OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, October 01, 1882, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1882-10-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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rPirui itrrm onr i unrxr
lift DUIJUftim,
Terms ot suhgorut Ion.
niKi or roT40i:
Dully on o ycarhy carrier $18 Oq
('o pur cunt. discount it nttulln advance.)
Daily, one vtmr ,y mall - 10 bC
lnily,on lnontt ...... 1 m
Wuukly, 0110 year i! Ill
Weelv.fl months 1 IS)
Hyi.'lulinof flvo or more fur Wuekly llullutln ul
Onutlmu, pur year, $1 Ml
All Communications thonlil be sddrecd to
Publisher and Proprietor.
Tennyson at Home.
Ti-nnvson'H manner lias a brusqno
miss ami Ijluntncss about it which is at
first rather startling to one who has only
known him through liis hooks. Ho ut
ten his opinions in a plain, straihtfor
wanl way, choosing tho honu-liost Sax
on wonla and rarely rising to anything
like tht) heroin strain. His disregard
for the conventionalities of life, is, how
ever, thoroughly natural and unall'eeted.
He is an inveterate smoker. A brother
poet who spent ft week with him at his
country seat savs that partagas, regalias,
ami cabanas fiave no charm fr him.
Ho prefers a pipe, and of all pipes in
the world the common clay pipe is his
ehoiee. His den is at the top of the
house. When he nils down to work in
the morning a huge tobacco jar, largo
enough for an ancestral urn, is at his
feet, together with a box full of white
clay pipes. Filling one of these he
Mimkes until empty, breaks it in twain,
and throws the fragment, into another
box prepared for their reception. Then
he pulls out a fresh pipe, fills it, niiokii
it, and destroys it as before. He will
not smoke a pipe the second time. His
chief delight n not in communion with
his fallows. Kather it is to lounge at
the window of his study surrounded by
a few choice books of favorite authors,
and in v'e w of the inagniliei-nt island
scenery with the gray line of undulating
hills and the streak of silver sea in the
distance. Jl'irtfonl Times.
Capers of the Chimpanzee.
At the Zoological Harden at I'liiladel
Iihia, the Uwvj and vacant ijunrters ui
tack and Jill Living-ton, deceased, were
occupied by two nUo'i'-.-nr-t. Topy atld
Molly Sianly are the names of the new
ly arrived African cliinipati.eos which
landed in New York mi the b:irk Siberia
from Sierra Leone Thursday. They
reached the fiarden in a soecial drv
goods box liberally padded with hay and
old blankets-, ;il,d Wt-rc "at home'' to
visitors in the afternoon. The two ani
mals which arrived yesterday are better
specimens than the former one. They
are females and young, though the larg
er one is three feet tail. Molly is the
baby, and when her name iscalled looks
at her visitor with bright hazel eyes in
an inquiring manner. Watching their
actions it is hard to believe they are not
A rope swing and a post in the middle
ol the mass cage, with inns driven mt
it at re-rular intervals as a substitute fur
a tree with limbs, afbrd ihetn their most
active amusement. They are never still
a minute. Sitting erect on the bottom
of the cai'p the baby Mollv would toy
with her front hair and then suddenly
break on and get to counting her fingers.
Meantime lopsy, the larger one.is more
grave and seemingly dignified. Appear
ances in her ense, however, are decep
tive. Hoth were fed on bananas yester
day afternoon, which Ls one of their
favorite diets. No sooner had Topsy
received her banana than she took one
bite out of it and, then looking around,
saw the baby devouring its portion of
the fruit. Topsy quietly bok the re
maining portion of her banana and
Healthily hid it in the hay on the bottom
of the cage. Then turning she walked up
to the baby and, in the rudest manner
imaginable, snatched out of its hands
the beloved morsel, "and, coldly turning
to the other side of the cage, began to
eat it with evident relish.
The action of the baby chimpanzee
was more than ever calculated to justify
the Darwinian theory. With a pitiful
cry, almost perfect in its resemblance to
the human voice, she got up and ran
after the older chimpanzee, reaching
which sho touched her gently on the
shoulder with her hand. This had no
ctl'ect, as Topsy kept on eating the ba
nana with absorbing satisfaction. The
baby then, with another cry, went up
further and placed its little nose against
tho cheek of the older chimpanzee, and
with its wide, hazel eyes full of reproach
looked at the older one.
Topsy, however, is anything but well
bred and ate tho banana up and then
went back and dug out her own from
tho hay and began on that. Tho baby
followed her, not to make any forcible
demonstration, but simply to transfix
IVolL'lwlim1'1' vvilh J"'1"' reproachful,
havo eaten all tho banana and every
thing elso that belonged to the meal had
not tho keeper interfered and proceeded
to teach her manners. He forcibly took
tho banana from her and gave it to her
sister and then pointed his finger at
Topsy to shamo her. The eyes of the
little animal seemed to show that sho
felt her position strongly.
A companion lodger in the cage with
them is nn orang-outang, which was a
tenant thero during the days of the for
mer two chimpanzees and who since
their death has became rather inoroso
and lies half tho time wrapped up in a
blanket asleep. During the feeding pro
cess yesterday tho orang-outang, which
1ip,s not as yet tuadeany social advances,
was lying, us usual, ns'leep in his blank
et. After Molly hail had her meal she
began to pull her bungs again and ihen
to stare at her visitors. Her gazo pres
ently wandered to the sleeping orang
outang. IJtiiek as thought a niNcliiov
our idea seemed to striko her. Getting
up from the hay sho walked, over ivnd
began to pull' the blanket oil'. Tho
orang-otilatig awoke and looked out
from under his covering with lazy eyes
and apparently without energy enough
to hold on to his property.
Tlio baby, having pulled tint blanket
completely oil' him, then did a most
unmsing thing. With a sudden tumble
sho turned a somersault, landing with
its feet right ou tho onvng-outani
breast. Thou with another quick mo
tion utio rolled over Mm, panting and
pulling as if tho exertion was tremen
dous. This not having tho desired ef
feet to rouse tho animal, sho took her
hand and gavo him a sharp riudgu in
thosido, and then began to pull at him
as if trying to roll hiiu over. Presently
tho larger chimpanzee camo, and, jeal
ous of tho attention tho little ono was
receiving, tried to .divert somo of it to
herself by pulling away tho blanket. All
this had no effect on tho lazy orang
outang. No sooner had they left than
tho churlish orang-outang gathered up
his blanket, drew it over Ids body and,
having tucked it close about him, drew
in his' head and again went to sleep.
Thechimpanzecs and tho orang-outang
their nearest relative are tho most
ditlicult animals to keep thataro known
in tho experience of tho Zoological Gar
den managers. Tho severest trial to
them is tho climate. If they aro too
cold they begin to rapidly delino and die
before anybody expects it. In their diet
tho chimpanzees aro more fastidious
than any other animal. Their breakfast
consists of weak tea, with lots of sugar
and milk, and bread thickly spread with
honey. At halfpast 10 in the morning
they havo lunch. This consists of ba
nanas and oranges. At 3 o'clock tho
meal of tho day, dinner, is served. It
consists of rice, tapioca or other farina
ceous food, served with sugar and sher
ry wine, l-'or supper they have tho same
bill of faro as for dinner, with tho addi
tion of tea, prepared for breakfast.
I'hUrnlcJjihia Times.
For Husbands.
Don't think when you have won a
wife that yon havo won also a slave.
Don't think that your wife has less
feeling than your sweetheart. Her re
lationship to you is simply changed, not
her nature.
Don't think that you can dispense with
all the littln t'ivi'.i'ies of life toward her
on marrviiig. She appreciates those
things ijiiite as much as other women.
D'.n't l grufV and rude at home.
Had you been that sort of a fellow be
fore marriage, tho probabilities are that
vou would be sewing on vour buttons
still. (
Don't make your wife feel that she is
an incumbrance on you by giving grudg
ingly. What she needs, "give cheerfully
as if it were a pleasure to do so, Sho
will feel better and so will you.
Don't meddie iu Lite toTalis of tho
house under her charge. You have no
more right to he poking your noso into
tho kitchen than she has to walk into
your place of business and give direc
tions to your employes.
Don't find fault" with her extrava
gance in ribbons, etc., uptil you havo
shut down on cigars, tobacco, whisky,
Don't leave your wife at home to
nurse the children, on the score of econ
omy, while you bolt down town at night
to see the show or spend a dollar on bil
liards. Don't bolt your supper and hurry off
to spend your evenings lounging around
away from vour wife. IMore marriage
you couldn't Bpend your evenings
enough with her.
Don't prowl in the loafing resorts till
midnight, wasting your time in culpable
idleness, leaving your wife lonely at
home to brood over your neglect and
her disappointment.
Don't think tho woman you promised
to love, cherish and protect" becomes
vour servant as her part of the con
Don't think that board and clothes is
a suflicient return for all that a wife
does for you.
Don't expect your wife to lovo and
honor you if you prove a brute, uu
worthy of love or honor.
Don't caress your wife in public, and
snarl and growl' at her in private. This
proves you both a hypocrite and a dog.
Don't wonder that your wife is not as
cheerful as she used to he, when she la
bors from early morning till late at night
to pander to the comfort and caprico of
a selfish being, who has not soul enough
to appreciate her.
Tricks of California Railroad Drummers.
.-Well, C , how's trade?'' was tho
salutation of a reporter to a dapper
drummer for nn eastern railroad yes
terday. First class," blandly replied the d.
d.; "just sent off a half dozen English
globe trotters on a fine stall," and tho
gleeful drummer vainly tried to cut 1 tho
three or four hairs he called a mous
tache, and grinned so widely that ho
showed tho gold filling iu his wisdom
-How's that?"
"Told 'em they could get off tho line,
that pays me a s'alary.for lying for 'em,
at Pittsburg, an' take a street-car and
sen Niagara Falls after a fifteen-minute
ride. Them blasted Hritishers '11 havo
a healthy tinio making that 600 miles in
fifteen minutes on au average Pittsburg
street-car that travels a milo au hour
per schedule. It's agin tho law for them
to git up and git any faster. But they
wanted'to behold the wonderful water
works at Niagara, and I like a good-
cm, said tho railroad man, twirling
his natty cano nnd vibrating tho lid of
his left eye.
"Is it a common thing for railroad
drummers to lill up passengers, as you
call it?"
"Why, you gilly, if I didn't do this
I'd get left and Hie other fellows would
capturo all the passengers." SanFran-ci-'iv
mm- i
Anythiug to Fill in Tinio.
Scene-Piazza of a rural hotel. At
ono end of it a group of women talking
vigorously; at the other end a group of
men smoking.
Voice from the group of womon "I
wirh you to understand, madam, that
my children have just as much right to
the pailor as yours have,"
Uesponso "I don't care, a snap for
you or your children; you're low com
mon trash!"
Voieo from tho group of men
"There's going to be a hon fight; let's
tako a walk."
Response (all speaking together)
m i c
Mr. Moloony "Now, look hero,
Rridget, I can enjooro this no longer.
I've worn that little Snip's shirts pa
tiently for months and months, and now
ju' vo got to get tho washing for a long
armed man, or a short-anned hut
Kni.sfopal Methodist.
"Win ranted not to contain a single article
of mercury of any injurious or mineral sub
stance, but to consist entirely of medicinal
mots slid herbs, which is tho reason Sim
mons Liver Regulator is to elTectual yet so
"This medicine is acknowledged to have
no fCjiinl as a liver medicine, containing
those Southern roots and herbs, which an
nil wise Providence has placed in countries
where diseases prevail.
Truo to Her Trust.
Too much cannot bo aid of th.?ever
faithful wilo nnd mother, constantly watch
ing ami caring for her deiirones, never neg
lecting a Bingle duty m their behalf. V hen
they are assailed by disease, and the sjs
tem should have a thorough cleansing, the
stomach and bowels regulated, blood nuri-
tied, and malarial poison exterminated, she
must know that Electric Hitters are the only
sure remedy. They are tho best and purest
medicine in the world and only cost fifty
cents. Sold by Harry W.Schuh. (4)
Over 250,000 Howe scale havo been sold.
and the demand increasinL' continually.
Borden, Selleck & (Jo., agents, St. Louis,
Mo. (4)
A Grinning Death's Head
is scarcely more abhorrent to a refined ob
server than a row of discolored teeth made
visible by a smile. Correct the hideous
blemish with delichtiul and healthful Sozo-
dont, which wh'tens yellow teeth, imparts
ruddiness and hardiness to colorless, un
healthy gums, and a floral bnlminess to the
breath. The feminine mouth becomes
wondrously attractive in consequence
of its use. Leading actresses and cautatri
ccs regards it as incomparable.
Lydia E. Pj.nkham's VcueUble Com -
pound is a positive cure for all those weak
nesses so common to our best female popu
lation. Sirou.n you be a sufferer from dyspepsia,
indigestion, malaria, or weakness, you can
be cured by Brown's Hop Hitters.
A. M. Diyi.k, of Columbus, (it, say
that from exp rience he knows ''Sellers
Liver Pills" to be the best in use.
It does not cure every thine but kidney
troubles and many other complaints to
which flesh is heir yield gracefully to the
life-giving properties constituting Hops
and Malt Hitters. People who have be
come discouraged should resort to tliis new
Hucklen's Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for CVs,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Kkeuni, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain
Corns, nnd nil Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
2! cents pur box. For Sale by Geo. E
Nothing like "Lindsey's Blood Searcher"
lor all skin oiseases, tetter.salt rheuiu, itch,
etc. It never fails.
Dk. Kijsk'h Gkkat Neuve Kestorek is
the marvel of the age for all nerve diseases
All fits stopped free. Send to 031 Arch
street, PhiUdelpia, Pa.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Are you disturbed at night and broken
ot your rest by a sick child sullcrlng ana
crjingwith the excruciating pain of cutting
teeth I It so, go at once and gut a bottle ot
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will
relieve the poor little sufferer immediately
depend upon it; there is no mistake
about it. There is not a mother on earth
who has ever used it, who will not tell you
at once that it will regulate the bowels,
and give rest to the mother, and relief ami
health to the child, operating like mngic.
It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and
pleasant to the taste, and is the prescrip
tion of one of the oldest nnd best female
physicians nnd nurses in the United States.
Sold everywhere. 2 cents a bottle.
Use The Caiho Bulletin perforated
scialch-book, made of calendered jute
tminills, equally good for ink or pencil. For
sale, in three sizes, at the office. No. 2 and
It. live nnd ten cents each by the single one,
by the dozen. Special discount on gross
lots to the trade.
A General Stampede.
Never was such a rush made for any
Drug Store as is now at Harry W. Schuh's,
for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds,
All persons affected with Astlimn, Bron
chitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any
affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get
a trial bottle of this great remedy free, by
calling at above Drug Store. (-1)
Allen's Iirain Food positively cures nerv
ousness, nervous debility, and all weakness
ef generative organs, ijsl. 5 for if ."i. All
druggists. Send tor ciicular to Allen's
Pharmacy, 1115 First Ave., N. V. Sold in
A Wl.h feelinif after meals, dyspepsia,
henitburn, and general ill health relieved
by Uiown's Irmi Iiitters.
Personal! To Only!
The Voltaic Helt (i., Jlarshiill, Mich.,
will Hend Dr. Dye's Celebrated Klccti'i
Voltaie. Helta and Electric Applicance ri
trial fur lliirty d iys to men (yimnjr or oh')
who are alllicted vvilh Nervous Debility,
Lost Vitality and Manhood, nnd himln'd
tmubles, f,'uaranticin speedy ami c.dinplcle
restoraticui of hiMilth and niitnly ii;or. Ad
dress us above, N. II No risk' is incur
red, as thirty (lays' trial is allowed.
Nuw mid I'oiupli.'to llotol. frorillni; on
Si'coiid a ml iiullruml Mtrt'i'tn,
Cairo. Illinois.
Tb PHH'etiffiT I) iiot of tho Cliloia'o, St.. Louis
tuf .uiw rlennn: Illinoln C'uiitral; WhIhihIi, Si.
I.oiiIb una l'nnllc; I run .Mountain and Smuhcrn,
Muhtlii Hint Olilo: ( him and SI, I.oiiim loomiiyf
aru all Juki arruw tho direct: wliilu tho Stcnmlmai
I.aU'ltiiii in hut one lejuart! ulnlniit.
'i n lit Hotel In lu'ittttd ny ntam, nn n-iiin
Lauudrv. Hydraulic Elevator. Klei trie Cull l, :!l-
Automatic Klro-Aliirmii, Itath, abaolulfly puro air.
pi rlect mwerakrc and uimplelu appointcem'.-.
Superb fllrMKhlIlK,,; perfect ervico; ami iih nn
Bsc. Ik'd Utile.
Xa. 1'. I'AltKK.rt V ').,1.HW
i4 ' "
V.- n
a re
N? J.
v. v.
(.. -s
-3 t
t: -.
li A XT Kli STE A M KXO I N' K
t'olt'a Dire Eiiniiif
Horizontal, Vertical
and Marine Engines
and toilers.
Pulleys ami (iencral Stiiilics.
No. l;)l, North Third Street,
I'llll. A DK t.Htl A l'A
f'iri(7'mt i urri.
I Nerve Restorer
i. llllAIN iMi M
Om v
.i it k 4-i i.i inn M:itvie Aftr.e-
m,.ns.I irs Clil KI'M.,I..IM -'A 1.1.1111. K lllnk-n
nlfonlir,..-!.-.!. fifl'tintr'tir tir1ltH'vr. 'l'ri't!iH k
... .:.. ,...1.1.. ... Vi. I'll....) ...l..,il.,.tt.F.I..
0. ir..'ili I.,jX. li.'ll rnsjIVMI. Sli'l imiiim.l-." mm
,,,r. ,. !,.l.lr. .f iilllii''i..i t.i lUi KI.INK 'II An il
St-.l'luli''..'" Ve Itrnnjjiit. il.imr-' uu,i.
fij f trim ii, ....... , ....
Itliiod, nml illpniiijili'tflyctiiiir t Im IiIibkI in t -tiiK)Hii.iiin
Ihri'i. UH'iilliii. Any imtniiii who will In""
1 pillomh niifhtfrmn 1 to IVwrekniini)- ho ri'stnri.,!
lu i-,hii,,i I, mil Ii, if miii'Ii ft Onnil li ikikmiIiIii. Sulil i'V
rrywlii'rp, nr . ut hy mini fr M It'll, r jinnies. I. N.
JollShuN LVi , liui.luii, .M .'.., furuuily r.m.(;ir, .Mil.
i.inlirt:iiiK lliu 1.IVUII mill
Wonderful Ailvrnturfioi
Wild Bill, Biiffnln Bill
Culifornin Jow, limi
?J jrl 6nnrrn Cintitr
ml mliiT K"'t I n ill n
.. - .... . si-.... I ll,,,llln lr,,.iljl Vlirlil
Wll.li lill.u
Pichtfm, siisniir. llirtitrR an.l
mitrllltM.. AHni.ii
i tir,i un uiw rmiiii.1 tii.ni. ......... . ..'
Wild Life in the vat west.
Oni IluuJmntiuJuuUoIu
d P1tcl (Irmilert Hunk f.,r An, ihbI Outnnlla Fvrr.v
thing! Knilor.il liv (i.'ii. Mrrritl, linlVnlii lull, and "Hi"
llMi.ii. UiTNo Oompotllionl i4S lK"i I""'" f'-',1"'
iivai.iii ifuini twcii., mnnin.iirinfiiH'y. Aiimuuivu vn
-ulRni Kroe. WriUi at oihh lor niiriiry to
4ts N. H.I Htrn.it, Htf Ii.iiiIm.
Hv I. W. UUbL.
Author of'Sordvr Outlawi,"-" MutropollUu Lift
BTiHIiSD Hooks, 0, SABI OUIS aixt CDIAP.
oeuu otamp lor Catalogue Ai1iUh,
?! '
m m win
i !s3 'L i
Hill U I
U?lntionuf all hin.Uof BRASS, GERMAN
!. V SILVER, arid REED liwtrutnenU, togthr
1M Ivith full Inatnwt.iL n - ,U At
Jll..n nd climlHcation of ImtrumeoU
WHAT and HOW to pnrcbufl termi for
rold or ller latinK, rplrltit, Ao. Will alto
..ml, if dMimd, our Jtanii and. Oreheitra
Benson's Capcine
Porous Plasters.
Reason Why they avo Vreferrei to Ml
Other Vorous Vlaler or Exlernal
Hecflima they posness all tlm merit of the
tmiKthenlnp; pcrouti plantar, and contain In ad
dition themto the riowly diacovcrud powerful and
iicti; refutable combination which acts with in
creaitud ruhefacietit, Btimulatiiig, aedutiV9 aud
counter irrittuit effects.
Iliicnnsc they are a pennine pliarmucentlcal prep,
aritlion, aud bo recognized, by the profonsiou.
Pieranae they aro the only plaster that relieva
iain at once.
Iti cauHo thoy will positively care diseases which
other remedies will nut even relieve.
IVrftiiie over WOO physician and druRElsts bavn
voluntarily tt'KlilW that they are superior to all
other planter or uiodu ine for external use,
Tynin tho manufacturer bate rncslvedth
only uiedaia ever yiveu for porous plasters.
Benson's Capcine Porous Plaster!
Manufacturing Chemists, New Yorlt.
AStJ It li kiOltD VAT LAST. I'rici'i Met
Tim. JB U 1 WTSi R t
IXJKCTKN, la a posltlvn cure for all l)lHcharirn.
Btiiu:.n.f, Siiiai llnif Bin! Puinfiil Benentlona ot the
SI OH PeP bottle. For solo by all druir
livKlti'.o''"''n';bv F.xrreHB on ro
c i itof price, JOHN D. PARK t 80NB,
17 j nnd 177 Sycamore fit CINCINNATI.
OHIO, l luiutoraontlou tlim iiupor.
for filn hv IUKiM.VY IlKOH., Cairo, III.
017 St. Charles Street, ST. LOUIS, M0.
A . vtgnlar Ormluntw of twrt nndlcnl
collivi s, li:n Imtii Iiiiiuit fiiirinri'd III the tri'iil
ini'ht ut' 'liroiiic, Nitvoiw, tltin ftnil
I lion. I I 1 -. a -. thiiii nnv othi r tili.tNii'liiii in
St. I.niils iii llv .;ij..-iw i.Iiiim-iiiiil nil olil rol
iliiits know, t on -ii 1 1 1 1 1 ti ut ill .- or hy mull,
frri .-iinl liiviti.'il. A frliMiillv tulk or li lx iilnli.n
fusts hnthlmr. W'llrll It Is (lll'iinvi'llii'llt tovlslt
tne i lty lr tri'iitiiu iit, n i.'.l I t n.-s run lie unit
by mull or i xiri'-s -vrv lii ir. Ciiral.li nen
viniriniU'cil; wIhti- ilniibt exists li Islrunkly
btitl. 1. Call or Write.
KiTvotn Prostration, Debility, Mental and
Physical Weakness, Mercurial and other
affectioiw v. -i..uat, Skin and Bones, Blood
Impurities andJBlood roisonini;, Skin AfTon
tions. Old Sores and Ulcers, Impediments to
Marriage, Elieumatisrn, Jiles. Special
attention to eivses from over-worked brain.
SURGICAL CASES recoivo Bpecial attention.
Diseases atising from Imprudences, Excessos,
Indulgrneas or Exposures.
11 Is M'lf.i' hli'iit Unit a pliyslelmi pay luif
piii'llrnhir atlinll'iii to n i'Iiisi. ul ru-i-n Hltiiliis
un iit -kill, iiii'l phvsli'lmis In n unlitr prurtli'ii
ul! nvi r the I'liuntrv kiinw InK this, rriiiiu'iitly
rri'niiiliii'iiil caspHlii tin' nhli st i.tllci' In Aiin'rlrn.
wlirri I'Vi iy known nppllatii'i Is rt'sorteil In.
nml tin1 provi'il itoiiil ri'iiii'tli.." of nil
nu'i's nml I'uinit rh'S nr.' iisnl, A wlinlt' lliinse Is
ii -i ll hirnlllri. piirim-i's, nml nil are tmitnl with
skill In n ri's tin I iiiiiiiiiit: nml. kniiwliii!
w hat to iln. nn i ximtIiiii'IiIs m i' liiiiil.'. nil lie
fiiiiiit of tin' k-rrii! mi ii 1 1 i- iipilylnu, the
cliuiiri's nn- k. iit low. ofii'ii Imu r lliati Is
iltinuMilril hv mlicrs If Mm k n- the kvl
nml ti t nstH T'lv nml prrfcel I i i tire, Hull Is
tlii. I n i.-i-t an t iii-i Tl. i-. I'liiiiplilil, ilil paxes,
si'iit In any inl'ln-ss i'iii'.
plates. 1 MARRIAGE GUIDE. ! pages.
l-lci.-i.iit i-lulli nml irilt blmllni.'. Hfiili'd for W
I'.. nls Iii m-lavi' or ciirrrtii'V. t'vi r lllty wou
iii rl'lll ... li iilrtlll-is, triii- In lll'r . lirt Irlrs nil till)
r.illun liu; hii I itrrt s . hn iiiii inarrv. wlinnot;
iilivV I'minT am- tiiiiian-v. Who niiirry lli'st.
.1 i . : t 1 . V iiiniiiib I. I'hv-lriil di'i'iiv. W ho
nlnMil.l irnrrv. Mow IH'i'mnl liniiliii's tuny In!
IhlTr.l , 1, Tllil.l' lli.'ll'lil'il III' I tl-llljlliltlllK
liinrn Imu slimil'l r - it I II. H ninth t tn hi' ri'inl
1 , v nil mliilt iii-iiii-, thi'ii kii'l ii in I t loi'k mill
l,.'V. I ' im 1 .n- i'llll Inn. Minn lis ul.mr, bill .iiii r
cni.T .-mil HM piiKi-.-i. rcntH by mull, lu mouuy
or I'li-tuiju.
si a
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1 e r-ssv nam
P'SWEmI c 5 'O' " I S "Mil "i
h,V-' ". "
m -mm
teffii! iiliii
$10 to
In c2tttm:,to Jurttclniia upeculatlon In Grain, Fro
vialoua aud Htocknon onr perfected plan, ylelila
mire monthly pronta to lariie and mull Investors.
Adiln-'Hii f.ir full particular. U K Kendall Co,
C mil u .Murchanm, 177 t 17V) La Hallo it, Chicago 111
M0(llCll Stll(lfMlt4 Po;l "onmemeuts
tton. addreaa tho Uean of the American Mudlcal
ColUttr., Sit. I.u.iin. (leo C. 1'ltzur, M. U., 1110
Cliambera atreet, St. l.onls, .Vo.
VOTING MFN Kyoa WKnt 10 ""'Telei-ra.
X VUim iIIIjII .Uhy inafim nionths, and he
curtain of a ultuatlon, aililrenH Valentine lln.lher.
JauoHvllli', is.
Al'VK'tTISER.S by adilrurhiug fiKt). . HOW
EI.I. CO , 10 Sprnco ulreel, ..iw York, can
learn thu exact cost of any proposed linn of adver
tlslnu In American newspapers. ff H.OpaL'8
pamphlet, 1.1c. "
WOUTJI siJndinj for.
Pr. J. If. SCIIEXf K, of Phllailiili'tila him puh
lishi'd a bonk on ''l)is,.i.a 0f the l,iim;a and flow
They Can be Cured," which la ollered free, pout
paid. to;ill aiipllj ants. It contnlns valuable Infor
mation fur all who aiipposu themse'.vei alllicted
with, or liable tn. any IU.'iiiies of thu throat or
lnt'H. Add'ess 1)11. .1. - HCJIKNCK tON,
WW Arch St., riilliidulphia, Pa. 1". (J. Uax-,'S!:l.
rv"J)1 TCJ.ire certainly bent, biivlut been
t 1 1 T r 1 1 dec reed l every iri'iil world'
"x Industrial Compeiitiou for six
teen years ; no oilier American organs having been
Imti il rqifil at any. AJsn chi'iipi-al. Style I0!l; .'t'i
(ii'iiivi s; aiimi'lem eonipnsH nnd putter, Willi hint
oiinlily. fur popular sacred and Hcculnr iiniele. iu
HilionlH or funilllcs, at onh-SJ ii)' tninrl rrrl oth
er Hivies hi ki. 5", sot. s'ri'. !i:i, ium, sin io
$jiii and up. Thu larger ntyli B are wholly unri
valed hy any other organs. Also Inr uaay pay
nientH New illu-lnileil iat.'ilo"iui free.
1)1 I VTi .t 'I 'h ,n Co, i any I av c nnui.'nced
1 -I v'''1 '""hufiii'liiroiil uprU'lit irrnnd
I'laniis. iiiti-iiilm-iiiiT liniiortiiiit.
iiiiprovemnils; aiblini' to lh powi.-r mill bcauly of
tone and diirnhility. Will nm reiiuirn t ii i : sr one-
Hii'irler us nim li as other I'iuuos. I lilstriilnd (:ir-
cuiiirH rri'i'.
The MAfsUN & IIAVII.IN Ornti nnd flan o Co.,
I 'rreniniit fit. ll'isMn: Iii B 1-1; ti .it .New York:
lill Wubunb Ave , Chiriiuo.
Nutlilita iu uil' v.url.1 (MlllUl I" IL i.,r inn
flure ul S 'luliiU. I'lnuil.... Kolll, T'-lli'r, I Hit is.iml.
Som 1.VII, iltiriiurlal Iil.mi.i.., l aUirli. L.iof
AtiisillK, t't'inalu Coiuilitl!ili. iiii-l ali tf limit
i1l..aii. It iiiircr full.. All .lni.'wi.-u in.l
couatrj' .totr It.-eiH-rs -11 It. It. ... fct-nrr
k t ii., Ii.,ii, riii.hiimti, mi fvi'iv iH.iiiw.
rlMKnTKlJ. ','lHt j-fir npeiif S'lileuiher Pith.
'Xi-w l.iiillilii.n-i. Superior iiii'iimiiiniliiflnnH.
AppiiMi'mi'iilH I'l tnpli le, 1-Tn I i c ti , Cnlliuiato,
('Inimical, Civil K.n rini" rlntl en 'rues. l)i'i;roun
Conlnrie l. Appl to V1' llalli'lm. Ksq., piitrou
Cairo, 111., or In CAM.. I'll !. II VAT T, 1'rent.
CliiliNi'il'-rw the-iire-l iiii'iiiiK.if nml.iiift reLTiInr mniuhly
pn.ni-ir.'iii iiivisiiiict.Mni iiiiinitiiiiiiinriM..re,iiti'iii in
hiii-h iiieiniier in-tii the Im-ii. Iii nl i mil n nisi isipitn't ot tint
Club. ID to luflpLT cent. Iiivtilomls i.d nmnthly. lle
Kiruio iii.riili,inM'nl i-nrli iiieiMt.-r. fctiiiii'- le iiu'M,
nilncin ihle, !iiiiiii.-i-"uMe, Iriiii-k-nii.le, A r.'liiilili! i.r-ri'-Hiliii'lit
WMitnl In evei-y Luwll. Bis-riu'i ir.illl. eilielllH,
Kxi:ntMtrv Ciri'iilnrM.iit Ins'. Addn-.- It. K.lvtNl'AU.
VCo., 177 ii l'.U I.HRKili.. bL.CUlCACO, 111.
Rlflia,Shot (iiuiH, HcvnlviTu, Ammunition,
t'iHhiiiK TueLlt. St-liii'H, Ni-ta, knlvea,
Kii.orK, Skatca, lliiiiiniiH'Ua, olr.
Larfce llluatriitcil Ciituln'rue HIKE.
1'iTTSBvnair, pa.
WANTED ! Ladies and Gentlemen
to en (;a to
Willi lis lu sell tievenil Daefnl Ilotiseho
Arti la. I'rotlta lurcpi I.nlior la llirlit
l.vcliisiia terrltnry Kiven. No enmpotition.
TerniHliboral. Clrcubirs FUFK. Address
Hen lit Slaiiuruot'K Co., Hut NtIS, rittsburirh, Tl.
Swedish Insect Powder Kills
K3 !1 m
It will tlinroni'bly r-Ttormlnntc Roncnes, Ants,
lied Ilil'M, p'leiis, M('',V(ihii..i nml t'liltoiiWortns,
Mnllj, I'll. It IsFitfe, suro, clciitily nnd clioap. Jl
will tint poison 11 1 1 1 in ii ls or IhwIh. Sample pnek
airi'H hv nnul mi tvnis, poKt-pnlil. Slumps taken.
CI rent ni I lei-. Aircnta Hunted. AiMrcml,
J. li. JOHNSTON. PlttslmiEh. Pa.
ma of all kinds for salo very cheap.
ih catalogues free. Adiinw, RICHARD
1 1 HULL I Ca Box 868, 1'ltteburKh, Pa.
v li-
Electric Appliances ars sent on 30 D.iyt1 Trial,
"tsril" nrr miilmlfitf from Nnuvnes Pkiui.ity,
Viiimi. Wahtinu WKui.sNie, nml .ill ihi... ilim.iuu.a
Of fl I'KHSHNI. NATI'KK lesllll lllit front Alll'SKS Hllil
inilKii I'Ai'HhH, Ninsilv rell.,f nml rniiiiili'tii rend-
riltlllll III M II A I. ntA lill ill mill M.tMIOIillll'AR.INTRItl.
The Ki-nn.lest ilLrnvn-y ,ir th, Niiii'ii...iith reuiurr.
Heiiil ut iiihs- I. it IlliiiilinteU l.t n l lot fnw. AihlnvM
Yorit AIMiAL.
Ti ii. ili'M.ni'i in niiil,i iiinnoy
Oil I' Hi I' I I Mill II' Whtllll'tltS
I I ill mi, 1 i' in t). Hltil stiN-k
Mi' enliil m ei ii .t. ivii hv ni. r
'. .' i ii" i.ii '. 1 i-iiin Mny 1st,
I '.'l, 1-1 111 ' M I' .l III I III!', lill ill-
v nt-'i' mi "i !-. i 1 iii 1 1. 1 I, in in, cm. Ii
P' M' ; I - , i :i vi i. iili..,i'i nml
lull I I ' li' . I "ii. inn i-iitinit Ui
mi v ." i t 'i".' t " i.ri.'iiiv l invent.
in. Ml . tMl l.'IIVl'lr tllei l'lulMlll In-
..i.um l iii'iki.i,! iiii'iM.y i r pny.
ii'ii " i'i .'' i, m 'Ml I. 'iii nn I.ry el r
eilln.i huh (.I'l'i'Mii'iim .( fmiil IV
le'lit li'.i'. "W:,nti i'.iHiitildn
mn'iiii , win v III ft i ii o-t on ru'pi
llliil liitiivtiii i Lliu I'I' ii. I.il'tinl
i niitliiMn i'Iih l.i.iil. Ailill' in.
til IIMIMI X U r 1. li I V t. Cni.
h,l..l,iii .It ,-1-wUaiiiM. uMiar Lliivha
I Sitae J, 111. ,
hi uk.uLuuntiauja ij aranMS
ti a

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