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The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, May 20, 1884, Image 2

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TIio Dailr Bnlleiin.
D on you by carrlor.-.-.....--. .$13 00
(Sd 'percent, discount 11 paid In dvano.)
Dally, on je h7 .." "'if J
Daily, on monin. . J
Published tw morning (Mondaya exceptodi .
Weekly.on year. ? ,
Weekly. month I W
PobllhedaTry Monday noon.
iw-cluua of At ot moro lor Weekly Bulletin at
on time, per year, 11.50. Postage In all cue
All Commnnlcatlona should he addressed to
Publisher and Proprietor.
WIT AXI luiaioit.
Docs nnyboily kuuw where the tlond
of night is buried.
A ninn too lazy to make a suggest
ion cau not expect to bocuuio a leader
of men.
A sandbag is of moro use than a pol
itician when it comes to stopping gaps
in a leveo.
A play which "takoa" well in tlio
city is often liable to bring tlio compa
ny to grief "on the road."
Hons may bo a little backward on
eggs, but they never full to como to the
scratch whero flower beds are con
cerned. Whittler nover was married. No
man whose wife had poked him out of
the house on a cold Monday morning
to shovel paths under the clothes lino
ever could havo written a poem like
"Snow Bound."
Offering in detail: Mother "I am
afraid Mr. Crisscross is not serious in
his intentions!" Daughter "llo's aw
ful bashful, you know; but ho's offering
himsolt piecemeal. Last night he
wanted mo to take his arm." .AT. Y.
The Hungarians havo a national
dance, "the csardus intended to repre
sent tho unquiet course of truo love."
Vo havo nover seen tuo uanco, nut pro
sume the greater part consists of nn el
derlv gonllcmau kicking a young man
off tlie front steps.
It makes a married man mad to pay
$27 for a bonnet that ho has to look
twice at to seo. If he buys his wifo one
of those exaggerations women aro no
cusod of wearing in theatres ho can seo
it twice without looking at it onco.
Homslown Ueraul.
It Is very common in China for an
oflleial who thinks ho has ofl'omlod tho
"powers that be" to beg that his head
may bo cut off. Now, if somo Ameri
can politicians could bo disposed of in
the same manner, what a boom busi
ness would have. Boomerang.
Son (exultantly) "Well, pa, I callod
on Jenkins & Iiigbeo, the ton mer
chants, nnd, d'ye know, they took 1110
for an fcngnslmian. lather (discon
solate) "Then, of course, they didn't
take you for anything olso. I did hopo
. they could use yon for a teacup washer
at least."
A lady reader writes to say that she
has been losing hor hair lately nnd sho
wants to know what sho shall do to
prevent it. Either keep your buronu
drawer locked or else discharge tho
hired girl and get another of a com
plexion differing from yours. Hock
land Gazette.
Teacher: "Who reigned after Saul?"
Scholar: "David." "Who came aftor
David?" "Solomon." "Who came
after Solomon P" "The Queen of Sho
ba," answerod tlio palo young man on
the back bench, and tho teacher turned
to the 916ih chapter of Corinthians and
looked solemn.
An Indiana jury has just awarded
$30,000 to a woman who swore that a
man had kissed her 3,000 times. It Is
a mighty cold blooded woman who will
keep count whon kisses are bo thick,
and tho unfortunate, victim of her do
celt is entitled to tho sympathy of all.
his confiding sex.
"Yon shouldn't havo stayed away so
long," sho said in icy tones ns her the
atre escort slid into his soat ten min
utes after the ring up of tho second act,
"Ou! Er Encuso mo I met my old
friend Tom in tho foyer, and"
"Was Jerry there, tooP" was her art
less interruption as sho turned ucr at
tention to the stage.
J'What did you get out of that case?"
asked tho old lawyer. "I got my cli
ent out of it," repliod tlio young one.
"And what did ho got out of it?"
"Satisfaction, I reckon. I didn't leave
anything else for him to get." "Young
man," said the senior proudly, "you'll
nover bo a judge. Thero is not enough
money on the bench for you."
A polished beau: "Yos," said Byrnes
monkey, "1 wondered why that beauti-
ful girl at tho ball last night stood so
long talking to lawmus while the boys
au envieu mm. liut 1 lound out. llo
, had bis shirt front polished so that it
was like a mirror, and while she Btood
talking to him she could look at her re
flection. Clever follow, Tawmus."
Boston Globe.
, "Why, Mr. Jenkins, I. thought you
were in the hospital," ejaculated a
pretty Washington girl to her callor
the other night. "In the hospital?" he
queried, with genuine stata depart
ment inflection. "What mado you
think that?" "Why, papa said at
breakfast this morning that he never
saw a man shoot off his mouth like you
did yesterday."
. A Rockland woman was boasting tho
other evening of her rare coolness and
abnormal norvo. The next day as she
was looking in a store window at a
choice thing in hamburgs a strange dog
accidentally poked his cold nosa
against her bare hand, and she jumped
and yelled so that she shook off a pound
, and a half of excellent black hair.
Rockland Courier.
A drummer with a package of sam
ples under his arm dotorniinod to at
tend a concert in St. Louis without
; having to pay a cent. Just as he was
passing the man at tho door, that gen
tleman detained the commercial trav-
, elernd said. "Ticket." "I haven't
got any.''. "Then you will have to pay
or you can't go in." "All right, the
performance can come off this evening
.'" without my flute solo." "Bog pardon
didn't know you was a performer.
Go right In."
A little school girl being asked the
other day by a member of the Chicago
Board of Education, "Who makes our
laws?" answerod, "Congress." "And
how is it divided P" asked tho pontic
mtiD. The little girl hesitated, but fi
nally said, "Into civilized, half-civilized
and savago, sir." "Very good," said
the gentleman, "but I do not see why
you should have hositatod in your re
ply." San Francisco Argonaut.
An Austin womnn was very mucli
dlsploasod with her son who had passod
a niisernblo examination for admit
tance to tho university and said to him:
"Shamo on you, my son, to pass such
a wretched examination! Why, tho
professor only asked you two or threo
questions." "Truo, mother," answor
ed tho lad, "but remember it so hap
pened that thoso woro tlio very ques
tions I could not answer. Then you
know the old saying: 'A fool can ask
more questions than a wise man cau
answer.' "
The titlo of "Colonol" is a uamo of
distinction given for different virtues in
different localities. Iu Texas a man
who shoots another is entitled to tho
rank. In Kentucky tho man who can
drink tho most whisky and keep his feet
rocolvos tho appellation. In New York
it belongs to tlio prosident of a coach
ing club. In Boston it is only givon to
a man who has swallowed a Webster's
Unabridged, lu Pittsburg every man
is a "Colonel" who koeps his boots
Thoro was jin amusing occurrcnco
on tlio corner of Cherry and Church
streets yestorday evening, which was
witnossod by a few passers by. A
printor, nieknamod "Little Breeches,"
on account of his diminutive size, met
a colored man of tho Jack Fulstaff or
der. Tho former began laughing at
the latter, when tho huge proportioned
colored individual said: "Look-a-heah,
white man, doan' you make fun ob do
work ob do Almighty, lie done finish
ed me, but ho stopped on you beforo ho
was half done." Naxhuillc American.
A lady in this citv hearing an unu
sual commotion iu nor poultry yard tho
other morning, ran out ami saw threo
roosters making frantic efforts to extri
cate u hen that had got her head fas
tened between the boards of a fence in
an attempt to ily over it, w hile about
twenty old hens were walking and
footling imuiit the yard ns unconcern
edly as IhoUL'li noth.ng unii-iuil was
going on. Tlio action of ilie roosters
may no explained by the proverbial
gallantry of the sex, while lliti hens
were probably taking quite it ileiilil in
seeing III!) litiiio of the thick ami a haled
rival elli't'iuiilly strangled. Yallijo
(Cat) Timi.
TV I : N T Y-S I X W l; N I S.
Tho Tall Story of an Hxpri-sn ltoli
bery of Twenty Yi-iuh A.!o.
"On July lUth, lHGo, 1 was connected
with Ben holiday's express us agent
on tho route between Virginia. Monta
na, and Salt Lake , Utah. On the date
mentioned 1 was on tlio stage conch,
which contained sevenil passenger
and a treasure box with $7.r,U(0 in gold
dust. Tlio sfniro was bound south going
towards Salt Lake. At a p':ico culled
1'orle Nenf canon, 100 miles north of
Salt Luke, wo wero attacked by a band
of nine hirhwnvnion, during which
four passengers wero killed and 1 was
wounded lu twenty-six places. Previ
ous to tho attack wo met one of the
robbers, who was riding along tho rond,
and lie got somo kind of a signal,
as we afterwards learned, from the dri
ver, by which tlio highwayman was in
formed that thero was u box contain
ing thousands of dollars' worth of gold
dust aboard tho Hiiro. Suddeuly ho
spurred ahead and was soon out of
sinhl. On reaching a place whero the
willows wero thick, one of tho passen
gers saw a mnu step from tho thicket,
and, being npprohcnsive oi irouoie, no
coeketl Ins revolver and prepared to
defend himself in ciso of nn attack.
Simultaneously eight other men came
oui oi tne uusnos aim oruereti mo uri-
ver of tlio stago to halt. 1 told the
driver to go on, but he did not, and ob
serving tho attitudo of tho robbers, I
saw that wo must present a bold front
to the enemy, as wo wero in closo quar
ters, nnd, if attacked, sell our lives as
dearly as possible, for they cared noth
ing for tho lifo of any ono and would
show us no mercy. I immediately lired
at tho bond and they simultaneously
lired on us killing four of tlio pnsseu
gers, (leorgo Parker, a prominent man
in Montana, Jack McCauslin, a fugi
tive from justice, who had killed his
partner and was on his way East, Davo
Diamond, a freighter, and Louis Mur
ray, a contractor.
"I was wounded In twenty-six places
and twelve of the balls, which wero
from navy revolvers, nnd buckshot
from double barreled shot guns, aro
in me now. Four of tlio shots entered
my right foot nnd ankle, making ami
putation necessary, lilteen m lnp ana
high, two in my breast and live iu
my hand and arms. A passenger named
Uarpcutor, wnen tlio tinug began,
dropped down in tho bottom of the
coach, Robinson-fashion, nnd by plny-i
ins "possum" escaped uninjured. Am
otuer named Brown got out on the
other side unobserved und hid in tlio
bushes. The stago was ransacked, the
treasure carried off, and I was left for
doad. Tho desperadoes thought that
no traco of them was left to tell tho
story. On tho return singe tho miirr
derod passengers were taken to Snake
River and burlod. Parker's wife, when
she hoard of his sad fate, went crazy
I stayed at ono of the Overland houses
until I could go to New York and get
an artificial leg. I then camo back
and went into the employ of the express
company, and remained with them un
til transferred to Wolls, Fargo & Co.,
whero I remained until recently, when
I resigned to go into business. The
company has been very kind to mo,
and sent me twice to New York, for I
had to have my log amputated twice,
but it is now getting on finely. The
terriblo trngody aroused the pcoplo In
the mountain towns. Search was mado
for the highwaymen, and at least fonr
of them were capturod and hanged by
the vigilantes. Tho driver of the coach
was implicated and hanged in Denver
three months after the affair. It ap
peared from tho driver's confession
that for two weeks previous to the at
tach the robbers wero encamped near
tho place where tho passengers were
klllod and tho robbery occurred. They
knew that all treasure was transferred
to the Snake River route, and they
were Informed in advance, by arrange
ment with the driver, If thoro was any
money In the treasure box. Saw Fran-
eweo (Jail,
Cape Cod folks sent out about 42,000
barrels of cranberries in 18813.
More than one-half, and probably
two-thirds, of tho lawyers of Berlin aro
Tho While House cook, considered
tho best in Washington, receives a sal
ary1 of $1,800 a year.
Henry li ving's criticism on Indian
npoli is: "It is a ouo-horso town and
has too many fat latlies."
Colonel Frazier, of Lexington, Mo.,
found a nest of forty rattlesnakes and
killed most of them with a club.
Stonewall Jackson's fellow officers
are suggesting a simple monument of
some sort to his memory at Manassus.
T. G. Baylor, of Atlanta, (la., is In
nohsi'ssion "of John Brown's sword, to
ken from him when he was captured.
The cathedral at Ulm, Wurteniburg,
th(i largest Protestant church in tho
world, is to havo a spire Ml feet high.
Denis Kearney says 8,000 working,
niou could lind employment in San
Francisco. Ho runs an employment
Colonel Kuox.tho celebrated author of
young people's literature, composes on
tho type-writer without putting pen to
In Montana tlio law prohibits a wo
man from marrying until sho is eigh
teen years old, and a man cunnot marry
until ho is twenty one.
Nearly 10,000 petroleum wolls havo'
been sunk during the past threo yoar
The number sunk last year was almosr
exactly 1,000 fewer than i 1881.
Now York City has 7.J150 butchef,
bakers, and grocers, whilo thoro ifo
10,000 liquor dealers, or about ono li
uor dealer to every 175 inhabitants.
New Haven, Conn., reports tho d
coverv of a new value in printer's ini
It is (in excellent vermifuge, and wl
protect shade trees from tho ravags
of worms. I
Ono man testified beforo a oommitta
of tlio New York Legislature that th
liquor that runs from oleomargarine
butter will eat through a pair of cow
hide boots.
Tho latest prodigy in Ohio is a4-yoar-old
colored child, who has never at
tended school nor had nny private in
struction, and yet can read correctly
anything given her.
Experiments mado with gases upon
insects proved the Colorado boodle
hardest of all. It took prussic acid va
por to kill it outright, and was paralyz
ed in ordinary illuminating gas.
Over tho piano in tho parlor of an
Eastern hotel dangles a placard in
scribed as follows: "Inexperienced
performers aro requested to deny them
selves the use of this instrument."
Jacob Hoffman, of New York, worth
$.)0,000, while-haired, and seventy-four
years old, jilted Mrs. Meyers, forty
nud fair. Sho suns for $10,000. Ho ran
away on tlio wedding day.
In tho cantou of Valais, Switzerland!
a cheese is sometimes made whon a
child is born nnd not cut until tho fu
neral feast, perhaps soveuty yoars la-
tor. wealth Is computed bychoesos.
Miss Beatrice Parsons, of London,
was tho winner of tho highest honors
of tho recent Cambridge University ex
amination, in wlilcli no less than throe
thousand bright British gins compoted.
Ben Thompson, tho Texan dospera
do, seems to have been diligent iu bus
iness. Ho leaves proporty valued nt
$16,000. An iusuranco company was
found to havo taken risks of $5,000 on
his lifo. '
D. N. Murray, of Baltimore, brusled
aside what bo supposed was a smtll
rope, nnd was instantly bent uouao
and rendered unconscious for sevenl
hours, llo had Umchoii an olectio
light wire.
Mrs. Mary Channel, widow, of Net
buryport, lately deceased, was tb
mother of sixteen children nine son
and seven daughters. Seven of tin
bods served in tlio rebellion, threo o)
whom were killed.
The newspaper columns hoadod
"Born," "Married" und "Died" have
been variously paraphrased in tho
West. One papor has it "Hatched,
Matched, Despatched," and another,
"Buds, Blossoms and Cypress."
Sovoral years ogo, when it looked as
if the cinchona trees of Bolivia wero
likely to all be destroyed, tho Jesuit
fathers induced tlio government to re
quire the bark gatherers to plant five
seedlings for every tree destroyed.
Alfred Chadwiek yoked his wifo to a
Slow with a steer, for which Judge
ennieon, of Detroit, gave hor a di
vorce. Ho inslslod that ho only fol
lowed the general usage among the
market gardeners of Western Canada,
The New York polico keep their fad
ed uniforms constantly dampened with
salt jvatcr in order to brighten their
color, so they will uot have to buy new
onos. Tho trick was discovered by tlio
man who has tho contract for furnish
ing tho uniforms.
A Newburyport man, who was the
owner of a kicking cow, suspended a
sharp spado in tho rear of the stall,
and lot her kick away all night. Ia
the morning ho found the cow lying
doad on tlio. floor of tlio barn. She
had cut into the cords of the leg
and bled to death.
Postmaster Thomas Coggeshall, of
New Bedford, Mass., has been in tho
employ of tho olllco without a break
for half a century, When he first be
gan work ns a clerk tho mails wero
carried to Boston in fifteen hours by
stage, and to New York in four days
when navigation was closed.
Civil marriage in South Africa is
not a lengthy rito. The Colonics men
tions that a happy pair entered the
Queen's town house; tho bridegroom
paid a 5 note, signed a document, took
his spouse by tho arm and walked her
out of tho building saying: "How do
you do, Mrs. P" Tho ceremony
lasted just two minutes.
A young Parisian who lately came
suddenly to his end by tho knife of a
comrado was found to bo curiously tat
tooed. Beneath his breast a serpent
raised his heat' in tlio direction of his
heart, and all around was inscribed:
"I have been deceived in tho past; tho
present tormonts mo; the future fright
ens mo." The death wound was at the
words, "I have been doceived in the
The OttlcNt Town.
Yiettt. a Texan town on tho Kin
Graide, is now said to bo tho oldest
towi in tho United Stains, h b a
wellestabLslied historical fact that a
Spuiish military explorer named
Cor m do visited tho town in 1540, ami
fount it then a popular and prosperous
civilised Indian community. Ho was
jjiinmliatoly followed by tho Fraucis
iirn friars, who creeled a church ami
stab'isho'l schools. Tim s:iiui race of
H'opld exist iu the town to-day that ex
sted !P) ynirs ;,'o, and tlev i ro cn-
. . .1 !....!'. I .... I
fU"eil ill u .o s:unr arifiii.iirni itiiti
necliiin'cil pursu:s i s m r toit Mtli-
rs ut that p.-riod u.id f u' ages preood-
Rheumatism, neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumuaao, uacxacno, neaaacna, looinacne,
More Throat. Nwrlllnic. Nrnln, Ilrulaea,
Hum. MoaliU. t rout
iND A Mi IIIIIKU llllllll.V l'l8 4NII AIIIKS.
Bold Ij Dniftfllt mini IlKtlem tvurvwlitire. fifty Ouult ft botll.
Dlrimtloni In 11 tiuiKiinift'l.
TIIF. t'll Altl.KS A. VOOH.CIt CO.
'HMMnuift.VUil.UKUO) Bnllluuni, Bd C.8. A.
"Kidnoy-Wort la tho most uooossful remedy
ever usoa." r. F. o. Ballou, Monkton, Vt.
- jiianoy.vvori. is iway rouatiie."
Dr. R. N. Clark. 80. Hnm. Vt.
"KIdnoy- Wort ho. ourcu my ISO aftor two yean
uuuriud . - xir. u. ju. aumraorun, bun mil, (ia.
it has ourod whero all else had failed. It in mild.
buteffloient, C K.KTAJN IX ITS ACTION, but
lutrmiuos ui nil oaaes.
IVlt cleanses tho Wood and HtMnllina nd
Bites New l.ll'e to all tho important organ, of
um ouuy. i ns natural notion or the Kidney, la
restored. Tho Liver is oloansod of all dlscaso,
and tlio Bowels move frooly and healthfully.
In this way the worst diseases are eradicated
from tho systom. g
puck, ii.oo uqtiD oa dry, solo bt ducsmsts.
Dry can be sent by mall.
WEILS, RICIIARDHtm A l)O.IIurlln-toa Vt.
Regeneration for Enfeebled Systems,
Suffering from a general want of tone, and Its
nuns! coucnmltants, dyi cph a rd nervousness,
Is sulilom florlvibiH iroin tlio two ul a nourielilni;
lietand stllmnll of appetite, miauled.. A merit
tno that will etirct a removal of I ho spcclflc olista
l to renewed health and viuor. tli.it li a genuine
s ructlve, t. tnu real need. t in tno pooncsslon
Cthls grand requirement which makes Hosteller's
Sirnach Bitt rs ao efl'.ctive as an tDvlrorant.
tor rule by all dm Rlste and daiilors generally.
Vlio want glossy, luxuriant
tnd Avavy tresses of abundant,
teautiful Hair must use
legant. cheap article always
iinlkes the Hair grow freely
Ind fast, keeps it from falling
ut, arrests and cures gray
less. reraoYes dandruff anil
tchfng, makes the Hair
strong, giving it .1 curling
pendency and keeping it in
iny desired position. Beau
Liful. healthy Hair is the sure
;csult of using Kathairon.
-H- 0 X
This porous plaster is
famous for Its quick
and hearty oitiun In
ouring Lams Back,
1 sbbi sr" s b si fc 1 Knauniatuun, eolation,
rick in tho Pack, Side or ITIp. Nouralirla, Htlff Jutnts
Id Muscle, 801 Chest. Klilnuy Troubles and all pains
f aches either local or deupoatod. it Soothes, Rtrenirt h
w and RttmulAtoi tho parts. The virtues of hops com
loud with gums clean and ready to appljr. Superior to
nlments, lotions and salros. Tries 86 oento or 6 (or
!A!sm5!? I A C R EAT
tip of pries. Bop
latter Company, rro
rletors, Boston, Ham,
HT The beet family pill mado I law ley ' stomach and
I r Pills. We. Pleasant In action and fa to take.
20, 1881.
Tho development cf tlio treatment of ''sneer
with Swift Hprclilc semis so wonderful, that all
lu tllUctcd eliotl d write us.
Cancer For Fourteen Years.
Hmrlaiibnr', 6. (J., March 11, 181.
I havo for I I yuitrs boon asuflorerf rom a rtinuluu
sore on my fiice that evu ybody called a Can kii. I
havo ns' d o0' 1 1 0 worth of medicine and found
no relief, About four nioiilhs ao I nought one
bottle ol H Ift's 8)ii-i lllc from llr. II. K lloinltsh.
and sliicu havo bouiflit live otliu a, h.'tve tiiken It,
and they have ct'iiKu b Miuiid uud welll Aly fare
Is aa froe from a sure as anybody's, and my uralin
la porfi-i t y ro-tort d. I feel Ilka forty years had
been lilted orl' my head
Your II iinlifullv,
Mr. I) P. Hume, Hope, Ark., sayn, under dale of
Jan. sM lfnl: "I Imve In ken five bottlssof Kwllfr'a
Hpfcllle for a sore on my imiiplu mi In to he a rito
cer. I have been wonderfully beuillted and will
loon bo a well man."
Mr W. K. Hob's n, f)iiv!sbnro, Oa.. wrlles, un
der (Into of January H, lbHI: 1 am Ki tting on llntly
the til er Is urntliiiilly lieiillnir I feel thai bwifi's
Hpeclllc will euro the horriblu c nicer which has
buun foudliiK ou m ! for over -4 y as."
Mr W. II. liilbort, Albany, (ia., says:
"A ireti li miin immed Mo ro near tills city hail
an eatiiiiz cum er on his liee, whirli had eaten ana
bis nfu at d his under Hp, ad had extended up
uutll it kail nearly readied his eye. Tlie c nicer
was enliiiK his num. and hud rendered his teolli to
lowau that ho thought they inlelit ul any time drop
nut, lie uiiK been tuldni' Swift'h brae no ilout
three m nths, und lis effect has heeu wonderful.
It hus driven I he poison fr m his systi m, Hit; cnu
cer bus bellied treiitly. his tueth hnv beco ne
stroi it iiititln. and he tblnks ho hits been re. cud
front an iiwl'nl ilenllc. llo la tho must enlbue'aiie
man I evercuw."
Our trca'lMo on Blood nnd Skin DUcnecs mulled
free to niilkanlH.
tub swift sritcinc f-0
Drawer II, Atlanta, (la.
New York omce, iOVr. S!d St, between Mxth
and Seventh Avenues
85 S, Clark St., Cpp. Court House, CHICAGO.
A ropulnrcradunto. 9t?"ThoOldct Speelnllat
In the Uuitrd (Slllte.s, whnae Ml t: LOSU t'.XI'hlllKNCK,
perfect lethod ami pure niodieine iiisuro Hl'KKliv
and 1'Kkman KN'C cuni'i of all l'rivnte. t'bronio and
Nervom l)iiiiies. Alluctionaof the Itlood, Nkln,
Kldneya, Itlnddcr, Kroitlon, I lcir, Old
(Sort'n, s elllou it' the OIuiiiU, More Afoul h.
'J'hroiil, llnoo 1iiIiih, uermnneutly ourod aim
eradicated Hem the system fur lifo.
IJCDUHMQ TlillltV,Im)nlenC!l,8onihial
If tn W U JO I-ohsch, txxwtl Di vtiy, Mental
and ritjisiciil Veakurta, J'V(iiif Slnnory,
Wettli F-il'-a, Stunliil Vvvtlopment, Impedi
menta to Miirrtiuje, etc., from excesses or any
muse, spredihf, safely and privately Cured.
BJ-l'oiinir, tldlle - Ved and OUI men, and all
who need inudieul kill and experience, cnnnult
lr. Unto at oneo. Ilu opinion eos's tnitliintt, and may
save future misery anil fdiame. Whon inconvonient
tovibit tho cily for treatuieiit, medieioi'Hcaii bo sent
everywhere by m.til er exprons I'reo from cibaf r
T lit Inn. Jr-Itin self-n ident I but a physician who
gives hit wholo at tention to a class of diseases nt
tulna iteeat skill, anil physicians throuirhnnt the
oountry, knnwii'Ttbis, J'renueiitiy recommend ditficult
oases to tlio Oldest. Nie lull-t, by wlmm evory
known p;ooil I'ctncily is used. sir"l)r. Uato's
Alto anil Dxperleoeo mnkn his opinion of an
prcnie Imtioi liinee. l,rThoso who call see no
one but tlio Doctor. Consult at inns free and sacredly
confidential. Cases which hnre failed inohtainini;
relief elsewhere, especinlly solicited. Female Dis
eases trested. Call or write. Honrs, from W to 4,
to H Snndnys. lO to I t. CiUiu UALIU
SENT Flirt:. Address as above.
1 fsTVR
617 St Charles St. SI', LOUIS, M0.
A. reenlnr Graduate) oi two medical
colleges, lias been lomtei enipiKcd in the treat
ment of Chronic, Nervouej, HUin and
Illooil Diseases than any other physician In
tt. Louis, as city papers show and all ild resl
dentsknow. Consultation at ollice or by mall,
free and Invited. A friendly talk or his opinion
costs nothing. When Ills Iricot.venlent tovlslt
the city for treatment, medlelnos can be sent
byniitllorexpress everywhete. Curable cases
guaranteed: where doubt exists It la frankly
stuted. Cull or Wrlto.
Nerroni Prostration, Belililty, Mental and
Physical Weakness, Hercmlal and other
affections of Throat, Skin and Bones, Blood
Impurities and Blond Poisoning, Skin Affec
tions, Old Horn and Ulcers, Impediments to
Marriage, Rheumatism, Piles. Special at;
tentlon ta ae from orer-worked brain.
Sl'HOICAL CASES receive special attention,
nisesses arising from Imprndeneet; KxoesseHj
Indulgences or Exposures.
It Is self-evident that a physician raying
particular attention tn a class of caseb attains
great skill, and physicians in regular practice
all over the country knowing this, freq'ently
recommend cases to the oldest olllee it- A inert
ca, whereevery known appliance is le.-ortoc
to, and the proved Kootl retnpdio- ot alw
ages and countries are used, A whole hense is
uued for olllee purposes, and all are treated with,
skill in a respectful manner; and, know.nif
what to do, no experiments are made. Cn ac
count of the great number applvlnr, tha
charges are kept low, often lower than is de
manded by others. If you accuse the ski I t nd
f;et a speedy and perfect life cure, that . s ;he
mportant matter. FuuipUlet, Jltl pages. S;ut
to any address free.
plates. MARRIAGE GUIDE ( pages
Elegant cloth and gilt binding. 8esled for 60
"ills in oostatreor currencv. Over nl'tv won
derful pen pictures, true to life, articles on the
following subjects: Who may marry V whon it
why? l'rnricr agetomarrv. Who marry flrt.
Manhood. Womanhood. Physical decay. W ao
sliouiii marry, now lite sun napinness mar oe
increased. Those married or contemplnf mrf
marrying should read It. It ought to oe rea l
liv nil nilnlt nersoos. then keot under lock arid
key, Populnr edition, same as above, but paper
cover ami 2U0 pages, K cents by mall, 1 uouet
or postage.
BBI BSk BSB m.TlinnfUn.l or eiisel nf Kfrroni Deblllly, miv.
K. U ET Ul SOU pliy.trsl wsnklieal, lot Disnli(juil,ur
r II " voui prostration, tlta rwnlta oftnilliirretliiiift,
SBBSBSlHzl.ai,a(,rkiivfAtifl.rurhvlJC'OUIr A .
BlrotiK fslth that II will ear wrrtaiw pmmpu tun h utl to
ny suneror a trtal psrkssi' I
rwuirfl,te. Oa. A.U.UU,
i rfelpt or is cents toi
i H3, Ublcafo,
an tnfaMbltevrt for I'ilco.
Price fl, at drupglste, or
sent prepaid by mall. Sample
frtt. Ad. " A N A K US 1 4
ilaken.Coi 2416Ktiir!forfc
sxTOfii?a asxsssssaaga Essseam
Whose debility, exhanated
powers, premature decity :
sod failure to perform lire's
'" prnpeny are ennseu ny
will rind
xcesees. errors of youth, eta.
restoration t
I perfect and lasting
lio robust health
and vlRornn manhood In
Neither stomnrh drnnirinff nor
instrument, Thtstreatmentof
Acrvfliii jpeniiitir ana
necsssfol beesns based on perfect diagnosis,
new und direct methods and abeolnto thnr
oughtica.. Villi information aud Treatise free.
AddroHS Consulting 1'hysicinn of
MARST0N REMEDY CO., 4CW.141hSL, NewYork.
Ho, 1U thlVTll ULtC bT.. ClilcSffO
UMlllitJ 13 , li Hill lrtllnff All Prh
ymu, Nanrotu, Ctironie ati ttpecUl dtf
kWi.rsrMtri-atnrh(e, Impotmrf (.totaul
InnpurUyW Fml dintMcD. t-tt?. Corj
knltntloa twrvnaaiir or bj klur fr
Or. Kmm it th ont? phnlrtan In th
"itT that warranlaftJM or nn na. 1341
ptfU.bfrtU4 book, aw t.900 vrrlytluu, 1 aU.
I nit H. II. KsNK, of IKS tMl'ilni-sy
w .'nivniriiiFi.,s.wiif wmnuf
any ona eaa rare blBwir salekly aa palalmly. tot toltlmo.
BlslssDdfiidnrsefnutstn,m rmln.nl mihllral man e.it1rMS
u. n. aasa, .., B.B., 100 ratua Sk, at Israeli.
nr RA
11 fiS
1 ' IV
Shortest and Quickest Koute
St. Louis and Chicago.
The Onlv Lino lturmrai?
From Cairo,
l'KAlNS LliVS Caihh:
U.U!) a iu. Mall,
Arrlvlu(in St. Lull Is 9 UUa.m.; ChicaKO,o;HUu.iri.j
CiinuetiiuK at Odin aud Kfllritfnam I'nr Cinrln
nittl. l.outevillu, Iudianapolii and points fCaut.
i. in. F'ust St. I.oula iirul
NVt'ptn-n l'!xivpisa.
Arrlvlncc In St l.uuls 11:4) p. m.,aad cunuectln
lor all points Wen.
lii-iij p. m. I'tet Kxpross.
For St. I.011I1 and Cblcaito, iirrivlng at Ht. Louis
10:U p. in., aud Chicago '. :a0 a. m.
H45p,m Cinoinnati Kxpress.
Airlvinit at Cincinnati 7:f0 a. m.; f.oulsvllb U:W
a. m.j Indlanapoils iM a. m. Passougerb by
this train reach tho above points la to 3 (J
UGUKS in advance of any other route.
J-'The 3: 5 a. m. exuregs has PULLMAN
HOKKl'lN'l CAK from Ciilro tn Cincinnati, with
out chiingus, and tliruiigli slcopers to St, Louis
and Chicago.
Fast Time JbiaHt.
P'tcuviirrftra tui' 1,1,0 Kt'Tntigb to Est.
1 amount IS 0rn points without any delay
faueed by Sunday Intervening. The Saturday alter
loon train from Cairo arrives in new York Monday
horning at 10:35. Tlitrty-slx hours tn advance ol
07 other route,
sSPKor throuicu ticket and further informatlcu
lply at Illiuoie Central Railroad Depot, Cairo.
J. II. JONBSi icliet Axcnt
A.U. DANSON. Qon. I'asa.Aitont. Culcago
Trnlus dopatt. Trains
tMail 2:40 a.m. I tMull
4 V 5 a. in .
hxpres i:4Su. m ItHxurtes
11 45 a. m.
JSl Louis Ex li; 5 u. m. tSt Louis Ki
2:15 D. m.
I. c. K. R (Southern Divisu
tMall 4:a.ra I tN. O. Ex ..
tKxpress in::i0a.m. 1 tN. O. Ex...
t tccom 3 45 p.m. tN. O. Ex...
1:10 a. m.
11:10 a.m.
..4:80 p.m.
.2:30 p.m.
BT. L. A I. M. K. It.
.10:30 p.m. tExprecB
w,, st. h. a r. it. n.
,..4:r0a.m'. I 'Mall & Ex.
, .4:H0 p.m. I 'Acco ii
..7:45 a.m. FrelRht
MOBILE ft on IO It. It.
Mall Ex.,
6:45 p.m.
Mall ....
8:55a.m. I Mail
9:10 p. m
Dally oxcept Sunday, t Dullv.
Arr at I Dep're
f. u.
I. C. K. Rdhrongh lock mail):: h a. m.
" " ..11:10am
" (way mall) 4 30 p.m.
" (Southern Dlv 5 p. m.
Iron Mountain It. R i:3np. m.
Wabash H. H It) p. m.
Texas A St. Louis R. R 7 p. m.
8t. Louis it Cairo H. K 6 p. m.
OhloRlver 2 p. m.
Miss Mvor arrives Wed., Sat. & Mon.
rm PC
Sp. ID.
9 p. m.
9 p. m,
9 p. m
9 p. m.
6 a. ni,
9-30 am
4 p. m.
depart! wed.,Frl. & Sun.
P O. gen dol. op n from 7:30am to7:30 pm
P.O. box del. open (rom 6a.ni. to 9 p. m.
Sundays geo. del. open from. .,.8 a. m. to 10 a. ni.
Sundays hox del. open from. ...6a. m. to 10:30am
t"-NOTE.-Changee will bo published from
nine io time, in city papers, i oauee your cards ac
, if. MUltPifY, F. M
Mutual-Life & Accident
Organized Doccmbpr, 1883, Under Ilie
Law of 1883.
Successor to Widowa and Orphans Mutual Aid So
ciety, organlzod July 4th, 1877, under
tho laws of l7)i.
.. ....Yice-l'rtsldent
...Medical Adviser
Wra, Stralton, Strstton Bird, cro".ers, Cairn, 111.,
J. A. Ooidstine, ofUoldstine Kosonwater, whole
sale and retnil dry good; C. W. Dunning, M. I).;
Pres. Bd. Med Ex., for Prnalons; Albert Lewis,
commission merchant; J. II. Robinson, county
Judge ii" notary public; Wm. F. Pitchor, com.
broker and lnturance aircnt; R. II. Hatrd, city
itteet supervisor; M. Phillipa, carpenter and build
er; Thomas Lewis attorney and secretary ; E.V.
P:ercc,atttiruey tt-law, BiiQuoin III.; K. C. Pace
carhlor of I'entennlal Bans, Anhley, III. ; Albert
Ilaydcn. cashier of Qeorge Connolly A Co., Spring
field, I1 ; IS, M vlnun, attorney-at-law, 1(10 Ran
dolph slreot, Chicago; Hon. Kobt. A. Hatcher, attorney-at-law,
Charleston, Mo.; H. l.clghton,
cashier First National Hank, Stuart, Iowa.
UK. i
Electric AppllancN art sent on 30 Diyt' Trial.
IV Lost Vitjimtt.
HO are tufftirtng from Niaroea Dimurr,
Ltca or Nrava rosea am
Vi'joa. Wastiso WsKim. and all Miom dl
of a I'crsosaii rlATvni rcsuitlna; from Ascais and
Citrsii (.ai sim. Bwedy relief and complete resto
ration oi miultii, luuHana naNHooDiioARANTasD.
1 he graiiricet dincovary of tha Nineteenth Century.
bMulatuoeetorllluatratadr'aniphletfraa. Addraaa

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