OCR Interpretation

The daily Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1878-1???, October 29, 1884, Image 3

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A' i
Persistent Rumors That Khartoum
Has at Last Succumbed to
Superior Numbers.
Gordon Surprised By the Treachery of
Egyptian Troops-Desperate Attempt
to Drire the Bebels Baok.
A Severe Gale io England Destruction ol
Property and Probable Loss .
of Life.
Cairo, October 28. Ttie greatest
aozlvty exlata here and at Wada Ilaifa
and DoogoJa over the persistent rumors
from oat ve soorces now afloat at both
the latter placet to the effect tbat Khar
toam has at last atiooambcd to tbe re
peated attack v( tbe rebels. Accord
log to native reports received at Dougola,
tbe rebels, who have been menacing
Khartoom for seteral months, rcceotly
received large retaforceioeats from tbe
MahdU Ear.v la Use morning l bey made
a anddea onslaught on Khartoum, and
notwithstanding Gordon's followers
fought desperately, the town was soon
at the meror of tlte enemy, who sarmcd
Into the place from the surrounding
Another report says Qeueral Gordon
was surprised through the treachery of
some Bgytiaa troops uadvr him, and was
compelled to surrender by ore-whelming
odds after a desperate attempt to drive
tbe rebela back. A thousand of tho lat
ter were killed.
London, October 28. A severe gale is
raging throughout Great Britain to-day.
Dispatches from several points report
great destruction of property and prob
able loss of life. The telegraph wires
are down In several directions, and only
meager reports of tne ga e bare been re
ceived up to date.
London, Octjber 23. The fete at
Banugate to-day l:i honor of tbe cen Un
ary of Sir Moses Monttflore, was a mag
nificent affair. Several processions were
formed, notwithstanding tbe rain, and
marched through tbe principal streets,
past the residence of Sir Moses. Salutes
were fired Ironi early morning. Tons of
coal and hundreds of blankets were dis
tributed to tbe poor during tbe day.
London, October 28. James 0. Kelly,
Egyptian correspondent ot the Daily
Xetet, Is on his way back to London.
Dublin, October 28. Ex-?ecretry
Cornwall has been Indicted In connection
with tbe recent scandals and will be
placed on trial at an ejrly date.
A New Road With P.exuy of Capital
and Influential Backing-.
Pittsburgh, Pa., October 28. Tbe
Seaboard & Western Railroad will bo
built Fnncla Stabler ani Mr. Hamil
ton, ot New York, two representative
men of the company, are now in this
city, arraogtog details at this end of tbe.
line. A few weeks ago these gentlemen
visited Pittsburgh aod made a proposi
tion to tbe Directors of the Pittsburgh &
Western Railroad, asking lor an entrance
Into the city over their line, a so for
the purchase of six acres of laud on
Smoky Islaud for terminal fact itles.
Ttts directors of tho l'lttsburgh & West
era agreed to make certain concessions,
sad articles were drawn up and taken to
New York by Mr. Stabler, which
were submitted to tbe directors of
tbe Seaboard & Western Company and
adopted by them. Wbeu completed toe
proposed road will be a through
trunk line from Pittsburgh to the sea
board, the Lehigh Valley affording
an eastern outlet. President CaJlery of
tbe Pittsburgh & Western, says tbe new
company Is composed of prominent capi
talists and business men of New York, an 4
is backed b tbe Lehigh Va.ley lioad. It
is the intention of tbe management to
complete tbe road aud open U for traffic
by January, 188G. One ot the objects Is
'to open up a Southern market for anthra
cite coal which will be shlppjd from
Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, St. Louis and
New Orleans in barges.
The K t Oaaon Monument.
Santa Fk., N. M., October 28. Tbe
Kit Carson monument is to be unveiled
in about tour weeks, and Colonel Robert
Ingersoil has consented to deliver tho ad
dress. Tbe monument will be located al
tbe head of Lincoln avenue, fronting the
aoutb entrance to the new Capitol build
Tlgbtin Of it a Dying Man.
Chicago, Llu, Octpber 27. It is an
Douncod to-night that Wtibur It. Storey,
tbe vetatan proprietor of tho Times, is
dying. Late this afternoon the relatives
and heirs, who took the initiative In the
recent legal proceedings, applied through
counsel to Judge Kaickbocker of the Pro'
bate Court for aa order to see tbe vet'
Of an Journalist on the ground that he
was la a dyt.if coodittoa. The Judge
graoted the application, bat Don. Lyman
Trumbull, representing Mrs. Storey, at
once took anappea! to the Superior Court.'
This step wMI preveat the order from go
ing tstoefeot tor at least twenty days,
while the sufferer's cowflOon, so It la
stated by Umm oogniiant ot the laet,;
Bates Ms demise bt a question of a few1
hours. .
Cbkmgo, Im., OBtoberM. WUbwr F.
Seerer died at hi reeidMoe, fUiPiwtrle
areerae, at i:4oUBfcj't.
WM &Mrta4 tsMOOoim.
Tosrro, Oar., October . 28. Itoor
BMttM baa reached here Iron Michl.
pooatea, on Lake Superior, that rJM wbte.
, if peeVrlsn sad their friends have arnvd
the aaattss e the imaaw caasp aad wtM
at tba fcasuuag of tfce ar sad potoe
Mm way trom Toronto to amai
The' Boott Law Daolarel TJuoansUtu
Columbus, 0., October 28. The Scott
Law was this morning declared uncon
stitutional by tlio Supreme Court.
An Even Bet.
Mattoon, III,, October 28. A bet ot
91,000 a side, even up, was -mudo In this
city last evening on the result In New
York. .
A Further Out.
Rochester, N. Y , October 28, Ticket
agents on tbe New York Central Railway
have been ordered to cut rates on tbe
Niagara Fulls Branch one cent per mile.
The Bate War. ' '
Nnw York, October 28. The rate war
U at a stand-still, there having boon no
new developments since tho adoption of
the $15 rate to Chicago by tbe Erie,
Western & Lackawana.
Baby D.owaud.
Mattoon, III., October 28. This
morning an Infant child ot Hjv. Mr.
Wolfe, of the Methodist Church, crawled
off a porch and fell Into a barrel of rain
water aud drowned before It was discov
ered. Railway Conductors.
Boston, Mass., October 28. The
grand division ot railway conductors
convened In annual session here yester
day. It was decided to meet next year
at Louisvula, Ky.
Oradya Cast Continued.
Jkff&kson Crrv, Mo., October 28.
Tbe case ot tao Sute vs. Wm. Grady,
from St. Louis, was this morning con
Honed by tbe Supreme Court till tbe
January term. Grady Is now In tbe bt.
Louis jail.
Down on TounaO-urett.
Pittsburgh, Pa., October 28. The
Pnny Pru publishes a report that
agents of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad
Company are In this city buying Balti
more & Ohio Rulroad stock with a v ew
of electing au antl-Grrett man Presi
dent at 'be next annua, meeting. Tho
movement Is said to bave been on foot
for Dearly a year, and has been pushed
vigorously sluce Garrett's death.
A Three Mitiioa Dollar Oeolslon.
Cincinnati, O., October 28. The
Scott Law was decide! unconstitutional
Lb is morning, tho Republican Judges
Mcllralne aud Johnsou declaring (or, and
the Democratic Judges, Owens, Okcy
and s'olieit against It. This decision ne
cessitates tbe refunding ot three million
dollars already collected from tbe saloon
lsts, and will require tae levy ot a special
tax to pay tbe pull e and other depart
ments dependent on tbo Scott Law.
Cotton Stead f ; midotur. 9 Si
Kloub Su-arty: XJUL to cooioo, J.40&3.30;
patents. SLliA'i.li.
A hoat Firmer: No. t Hed, Tfl.Vi'SSc;
No. 3 Hod. 8U (4o7o.
Cork Lower; No. mixed, 40&t0oi
No. wbite mixod. 4oc.
OATS-.Su.-ady. No. 2. KHWift
HrB Higher: No. 2. bUi-lc
ToBACOrt Firm; lum; common to choioe
Sfl.iXlt41U.9J: leaf; common rod leaf. S7.60J
h.uu: medium to irood fiMKldW.uO.
Hav Prain f.5ili).5j lor prime tocholoe
new: clover mnud. tl.W iltiM lorcoinmonw
prime: prima new Uuiolby, (lU.0OilLUU; fan
cy, tu;. uiii. o.
Uottsh SU?aily: cnoicoto tanov ernamerr
JOifrllo: diitrr, clioiee to inner, H'&31 low
gTades noiuiuaL
fioos Mvudy; fresh stock, ITS'QlHo per
Pot atobs Firm; common to ehlce, X3
Kobk NomkiaJ: newraos. I15.M.
Lahd gulet: prime sum in. (9Tc.
ilACOM-Loiirs. lo: snorts, lOZW'ic;
cieiti ribs, loo, all packed.
1 Wool Tun- wasoed. cboioe. 29o: fair,
fTo: diniry aod low 'Zri. Unwashed Choloe
modiuin. iiUilc; rood average me
diura ialo: 3iecu4 Hutu nnelTaito: irool
a venire. MilTo; oeavr liiilKc: oombini.
bio id, JU'A.'Io: cotnOlni. low rralM. Irt -aiTo.
QHidks Sttiady and llrmidry timuis iSll'iio;
damaired, LfViJITic; bulls or staru Hint no,
sala-d, Ve; glue siook. &o. Orecn salto I. o;
damaged, .o; veal calf kln 11 io: bulls or
stairs, 6c: green uncured, A,'ic; damatroi,
bc; elue, Ha.
dHssp I'blts Dull: irreen. fiOaJo; dry
do, 4oc; greeu sbearlmiT't, 15i3)c.
WnRAT-Flrmcr: No. 2 Rod. November,
Mc: Decombor, MSo; January, 6io: Febru
ary, Wo; May, UiSc.
Cokn Lower: Novombor, Sic; Dccsmbor,
60c:;JanuHry. 8c; .May, 4'.tc.
Oats Weaker; Novoiubor, 32o; Decem
ber, KJiio.
Whsat Illg-rw-r: October. 71 S; Novem
ber, December, io; January,
77 Sc; May, M'c.
Cohn Lower; Ootohor, 41li0i Novombor.
41 o: year, 'c; January, 37Sc; May,
Oats 8t4adv; October, 2540; Novombor,
2.5 Sot December, Wo; year, Xo; May,
at 0 bid.
Point - ftPiidy, Ootober, f 15.50; yoar,
tll.ii i; January, (U.4.4.
LAun-Steady: Oi tobcr, '.t!M; Noverabor,
U.K; l)( o 'ini cr. ftU; year, I0.it' ,; Jan
uury, fd.lW'i; . ebninry, $7.0;li.
riiioKT Mas ooiouur, November,
(D.U; Jauuary,
Live Etook Markets.
IIoos-Rocelpts. 2,0M); market slow nt
at about 6o lower; lltfht. $t.l0(H.il; rouirh
paekiim, 4.1Vii4.;5; heavy packing and
Kbipiilnir, $4 fl044.M).
iCArrl.s llpoelpw, 8,000; dull and weak; ov
ports, il.26(8.7'i: Rood to clmloo, .7ft ti) L'R;
coimnnn I to medium, "M li'Wt.'i.&O; .butolicrs,
$.4(1.00; ToXIUll, SL.IOi&l.&l.
8hkkp Itooeipts, slow; common to
good, .I0aJ,4.j.
CATTi.K-Market dull and lower for (rood to
oIioIom it)rs and moiidy for common grates;
extra uteer. Sil.lOiSiMO; kooI toonol.'O otoer,
S,ri HOiWl.Uil; f.ilr 10 ifood II til Wo cows, S-LAVii
3.7f: itookeroa'id feeilcru, t:Xfbi:X.
Hiibkp and l.AWHX-Market (lull and stoadrt
common to lair shoop. e.i.0.Kis I iki; (rood to
rlio.eo hIh ep, t'',9-)ntnM: medtuin to frood
liirnlH, 4.n(;4.4U; holoo wosiern, 4.00rf
4.1; Canadii, 4.iKiM.wl.
HiMm-,arkot duil and lowor; m nil Id in 10
fair Yorker, H.MOdAiiO; vom1 to extra, i4.iH)
A.O); butebprs' grado, $u. 105.0; pigs, f 45
CArn,RUocelpts, 8,000- ranimi slow At
lOo lower; exports, SAlOiert Wii good to
choice ahlppint:, o.cW.i; oommon to me
dium, t .miuA; fnoders, H.7.V.M 25; oows,
$i.(U&l.m xraas Toxait sters. l.A2si.A0.
Hoos-aiHWipts, 3UU; we and luo lowitr:
lots of St i to tU pounds average at $l..iJ
4.70; mainly, 4.4-iwi.ifi.
BuKw-ttocoipu; noiutnally unchanged.
Money and M.oek M rkt. a,
WawTotut, OwtobnrM, Monofipor cent.
exokange quiet, but flrtn: Gkmtrnmonts dull,
but Rtrong: currency, s's, 10 bid; 4's. eou
pans, h!l!4 bid; 4'a, do., It i bid. Thesloclc
uimketopoood firm, hut quintal a frantioiml
adViiuiA uvor last nlghi's prlees on mipiKirt
lug or .en Value were w,:ll HtiniAliisd up to
Win dru call. At noon, however, tho aiarket
wuswaik iiml prlooH itieallly 'on the donllno
. onler ili leadntliip or Van.WbllS'S iOuln
v41tu It ftlashvlitit RlutroN. whlb mt nreiwrd
for aale. At tarnlre o'oiooii tbe daellna
aasjed Itom H lotolK porooni. CHuctaa
raaswoaaa issmiiuihw iwmr ssvk
Rivor markoi by the gauge at this
port, at 2:12 p. m. yesterday, 18 feet 7
Inches, - Itiao during previous twenty-
four bourg, 0 foot t inches.
Chattanooga, Oct. 28. Uivcr 0 feet 10
inches and rising.
Cincinnati, Oct. 29. Rivor 3 feet 3
inchcr and falling,
Louisville, Oct. 28. River 2 feet, 11
inches and rising.
Nashville, Oct. 28. River 0 ft 1 inch
es and falling.
Tittsburg, Oct. 28. River 0 foot 6 in
ches and falling.
St Louis, Oct. 28. River 18 ft 1 inch
and falling.
The prospect for a rise in the Oaio ib
very discouraging.
The City of Cairo from St. Louis is due
to-night for Vicksburg,
The R. S. Hayes teft hire last evening for
New Orleans wiih a good trip.
The Pearl left here yesterday for Rose
Clare to bring out a tow of rock.
Capt. Randall Ballew arrived here yes
terday from Paducab and leaves to-day for
St. Louis.
Tbe Hudson leaves St. Louis this even
ing for Paducah, and is due here to-morrow
The John B. Mude, Cpt. George Vick
crs master, will report hire to-night from
St. Lou'ib for New Orleans.
The City of New Orleans leaves St. Lou
is this evening and is due hero to-morrow
night for the Crescent Ci'y.
A large number of Cincinnati and New
Orleans pilots left here Monday on the
Springer to look at the Misausippi.
Capt James O'Neil will command tbe
fimi'us Charles Morgan, and loads at St.
Louis this week for New Orleans.
Tbe litt'c steamer Owensboro leaves Pa
ducah this week. She is coming out buck
wards, as her wheel is where her head
ought to be.
The City of Vicksburg from the south
arrived at 2 a. tu. yesterday aud discharged
several hundred bales of cotton; departed
for St. Lmis at 3:30.
The Clyde is now representing the Gus
Fowler in the Paducah and Cairo packet
trade for this week. . The Gus will come
nut next Monday in a new suit.
The R. R. Springer arrived from St. Lou-
ns tor New Orleans Monday with a big trip,
and added some freight and a good num
ber of passengers; departed at 8 p. m.
Bob Jones, freight agent, seems to have
taken a fancy to railroading recently, as he
has been making frequent trips south,
wonder if he is going to give up :ho river.
'So fsr, so good," said the boy, after
eating the stolen tart. After reviewing the
thousands and tens of thousands of colds
and coughs that have been conquered by
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup we can readily Bay,
so far, so good.
Klssos in Literature.
Georglann. tho duchess of Devon,
shire, gave S'eet, the butcher, a kiss
for a voto nearly a century since, an. I
another equally boautiful womnn, Jane,
duchess ol Gordon, recruited her regi
ment in a similar manner. Duncan
Mackenzio, a vet-ran ot Waterloo, who
died at Elgin, Scotland, hi 18b'o, de
lighted in relating how lie kissed tho
djichess in taking the shilling from be
tween her toeth to bucouio one of her
regiment, tho Gordon Highlanders,
better known ns tho 92J. The old
Scottish veteran of '87 lias not left ono
behind him to tell the talo about kiss
ing tho blue-evod duchess iti the market
placo of DutkllL
An American naval officer who has
spent somo considerable time in China
narrates an amusing experience of tho
Ignorance of tho Chlneso maiden of tho
custom of kissing. Wishing to com
plete a conquest be had made of a
young mcl jm (bonutififl lady) ho in
vited nor urfing English words to give
him a kiss. Finding her comprehen
sion of his request somowii.it obscure,
ho suited the notion to the word und
took a delicious kiss. Tho girl ran
away into another room, thoroughly
alarmed, exolniming: "Terrible man
eater, I shall bo devoured." But in a
moment, liuding herself uninjured, sho
returned to him, snying; "I would
learn moro of your strango rilo. Kiss
mo." He know It wasn't right, but ho
kept on .Instructing her in tho rlto of
koo-os mo until sho know how to do it
like a native Yankoo girl. And after
that sho suggostod a second course, re
marking: Koo-os mo somo nioro,
Boon Jino, Meo-loe-koo!" (Anglioo
Aniurlcau), and tho lesson weut on un
til hor mamma's volco rudoly awaken
ed thorn from tlioir delicious droam.
KIm her gently, but bo slyt -KIm
her when there's no ono hyi
H enl your kino, tor thru Mis meetost,
Btoleu kihsei are the weelent.
Tom Hood onco asked whether
Hannah Moro had ovor loon kissod
that is to say, by a man. It is almost
impossible to Imagino sfleh a thing,
and yet it has boen assorted by tho
author of "Rejected Addrosscs." But
to think of her bulng klssod on tho sir
and in church timet Hornco Smith
distinctly ufUrnis that on a certain oc
casion, Sidney Morgan wni plnylng tlio organ,
Whiie behind the vcrtry iioor
Ilornce '1 wins wm uniitchliiira kits v
From tbe lips of Himnoli More,
M t
A remarkable itici Is Unit while stool
will molt In hunt thnl does not nlfoot
platinum, if load bo put in the cruelblo
with tlio littler metal both will molt at
the low tt'iiiperimn'o at which load llq
iK'llim. Fii'u clay -will molt boforo plat
inum, and yet load oannot bo moiled In
a pftiiluuiu cruelblo, for as long as the
'end molts tlio platinum with which it
omos la on tact melts also and the
crucible it destroyed.
For a Good Meal .
or a good room, go to DeBaun's, SO
Union Bakery.
Oo account of the low price of flour, I
have increased the size and weight ot my
loaves an 1 now offer to the public a larger
loaf of better quality than any baker in the
city. Frank Kuatky.
For the Best Oysters,
go to DoBaun's, 50 Ohio levee. tf
Special Terra ot the Circuit Court.
A special term of ine circuit court ot
Alexander county, in tbe stato of Illinois,
tor tbo transaction of common law chan
cery and criminal business has been this
d iy cilled to convene at the court house in
tho city of Cairo on Monday, November
lum, iBoi, at a o'clock 1'. M.
Alex U. Irvi.n, Clerk.
Cairo, 111., Sept. 20th, 1884.
Open Day and Sight.
DeBaun's restaurant, 56 Ohio levee.
A Startling Discovery,
Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Ilunn. Dak., writes
(hat his wife had been troubled with acute
Bronchitis for many years, and that all
remedi'.s tried eve no oermanent relief.
until he 'procured a bottle of Dr. King's
flew Discovery fur Consumption, Coughs,
and Colds, which had a magical effect, and
nroduced a Dermanent cure. It is uutran-
teed to cure all Diseises of Throat, Lungs,
or Bronchial Tubes.
Trial B ttlcs Free at Barclay Bros.' Drua
Store. Large Size fl.OO. (3)
Only the Best Brand of uyeters,
at DeBaun's, 50 Ohio levee. tf
riucKien's Arnica Salve
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Cruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevet
-Sores, Tetter, Chapped HandB, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively
cures Piles. It i guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
'iti cents per box. For sale by Barclay
Look for the Red Light,
at DeBaUu'a 5'i Ohio levee.
An End to Boue Scraping'.
Edward Shepherd, of LUrriaburg, III.,
says: "Having received so much benefit
fmm Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to
let suffering humanity know it. Have had a
running sre on my leg for eight years; my
doctors told me I would have to have the
luine scraped or leg amputated. I used,
instead, three buttles of Electric Bitters and
seven Imxes Bucklen's Arnica Slve, ard
my leg is now sound and well."
Electric Bitters ure sold at titty cents a
bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 2jc.
per box by Barclay Bros. (5)
If you are failing; broken, worn out and
nervous, use "Wells' Health Renewer." f 1.
Hay Fever and Rose Cold.
I can recommend Ely 'a Ci earn Balm to
relieve all persons suffering from rose cold
and bay fever. I bave been a great suffer
er from these complaints and have used it.
I have recommended it to many of my
friends for catarrh, and in all cases where
they have used the balm freely they have
been cured. T. Kenney, Dry Goods Mer
chant, Ithaca, N. Y.
Beti-Bugs, Flits:
Flies, roiclies, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice,
gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by ''Rough
on Rats." IScts.
Resit niLL, Audrain Co., Mo., July 20,'83.
After suffering some 18 months or more
with rheumatism in my limbs and intense
pain in my back, I was advised to try Mer
rell's Penetrating Oil, and after using one
bottle I was eutirely cured of both rheu
matisin and pain in my back. It is the
best liniment I have ever uped.
Yours truly, G. W. Slavens.
Life Preserver.
If you are losing your crip on- life, try
"Wi-lls1 Health Renewer." Goes direct to
weak spots. (3)
Women with p do. colorless faces, who
feel weak and discouraged, will receive
both mental nnd bodily vigor by using
Carter's Iron Tills, which are made for the
blood, nerves and complexion.
Malaria is causud by Torpid Liver;
files hy Constipation; HeadHche by Imli
gestion. Avoid them all by using the greit
vegetable remedy, Allen's Bilious Physic
23 cents. At nil druggists. 7
Don't Siilll tho Milk. '
'There is no use crying over spilled
milk," stys tho old saw. If vou aru not
only bah!, but have no lifo in tho roots of
your hair, there is no use crying over that,
titl cr. Take both time and yourself by
tne loreiocK while there, is a forelock h it.
Apply Parker's Hair Balsam to vour hair
lieforo matters get worse. It will arrest
the fulling off of your hair and restore its
iiginnl color, gloss and softness. It is a
perlect dreeing withal, clean, richly per
turned, cools and bonis thei-cnlp.
For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,!
Hoarseness, Kronchitis.Croup, Influ
enza, Asthma, Whooping Couch, In
cipicnt Consumption and for the re
lief of corijjmptivc persons in advan-
ecu stages oi tne Disease, i or oaic
by all Druggists. Price, $ Cents.
Of Otlro, UUnol.
CAPITAL. 100,000!
A Oeueral Banking1 Business
TI10S, W. II ALiHL) A."V
Of Cairo.
Commercial Avenue and EJghth Street
P. BltOSS, President. I P. NfiFr, VlcePren'nt
U. WELLS, Caebiur. I T. J. Kortb, Ass't cattb
. BroM Cairo I William Klu to. ,C:-iro
Peter Ncff ... " William Wolf.... "
(.'. M . Oslerloh " C. O. Putter........ "
B.A.Buder " I II.- Wells
J. Y. ClemFon, Caledonia.'
Kicbango ro'd and bought. Ioteroct pild it
tie Saving Department. Collection! made and
all huslneas promptly atteuded to.
129 Commercial Ave., Cairo, ill.
administered dally.
A lady in attendance.
OFFICE Kant Side Commercial , below 8th St.
Cairo. Illinois.
Ountal Surgeon
..mil No. 138 Commercial Avenue, between
rfi r.d Ninth Huntu
OFFICE-Clty Drug Store. Carbondale, 111.
'7 A
w K
C2 -?
53 53
617 St. Charles St. ST. LOUIS, MO.
A ran-ulfiF Orntlnntw oi two mpdtral
rolipgi-n, liHi tH-en ioiikhi niKKifed in the treat
nicntorC'lironlo, Narvoua. Hkiu ami
ltloo.l Dlm'i'i than anv otln-r iIivbIcIii In
6u l,niili,a(cliypxx'ririnw I'nrt all ild rml
dpiili know, Coiimlutlnn at otr.ee or br n.all,
frra and nvitccl. A friendly tulk or hit opinion
tmti mulling, When ItU I'irni.veiilent toTkill
the city lor treatment, niedlulnea :m be tent
byniallor exprem evervwbt-te. Curable ee
Riiarunteeil : wbere doubt exUtJ.v, le frankly
ttuted. Call or Write,
Sertona Pmatratiow, Bebliltr, ilentat anil
phraltal Weaknum, Merra.lal and OtheJ
altectlomof Throat, Sklnan4 Boaei Kloo4
ImparltUa and Blond Polnnplny, kla Affer-
tlonn, Old Korea aad Plfew, ImnedlmenU U
Marrlag. Bhenmitlmi, Pile. Sperlal a
tentloa t eauea from OTer-worked Jjala.
Hl'RtiU'AL CASKS recelra uperlal attention.
Dine mm arUIng from Imprudenen. Kireiiea,
Indulgeicei or Kipoiuroi,
It ll ilf.evl(l.nt that a ptivilelan frying
particular attention to a clamf atlalna
great iklll, and phyilclani In regular pracllra
all over the country knowing tint, freii'witljf
recommend oiet to Hie oldeit oitlce Ir A inert
ta, where every known aiipllanra l ttiorw
to, and the rrovil coo.l riirti or au
agea and eountrlea are u-d, . A whole uqnae la
nm-d forontoe puriwaen, and all are troalo:! wltn
kill In a reapet-lrnl inaiiuert and, knnw.ng
whattodo, iioexperluieiiuareniadi'. Cn -o-(oniit
of the great numlit-r arplvlnr, tnaj
elrarge are kept low, often lower than la tle-
elrarge are kept low, onen lower man la oe
niann.'d by ot'iera. If you aveura the akl.l -. .nd
geta"iweily and perieel lift) cure, that It :n
Iniportant mailer. PauipUlet, M pugek 8)ut
PJegant rloth and gilt hlndlug. Sealed for 60
hnuld marry. How lire aud hapidneaa may oa
liicreav'ii. i r
marrvlnir aboi
juarrylng tiould read It, It ought to fm rea
Lv all adult neriona. then katit under lock
ley, PoiMilar edition, eatueaa aUive, but paptr
cover ana iw page, H eauti vj wail, t Vwr
c pottage,
ent in iNiatngeor currenrv, uver niij wjh
(terfulpen plel Jrea, tniato'lfe, artleleo ontli
Aillowtug ulJe i Who may marry f whon f
whyf Prnperagetomarrr, W bo marry fir 'f.
Mnnhood. Womanhixid. Phvalcal decay. W 30
Shortest and Quickest Eoate
St. Louis and Chicago.
The Onlv Ijine llunnm
Ifrom Cairo,
Making Direct Connkotiom
Triim Liavi Caiho:
U.UOam. Mall,
Arriving in Bt. Lor.lt I 00 a.m.; Cbicago,8:30 p.u..,
Cnnnuciing at Odin and Kfflnenam for Cincin
nati. Louiaville, Indianapohi and polt'U Eaat.
12:5 p. m. Fust St. Louis and
Weatern iixpreea.
Arriving In St tonla 6:45 p. in., anil connecting
for all poluta West.
3:43 p. m. Fast Kxpreit.
Fbr 8t. Lonlt and Chicago, arriving at St. Lonlt
1015 p. m., and Chicago ?;io a. m.
3:45 p.ra Cincinnati Kxpresa.
Arriving at Cincinnati 7:00 a. m. t l.onievlllt 1:55
a. m.; ludiauapoila 4:i a. m. Pas-oi,gor by
this train reach the abi.ve poiLta til to 30
UOUHS in advance of an; other rents.
tJTTlie 8:45 a. m. expreaa has PULLMAN
SohEPlNG CAH from Cairo t o Cincinnati, with
out cbiingoa, aud through aleopura to at. Loir
and Chicago.
' Fast Time Kast.
PticcPTirrPra bT tn'B 1106 through to Ea.
I tla5cllj;cia era poluta withont any delay
eaueed by Hunday Intervening. Tbe Saturday alter
iood train flora Cairo arrive tn new York Monday
nornlug at 10:35. Thlrty-tlx hours In advanceol
dv other ronte,
le-Kn throneh tlcketa and furthei ltilormatlog
ipply at Illlnoia Central Bailroad Depot, Cairo.
J. u. j'JiMBiD, ricaei akou.
1.0. HANSON. Geo. Pact. Agent. Chicago
Trains depa-t. Train arrfve.
tMail ...a:ila.rr.. i 4:5a. m.
Kxprees 1:43 p. m Tbl preen 1 1 :.- a. m.
Ht Lou It Ex 1J;::j i. m. I tSt Loi.la Kx i:l5 p. m.
I. c. B. it (routtiern jjiviaion)
tMall 4:45a. m 1 1. Ex . .11:10 a. ru.
tKxprent o:Mlia m. I tN. O Ex... 11:10a.m.
tACCom. a 4a p.m. I ta. j. a;ou p.m.
BT. L. I. M. It. It.
tEiprca 10:30 p.m. I ExpreM .a:10p. m.
tStL. Mall ... 8:0 p.m. tst.L Wall.
tSt. L. fci 9:"S a m j t-t L. Ex..
W., 8T. L. ft P. R. H.
Mail & Ex 4.i0a.m. I 'Mall A Ex
Accnm 4:00 t.m. I 'Acco'n
U. 80p.m.
.10:80 a.m.
Freight......M.?:45 a.m. Krtlght b:4. p.m.
MOBILE A (MHO 11. ft.
Mall 5:2 a.m. I Mall 4-ICp.m.
Ei preen ll:no .m Eipr e ..10:0rp m.
Dally except Sonnay. t Uullv.
Art at) Dop're.
P. O. I I'm PC
C. K. R (ttrongb lock mail), tt a. m. ,
' (way mall).... 2 80 p.m.
8p. m.
9 p. m.
8 p. ra.
9 p. m
9 p. m.
? a. ni.
II a.m.
" (Moutbern Dlv 4:0p m.
Iron Mountain H. R &:0p.m.
Wahaeh H. K o a. m.
Tcxaa A St. Louie K. K : i nooi
St. Lou la A Culro Ii. K 4 p. m
OhioKiver 3 p. m.
Mies hiver arrives Wed.. Sat. A Mon.
departs Wed , Fri. at Snn.
PO. gen dol. op n from 7:80 am to 7:30 pro
P.O. box del. open Irom a. m to 9 p. m,
Sundays guc. del. open lrom....8a. m, to 10 a.m.
Sundavs hnx del. open from. ...6 a. m. tc 10:30am
(4N0TE.-CbangfcS will m puiillsh.ud from
time to time. In city papers, t aniio vout cards no
cordtngly. WM. II. MUKPHY P. M
Penetrating Liniment
f I A powerful preparation
g- -. "f dri-pn apiilied to the tnr
;Tfl face will penetrate lo Ilia
vcrv Iioiic.uimI almoat IN.
EA3 UOIttJAticf CVSStf
Nenralgla. Sprains,
Stiff Joints,
ll'JI CTj Lamo Back,
l3 jLjl Tooth-Ache,
Iril Sore Throat, Pains
Itt I Jaar in Limht. Stom
I " I I ach or Bowels,
win not miii. ri.OTiitna
nv diMoiot trie akin l(
tuanten In remnant naa
D PlivKiciana and others
loi 2U vrait Price 4Uu.
Pitpaito oni cy
AOOB 8. MIRDIlt ' i-Owia- Mo,
T.RAiJtaa in aniiciN9.
Patrick T. McAlpine,
2 Q
Leader lo
3 3
Muclo to urcler. (
etb St., bet. Ohio Lovoo A Commercial Ava.
Repalrlujf neatly done at short notice.
( ! )in mission Merciian
; tr(.OUK(lfBi! AND HA ' .
''' '
Egyptian MoaringMillo;
Hlebit Ciuh Prlr Paid tor WkitS,

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