OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, May 05, 1883, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1883-05-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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Tram tliv Huston Qlub,
Jfaasre, P.dltort
TIik ab-ive i a (food likeness of tfrt. T.ydla E. Ptns
luun, of Lynn, Mju, ho above allolUar human belng-a
tua j b tnit'if ally called the "War friend of Woman,"
aasouie of bar correipondeuta lorn to call her. She
l swalotudy devoted to her work, which Is iLr outcome
of a llfeatudy, and U obllgvd to keep st lady
aa-iurUinU, to help bor aiun-eribe largs coiftspoudeace
whli h daJly poura In upon her, bearing Ita special
burden of rolTt-rlnfr, or )"J at rloee from II. , But
VrtrotoliUr mipMindtaa, medicine I f gnrxl aod not
tl porpoeea t have peswraaily iaruetiyatadlt and
am satisfied of the frith of this.
On account of lt proven merits. It la m-onuneBdrd
and ptwrit.'x! br the beat ptynlcLaiu la Ike country,
Ou snyai "It wuiks Ilka a enarin and saree much ,
pain. It will car wtlrrly th wont form of felling '
of tta utcrut, trucorr'iow, trrrfular and pntnful
Kvnetruatl'.n.aU 0Hnn Trn-ihlee, Inflammation and
Uloerailon, rimxlbiifi, tl1 Pir-.a-eiunta andthaenn
aentot spinel weakness, and 1 mtcuuly adapted to
lueUhaiiireof Life."
It pamvatrs every fi-qtlon of His rrst-m, and glvea
new UfuejiJ wg-rir. . It r.'"rr, faiimuiaa, flatulent,
destroys all craving fur rtlmubuiu, and nUsvee weak
ana of the stomm-k. It cures Bloatia BcaUacbw,
Nervous I'ruat ration, Onvral IfeWllr, ksplssnes,
lx prfiulnn and In-lMir.tlin. That Ming of bearing
dnwn.eauili.jr pln.wel(jht and ba-ka--!io, la always
prrnuni-iilly iiirvd hy Its uw. Ir will at nil tlnva, and
under all rtrfumirtannw, art In harmony with U.e law
that giirenu tlw e ns systira.
It c'.ta filly ti xT.boitluor klx fir , and Isw.ld l.y
drufi-1 ,'.n. i.:Tt'jertutmajtos..c-:eaaFe,ei.d
tho nniiH- i f 41 any who hrm ton rr-tt'.red to prtwt
bcallht.i I f ..Mint tha Ti 7talk Coniiiouiid, caabe
ohtai.u.t 1 t i.'.lrorvlni lira I'., with stamp for r-plj,
a. nM r: mii I. mi, M.uu.
mi KkI.u y I'-icshit t f Hthtm thla compound!
unnurjtAr.il a au...iut t.-Ktliii'rJalt show,
"Bra. liitLhau.' IJrer Pll'a," says "ii wrin-r, "are
fAebol in Hit iror.'i f. Ttl.9 rare of OnsUpallon,
IMJoumiw and 'ijrvldJty of the lirar, Urr Blood
PurlP.tr worta womlera In Its npxial and Wda fair
to tul Uio Cotn;ouliil In It p r.
Ai rnunt n:)ri-t lvr aa an An(fl of K rry watan olt
am'iitl'ip la to doirood to othora
dOilladelulila, fa (ft Ura. A. M. b.
Tborc baa ni r bren an Ikaiaq-a in ahicb, tbl
ainrllng Inriorarit and mitl-fobrUa medlrlLe bac
ta k'd tu MnrU' ir t'uerouiplal' t. wht'U takD (Inly
at a ruttrtl a n,'-tnt miliaria. Hutidn daof
rbtKiat.ahtT" rliatidoni d all Ihu otcial apar
lira, ai'd ii jr-crib ih btrml'aa ifetable
tonic fur th 11a and frir-r, at wo 1 aa dppia and
D'TTinu anVcttona. H ii;ttrr'i" Blttcta la tha
ap'dflt ru tiwl
Kor aale hy all Druu.-li-l auJ IVale re gpnernllv.
Rcut?ml)er This.
If you art' itk Hup Hitters will surely
ail Niiturc in makin ym well when all
else failr.
If you are costive it dyjpeptic, or are
BUilcrini,' trooi any other of the numerous
(liseA:it of the Htoruach or Imwels, it is your
own f itult ifou reuisin ill, for Pop Hitters
are a 8'ivt ri'n renictty in nil audi com
pUiiitti. If you (ire wuttinj away wi'li any form
of Kidney diseasi), 8t p tempting Doatb
tliia mouit'iit, nnd turn for a cure to 'Hop
If you re sick with tliat terrible sick
Dens SiervousneaS, you will tiud a "Halm in
Gilead ' in the use of Hop Hitters.
If you are a frequenter, or a resideut ot a
mismaticlitttrict, barricade your system
aguinitt ti.n s'xiumge of all countries uia
larinl, cpedemic, bili-ms, and intermitent
fevers by the use of Hop Bitters.
If you havo rough, pimply, or snllow
nkin, bud breath, pains and aches, and feci
miserable generally, Hop Bitters will give
vou fair skin, rich blood, s.u-1 sweetest
breath, health and comfort.
In short they cure all diseases of tho
stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kidneys,
Dright's Disease. $.100 will be paid for a
case they will uotcure or help.
That poor bedridden, invalid wife, sister,
mother, or daughter, can bo made the pic
ture of health, by a few bottles of Hop
Hitters, costing but a trifle. Will you let
them suffer? ()
of the present generation. It la tor the
Curoof "thfTdTsettse and Its attendant,
frjTT'8 PllXS have gainedTi wSWtde
reputation. No ItemedjrTas ever been
dlHoovercd that aofa so jtejtTjTonJthe
digestive organs, gfvlng thjmjrtKorM;
flmUateTTood. Aw jnatufal fesnltrtine
Kervous System TTBraoedTlne Ituaolei
aTelDoveloped. and the" Dodyfibbust. .
Olxlll and Poiror.
I. RIVAL, a Plantar at Bayou Bara, La., aya t
11 y plantation la In a malarial dlatrloa, ror
MTrai yaara I oould not makt half a orop oa
aoouunt of bllloua dlaaaaea and ohllla. I waa
nearly dlsnouraarad wben I begun tha naa of
TUTTVS PILL. Tha laault waa murvaloua:
K laborara aoon bsoama linarty and robnrt,
and 1 bar bad no furtUor tronMa.
Xhav rrllwe lite lnwl M yew, elMita
Itao lilixxl tmm pnlwinoua hamara, awl
Trr thla rrmady fWHy. and yrni will jptm
ah!ihr lM,M.lon. VfauaBoaly.lr
Ellood, m rang KvrvM, a" da Nound Liver,
rlcas BAt la. Odkw, M Mnrray Mk, H. T.
a v Ham wniK ehanwdllo Oroaitv
t,K by a "ingle Billiatlii ot thin Dvie. II
miiarwi a nat nrnl color, mid "a lntntanwHialy.
Htilil hy Kruiitilata, or tntil by aipraai on reoalpt
of Ono Dolliir.
Ofrtoe, B Murray Street. New Yorlt.
or. rwrra kanval f raiaau
I Mnfarmmtimn n4 Vful Jfoawiyte I
avail anoMaal nil 9UamUn,F
' 1'f ii,V 1L K irvnLM't 7" 1.7 "
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbiqa, Bomacln. Hcadacha. Tnalhacha.
nrf Thrint. Millliira. Kiralna, ItniUv,
lluriia. Nvulilt. t'riial lillra.
ill ll.l, 1111111 HHIIII.V fIM 4 Ml AlMIJI,
old by Uru.Ki.'i ...I . iff l.rbt a b'rilla
IUr'l'.-i. in II ,trfuilfr..
TIIK II t HI ! A. VtMir I Fli 111.
MiMa-tottaiaiiaco....! Malilmn. ad,, I', ft, i
'J a r ru h f I it u uaor l p 1 1 n .
mm or rnrraei;
Daily one r by currtt-r $U on
(i l?r ri'nt. iltnio'in iltiatdln J"iic.)
Dally, ti vir tiy mull 10
Dailv, oiiu mi in Hi 1 0
Weekly, una nr i t
Weik'v. month" t i)0
KrC'luhaofflwrrinore lorWerklr Bull' tin al
one tliu , por year, ) . W
Ail t.'onm'jDlcat;oii hotild ho addreifd to
K. A BCKN'Err.
I'uhlmiier and Iroprltir.
The Daily Bulletin.
lils-t pprc ptio...",.
Tin- siiniii'St f'iriik of infinity r
tllO'.i! w hicli ron-i-l lIHTely of fill.' i'T-
ct?inioni, and lli. y hp n'.'t ol swh a
chitrncter at to li'n'ii tin1 nhponsihility
of fie iinliviiliiii!. Tlittre nri- two fornii
of faKe jM-rv-fptii'tis-- illusiont and Lullu-ciniilioii-.
I'lu'oinjilii-aiml fllusimis sip'
rnr"; Mill there is no doubt Unit there
are illiiiious not tlm iutilt! of disea.-e in
thfi orrniio (if Sfiin? or eireunist iniro un
fit vom! do to px.'ti.t w rc-ption but which
are dm- to a lnorlrid coiwlitiou ni the
prrceptforml ?tiy:!iii, and the unreal
nature of'.vhicli is i;i'nrly rpeognized by
the indivniuiil.
Ilhisiiins of flight ofton relate ninndy
to tho size of-oVijei-l Thui. a young
lady wiio had overtatki'd herself at
school saw I'Vi'rythinp of enormous i.o
at which hi1 looked. . Tho hiad of a'
person H"nn d to be srreral feet in di
ameter, and little children looked like
piants. So far as her own person was
coocorued tiiere wore uo illusions. Her
own hands appeared of the natural sizo,
but tho.Mt of othur e"ple seemed to be
of enormous proportions. Sam a' re
fers to u easo in which a young w oiiiun.
sullering from rpib-psy, had the illusion
of feeing object-i gtv:it!y majjuilifd. X
fly .'eenied to her to lie as large as a
chicken. In the ca'-e which came ondor
ruy observation, the unreal charactor ol
tho jiorcept ion was fully recognized and
hence the intell':t whs not involved.
Morbid illusions f henring. unaewm
panicd by otLer cv'nU nces of menial (In
rangetrvoiit, are not very commin One
ca.se onlv has cune under my obsorva
tion. i It w as that of a gentleman tc
whom the ticking of a clock was resolv-.
ed into articulate wonW Generally the
expressions were in form of command.
For instanee, if at dinner, they would
be, "Bat your oup!" "Drink no wino!"'
and so on. One day he made the dis
covery that, if he closed the right ear
firmly, the illusion disappcarodflmt, il
the left ear were closed, the words were
still distinctly heard. It was henci
clear that tin- center for hearing on the
right side win the one affected, and that
that on the left side was normal. For a
longtime this gentleman roiU'd ac
cepting any of these illusions as facts,
but after a'time he began to be influ
enced by them to the extent of regard
Ing them as guides. Eventually he put
clocks in every room In his hoiise. and
professed to be jroverned altogether1 by
the directions they gave him. fir. Wm.
A. Hammond, in Popular Scienct
m a m 11
Arizona's Mineral Wealth.
It Is but a few years ago that Arizona
was looked upon as simply a worthless
desert w asto. nsuias? alike.' for farming
and stock-raising, while tho owners of a
few small niiiMM which w ere known and
worked labored under the great disad
vantage of having to rely upon the slow
ox and mule teams for tho transporta
tion of their supplies and products.
Communication" with tho outside world
was not only difficult, but the pioneer
miners wen; in coustant dread of Indian
raids upon them that it was impossible
to develop Arizona Territory with much
success of profit. Hut n great oliango
has taken place sinen the completion of
the Southern Pacific Railroad aoroNS the
Territory, and although tho railroad
docs not extend directly to any of tha
mining camps, the increased facilities
for transportation, and the opening up
of the territory in consequence of it,
have increased its population and do
volopcd Its mining interests within the
past two ,or three years wonderfully,
and especially during the year 1882 tho
territory has 'made great a'dvances in itn '
From statistics recently published it
appears that Arizona ranks third among ,
the States and Territories in production
of gold, silver, copper, aud lead, the
total production of these mirt.aU aggre
gating in vuluo for 18H-2 )? 1 1,702, MS.
00 a '
An exchange rennrks that the man
who wflll .invent senl-skiti sacpiMwhicli
cm he worn in smniner time will gain,
the everlasting regard of several thous
and American women. Kather be it
said that ilm woman w ho will Invent a
linen duster that can W worn with com
fort In the summer tin- will gain the
everlasting regard of several thousand
American" men who now go lmlf-clad'
through the cold months that ' their
wives may appear gorgeous In mml nnd
sable, "The fidf-di'iiialof these Amori-'
can husband is u-. vrll known as it ii'
oonimeifdahlc, i
Lone Jack, Mo , Sept. 15 1870.'
I have been iwiiur dine Bitters, and have
received groat benefit from them for liver
coinplainta anl malarial fvvcr. ; They are
superior to all other medicine
P- M. Barkks.
ftotir.ia In iRta coljma, diunt cents por Its for
Ural and Ova cema per Una eacbubiejnBl Inaor
inn. r.ir una wuek. JOctmti per line, for '
mnlli,i;Ucoia par line
Removal Bargain.
II. Block hiut removed his boot and shoo
estubllhliment to iln: ucw Ntff building, im
Conine tciiil avenue, near Eighth kircct.
He tins received a Inre new stock of J!J
incluiluigall the latest styles of foot wear
ind is bi tter pu p ired than ever to innke
bonis or hh.K-a to order or do any repairing
dmi red. He invites his old customers and
msny new ont to call ou him in his new
quuriuis and ftiiftrnuleeH all aatisfaction in
evtry way. Special inducements arc offur
ed in his old stock which he drain a to clone
out to mike room for new lw.
MIiicibI WHttraml Beer i pen cy.
H nt v oreilimi is hgeut heio tor the celo
lirnti il A polio Sprint and SheboygAn Min
erftl Water nd tor Ph. Best nd Cincinnati
Beer, the best the country afftrds. lw
The Union Bakery.
At The Union Bikery may be found the
best and chciipcHt bread and cukes, or any
otlcr titticles in thst lint.
Kuakx KuatkT.
Ho! .Vor the Palace Saloon.
The. proprietors of lie Palsce Saluot) htve
now on tap the Hnest of Bock Beer. Tln-y
wilt also serve their tnmy pntrons, ns Lunch,
during the next week, commencing to day,
a muftt excellent article of Bock Wurst,
iiisde especially for them. (Jail and con
vince yfurt-e If that the Palsce is a strictly
tlrsi-cliifs resort, in every psrticulnr, win re
uone but Ihe Viry best Brands of Beer,
Wines, L'quoM and Cigars are kept in stock.
1 w J. Johnson & Co , Ptoj.
Call at Mrs. Williamson's, on elev
enth street near Commercial avenue, aud
have your old hats shaped and made over
in the latest stylo f-r tho small sura tl
twenty rive cents. ft
Kor .Sale Farm.
A good farm in the umber, eighty arr
uuder cultivttion ; blue grass pasture; furin
ronfaiiis 102 acres; in Bond ctinty, I'os ,
2g' mile from railroad station.
New Blacksmith Shop.
A new horse shoeing shop has been open
ed by Mr. P Powers on Tenth street. All
manner of hlscksrnitbing and wsgon work
done to order. Uepmrin work a specialty.
ork donf promptly. tt
Ice. Wood, ftiiri Kindling.
Northern Lske Ice 50c. per 100 t'.;
gcxjtl, diy woinl, sawed, ti per eord, and
kinrtlinir f 1 per load, at Jacob Klee.
Iosve orders at City Brewery. tf
Tiik Howe Scale took first premi
um at Philadelphia, Faris, Siduey, and
other cxhibitious. Borden, Selleck &
Co., Agents, Chicago, III. (4)
For lame Bok, Si le or Chest use
fbiloh's Porous Plaster. Irice 2!5 cents.
PbuI O. 6chuh, agtnt. (5)
A Card.
To all who arc suffering from the errors
and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak
necs, early decay, l'fa of manhood, Ac, I
will send a recipe that will crre you, fkkk
OF charge. This great remely was
discovered ty a minister in South America
tend a sell-addressed envelope to the Uev.
JosrriT T. I.nman, Station D., New lork
KncKien s Arnica balve
The Best Salve !n the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheiim, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bauds; Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give per
feet satisfaction, or money refunded. Prlco
25 ceuts pr box. For sale by Gko. E
HtK a woman m another column near
Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Spier's Port Grape wine is made,
that is so highly esteemed by the modicsl
profession, for the use of invalids, weakly
persons and the aged. Sold by druggists,
Important Notice.
If you need any Carpets, Lace Curtains
and Window Shades it will be to your in
tertst to call on F. W. Rosenthal A Co.,
410 and 413 X. 4tb st. St. Louis.
Worthy of Praise.
As a rule we do not recommend Putent
Medicines, but when we know of one that
really is a public benefactor; and does
positively cure, then wo consider it mir
duty to impart that information to all.
Electrio Bitters are truly a most valuable
medicine, aud will surely cure Biliousness,
Fever and Ague, Stomach, Liver and Kid
ney Complaints, fvtn when all other rem
idles fail, We know whereof we spcitk,
aud can freely recommend them to all,
Exclt. Sold st fifty cents a bottle by Harry
W.N-llUll. Ifl)
Wtn, Ltdemorea, 191 North St., Chicago,
and ssvs:' ''I havo used Brown's Iron Bit
ters, and lind it to by the best tonic I ever
Hope for Drunkards.
My husband had drunken habits he
could not overcome until Parker's Ginger
Tonic took away his thirst for stimulants,
restored Ins energy of mind and iravo him
strength to nttend to business. Cincinnati
BhiUm's Cough and Consumption Cute
is sold by us ou a guarantee. It cures con
sumption. ThuI O. dchuh. agent. (6)
Pf.-E. INOB,
Manufiuilnrerand Dualar In
Sill KtriMu, hetwton Corn'l a. add Lowe. ,
Wet HtDalltd. AU Kind l Kovi Mads.'
7 hia elegant drtuinf
ii prcferrcj by ihote
v. lioha ve used it, to any
u'milar article, on ac
ouut of in superior
:leanlineu and purity.
It eontaina materiala
only Uut are beneficial
to the scalp and hair
and alwava
fUttorti the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair
fl-l I. TT , , . . .
. .irarr nair uuuni it niiew perfumed and la
warranted to prewnt Wling ctUhair and to re
move dandnili'and itching, llistox & Co., N.Y.
aa tl UM1,at etalm In drr and mwllcleM,
A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer.
If you are a mechanic or farme-r, worn out with
oterwotlt. or a moiher run denn by family or houta.
Bold duuet try Paskih'i C.inuiii Tonic.
If you are a lawyer, milliner or butineti man er
nautird by mental trainoranxioucart, donottaka
in loxicanngaumulaau.butuiel'arker'tGinger Tonic
I'yf!uhv9 Coniumplion, Dyipepiia, Kheuma
urn, Kidney Comnlainli, or any disorder of the lungs,
stomach, bowela, blood or neiwi, Parker's Cmcaa
Tonic will cure you. Iiiitiie Greatest Blood Purifier
And thi Beet ml Surest Cough Curt tvet died.
If you are waning away from rue, dissipation or
any cWneor weakness and require a stimulant take
CiNusa Tonic at once; itwillinvieor.ua and build
I on up front the firt dose but will never intoxicate,
t has laved hundiedi of lives; it may save yours. !
CACTION t R. fun all nbitilaui. Parkar'i Clain Tonic la
empoitd af tea btat mwau.1 attnu la thi world, aad limUraly
4lftrtat frova prfrwratior.i ot iriurr aUna, Sfnd for circular ta
HUcaa A C., N. Y. tuc. A 1 aim, al ilaakn la droit.
. Its nrh and lavting Ir-iRunce has made this
delightful prtimie eareertmiily popular. There
laaothiaR- Ilk It. Insist upon havini Flosss,
ton CoLObMB and look for signature of
a awry Vrtile, Any drurrtrt or eaalrr la Mrfuuarr
caa woply ym. It ut It cant atttt
I nave a poeUlve roiuviy t uw alx.t dliraae; by Its
ta ilimnoiia of ratal of tne ort kind ami ot foiij
sandlne have kaan cured. Ind-od, otrnn! ! my fall Is
n lUamcaoT, thatl wllliond TWO BOvn.es l"rir.R.t.
tathar wlina VALl'ASI.B THKATIHK on Hill dliaiMl. to
wrinAerer. OlveKiiirmand f. o. alilraa.
V. T. A. bLOCI'4, 1S1 i'eurl BU, Naw T irk.
vi riinoi, irn is awpopinu by, go
1 ' V ' I I 'and dare hslure vt-iiillo, sonn..
filnj mUhtv and inblimc
Irave hebtnd tocniiqiifrlimn."
$iix WHi k In yonr on to a
Flw Dollur on'fli. frea No
fle, Evrrthinif tiflw. C'aplml eot required. We
ill furnlah m i-rvrythluu. Xlauv am mikluK
tortiinps, Lad'e mnbe aa niticli m"U and boj
Slid iftrlt mk tT''at pay Header, If veil snt
nusmeaa.iti wa rn vou cart mKe grunt i.av all tat
tlma, wrl's for par'l.-nUra toll. tl.LKTT CO
I'nrtland. Mlr.
INVKCTIOf , laaptMltlr-e ciraforau DlacbarirM.
St'ngtng, Bmsrtlcir and Pijnril Benritmoa of tba
I fit I Of) tw hot tin. F .reale hy alldruir-
117,2. ptsra. or an ov Kxvrf f a fin rf
ciitfuf Vfr.i. JOHN D. PA Hit A riONrf,
' I7I and 177 Ryrirnn-bt Cl'KCi:fXATl
OHIO Plo.iae mKUtlou vh.a vaprr. a a a
! -viiopltiar' always rb tbflonk
I Print I
II ith""
Mnnt f.r rhanrra In lnrrt-aan
ir raiiilnza, and In lima
tweetne we.aitby ; tb" who
no nm tmpriiT in.-tr owu-ir
tuiitiin r. main In ih-v-t'V.
w s onsr a grit rhanfH to make monpv. h n waul
nisnj tD'-n, numau, hova and irir.a i-i w-irk lor us
rinut ; j 'hlr own localli-i-a AnnfH0 no I he
work ptopi-rly frro tho ttrat irt. The liusintis
wlil par mnrt" tb ill tn ilmea (ir.lmari- warfi-e. Kx-pors-veoulltt
farulshs-! fi-. ,S,i one' h-Iio -iin;-e:fs
lai a to mK miiiu-v rnpniv. lou rHn iter If
your whole tinrn lo ih-; w-irk, or milv rnnr fproe
nilim-uila Foil lnforiiiiliDii niel a 1 f hi la uvvdutl
eetefrrt.'. Address s TIN f ON 1 HO. Portland. Mn.
Pu3 N tii ve Restorer
V T .Ill' Ili.AIN IKDNtHi a
IDisiisr-T. Oitv -. a. -1 .. run Kanvi Arrao-tioss.l-'ns.l
i ii.iti'M-.ctclNI Al.l.llU.K iftakaa
Iuairerwd. k after Irtid'w'iHM. -1'rratiM k
$2 trial bnttta fraa to Fit CaacMiiay l-ayiar -xrraaa
oharnioa at.i,whaQ racaivau. hand riHinvi,P.0.and
1-ipraua.l'lr-uof afrlirtKl to lm K I.IM..'.'ll Arok
W.Paila4ar SDnu'ttH. Huron i framU
That smrt tr.cn avorsee I v.iO In (Vi par day pro
fit, sell ng Ihe "Pui-ket Mintial." 'I hi-mot in rvcl
lon little roltime crcr esced. Necrtrd, endnrd
and purch'-l I'V ll 'I ikosj noibm.' In tin) eook
line i-yer rqtial to it. Will protn It or forf-it Jt'i 0.
Complete mmplu and niitrll S c , or -till piirri
cnlsn for sump. Don't art out fl-nln l.iiiiUon
learn what Is i-aid of this honk and hnt ul tiers
are doing. W. II. TftOMPSOX. Pulillsm-r. i01
Arch Htnet, Phll-dnlphla. Pa. , srs:lu
Ths in1 pA"iengor ntid frflghl ftenimr
KIM IlK'it'oH .Unaisr
WtiLK'LK t-lerk
Laiires H l.ou'a for Culio oi:cn oarh week
ri. in. Lean's f'a'ro fn.' hi, hon's, ami way land
ngsonre each week 8 . ru.
ShuIivIIIi, railucuh A Cairo Packet
Theclegnnl and nilHtlnl aleanoT
13. S. IM I IA .
J. 8.T Nil II -.M:'r
niu.v utfsros c; ru
1iavt-a ( airtt ('Tiny Miiieliiy id t p. m, lor N-th.
Nushville, PkiIiichIi & Cairo I'. IS. .Mall
riSK Ul'KH i
JOl.l.Y II Altt..
. Maaier
Lrsvet thla perl every Wudiu'siUr al 4 p. n. fur
11 ' I0U3Ction Notice.
I'm Clksk's Ornes, I
Caihi), III., April nh. ISM f
ruMle nolicn-ls herein- vWtt that nn 'I'nwrinf
thu IU da,v til M'iv, A. 1) 1H8H, a sp.iclal nlnrijnn
wtll ha hi-M at tlm i-uelns him o nf tha Anchor
f'lta tioaipany, In Ilm Pltlli wurd, ully of tla.io.
II.. tor lh eduction of nns sld' iman f.om said
ward to All w.nncy nA,ir.it by lh raalgna'tmi of
T W. Ilallldav, sa d elortion open at s o'clock In
tho morning aril eontlnns ori-n until 7 o'clock In
tha ariurnooii of said day. Dy ordei of rltr couu
ell. D.J. rot.KV.lity Clerk.
Li-.u laigfsi siuck
.'. I
You find at
410 & 412 N. 1th St.. ST. LOUIS.
i kw drops applied to tho surface
bid almost Instantly RCLIBVI
nor diioolor the Skin, or leave dlsacrecutile effects of any kind. It
lias KOKQUAL for the Cure of Rhnnraatinm. Sprains, Bmlses.
iStltf aTointa, Kenralrliv Lame
sore Throat, Pains in the
and Is equally cftlcaolous for all
requiring a powerful dlrXuslvt)
Ask your Druggist lor It. lrtce M cts per botile
Prepartti ouly by JACOB S. MXRRELL,
Wholeaala Drurglst. 8T. LOUI8, MO
11031 E C0MF0IIT.
After a Rbvtiiy MJe a ( ontitrv F'li 2 sI
fitin Tolls What Hp Thinks of
Some r'eoplo.
"l with to gnel'iui some people would 1- am
whro ibsy ncad s d-vtnr and when ti er dui.'l,"
exclAlmc-d peflpr E-, as hr entered hit heitrr
In a coay lin e villags (n the interior uf tho State
of Srw Vork, aftst. a t"din right ri le fur tjslj-
in Una.. I hate tKon rtiv.ii emori.1 tlvi oiO'Uitah.i lo t
ace a man, who the msnspbger said, was very sick
and not likely to Ufa 't )! in.irniug, unless V had
tiumi dial : h-'pt stid fonnd htm mfTitrlr trnui
rat nor shirp a-t-scs of rolic, whlih bis family
mVbt bvo ro'KTt-d In t-'u nilLO'es. if thiv had a
gram of sense a- d two or thrne ain pic remcd ri In
ththoare. Hut t.o: tb-y must rema n l.uoMiit a
pits, ant ben the lst cboor pain t.'i U .a t tit:m ,
end for a doctor, wheihsr llu'y tw p i- blm or
'Whv. D-rtor. what kind of almnle run c.lloa. aa
Vo cs'l ilejru. do yos expect peoplo to k.rp In I he
boQc!'' ukod b s wife, aa tho poured him s cup
of hot tea. . . ',' , , ,' , . ;
"lothli rasA," aasword the Ooitor, "If they
badonlypnt a UKSH'lN'S CAPCINK 1 OKOL'b
PLASTBRon the miu's stoirsch, he would have
been ail rl.bt In art hour, and sYd tne a dreary
ride." ,-
In all ordinal complaint It ci res at once.
All dia-'aeea are eliminated from, the sy-U'tu Hy
what maybe ruaghly. tafird rxpnlsi vn or eriric
tton, or hy a nnlgn of lliu t vo proc-ssa. II,
son sriiitur roraotu both, it Incites t ie torpid
oruaua to net, and sepdi Its h- allti, soothing tn
fl-tsnce through the myriad pres of. the skin. All
ethtir piasters oblU ,-tht: pntlonl to wait. They ,
girelilin hope for to-morrow. B-nson's plastsr :
give him hlp today. WbUtt la better, dn you !
thltiktj Jlny thy p.VPCJNK and keep It In lbs
house. Price ITS cenli.
Seabttiy it John'on t ht-ailslH. New Y rk.
i ,(;u:be t si
When I say aHrv I do not moan mn. itly to stop
thora for '' e d then have tbera return ai;a u,
I m"u n i ): -:c. I have made the riiseuae of
llfe-loui; study. I wa'rant my i-sndy lo cure the
worm cast-s. ferntiscoihera have failed Is no ra-
mj for lint now receiving a cure, trend at once for
a treatise aud a Free Bottle ot n v Infallible rem
ed. Give Kxt-rsaa and Post Ofllca. It coma yon
nothing; for a trial, and 1 will cure you.
Addroaa., Itr. 11. t. ROOT.
, " . ' W rsurl qt.. New York.
I 7t Oct. p AH
IIU hT'vnL. 1ii.dk.
WMOWivit. Hnno.
katlfl 't"f " Id
rf''M"P Organ,
Warrartft Acld)is
PlCKiS"' k Co., W
WeatHlh PI. ". Y.
017 St. Charlss Street, ST. LOUIS, U0.
A rK"tr O t-nil mst a nf twit niedlr-At
rnllei-. -., lint, hscii liiniri-f- ensitsred In tho tn-iit-rocm
ut l.'lti-oiiii', Nsrvoua, e-Uju nnrt
Lllriml Inm-ssM than any fili-r jiivelnii In
Kl. I.nnla, a cllv pai-r abw and all old ri-Al-di-nts
know, ( i,:inllnt,im .1 offn e nr Wy tnsll,
fri and Invited. A friendly talk or Ills opinion
eo.ts tiotliliiK. W hen II Is li i-envpiilriiit toTliil
the t-lt v .i-r tri-nlincnl, nisdlrln.'-i enn I -e sent
lV mslfor i-apruss tvrlu-re. Cuiahle ta-ea
(itiAraiit-i"l; hre doubt rststi it Is frankly
staled, Call or Wrltu.
Ssrvnui Prostration, Debility, Montal ami
rhysioal Wefckain, Mi'rcurinl and oth-r
Impurities and Blood roisonin,r, Skin Aaaf)
UonrOldoresjrd Ulcen, lapediinsn's to
Marriajjj Rhsnmttism, P'l-'- Spseial
attention t cases fr-vi ovsr-worlmd brain.
SURGICAL CASES raraiva speck! attention.
Diseases arlstog froai Iinr ruden-tas, Exacssea,
Indulgsas or Vps"ir-a.
II 1 aril i i- nm r"-"i.i" ' , , .
particular aiK-mion In a rla o(raea aiuuns
Irsat skill, ami i-ln-si'-ian- In n yiilur ri-a.-tli-s
all ner ths rmiulri' knowing thla. frequently
raertmnieiid es-aUi Ihe nMel i.flli'e In AuiTlea
liws evvrv kieetn 1..iic Il rMiu trd U,
and the ni-nvs'l .-t reiiniMllffi or all
aitse and i-uiili in uii.1. A whole Unnsa la
iit-i fiirnrtUe purnft-s And all arelrsated with
skill In a r.-n-nn'nl iiiaitnt-ri and, knowing
what to de. ti-fMerliiMi'.l't nri-mails. Onec
CMiut o Hi" SH-nt, number applylns. tba
rhariffe i k-'t lj offrit tower than la
.l.tnaii'li a i-r iiilii-rs ., I' you M-i-Airr the skl'l
mi get a tni-'-'iv nnd fn t II t rnrs, that la
His liiiirliul matti-r, . , I'sniplili-t, M
sent U any nddinaa ties.
Elegant riolh r.l t. ilt l liellns Healed fr V
r rents In tairi or rurrnrf- Ovsr Sfty won
rterml pan plolnrp", inn- In llfs artlsli-ann the
; tillnwln)iultift.. Whs may ruirry, who tint.;
wliyf frnjier n-js ton i-rry. Who nmrry Jrjt.
i; JlnhmMl,TVom"ni. J livHealderav- W tin
should iiinri v. Hn rtt'e nn l h pli- tnsv be
, 4lieravd, Tltw. pifrricter ro'iisiiiplstms
' marry Ina ihoulrt r-ud II. tt nutht to he 'read
.' nv ail. adult imrona, then fcrpt iind'r lock anil
' kny. ropular-edlftoii. ism-alsvi;, lint paper
torer aud m past .f5i-.-iito h luall, 1U monef
ar poatag,
ami lowest prices in
A jowt:rlui lireliuittliou coiu-
rxwed mostly ol Essential Oils
The most penetrating Liniment
known. Ho conrentmtstl thatn
will Penctrata to tha varv Bona.
PAIN! It will not Soil Clothing-.
Be.ck, Cramps Tooth -Ache
Limbs or in any part ol tlie system
pains In tint Stomach and Bowels
d IT. 4 7M
Mlinulunt. Iseo Merreirs
Frun in-iriit"t to mornllitl-and from week ta
week I'liK t.N prtu a continued s'ory ,f tha
llv-ii nf rr-nl iiion nid w-iT.M-o. nnrt of thuir deed,
pans. !ov-, liaii- iii:-.l tnuibiea. Th(S St ry le
mom ii l-a'li) ihiui tnj runisnce tuattvaaever
d tie". hohsrripttoii: 1 aiit r'fes), by
mai.'jCc a mnu.h. r M a year; husdav is
paS-s), Jt.-.n per TPAr; Warai.T ii pajeai, $1.11)
m year. , . , :
' w K OtA'lM'n'1i!icr, en T rkrirr.
M pj t." '.TALi H u'ri, cith words and
nm ii-. ot i' rout'' snd a handaome
f afqi-l f'e to aiit addr sa on n-tlut
of 1 i em a In poatsrs atamps uWa
Illlf- 'T
never p'fm as e i-a- iiv.- sous
"Kirst, t-jve," wall- so-.ii: "A hen tl
nonris (.i liiilil. n Hi," sod: "'nfet's
M ircti." renin; ( i.u'.hf'' l'ntpnurn,
rlsno All ! p t-fes, 32 (iak-v fu'l s r. niusic, pott
tr-'nWctnisthplei. K W TH1KET.-
io M-heot N'leel, Hasten, Mars.
DVEUTIShltS hv arldreislnrf f.RO. P. K'lW
A Kl.LAl'U., in .ipruee M.. New York, cm
I'-aru Ihe exnet cojt uf an pMposod Una of adver-t-slne
In Amercsn Nwspp-s. tflr"liie-poEe
Pamphi'-t, U.ic.
VTE will pa ta kbov fwwtr.l ir hit rftuntf tlTfr Cflml4itl
lvirpifc, SUk Mrtti4.rit, IiiJIitmIu'O, CoDUTlftn or&mtifo
wtA-anuicurc U'ttt'i f;vi-.'i 1 Wur DM. U in Hr
llnntir. tlrtctly Ct'rOpsWsJ wttrt. Tl. .t yknl rtUtU, Hi4
"WI rW i-tiiVti. P-ttr CoMfsl. .r.ctm
Minim M piV.s 9ft ttD'l. Far u hT til dntMUU. bri of
rwrtlajilt: mid tviiliatn.ua. T'; ninnufaciurt-H iwly Ir
John r. w;-;t A Co., m a iw w. Million m, Cukh
Vrw tfift' i. ti. Mut .r mi, I prvnd ui! m.aatcf a i itntiUaUk.
Health Is Wealth !
1 - 5
lm K. C. Wmt'r Nekvc asd Hbaim Tdeat.
sllts r, h trtuirnnteml speuilic for" Hysteria, lJini
nesa, t'onviibiioiiit, Fit.! Kuryoua .Nwimlt'ia,
Hoiniiifilio, Nrvoiia Prostration cuuatnl by the naa
of alcohxl ortoliacoo, WukoftilneBS. Mentul IJe.
pmbHiou, rkiftoniuif of the Drain i-Haulting- in in
simity nnd l-oJin to misery, decay (tad deatli,
Prciunturo Old .Vko, Barrcnne8, 1isA of power
in either sox, involuntary lotwes and Hiiermau
tirrbiEH causud byorer-axertion of the brain, self
nbuao or orcNindultfenue. Knch box eontaina
one month's treat motit.. $1.(11 a box, or su boxes
furf.'i.Ul.eont by mnil uropidou rtteeipt of pne
To cure any case. Willi ouch order received by na
for six boxes, Rcooinpanied with f.Vtf), we will
eondt(ij..nrehaserour written uamntee to re
fund tho mouey if the trej.tmonldooo uoteflael
a cure, , (juaruuteos iasuod uolyby
1 1 A.I I it V V. CIIUII,
Druttulsi, Cur. Commercial V4, J; tsth at.. Cairo.
The Howard UalaanieSbleld
andourotnar KlectroUat.
ranloaad UaaMtlo AipU
anuaa aod Garments are a
i aureeurafor SerrouaDabil-
j. I'aralrsis, itneuuialiaia
I'llapar.ainauitlon, Lota
r Vital Knararr. Orarwork
I Drain, Weak Dock, Kid
Liver, aod tjtomaob
)inplalnla,and areadapt
1 to fiiTMEB Hix. Tbaaa
appliances aretha
vary Jataat lm-
i mired, aail ao
Ir.lr dlffaraol
ram Delta aad all
othara, aa thai
poeltlTely aao
rala eontlnuoaa
curranta without
aoida, cauufnt ao
sorua, nor Irrita
tion of lha akin
cm t a worn a4
work aa wall as
rent only notloa
abla tr wearer.
Vnwar rsRiiliited
atairea of all
illMHniea wbara
Klaetrle and Alar
nallo treatment
I V. U al
ta ul nwnstH. Tliuw for Mr" OMt-T at onija reaeb
tha tent ot diae.iaa, aa tne art dlrmit opoa fi.ranus.
Mast-ular.and llauarattva 1iuila ai-aaillUr rrstorlna
the Ttinllty wbltli Is Kloctrlrlty-drnloJ nom thaarr
tansbrasoaaa or ImltaemCoaa. tbay lhaa la a palural
way orarenma the waakiiaaa vltbout. rh-;iaillritt th atom
aoh, They will cure e-sry ease short otstrartaral dr
awnarat Ion, nnd wa are prauaail to fnralab tba meet
Inmhatlo nnd kliodiite ptuw. .j luiuurt our claims.
Unit rated Pamphlet h rae.ur anat aaalsd tor to posiaae.
Cvnnluti i Ar.:tiioaN oalvanio co.
rN k Invited f 1 1 N. Mh at. LovlB.lw
Nnutoaone, (new Nerva-Mfo, Htren.tth nnd
v'ljjoi'i l it poMillvn rsatoratlvs fur the Loaa of
Mnnlv Vifror in Younsr, Middle-Aged and
Old Mon, im mutter limn what cause. In Naf
roua Uoblllty. EihaaatJon. Impotener,
. mlial Weaknssa, ami kindred aliments,
tliH tt mdard Kemkly i certain oura.imd
In nil ain-h still'crera. who sencl statement of
their tpiul'les. a nuantlty ntllnlent to prove ttl
virtue will he sent Trn of Cost. Address.
p. O. Box 24S4. , It. Lou la, Mo.
' . i . i. ... ...
pnaltlvely prevent tbla terrible dlseaaa, and wii peats
lively enre nine eaaoa out of tea. InfonaaUea that
will aave many Uvea, annt free hjf saalL ' tMay a
mnm.uL i-ravi-ni nn la betrcrtrjaa eufw. 1. airnTI
i cur. I, a JOITM-
SUN a ro., M'TiTua, hahh., lornmiy Bkwum, sa.
tr I'iasoia- l-vaaiTtva ,
a lauaawaaaawrsuiaieoass
1 Mniit.wg KiZlk
1 1

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