OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, October 07, 1883, Image 4

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Notice in thl column. eiirnt cent per 'or
Inland B eanta per line each uSiequent Inter
Hon. For on wowk. )cent per line, rot one
month. 60 centi per Una
Wrecking Boat Cliarlie Hill
Will ff" tn Plum Point to do some work
and will leae two divers and armors here
to attend to general wrecking business.
Major Ualliday, Agent, office on No. 2
wbarfboet. Hiram Hill, Supt,
Gt Cairo, 111.
Saddle Rock Oysters at DeBaun 56 Ohio
Levee. tf
Apples! Butter J Flour!
Nicer, better, cheaper. Call at No. 21 8th
street, or telephone No. 8 J.
102 1m G. M. Alden.
Oysters in every style at Geo. Lattner's
No. 75 Commercial avenuf. 818-lm
To Whom it May Concern
We will positively ret use to pay bills
not accompanied with an order indorsed
by the below named firm or by one autho
rized to give orders fur said tirm. By or
der of Lancaster & Rice.
35 Cents
will buy a good meal cooked to order at
De Baun's.
35 Cents
will buy a coo l meal cooked to order, at
395,000 Bricks for i'ale.
I have tor sale, hel ming to the estate
of Peter. Stoltenbcr, deceased, 395,000
burnt brick which I offer at a bargain in
lots to suit tho purchiser; must be sold im
mediately to close tlie accounts of the es
tate. Adoli'U Swoboda,
Restaurant and Oyster House, 56 Ohio
Levee. tf
New Blacksmith Shop.
A Lew horse shoeing shop has been open
ed by Mr. P. Powers on Tenth street. All
manner of blacksmithin,' and wagon work
done to order. Repairing work a specialty.
Work done promptly. tf
35 Cents
will buv a good meal cooked to order at
DeBaun's. tf
bEE a woman in auottier column near
Speer's Vineyards, picking grapes from
Mhicli Spoer's Port Grape wine is made,
that iH so highly esteemed by the medical
profession, fur the use of invalids, weakly
persons and the aced. Sold by druggists.
Ilot coff e and sandwiches at Geo. Latt
ner's, No. 75 Commercial avenue.
I can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to
relieve all persons suffering from Rose
Cold and Hay Fever. I have been a great
sufferer from these complaints and have
used it. I have recommended it to many
ot my triends for Catarrh, and in all cases
lint., t.on.l tl.n Hulm flt.lu till...
have been cured. T. Kenney, Dry Goods
Mer-chant. Ithaca, N. Y.
Jeulralgia and sick Headache.
In Aurort, III., lives Mrs. Wm. Henson.
Shesiys; "Samaritan Nervine cured me
of neuralgia, vertigo and sick headache."
A Card.
To all who are suffering from the errors
nd indiscretions of youth, nervous weak
ness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I
will send a recipe that will cpreyou, fkee
of charge. This great remedy was
discovered by a minister in South America,
tiend a sell-addressed envelope to the Rev.
Joseph T. Inm an, Station D.. New York
Do Not Be Deceived.
In these times of quack medicine adver
tisements everywhere it is truly gratifying
to find one remedy that is worthy ol praise
and which really does as recommended.
Electric Bitters we can vouch for as being
a true and reliable reraudv, and one that
will do as recommended. They invariably
cure Stomach and Liver Complaints, Dis
eases of the Kidneys and Urinary diffi
culties. We know whereof we speak, and
can readily say, pjve them a trial. Sold at
fifty cents a bottle by Barclay Bros. (3)
We have now received an entire new stock of FALL and
WIN I K I GOODS, and w hich we are anxious to call yon r
attention to; a stock which is equal in size and assortment
to any In Southern Illinois. We have just returned from
the Ka.st, and therefore can show you goods of the latest
styles and all the new novelties In
and we can also say and guarantee that we will save
you money by baying- from us, as we are connected with
oue of the largest
Wholesale Clothing House
ftSrJi'i1?! uftv? v.? Chl.CAirH' aul before have INSIDE
MGLRhis IN BUYING and save our customers at least 15
percent, in buying of us, as that is about the amount tho
other dealers In the same hue of gooU in Cairo pay more
for goods than we do; and as wo have a buyer continually
luthe market (Mr. M. Werner), wc therefore alwava r.
civethe NKWKST AND LATKST STYLES. All wo ask I
that you give us a fair Inspection of our stock, anl you will
be convinced of the truth In the above.
Chicago One-Price Clothing House,
Cor. Eighth Street and Commercial Avenue.
The Daily Bulletin.
Notices in tneaa coinmne. ten eenie per line,
Hch Innertlon and whether marked or pot. if calcu
laled to toward any mn' biuliicll Interest are
al way paid for.
New type at Tub Bdlletin office
Mr. Angus Loek is at home again af
ter a week's absence.
Mrs. C. O. Paticraud Mrs. Wm. Wolfe
attended the St. Louis fair.
Job printing at The Bulletin office.
Buder is selling reserved seats for the
concert to-morrow night, f 1 .00 and 75c.
-Creal Springs is still flowing at Judge
Comings' office. A new barrel is on tap.
New presses at The Bulletin office.
The gipsies are flocking to Cairo, prep
aratory to emigrating to warmer latitudes
to spend the winter.
The state convention of theY.M. C.
association will be held in Springfield from
the 11th to 24th inst.
Mr. H. H. Milburn leaves Cairo to
morrow to take charge of the Iron Moun
tain office at Texarkana.
Printing and ruling at The Bulletin
job office.
Mrs. C. M. Howe and children were
expected home from Chicago, where they
have spent the summer, yesterday evenin
"Mary Ann," "Try Mary Ann" and
'Marv Ann is eood." is the verdict of
smokers when speaking of the new brand
of cigars sold wholesale by U. Meyers.
The outside doors of the custom house
are receiving a coat of paint tho color ofjthe
window sash. The doors are the natural
wood oiled. S. B. Ward is doing the work.
It would take the liveliest of lively
papers to libel the Mystics. No paper that
ever carried "Cairo" on the wheel house
was fast enough for that.
Commercial printing at The Bulletin
Judge Browning was re-elected G. M.
of the Masonic fraternity in Illinois, and
Hon. J. R. Thomas, Deputy Grand Master, at
tho annual meeting of the Grand Lodge in
Mr. A. G. Damron went to Mound City
last Wednesday, to assist Mr. Robarts, of
the Patriot, in his $3,000 damage suit,
which comes off at this term ot court at
that place. Journal.
There was a big theft of a basket of
nicely ironed clothes Friday night, and the
editor of the Argus will come out to-day in
a clean shirt, but there is no connection be
tween the two.
Wedding invitations at The Bulletin
-Clara Louise Kellog is finding amuse
ment m attendi'ig Connecticut cattle shows.
The New Orleans Picayune says that "so
many calves have followed Ler for years
she seems perfectly at home."
Gus Murphy, a printer, who worked
last winter and spring in The Bul
letin office and went from hure to work on
a railroad in Iowa, was run over by a train
last August and had both legs cut off.
The legislature of Pennsylvania has
been in session 277 days. It has several
times been suggested that Pennsylvania be
let go to the devil, and she seems to hive
got there.
The "Mary Ann" is a good cigar and
is so pronounced by all good smokers. At
wholesale by II. Meyers. 6t
It is said by officers of the post office
department that the new postal notes are
proving a great convenience to lottery com
panies and to the many firms and corpora
tions throughout the country which have
been black-listed by the department and
& SON, Props.
denied the privileges, of the money order
and registry system. Theso companies and
firms are now having remittances made to
them in postal notes, which are payablo to
the bearer, and which do not come within
the scope of tho department's orders for
bidding the payment of money to certain
persons and firms.
J. R. Snyder, president of tho Chenoa
bank of Bloomington, 111., was arrested
Thursday on a charge of having received
funds on deposit while knowing his bank
to be insolent. Tho bank closed last week.
Whisky in a minute did what the Uni
ted States army has been trying to do for a
year killed Ju, the notorious New Mexican
Indian cut-throat. He fell from his horse,
while drunk, last week, and broke his
Gen. W. T. Sherman has fixed the 1st
of November as the date of his retirement
from the U. S. army. He will be succeeded
by Oen. Phil Sheridan. Gen. Popo will be
advanced to the position vacated by Oen.
The supreme court of Michigan has
decided in the case of the Detroit Post and
Tribune and Judge Minor, that the com
ments of a newspaper on the official acts of
a public officer are justifiable, if not shown
to be malicious and untruthful.
The Merchants' Protective association
held an enthusiastic meeting Thursday
night. The atlendance was larger than
ever before. The merchants reslizo the
benefit to be derived from such an organi
zation, and new members will be added
The Egyptian roller mills are in full
operation, turning out 500 barrels of fl ur
by the new roller process every day. The
tollers, by which the wheat is
crushed instead of ground, were put into
the mills at a cost of thirty tbousan i dol
lars. The word "love" in one of the Indian
diilects is chenilendawoughkanagogSg'er.
This accounts for the fact that Indians
never have but one sweetheart at a time.
You couldn't expect a man to attend to
two chemlendamoughkanagogager afftirs
at once.
Mr. Edgar L. Wakeman, of Chicago,
who has for a number of years been the
northern manager of the Louisville Courier-
Journal, coDtemplatcs starting in that city
a new literary journal "The Current," which
he designs shall take raok of the highest
Col. Murray, business agent of Milton
Nobles' combination, is at The Ualliday
Milton Nobles is a favorite of Cairo people,
and they will be glad to know his splendid
company will produce their celebrated play,
"Love and Law," at the Opera House next
Friday night.
t he Argus livl yes'eruay two ioreign I
special dispatches that must have :ost them
at least a dollar a word; cable rates are
high. True the news was of little conse
quence, but we admire the enterprise of
our neighbors, ind desire to gently pat
them on the back.
There will be the usual services at all
the churches to-day. This evening there
will be song service and a fine musical pro
gramme at the Methodist church. Mr.
George will preach his farewell sermon at
the Presbyterian church at the usual hour
for service this morning.
The Republican fellows who are so
buy electing Mr. Sam Randall, speaker of
a Democratic house, belong to the same
gang that is nom'nating Gov. Ben Butler
for president on the Democratic ticket next
year. It is unnecessary to remark that
neither will get there.
Mr. It. B. Griffin yesterday received a
dispatch informing him of the
serirus illness of his wife at
her brother, Judge Smith's resi
dence in Pulaski county, and ho loft the
city last night. During his absence, which
may bo Beveral days his office will be
Police business is of Bmall account at
present. Tho total amount before Judge
Comings yes'erday whs one case of vagran
cy fined if 100 or one minute to leave town,
it did not take a minute; and two cases
of disorderly conduct, fine f 5.00 and costs
each which was promptly paid, and the
court took a recess until Monday morning.
Wo wrote a neat little wedding notice,
that is a notice of a wedding that is to be
and succeeded in getting it into type. We
were particularity pleased with and
proud of it, but had to kill it. Tho lady
would have nono of it. Her little foot
came down, and that of course settled us.
Wu promised not to oven Bay wedding, and
we won't. .
Tho Chicago News says: Mr. Georgo
R. Wendling has written a tormal letter,
announcing that be will not be a candidal
for the- gubernatorial nomination. It in
not at all surprising that, as a believer in
the doctrine of futuro punishment, this
worthy young man should revolt against
following in tho footsteps of Gov. Ilumil.
It is ctnrnon for tho small boy at
school to tell Iho larger boy who is bully
ing him that ho will set his big brother
upon him, and occasionally tho latter sails
in uninvited by the smaller bird of the
domcitio nest. SuchMs tho case at present
with Kaiser Wilhulm who has telegraphed
to King Alfonso: "I sympathize with you
for tho insults offered you in Paris. I know,
however, they were aimid at mo far more
than at you." Joan Crapaud will do well
to digest this message carefully, for it bears
the unmiatakeable ring of alliance, and tho
Germans always mean what they say, If
Spain considers France's apology insuffi
cient and trouble ensues, a German army
will be over the French frontier within a
few hours of Minister Nunez leaving Paris,
a step already threatened.
The Bulletin compelled tho Mystics
yesterday to pay a littlo balance of $3.00
printing left over from their stupendous
exhibition of themselves at the Opera Uouee
last week. The compelling process added 3
dollars costs to the bill. Three muscular
members (one for each dollar), visited tho
office in search of tho editor. Thielecke,
however, was sick and his "sub" thank
heaven, was not at homo.
Tho business of consolidating tho Iron
Mountain, the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific
and tho Mobile & Ohio railroads, Cairo
office was completed yesterday. The Union
depot is like "a banquet hall deserted."
Nothing but the passenger and bagagge
business is transacted there. The Wabash
freight depot is also abandoned and lonely.
The freight will all be handled at the M.
& O. office, opposite Eighth street.
Yellow fever is still making ravages
among the Mexicans, especially in interior
towns, where it is spreading rapidly. At
Mmtlan, out of thirty -one members of an
opera troupe, including Peralta, a prima
donna, seventeen died in three weeks, and
in two weeks more only five were left. The
bodies were being buried uncoffined. The
courts aRd some places of business are
closed, and tho officials and merchants
have fled the country.
Henry Study, on dying at Ransom,
III., has left a strangely acquired fortune
of (05,000. He was a cripple from birth.
At the close of the war be donned the uni
form of a soldier, made up a pathetic story
of having beeu wounded io. battle, and went
on a tour as a beggar. He was wonderfully
succe ssful by reason of his clever talk and
miserable appearance, and in ihree years
accumulated the sum mentioned. He ever
afterward lived idly on the interest.
If a reporter had gone about the streets
to-day with a gun and had shot every per
son who knew nothing, the town would
now be depopulated." ColumLus Demo
crat. "If the scribe hal shot everybody
that knows something and won't tell it, he
would have had a far larger number of
murders to answer for. There are thou
sands of persons in every town who know
something and won't tell it, and then go
around and d n a reporter because he
hasn't got it in his psper." Vin. Sun.
James Gordon Bennett has resolved to
"down the news-dealers" and sell the Herald
for two cents. Tho news-dealers had been
demanding three cents after the reduction.
II-; is arranging for the establishment of
500 independent news-stands throughout
tho city of New York, to be r resided over
by employes of the Herald. He instructs
his agents for the establishment of these
stands to give preference to applicants who
are widows with children to support and
middle-aged women in straightened cir
cumstances. R"inenyi and his Bmall but talented com
bination of solo artists will be at The Halli
day this afternoon fresh from their great
euccces in St. Loins, and a night's rest
will place them all in fine shape for the
grand concert to-morrow night.
The tnmpe consists of the great Hun
garian Itemenyi; Miss Jennie Dutton, sop
rano; Edmond DeCelle, tenor; Adolph
Bauer, pianis, which goes to make a
combination of talent seldom met with.
Eich and every one has a record, and
even alongside the world famous Remenyi,
tliev have been aide to divide the honors.
Do not fail to got tickets early Monday
Harper's Bizins severe on the mushy,
trashy rot, so much of which is nowadays
published as novels, and says: "Feed your
child on pickles and sweetmeats, allow her
to wear paper-soled shoes and n insuffi
ciency of flannel, and wc all know what
the consequences will bo dyspepsia and
hectic cough. Does it never occur to you
that the analogy applies to her mental sus
tenance and equipment? that if we feed
her uniformed and emotional nature with
high-spiced, morbid, unreal fiction she
will become incapable of digesting better
literature, and that by tho time she is a
woman anything solid will be rejected by
the pampered appetite? Have, you never
seen this, you mothers 1"
It is stated that Hon. W. S. Holman,
though a member of congress for nearly
twenty years, and before that an office
holder in Indiana for many years, has neV'
cr travelled a single inilo on free passes
This is perhaps something that few con
greBsmen can Hay. Mr. Holman "objects"
to the practice, and sets a very good exam
plo for all other public officials to follow.
Mr. Holmuti is man after The Bulletin's
own heart. If it wasn't that wo are for tho
old ticket, we would bo for Holman for
president. Ho will do to'tio to.
Editor Bulletin:
Injustice to myself and friends in Cairo
allow mo to explain why my Blmw made a
failure in Cairo. When it left Chicago it
was a good and novel show, tho programme
embraced soma of tho leading people of
tho profession. I will name thorn and you
will see that my intentions to glvo a good
show was all right. MaBter Fulton, Prof
Walker, Murtyne, tho facial artist; tho
Miller Bro's.spiritualists; tho Fremont Bro's,
mesmerists ,Blabrega,tho greatest sloightof
Disinfect your PREMISES. Wo have a large
. STOCK of
. CARBOLIC ACID, Etc., Etc.,
I-N-S-E-C-T P-O-W-D-E-E!
' ' ;
Tin, Copper and A.crato Ironware.
Roolinjr, Guttering and all kinds of work in Tin, Copper
and Sheet Iron done to order.
Nos. 25 & 27, 8th Si., Cairo.
hand performer on the stige and an elegant
quartette. Capt. Shields can vouch for the
quartette for he heard them sing in my
office. Mies Webster and K-nneiiy and
Hirren. The people gve several shows
together, but a 1 soon dincovred that they
were drunkarl?. I disch trge I thein, some
in Champaign and the rest in Centralis. I
told cverybo ly who aked me about my
show that I did not think it would bo any
good. My coinpiiiy hal never rehearsed
together until. that evening and as we could
not get the orchestra until after 0 o'clock,
the rehearsal th ;y gavj my people was not
of any benefit. I have a dozen other excuses
but as they will not be believed I will not
state them. Hoping you will give ray
friends au explanation of this.
I remain your,
Lon Dam km.
Chicago, Oct. 4th, 1S I.
Honored for Idle.
Dr. J. C. Chanonhovise, of Kganville,
Ontario, Canada, writes in favor of the
great pain-cure, St. Jicobs Oil. The Hon.
Billa Fliut, Life f'n'itor ot the Dominion
Parliament, als siys it cuaed him of rheu
matism. KEMENVI.
Geo. P. Upton in Chicago Tribune says of
him; "he is the p.'i r of nny living player
we have heard. He sweeps criticism anil
every sort of objection away. His tecniquo
is simply boundless and equal to any
emergency. It is simply electrifying,
strangely fascinating, and as majestic as
was that ot Kumii-tcm as compared witn
Von Billow. His bowing isoiten eccentric,
ami there is a grotesquciio at times in bis
work that closely approaches the sensation
al, but there is no oppertunity to criticise
such a player. A man with the tempera
ment of an iceberg might perhaps dissect
his playing, but unless he is at that degree
of frigidty lie can remember little else but
the potent spell ot the fascination which
this great player weaves around him, the
exquisite colors the dazzling brilliancy,
and the abiolute aliandon ol hM work.
Do not forget tint this great violinist
will entertain our people at tho Opera
House to-morrow night, Sept. 8th.
CiAlKU UArnyi Coruur itiulh nd rnplar
) mrcflu: prrnclilnii rverv Sunday moinlns and
nltlit al niial liourx. I'rayur nieutli.n Wednes
day ulunt; Sunday Hchool. a.m.
Kuv. A. W. VcUAUA, Pa tor.
U Fourteenth tret; Sunday 7:00 a m., Holy
t'ommunlou HI::io a. m.. M ti.Ihk Prayer II a. in.
Sunday ichnnis p. m., hvt'iilnu I'rayer 7:i" p.m
P. P. Davenport, H T. M. Ileetor.
V Pp-'' III n)i at HI 'lo a. n... 3 p. m., and 7:80 p. m.
ill b th school t ":an p. m Kev. T. J. Bhoroa,
1 I'TIIKllAN-Tlilrttii-nth struct; urvlei hab
I j biith 1 ::i a. m. ; Sunday Hchool i p. m. Kev.
mippu, pantor.
I RTIIODIST-Cor. Klehll' nnd Walnat treot,
VI PivM hliiU Snlihntti 11;0) m. and 7:30 p. m.
midiiy '.hoi.l at .l:ii'i p. m. I!ev. J. A. skurrett,
p ! or.
l)HI-'lVrKHI N-iltfh!h lrot; pruacnWif tin
I Halla'li ut l:ni a. n. unit 7::tOp. m.; prnvvr
in'i'H:i' Wi ilni'Kilay nl 7:!l'l p. m. ; Snnday Scliuol
it 3 .. in. Hi.v P. V. Uenrt!, pastor.
yl'Y. .!'.' I; I'll S itioiiian Catholic) Cornor Oro
? and Walnut hIhmmk; mirvla H'ihalb 10;3Oa.
ii.; Sun da Srh.r.l at it p. in. j V'iin?r 1p.m.; er
rin'H evi'ry day ut S a in. liuv. O'Uura, 1'rloKt.
C'l . l'ATKH'K'M -dtoiiian Catholic) Cornor Ninth
0 tr H and Wanhlnpton avonim; rvlcn Sab
O'tlh 8 and 10a. in.; Vpor 3 p.m.; Sunday School
1 p. m. nurvlr.H every duy at S a. m. Hev. Maxtoi.ers
Commission Merchants,
DBAl.ailK IN
Egyptian F louring Mills
Highest Cash TrJ-.e Paid for Wheat.
and Cor. Iltli & Wash. Ave.
One Grand Conceit!
MONDAY, October 8th,
I)r tbe Celebrated llungarlon Ylo'.lnUt
Edouard Remenvi,
Wbo will be toliied by the followlui; Solu Artlili:
Jen nic Dutton
Mr. Adolph Bauer,
IflTAdralMlon i.fi nd 73 ct. No rxua
ctiafKe for rcoerved iett. Xickcto will he placed
on . W lDeaay muruluK ti uamr jrweirj
10th YEAR! 10th YEAR! Wi YEAR1
Positively Ouo Night Only-
FRIDAY EVE., October
Eunement of the eminent Comedian and
aitcd by the younir and Rifted Comcdlcnnu and
Superb Company r Comedians
FUIOAY KVKSIN't, OCT. l-'ih, will be produced
an original American Mela-Drama, by
Milton Nobles.
FKL1X O'PAFF, attornr at law, NnvYrrlf.
(late of Dublin MII.TuN NUHLr.S
Act I. Loe. The Inspiration .
Bccne 1. Mr. Monlaae cottapj In Neport.
Scnel!. A treet In Newport. .Scene H.-Ulovan-i,i
("niitl'n collar. Oniibv utreet. New York City.
Act II Love. The Keallatlon. (the reildencs
or Mr. Montague, Madison Square, N . Y City.)
Act III. Law. The ('.onioiBiiiiatlon
Scene l.-Law olrlce of Flint A O'l'aff Sceuo 9.
-Atroetln New York City. Scene 8 -Tho den
of lloaimt Contl.
Act 1. Scene l.-Sonu, "Lh Pouvra Itullatio,
, Kl tta
Act .-iaiiad,',''Woolnl! ....Kitta
Act III. Scene 2 "It look like a iJude,
y Jluinil" Nipper
frAdmliilon i Nl and 7S ceut. No extra
cliarKO for renerred aeata. Tlckfta " ' l
Huder'R Jewelry Btore.
Oldest In the city; established In 1802.
Cora'l Ave , between 1Mb and 10th SI.
Ammunition of all description nlway on hand at
BOTTOM I'Klt'ES. , , ,,
Ooneral repairing In all klud of metal-. Keya
of til description! made to order, and ailnrtlon
warranted. Ulve me a call, and be convinced for
Yourolf,attheilgnoftliu "M OU.N."
HI Bin
Proprietor, Culm, 111,

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