OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, May 12, 1883, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1883-05-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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A Bore Care for all FEMALE WEAR.
NES8K8, Ineliiillnif I.eucorrho-a, Ir
reanlar and. Painful Menatraatldaa
Iaflanniatloa and rterrallon ef
the Womb. Flooding. PHO.
nTPlMuut totlictwtv, efli"rluui ana Immediate
ta IU effect II In a grant help In pmraanry, and re.
Uevae pain daring labor and at regular porluda.
nmicuss in it iso rHx ride i r mix.
tTTFoa AU. WltKnaim of the generative organt
of either m, It la eaoond to no reuiwiy lhatahaj rrri
been befuie tha public i and for all dlawuot of tb
Kuijrm It la the Qrtutut Haudt la Wi World.
Find Ureal Belief In Ita I'm.
ltm( r.. pwcnAMMi blood pmrrntB
will erwliiwlo every vtemira ot Humor frtiai tha
Blood, at tlx nine tune UI irlve tons and rtrenttth to
tba y alum. An inarvelloue In narolle M U OoMpwittil
tVButh the Compnnnr and Bl od Purifier an pre
pared at ta and 35 Weetern Avvtnie, Lynn, Daw.
Prlcaotaltber.il. Six bottle, for li. The Compound
la aent by Stall la tb form of vi) la, or of ieni;ea,oa
receipt of prior, l pr box for att he r, U n. Plukliam
freely aiuwara all letter of IdijuIiT. Kncluee t eonl
tamp. Band fur pamphli't, Jfeuttu fai. toper.
rarlTBu . Praama. I tvra Ituj euro Onetlne
Hon, IUJ'jujiic. iu..l 1 uri'littt y uf the Liver, ta cenla.
THold by all Iru(gtata.-a
There he never Iwen an Instance la which Ible
tterllbg lnvl(orai)l aud anti-febrile modl loo haa
tailed to war 1 nil tLecomn ati.i. wlivD taken duly
aa protection efiln.t malaria. Hundred, of
rihveiclana hare abandoned all tba oltclal .pec
lea. ana now pre.rrlbu Hi" harroleee vegetable
tonic for ch II and feer, an we I a dyepwpata and
nerrou affect irjnu. ll.nptetu r' Bitters la lha
specUie you nurd
Porealebyall Uruiijleta and Dealers c-'nerllT.
Remember This.
If you fire sick Hon Hitters will surely
aid Nature in making you will when nil
else rails.
If you are costive r fl)iptic, or arc
uffuriiif irom auy other t.f the. numuroUB
diseases of tho stomach or bowels, it is your
own fault if you remain ill, fur Uop Bitters
are a soverign remedy in all such ami
If you are wasting away wi'h any form
of Kidney disease, st op tempting Death
this moment, and turn for a cure to Hop
lfyourosick with that terrible sick
neaa Nervousness, you will find a "Balm in
Gilead'' in tho use of 11 up Hitters.
If you aro a freijuenter, or a resident oi a
tnismatic district, oarncaile your system
against the scouraue of all countries ma
larial, cpedemir, bilioiiA, and intermitent
fevers by the use ot Hop Hitters.
If you have mul'Ii, pimply, or sallow
kin, bad breath, puiiis and aches, and feel
miserable general v. Hnn Hitters will Kive
you fair skin, lieh blood, and sweetest
breath, health and comfort,
In short they cuiu all diseases of the
stomach. Bowels, Blood, Liver, Kidnes,
Bright's Disease. fiOO will be paid for a
case they will not euro or help.
That poor bedridden, invalid wife, sister,
mother, or daughter, can tie made the pic
ture of health, by a few bottles of Hop
Bitters, rostniK but a tritle. will you let
them suffer? H )
r 1
of the present feneration. It la for th
KfrTotlhuTrJliieftse and ita attendants',
f tapfl. COHSnrfiflOW, Witt, eto.jjhat
TtTtT'Sratiave gained a wjarld-wlde
fefjutfttlon. Wo KeuiJai evjernbeen
aiaoovefpd "thalrteta so gonlTjr jonThe
aijtestfve organs, Klvlog them vliior to a.
IralTaTtTTobd. As a liaturarresultTthe
sureTieveioDcli. anrTthe Body flobint. .
OlilllM AUd 3ToT7or.
I. RIVAL, a Plantar at Bajroo Sara, La., aara I
Uf plantation la In a malarial dlatrlot. For
ovaral jraara I oould no make half a crop oo
ooount of bllloua dlaaaaea and obllla. I waa
aaarly dlanouragad whan I bag-en the uee of
tUTT'S IHLL8. Tba raatilt waa marrelnuat
Mr laborara aoon baoame boarty end robuat,
and I nave bad no furtber trouble.
Thar rellrv ! mgnrwA IJ rer.eleemaa
giea Blood from fmiaonvae barnen, ana
rtiaati the bowele to art naturally, wllat
iaiv Htm m Wlftag.iachMigad toaOt,naV
i.iik by a alngla appllcatlnn ut thla I)v. n
fcilMirla a natural color, and a.-la InatanUnwnia y.
I hv II
foil Dollar.
Hold hy lirugglata, ot auui By axpnaa ya noaipi
orftoe, OB Murray Street, New York.
Dr. rvrrm m a w atie
Infurmni i en mn VaaWI BeaaW I
aaib M mail rua tm $mmHmHn.J
g keallhr llariiiM. V iaTfu" MUj, Pure
StiMMl, Mtranp Nxrea, auid a aj.Hiil Ur.
PrieZaatanla. omae. att SI array WUH-lf.
aw 'III Mia
The Daily Bulletin.
.J -..; Told Him Whero.
; Tiit' old Hinat1(rH spirit. A ditputy
Uuitad .StitteH nmisliiil, ti utiti nc for lit
tin (lihtilleri, stopped ut a nioiiiititin
road blueksiuith nhop in Arkaiisits. Tho
blaeksmilh iiipeiired in the doorway,
and the deputy nmrslml, its it wits
neither morning nor evening, but know
inirtho direct ness of expiession reipiir
utl by tin) natives, said:
"(iood ilay, sir."
"(ioi)d bye," replied the blaekmnith.
"I don't moan good bye; I mean how
are von?"
"How am I about what?"
"Things in general."
"I'm willing."
"Willing for what?" asked the deputy
"To take a drink."
"Say, I want to go to .Ion's' Point."
"Why don't you go, then?"
"Hee'nuo I want information."
"Whit information do you want?"
"That's all right. I'd give $") to
know exactly where I am," and ho
looked around anxiously. "Well,
here," said the blacksmith, "if you
won't tell anybody that I told vou I'll
tell von."
"I won't tell nnybody."
"If them whisky 'makers tjoino around
with guns vou won't let 'em know that
I toldyou?"
"No I swear I won't."
"I'm sorter feared. Ride up closer
to the door. If Pete Smith or Nath
Moore wanter know wharyoii got your
information you won't tell em, you
say?" and the blacksmith looked around
anxiously, moved uneasily and looked
toward the woods.
"Ami you'll give me live dollars to
tell vou exact lv whar vou are?"
"(limine your money."
Tho money was paid over, and the
blacksmith cautiously putting it in hM
pocket, looked around again and said:
"Now with a promise that you won't
blow on me"
"I want to know where I am."
"You are right here," nd dodging
through the shop the lilaek-iuith disap
peared, leaving the officer no wiser but
live dollars behind on futures.
a a
Men and Women of New York.
The women of New York tiro not
beautiful. Many of them are redeemed
by they style, but their pale, sallow
faces and defective figures forbid any
idea of Is'itnty that, is, of the perfect
and peerless beauty of feature and color
which is a rarity anywhere, but should
not be anions such numbers as one
meets on Fifth avenue. In point of
fact, it is astonishing how rare a thing
absolute beauty is. I saw lloek.s of
pretty girls liuiul' ih iliuhk -in Music
llall at Cincinnati; and a sprinkling of
pretty girls in every city, for that mat
ter; but not one beautiful woman.
Beautiful that is, peerless ami un
jiiestioncd, like Adelaide Neilsm or
Alice Dunning. I was prepared to see
whole flocks of them on Fifth avenue,
but I was obliged to take stylo instead,
and r-tyle will outrank beauty in New
York unless they go hand in hand.
1 have seen three liandsoine men onu
in Kentucky, one in Ho-ton, and ue in
New York. But any New Yorker ot
tolerable figure ami with a fair credit
at his tailor's and hatter' --the bat is
perhaps the distinctive feature of the
tout ensemble, may present a suf
ficiently stunning appearance to guar
antee liis afternoon promenade on the
avenue. They are a comfortable, well
groomed looking lot of men. and look
as tleftgh they found life a very end urn
ble a 11 air.
What a Physician Said to "Gith" Abnut
Tnous in Lsrge Oitio.
Speaking to one of the best known
physicians in this city, especially on
women's diseases, recently, he said:
"This tendency of educaiion in our
large cities, and particularly in New
York, Is to destroy the girls for mother
hood. They aro very handsome to tho
eye as they are growing up, have bloom
ing skins, fine eyes and luiir, delicate
and small features; but so little care is
taken about exercise and regular habits
with them, that the moment they mar
ry they develop functional diseases,
which inake them miserable us wives
and companions, and their children are
serawnv. wretched little tilings, not til
to live.''
"Is not this partly due to cliiiiatio
"It is tliin to many things, climate ill
eluded -to vicious dressing, to wearing
shoes that do not permit exercise, to tale
hours and parties and a general neglect
of the laws of health. 'J lieiv, I can put
my hand on n represent mi ve ease. I
know a citizen licit' who lites In a good
house, makes r7,tH)0 or ihid a year,
and has brought up a jnvily daughter.
She was taken into society verv young,
nnd by the lime she golto beelglit'ccii slie
fell in with a young bank clerk, and tho
result was a marriage, He was earn
ing perhaps $AMM) or J:',,VM) ii year,
uud could not keep house in New York;
so ho wcul U) Harlem. ConsciUctitly,
, Im spent part of every day and evening
on tliesit elevated ra'ili'oi'uls, riding lip
nnd down, ami has grown haggard and
discouraged. His wife, meantime, dis
satislied that alio cannot keep house in
New York as when she lived at Iter
father's, Is complaining and unhappy.
She has been sick ever since the blrih
of her only child, which is a little sick
ly, miserable object, not m i bo
brought Into the world. Large, strong,
numerous children, such as wo used to
see, are no longer raised in these cities.
Two-thirds of the women here an tor
tured with femnle weaknesses nnd dis
cuses. If they had been content to live
In the qnlet towns, t here most of the in
wore born, thev would probably have
had comfortable married life,' health
and peace nnd length of years, No
wondur tho preachei's uiv talking about
the fuellty nnd freoueneey of divorce,
when there Is no lit tit congenial domes
tlo life In these great cities." I.
Lonk Jack, Mo Hunt. 15 1 870..
Iliavn been using Hop Bitters, ami have
recolvcd grout benefit from them for liver
complaint and ma'arlal lover. They aro
upeiior loan o.ncr medicine,
P M. Uaunks.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Bacache, Headache, Toothache,
More Throat, ftnrlllnge, Npralna, llrulara,
Hum. SU'ul.U. t'roat Ultra,
iitn .i.i, ooiKH Hniiii.v ruts on iihk.
Bold bjr Orui,i.u !!! h-'ukr. vTvt,ie. tilir Cent.a twill..
Olrfttitimi la II !..mkum..
TIIK4 IIAKI.KM A. t tlt.KI Kit I n.
U, A.fUUtLKHaUO. ItalllaHIM. I.B. t
I itr.:a in mm column, uikiii cent per Una for
Brat ami Ave ccuia pur line each miliauonent lnar-
....... m. t,uo n,., vrvviim yiti liUU. r Ui uhb
tt.onlh. Wlccutn Dor Una
Wibhinir to devote my tune strictly to
commission business I have concluded to
close out my entire stock of groceries at
miction. Sule will commence Monday 14th
inst. 10 o'clock forenoon, No. 15 Eighth st.
at (i. M. Al.DEN.
VtANl tD: A first-class pants maker
immediately. Smith & Brinkmeyer.
$3,000 To Loan.
I have in my hands $3,000 to loan upon
first-clase improved real estate.
Alex. II. Irvim.
Piano For Sale.
A good second-hand piano at a bargain.
Apply to M. U. Kuhne, at Cairo Opera
For Kent.
A new two-story residence cor. olth
street and Washington uve., containing six
large aud airy rooms and hall; a very desir
able home, with nearly an acre of ground.
The building will be completed in two
weeks. Daniel Ilartmau, Commercial ave.
and inh street. 5t
Removal Bargains.
II. Block has removed his boot and shoe
establishment to the new Neil' building, on
folium rcisl avenue, near higbth street.
He has received a lure uew stock of goods,
inclutl.nj! all the latest styles of foot car
and is better pu psred than ever to make
boots or shoes to order or do auy repairing
desired. He invites his old customers ami
many new ones to call on him in his uew
quarters and guarantees all satisfaction in
everyway. Special inducements are offer
ed in bis old stock which ho desires to close
tint to ninke room for new lw.
Mineral Water and Beer agency.
Hmrv Breihan ia agent here tor tho ce!o
brated Apolio Spring and Sheboygan Min
rral Water aud tor Ph. Ht-st and Cincinnati
IVtr, the best the country affurvls. lw
The Unjc.n Bakery.
At The Union Bakery may be found the
best ami cheapest bread aud cukes, or any
other articles in tbnt line.
Fhank Kkatkv.
Cull at Mrs. S. U'illiHmitoii'a. on Sev
cnth street neat Commercial avenue, and
have your old hats Bhaped anrt made over
in uic latest style tor mo small sum ci
twenty nve cents. tt
.New Blacksmith Shop.
A new horse shoeing shop has been open
ed by Mr. P Powers on Tenth street. All
manner of blacksmithing and wagon work
done to tinier. Repairing work a specialty.
Work done promptly. tf
lee, Wood and Kindling.
Northern Lake Ice 50c. per 100 lbs.;
good, dry wood, sawed, 4 per cord, and
kindling $1 ht load, at Jacob Ivlee's
Lcavo orders at City Brewery. tf
The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon.
Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owo our
lives to ahiloh s Consumption Cure. (I)
Hope, for Drunkards.
My husband hud drunken habits he
could not overcome until .Parker's Ginger
Tonic took away his thirst for stimulants,
rentorcil his energy ol mind and eavc him
strength to attend to business. Cincinnsti
Important Notice.
If you need any Carpels, Luce Curtains
ami window Shades it will bo to your in
teres! to call on F. W. Rosenthal & Co.,
410 and il'i aN. 4th at, St. Louis.
TllK best ami cheapest car starter is
sold by Borden, Sellerk & Co., Chicago,
in. With it onu man can move a loaded
Woiik Given Out. On receipt of vour
address we will inuko an oiler by which
you can earn $3 to $7 evmings, at your
home. Men, Women, Boys or Girls can do
It. H.fi. Wilkinson & Co., 10.1 ami 11)7
Fulton Street, New York.
Hkk a woman in another column m'f
Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
which Speer's Port Grapo wtno is made,
that is so highly OHtwinuid by the medical
profoHoioii, for tho use of invalids, weakly
jiersons and the aged, Sold by druggists.
N. Swanstroii', 103 W. Indium St,, Ka):
"Brown's Iron Bitters afforded mu great
loliel when aufl'criiig from dyspepsia."
Free oi CuNt.
All pi Mons wishing to test tho merits of
a great' remedy one that will positively
euro Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, or any nlToctloii of tho Throat
and Lungs aro requested to call at Harry
W.Schuh's drug store and get a Irlal bot
tle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-f-uinption
free of cost, which will ahow ynu
what a regular dollar elw Mile will do. (1)
A nit you madu tnlsorablu by Indigestion,
Constipation, Dlr.lneM, Loss of Appetite,
Yellow Skint Bhiloh'. Vltalizor ! a oii
tveturv. , (10)
Ntw anrt i;(iininiu n.itol. ftt)iitin mi l.i'vm
Seconil a ml lUllroad Mtrct'tk,
CJ;itif). Illiuoir-.
Ttin Piiata.iri.x.f a. I i I... I M. .. u VI l..nl.
i,niw uixi rarinr; lion Vftnntuin rivi Moutm?,
Mllllltf It nil l.l.Ira a 'a. i-. ..,.1 i.1 1 If,.. ........
a nil-' nnu .. uvriiin imii n n I
arc all Jtut nrrun hv. nnvrt; whilu tin .Stcnmho'iii
inmuntfi in hrdtPd hy H(c(im, nm ii-am
Antlltnaflp Uif... llurn.a ll.tthal' at t.a. II t lA u I. nr.. .1.
pr!rt ewcri'n and tomplitii- appotntnuinta.
Unuurl. fii.,.1.1.1 r . . .; 1 ... H
""I" "o i ui limn I iifgn , n;iiri.i Pfvii,uj ll'l Oil till
Hl'K h'.Xt'H
Spk Kit's 7oi;t Qpapk tink !
THIS t'KI.KIiltA TICl) N ATI VK WIN K is ma.lf
from tli JuirH of ihe Oporto irrupe, rHic d Id
thla count y. Ita inval nulil tonic antl ptn tiu'ili
enluir priertie ure n usm rpnaserl lv any i.th.-i
Native Wine, lleitiif ih inr juice of tl i; irHe
protliiced tiTiili r Mr. S i.-i-r 'a own permum! r-iin rvi
aion, lis jMjrlty r.nil Kenillni neH, are guanii Icml
Th vouie st child in y pnriiikM f it h K-rirou
nilalttirji. an.l 1 ht won If . t In val i.l n.n It t ti ail vn n.
Ur It is particiilarlv hi'iirflcNl sti ,b a'.'il anri
di'hilUiitfrl, and Htnti'rt In thn varioua iiilmenw i h'tl
afft-rt the w raker act. It la in etnry restw'-l A
Sneer's P. .1. Slierrv.
Tim ! .1. SlIKItUV Is a wine of Hiinrior C!ir
actitr anl a link.'" ofllin rich qiutlili.ia of tha inpi
from h'rQ ft ia mado For I'nrlly, lllclineaa, t'la
vn- ami Midlcinul I'r..puriifS. i! will l lonnd mi
Sneer's P. .1. Urandy.
This RKANtlV atatida nnrlvalcd In thla t'ntinlrt
hfluular tuiperli.r for ineiliclnnl putiiim.'.. It ia
piirediatiMatloii fro n the Krapn. ann ct.ntalm v .l
nalile modlcln.l properllca. It Una a dclicatf fin
tnr, aim lnrt.) that of lh crap"a, frmn which It ir
diattllrd, and ia in Kruat fav.ir amniiu flrl claa
faniiliia. Ser that h iRnlnr nf Al.KKKH
rJl'KKH, ra'fuli , W . J., ir over the cork ol cin'h
Sold Jy 1AUTj scum I
1 imve a ptiaUlve riMne,ly r.r tt.e ahtT i!..ti.o: i,v it.
1 1 tliuu.Hinla of cu.i of the nnt kind .ml uf fonr
a.ndluK have N-n cuwil. eo,iron:t i nit faltb
li It.elflrary, that I will nil T(l 1IOTI.KS KKRK, to
pthrr with a VAI.l'AUI.S TKEATISb on this dl.auu, to
ILjr BUflwyr. (ih eK.proflHnhU P. O tt'tilr....,
1K V. A. bLUCCM, 181 i'carl St., f;w York,
INJKCTION, ia apoaltiva euro forall DiarhargM.
Stinuinir. Bmartir.n nnd Pftinml beiinit lone ol Ui
CI ftf) pr IroUlo. For anlti hv all clrua-
' i ?; a-ia.a nrnanf hu Kxprena on re
Cfipt of price, JOHN D. PAHK HONS.
171 and 177 Bvcnmora Ut CINCINNATI;
0111O P1kb mention Uiim'iiKr. A
I nerve Restorer
" oil lii.M.V iJiDlSFHH
BDisi.r.. oifi.v (ui. i i ii v. mih Nkhve Arrao
rioNi.KlTS.Kni upsv.i tr INF AI.I.IHIJ: ifukn
b diwtt'd. Ai-Viifir v Trctjiie4
B: trul huftl freff to tit (.'Mr-, tbov pnrinR i'XiriiB
-tiarriu hx.wnn rvoeirei. rnn iiirtiri,r u ktir
..TnreMa.l.lrr.aol ftliutH to lK K 1 A N E.'XM Art l
Electric Appliance! are tent nn 30 Diyi' TrUI,
ItrilO ar mXrtnti frnm NttavnuH I .run itv,
T lnT VlTAlirV, Mr OF NrKVR K'H' K 4Nf
Vl'tOR, W4HTINU WKAKNMrtKrt, IH( fill Old." tMniTtii'l
if A 1'KHHONAT, NAtl'HK 'i'Ml1 llltf f THlU AlH'OTH Alilt
iVtiikh riiKn rtp'' tiy n ln( nwl otimph'ii ri'Mi.
rntlnnnr Hki TH.Viuuh ftti'l M sun-in iii a it a vrrrti,
Thn irrnmlttrtt tllavuvfry nf Uif S iMtani Ii ( t iilui r
fVnil tit tuti'ft lor llhiti'nU:tl I'.unili. t fnv. ,vt irat
toMH. Me .ml oihi't. .tin aufler
ftuai Normi. ..til I'tmta.l t.l,.
It jr. Printut Kli. u. Una anil
th.tr aianv .loom cii.U.im"..
a-t. . . 'ui".ij ain ...ncaiij' aur-n.
to. it.mMy I. put op le hot... An. I il.dlp. . monih) M,
e.aitiinuli lo.ftiv'l tnir., util... In nw na ai No. 1
".;! " !''"" ""''". Sunt b. aiall I. i.laln r.ppr.
Ilrfllii.faf l .lB.a.riiepaii;wli Boi. I'i,li1.'t rl..rr.
VIIU Oil. dia.ai. Mi'l uunl. .1 cut. ..ul anJa. tuaUoa.
nj . rnrrlrnm Iii nurlna of ill. liliMiil, Sale an4
llam-a. Nrrvoua lliblllKr, I m jmMnic, Oraanln
WraLnraa, tiuaorrbua. Synklllllv ami Minmlal
A wirtlna api-rlallr lnalr.l na artfinltli prlin'tpii-a
atfc ad .urM rpUIMli., Tall at writ, fcir l.l.t nf Uur.
Man. to ta. an.w-rail lir thiM.di.lltliR lr.a'nirul hr mill.
(I'-p-oaoaltirlaa froa, Ha.lar kaia wa4 laelr wtitnM.1
Mil Iran, unaxlhlna le la.lr aihanlar. II I. "ol a tnm.
Milraaa, lilt. 1II T1S. I S. Nik St., SI. IkiK Ma,
r.sTAHLisur.u itvr.u tiiikty VEAua.
"-an A, favorite preaorlntlnn of fm of tha
Bloat nntMl and aiiiYaful aliaciallata In the l'. H.
( not retired) (hr lha mire nf JVeravue Dakllif v
r.eaf .WwaeaMf , H'ea AHe and InaiM. H.'ni
: iplaniaeaM.unuvaluieAea. UruKl.Uvaufllllk.
' Addren DR. WARO CO.. Ualtl.na. Ma. i
a i v wivi;
ai 'llwv n
2 'A
im 'J
The largest stock anil lowest prices in
' AND f V
You find at
410&412 N. Ilh St., ST. LOUIS.
fkw DKoes applied to tho surface will Penetrate to the very Bona,
;tiid almost Instantly RELIEVE PAIN! It will not Soil Clothing,
nor dlaoolor the Skin, or lew (llsiiKreealilf effrets of any kliul. li
has NO kq'tai. forth Cnroof Khoamntlsm. Sprains, Brnisna
Stiff Joint. NearaleiA. Lama
Sor Throat, Paine in the
ana is equally cincaeiniis lor an
reiiuiniiu a powerful ainusivo stimulant, hro Merrpii'e aiiikui.is
Ask your Uriigulst for It. Trice 50
Preparntloiily by JACOB S. MERXIELL,
Wholanle Drngirlat. 8T.
Alter a Rafiiy IlMf a (ouiitiy I'hvsl
ciau Tells What Ht Thinks .r
Some lYnjilo. ,
"I wish to prat-Inn. eomn poiii wonlrl 1' iirn
whi.n thi'y need a dortor and whi'ii they d 'ti't,"
eiclaliiivd llociiir K 4 . , n he enterod bla huiieo
in a coey lltt'e vlllai! tri the Ulterior of the State
of Ni w York, after a Uilmua nlht ride fur Diatiy
inllu... I have bqen down imonc tha PiO'itUilim to
efe a man, who the meaaoniier aaltl, waa very nick,
and not likely to liYeTjl, morning, un'' lie hud
linnii-rllat h-ip; and found hliu snlleriiiit frdrh a
rather "harp ani:K of colic, whUh his f.imily
inVht Imve re'icviMl In tun mluu'ra, If thoy had a
grain of sunac and two or three dimple reniedien in
ih.: hoit'e. But no; thy muat remain l.norant a
plfi. and when the lea.t ac tio or pain Ukm them,
a-nd for a doctor, whstht r tlmvt ver pay' Mm or
"Why, Dufnr. what kind of almple remedlm, aa
you call tin-Hi, do you expect people lu keep In Iho
hotiae?-' nUed h1 a wlto, as .he poured him a cup
ol holies. . ' : . . .. ( .
"In thin cae," anwofed tho Doctor, "If they
had only put a BENSuN'S CATCIN K I'OKOV.b
I'l.itSTKKou tho tnau'a toniach, he would have
been nil Hi ht In hd boar, and aavad tni a dreary
ride." ; t . ;' . .
In all ordinary coinplalnl tt "re at once.
All diseases are eliminated from the ytem j
what miiybo Mtiftblr called rtpulel m nr 'uxirnc
Hop, or by a union of the t vo proci ame. Il"n
aim a Pluatur promote! both. It incltea t'i torpid
organs to act, and aends ita healing, eootliiun in
fl'leuce tlirouifh the myriad puree of tbuekli., All
other plnetora ohllite Hie patient to wait. Hj y
kfivehim hope for to morrow, llyne-'o'e ilaat. r
give hi in help today. Which i better, do you
think! Buy the CAPtJINK and keep It In the
taonae. Price Si cents.
Senhitry & Johnr-oii, ( beinials New Y'rk.
Whan I aaycaro I do not nuan mortdy to stop
them for a Hive and then have them return attain.
I tin an n r 'ire. 1 have tniidti the dieeaHeol'
KITH. K.ll.lii . V or FALLING SICKNKsH a
life Innc aludy. I a rant my remedy In cure Hie
wnrat caeca. Herauee other have failed ia no iva
.on for not now rei eivinu a cute, Setid ul once for
a ireatlae and a Kree lloltle ol n.y li.fulliule rem
edv. tiive Kxtireaa ami I'nat Office. 1 1 coal a you
uothlnK for a trial, and 1 wel cure you.
Addrem Dr. II. K IMMiT.
1S: IVarl Ni New York.
wait (roni,, liix.n.
UPRIGHT 7 (let. J'lai, i.
S.(k() for au li
Wamnt"d. Ai1iln"-a
DtntiKMiN & ( o., 10
Wet)lHi Rt.N. Y.
017 Su Charlns Streot, ST. LOUIS, M0.
A regular t i nul nut of two nn dlrol
eolti-L'i- , Iiai lii'i'n loiici-r ell IJ .1 1! I'd III I lie I li ill
Ineiil I'il 'lironli', N tit voiin, r-lci n mul
IU'khI Dlir.l.cn lllull any lilln r pll elelnll III
Si. I.i. nIv ua elly .ai ei'i -Law itinl all l 1 1 i
di'iils kn.MV. I 'eii-oilt'il Ion .1 i.thrror bv iniill,
free nnd luv Had. A fi lemlh tnlk nr h If oiil.ilnii
riiKft ni.lhlnir. When It l Ineiniveiili iit to I 1 1
Hie rltv .or tri iiliiii'iil., nn illi ln.'i ran Ivwiil
hy m n ti or expn'oa i-ver where, t'nriilde rine.
(,'iii.r.nilii'il ; uhrre iloul'l ' 1 -1 n II la frankly
Muled. Cult or Wi lli'.
Nervou Prostration, Dolnlity, Meatal ind
Thyaical Wflaknass, ' MorcuriaJ ani ctlirr
affoctions of Throat, Skin and Bunas, Blood
Impuriiiss and Blood Poisoninr, SkinAfTen
tions, Old Soras and Ulmri, Irsparftnents to
Marri'tr. Ehumatism, " Speolal
attention to rases from over-worked brain.
SURGICAL CASES receive, special attention.
Diseases arising from Imprunnnoes, Exnassaa,
Indulged or txpnsiirrs. 1 '
It Is eir-et Idcnt. that a phv.li'lail luivlna
pnrlleiilar alieiiilMit lo a eluni. iifrni'i nitnln1.
irreat ekill, and hv.elair III reiiular pra Ilea
nil over Iho eniinti v kimwlnit till-, I1e.ii"iilly
rei'tininieinl eaaeilo Hie i.l.le.li.Hlce 111 Anierlt'il
where eerv known applliinee l reanrteil to.
and the pervil jiud.I leinoiti."" of all
nuea and enimtrlea are ned. A whole lion .e It
n-i-rt f.iriirni iiiriK..f., and all ari trralixl Willi
eklli In a iTi..'i-inil iiiiiiim r: and, kiiowlnit
w lint to do, noi'tM-rliu ni 4re mailv. tinae
count of (he iirent niiinher apdyinc. tha '
chin lli' sis kilit Ion. oil ell !o'-i' tliiiu la
ili-iii.iiiilid l.v min r if "Hi aeeiire the kl'l
and vet a speedy and Krlfi't Ul ruie. Hint la
Ilia lintioilaiit mtili r. r.iiiihli I, M pKi',
aenl In any addreaa fn . i ' ,
Kleuant elolh and "ill lilinlluir, Si nW d fnr SO
eentH In pn.iane or iiirrency. Over a fly won ,
' itrrful pen platurna. true to llfn. artleleeon lha ,
Ailln liio nihicrl-, v hn may m.rrv, who not;
whvlf I rtijner ae to iiian.' Ybo marry Hret. ,
ilnnhiMiil, nuj.iili.ii.il, l'hvleul decuy. Who
ihoiild many. Mnvlirr And hnpplnraAniay be)
. inereaaed, Tlinn Inmrli'd nr iiiiilaiiiiiletliii) .
fiarrylnu aliould read It. Il ntuht lo be read
oy all adult rt.on, then kept ler l'k ami .
ey. Aoiuinrtoiiiiiii,naeiaaian" i"r
rover and .uOpauei.WcauW W wall, lu uwat
1 1T 1 IMi
A ptiwrrlul pri'luilllUlHl COIII-
xiseil mostly ot K.sneutial Oils
Hie most penfitratinc l.lnlment
known. Ho cimwtitriited that a
Back. Cramns. ToothAob.
Limbs "rln any pari of tlio System
pains in me Biomacn ana uoweie,
cU per hoiilc
S K W AjllY K( I'IMK M KN'J'S.
From innnni;..; to Dioriituu: aud Hem week 10
week 'I'll K !I'N piia a conilnned nory of tho
Uvea nf teiil in. ii nnd women, and of their deed.,
pane, luvia. hull'. hiiiI Iroiihlee. Thla etnry ta
more liilereninu limn any romance that waa ever
d vi-e L i Miiii riilloii : I n r (4 pag!, 1'T
mall, !iV a month, nr fii t n year; Sumiav (S
ii(.i'B), Jl.ii per year; A'keklt' (S phijubi, $1.00
pet year. r
JiJV- !? ,(-il'N"- I'allUer. New Y tkfMty.
si pa ( 1 1 AI.uttUR, Willi worda and
til u ii' id H hiiiiu" and a hntiriaomn
l liuu'ie free tti any nldr aa on rucrlpt
of !! tel.!" ill iioalato fntmoa. "tta
never spiak ae Wo 1'ahn Bv," aiine;
"Kirel l.ovij," vnVr oik; -iVhen the LULL
Coi"le Hn ,i(ulli(it )ly," ei.iir; " riifet's LL
M'iriii," piuuo; ' IoIhiiHiii" t'ul pnurrl,
piano All r.p'ei'ee, :)J pai-a, fn'l a r.e inneic, poit
tree ;mri tile ine Im. It W .TUIf'KT.
ih Schiinl Streel, Hoetnn, Maea.
OVI'iliTlsKKS hv aililreeelnn tKO.
P. how.
a M.l. ,V I U,
Ill S'nruce St.. New Y'ork. can
li'iirn tliu t iie't oo.t uf uv .r poad line nf adver
tialnir In Ann-firm Newapaperr. f (fHK'-page
I'auiii'iloi. t'.'.e. , .
. 'ul ii : ii , 'j ; " r
$500 REWARD!
! ' t lit' ."'lit, '
W E will pa? the ibitT rrwi'4 (or tnv tut nt Uvt r Crttn plaint
IH ip1, Hi k Hf i-liM h, Inlttaiiion, tVnittrHun or CoilWtotM,
uiiinntcur Wr.fa Vrj. tnM Mrr I'll la, wKrt tti
l.tilrf altUUy ct'inpli-tl lili. Tlicy ir Jiurfly v(rtiMt, ftlia
l.fVfff-,11 to piv MiultKtiuii, 8 1, jar IVrttfU. Urt bur( foo-
Uldhig (lillaaVi fvnti, tir ani (v til drtijutil. Hwart ot
'. cutiiilTf iu a:v Iniiuinttu. Tin ..iiiilna niatnfartiiml only bf
jUl IN W..T '..., !M A v W. Madt. M.( Cbktffo,
ib inl in. kv ii' l-y tuall i-rt-.aii n r-ir'it a 3 vf iii itauip.
Health. is Wealth!
Pit K ('. West's Nrarie and Hhain Truat.
MKNT, a ifintriinteiil ftiaeinn for Hysteria, LHazu
neea. ( 'imviilaione, Vila, Nnrrima Neurnlia,
Honiliieho, Nervoua Priattnttitm cansoil hy the u.4
of nli'iiliwl nr lolmeeii, Wnkeftilnoaa, Mental De
lireHaion, Hofteninii of tho Bruin reaiiltiiiK in in
anility Mil l leiiiliiiii to misery, (leony ami death,
rrtiniHtiiro tllil Ako, BHrretineee, tca of power
in cither fx, liivoluiilnry IjoaMT ami Bperranf.
iirrlni H euiiHeil hy over-exertion of the brain, eelf
nliiir.li or nver-iiidiilitmicu, Hjirli box contuina
one mutith'a trnotinent. $1.10 a lMix,or aix buxei
forj'i.ui, aunt by mail tirepnidou riMHiipt of price.
Tu cure nny citt-o. With each order received by nt
for SIX boxes, neenmpitiiiiil with i.(IO, we will
aeml the iiurijliaeer our written irunmutee to re.
fiitnl iho iiiont v if Hni truHtniHiitclovauutenei'l
atiiru. (iimi'Hii'H'a iHSUi'donlyby
Hrui:ll, Cor. t.'niiiiueri'lal nve, A lHih at.. Cairo.
The Howard UaltanloHhlald
and ournther Klectrn ttal
tanloaad Mnjuatle Anpll
nneee and Oartnenta are e
l NtirMCiirefor Nervniiatlelill.
it r. raraliela. Kheumiitlam
r.iilleii.y.r.tnau.tlnn, Lnea
ol Vital r.neraj, Overwork,
eil llralii. Week Bai'k, K Li
ner. I.iver, ami rttomarii
t'l.nii'lHinte, aail areadaiit
ed Ui KlTHSBSm. Tbeaa
verf laleat Im
proved, end en
ttrelf different
troni helte and all
other., aa I her
rtoeltltelr aeaa
rat4i eoQtlnumia
eurraDta wltbnnl
aelde, eeaatna no
anrna, nor Irrlta-
ran be worn at
work ae well aa
leal only nolloe.
alde to wearer.
Power retfotataH
to meet the differ
ent eteirsa ol all
dlaeaaea where)
netle Irealmaut
la nt lieniitlt. 1 i,..-M lor MEN ONLT at nnre reeeb
the ae.ii ol iliHen.o, h tber aet dltet't nnoa hervone,
IMiiarnlar, unit ineriillt rVnitera. .riewllly reetorlnar
Hie vltulltv-wbli ti la KlM'trli ll) drained from the
tern hy .tfiai. or Indi.rreilon., they trine In a natural
wa overeouiM the weekneee wll hoot dnitfidna tha alonv
eeh, 'I'hev will viira every eaae abort ol elriietiiral de
Henemtiiin, end e are innired to fnrnl.h the moat
imihutio noil ali.oliitn noMif to ennrort our rlatme.
llln.irKied I'm in : 'ti I .( Kree.or aant eeeled for As noelaae,
rtti larttd 3 1 2 N. Oth St., St. Louie.
NfitromortM, (new Nerve. Life, Hlreneth ami
ivini i It a ptiiilivn Maiorallve for the Loas of
Manly Vlirorln Younir, Mlrldle-Aited antt
DM raon, nn uniiler iroiii wiiHteaiier. In War
voua Debility, Exhaustion, Impotency,
Seminal 'Weakness, aim kindred iillineiiU.
Ihl' Stindiinl Reineily barertein cure. met
tuiillMieli Millet er, lin eenil a ataleiiiaut of
their iroiiblea, a ijiiuutliy nnielrnt lo prove Its
rlrlne telll be aenf Free ofCoet. Aililrpaa, ..
P. O. Boa 2404. It. Louie, Mo.
poaltlrely prevent tble terrihle dleeaee, and will poet,
lively eare nine eaaee ant ol lee,. lafarnaetli a tbM
will bm many lire., arni free by mall. lHe'ldlT a
rwuiiwwia. .Twiy.'nTiiin ia netmrieeei. eejreL email..'
2? Olt., WiSTllJt. MAMA. foreaerrfiaaMriieOai
UT raaeoaa' rvaautiva
ASM., toi lean IWe eeoa. fca.
V .'-

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