OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, June 30, 1883, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082573/1883-06-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache,
Mors Throat, NHS-HIng, Nomina, Urulsea,
Hums, ftrnlria, t Vwat Ultra,
Boll by UrumUM ni'1 Union rmvolivre. iftj C.iH.i iMttlt.
Ulrwllfiui In II LauitukKi.
ka.vuuauaacu , Uallliur.. -U LA, A
The Daily Bulletin,
Mr. Editor:
Tlio cnl in thin morning's Bulletin,
over tbo signature of Scrgeuut Lily, denying
ft Btotement of Tub Bulletin, regarding
Sergeant Bluff, hug just been read. I'rovi
duntittlly I It id tut good luck to be seated
near Bercant Bluff, last Tuesday evening,
and must con toss be shared most of my at
tention during the rendition of "Engaged."
Tun public is mistaken as to the identity
of Serjeant Bluff. From what I have glean
ed, in conversation with a number of our
citizens, the authorship ol the N. I. L. ar
ticles I) is been credited to four different
gentleman of our city; but I speak advis
edly when I tuy that none of these gentle
men has had my part in the production of
these malicious pusguiiiades. But it is not
my intention to reveal the real author. Let
him rest assured, however, that the writer
knows hi ui. I meet him every evening
Upon our stieets; and, apurt from the phase
of character revealed in his envenomed
tliruaU at our organization, he is
an amiable aud companionable man,
gentle of manner, a gond conversationalist,
ami well read in the current literature of
the day. lie is a gentleman of good ad
dress and fine presence, and, if so inclined,
would be a brilliant factor in Cairo society
lie eschews ladies' society, entirely, and
seems to llo J congeniality in the compan
ionship only ot his own sex, as is evidenced
by the collective gi;uder of the organiza
tion of which l e is the bead and life. In
disposition h is a cynic. Whether this
trait in native or grafted, I know not. His
pleasure is to raze rather thin to build; to
trample on, rather that) t" lilt up. Much
of Ins character was revealed to me during
the play. A stilted sueer sat upon his lip
when he first seated himself in the dress
circle; and, with one notab e exception, his
impassible lace b"tra)ed no emotion duiing
the entire performance. lVuding the os
culatory and hugging engagi-raents of
"Cheviot IMI,"tho Sargeant'i face relaxed;
the sneer stepped down and out; an inef
fable smile mounted the throne; tire spar
kled in nis eyes; his noftriU dintended;
his wholi! frame quivered, an 1 I heard his
extatic titiiport voiced iu the soliloquy:
"Cheviot, you're a lucky doar, I would bar
ter my identity for a few minutes (jraze
upon those inv ting pastures." Then the
emily died away; the eyes paled; the nos
trils assumed normal dimension, and the
doughty Sargeunt dropped into a condition
of strong fixedness, which remained until
the curtain was rang down. He remained
throughout the entire perlbimauco.
An Undoubted Ble.shlng.
About thlrly vears aifo a prominent l'hvslcian
by the name of I)-. Wnllam Hull discovered, or
produced after loi g eierimeutal research a rem
edy for dleeascs of the th-oat. chest and luiia-i,
whieh was f emh wonderful enicacy that It soon
gained a v.ldo reputation In this country. The
tame of the medicine is DK. W v. . II IVi BAL
hAM KOItTUK l.l'NUS und may be safely relied
on as speedy end poaltlvo rare fur coughs, colds,
Bote throat, 4c. Bold hv all IrUKnUn,
rjtirno'8 Catarrh Snuft'.
Tills well known remedy lor Catarrh still main
tain! its weil earned popularity. K. A. Mavsge, of
Osriova. Kansas, writes, Mnrch 4. lrV: "I bare
used Duron's f'aterrU Snuff, and It l the only
thine that does me any irood. It always effects a
cure?' Hold by all druitifWts everywhere.
Townsley'aTootadiu Anolvne cures Instantly.
The law recently passed by congress
repealing tho stamp tax on bank check,
drafts, orders and vouchers, and the tax on
matches, perfumery and medicinal prepara
tions goes into effect under tho statute on
the iHt of July; but as that date is Sunday
tho provision will become practically oper
ative to-day Juno 80. Under the law all
checks and general proprietary stamps will
be redeemed at their face value less 5 ' per
cent., and private diu proprietary stamps at
their face value less 5 or 10 per cont. each,
according to tlm rate of commission allow
ed on their purchasn. Tho law was passed
at tho s ioio t i m i) that tho tax upon whisky
and tobacco was modified, and was tho out
growth of a recognition that the govern
ment already had more revenue than It
knew what to do with, and desired to abate
taxes in certain cases in view thereof. Af
ter to-day, depositors at tho various banks
in this city will bo nblo to secure check
books containing ouu thousand checks for
14. instead of )f 24. Heretofore, the banks
havo chargn 2 cents for each stamp, the
price which they havo had to pay tho gov
ernmont as revenue, besides ft for tho
chocks themselves. Since the stamps havo
boon abolished, Hio books' will bo sold ut
tho cost of tho checks alouo. ;., '
For Sale Farm.
A good farm in the timber, eighty acres
under cultivation; blue grass pasture; farm
contains 193 acres; in Bond county, Ills.,
miles from railroad station.
B. A. Burnett.
W. P LaXUlih. river editor ol Tat Bulletin
atd eicaJiboat passenger ant. Order fur all
kinds of steamboat job priaiinu solicited. Office
at oowur European Motel, ho. 71 unio levee.
The Qui Fowler trom Paducah will re
port here at 8 p. m. connecting with I. C.
R. II, and leave on bur return trip at 4 :80
p. m.
The Will S. Hays left Cincinnati yes
terday at 5 p. m., and will strike this port
Wednesday July 4th. She goes to New Or
leans. The Vint Bhinkle fiom Memphis U on
her way up to Cincinnati and will strive
bere Sunday evening. For particulars see
W. F. Lambdin, Passenger Agent.
The Paris C. Brown from New Orleans
will report here Monday July 2 for Cincin
nati. The Will Kyle from New Orleans ar
rived here at 3 p. m., yesterday with a light
freight, but a large number of passengerB
both deck and cabin. She added nine cab
in people here and departed for Cincinnati
at 4 p. m.
The City of New Orleans Ins been re
ceiving freight here since Thursday night
10 o'clock. She will depart for the lower
Mississippi early this morning.
The Charles Morgan from Cincinnati is
due to-morrow morning for Nsw Orleans.
The City of Providence trom Vicksburg
will report here for St. Louis this evening.
The City of Vicksburg leaves St. Louis
this evening and is due here to-motrow
The reliable Jas. W. Gaff from Cincinnati
will arrive to-night on her way to Memphis.
See W. F. Litnbdin, Passenger Agent, and
get tickets.
The Ohio river was on a stand here yes
terday at 0 p. m., and marked by the
gauge 39 feet 3 inches.
TheB. S. Rhea from Nashville will ar
rive to-morrow evening and leave here on
return trip the same evening.
A boss tailor who lives near Racine,
Had backiche so bad that his spleen,
Throbbed like a boil,
But St. Jacobs Oil
Cured the pain, which was very keen.
Anderson, Allic
Blanks, Fannie
Collie, Lew
Burns, Ella
Bagaui, M A
Clarks, Mary J C
Evans, Mattie
Gee run, Millie
-Hill, America
Holders, Auna
Jackson, Leear
King, Nettie
McAbuuary, Mabcla
Morris, J W
Nealey, Sarah
Thompson, Alia
Williams, Allic
Princoss of the Tem
ples. Dunn, Dacy
Gain, Euiis
lioustay, Emma
lianuon, Auiauda
Hensley, Mittie
Johnson, Mattie
KinfcC, Susan
McCalster, Estela
Manning, Mary
Kiel), Mattie
White, Fanny
Ulles, Mary Jano
Bealand, Francis
Brooks, Issac
Carson, John
Diley, Kob't (2)
Franklin, Willis
Freezy, Charles
Goodman, Pled
Gill, Henry
Ham, M
Hight, A II
Branch, W (2)
Crerjihton, M
Davis, Sim
Empire, Mills
Freezev, F
Givens, S M
Greenley, Oreums
Gibbous, Frank
Milliard, Joshua
Johnson, Jerry
Jackwood, James
Johnson, AP (2)
Murrey, Thomas II (4) McMurry, Miller
Miller, WM Mead, John O
Minton, J B Megrick, Joe
Miller, James T Mahan, J W
Marrow, Charles Maxon, Dr
O'Donley, Henry Paulet, J C
Perkins, J W Padock & Son
Smith, Jake Laocarson, F B
Shrouds, E C Sneader, fyllie
Tigues, F F Vandervort, Charles
Wich.oll.VE (3) White, John
Williams, John J Whitacer, II F.
Persons calling for the above mentioned
will please say advertised.
Wm. M Mdrput, Postmaster.
J. Nippner, 738 21st St., Chicago, III.,
says: "I have never found any thing to
equal Brown's Iron Bitters in curing heart
burn." A exeu Clergyman.
Even the patience of Job would become
exhausted were he a preacher and endeav
oring to interest his audience while they
were keeping up an incessant coughing,
making it impossible for him to bo heard.
Yet, how very easy can all this bo avoided
by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Trial
bottles given away at Barclay Bros'
drug Btore. (2)
Mensman's Peptonized Bkuv Tonic, the
only prepartion of beef containing its entire
nutritious properties. It contains blood
making, force generating and life sustain
ing properties; invaluable for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, nervous prostration, and all
forms of general debility; also, in all en-
teeiilod conditions, whether the result of
exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork,
or acute disease, particulary if resulting
from pulmonary complaints. Caswell,
Hazard, & Co., Proprietors, New York.
Bold by Druggists. t , ; (3)
Woman's True Friend.
A frioud in neod is a friend indued. This
nono can deny, especially when assistance
is rendered when ono is sorely afllicted
with disease, more particularly those com
plaints and weakness so common to our
female population. Every woman should
know that Electric Bitters aro woman's true
friend, and will positively restore her to
health, even when all other remedies fail,
A single tr.al always proves our assertion.
They are pleasant to the taste, and only cost
fifty cents bottle, sold by Barclay Brus.(2)
Advice to Mothers.
Are you disturbed at night and broken
of your rest by a sick child suffering aud
trying with pain of cutting teeth? If so,
send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Wins-
low's Soothing Syrup for Children 'item
ing,. Its value is Incalculable. It will re
lieve the poor little sufferer immed
iately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is
no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and
diarrhtEa, regulates the stomach and bow
els, cures wind colic, softens the gums, re
duces inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins-
low's Soothing Syrup for Children Teeming
is pleasant to the taste, and is the prescrip
tion of one of the oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United States,
and is for sale by all druggists throughout
the world. Price 25 cents a bottle.
When Ladies are Attractive.
All ladies know their faces are most at
tractive when free from pimples. Parker's
Ginger Tonic is popular anions them be
cause it banishes impurities from blood and
skin and makes the face glow with health.
Work Given Out. On receipt of vour
address we will make an offer by which
you can earn $3 to $7 evenings, at your
home. Men, Women, Boys or Girls can do
it. II. C. Wilkinson & Co.. 193 and 197
Fulton Street, New York.
Communion Wine
The grape crop of A. Speer's vineyards in
New Jersey last year was double that of
any previous year. His vineyards in New
Jersey have so increased each year that he
has beeu enabled to keep a stock five or six
years ahead. None of bis Port is sold less
than four years old. It has become a popu
lar wine among the best physicians in New
York, and is largely used for communion
purposes and for weak and aged persons.
For sale by Paul G. Schub, druggist.
Allen's Brain Food botanical extract
strengthens the Brain and positively cures
Nervous Debility, Nervousness, Headache,
unnatural losses, and all weakness of Gen
erative System; it never fails, fl pkg.; 6
for f 5. At druggists, or Allen's Pharmacy,
315 First Ave. N. Y.
T. C. Savage, East St. Louis, 111., says :
"I tuffered from malaria, and Browu's Iron
Bitters, alone cured me.'
To The West.
There are a number of routes leading to
tbe above-mentioned section, but the direct
and reliable route is via Saint Louis and
over the Missouri Pacific Railway. Two
trains daily are run from the Grand Union
Depot, Saint Louis to Kansas City, Leaven
worth, Atchison, St. Joseph and Omaha.
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars of the very
fit est make are attached to all trains.
At Kansas City Union Depot, passengers
for Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico and Cat-
if-rnia nnect with express trains of all
At Atchison, connection is made witl
express trains for Kansas and Nebraska
At Oinalm, connection is made with the
Overlaud train for California.
This line fillers to parties enrouto to the
West and Northwest, uot only fast time
and superior accomodations, but beautiful
sceuery, as it passes through the finest por
tion of Missouri and Nebraska. Send for
illustrated maps, pamphlets, &c- of thii
line, which will bo mailed free.
C. B. Ki5san, F. Chandler,
Ass't Gen'l Pass. Agent. Gen'l Pass Agent
Santa Fe, New Mexico, is the oldest city
in the United States. It has reached the
end of its first third of a thousand years
its tertio-millenial period. TheTertio-Mil-lennial
Celebration and Mining aud Indus
trial Exposition, which will be inaugurated
there on the 2d of July aud close on the 3d
of August, will be an cvtut of great histo
rical as well as practical importance to tho
country at large. It is intended to com
memorate the three hundred and thirty
third anniversary uf the Spanish settlement
of the place.
Which will constitute the practical part of
tho celebration, will be an epitomo ot the
mineral, agricultural, horticultural, stock
and geueial industrial lesourceS aud capa
bilities of the Territory. Those, therefore,
who are interested in either mining, agri
culture or stock-raining will have a good op
portunity to visit New Mexico this season,
as the low tare will be a great inducement
to make the trip. Tho development of tho
mines of this vast region has but begun,
yet in the past year the proportionate in
crexso in the output of ore was greater thnu
in any other Statu oi Territory. New Mex
ico's showing at the miniugexpohition held
at Denver last season showed, more clearly
than anything else, tho vastness of its min
eral wealth. !
It has been tho general belief heretofore
that agriculture iu New Mexico would not
pay. This is an unfortunate error. At tho
exposition will be seen camples of all sorts
of fruits and flold products which vie with
those of proline Kansas. With irrigation
the soil of the Territory can be tnaUo to
yield immensely, and there is no pursuit
more remunerative than that of fanning.
Agricultural products, of all kinds, bring
high prices upon a ready maiket, iilwttys
accessible in the growing mining towns,
and tho cost of raising is comparatively
small. As a cattle aud sheep country, too,
New Mexico cannot be surpassed. Her
valleys and mesas afford flue Rra.iug
grounds for countless herds. As tho cele
bration at Santa Fe will bo the means of
drawing a larger number of peoplo into tho
Territory than usual, owing to tho cheap
fare, an opportunity will be offered those
who may be interested in stock-raising
to investigate.
Besides the practical, the Tertio-Millcniul
will embrace many features tho most novel
and romantic. For instauco, three days
tho 18th, 19th, and 20th of July will ho
devoted to tho presentation of historic
scenes. ''These' will represent tho period
which has transpired since the settlement
of the city, each day to represont a century
of history and progress. The three civill
zaiions will also bo 1 represented that
which existed at the time nf the coming of
the conquerors, that whicli tho Spaniards
brouvht with them and that which followed
the Amorlcan occupation of 1840. Those
representations will be Illustrated by caval'(
cades in costume, indicative of tho several
distinctive expeditions iuto New Mexico
and the surrounding territory. There will
also bo numerous tableaux, tho whole com
bining to make one of the most novel and
interesting exhibitions ever witnmsed in
this country. There will, in addition, be
vnrious Indian games, races and danre by
the Pueblos, Descendants of the ancient in-
aonantsot the Ii-mtoiv: ambuscades and
sham tights by the Zuuis, with exhibitions
of their peculiar rites and cert monies, one
ol which will bo a primitive dance reprcv
Senting the gods ana heroes of their folk
lore mythology; native Mexican games,
dances and lurjL'linir: otiuinal Aztoc dances.
n which both Mexicans and Indians wilt
take part; various Mexican sports and the
grand fandango; war Hnd other peculiar
dances by the Mescalero and
Jiearilla Apaches; exhibitions by Mexican
vacquenis in throwing tho lariat;
mounted tournament, in cos
tumes of three centuries ago;
the S in Domingo and Sandia feasts, and
other peculiar anil interesting ceremonies
which would take much space and time to
round Titir flO.
The rate for the round trip from Kansas
City and Atchison, including stop-off both
ways at the Las Vegas Hot Springs, is only
$40, while the fare from all eastern points
is comparatively low. The Las Vegas Hot
Springs are among tho mont celebrated iu
the world, and a cool and comfortable re
sort for the hot season. There is every in
ducement to go to New Mexico this sum
mer and it will bo takcu advantage of by
thousands who will improve this opportun
ity to study, under the bett possible con
ditions, tho resources of the Territoty and
investments, and also to enjoy for the time
the most quaint and romatic spot in all our
country. It is an opportunity to S'e the
Southwest the coming country which
ought not to be lost by any who have any
ambition to avail themselves of the un
equalled advantages there offered for en
gaging in mining, agriculture, fruit prow
it g, stock raising, or merchandise. These
low rate tickets over tho Atchison, Topeka
& Santa Fe road are now on sale ot Cairo
and all principal ticket offices, good to re
turn till August 31st. (I27 ird
Yonnff Mn. Mlddlft
Aged Men, and all Un
who suffer from sarly
Indiscretions will Hnd
Alien's Brain Food tha
moat powerful Inria-nrant evsr Introduced;
once restored hy it there is no relape. Try
Iti It never fails. (1: 6 for $5.-At Drag-
gists, or or man trom Alien s I'Damiicy,
or Dr man trom Alien s I'Damiicy,
na first
01 ty.
The fflorr nf a man I
bia atrunKtli. if you
are weakened dowa
through eioeaalre
study, or bv early indis
cretions, Allen's Brain Food will perma
nently restore all lout vigor, and strengthen
all the niuncleauf Brain and Hody. . Sfor
5. At Druggists, or by mail from Allen's
Of the manr reme
dies before toe puhlio
for Nervous Debility
and weaknesaol rsarve
Generative rivet em.
there Is none equsl to Allen's Brain food,
whicb promptly and permanently restores
sll lost vigor; it never fails. l pkg , 6 tor
15 At Druggists, or by wall from Allen's
cy,31S Is'
ass nue.
For sevon years Allen's
Brain Food baa stood
the strongest tests as
to its merits In curing
Nervousness. Nervous
Debility, and restoring lost powers to the
weakened Generative Nvstam, and, In no
inatanoe, has it evsr failed: teat It $l;Sfor
5. At Druggists, or by mail from Allen's
Phirint-sa sa 111 sjakiiak
Druggists, or by mail from Aliens
cy, 314 1st I
Annus, i
"Menosanain oorpore
sano:" "A sound mind
In a sound body" Is the
trade mark of Allen's
Brain Kood. and we as-
fur our readers that, if dissatisfied with
either weakness of Brain or Bodily powers,
this remdy will permanently strengthen
both, fl. At Druggists, or by mail from
1. At Druggists, or by msil from
A I 1 V u
CT. Sit ISt
Nsrvonsnesa. Ksrvrma
Debility, Neuralgia,
Nurvousrihook, St. Vi
tus Dance, Prostration,
and all dlaeaaea of
tisrv Generative Organs, ar all perma
nently ana radically oured ry Allen a iirain
Food, the gTet lotanlol remedy. (I pkg.,
8 for ft. At Druggists, or by mail from
t lllf Allen's Drain Food
I I riljn botanloal eitraot
I I n' strengthens the Brain
Touanesa, Headache, unnatural losses, and
all weakneseof Generative Mysteiu I it never
falls, it pkf., a for f S -At Druggists, or
by mail from Allen's Pharmacy, 3l First
n IIATMsea, Propeniltyi
III Dl'l'aiMtoa it r i ngs Meiw'
"IJ Xklnd numberless all-
III II insula, foremost among
w them are Nervousness,
Nervous Debility and unnatural weakness
nf iu.i.Hi u.- tfuu.., illn-. ItrMln brum
uoeesafully ovaroouius these troubles and
restnrestlie iulfsrerto his former vigor. I.
tseis who from Imtliiirstlsna, ttr.un er otksr eaasss are
Ew, nii-rvni, iii piriiM, pnyeisany arsinsn, saa mm
wot HrVa duties iiriiiwrlr, ess W wriJInly sn4 ana
Ur sural, wttlHtiit ilooi.rk siixllnlnn. KiiSorie syooows,
unwMr. ana tlm pniM,
ervM, 7Vi. v.rfiMl .lr ysi -Taes
tsiirs4 ef sstisln miarailea Is rail aaa amt ,
Avenue. 1
asjalssl eaaea tsirs4 ef sstisln mwailea Is rail aaa ami ,
feel asMhefe, Hiainls, tiftnir, sltanlr, Jnss1i 9mm
fsrals, Oontelist im Uh pliyilotsa rs.
avIaVsaavftVlt BCKaaVV Ofta St W. Met H aWIMl
'' i ;. i ' ' : ti iii(i-.: ii
I j , . rr . "J"' ''uittuo wm
In nn Alriif,-r lna.BK.lu n m I tmMm n . . . .
WW W Ti if A Pa nnll. , n tu A .iia. j us
" " uisBKrccHuta eorcis ui any emu. it
gAb!lj!gg KhnmatjbiTn, Sprains, Brtile
urr Jolita, nenraOsttv ,UmeBaok, jDreunpa, Tooth-Ache,
and l equally efficacious lor all paltia In
requiring a powerful diffusive atlmulajit.
crurw a. urutst, ir-auKa in me liinM
Ask your Druggist for it. Triee fiO eta
l-reparcd only by JACOB S. MERRELL,
Wnoleaele Dntrglet. gT. LOUIS, WO
" '2. i " ; i r S
V'e cantlon the public against an Impontur who
lllll.l nn t... . I lu. ....... .1... Ill l. 1-
Of hailk billet and rnln. tlm man Mtnvtha hi. mttt
i i.i t , ' uimuruim mo uKmiusi:a ui iiis pmiuniB, nun Rem-rany o unii-nimini; me Character
oi nl Book, and publishing the lama In pamphlet form and amdlng It out as Dr. F. T. Htnytha'
book, r-preentlnK the Ukeuesaea to bo r.aeea he has rure'. Ibis man Mmythe la located Iu St
I.onla. Mo., ral Is his rnnma Vlnnna Inntltntx " With Hi. .lm riulik.iin. ..( .. !... ..n
hint lni;a to personate theee picture frauds and false atatemttnis of cunt, hoping- to eecape detection and
Dr. J A. SHERMAN'S hook, with truthful photographic llkenessee of patients and reliable atate
tntinta from eminent Keiitlemi'n, la mailed for 10c, Odlce J 1 Broadway, New York.
After a Rainy Ride a Country Physi
cian Tells What He Thluks of
Some People.
"I wlah to graclona some people would loam
wben tbey needaa .ctorand when thi-y don't,"
exc aimed Doctor E , as he entered his house
tn a cosey little Tillage In the Interior of the State
of New Vork.aftera tedloae night ride for many
miles. I bare boo a down among the mountains to
see a man, who the tuessoogcr said, was vuryaick,
and not likely ro live 'till motnlng, unless ho had
Immediate help; and found hi in suffering from a
ra'her ihnrp attack of co le, which his family
might have rellevod In ten minutes, If they bad a
itrain of sense and two or threa aimplu remedies In
tho house. But no; they mast remain lnuorant aa
p!?, an 1 wb n the least acbe or palu takes them,
aend for a doctor, wbelht-r they ever pay talra or
"Why Doc'or what kind of elmple remedies, aa
you call ihi m, do you expect people to keep In the
house?" asked Ills wife, aa abe poured blm a cup
of hot tea.
"In thla case," auewerua the Doctor, "If tbey
I'LASTHH on the mau'e stomach, he would have
been all rlbt in a hour, and saved me a dreary
In all ordinary complaints It cures at once.
All dUeaccs are eliminated trom the eystu n by
what may be roughly called expulsion or extrnc
t on, or by a uulou of the two processes. Ileu-
son's 1'luster promotes both. It lncltea the torpid.
organs to set, and sendl ra beating, aootliliiir tn
(1 nence through the myriad pores of the ski n. AIT
other plasters oblige the patient to wait. They
giv-him hope for to-morrow. Benson's pluatur
give tn ni help to-day, which la better, do you
think? llur the CAPCINE and keep it In tho
bouse. Price 1SI cent-i ' , ,
Sealitiry Jobuaon, ChcmlBte, New Yoik.' ' '
am sjaaawisi BEETHOVEN
Price only $125
RMllywsrtb S450 If com
paivd wltu oil,, niaki-tV
rauloiriis prlna. S)OS
Organs for only
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WE will ny ih Wt trwird fnr stir rats of Llv.r Cmnplalnl'
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To cure any ras. With meh order reoeivwl byna
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A refrulnr OrtiHif-s of twe meillenl
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roll n'. of the Kicut ii u in I r ti'il lnit, the
rhargc are kept low. ol'ten lower than Is
deinanileil by olhera It you Hi-etire the skl'l
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fine wD0iiincPiiinc i.m.
uiniuiirtui.uuiuu. ;
1 1 PAGES.
Kleirunt rloth and gilt blurting, Keeled for W
rents In postage or currency. Over at 1 1 y won
derllil pen pictures, d ue to life artleleson tbn
following siili.leetn, V 'ho tun) marry , who not;
whyV I roiier nu-e toiiinirv. Who marry Drat,
.miiihiHHl, 'oiiiatihiMn. Pliysteal decay. Who
'ihould many. Mow I lie ami liuiipliieot may lm
ncreasii, Tho-ii inm-rii-il or eotitviiiiiliitlnij
rumlit to he reail
I in, .Ii r lock ami
1'iaiTViiiii shoiilil read II. Itotii
ov all in lilt i sons. Ilien ti it limb
key. l'npnliir edit loll, aiinie as alaive, Imt paper
cover aim xuuputj aocvULaoy mull, iu uiuuui
r poataue.
BUMMER LAW LUC'TUHHS (n ne weekly), be
Kin 1'Jlh July, lHHll, aud und l'itb r-upturuler. Have
proved of lnal use, 1st, to stud tits wbo design
to pnrauo tlu-lr siudlos aithlsoroiber Law f-cliool;
ltd, to those who propose to read privately; aud ii.
to practitioners who have not had the advuiilaifo of
systematic luelrtirtlon, For cltrnbir appiy(P. O.
University of Va.) to John U. Mluor, J'rof. Com.
and Stat. Law.
'l slsllTlia
I . I., i with HTonb, Iiinik
Ju V PMpei ohoin. ito.
fcll''"V. V-V Uwamnasd. Addrese
I i rr k to. i
. Woel llth m. v. v.

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