OCR Interpretation

Daily Arizona silver belt. (Globe, Gila County, Ariz.) 1906-1929, December 10, 1907, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87082863/1907-12-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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Volume II. No, 52,
Relieved That Special Grand
Jury Will Be Called If Court
Sustains Demurrers,
New Mexico Land Cases Will
Not Come to Trial This Year;
Green Found Guilty of Vio
lating Edmunds Act,
Tho trials of tlioso recently indicted
tor perjurv bv tlfo federal grand -jury
mil not tako "place during the present
session of court, according to nn au
thentic report. It is understood that
the United States prosecutors and, the
attorneys for the defenso have reach
. d an agreement thnt tho trials will bo
.ontinued until tho Juno session of the
federal court. However, at a confer
,nco held at the offico of Bawlins &
Little last evening, demurrers to the
indictments were prepared and they will
be presented to Judge, Nave at 2tf0
o'clock this afternoon, when tho defend
ants who have- been arraigned are call
ed to answer the indictments.
It is understood that if tno demur
rnrs to the indictments aro SUSiaineil
by tho court, it is tho intention ot tho clcnt to 'meet tho" payroll of the com- from 5 top car men $3.75 from $3,
United States attorney to ask for the nv i,avinR oecn received, yqstcrdn PumPmen $' fro,n $5 timbermen 4.50
.onvening of n special federal grand from DuiMth. Ycstonlay tho National'10"1 $5 carpenters $5 from $7, innehin
iurv, to which tho enses will be sub-.fining Exploration "company dis- ists S5 fro engineers (licensed) $3
muted. n , .
Assistant Attorney General Peyton
Gordon, who was sent out from Wash
ington to press tho charges ngainst the
Phelps Dodgo company, leaves this
morning for Santa Fe, which is taken
as ample corroboration of tho report
that the cases will not como to trial
.luring tho present term of court. It is
said that tho prosecution is not yet
ready to proceed with the trials and it
is certain that tho defenso has not had
time to prepare for them.
There were no new developments m
the land cases yesterday, although what
purported to bo facts as to tho indict
ments placed on secret filo wero made
semi-public' Inst evening, showing that
there existed a leak somewhere in the
official court machinery. Tho matter
will undoubtedly bo called to tho ut
tcntion.of Judge-Nnva this morning by
tho United States attorney. J
Judge Franklin of FJ Pason And E. E.
Ellinwood, counsel for tho Phelps Dodgo
.ompany, arrived in' tho city on the de
laycd. train this morning at 3:43. and
will appear in court this afternoon
when the perjury cases are called tip.
Green round Guilty.
William Green, who was indicted
jointly with Bertha Heed for violating
the Edmunds-Tucker act, was placed on
trial yesterday in tho United Stntes
iourt. Only four witnesses wero intro
duced by the prosecution, one of whom
was Bertha Heed, who on. a promise
of immunity by United States Attorney
Alexander, gave testimony ngainst
Green. The other witnesses were lo
cal officers. Short arguments were
made by Assistant United States Attor
ney Christy, George K. French for tho
defense, and Cnptain Alexander. The
jury was out about ten minutes, return
ing a verdict of guilty as charged.
Green will bo sentenced this morning.
Following tho verdict the indictment
against Bertha Heed was dismissed.
Tho other case of Edmunds act vio
lation,, that against T6m Smith, colored,
nnil Filna Earl, white, will bo tried
today and ns tho woman has asked for
a severnncu ui main, u j..".."V -intention
to tako tho immunity bath
at Smith's expense. ,
R. G. Scott, who was indicted for
wiling liquor to Indinns, changed his
pica to guilty yesterday and will rc
icivc sentence this morning.
Trial Jury Empaneled.
The following is tho United States
trial jury which was empaneled yester
day morning:
P. Anderson, Clifton; A. II. Austin,
Ndomonville; J. F. Bingham, Duncan;
L T. Bridgers, Clifton; II. A. Brewer,
(dobe; J. A. Bordeaux, Globe; T. J.
Itonleanx, Globo; G. F. Cook, Globe;
P. Clarkson, Globe; F. D. Connor,
lifton; P. E. Davis, Globe; R. J. Ed
wards. Globe; T. E. Fnllon. Cbfnn;
Tohn Franks, Globo; S. P. Green, 'Mor
nci; II. N. llolway, Morenci; H. S.
.rav, Sifford; F. W. Herzko, Clifton;
.. J. Hatch, Solomonville, J. A. Har
ost, Globe; C. C. Johnson, Morenci;
E. Johnson, Morenci; J. B. Kaster,
vilomonvillo; T. A. Kinsoy, Globo; John
I .pitch, Solomonvillo; F. C. Martin,
lifton: Ezra Madscn, Safford; E. J.
McCupu, Globo; R. Nail, Duncan; M. R.
'nvens, Clifton; C. C. Ottingcr. Globe;
T. E. O'Neill, Globe; Gcorgo W. Phil-J
,.s, Duncan; W. S. Ross, Ulooc; v. w.
I -idford, Globo; J. C. Robinson, Saf
-rd; J. A. Stone, Clifton; Richard
revens, Clifton.
Jury Decides That Gila Valley
RpaH Must Pay Iniured
Linpiuy&o vivuuyi r. jy
Afi.. i. . i :.:..
, "rv "' '" V l ,'"uafc '"'."'"""K
.als in tho history of the district court
01 lliln pniltitv rnn inn- in thn nnon
the full mon
,f t i it ii " : i Ti n'i Vr it ,. """" Ui uwropiiir .mu iiugieei. pentedly betrayed by the association
i ,i ; tCt l.i K -i y " i,- which .Aiiearn permuted to oiunin m h0 nt that the reduction would bo
tnobo & Northern railway company yep. the streets of tho borough was tho prin- considered nt a meeting tomorrow and
' r(Ja' rCturnr(1 ? ve"1'tf'? H fW? ftf""?1 xxVn wh,ch IIuK,1Cs bMca some plan of nction or-inaction bo do
plaintiff awarding lum damages in tho his' action. cided upon.
sum of $10,000, tho full nmount asked
for in tho complaint.
Yesterday morning Judge Nnvo ruled
adversely on tho motion of the dofenso
for instructions for a verdict for tho
railroad company anil arguments wer6
begun, forty-live miuutcs being allowed
each side for tho presentation of their
respective cases. Tho arguments woro
as able ns nny over heard in tho dis
trict court, Sonntor Eugene S. Ives pre
senting tho railroad's side and Attor
neys 1 C. Jacobs and George J. Stono-
man thnt of tho planum.
Tho instructions of the court wore to
tho effect that if tho jury was satisfied
that tho defect in tho "pony" wheol
of tho gasolino velocipedo was nlono ro
sponsible for its leaving tho track,
thoroby causing Hall's injuries, to find
for the plaintiff, but othcrwlso they
woro to render a verdict for tho do
fondant company. Tho jury took tho
enso shortly beloro noon and their do
liberations lasted until six o'clock last
night, when they returned tho verdict
ns stated above. ? It is understood thnt
tho jury arrived "at tho early conclusion
thnt Hall was entitled to all ho asked
for or nothing, and after numerous bal
lots, tho twelve inch reached an agree
ment. A motion for a now trial will bo mado
by the attorneys for tho rajlroad torn
plinv within Ave days.
Two Companies at Least Dis
tribute Genuine Money to
Today tho Globe Consolidated 'com
pany will distribute between $4,000 and
?o,uoo in real money among its em
11WPP, shinmont of r.iiTrnnnv snffl
the Old Dominion payday will ljcgin
next Monday. It will bo conducted' as
was last month's on tho continuous
plan about 200 men being paid off
each day. Drafts will again bo used
by tho Old Dominion, tho company be
ing unable to secure enough currency
to meet its heavy payroll. President
Smith of tho company, who is now in
Globe, states that it is certain that tho
January payday can bo met with real
Physician Who Came Here
From California Arrested on
Charge of Forgery, , ( ,
Dr. Sanders, who camo here about
six weeks ngo from California and who
was recently selected as railroad sur
geon for tho Gila Valley railroad, was
arrested Saturday night on a telegram
from the sheriff of Los Angeles county,
stating that tho doctor was wanted in
Los Angeles for forgery. lie was ar
rested and locked up in tho county jail!
Sheriff W. A. Ilammcll of Lqs An
geles was expected hero last night to
and it was expected that he would
tako the physician back to Los Angeles
leave with him this morning, but ow
ing to tho delay in tho arrival pf tho
train it could not bo learned whether
or not tho sheriff wns aboard. No de
tails could bo learned of tho nllegcd of
fense of tho doetdr.
Reception To Be Given at New
Furniture Store to Which
. , Pujbjic Is Invited,-
Ono of tho most beautiful events in
ilin frotrt nnnnla tt tlm pUv iti11 lin
tributed n somowhnt less amount in the "." 5.. ' , ll-""a ?" " i, uu.h
coin of tho realm, which had been , 8""t's &-M f", tool sharpeners
shipped from Boston. 5 from $G blacksmiths' helpers $1
YestordaV tho" United Globq mines I '" 3f surface laborer? $3.50 from
nni.l nfT in flirn., 1mft nn Unitnn nn,l $-5Q, amalgamators $4.50 from $5, van-
tho formal opening of tho now storo mcnt mai' vct . effected, and that if ,
and thtf" roception to bo -given by ,Nu-inot nn attempt will bo mado to or
quin, Broad nnd Mosquito streets, to-1Kanzo cw union to bo afliliatcd with
morrow from 10 n. m. to 9 p. m. A cor-f tho 'Amoncan 1-edoration of Labor, with
dial invitation is extended the general j,VJcli tho mino owners have already in-'
public, nnd the ovent will mark a bright ' timarcd thoy w6uld bo willing to enter
page in tho mercantile history of Globe,
The store, ono of tho most beautiful
blnation of holiday and opening attire,
in tho southwest, nnd containing ono l"" ; pi.i ,u xuimi, n.iuiu mu
of the- finest stocks of furnituro nnd c9t ? living is conceded to bo 20 per
hbuso furnishings ever broh'ght to tlfo cent cheaper. than m Goldfleld.
citv. will bn nf-rnnim,! in n linnin 'p.nm. I The officers of-the miners union say
wlncli will provo not only pleasing to "ii ul lIlu ocianui,, mui. mien nunu
tho eye, but instructive, as'all the lato "onts which they characterize as
things in furniture will bo disnhtyed W" llavo been issued before nnd tho
and rooms artistically, scientifically nnd ,
modishly arranged will show correct sot
tings' nnd offer mahy good suggestions,
wijii -v,y'"j vs i',' B1"M'" "l threats ot vioionco anu oven attempts
bronzp lithographs, copyrighted nnd at v;6lcrido nrb beingconstantly heard
mado especially for this ovent from the- fdnight, but at tho union headquarters
original paintincs of masters, will bo n,cn n M.nm,tori,i nu fnim nmi ;,.
given to every adult visitor. Theso aro instances wero porsonal oncountcrs havo
expcjisiyc b hogranhs- nnd well worthy 'oecurrc(i tho ovidenco is that tho dis
tho city. A Tho storo willrcninin close-; , tjrbnncs woro caused by irresponsible
until i niinmnrf linitw 111 . ... " 1 .. . ." '. .
until tiie opening hour, 10 a. m.
ALBANY, N. Y., DccomberJ 9. Gov-
cnQf Hughes tonight ordered the ro
-'ft. " " VX J, . :." "
movai rrom oiuco or .loan Aiicarn,
president of the borqifgl, of Manhattan,
rni.n nnn.l!i!.. e .1! ! .1 1--1
Contains New Wage Scale
With Sweeping Reduction,
Lowering Scale 20 Per Cent,
Officials of Union Say It's a
Bluff; There Will Be No Vio
lence, Say Union Officers,
and There Has Been None,
GOLDFIELD, Nov.. December 0.
Lato this afternoon tho Goldfleld Mine
Owners association issued nn ultimntum
to tho miners in Goldfleld, in tho shapo
of a set of resolutions adopted 'at a
meetlugwhich had been in progress nil
day. The resolutions, which embody a
now scale of wages, showing a lowering
of tho scale of about twenty per cent,
aro ns follows:
'Resolved that tho mines of tho dis
trict ro-open upon 'tho wage scale agreed
upon and that the following rates of
wages bo adopted as tho scnlq to 'bo
paid in tho' district, by nil opcrntors,
membdrs -o f t ho nssoc in t io n :
"Miners $1 from $3, machine men $1
from $3, chnek tenders $3.75 from $5,
muckers $3.75 from &5. carmen $3.75
"er-inen $4 from $3, laborers $3.50 from
''Resolved, that no member of the ns
Miciation employ in or around nny mine
or millj any member of Goldfleld. Locnl
Union No. 220, Western Federation of
.Miners, or any union connected with
the Western Federation; thai nil men
hereafter employed by nny member of
this association in or around nny mine,
or mill, bo required ns n condition to
employment, to sign a writtqn contract
which contains an agreement thnt tho
miner is not mid will not bo during
tho time he is working a member of
Goldfleld .Miners' union, or any other
union connected with the Westcron Fed
eration. "Resolved, that the mines of the dis
trict resume operations Thursday with
the jneu who agree to tho foregoing con
ditions and thnt all old employes bo
given the preference at nil mines, pro
viding that such employes present ip
plications Thursday.
Eeduco Cost of Living.
"Resolved, that it is tho sense of tho
association that the cost of living in
Goldfleld district bo reduced at least
twenty per cent from what it now is
and unless this bo dono within a rea
sonable timo the association will con
struct and opern(o a gencrel merchan
dise store, or stores and boarding houses
that will guaranteo to tho employed
in and around the mines or mills, a re
duction to this or a greater amount."
The association announced that if
there was not a sufficient number of
lon wjijng to go to work upon the
ternll, of t10 resoiution before Decern-
ber 12, it will employ men from such
sources as it may bo able to secure
Wont Work Mines.
The oxecutivo committed of tho Min
c. u",on lla3jecn in session nearly nil
day, but no statement has been issued
in answer to the ono sent out by the
mine owners, tho contents of which
had been anticipated by tho minors.
It is the belief of the miners' union
expressed tonight nfter tho issuance of
the owners' statement, that no attempt,
will bo mado by tho owners to do more"
than clear thq minps of water that hnsr
accumulated during tno present week.
Whether an .attempt will bo mado to
prevent this much being done, is some
thing that cannot be determined to
night, but the men say positively that
no violence will be resorted to and no
disturbance mntlo on Thursday when
the mines 'aro to bo, re-opened.
Whether the union will undertake to
renew negotiations with tho mine own
ers in nn attempt to bring about some
sort pf a compromise beforo Thursday
is something that has not yet been dist
cussed by tho cxecutivtf committee- of
tho union. 4
May Bo Settled. . . t
Consnrvntivn men liot.eonnpctnd with
either ttho owners' or miners' prgdniza')
ions are oi me opinion uiui n sumo
an agreement.
r'' now scale of wag
nges is based on
'thoy placo littlo confidence in the state
pro" "? cunuiwuu not uuni
No Violence,
Itcports of attempts, 'at intimidation,
parties and that tho union officials aro
ondcavoring to provont disorder and
President Mackinton declared that
Lil, ,...:.. ., ., .nllnnno in (1.. ulnln.
rw '" i""- " '"" "" "-
mohts issued by tho association because
the confidence of tho union has been re-
..... . . .. . ..
cided upon.
bor 0. Tho doublB starrod flag of blue,
tho emblem of thtj commander in chief
of tho Pacific bound fleet, was Hung
to tho breo7o on tho main truck of 'tho
battleship Connoqtfcut today and Rear
Admiial Evans formally assumed his
position as leader, (in tho greatest naval
movement in the, liiertory of tho Amer
ican people. This wns assembly day for
tho licet, which isito sail Monday, and
of tho sixtcon grohF fighting machines
ordered to skirt life southern end of
America and inaUgurato a now navel
era Tor the Pacific ocean, there were
but two laggards, These wero tho 10,-000-ton
Minnesotijj )bo flagship of Rear
Admiral Thomas, rbmmnndor of tho sec
nod squadron, ami tho Kentucky, whoso
11,500 tons rclcgil ;d her to a position
at tho end of tho honored column.
Wesley Burgess Receives Max
imum for Second Degree
Notwithstanding the recommendation
of tho jury for moj-cy, Judge Nave yes-
torday morning sentenced Wesloy Bur-
gess to life imprisonment in. tho tcrri-
torial prison. Burgess was convicted by .
the jury for murder in the second de-
grco nnd his senteW is the maximum '
for thnt crime. Burgess conducted n
barber shop on Loher Pinto Creek nnd
shop on Lojer Pinto Creek and
lontlm ago, lf shot nnd instantly
Juan Cabroja, a Mexican with
ho had had trouble over n camo ,
two inon
wnnm lin liml linn ftrnnhln nvnr n rrninn
of cards. t I
Burgess' defensf wns that Cabrera I
had threatened to Vput out his lights")
and that he was forced to bent him tn
it. Ho had nn able defenso by Judgo
J. M. McCollum, who was appointed by
the court to defend him nnd this was
responsible for the! jury's recommenda
tion. J
Although Burgels Is not n vicious
appearing negTO k was evident from
tlip testimony "introduced by tho prose
cution that his crimo wns a cold blood
ed one, in view of which h6 was for
tunnre in escaping the death penalty.
He will be taken to Yuma tomorrow
by cither Sheriff Thompson or one of
his deputies,. "
Maior MhpIIpi Aain Visits'
IVIdJUl IVIUUiei rtdlll Vl&llb
After 27 Years; Was
Officer in Rough Riders,
Major Fred Mueller, receiver of the
United Stated land office at Santa Fc,
N. M., arrived in the city Sunday oven
ing accompanied by J. lluwnrd Vaughn,
cashier of tho First Nationnl bank of
Santa Fo nnd also territorial treasurer
of New Mexico.
Major Mueller is probably tho only
ex-rough rider who is not called by his
proper title. Ho is Captain Mueller or
Cnptain Fritz to his friends, although
mustered out of the service at the end
of the war. His service in Cuba was
he was made a major when ho
not the first real service tho major
saw. Ho served for years in tho United
States cavalry and that which ho saw-
in Cuba wns as piny compared to some
of the service ho saw in Arizona in the
early 80 's when tho Apaches "were
numerous and more troublesome than
" "In 1880 nnd 1882 the mnjor served at
Fort Thomas and nt San Carlos, nnd in
both of tlioso years he visited Globe,
."which was littlo more than a settle
ment, nnd his visit here nt this timo
is Ins first since tho latter date. JIo moved, to uo succeeded uy v. m. uom
said ho was prepared for surprises, but nraxen. After being in session two
Globe, ns it now is, was far moro than hours it nppeared to bo the sentiiment
he expected. of the stockholders that the bank could
Several years ago it was common talk bo rehabilitated if the depositors would
in Now Mexico that Major Mueller was mako concessions and wait ono or two
offered tha govepiorshjp of New Mex- years with interest to bo paid on de
ico by (Presicjenti Roo'scvelt, but the posits. It wns announced that tho ap
formor rough rjdpr refused to bo gold- pointment of a receiver bo fought in the
bricked by oven ins" former command- courts. A demand wns made for the
ing officer tnn"d To declined tho office removal of tho directors, and following
with thantfs.""Desn7t'e,Otliis attempt on tho resignations a mooting of stockhold
tho part '6f Iho'p'rt'slilont to hand him ors for tho election of n new board
a lemon, tliW iiiajor1 is for a third term will be held. Another committee was
for-Roosevolt-nnd -ho. believes that tho named to examine the assets of tho
president will accept tho republican' 'bank.
iidminatitfl?'H!ftendiJrtd him. It is nrolii.i C. S. Cushing, nn attorney, was this
ably m3re thrfri belief with Captain
Tritz, ns hd i,s clnsc'r to tho president
than probably any man in tho south-
west. ''
Major Mueller and Mr. Vnuehn camo
hero to testify in tho conl land cases,
but woro notified yesterday thnt their
presence would not bo required until
eVlor0santlFr mrn1"8 thoy "i
' I
LOS ANGELES, Cnl., December 9.
All tho night shift nt the Lighter mine
remscd to go to work tonight nnd to-
morrow "the day shift will not work,
Tho nction is duo to n notice posted by
the officers of tho company informing
tho men that hereafter they must givo
nine hours' work daily underground r
in other words thoy cannot take out
timo for changing nnd going to work.
Tonight sovonty-fiyo men quit. work. As
nn tiie mmo owners navo agreed to sun
ilnr propositions, tho men at Iho other '
mines will undoubtedly not go to work-1. W. l-ryo nnd Laurio li. Brown,
tomorrow. 'Tho mine owners havo. boon . Tho lodge, although but recently in
preparing to do tl this for two weeks stltuted,- has alreddy a membership of
and say that in Case all tho mon ccaso v170 (and is in n flourishing condition,
work thoy will hnvo thoir places filled .Tho numbers are making preparations
insido of ten days. Everything is quiet to' giyo a ila'nco at Dreamland in the i
tonight and no trouble is anticipated. near' future I
jMMMLd ' -i ; I. '-' I, v .I,- ,ii rr liiiiiini "i lin r iTifflM
Sensations Galore in San Fran
cisco Bank Smash and More
Arrests Are Made,
Stockholders Made Defendants
in Receivership Proceedings;
Will Fight the Appointment;
Bonds Are Reduced,
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., December 9.
Attorney General Webb today
commenced proceedings in the superior
court for appointment of n receiver for
the suspended' California Safe Deposit
ami Trust company, whoso president,
vice president nnd gcnoral manager aro
under arrest for embezzlement. Tho
stockholders as well as tho officials and
inR oners preventing tho officials and
directors from disposing of the bank's
?880t8 ,n any way pending the hearing
for tho appointment of a receiver.
Th'9 nction by tho attorney general
wa'' followed by a reduction by .Tudgo
Dunno of bail fixed on the warrant for
J- Dalwsll Brown, general manager of
J- mzcii wrown, general manager or
tho institution from $200,000 to $75,000
nnt of w- T- Bnrtnctt, vice president,
f"1 $200,000 to $75,000.
A run on the safe deposit vaults of
tho closed bank, caused by rumor-that
oxes had been looted, a meeting this
afternoon of somo of the stockholders
n which committees were appointed to
demand the resignation of tho directors
hi uAiiiiuiiu iiiu axMuis aim corner wuu
the depositors and a meeting of de
positors tonight, were the developments
of tho day in connection with the fail-
lure of tho company. After futilo nt-
teiiipis an niicrnoon io secure ooniis
mon, Brown has returned to the city
prison tonight. Bartnett, moro success.
tul, was released tins evening.
President Under, Arrest.
President David F. Walker is under
arrest at Santa Barbara and will leave
tomorrow for this city in custody of De
tectivo Sergennt Matheson of tho local
Neither Brown nor Bartnett would
discuss their arrest or. the. situation be
yontl declaring thoir innocence of any
wrongdoing. Brown insisted that tho
institution is not insolvent, and com
plained that reports published of con
ditions are unfair.
"I still contend," said ho, "that the
assets, although at this time hard to
rea,'zoui)0"'arc far ,noro than tho lia"
bjmi and if the stockholders and
depositors will come together, be rea
sonablc nnd each make concessions, the
depositors will bo paid dollar for dollar.
As to the disappearance of tho Colton
securities I am innocent; beyond that
I can sa3r nothing."
Bnrtnctt would make no statement re.
gnrding his connection with the bank,
its alleged mismanagement or what be
came of the Colton bonds, and stocks
which by him were placed in the insti
tution. Tho rumor gained circulation todny
that the looting of tho bank extended
to tho safe deposit boxes, which arc
among the largest in the city. In con
nection with this rumor there wns quito
n run on the boxes this afternoon. Anx-
'"" lclcs ,nf ho Kthercd around the
loora of the vault department and as
rapidly as thoy could bo handled, went
in to remove thoir valuables or to as
sure themselves that they wero still
Stockholders Meet.
At tho meeting of tho stockholders
at tho Merchants' Exchange 8,790 out
of 25,250 shares wero represented. John
Lloyd, formerly president of tho Ger
man Savings bank, was chosen chair
man. Somo of those present became dis
satisfied with his conduct of the meet
ing toward tho close and ho wns re-
afternoon appointed special custodian of I
tho bank by Attorney Gonornl Webb,
It is said that ho may be named for tho
recoivership. Webb and his assistant'
were busy nil day preparing papers for
tho suit, in which all tho stockholders"
will bo mado defendants,
At a meeting ot uiobo unmp sso.
12,019, Modern Woodmen of America,
held last eveninc at tho Odd Fellows
. . 1 . A - .
hall, tho annual election of offiCors was
held, tho following being elected" to
hold otneo during tno year oi mua:
Consul Geo. II. Smalloy.
Advisor Lon E. Hocye.
Clerk .Too V. Prochaska.
Banker E. L. Taylor.
Escort William A. Galpin.
Watchman Tohn M. McNeil.
Sontry F. A. Butler.
Physicians E. R. McPhcetors, C. B.
wnuy mm u. jj. tvuiea.
BoaWl of Managers Harry Sultan,
''4 ,'
CARSON, Nov., December 9. In tho
United Stntes court this :iftnrnnnn Ron.
'ator W. W. Williams and his brother,
"t'K ". minium-,, imucieu ior il
legally appropriating government lands,
entered a. plea of guilty to five indict
ments, and sentenco will bo passed to
morrow. Tho federal grand jury brought
indictments ncainst A. 11. ITnnlin nn.
of tho richest cattle owners of Hum-
I linlilf .nt.n(.F - CI 1 !
""I"' i-uuiiij iui ituuai j cueing oi
government lands. An indictment was
brought for tho same offense against
C. W. Riloy, a heavy land owner of the
samo company.
Fourth Day Sees No Slackening
of Pathetic Incidents; Fire
Is Extinguished,
MONONGAIL, W. Vn., December 9.
When darkness came tonight a total of
sixty-six bodies had been brought to
the surface from the two wrecked mines
at Monongah. Tho rescue work, whilo
slow, is progressing smoothly and as
rapidly as due precaution for tho res
cuers would permit. It is believed that
close to a hundred dead will be recov
ered by daylight tomorrow.
Firo which caused a suspension of res
cue work yesterday and early today in
Mine No. 8 was extinquished, it was
said, at noon, today.
Tho fourth day was a repetition of
its three predecessors in the matter of
pathetic scenes. Hundreds of women
remained near tho mines nil day scream
ing and crying until they nlmost col
lapsed. As on former days hot coffee
was served at intervals by the company
to keep tho unfortunato women from
falling to the ground from exhaustion.!
Probably a dozen funeral wero held to
day and at all the most distressing
scenes wero witnessed.
Total List Now 78
FAIRMONT, W. Va., December 9.
Twelvo bodies have been taken from
tho mines tonight, bringing the total
number up to 11 p. in., seventyeight.
Heavy ram storms make the condition
around tho mine worse than nny time
since the explosion. Only a few strag
glers are now keeping the gnicsomo
ST. PETERSBURG, December 9.
The final stage of tho court martial of
Lieutenant General Stoesscl will begin
tomorrow. Stoessel is ncciised of hav-
ing surrendered the fortress at Port Ar
tnnr uetore he i:ad exhausted all tho
resources of defense, and the punish
ment under tho Russian code is death.
He is to ')e tried also on n charge of
lacking tho initiative and with having
exceeded orders. General Fok and Gen
eral Reiss aro co-defendants, the first
being nccoused of having conspired to
surrender tho fortress and the second
with having executed tho order.
Miners Cannot Be Reached for
Weeks, But Will Be Kept
Alive; Food Through Pipe,
ELY, Nov., December 9.-1 As the re
sult of a cave-in. which occurred at
tho bottom of the Alpha shaft of the
Giroux Consolidated mines nn December
1, two miners and a pumpman aro en-
tombed, 1,100 feet beforo the surface,
nnd cannot, bo rescued for at least two
weeks. The shaft is filled with thous-
anils of tons of rock, earth and broken
tiniljcrs. Two Greek miners named
Slim and Constantino were drowned on
a lower lovel, and tho remaining two
minors, Americans, named Brown and
McDonald, and the pumpman, Bailey,
escaped to tho 1,000 level shortly after
the cave-in.
CommuiiicaUon is held with tho en-
tombed men by means of a telephone,
Tho overflow pipe used to carry water
to the surface, is now being used to
convey fopd nnd drink to tho men. Suf-
ficient food has been sent down to last
threo weeks. .
r..r.rol nf lort llnrr Honor
l uuciai vjK i-cuo mnt; oa' i
Will Be Held Dec, 19: Une
Sovefign to Attend.
STOCKHOLM, December 9. Attend-
cd by tho princess and his suite, King
Gustavo today received tho homago of , 0I scentj. ,.,...
tho troops, who wero drawn up in a By Fnlton (Oklnhoma) prohibiting
scmi-circlo around tho palace. It was the mailing of any statement of margin
a splendid and solemn spectacle. Tho or other stock vfagcring transaction and
king addressed tho troops briefly, say making it a felony under tho mtcr
ing that it his firm conviction that they I state commerce law to utilize tho tolc
would always bo ready to follow when granh for that purpose. Directing tho
tho wolfaro of tho country required it. ' secretary of the mtonor to place on
The funeral of the lato king is ex- tho pension roll the names of allsur
pected to bo held December 19 and -tho vivors of tho Civil war, whether regu
i -: : o,.n:n mn. ji,o lars or volunteers, who served sixty
crowned, heads, wlio is likely to attend
will bo the king of Denmark, thc oth-
ers scmunc representatives.
John E, Bay, Engineer on the
bila Valley Road, Is Drowned
at Santa Cruz.
Was Sitting oft End of Pier
With Niece When Huge
Breaker Washed Him Into
the Water,
SANTA CRUZ, Cal., December 9.
Unusual high breakers here this morn
ing caused the death of John Bay of
Globe, Arizona, an engineer on the Gila
Valley railroad. He was visitinp here
accompanied by his niece, and went fish
mg from Treasurer pier this mornintr.
A high breaker washed him off, and he
drowned beforo help could reach him.
The foregoing Associated Press dis
patth did not bring the first news to
Gobo of the terrible fate of one of
Olobo s most popular railroad men and
a pioneer employee of the Gila Valley,
Globe & Northern. Yesterday forenoon
Master Mechanic Dave Reed of tho
railroad received a telegram frpm Mrs.
Bay, stating that her husband had been
drowned, but giving no details of tho
The terrible news was a sad blow to
tho Ilianv friVnds of fr TJo,. : u:
city.. Jlo came to Globe almost seven
jkuib uKo anu was since that time con
tinuously employed on the Gila Valley
road. A little over two weeks ago ho
was granted a thirty days' vacation,
the first he had ever asked for since his
employment by the local road, and he
left for Santa Cruz to join his wife and
two little daughters, who had been
spending several months with relatives.
He left GlQbdl with tho avowed inten
tion of making the most of his first va
cation nnd with many happy anticipa
tions. '
John E. Bay was about forty-seven
years of age and since early manhood
had followed railroading. He was em
ployed as a locomotive engineer by tho
Gila Valley road and was a member,
of tho "Brotherhood of Locomotive En
New Mexico Statehood Bill In
troduced by Senator Pen
rose; Many Other Bills.
WASHINGTON, December 9. 'ihe
senate was in session a little moro than
an hour today and adjourned till to
morrow. Little business was transacted
beyond tho introduction of bills. ,Thv,v
resolution of Senator Culberson, calling
upon the secretary of the treasury for ,
information concerning the recent bond
issues of the government came up, but fl
in the absence of Senator Aldrich, con-'
sidcration was postponed another day.
Tho house adjourned till Thursday with
out transacting any business beyond tho
introduction of bills. It is stated au-,
thoritivcly that house committees will
not bo nnnounccd this week.
Bills in Senate. '
Bills introduced in the senate todav
were as follows:
B FJ.att (Now York), for national
supervision of corporations, including a
national bureau ot corporations,
B-v McLauren, to relieve tho present
monoy stringency and to prevent a ro-
cuircucc. It permits persons owning
b,0,uls of the United States to deposit
thcm on tno treasury and receive notes
thc nnibunt equaling the par value.
It provides that until February, 1909,
persons owning ono or moro bales of
cotton may deposit it in a depository
designated by the secretary of the
treasury and receive treasury notcs-to -'
u ' Cil'ul 6I-UU1J i"-1 "i l""'
value of the cotton. The bill also nn-
poses a p6nalty of $100,000 fine or fivo
-'.. ,' imprisonment,
BY. Nelson, allowing tho National
iiauKing nssociation to lonn lunds on
real estate lands to one-third of their
, value.
I Bv Smoot, granting 230 acres of arid
lands o bonafido homestead settlors,
one eighth of which must be put under
cultivation during thc first year of oc
v reproe. providing for separate
statehood for New Mexico.
For Duty Off Lumber.
In the house today the bills iutro-
duced include tho followinc: By Hall
(south Dakota), removing the duty
from imports on lumber dressed or
rough. -
By Macondrey (Missouri) making it
a felony punishable by imprisonment of
from ono to fivo years or a fine, to pub
lish or circulate any false advertise
ment. Itotiring on pay nil veterans of
tho Civil war who havo attained tho ago
days, so increasing tho pensions -that
no such survivors shall receive less than t
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