueed l'rii'C i n'liU 'M Hurray M., !..
Oray lUtKorWiiisKnw changed ton ""I-
Hiacic ly applieiuloii ul Hns 1vk. It
liuiutrta a uatuiitl color, tien liistituuititvouHly,
Sold lvli uj!i!-tr 'uuy fi'ii' wm 01 Jl.
Office, 33 Murray St.. New York.
(Ir TI'TT MiM'U. of V.lu.M. lf,.rl. imI
UnAil HwolvU Ul Im BilM Hill w nyiilkafua.
Cipralm. Burn, hrahltt, IlrnUeH, Sore.
UfH), tthruiiiutlMii, lloll. I leer, OIJ
harm, Tootbni-lif), Headache, Mure
Tbront, AitHinia, Iliiarweui'M,
Aeuralgta, tiarrU,
A: i'., VP.. vc.
jrSTIN T. FrLTOX, D. P., Brooklyn, N. Y,
I'rovini itself to boa necessity In our homo."
P. A. WKSTKUVHT, M. I., Niwhvillo. Tuna.
' Dave used lareo quantities of KiNO'tJ EXTltACT
In my practice."
Mr. 8. 1W HeCORb, Matron, noma of Destitute
Children. "Wo cud it most eltlciicioua aud dm...
Caution.- POND'S EXTBACT la sold on'y iu
bottles with the namo blown in the gla.sn.
- It is nnnjile to tine other article, with our
directions. Insist on having EXTRACT.
Jtefuse all imitations and substitutes,
BTEcial rRF.PAnvrioNs w poxtvh rc.
TOXD'S EXTMCT 60c., $1.00 anj fl.75
Toilet Cream 1.00
Dentifrice 60
Up Salvo ."
Toilet Soap (3 cakes) 60
Olntnieut bO
Catarrh Cure
Plaster Si
Inhaler (Oilaas Coo.) 1.(10
aal Svrinifc )J5
Medicated Paper... 3
Family Svriuw $1.00.
Ordm aniouutiiiK to 1 5 worth, aont eij' re frvo
on receipt of moony or 1'. 0. order.
ffOua Kkw Vaai'iiLET Witu nurmnt or ova
14 W. 14th 8t.. Now V:)u
It a preparation of 1'nitnxlde of Iron, Peruvian
Hark and Hie 1'honphati aaaodaled with Hie)
Veiretalile Aroutitlid. Kndorm d by tlte Mt'dlcal
irufvMlontnuid reconinn-tnlH by Ihcin for ly
Hpila,l.arr.l l.'llllty. IVuisli Ul
M-a. Waatuf Vltnllty. Amu l-ro-(riallon.
(vaialnrenr. front -re
and I'broiile Chllla nntl Trtrr. Ildvuvtl
wry purpuMi where a Tosw la uuceanury,
Kaauficturod bj The Dr. llartcr JltJlciae Co., St iouia.
The following Is one of the very many tcstltao
tuala we are rucclvluK itall) :
SmlnmN.'-tSome three niontha ato 1 bcpri the
te of Dii. lumiiii .s Ikon Tumc, uioii the ad
vice of many friend, who anew it. virtues, lwaa
autfering fruiu Renerul debility to aueh an e;teut
tliat mylabor w a. exceed lii(!ly bunleiiwjuie tome.
A vacation of a mouth did not give nie uiucli ru
Lef, but on the contrary, w.ia followed by In.
creaned pnwtratlon and ulnking cliUls. At thl
time 1 bnan theune of your Iuon Tonic, froiu
Which I realized aliiitMt 1unnedl:iUi aud wondi rtul
reull. Tlieoldenenty returned and I founo: that
Biy uatural force . not peruianeutly abated. 1
bav Uked llwce liotl lea of the Ton IC. blnce UtlTiR
It 1 have done twle? the latxir that I evtr (11 1 lu the
tame time during my iiliivaa, and Willi douhla the
aM). With tlie irumiull nerve and vlKorof body.
haaoome uimi acicurnea oi uiouui m vrr uciwv
tuiuw not itliat. I Klve It the credit.
It tlie ioMC nan not unne wie wi,
Jloalirateiuiiv yoiin.
J. 1. WATi)V,
Troy, O., Jan. t, 1878. faaturChrHtiaa Chorea.
fc-oale by Druggists and Getiural Dealers Everywhere
101 So. Clark iSt. CUICAUU.' ILL.
The laieot and mwt aclcntlrin liiBtitution In the
United State., for the Cure of Chronic and iT.v:ne
di.nao. GonorrlKfa, ti.eclof Ionu atandiiiit. btric
ture, OrcUIll. Kupl.ure, dl.eii.e.of the akau and
bone., merciiral .ore throat eU' . tal'uly and (irlvnte
ly treated. KI'kKVtTUUUIiU-.i. boxual Debility
Kpwdilf rarnt. .iua.r Men aiilfcrinit Irout weak
ne... caused b Iniptudetire, am-.rvt habltH, excea
a, prouuduii pnnplv. on the fucu. rnh ol hlnod to
the head, wnliHioii of lileua. b' ariiu liv, dvfectivj
mmury,lo ol avxual power, uihl l". aver
ion to .'itieiv. iiwplemie. nuroua iroitrn
Uou, Kcuural (Ability and luilt'enlluu, rcuilcriuK
luarria. Improper, .nliily cuiecl. He ituaraulee
rare la All laae. w uiutciitiku. no tu nd to uhVr
'Oa lay loimor. Vtidurour treatment thebody i.
auuliledloUkuon (call, the auolite I. licrvKud
and the whole .vatcm i uuttrl-hed canHHiu the
bralu atid nerve to regain their vijtor. UotruHpou
flenc rcunfldentlaj. Ku:i iliiecUona Ut Willi tli.
Vediduee, Addieu aa at'wve.
hop bitters:
(K Jtedlelue, not a Urlok.)
1101 Bl CIll', MANDUAKK,
AnuTua PrsKuT av llaur MKi'ir4t,yHAU
1 inur ali oi u a u Hi 1 1 a .
Alt DI.eaKe.of thi'HIomach. Ilowela, lllnod,
llvtr. khlneyi.anit trlnaryOrvan., Nr.
tuuaiie.. ele'ileuii-imanil eapevtally
I eiuai luuiputiuu.
81000 IN COLD.
Will ba tiald for rnae thy will rot euro
help, or tor anything linurewr lujunuu.
iuuiiu iu uieim
Aakyuur ilnontl.t fur llnr Wti-r. at(. try
Uiem before you alevp. Take no other.
I 1 (Mian ahanluteAnillrreal.tlhlneiiL fur
Vruiikuiiuea, u of opium, UibMeu uud
, iianx.lH'.,
Bans roa Ciwutaa.
All uw ivli tt J'iifiu,
t4a MUn Ml. I'"-, Univww. It. T.U,,Ovl,
Ki. I
rjubiorlptlon Hata:
Daily (dellverud hy tarrtera) par week. ...
Dall (Uillvurudby carrlvr)onoyoar
. i3)
. 10 00
. 560
. SM
. 100
Hy u.ill (in advance) ona year.
nix mouuti
Three raonlbi.,...
Due mouth
By mall (in advance) fuuy:r I JO"
8'ruotitb 0
riirm month. 8
To clnba of ftvu and over (per copy) 1 no
I'ooUne tn all caact prepaid.
Advertising lUtei:
Ftrot tiiaertloij, por (tiuare $ JJJ
Hubaeijuuutiuaertiona, fvt aqnare jj
Kor ouo woi'k, per Biuare J '
Kuni'ral notlct 00
(JliltnaHoa aud rnsolotiout paa.cd by louoUoi
leu ci'lil. pur line.
Deaihk and uiarrlaifua free
Firat Vii.ertloii, per aqua.w $ j M
J ihnoqui'iit lunertlona 1 00
Rttfhl Hue of .olid nonpairll constitute a aquare
UUpL'.yeil advertixoinent will be charged accord
lui! to tlie .pace occupied, at above ratee there be
Lui' twulvt; llues of aolid type to the lucn.
To ri'"iilar advertiaor. we offer laperior indsce
avrn both a. to rate, of chargoa and manner of
i Ki lnvliiL'thalrfavora.
i n I I'aper Uiav oe iouuu ou nie i vieu. r. nunon
i - Nt.wBDaiier Aiivertlainii Bareau. (10 Sprnce
. i ii n ts r i ,
.m-t-i ;wheic ad'ertl.tng contract, may be made
f r 't in New Yok.
Communlcatlona nponaunjeciaoieneranniore.i
to tLti public are at all tlmea acceptable. Rejected
miMiii.crtpU will not, DC leiurnea.
l.eiteraanacomm . iirauon.uouiu d aaarv.isu
K. A. Burnett, t'alro, illlnol..
Thoiv is a siilftitlkl sot of burplar's .
tools ou oxhibition in the Chicajjo Trib
line uliit'i'. To tho t'xpt'ricncoil observer
thoy look likts it. pair of shears aud a
pas'to-ciip. Lowell CUitt'n.
Uuston contains 2,(MX) Swi'dos, neconl
inj to a ilirw'tory which hiw boon speci
alty prcpan-il to contain their names,
sex, tijro, native place and duto of arri
val in this country.
Gentlemen who "kick" at tho "cart
wheer hats worn to tho theatre by la
dies ouht to U) consistent enough to
take their 'cloves" with them when
they attend places of amusement. The
"Mademoiselle," said a witty and
gallant septuagenarian tho other day,
making his demand for tho hand of a
lady still in her teens. "I am 70 and
you are 17. Will you do nie the houor
of becoming my widow?" Funny.
A gentleman "in South Florida owns
40,(HK) orange treos, covering forty-two
acres. Ol this number 10,017 are "largo
bearing trees. ' Ono tree, about 30 yours
old, produced four years ago 628 good
fruit; three years ago it bore '2,'00j last
your U'00; t his year 2,800.
The Philadelphia Lcdji.r printed last
vear the announcements of tho death of
MJ persons who had reached 80 years
of age, '6M of whom were men and 505
women. Two of tho men and 10 of the
women had passed 100 years.
A f:ist mail train between New York
and Washington was stopped several
times a few days ago, by two elephants
who happened to bo in the cars pulling
the helt-ropo. It was more than an
hour before tho cause of the stoppages
was discovered.
A statue of Oakes Ames facing and
pointing to tho west, and one of Oliver
Ames facing cast, are to crown tho
monument which is in process of erec
tion at Shenuau, Wy. T. It stands up
on the highest point of land on tho Un
ion l'acilic railway.
Helena, Jl. T", Is advancing. A
young lady in one month as book can
vasser took sixty-nine orders for tho
"Eiicvclooa'dia 15ritanniea," represent
ing the value of more than .f 10,000. Is
this to be used as an argument for tho
atlntix.Viou of Montana into the Union or
in favor of female suffrage?
Last vear 113,400.000 shares of stock
were sold in the New York exchange,
I resides 43.000,000, shares of mining
stock, and $387,000,000 of railroad
bonds. The recorded dealings in gov
ernment bonds were 30,0153,000, and in
stale bonds l'J,70rt,000 par value.
The Cincinnati Gazette contends that
tho real mormon problem is not polyga
my, but the existence in this country of
a theocracy which is a despotic system
nf civil niul religious government, and
is ulieii to the United States, ami makes
aliens of all citizens who bear allegiance
to the United States, practically allow
igg them no rights.
Spain is having built iu England sev
eral iron ships for her naval lleet. Tho
company which built for her sometime
ago an iron cruiser has recently launch
ed a second after the same design. The
length of these ships is 210 feet, and
their ton burden 1,03'J; tho armament
being three G-inch 4-ton breech-loading
Armstrong uus.
Brooklyn Kajh:: "Bv-the-way, we
think we"li.'ive discovered the original of
that dialogue between (.'apt. Corcoran
and Sir Joseph Porter, K. C. I). Grattan
was once a.-ked, by a religious friend,
"Do you say yotir prayers?" 'Never,'
replied tlie great Irish orator. 'What,
never?' said his horrified examiner.
'W'elL hardly ever,' answered Grattan."
In his report of military operations in
the. department of Dakota during 18HI,
Gen. Terry says he regrets to say the
outlook iu Northern Montana is not as
favorable as could be desired. Tho en
croachments of Indians from tho Ilritish
provinces have caused the ranchmen to
organize for mutual protection against
the dusky cuttle stealers, and Gen. Ter
ry thinks it will require the best efforts
of the governments on both Bides of the
boundary to prevent the evils that are
likely to occur.
A bickering pair of quakers were late
ly heard In hign controversy, tho hus
band exclaiming: "I am determined to
have one iiuiet week with thee." "Dut
how will tin . be able to get it?" said
the taunting spouse, in that sort of rei
teration which married ladies o pro
vokingly indulge in. "I will keep theo
a week" after thou urt dead," was tho
tinker's rejoinder. Vrovllcnc.a Press.
Americans, as a rule, are impatient of
sustained thought or prolonged atten
tion. Tho perpetual cry is for amuse
ment, for short oaruirrKphs, stronir lan-
iruasres, spicy sermons, sensatioual
stories, and never too much of anything.
Milton would tiot-a-dav bo asked to boil
down his "Paradise Lost," and Shak-
speare ti recast his plays as "spectacu
lar dramas. Seriousness is the one
thin everybody is afraid ot.Uoston
During a steam voyage, on a sudden
stoppage of the uiaeliincry, a considera
ble alarm took place, especially among
the female passengers. "What Is tho
matter? What Is the matter? For heav
en's sake tell mi; tho worst!" exclaimed
one more anxious than tho rest. After
a short tin) i! a hoarse voice from : fho
doe replieU: "JNotnmg, madam, notli
ing; only tho bottom of tho vessel and
the top of the earth aro stuck together.
Tho export season for tho dried fruits
of the Levant is now in full activity. In
one fortnight lately no fewer than 19v
000 barrels, cases, bags, boxes, drums,
ami baskets of ligs and raisins were
shipped at Smyrra. The best tigs of
commerce are chiefly grown la Asia
Minor, were the fruit begins to ripen at
the end of June, and tho summer yield,
which gives employment to a large pop
ulation, comes to market in immense
quantities in September and October.
The trees often yield three crops.
Thomas Carroll, a Wisconsin farmer,
finding his leg decaying from a fever
sore, grasped his foot with ono hand
aud pressed hard wtih the other upon
tho ifeeayed part and broke it asunder,
lie then called for a razor, which was
handed him, and with it ho deliberately
cut oil' the entire limb. Then, without
assistance from any one, ho tied up the
urtories, made the uecessary lap of !l;sh
around tho bone, and sowed ami band
aged the same without help, and is iu a
fair way of recovery.
Prince Kisuiarek, assisted by his sons,
is said to be writing his memoirs. The
part of them which will come from tho
chancellor's own hands are those which
concern the conflict between the govern
ment and the Prussian diet, the wars of
IStitS, anil 1870, and his stay at St. Pe
tersburg aud Paris. His childhood and
youth t ill be written of by Count Her
bert, while the younger son, Count
Withelm, will write out his father's im
pressions of tho various minisUrs
home and foreign with whom tho
statesman's long career has brought
him into contact.
Deacon George W. Chapman, of Bos
ton, recently iu passing a candy store
which the S'heritV was selling out, step
pod in and bought the entire stuck; aud
then followed a revelry iu sweets among
the thousand children'm tho Trcmont
Temple Sunday school, of which for
years he has been Superintendent.
F. Nichols Crouch, of Baltimore, has
written a letter in which he says that
from the thirty ditlerent editions of his
song "Kathleen Mavounieen" which
have been published in this country, ho
lias not received a cent. He is now
working as a common mechanic at less
than a dollar a day, and ou this stipend
he has to support a wife and live chil
dren. Ex-Governor ISagley, of Michigan,
who died recently, was very eccentric in
his habits of life," but very successful in
business. Iu his will ho directed thai
his employes-they who had made his
fortune should not sutler by his death.
They were to bo retained in the servico
of his heirs, for a time at least and on
the day of the testator's funeral they
were to receive presents as follows: $o0
to all who had been in his servico five
200 to all who had served ten
rears and Sf.r00 to all who had served
,im liftccu years.
Answer This.
Did you ever know any person to bo ill,
without inaction of the Stomach, Liver or
Kidueys, or did you ever know one who was
well when either was obstructed or inactive
and did you ever know or hear of any case
of the kind that Hop Bitters would not
euro. Ask your neighbor this same qucs
tion. nines.
A Sure Cure For Pile).
Do you know what it is to suffer with
piles? If you do, you know what ,is one of
the worst torments of the human trume
The most perfect cure ever known is Kid
ney-Wort. It cures constipation, and then
its tonic action restores health to tho dis
eased bowels and prevents recurrence of dis
ease. Try it without delay. The dry and
the liquid are both sold by druggists.
A correspondent of tho New York
Kcaiin'j I'ost says that tho writer on
Slang Pluascs," in tho January Atbin
tie, does not appear to know that tho
phrase "too thin" is purely and distinc
tively Shakspearian, and quotes "Kiflg
Henry VIII.." act 5, scene 3, where the
King is represented as addressing Gard
iner as follows:
You were cvoryirol at suddon commendations,
bishop of WlnchoHtur. but know, I como not
To hour aueh llattery now; and In my prvaoiieo
They aro "too thin"' and base tohldo offence.
m .
The silk trade of Lyons now occupies
some 120,00i) looms, of which only 30,
(M) aro within the city. Including those
who work iu the silk-worm establish
ments, there are 800,000 persons employ-id
in the Lyons silk trade. In 1787
there were but 80,000, and 10,000 looms.
In Nantucket there are sixteen women
to ono man.
m . 1
There is said to be a steady emigra
tion of young physicians from all parts
towards Kuu.iax The secret of it is the
new Liquor law. Liquors are only sold
on physician's prescription. Half a dol
lar is charged for prescribing two gills
of whisky, and, as tlie average Kansas
man drinks in the neighborhood of a
quart a day, there is a probability that
the doctors will soon have all the money
iu tho State.
Piles! Piles !1 Piles!!!
A sure cure, for tho Blind, Bleeding,
Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been uis
covered by Dr. Williams (an Indian rem
udy), called Dr. William's Indian Oiut
niciit. A single box has cured tho worst
chronic cases of 25 and 30 years Btanuing
No one need suffer five minutes alter apply
inji this wonderful Boothing medicine
Lotions, Instruments ami Electuaries do
more harm than good. William's Oint
inent absorbs tho tumors, allays tho intense
itching (particularly at niyht after gutting
warm in bed), acts as a poultice; gives
instant arid painless ruber, and Is prepared
only for Piles, itching of tho privuto parts
and uotliuig else.
Head what the Hon J. M. CoOlnberry, of
Cleveland, lays about Dr. William's Indian
Pile Ointment: "I huvo used scores of
pile cures, and it affords mo pleasure to say
that I have never tound anythinir which
gave such Immediate and permanent relief
as Dr. William s Indian nm Ointment."
For sale by all rlmgiats, or mailed on
receipt of price ll.oo.
Frank S.HKNUS& Co., O
i Solo Prop's, Cleveland,
For sale by Quo. E. O'iiajia, Druggis.
Every Egg liroke,
A fanner, carrying a basket of eggs,
tried to steal a ride on a freight train,
and when he came to want to got off,
tho train didn't stop, and so ho jumped
oil". The train wasn't going very fast,
but hu didn't understand getting away
from it, und so got slung several sum
mersaults ami stopped against a fence,
with a wrist sprained, his clothes mud
died and rent, and one car pretty near
ly torn of. lie got up and took an In
ventory of tlie result, and in his de
spair, lifted up his voice and said:
"Goshtlurn the gosh durn luck, any
how! Every gosh durned egg in the
lot's wAwrJioiiton I'unt. i
i i en i
Tim population of Kansas City has in
the hist twenty years increased from
4.0(H) to 80,000 within the city limits,
while there are at least 100,000 people
included within the tributary suburbs;
and, says a local journal, "the child Is
born w iio will live to see upon the hills
which overlook the waters ut the great
bend iu tho mighty Missouri a city sur
passing in wealth nnd'populatlon any"ot
the great cities of this great republic."
ii n
A Card.
To all who are Buffering from tho errors
and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weak
ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I
will send a recipe that will euro you, free
of charge. This great remedy was discov
ered by a nursionary in South America.
Send a self addressed envelopo to tho Hev.
Joseph T. Ionian, Station D, New York
"I have used Burdock Blood Bitters with
great benefit for indigestion and constipa
turn of the bowels." Price 1-00.
C. L. Eaboon,
"Hamilton, Out."
Tub Rev. Geo. II. Tuaver, of Bourbon,
Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our
lives to Mnlon b Consumption Cure. 9
Inflamed eyes und eyelids promptly
cured by Roman Eye Balsam. E. Ferret,
Agt, 373 Pearl St., N. Y. City. (2)
Send tor circular ot new style of Hopper
Sculo with Leveling attachment. Borden,
Sclleck & Co., St. Louis. (2)
Aim you madi: miserable by Indigestion
Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite,
Y ellow Skin ? Sluloh s italizer is a posi
tivc cure. 10
Gospel Truth.
lie that is surety for a stranger, shall
smart for it. But he that trusteth in
Spring Blossom for curing liver, kidney,
and complaints of a like tendency, shall
never be disappointed. Trice 00 cents,
trial bottles 10 cents.
Why will yoo couijh when Shiloh's
Cure will rive immediate relief. Price
10 cents, 50 cents and 1. 11
FADKiinr erav hair craduallv recovers its
- . r- j
youthful color and lustre by tho use of
1 aj aci b 41. in iiaiouiu, an citaub uico.iiu
aumireu tor its purity anu ncn pen urn e.
SiHLoii's Catakuii Rkmedy a positive
cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker
Mouth. . 12
A Kenovatinjr Remedy
Is to be found in Burdock Blood Bitters.
As an antidote for sick headache, female
weakness, biliousness, indigestion, consti
pation, and other diseases of a kindred
nature, these bitters are invaluable. Price
IIackmetack,' a lasting and fragrant per
fume. Price 25 and 50 cents. 13
Tit EKE i3 more strength restoring power
in a 50 cent bottle of Parker's Ginger
Tonic thun in a bushel of malt or a gallon
of milk. As an apetizer, blood purifier and
kidney corrector, there is nothing like it,
and invalids find it a wonderful invigorant
for mind and bod) See other column.
Shiloh's CtiiE will immediately relieve
Croup, Whooping cough and Bron
chitis. 14
Found at Last.
What everv one should have and never
be without, is Thomas' Electric Oil. It is
thorough and safo in its ctlects, producing
the most wonderous cures of rheumatism,
neuralgia, burns, bruises, and wounds ot
every kind.
Foil Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint
you will have printed guarantee on every
bottlo of Shiloh's V'italizer. It never fails
to cure. . 15
No Htimbugginsr the American People.
You can't humbug the American people,
when they find a remedy that suits them;
they use it anil recommend it to their
friends. Just exactly the case with Spring
Blossom which has become a household
word all over the United States. Price
50 cents, trial bottle 10 cents.
A nasal iNJEcroii fieo with each bottle
of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50
cents. ' 18
On Thirty Day's Trial.
We will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts and other Electric Appli
ances on tr;al for 30 days to young men
and other persons afflicted with Nervous
Debility, Lost Vitality, etc., guaranteeing
speedy relief and complete restoration of
vigor and manhood. Also for Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Liver and Kid
ney difficulties, Rupture, and many other
diseases. IlluBtarted pamphlets Bent free.
Address Voltaic Belt.Co., Marshall, Mich.
Allen's Braiu Food positively cures nerv
ousness, nervous debility, and all weakness
of generative organs. 1. 5 for 5. All
druggists. Send for circular to Allen's
Pharmacy, 315 First Ave., N. Y. Sold in
Cairo by Barclay Bros.
Draffiflst'ij Testimony.
II. F. McCarthy, druggist, Ottowa, Ont.
states that he was afflicted with chronic
bronchitis for soma years and was com
pletely cured by tho use of Thomas' Elec
tric Oil.
Prophylactic Fluid !
Pitting of
Ulcitr. purified and heal
ed, llunurene pre
vented and cured.
Py.eutry cured.
Wound, healed rapidly.
Scurvy cured in abort
Totter dried up.
It I. perfectly harmlvsa.
For .ore throat It la a
t ullluklul. illmtroveu.
Blrk room, purl tied and
made pleaxant.
Kovured uud nick per-
pon. relieved ana re
frcKncd by bathing
with Prophylactic.
Fluid added to the
Soft white complexion
accurud by It. du lu
Impure air made burin-
leu. und punned tiy
pprlnklitiK burby'a
Fluid about.
To purify the breath,
i k.i.l..rit il i. hi Imli'il
Clean hi uio lectn, u
can't be aurtia.aud.
Ship fever pruvenled by
it uxu.
Iu cane, of death In the
hnii xe, It .liould al
wav. bo lined about
the' corpse it will
preveut auy unpK-.-n
ii t Miiell. An anti
dote for aniii.al or veg
etable poi.on.. .linn,,
Uaiifreroti clllnvlaa of
rick room. nd hospit
al removed by It. u.e
Yellow fever eradicated.
Catarrh relieved and
Kryxipula. cured,
burn, relieved In.trntly.
Scare prevented.
Kemovea alt iinplcitttaut
In fact it I. the great
Disinfectant and Purifier.
jr. 1 1. z i : i LiN & co.,
Manulacturlm; ChemUt., SUI.B I'UOPIUKTQRS.
Fellows' Ilvpophosphites.
I. a comMnatlon of Ilypopboaphttea, originated
by me In Canada while under the proem, of pulmo
nary consumption, and which ha. .Ince been em
ployed by the medical iirofrnxlon throughout Atner
ca and England with unprecedented auccemi.
It contain, the element, e.-ential to the animal
onratiUaituu, the oxid:ziii aueiit. and tonic
Id combination with Hie tluiulu'inu aent phos
phorite. ioi-h--i!ii: the merit of beintt.litrhtly alka
line, and t. ilitpetined lu the cotiveuient and palat
able form of a syrup.
It. effect, are usua'ly visible withlo twenty-four
hour, and are marked by a stimulation of the appe
tite. the digestion aud as-tmilatiou, entering di
rectly Into tho circulation; it tons, the nerve, and
muscles; exerts a hoalthy anion of the s. cretlnn.;
neither disturb, the stomach cor Injures the system
under prolunuod use, and may be dincontiuued at
any time without Inconvenient ,
fn a word it pocsesse. the stimulant, to arouio
the strength, the tonic, to retain it, and merit of a
high decree. Very respectfully,
tfT" D not be deceived by remedloa bc&rlne a
similar name; no other prepa'ation U a substitute
fur this, wder any circumstance.
you snlTj? from dy. jepia. uho
If you are afflicted with biliousness, use
If you are prostrated with .irk hcaderae, take
If your bowe'.s ate disordered regulate them with
If your bloed is Imtjure, purify It with
If you have indigestion, yuti will find au antidote m
If you are troubled w ith sprinif compla.nts, eradi
cate thum with BniDOC'K Ht.OOD BITTERS.
If your liver Is torpid restore it. to healthy action
If your liver Is affected you w ill flndash'iri! restor
If yon have any species of humor or pimple, fail
If you have any shnptoins of ulcers or scrofulous
sores, a curative remedy will be found In
For Imparting strength and vitality to th system,
nothing can equal BURDOCK lil.OOD BITTERS.
For Nervous and General Debility, tone up the
Fmce St ran noTn.r ; Tiual bottlks, KXts,
For sale by PAUL G. BC1IUII, (t)
mtiustne.s now herore the public
Yon can make money faster at
work for us than at anything
else. Capital not needed. We
will sturt you. Wl'jadavand
upwards made at home by the
Industrious men, women, boy. aud Ktrls wai'tcd ev
ery where to work for us. Now is the time. You
can work In spare tlmoonlyorlveyourwhol, time
to the bnslnesa. Yon can live at home and no the
work. No other business will pay you nearly u
well. Ho one can fall to muke euormotia pay by
engaging at once. Costly outllt and term free.
Money ma le last, saslly aud honorably. Address
True 4 Co., Augusta, Maine. 10-ao.
TRADE MIRK. The Great Eng
lish remedy, au
uufallln cure for
seminal weakness
spermatorrhea, im
Soteucy and all
Leases thatfolow
as a sequence
of self-abuse; as
Before Tg-"- C'fcer skW
dimness of vision, premature old a in d many
otherdi.ea.es that lead to insanity, consumption
or a premature rrave.
tir Full particulars In our pamphlet, which w
dv.iae to .end free bv mall to evurvone. tWThe
Specific Medluluu I. sold bv all druggist, at 1 per
pacRago, or six packages for $ or will be aunt free
bv uiallott rccoiptof the, nioimv, bv addressing,
BurFALo, N.I.
Bold In Cairo bv Paul Bch.ih. ....
.Common ilitlfElI
Assurance Society,
120 Broadway, New York,
of any Life Insurance Company
Because , , ,
t alone Issues
Tncontestiblo Policies,
stipulating that the contiacl of ln.urance "shall
tot be disputed" after It I. three years old,
and that such policies shall be
'aiu immeuiaioiv,
on receipt of satisfactory proofs of death.
its policy Is clear and concise, and contain
N. B. READ YOUR POI.KTrX Cmpare the
short and almple form used by the Equitable with
the long aud obscure contract loaded down with
technicalities issued by other companies I
to policy bolder are
N. R. See the many letters from policy holder
exprs.stug their gralincaiion with the relurna from
their Tontini Savtsus Fixo Pouctvs.
Hofause ofitM
Financial Strength.
Outstanding Insurance
Assets Securely Invested
Surplus Securely Inve ted, nearlj
ive- ten, nearly
IJ. A. BUHXKTT. Agent.
Office, corner l-'tS and Washlcjtoa.
November v!4, lsl. m idw
Mutual Aid Society,
Organized JuIt ltth, 1877, Under the Lawi o
the State of Illinois. Copyrighted July
9, 1877, Under Actof Congress.
S'S't11"'- -President
JOHN C. WHITE As.i.t.nt breury
a.c.wuiTE, w. r. htcuek,
J. S. McUAIlJiY.
WUliam Ktratton, of Stratton A Bird, wholesale
grocers; I'aul O. Schuh, wholesale and retail drug
gist ; Hazen Lit;hton, commission merchant: J as.
8. McOahey, lumber dealer; J. J. Gordon, phys
ician ; J. A. Ooldstlne. of Goldstlne & hV.etiw ater,
wholesale aud retail dry goods, etc; Win K Pitch
er, goneral agent; Hen nr B. Ellis, city printer and
book binder; Chc.ley llayne., Cooper; Jno. C.
Vi hlte, assistant secretary and solicitor: Albert
Lewi., dealer in flour and grain; F. Bros, presl
dent Alexander County Bank; O. W. Hendricks,
contractor and hntluer; Cyrus Close, general
gent; Thomas Lewis, secreUry and attorney at
law ; L. a, 1 nomas, broom manulacturer: W. K
Rusael, contractor and builder; C. T, Rudd
agxnt C. Ht. Ii. N. O. rallaoad; Moses Phlllips.car
peniej; II. A. Chumbley, contractor, Cairo, Ills. .
Rev. J. spencer, clergyman, St Leuls, Mo.; J. II.
Bethune, circuit clerk, Mississippi county, Charle
ton, Mo.; J. II. Moore . lawyer, Commerce, Mo.!
D. Singletarv, pbv.lclau, Arlington, Ky.j, J. V.
Tarry, phv.lclau. Fulton, Kv. ; Wm. Ryia, farmer,
Murrv.Kv.jA. btetnbach. manulacturer of ad
dlorv, Kvansvlllo, Ind ; Ike Anderson, secretary
to .uperluteudeut C. St. L. Jfc N O. railroad, Jack-,0"'1J:nn-i
J- Robertson, phvslclan, White
vlllo, Tenn.; Thomas A. Unborn, harness maker,
Bo Ivar.Tenn Wm. L. Walker, "Dixie Adver
tising Acu J," HollvSorln-s.Mi.s
A Lady
by this slmplo' water
power Invention may
avoid all thi, litbor and
Injury of driving her
Smwimk Machine. Over
0,0(10 of these Dneku
and ornamentul, ailanfr
a In ll u.,uiH.. .1
iT. ...".nip, mi
chines, are now giving
per feet ant Inflation.
Two slaea arn mailn for
Hou.rholil Hewlmr Ma-
hlnuM Oh).... m . T. .
Wi-t.M. . Also Innmr
.i.e. ror nu'tory needs
find fits nil Itlml. ...
ohlnery. , ,
Hum, tn.ninl.. ...
uava.ua water MOTOR CO., Newark, N J
This Is the
Most Economical Power Known
1, n1ra l., ll.tta
It never nuts nut of repair.
It cannot blow up.
It requires no fuel.
, . , . . It neois no englnoer.
There Is no delay i no firing up; no ashes to clean
awny? no oxtra lnsnrnncH to pay- m n.nu
lng necessary; no coal hills to pay.
"mays reaiiy ior qbo.
It is Very Cheap.
, o aoo. suto papor you sawthts ad
msiijf'lil llll IH'j

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