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n -' ; i'J jWAi. i . W tif7 . v :rf I ' ' & n ' t? ex v'vr 3 : i 3 s rmf LyoBDAY, FEBBUABY 20, 1009 DAILY ARIZONA SILVER BELT ' is ; Majestic Theater TONIGHT M Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Sunday Matinee, Fob. IS to 21 THIED SUCCESSFUL WEEK OF The Jas. P. Lee Comedy Players IN THE BIG NEW YOEK LAUGH PBODUOEB "My Uncle From Japan" PLAYED IN ONE ACT Majestic Motion Pictures. Miss Grace Vance in Picture Melody. 5E1IE1IBEE This is change night, so secure your scats early. Popular Prices 15c, 25c, 35c Seats always on Sale at Palace Pharmacy LEAVE OF ABSENCE GIVEN PRESIDENT o J Iris Theater Vaudeville HjtHj Pictures BENVENUTO CELLINI A beautiful colored pioture. ODELL and VHIXING In an original comedy act. jftatrjttd Song When It's Moonlight oa the Prairie. jOBBY HAGAN fc CO. In a now comedy sketch. Mjrinj Pictures THE DEADLY PLANT A great story picture. Seats on Sale at Adams' Candy Store Holler Skating - rat M "5 Dreamland Rink Tonight at 7:30 Good Music Good Music Admission: Gentlemen 25c Ladies Free I THE ST. ELMO Sydnor & Sterns, Props. THE FINEST OFQWINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS We handle only the Best Quality Goods 474 North Broad Street l-H-H-H-M-i- i WE DO IT RIGHT-TRY US l Lot Snrreying, .Blue Printing. Mines Sampled and Assay Plats Xade. Umpire and Control Assays. VAN WAGENEN & HEWES Engineering and Assaying ""TAN WAGENEN . " 8. Mineral Surveyor. HEWES Blte 2$, Globe Office Baildlag L JONES & SON rltYIOti I ltuull'Mi 4h-I Hmkolmawa PUillJM BASEBALL PBESIDENT SAYS HE IS WEABY OF 8TBIFE AND DE SHIES VACATION -pageThrcr IS NOT PRESENT AT MEETING TACTS IN CASE OP TJMPIBE BEL BEBY DIFFICULT OF AS- OEETAINMENT CHICAGO, February 19. Factional strifo in tho National Lcuguo was re moved today nt tho closing Hessian of tho magnates, when Presidont Harry C. Pulliam was granted indefinite leavo of absence at his own request, that he might recover from tho nervous strain to which ho has been subjected for some timo. John A. Heydler, secretary-treasurer, will act as president during Pulliam's absence. Tho disagreements of President Pull iam with certain National League mag catos provided material for most of the discussion during the closing hours, and while tho lcaguo. president lived up to his announced intention of re maining away from tho meeting because ho was wearied of tho contlict, tho league representatives spoko of him as an efficient exocutivo and voted unani mously to grant his an indefinite leave of absence. President Charles W. Murphy of the Chicago National league club, apolo gized in open meeting to President Johnson of tho American Leagoo, who was present at a session on invitation, for tho purposo of telling what he know of the attempted bribery of Um pires Klom and Johnstono during the closing sorics in New York betwocn tho Chicago and Now York clubs. The cntiro bribery problem proved to bo so difficult of handling that it was docided tho statements of tho umpires and nil evidonco in tbe hands of the special committee bo turned over to the National committee for such action as thoy may determine Chairman Herrmann, of tho commis sion, may call together tbe commanding powers of baseball tomorrow to get to (ho bottom of tho scandal, but ho ex pressed himself as being undecided. In tho statomcut issued by President Pulliam boforo tho meeting, ho ex pressed tbe hopo that baseball would not meet the fate that has overtaken horso racing throughout the country, and announced that some of the mag nates woro inclined to "kill tho goose that laid tho golden egg." Margaret Illington Prefers Home af0 Kiddies io a Life on the Stage FAIR ACTRESS SAYS SHE'S 601 10 E EM This is just the time of year yhen you are most likely to have kidnoy or niaduer trouble, with rncumatism and rheumatic pains caused by weak kid neys. Delays are dangerous. Oct De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, and be sure youRet what you ask for. Thoy are the best pills made for backaehe, weak back, urinary disorders. Inflam mation of the bladder, etc. They are antiseptic and act promptly. Wo sell and recommend them. EEPOBT OF THE CONDITION OF THE GLOBE BANK & SAVINGS CO., at Olobo, Arizona, in tho Terri tory of Arizona, at tho closo of bus IncES, February 4, 1000. BESOUBOES Loans and discounts, less duo from directors $ 13,48,".20 Escrow loans placcd..... 7.440.00 Overdrafts 311.63 Duo from trust companies, r siato and national banks 10.420.51 Banking houso, furnituro and fixtures ... .. . 811.5G Other real estate 1,777.04 Stocks, securities, etc. ... 50,976.38 Current expenses and taxes paid 4.078.13 Specio . ... . 5,069.05 Legal tdndcr and national bank notes 1,330.00 Exchanges for cloarings... . 119.53 Other items carried as cash.. 38.70 Insuranco agoncy, acct, 2,33G.S3 Total $104,174.61 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 10,200.00 Surplus 4,800.00 Individual deposits subject to check 7,385.80 Term deposits 35,780.90 Escrow deposits received. . 11,750.00 Bills payablo to B. F. Kellncr 50,000.00 Exchango and interest ac count - -. . . 4,257.91 Total $104,174.61 TERRITORY OF ARIZONA, County of Gila ss. I, B. J. Kollnor, Cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho abovo statement is tmo to tho best of my knowlodgo and belief. B. J. KELLNER, Cashier. Subscribed rind sworn to beforo mo this 19th day of February, 1909. CULLEN A. LITTLE, Notary Public. (Soal.) My commission expires February 11, 1911. Sorrcct Attest. E. F. KELLNER, B.J. KELLNER, Directors. DANIEL FBOHMAN AND MBS. FBOHMAN AGREE TO A FINAL SEPEBATION Dainty Littlo Actro33 Will Retire From Glaro of Stage and Will Settlo Down in California to Enjoy tho Sea, the Flowers and the Sunshine. NEW YORK, February 19. Daniol Frohman and Margaret Illington, his wife, have ngrced upon a separation with a view to an ultlmato divorce Tho fact was made known Sunday by Mr. Frohman himsolf, when he issued a statement to that effect. Mrs. Frohman is at present in Cali fornia, whoro sho Ss recovering her health following a breakdown from her arduous work on the stage Mr. and Mrs. Frohman woro married in November, 1903. Mr. Frohman's statement is as follows: Husband's Statement "Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Frohman havo decided upon a separation with a viow to an ultimato divorce. "Mrs. Frohman and I agreed to this recently. Sho dosiros to tako up her residence in, California permanently, wiiero tuo climato agrees with nor and where sho haa always been well' oven when acting. She has retired perman ently from tho profession and will re move with her parents to tho Pacific coast. Thcro is no scandal involvod in this disagreement. Tho decision was ar rived at recently. Mrs. Frohman aftor a few weeks' quiet will be entirely restored." 8WM MBS. DANIEL FBOHMAN. 1 (Margaret Illington) Who Prefers a Home and a Few Kiddies to Keep Her Busy, Bather Than Life on tho Stage. HOME ONLY WORTH WHILE SAN FRANCI8CO, February 19. "Thero isn't anything in life that's worth whilo for a woman except a homo of hor own, and a husband that lores her, and perhaps a few kiddies to keep her busy," said Mrs. Frohman (Mar garet Illington) Sunday night, "and that's what I'm going to havo one of these days, and that's thoway I'm going to spend all tho rest of my life." Mrs. Frohman has not recovered from herb tcrriblo nervous breakdown last October. Not a Stage Girl "If a girl loves tho stage," she con tinued, "if sho's all ambition and eag erness for -it, then she gets hor compen sation as sho goes along; but I'm not that kind of a girl, and I'vo known it over since I first begun, nine years ago. I 'to bated it I'vo rebelled, and I've robcllod, and I've collapsed, and I've fainted and it was all nothing nothing beside tho pride that my husband felt in my career. Ho wouldn't realize that my nerves and my health wero giving away, that I wanted warm, human ties that I was sick of tho theater. An so, now things havo reached n pass whea I must live my own life, must break bonds that are slowly crushing tbe heart out of me, and be free. Hates Divorce "I hate dlvore as much as any wom an in the world docs, and I'm getting: a divorco now because tho life I had to leavo was against every instinct ia my nature. I never went down to my dressing room without wishing that I had finished my last engagement, and I used to beg Mr. Frohman over and over to let me stop. Hut be wouldn't. "I'm born for domesticity. I as sure you that when I'm free again, my stage career for the present and for all tho future is over, over, over. I'll never miss it nor want it, nor long far it-r-not for an instant. "I was a school girl when T was taken right out in mid-term to help oat, in some family financial difficulties. Well, I mado my littlo hit and Mr. Frohman pickod me out for promotion and told mo there was a future ahead for me. She Loved Husband "And then came my marriage to him, not because ho was a manager and a 'big man,' but because I loved him and wanted to havo my own home and stay in and forgot that I'd ever been an ac tress. But then after a while ho begaa to talk stage again and I consented just because he was so set on it. There is nothing in tho world for Mr. Frohman but the stago nothing elfec counts. And after a while my health failed and I would faint between the acts and bo carried home unconscious oyer and over again. 1 got to dreading it hating it. "No woman can bear to live a l!fo like that," continued the actress slow ly, "and I wouldn't bear it any longer. Mr. Frohman and I had our first real split last fall. I wouldn't go back on tho stage after my illness and he would n't consent to any other arrangement, I respect Mr. Frohman, I seo his point of view, but I'm not ablo'to agree witli him." Let the Guarantee Palat company do your work. Best material, best wtrk, lowest prices. Tho Silver Belt does job printing. Globe's Market Basket Good Things to Eat For Sunday We know that you want something especially good for Sunday, and our list for today offers a wide rant of all that to appetizing In Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables. Tho best "tip" wo can possibly gin yon Is that it Is here yo supply your grocery wants la a highly satisfactory manner. High Quality and Low Price Grocer, Sam Kee 460 NORTH BROAD St. A satisfied custpmer, is a customer made; our motto is to please you all the time. IV The White House Broad and Cedar Sts. Globe's Leading and Most Popular Drinking Cafe Best Liquors and Cigars and the best bar service in the city. A gentle men's resort. Good treatment for all THE BEST Of Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits ARE WHAT YOU GET when you trade here. We desire to have you give us a . trial and we will prove that our goods are best City Grocery & Produce Market t 1 s s frM-W-l"l M'H' M.frM."M..IWg"H"I The Best Wjhiskey Made. Absolutely Guaranteed. Is Straight Whiskey, Mellowed By Age Only. Get a Bottle f Today. KEEGAN'S That's All 220 N. BROAD PHONE 181 j: 4fl. m M Wi V. . -is -li v m. ' V i-'ii a .rm ' fAVTi. i , " "5?o nt - ris? lMBM & "AI :si f .-8 '! ."'"ft '-'"' ri'l PiCE: 174 S. Rmai) St. RESIDENCE: 34fi S. Hill S. ''phtno 438 Telophona 433 tint nun mi inn mi 1 1 ii mi ii i mint ''- j - i s V . fi' xjum nil ii - X Is?ii