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? ' ' V ') i' " ,.v m sPajje Four I DAILY. 'ARIZONA SILVER BELT ., v V SATURDAY, FEBRT7AEY 20 , !IPIiMIPf &. n r ! B'' '?- -IT ;:t. V if- 1 a II 4. fep SUNSET ID CXOCN SMA51AJ i-1 KnV routes "CM ; J V- " Special Rates From Globe to Tucson Feb. 14 to 17 inclusive Return Limit Leaving Tucson February 23rd on account of - Scottish Rite Meeting I AT TUCSON I Rate from Globe, $13.50 Round Trip From Globe to Phoenix Feb. 20 to 21 inclusive Rp.fiirn T.imit Tnvintr Phnniv Fphmarv 24th IShriners Meeting I 1 at Phoenix. Feb. 22rid 1 at Phoenix, Feb. 22rid Rate from Globe, $20 Round Trip M. O. BICKNELL, Asst. Pass. & Fgt. Agent, TUCSON, ARIZ. JL j BIG CELEBRATION Gila Valley Fair Association at Safford SPECIAL RATE Globe to Safford tp5.Jt!) Round Trip February 21 to 23 inclusive. Return) Limit February 24 Gila Valley, Globe & Northern Railway O. A. MAUK, Iocal Agent M. O. BICKNELL, Gen. Frt. Is'PasB. Agt. ODD ITEMS OF NEWS Government Wants Goats as Fire Fighters Roos ter and Cat Warm Friends Small Boy Weighs Much Food for the Jokesmith. WASHINGTON. Tho lowly goat has at last como into his own. . .Tccrc'd at by humanity for ages, and tho unconscious victiiri of amateur jokosters, his merits have at length been officially recognized by Unclo Sam. Official!) of tho bureau of forestry havo decided to advertiao for 3,000 goats to bo used ns fire fightors. Their mission is to bo preventive rather than corrective. Thoy aro to bo herded on bush-covorod foothills, whoro thoy aro expected to cat away tho undorgrowth, und thus prevent the spread of forest fires. VTELiLSTON, Ohio. A peculiar and novel friendship has sprung up in tho barnyard of tho Puritan Cement company. Pote, tho pot rooster, and Tommy, a big Malteso cat, havo become inseparable friends. The fowl and fclino may bo scon any day parading up and down tho barnyard. Strango as it may ecom, tho cat seems to show tho groator affection. DRILL, Iowa. Tho rcmarkablo size for ono of his ago makes Byron Pence, son of B. W. Penco, ono of tho most rcmarkablo children living. The boy, although but eight years of ago, tips tho scales at 171 pounds. He measures only 35 Inches in height. While tho child iss greatly out of propor tion for his height, his fret and head aro about tho fiio to bo expected for ono of his weight, wearing a number S shoo and a number 9 hat. NEW YORK. Tho society columns of Now York papers announces the coming marriage of Miss Elizabeth M. Hurry, dnughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Ran dolph Hurry, to Lawrence Swift, son of Dr. and Mrs. Win. J. Swift. That') all. Now go ahead and make your own jokos. Script Checks and Boletos Barred by Bill in Council WOULD GIVE PRIVATE .STORES EVEN BREAK WITH BIG CORPORATIONS Grand ell Celebration Safford Two Days, February 22-23, 1909 Round Trip on R. R. $3.35; Good Feb. 21-22-23-24 PROOOAM FIRST DAY. Fro for all trot or pace for Graham County raised horses.. Entrance foo, $10. Purse, $100; $75 to first, $25 to second. 2:30 trot or pace. Entranco feo, $10. Purso, $100; $75 to first, $25 to second. Harness races In milo hoate, best throe in five. Running raco, one-half mile, not lew than three to start. Entrance fee, $7.C0. Puree, $75; $50 to firot, $25 to second. Running raco, one-fourth mile, not less than three to start. Entrance feo, $10. Purso, $100; $75 to first, $25 to second. PRODRAM SECOND DAY. Running race, throo-elghths milo, not les3 than throe to start. En tranco feo, $7.50' Pnrso, $75; $50 to first, $25 to second. Broncho busting, not less than fivo to enter. Entranco fee, $7.50. Pnrso, $75; $50 to first, $25 to sscond. Running race, 300 yards, not loss than tbreo to start. Entranco foe, $7.50. Purso, $75; $50 to first, $25 to second. All running and trotting races will be governed according to rules. Tho fair association will choose tho judges and Ktarten. Horses mnst bo cntorcd tho day beforo tho racos. Address all communications to GILA VALLEY FAIF. ASSOCIATION, SATFOED, ABIZONA. About Right. Brlgs What makes you think Pc tcrby gets $3,000 a year? Grlgg3 Well, ho told me be got $2V 000. New York Herald. The Freshman's Prayer. Oh. wad some power tha rlftle pta ut To eo tlin sophs before they pee ua! Wisconsin Sphinx. fluffcrlnc and Dollars Saved E. S. Lopor, of Mnrillafi N. Y. soys: "I am a carpenter and hnvo had many sovoro cuts hoaled by Uuoklon's Arnica Solve. It has savod mo Buffering and dollars. It is by far tho best healing saivo i navo ovor ionnd." Hcalft, ourns, soros, nlcora, fovor sorea, oczotn.i and piloa. 25c at Palaco Pharmacy. The Source. Ascura That little boy of yours Bcoma to bo nervous. Docs he Inherit It from yon? Hcnpeclc I guess so. no certainly did not got it from his mother, for she's got mon ijerve than ever. Arrested A cough that has been hanging on for over two months by taking Bal lard's Tlorchound Syrup. If you have a cough, don't wall stop it at oneo with this womlorful remedy. for coughs, cold on chest. bronchitis and pulmonary Splendid influenza, troubles. Price 25c, 50o and $1.00. Bald by Pal- aco rnarmacy. Highest elass job printing at reoeon able prico? at Silver Belt. PHOENIX, February 19. Consider able intcrost is manifested here in the merits of tho bill which has been in troduced into tho council to prohibit persons, firms or companies from using script checks, punch-outs or other evi dence of indebtedness payable in other wise than their faco value in money, or to compel employees to purchase goods of any particular Htores. Tho measure will not affect tho merchants 'of Phoonix but many other cities in Arizona aro directly concerned in tho passage of the bill, which is similar to the law passed in Montana and Now Mexico. It will bo fought uutd by tho largo mining companies, how ever. Relative to this bill, C. R. Temple, a realty man of Douglas, who is in tho city, stated iho following today in an intOrviow with your correspondent: "Thero i&r a condition prevalent in certain cities, notably Uisbeo, Douglas and Clifton, whereby certain powerful mining corporations maintain general merchandise stores whoso immense prof its aro taken irom tho wage earners and at tho disastrous expense of every independent business interest in the communities where the big companies' dopartment stores are maintained. "It is an old saying that figures do not Ho. Figures here are eloquent. Tho payrolls of the districts and cities are as follows: Warren district, $47.'5,000 monthly; Copper Queen and Calumot L Arizona smelters at Douglas, $120,000 roll, $30,000. Tho bank debits in Bis beo December, 190S, wcro $1,9I3,1GS; in Douglas, $611,301; and the combined population of Bisbcc and Douglas is about 30,000. "The city of Tucson, with a popnla. tion of over 20,000, has a possible pay roll of $100,000 monthly. During the season fivo hundred tourists spcud an averago of $10 per day for four mouths; let us assume that outside of these two sources of incomo Tucson has a trib utary payroll of $200,000. This gives Tucson a possible revenue of $3,600,000 exclusivo of her jobbing trade. In less than two years wo havo seen Tucson develop from an insignificant Mexican pueblo into a city of ovor 20,000 inhab itnnts. On tho other baud certain con ditions have made Bisbco and Douglas with payrolls exceeding ovor $7,000,000 per annum tho slowest towns in business development. "It is estimated that a deduction for tho Copper Queen stores of these two cities amounts to 65 per cent of the pay- rolls, or $409,500. Tho averago profit of tho stores is 25 per cont, figuring on which basis but 35 per cent of tho pay rolls or $221,500 reaches general circu lation. "If tho present systom which tho law will abolish, wore not jn cfToct and Douglas and Bishop had ono hundred and twenty-fivo mn chants, with a front age of thirty feo. each, this would givo us (ix blocks, tlirou hundred foot on each side of tho street, and tho average earnings of each merchant would be $9,828 por year, based on the present payroll, wero tho business equally dis tributed. Tho average wage per day in tho Warron district is $1.00, or $120 por month. Thero are -1,000 men em ployed, making a monthly payroll of $480,000, and tho distribution of this amount at an averago of $8,000 to each merchant would give sixty merchants a daily business of $266, from which at 10 per cent profit thoy would cam $9,000 per annum. But arguing from and earning an annual profit of $1,350, 000. When you are conversant with the facts and conditions as thoy now exist in Douglas and Bisbco you must agrco that unless eomo remedy is provided the independent merchants will bo forced out of business, which will mean tho practical extinction of good values of, busiuess real estate. "I might cito you Globe, with no com pany stores and with a payroll practi cally the same as Clifton, a closed mor cantilo town, has bank deposits of $S75,000, while Clifton bank deposits aro but $222,000. Globe is a prosperous town, bidding fair with Tucson and Phoonix for the population banner of tho territory, whilo in Bisbcc, much of tho profits go back to tho corporation coffers in Hcyr York city. Existing conditions have in a great measure pre vented rallrbad development. Tho leg islature will work out a remedy. Wo will within a short timo hear tho toot of tho Southern Pacific whistles." Egg Test. Place each end of an egg against the tip of. tho tonguo or the cheek. If both nro of the same temperature the egg Is not fresh. Even when on the Ice one end of a fresh egg Is wnrmer than the other. Coal Gas. It was In tho early part of the eight eenth century thac coal gas was acci dentally discovered by the Rev. John Clayton, then dean of KHdare. Nei ther Mr. Clayton nor any of bis con temporaries seems to have thought of making use of tho new gas for light ing purposes, and It was not until the year 1792 that It was first so employed. BODY OF MIDDLETON REACHED AT OAYRREAK Continued from Pago One.' moved as ho was called to tell of tho death of his stepfather and spoke with tears in his ejes. Like Arheldcr, ho had failed to hear any' sound from bo low after the cave-in. and said that the old curbing from above had remained where it was, but tho sand had slip ped in from behind it through tho open inguttho bottom. Alfred Willis Middleton was born in Mendocino county, California, forty-one years ago. Some years ago, he married tho widow of Mr. Jennings, who boro him two children, both of tender age. Mrs. Middleton had four children "by her former marriage, tho oldest of which is a boy about JS years of age. Besides his widow and children, Mr. Middleton leaves an aged mothor, four brothors, Eugene, Lcroy, Henry and Clifton Middleton, all of whom reside in Globe except Henry, who lives in Washington state; and three sisters, Mrs. Sbute, Mrs. Allison and Mrs. II. McMillen. Lcroy Middleton will arrive tonight from Tucson, having missed tho train yesterday. Tho funeral will be held at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon from tho homo of O. M. Allison, in Cedar street, whither the body, prepared for inter ment yesterday by F. L. Jones, was tnken yesterday at 1 o'clock. The body shows no mark of violence, savo a bruifcc about tho chest where the rope was wound to take it out of tho well, and a slight scratch on tho thumb of tho left hand. News of the death of Willis Middle ton wa3 received in Globo with pro found and general sorrow, for the rancher was held in high esteem here, not only because ho was related to somo of tho best people of this community, but because of his lovable character and kindly, disposition. "I don't think I can remember hav ing once seen Willis Middleton out of temper," said one of the old residents of Globe yesterday. "Everybody who knew him liked him, for ho was one of the bet men that ever lived." Benares. ' Benares, India, was nn ancient capi tal before Babylon or Nineveh was founded. Sun and Fog. The reason that the sun assumes a deep red color on a misty day Is be cause fog permits tho passage of red rays more easily than those of any color. A Good Varnish. By dissolving celluloid In acetone or acetic ether a transparent varnish Is made which will take a high polish nnd resist hot water. It Is particular ly adapted to metal objects and can be made a vehlclo for any desired color ing matter. Pure gold ton. Pure Gold. Is worth $G02,799.21 per a 25 per cent basis Bisbco would have covering soven blocks . 1105, merchants Their Greatest Sin. In most of the Islands of the Pacific hell is not reserved for the wicked In our sense of the word-that Is. the thief, tho murderer, the slanderer and the selfish man. All these finally reach a state of happiness. But a most un mistakable hell is reserved for those guilty of the only sin known to them, timidity and cowardice. Servla. Servla Is the most densely populated country In the Balkan states. The First Chickens. It Is generally understood that the ancestry of the chicken tribe may bo truced to the juuglo fowl of India. All Of tho various varieties of our domes tic fowls havo been produced, It Li claimed by thq authorities on tho sub ject, from the wild fowl of India. Worn Out That's tho way you feol about the lunga when you have a hacking cough. It's foolishness to let it go on and trust to luck to get over it, when Ballard's Ilorohound Syrup will stop tho counb and heal tho lungs. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Palaco Pharmacy. . . Mans Best Business Asset is Reputation (St. Louis Republic.) A good reputation is a man's best trademark. Reputation is not what a man thinks of himself, but' what others think of him. A man's estimate of himself isn't apt to pass current. Most men would puf the value far too high. Some few would put it too low. Generally the estimate is in inverse ratio to the value An unprejudiced public may bo trust ed to strike a just level. When it is announced that a new muscle-working device has been invent ed thq world is skeptical. If it is stated that Edison is tho in ventor, skepticism is changed to faith. In the reputation of the Wizard of Mcnlo tho public puts its trust. N. P. Willis, who is scarcely remem bered by a succeeding generation, con sidered nirasclf the greatest American poet. That was Willis's estimate. Bryant, Longfellow and Holmes set themselves upon no pedestal, but their reputations wero and are secure. They rest upon tho estimate of the public. Wfl can build, but wo cannot dictate a reputation. A prominent western advertiser was oni.c asked what he considered tho most essential clement in advertising. His re ply was: "Reputation!" "A pngo ad vertisement," Eaid he, "is of little val uo unless the man making the announce ment has a reputation to back it up." Reputation multiplies tho valuo of printer's ink. When, after a lapse of fifteen years, it was announced that Verdi had writ ten a new opera, the musical world was on the "tiptoe of expectancy." It was not tho title of the opera, nor tho Shakcsperean theme, nor any star cast that aroused public interest. It was Verdi. "Rigolctto," "Trovatore," "Travi ata," and "Aida" had established his reputation. "Otello's" reception was cordial as a natural consequence. Tho man in whom tho public puts its trust is tho man who points tho way to great ovents. Reputation is worth more than riches. Wealth in the hands of one who is discredited becomes a curse. "I havo lost my reputation, and what remains is bestial!" cries Cassio. He who is without reputation is like a rudderless ship wthout a sail. A tree of a century's growth can bo felled in an hour. So with reputation! Difficult to at tain, priceless to possess, it must bo jealously guarded. Tho public is hard to win, but easy to lose. ' A reputation is too valuablo an asset to bo sacrificod to greed. It is fo valuable that it should be tho aim of every man to attain. A Shaking Dp May all bo very well so far as the trusts are concerned, but not when It comes to chills und fever nnd malaria. Quit the quinine and take a real care Ballard's flcrbine. Contains no harm ful drugs and is as certain n tntfs. ii it oocs'nt euro you got your money .bak. Sold by Palace Pharmay. r A Few B argains Beautiful home, East tyiooe, elegantly fUr. mshed, lot 50 x 179. 5750, terms. 25 feet, central Broad St., improved $ll,ooo casn. 4 lots, East Globe- $900 cash. 4 lots, East Globe L ownsite, 50 cash. Address W. S. DAYTON, Box 821, Ours is a Careful Laundry Perhaps you are not satisfied wit having your laundry work dose at home or by your present Una. toyman. If tuck Is th cm don't get discouraged, but gin us a trial, u aim to satisfy and please ech of our customta Just phono 461, sat we will aire out wagon call. WHITE WAGONS, WHITE WOEK, WHITE TMbATMBHT. ' ' i '"a Arizona Steam Laundry 750 KOBTH BROAD BT. Pinal Dairy ABSOL'JTELT PUBS MILS quality and Elch&esi All Frt- tervrt la All MUfc Sold. Wi DO XOZ BOB THE MILS To Make Batter. Inspectfoa Invited. Testa Fvalaked ea Eoqain GIBSON BROS. Fhoae 216S. Sax 731 We Do Laundering as it Should be Done We guarantee our wark ti please you. All we ask Is a bid. Our wagon will call. Phone H8L Globe Steam Laundry FELAND BBOS, Props. Dowatown Offlce, Owl Cine Cigu Staxd. BANKER'S GARDEN The Finest Resort in do Popular with ell cUmm winter ul summer. '.Bsfreehnionfc of til choice Cljfare, Wiuo and LiqaaA Schlite nd ABfeetuer-Bnicn Bee wayi ono Draught. GEORGE HOPE Registered Stallion Trotter, Record of 2:lt Stands at Shuto's Barn PRICE J26.00. IHillillTHiM lAflllli'ikiPI'lk liMMIKiWl SKsfeSi 1 WAIT FOR US Dsarcr Colo. A BBr AoTirfN.. 5 r vb && The Swigert Bros. OpticalCg: uneaxi ntmmr crncuu I nt LiCadnij a At ttoitt ul VuCuMW 81N0 US V00H BROXCN ttKStS to cc BCMuito cti cuructno NEXT TRIP SOT March 8 to 12 Trv a Wanf Ad in the Silver Bd( jigp ff i ' . ; i ,,'. ' - , 'if i ys.-?,v , , -.., r-(t :e & 4M JF. jf ' s 1 Nttift fo 5 i..&3Bfr . O fipiSy'V ?'$? ' , fsswnwv FtiRiwnwlv