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The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, March 11, 1884, Image 1

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The Dailv .Bulletin.
TUESDA7, MARCH 11, 1881.
Notice lu this column three line or letn Scents
ouelnmtr: Urn or $l.u pi r week.
AVANTF I)-A " I" t'vrry cuuuly,
" iHl lln, manufacture, and employ
Kent! to B I UKcfnl h msuhold article 3 0 per
rem. profit. Only S&VU) rerilrtd for machine and
outrll. Scud Si cents lor eumplu aud full particu
lars. Address, A. 8. CLEMENTS,
"19-lln Jafmstiiwri. Inri.
V AV'I'fc1 jl-Ladies or youua met
M'lt1 1,'ulce, pleasant w.irk at t
men to lake
uivb, inntRiii iiirii uimrunu
llOlllft SI tn SA m jl.iu ...Ii. ...,l,.. ...!. ...... ....
- , w v wij kii-iij iuviv, mil pi bciii u
mall; uo canvassing. Addrets V . Kltid A Co.,
box 157. Dubuque, I ,va. iMUm
Commercial Av , bet. 8tli & 9th fits.
oil Torno iH at Rawruhle Rates.
tirorHi boardoil im-l well o:red
No. 1QI Commercial Ave.
Holo Aijenl lor the Cekbra't'd
Mf.ufurtimr &d Dealer in
Tin, Copper and Stieet iron Work.
Ba!ldrs' uVdware and OVppr.ti'r' TodsTaHle
and rocket tltiry, bet In the uiark'l. Rogers
tiro).' IMaied Ki.vt, Porks and spoon". Granite
Iron Ware. H 'r la Earthenwr. White M.muiain
Kn eZ.-r, Water C'lolrn, K- friri-rtTn, Clot on
Wringers. Crown Kiat'T'.. Jit p Lalde's, Garden
linnlemt-ni. tioidea Mar Oil Ntovis-Wt in tlte
world, Lumps of fTerr t'-'mription. Eiain Oil,
Cari t Svrci r eri. F athir Du-l'-rs, Ilrooms. Win
flow Screen A'ire C'ioiU, pull .u.n.!y ol Filiiiur
The aboie -t roc holt'ira price".
Corner 12th and ('ommtrcia' Avenue, Carlo, 111.
Telephone No. lsl
Goklstine k
130 & 138 Com'l Ave.
hatetecclvH a full and cftmpMe lina
ol new Fill and W inter
Cloaks, I'olniiiny, Jo-ion, 1'tc.
A hevy Mock of B'jdj Dni'.'c Taper-
trieit and Ingram
A full stock of Oil Cloths, a'l and pdces
Clt?hing & Gents' Furnish'g Goods
A fuil and torn pi 'tp sMrk in now tiuing
Closed out t fcrat barman.
CJofxln Jit Uotlom I'rices!
Clarkson & Bowers,
BcUlllCr S:T:U:ItfE,
No. MO th St , Cairo, III.
SrUoud .Stuck and Trices Iieaeonalila..l
The Kesnlar CmIi-o & raducah Daily
I.cavps Ptdiicah fr 0 ilro dally (Sundays except
ed) at 8 it. m ., and M nind ( itv nt 1 p. m. Ketiirn
Jng, loave Cairo at 4 p.m.; Mound City at 5 p.m.
Nashville, Paducali & Cairo U. S. Mail
For Paducali, Smlthland, Pyershnrir, Itddyvllle,
Cttiitoti, Dover, Clarkeville and Naslivillo,
J. 8. TTXRU Master.
UEO- J011KS ClorK.
Lcavei cvory Monday m.irnln at 10 o'clock a.m.
W. H. 01IEREY.
VM. STRONfl Mmter.
L met every Prdar mornlnirot 10 o'clocV, mak
Ingclono connections at Nashville wilh tho L. A
N. K. It. and N. AG. H. K for all polnti south,
with too Upper Cumberland Packet Co., for all
pointi for the Upper Cumberland, For frolg or
passage, epply ou board or to W. F. LanibdlDt
1 0
I V I I g I I ' I
Think, yist hwause Jn
have boon mifferlnif terribly
I wltU Hliotunatlsm or Neti
17 1 ralyla. that you niustalways
contluuo to Buffer.
Nor tliink jiiFt beruuse nolnxly has l.con
ablo to euro jo'ti or your IrtendH, tUiit Neuralfla
un 1 lilit'umatLiiuaro Insurable.
D, Tliink that a cure U im
JVi I physicians have been unable
I to aecompHsli It.
Nor tliink that
has not teen known ever since the foundation
of the world, It will not cure KlieuuiaUaiu and
D, Nezlect the testimony of
AM -r thehundndsofsufferemvlio
VJ N I have tried ATiitxiPiiOKos and
I uro now sound and. hearty.
Nor tliink that LeeatiRO you have tried
fifty other thlntfa that foiled, that Aiuuii-uo-Koi
in like the lu.
Don't be discouraged ! The very
thing that vcitt cure Rheumatism and
Neuralgia is ATHLOPHOROS.
Don't be Skeptical! ATHLOPHOROS
has cured others. It will Cure YOU.
Tf ymi rannotin-t ATftLOPHOROSof your drumrM,
wit will scud ittxpri-i iiani, on rwii t of nvdar
pritit one dnllar r iKittl.-. e prefer that you buy
It fmni your ilnwir.Kt. but If he hiwn't it, do not le
fT-niuii (1 1 1 try wiiueUiinir tine, but order at ouco
riru us an directed.
We har sron f ft 1 00,000.00 In rWerxtin
our rtwlit to the Durham Bull an our tnultvuiark.
I ndoubtedly he is to.ity the miwt valuable Dull
In the .with! Now it etands to reawiu tlaat wa
couldn't afl ord to protMi Inm so thnnnurUly IX
HI.Al K h.l.l.'H MIA. IX Kll A 'I To.
harro, Vbu h be Is tlie rerteuutive, wasn't
the lliT Muokiuc Tobacco ever uiude.
Tb sales Blaekweri's liti'l Pnrham flmnkln?
Inbacro far ei e..4 tb e nf any other brand m
tho world. ni'ly Iwaue it haa lieen, is, and will
I, the bei.t that cn I maile. All dealers have It.
Lwbk fur irtUu-inax u Uw boll ou every padutfe.
Ouo 'N'ljjht Only l'uitively.
The I'o; uHr Youn? Actor,
ATr. Tam os O'jSToill,
as "Edmund Dunus," with Mr. Jno. Stetson'
C : C) : M : P : A: ILNT Y
Origin ally oiff-aniznl niuler Mr. Stet
son's Tiianasjemeiit for Booth's
Theatre, New Yoik.
Dumns' U:eat Tlay of
Monte Cristo
With the fo'lowins: StuM Cast:
Mr. Fred Dennllcvlllo, Mr. Forrest Robinson,
Vr. Oeo. C Honll'ic), Mr. J. V. Melton,
Mr. ilamen Taylor, Mr J. W. Shannon,
Mr. Ilotuco Lewis, Mr. J. L. Carhnrt,
Mr. J. Swiiilmnie, Mle ICiigi'iilu lllair,
Miss Annie Bond not, Miss binma Smtib,
Mies Murjorie Iliinuer, lli-s Carrie Xojee.
Kntiro Ts'ow Hcenery, painted fcy Wm.
Voentlln and Jos. Clnru, lonin'rly artists of
Booth's Th aire. tit?"Urand Healietlc Effcc b and
Correct Appoir.trueuts.aJ
Rcserv'd Seat' at Bttder's Juwey ftore. Doors
open at 7. Coinmuuco at 7:45 precisely.
nn. INOE,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
6th Sin e., between Com'l Ave. uud Lcvoc.
lafes Repaired. Alt Kinds ol Kert Mado.
Tho Sculling Match Rowod on the
Thamos Yesterday Botwcon
Rosa and Buboar, ..
Results in an Easy Victory for the Former,
in 20 Minutes and 10
The " Stayer " all Broken Up and Practi
cally Beaten Before the Race
is Half Over.
Loxivix, March 10. Iu the race be
tween llubear ami Rosa the latter won by
tlx lengths.
1'ctxkv, March 10. Slght-secrs are
flocking In lar'e numhers to the head
quarters of the waterside fraternity at au
early hour this morning iu order to se
cure points of vantage for witnessing
the great international boat race between
Koss and Oubear for 400 a side. Ama
teur scullers with trousers tucked and
wearing running shoes already lined tho
banks at the starting point, ready to see
the start and run across the common to be
In at the death, while the noble lord In his
carriage and pair, the sporting publican
with gaudily dressed wife and driving a
trotting nag, and the costermonger with
donkey barrow, all went their way at the
best pace to Barnes.
Two waterman's boats, from which
the competing scullers started, were
already moored 200 yards above Putney
ac(ueciuct, and behind them three
steamers crowded with spectators took
their places. The Thames couservance
launch was busily puffing about, regulat
ing the tratllc on the river. Indefatiga
ble police boats were directing the num
erous small craftfrom the lower reaches
of the Thames to take up positions along
the banks.
Bets were freely laid, quotations being
about even. The sporting public were
of the opinion that Ross couldn't concede
ten seconds start over such a course, and
win. Again, there was a suspicion that
Koss wasn't a stayer, while lasting out
was known to be Bubcar's strong point.
The scullers have just taken up their
starting point, being loudly cheered by
their partisans from banks and steamers,
each boat backed up against a waterman's
boat. The umpire in his launch asks the
men "are you ready?" "aye, aye," they
answer, then "go!" shouted he to Bu
bear at 1:15 p .in.
Under a magnificent sweeping stroke,
Bubear's craft speeds away like an arrow
from the bow. He is In no hurry, how
ever, rowing at the rate of thirty-seven
strokes, which takes him fully half adozen
lengths to the fore before the umpire gives
Ross the signal to go, when the ten seconds
of grace has expired. With a quicker stroke
than his opponent, Koss makes his little
craft leap outof the water amid the yells of
the spectators, and the race is fairly
The weather Is showery and the wind
gusty. Boss is rowing steadily, and
evidently gaining ground.
06? London Boat Club House Bo
bear's lesid has been reduced live
lengths. At Hammersmith Boss leads
half a length. At Mortlake lieiss came
skimming along six lengths ahead of his
opponent. The men look as though they
had enough of it. Bubear shows signs
of the terrilic strain by rowing ner
vously. Boss passes the winning post
winner by six lengths.
The cheering is deafening as the men
row up.
Barely has such an assemblage gath
ered at Mortlake to witness a scullers'
race. The enthusiasm is fully equal to
that which greeted Hanlau and his mar
vellous exhibitions here.
Boss overhauled Bubear 'and caught
him a mile and half front the start, where
Bubear was already a thoroughly beaten
man. He never ca;.ie near Boss after
ward, the latter winning with ease.
After the race Boss received quite aa
ovation from his admirers.
a slow race.
London, March 10. The Ross-Bubear
race this morning occupied twenty-six
minutes aud ten seconds. It was consid
ered slow.
A Trifling- Penalty for a Severe Crime.
Chicago, III., March 10. The Brigh
ton Bark riot case was given to the jury
at 5 :30 Saturday afternoon, and a verdict
llnding Eugene Riordon aud John Mitchell
guilty of assault with intent to do bodily
injury to some person unknown was re
turned in three-quarters of au hour. As
that offense Is only a misdemeanor, the
penalty will be fixed by the Court, and It
cannot be more thau Iuiprisoumcut in tho
County Jail for one year.
Kiordan and Mitchell were Indicted on
two charges one that they had incited
and encouraged a riot June 1, 1S82,
when a passenger train on the
Chicago & Alton lload was attacked at
Brighton Park, and several passengers
were injured, notably Judge Pillsbury, of
Pontiac, who received a bullet in his
groin, which has permanently disabled
him. The other indictment charged them
with assault with Intent to do bodily harm
"to a person or persons to the Grand
Jury unknown." It was this indictment on
which they were tried, and it wis un
doubtedly true that tho vaugeuess of tho
charge had much to do w ith the leniency
of the verdict. It would have been an
easy thing for tho Grand Jury to have
named in the indictment the persons in
jured, and thus have mado a direct accu
sation of assault with intent to kill certain
men, naming them, a crime which would
have been followed by a Penitentiary pun
ishment, as tho proof was clear.
Vice-President McMulIen, of the Alton
Road, who was prominent in the prose
cution just closed, announces that he is
not ready to drop the case yet, as he is
determined to make his road safe to
passengers by severely punishing all at
tempts to attack a train. In addition to
forcing a trial on tho other Indictment, he
will go before the Grand Jury and at
tempt to secure another indictment charg
ing Rlordan and Mitchell with burglary,
under tho statute which construes any
attempt to unlawfully enter a train to be
a commission of that crime.
Sentenoed to be Hanged.
Brooklyn, N. Y., March 10. Gulsseppo
Guldicl, tho Italian baker, who shot and
killed Magglovlna Daghiar, and was con
victed of murder In tho first degree on
Thursday, wad to-day sentenced to bo
hanged May 22.
a m v mi u i: v r sv i i i. k:i.
An Eat-. ft..4 d:-? J. QS.. $ f.OOO By
ll '.i-fi u O.is oiairu' Bills.
C iicv, i, In.., M.ir.-h 10,O:iei,f those
'in jolli r -.g'les v!i h.' wilt enable tticnttn
i-ai'.-y on ;i Sinn nf robbery w hile enjoy
i'li l ie U.l'i i in led coiillil.'ni'e of their
ew.iiuyis, ins at enlly been unmasked ill
Hi; p-r-ei.i of .laiiie-t I). RobiMon, former
ly l:i the employ of A. It. Barnes & Co.,
and more recently wilh R. B. McCabe. Mr.
Li ini. s said that Kobeson was a business
nun of undoubted ability, and was con
nected with the house ftr about six years,
havi.ig ('large of the railway department
of the business. The firm are printers
and blank-book manufacturers at Nos. lis
aud To Wabash avenue, making a specialty
of all kinds of railway printing and sta
tionery. "j0 i,.ft lny t.j,0y )ast n0.
veinbcr," said Mr. Ba'rncs, "and at that
time I knew nothing of his pecula
tions. I only knew that he was living iu
a very fast way, and did not think him
a safe person to keep lu my employ.
A short time ago I went to St. Paul, aud
got wind of some of Itobeson's methods
through a prominent railroad otllclal.
N hat 1 learned decided me to nuke an
investigation, and a week ago I went to
St. Paul, taking with me a transcript of
my accounts with the Minneapolis & St.
Louis Railroad. On comparing these with
the books of the railroad company, I
found that Robeson had stolen 7,000
in nine months. The way he did it was
this: When he went to Minneapolis to
collect the bills of the house he would
take with him a block of bill-heads and
would raise the bills, sometimes to dou
ble the amount they actually called for.
If our bill was Siuo he would make it
anywhere from ,L'ii0 to $1,(100, and It
would always be indorsed by the pur
chasing agent. After that it would be no
trouble to get a check from the treasurer
and to have it cashed at the bank there.
Then he would take a part of the
money and purchase a Chicago
draft of the amount of our
original bill and present It to the book
keeper on his return. I think he must
have been iu collusion with some one in
tho oilice of the Purchasing Agent of the
road. I can not say that this Is tin; case,
but I don't understand how he could have
wurked such a scheme so long and Suc
cessfully without that person's knowb
eiigo and assistance. 1 am told that Robe,
son, although a married man, was accom
panied ou several of his trips to St. Paul
and Minneopolis by a 'di..y' female from
Chicago, and that he spent money as
freely as If he were a millionaire. He is
a man who likes to cut a dash, and does
everything with a flourish. After leaving
my employ he was taken In by R. R. Mc
Cabe, or rather McCabe was taken iu by
him, as the sequel showed. You are
aware, of course, that this gentleman has
failed, aud he ascribes his ruin to Robe
son, who was the general manager of the
"""Where Is Robeson now?"
"If he has not already taken alarm and
fled the city, he is boarding on Vernon
avenue. I forget the number of the
house. He is about thirty-five years old,
and has a wife and child. Up to two or
three weeks ago they lived In good style
at the Euclid Hat, ou Michigan avenue,
near Thirtv-first street."
"Do you think he kuows that you have
ioti'ui inm outf"
"I think not. I have lost noth
ing, of course, but the Miu-
ueapolis & St. Louis Railroad Com
pany is out at least 87,000, and they are
not going to let the matter pass un
noticed. I understand that General .Man
ager Truesdell has already taken steps
towaru causing the arrest of Robeson,
and I think it will be safe to say that by
Monday the latter will be either a pris
oner or a fugitive from justice. Robeson
has not a dollar of the stolen money now
in his possession. I presume he spent it
as fast as he obtained it, and probably
was induced to do as he did to gratify his
fondness for fast living."
An Alleged Assassin.
Pokt lli nox, Mich., March 10. On
the morning of December 11, 1831, the
body of William Peillips was fouud lying
in a field two miles from Lexington. The
head was crushed. The body was taken
to Lexington, and James Dixon, lately
employed by the murdered man, was
called lu to identify it. At sight
of the corpse Dixou betrayed such
agitation that he was arrested. It
was then found that he was wearing the
watch and chain belonging to tho mur
dered man. He also had an unusual
amount of money on hand. Dixon poi
soned himself on the night of December
1-' in the Lexington jail, aud died next
morning without revealing anything about
the murder. None doubted his guilt,
but several believed he had accomplices,
and among those thinking so was Marshal
Shannon of Port Gratiot. Last Summer Da
vid Pickard was arrested, charged with
horse-stealing aud lodged in the Port
Huron jail. He was here questioned by
Shannon in regard to the Phillips murder,
and admitted knowing something about
it. He was tried, convicted, and sent to
the Jackson State Prison. Pickard was a
professional thief, and had formerly been
a companion of Joseph A. Nealey, ex
Marshal of Lexington.
and Nealey had Induced Pickard to en
gage in his last offense, at which he was,
through Nealey's agency, caught. Pick
ard vowed vengeance on his former as
sociate. Almost dead with consumption
the thief wished to revenge himself on
Nealey before he died, aud with that pur
pose wrote to Shamfbn, offering to con
fess the stoty of the Lexington murder.
He wrote two confessions. One dated
February 2ii, 1888, tells substantially this
story: William Phillips, of Allerton,
Iowa, was a cattle-buyer, operating
near i,extugton. James Dixon, of Mt
Clemens, was employed by Phillips to
go through the country and buy
up stock, which Phillips sold. Late
In the fall of 1881 Phillips went to
i nicago to aisnoso of a drovo of cattle.
for w hich ho was to receive a large sum
oi money. During his absence Dixon
conspired to rob l'hlllins on his return.
They afteiward took Pickard luto the
plot. ISo more than robberv was Intend
ed. On November 23, James Dixou hired
a horso and buggy from a Lexington
liveryman, and drove to Amador Station
to meet Phillips on his return. Neidy
and Pickard took Nealey's rig and drove
to a point on tho Ilidgo road two miles
west and south of Lexington. Hero they
secreted themselves and
of Dixon and Fhllllps, whom they were to
spring upon and rob. It was between
7:30 and 8 p. m. when the carriage ap
proached tho assassins. Nealey sneaked
out and struck Phillips with a canvas sling
filled with lead. Dixou, who was seated
beside the victim, drew a club, which lie
had concealed In tho carriage, and dealt
Phillips a final blow. Nealey and Dixon
carried tbo body ol Fhllllps into a nclgh
borh; field ami robbed tho dead man of
l,loo cash and 8"oo in checks and a
watch and chain. The murderers their
went ueross the road. Dixou left, and was
gone one hour aud a half. When ho re
turned he divided the money with Nealey.
This was between nine and ten o'clock.
i ue hour later Dixon aud Nealey placed
the lilooilv eornse nf their victim In
the buggy, and, holding it up between
them, drove one-half mile south aud then
west, where they placed it in a field.
Pickard went with Nealey's rig east to
Lexington. Nealey came to Piekard'd
house next morning about daylight to
wash the evidence of his cuilt off his
hands. At that time ho cave Pickard
i?lS3 in money. Marshal Shannon assured
himself of the truth of the confession, ami
then went to l eviie'ton xvln.ro li nr.
rested Nealey Thursday, and placed him
in jau.
Nealey Is a middle-aged man. about flvo
feet nine and one-half inches in height.
He Is stout ami powerful, and wears a
heavy sandy mustache. He has been
Marshal of Lexington, and claimed to bo
a special detective. One arm Is cut off
above tho wrist. lie has in its place a
woollen hand. lie was a soldier In tti
late war, and draws a pension under tho
title oi Joseph hills, his right name. Ho
Is well known lu Port Huron, aud was lu
the city last week.
The Danville Riot.
Washington, D. C, March 10. Tho
Danville investigation got to work this
morning. Colonel W. E. Sims was ex
amined aud went at length Into the his
tory of the last two campaigns in Vir
ginia. He addressed the citizens of Dan
ville by request. Ho criticized tho cir
cular of the Democrats, and said every
man iu siguing the paper know ing Its con
tents told wilful, malicious lies against
the negroes. Ho appealed to the white
men and asked if it was not cowardly to
slander the colored race the way the cir
cular did. His remarks led to con
siderable excitement, and he was
told while on the platform
that .certain white men threatened to
shoot him. lie advised the meeting to
keep quiet, stating that he thought ho
could Bottle: the matter. He told tho
audienctL.it hat if the men wanted to shoot
him for anything done In daylight it was
time to aoeomplish their purpose. The
men who signed the circular; .wouldn't
hesitate to stab a man in the dark or
shoot niacin the back. "I branded the
men threatening to shoot me as cowards."
The witness went on to show by the
records of Danville that every allegation
of the circular was false.
Washington, 1). C, March 10. Sena
tor Walker reported favorably from tho
Committee on Public Lands the bill to
provide for the sale of the Cherokee res
ervation in Arkansas.
Senator Jackson reported favorably
from the Post-ulllee Committee an amend
ment to the sections of the Revised Stat
utes respecting the delivery of registered
letters and the pnyment of money orders,
and providing for the return of the same.
Senator George introduced a bill to pre
vent the contraction of the currency aud
to equalize the circulation of silver and
silver certificates.
Senator Bayard offered a preamble and
resolution referring to certain rights of
Mates not defined by the Constitution and
instructing the Committee on Judiciary to
report on the expediency of so amending
the Constitution as to secure said rights
and preserve the Federal principles and
nature of the government and to provide
that Congress shall not have the power to
make anything but gold and silver ser
viceable in liquidating the public debt.
Washington, D. C, March 10. Mr.
Kcifer, from the Committee on Appropria
tions reported back the Military Academy
bill with two Senate amendments con
eurred in and six non-concurred hi.
On the call of States and Territories
the introduction of bills was proceeded
Morrison 111.
Washington, D. C, March 10. Chair
man Morrison from the Committee on
Ways and Means, notified Mr. Mills (of
Texas) that he was 111 and wouldn't be
able to submit the report on the tariff
bill. Mr. Mills says that the bill will be
reported to the House at the next call of
the committee.
" The Cleanest Job on Record."
Sr. Louis, Mo., March 10. Tiller, the
express robber, has enjoyed one week of
unenviable notoriety, aud during that pe
riod has succeeded in mystifying police
and public as to his whereabouts. Wheth
er from the perfection of his plans or
good fortune, he has covered up his
tracks better than any thief ever did be
fore, and the detectives do not hesitate to
pronounce his work "tho clean
est job ou record." A very remarkable
feature of the case Is the
scarcity of clews. A careful study of his
habits and associations prior to the com
mission of the crime yields nothing as to
probable accomplices, and the man who
thinks he has seen him since the day the
crime was committed has not yet made
his appearance. The only one that has
attempted to name his hiding place Is a
spiritualistic medium, w ho made a most
dismal failure and evidently Is uot the or
gan of good spirits.
The following special to a local paper
furnishes tin' only suggestions of tho fu
gitive outside the city that was received
G lex dive, M. T., March 10.-.V man
arrested on the west-bound train by Chief
of Police Boyd, ou a telegram from Fur
go. The charge against him has not yet
developed, but It is generally thought If he
Is not the principal he had something to
do with the 75,000 express robbery at
St. Louis, Mo. Be gives the name of
Moses Henna way; says lie Is from North
Adams. Mass., which city he left on the
4th, and is ticketed for Butte, Mont,
Nothing suspicious was found in his bag
gage or on his person, and only $175 in
money. He Is in jull, awaiting tho ar
rival of tho Fargo detectives.
Winter Wheat in Illinois.
.Muuphvsboro, iLt., March 10. Tho
fanners In this section aro very much
disgusted over tho wheat crop pros
pect. It Is now positively asserted that
tho crop In Jackson, Williamson, Ran
dolph and Perry Counties will bo almost
a complete failure, especially ou the
low lands,
TELKttie.uMiia liiiiivrriKs
Indianapolis reports 27,400 hogs packed
during tho Winter season just closed
against 2:,300 last year.
The late fall of four Inches of snow In
Indiana Is reported to have greatly im
proved the prospects of tho wheat crop
iu that State.
ten arrests of saloon-keepers wcro
made in Wichita, Kas., Saturday, and tha
saloons of the place, some thirty In num
ber, all keep open.
The name of the man arrested for em
bezzlement, Saturday, at sturgeon, Mo.,
was Wm. Davis instead of John Davis,
as first reported In the dispatches.
Frank Elliott, charged with criminal as
sault upon Miss Mary Boll, near Marlon,
Mo., Friday, has been arrested, aud was
placed iu jail at Jefferson City yesterday.
The St. Pierre Section of tho Anglo
American Cable Company's Line, dis
used for three months, was repaired
Saturday by tho Company's steamer
The First Baptist Church of Salt Lako
City, was dedicated Sunday. Delegates
from Ogden participated, and Governor
Murray and other olllcials were present at
the ceremony.
Tho Freshmen of Williams College,
Mass., appeared with canes Friday, and
the result was a rush with the Sopho
mores and a row in chapel Saturday,
which tho faculty suppressed with diffi
culty. A CAItELE.3.3 MOTHER.
Two Children Locked TJp in House Ara
Burned to Death.
Poplar Blife, Mo., March 10.
Saturday morning a woruau named
Lee, living near Kremlin Mills, in
Ripley County, Mo., left her homo to
visit with a neighbor for a few minutes.
When she went away she locked her two
little children in the house. On return
ing she found the house lu flames. Both
children were burned beyond recognition,
there being nothing leftof them but a few
charred pieces of llesh.
Oil Warehouse Burned.
Cincinnati, O., March 10. The oil
warehouse of John Klnzie & Co., was de
stroyed by fire at noon to-day. Loss,
$5,000. Caused by boiling over of a caul
dron of linseed oil.
DOG eight,
The much talkod-of dog light came oil
this morning in the neighborhood of Er
langer, Ky. The tight lasted an hour and
twelve minutes, and resulted in tho death
of "Spring." "Paddy" was not the fa
vorite by much odds; but after tho com
mencement of the light It became evi
dent that lie had the staying qualities and
pluck requisite for victory.
Sr, Louis, Mo., March 10. There is
considerable Interest manifested in the
catch-as-cateh-ean wrestling match be
tween Andre Cbrlstol aud Peter Mage,
which takes place to-night at Central
Turner Hall, and the attendance is likely
to be very large. It is claimed as a bona
tide match, but whether It 1s or not, it Is
certain to be an iuitertalnlng exhibition.
Their Impromptu Gr:eco-l!oinau contest
last Tuesday was one of the most inter
esting ever w itnessed in this city, and a
oatch-as-catch-can event, best three in five
falls, between them, cannot fail to be
highly exciting.
Brooklyn, N. Y March 10. John Col
lins, aged thirty-eight, one of the crew of
the steamship Vandalia, was fouud dead
in his bed at the Annex Hotel this morn
ing. He had blown out the gas before
Grain and Provisions.
Cotton Steady; middling iui,e.
I'' LI It'll Stiimlv! V K V r.i l'h.,1.... 1 rli -o.
pillonts, f i.T.Kifii.ji).
u. i.'i.: a .... ................
No. .1 lie. I l 0 j.f.l III
j iV i 5 KCU H-'U n'tiLIU'i J
('oiix-sti'ii.ly; No. 2 mixed, iVo
No. 3
iimu iiu.M'ti, mi'-,'(r;K.4U.
OATS-.Ntetnly; No. 2 ;l(ft.'tt1,o.
IfVK-Diiil mill nominal; No. 2 683iW',c.
I'oii ai 'co Finn; lujrs. common to choice,
.r.:iVi,KiO; leaf; common red leaf, JS.OOija
10.ii; medium to vnod f l.riMlT.ri0.
II a Y Chuieo timothy, $lu,i i 15.00 ; prime,
fT.O.Kiilu.OO; prairio, prime to choice fs.50;
HirrTKii firm; choice creamery, SKiit'o ;
fancy, HPnyJic; dulrv, trood to choice, iVdVilc;
mid iS.tlUe forsolect; low grados nominal.
Kims Lower; sales ut lso.
PoT.vToKS-Ste.uly; ehoieo Northern, G2tf(3
40c; common, L'.VJiC'ie.
PouK-Firmer; standard moss, tlT.STtf; hard
Bido, $l7.itttc.
I.auu-DiiII; primrt steam, nominal atOSo.
IIacon Longs, l',e; shorts, JU'8c; elearrih,
9V( lue.
Wooi.-Tub-wiislied ih ilco, S!.14e; com
mon, ss&Hc; unwashed, medium, 2t(&5c; low
ami coarse vrrades, l,V((.lnc.
II idks-Steady; dry Hint, 17c; damaged, 14c;
bulls or stairs, lOe; dry salted, llHc; dry salt
ed, dniiiiufed, lie; kip and calf, suited, 8e;
diiiiuiircii, rt'tc; bulla nn l stairs, 6c; green,
unctireil, H'ic; datiuwd, ofti'lo.
Siikkp Pki.ts Steady; given, 70ffl90c; dry do,
legale., as to amount and ijintlit v of wool;
green shearings, AKeWe; dry dj, lixfcDe.
Wheat Lower; March, COSc: April, 91o;
May, HO'se; June. 7Ue; July, W"4e.
Cons Dull; .March. iilV: April, 5Uio;
Mav, .Wje; Juno "siJje July, SS'jo.
( ATS-Lower; March, .S)',c; April, 3140;
Mav, HVyiGtVc; .linn', ave.
PotiK-Lower: Muivh f I7.M; May, $17.75;
June, I17.SU.
I. win-Lower; March. f'J.ii May. $9.42!;
June, f'.U7'i; July. t-M. -
miout Kiiis-Mareli, fU.-U; May, 07;
June, ).32'i.
WiiKiT-Oiil.'t: No. 2 Red. March, tl.OW;
April, ILtW'LlWKiMuy, tl.i; June.$1.13
I'oiix Quiet; Mixed Western, March, flK;
A nril. Ill Ui'llL' K Wav .!. rt.icll ivn n
(Wro: July, (HVi'sO.
I ITSStmiiiV VViiLltivrn JIiOIjiI'j.
PitovtsioNs-Pork-Qulet and tlnn; mesa,
ll7.5wai7.IKi',; .Lard-Dull; sto.iin, IU.57H.
Live Stock Markets by Telegraph.
HOGS RenoInU 5mm: nnli't and iimhAnnwl.
light, f.u0i(,tf.Ni: rouirh packing, ?iMuim.s5;
heavy packing and shipping, $d.i;7.50.
Catti.k Receipts, 1.7UU; steady; exports,
l.40uii.ne; good to choice, jVliirA-'K); com
mon to fair, ."i.7:x'tn.20; butchers, fi.5eUi;
Blockers, f:i..uift..00.
Shkkp Receipts, 700; steady; common to
choice, f3.00i4id.00.
Cattlk Steady ; extra steers, t8.30t2fl.50;
fuir to good, fl.2.VtW.ii0.
Hhiski Steady; fuir to good Western sbeop,
f 4.t;fi'i.ii0: chnleo to fancy, ft.7t3)Jii; com
mon, .V0;wy.2i.
II (Mis Dull; good to choice Yorkers. I0.7MI
11.90; light mixed, f tt.AOo.tWi : good medium
weights, f7.U)7iO; pigs, $.0iXSl5.
Kansas crrr,
Cattlk Week ; native steers of 1.178 to !)
Ihs. av., f5Xdf,rt :v; mockers aud feeders, 14.03
feMKI: cows, f l.itkiM.rs).
Hi mis Dull) good heavy, $8JJ.Vr(.i1.no ; mixed;
.U"ij.H.7ri', llgLts, U.rsK;xS.U0.
, Biimkp riuady; native of 75 to 84 It, ar..
o OO s

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