Newspaper Page Text
r ; ' t r stij. v . . jtr SJ 'K ; " :h . tTjBDAy, rEBBUASY'20, 1009 MINES HI BOND ISSUE STEADIES ESPEE IffTCli TlwvU iii.viujwx-iiir.rt a o CAUSE uunt uoiun ux OPINION. COPPER MARKET SOME LOWER Ujff HIGH RECORDB TOTJUHED IN SEVERAL places in xtm GRAIN PIT. , VEff YOllK, February 19. Latest rtlopmcnt.H in tho iron and steel trade ur( resulted in a great confusion of mition over what consequences are to fflloir. This was tho reason for the lj!t in speculative activity of tho stock u,t late today, rather thnn any con iction that tho market had adjusted jwlf to new conditions in tho sharp fjl of prices. TVit tho recently maintained levels ,;tc1jp in steel industrials wcro arti fcjl 0; n view of tho state- of trade, x tic opinion expressed with sufficient fri'.'itncss by tho price mov-imcnt jllh ha followed knowledgo of a W move by leading nuthoriths of the f(i trade. Liquidation in United 5utM Steel continued today on a vory irp wale, both for homo and foreign tttoact. Tit whole market was affected, but a rvinc decrees. Copper induitr nla liowed more sympathy with Steel ye? vrfij than today. This is partly ac- HMtcJ for by reports of auother dras tic reduction in the price at which lead gj producers are offering refine cop jcr. On the other hand, thero .re points of resistance in tho railroad iifrt. lie Southern Pacific bond iiuc, al liwgh expected, came as a surprise in wr details. Tho $82,000,000 to bo fred proved larger than generally locked for. SEGUES Wilson & Cash BROKERS Stocks and Bonds, Listed and Unlisted, 1 wight and Sold oh Commission. Quotations Hturly Direct from Boston & New York NEW YORK AND BOSTON CORRESPONDENTS HAYDBN, STONE ft COMPANY Listed Securities haadled on substantial margins; 50 per eont advances made on listed Mcnrities. Knquiro for terms. List your leit stocks with . PHONE 1741 BEOAD ST., TWO DOORS 11 L J. OVERLOOK BROKER MMM-M-HI-H-MH-a-M-HHH-HMi Stocks Bought and Sold For Cash and on Substantial Margins Correspondents: LOGAN & BRYAN, NEW YORK AND CHICAGO.; PAINE, WEBER & CO., BOSTON AND DTJLUTH. All trades executed over our private leased vrira frm Biabeo to New York, Boston, and tho Copper Country. BEOAD STREET, Opp. SILVER BELT The H. H. BruCo. "SST '32SlffiBfc (Established 191) Quotations from and Stocks tsaght and sold 1b all markets. Phone 1001. Are There Any Leaks in Your Business? Have you a bookkeeping system that shows you where every penuy of your money goes? If you haven't, let me help you to have such a syjtcm. , " BENJ. J. BARRON AUDITOR AND EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, P. O. BOX 336, GLOBE, ARIZONA. Business solicited from any placo in Arizona and New Mexico. i BARCLAY & COMPANY Single and Double Teams Saddle Horses Hay, Grain & Coal A Specialty made of Fine Livery Rigs PHONE 171 GLOBE, ARIZONA AND MARKETS Tho two Hnrriman stocks wore n clined to firmness after tho bond'issuo was announced. A rovival of iinenM ncsa over tho Balkans position was a factor for depression abroad. Bonds irregular. OOFPER LOWER AGAIN. NEW YOKK, February 10. Tho Lon don tin market was decidedly lower to day, with spot at 127, 12s, tld an I fu tures 129, 2s, Od. Locally tho riarkct was weak with spot 27.50 to 28.25. Copper was lower in London, with spot 57 and futures 37, Ills, 3d. Lo cal market dull and lower. LaKe 13.00 to 13.25; electrolytic, 12.75 to 12.S7; casting, 1C.02VJ to 12.75. Lead was a shado higher in London, but the local market was dull and un changed at 3.97 & to 1.02 &. Spelter advanced to 21, 12s, (Id in London. Locally dull nt 4.85 to 1.90. ' Iron unsettled locally. Silver 50 3-1; Mexican dollars, J I. NEW HIGH RECORD. CHICAGO, February 19. A vigorous onslaught by leading bulls resulted in wheat prices being advanced front 58 and 3-1 to 13-4 and 1 78c above tl-o low point of tho day. The rang.) 'for the day for May. -was between 113 5-8 and 113 3-4 and 1)51-2. Clo-iing quo tations were at the top untch. July sold bctAveen 100 1-8 find 101 and cloned at 101. May corn sold at 00 1-2 to Gdo-8 in the first five minutes, a new high record mark for the season. Tho low point for the day for May reached 65 5S. The market closed rather weak with prices a shade to 1-4 lower. May 05 7-3 to CG and July G5 1-4. May oats touched a new high record for tho season at 55 1-2, which price was reached on tho initial transactions. During tho day May sold' off to 55 "iu.1 closed easy with prices a shade higher to 1-t and 3-8 lower, with May 55 l-l. CLOSING STOCK (By Wilson Amalgamated . American Smelting . American Sugar Anaconda Arizona Commercial Arizona-Michigan .... Amer. Car & Fdry. Atlantic . -. . Arizpe - Adventure Atchison . Boston E'y Black Mountain QUOTATIONS & Cash.) . ... 73.12 84.62 130.00 4 1.50 33.02 . 1.50 ...'. 47.87 16.00 77.37 81.75 132.00 45.00 33.75 1.75 48.00 1G.50 1.00 S.00 102.12 1.50 2.87 .... . i,s ...102.00 ... 1.37 2.G2 P. O. BOX 1367 BELOW "SILVER BELT" PHONE 2341 Boston Con But to Coalition .. Bay Stato Gas. Butto BalakLiva Butto & London Calumet & Arizona..-.. Contonninl . Chemung Copper Uauge Cumborlnnd Kly Colo. Fuel & Iron . Cactus Development .. Carmen Cons Uenn-Arizonn " Fast Butto Erie! Railway Cal. & Hecla .,... Granby .... Franklin First National Copper.. Globe Consolidated .... Goldfield Con. ... Grceno Cnnnnea . . Hancock Helvetia Inspiration Keweenaw - Olobo Con., $2.00 paid.. L. S. & A La Koso '....... .... Miami , Mo. Pacific .-. Michigan .. Mohawk ...... ,.. National Mining Exp. Novadii Con. ... . Novada Utah Nipissing North Butte Nowhouso ...... Ojibway ...... ... ......... Old Dominion Orphan ......... Ohio Coppor Quincy Haven , . Beading - Rock Island .. Santa Fc Mining Shannon Live Oak ..., Southern Pacific ... Superior Copper ......... Superior & Boston.... Superior & Pittsburg.. Superior & Olobc Savannah . ..,.. Tamarack .... Trinity ...... Tonopah Nevada Union Pacific .... Utah Coppor ... U. S. Steel, pfd U. S. Steel, com.... Utah Consolidated ... Kay Con. , Wolverine & Arizona.. "Yukou Cold -.... ... .. 12.50 22.50 " "!C5 .. 1C.50 ., .30 ..101.00 .. 32.50 .. 22.00 .. 73.50 .. 8.00. .. 37.87 .. 1.50 .. 1.75 .. 3.37 ., 13.00 .. 29.37 ..03G.0P .. D9.00 14.00 .. 7.25 .. 6.25 ... 7.87 ,.' 10.25 .. 13.00 .. 3.75 13.00 22.75 . .66 17.50 .31 102.00 33.50 23.00 74.00 8.19 38.00 1.02 2.00 3.62 13.25 30.00 044.00 102.00 14.50 7.37 0.75 7.91 10.50 . 15.00 4.00 .40 "2.00 3.12 6.62 13.50 70.37 11.50 64.00 .67 18.00 3.00 - 9.75 73.00 5.00 14.00 51.00 J.25 6.75 r "'.41 130.25 24.00 2.50 15.75 8.00 118.25 15.50 15.25 1.06 2.62 81.00 13.75 6.50 177.87 42.00 112.25 48.37 40.50 11.25 1.25 4.69 4.25 ... 6.50 . 13.37 .. 70.G2 ... 11.00 .. 63.25 ... .66 . 17.75 ... 2.94 ... 9.62 ...'72.50 ... 4.62 ... 13.50 ...50.75 ... 1.00 .... 6.69 . '90.50 ... ' .40 ...130.12 .' 23.87 -v 2.25 ...15.50 ... 7.50 ...118.12 ... 43.50 ... 15.25 ... 15.00 ... 1.00 ,- 2.37 . 82.00 ... 13.25 . 0.25 ..,177.75 .- 41.25 -.112.00 .... 48.25 ... 40.25 ... 10.75 ... 1.00 ... 4.50 MARKET NEWS UNO COMMENT (Special to L. J. Overlock & Co.) NEW YOKK, Fohruury 19. Verifi cation of recent reports of a cut in steel products' on reports from Pitis burg stating a cut of $t a ton for steel bars was announced, caused further liquidation in steel shares. Good sup port was tendered the railroads, espj cially Harriman's, and declines were not drastic. Amalgamated and Smelter wcro ad versely affected by reducing' the selling prico of eoppcr. The list docs not seem to possess inherent weakness, but rath er a desire on the part of those in con trol to clear up the situation by elim inating weak accounts. A good sized short interest is accumulating. Unions the support noted todny is withdrawn, we look for sharp recovery. LOGAN BRYAN. BOSTON, February 19. Further re duction of a half-cent in copper metal induced further liquidation in tho list, excepting the issues identified with Cal umet & Hecla. Buying for thu most part ii attributed to tho short interest, with heavy prc.vuro displayed. Reduced metal prices have not attracted n very good demand from consumers and un til the metal becomes firmer, the share M:.i .!ii .f 1 ,. 1131 viiu cuuuiiuu lu r.'H- PAINE, WEBER & CO. NEW YORK, February 19. It ia claimed that tho recent figures givon out by tho Copper Producers' associa tion purporting to show tho stocks in this country of marketable copper were misleading in that they did not includo pig copper. Pig copper, which is a cast off blister copper and not classified as refined copper, ixr nevertheless, remark ablo in n degree, as 30,000,000 pounds were exported in 1908 and over 42, 000,000 pounds in 1907. Commenting on this grade of copper in its report on tho 1907 tr.-ide, the government said: "This unrefined pig copper was proba bly used direct for casting purposes in Europe." Some pig copper is also used in this country for casting purposes. If tho Copper Producers association fig ures were to includo pig copper in tho availablo stocks, it is estimated it would be found that the availablo stocks of copper in the United StatCB amounted on February 1 to 200,000,000 pounds, instead of a littlo over 140,000, 000 pounds, as given in the associa tion's report. Reports from tho railroads reflect in creasing traffic. The statement of tho American Railways asaociation for the fortnight ended Fobruary 6 shows n de crease of more thnn 3 per cent in tho number of idle enrs, whilo tho Penn sylvania lines east of Piitsburg report an increase in coal and coko tonnngc in excess of 10 per cent. On tho Buf falo & Sucquchanna the increase, for six months was in excess of 12 per cent. The tondency to spend monoy on equip ment and repairs was moro marked. Whilo there wero no onormous pur chases of steel rails, thero woro many largo ordors reported, and several roads aro in the market with specifications and booking of ordors for equipment totalling into tho millions. .The Silyer Belt does, job printing. ABLZONA SILVER BELT COLONEL S1URGES GOOD. BOOSTER 1 FOR ARIZONA TELLS WASHINGTON PUBLIC SEV ERAL REASONS WHY THE TER RITORY IS ENTITLED TO IMME DIATE STATEHOOD. "Because, the pooplp who resido thoro are prepared for it and the plntforms of both parties havo promised it, I do not doubt that statehpod will bo givon to Arizona at tho present session of con gress," declared Colonel Sturgcss of Tucsoji at tho Raleigh yesterday, says the Washington Post. Tho colonel is national committeeman from tho territory and was one of tho Taft leaders 11 1 Chicago. He is consid ered certain, of election as tho first sen ator from the new state. Ho owns n big ranch in southern Arizona and is interested in sonio of tho biggest mining enterprises in tho terrtory. "I havo lived in Arizma thirty years," continued the colonel, "having gono thero in the early days, when it was still quite unknown, oxcopt through froqilent Indian depredations. There wcro fow Americans in tho territory then, and because of the 'dangers and loneliness which surrounded them thoy banded together to protect their com mon interests.. I saw some of the In dian fighting myself, but it was sporad ic, and tho Indians are now well tamed. From that time until tho present I have seen tho territory grow in civilization, until todny it offers as great an oppor tunity for young men as any state In the union. Indccd, if I wcro a young man, I should head for tho southwest and grow up with the new stntc. "Great riches havo been mined in Arizona, but the surface has only been, scratched. Last year "wo surpassed Mon tana and Michigan in the production of copper. We raise some of the finest 'fruit in tho world, and despito tho im pression that the territory has much desert land, havo somo'of the best farm ing there. The great Roosevelt ' dam will irrigate 300,000 acres. By this and other irrigation projects the desert is rapidly being made to blossom. The climate could not bo improved as is a' tested by tho thousands who journey thero for health. That the clear, ux hilcrnting atmosphere has an effect on the mind is shown by the fact that tho average scholarship in the public schools is higher thdn in any state in the union. Tho pQpUlatiou now is about 200,000, composed almost entirely of native Americans. "It has been contended that our pop ulation and resources do not entitle us to statehood, bu it should be remem bered that wo have moro people than somo of the present great states of the union had at the timo they were ad mitted; that our resources aro as un developed as wni,their's, and that eco nomic events aro s'o shaping themselves as to mnko Arizona certain of a great future during the next generation. With tho development of Mexico and the Or ient, assisted by tho completion of tho Panama canal, tho possibilities of Ari zona will begin to be realized. Tho time surely" will come when she will be one of tho first states of the unidu in wealth and popslsifcii. " A SMELTER WILL BE ERECTED AT KELVIN RAY CONSOLIDATED COMPANY HAS EXTENSIVE PLANS UNDER WAY. PHOENIX, February 19. Tho erec tion of i huge concentrating mill and smelter plant upon the property of the Ray Consolidated Copper company was. decided upii at a- meeting of the di rectors of the tomtrty recently held at Colorado Springs. D. C. Jackling, ivho was made gen eral manager of the company at that meeting, was directed to proceed nt once with tho preparation of plans and the preliminary work will be under way within a fow months. The mill will start with 3000 tons daily capacity. It is tho compnny's idea to construct tho milling plant along lines varying but littlo from those embraced in the' Utiih Copper company's Garfield plant. It will bo constructed in sections, as in ,tho Utah C'oppei mill. Tho smelter will be constructed at the name time, and with tho same ideas is to the increase of enpacity. It is tho company's intention to havo both mill and 'smelter in commission within eighteen months. Reason Enthroned Became meats aro so tasty they are consumed in great excess. This loads to stomach troubles, biliousness nnd con stipation. Revise your diet, let roason and not a pampered nppotito control, then take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will oon be "well again. Try it. For sale at All Druggist's. Samples free. Highest class jpb printing at reason able prices at Silver Belt. PHOT SELECTED OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT SPEAKS FOR WORLD-WIDE CONSER VATION OF TIMBER PASSING OFIILL LUMBER SOON THD2TY YEARS GIVEN AS THE LENGTH OF TIME PRESENT SUPPLY WILL LAST WASHINGTON, D. C, February If). Conservation co-operation of world-wide scope 'was tho keynote of an address by President Roosevelt made at the White House today before delegates in attendance upon the North American Conservation conference. This sentiment, first vofc'cd by tho prcsidont, gathered considerable mo mentum during tho day's proceedings, and was reflected in the aJdresses of those who participated. Characterizing tho movement as of tho "utmost importance to thj world at large," President Roosevelt im-pressed-upon the representatives of this government, Canada and Mexico, the momentous possibilities of tho work that has brought about the assemblage. President Roosevelt, after the session opened, expressed the hope to Secretary of State Bacon, that a Universal Con- ' servation congress, in which all nations should bo invited to participate, should become a reality in tho not far distant future. As showing the necessity for a uni versal congress to deal with natural re sources, the officials called attention to tho report from Consul General Wynne., of London, relative to the royal commission appointed to inquire into tho question of a forest station in the United Kingdom. Experts cxaminul by this commission with reference to the future scarcity of timber stated that in less than thirty years no tim ber would bo available unless tho dif ferent countries of tho world set about replacing immediately and that if every country should take it up now the res toration would not be half fast enough to kcop pace with consumption. Canada, said Commissioner Tishcr, has watched with tho cloest attention the conscrvnflonmoVcnientrfn the Unit ed States. Romolulo Escobas, ono of tho Mexi can commissioners, declared tho conser vation movement would find no bound ary line, but would eventually prevail in all countries. A dark picture of alleged wanton destruction of American forests was painted by Senator; Smoot of Utah. Senator Ncwlands prophesied that tho movement will 'find lionstantly in creasing momentum and that the- idea will live and find its perfection in leg islation. The permanent organization of the North American. .Conservation congress was perfected upon. the selection of Oif ford Pinchot, member of tho American delegation, as chairman. WEEK'S STORM WORST IN HIS TORY IN EFFECT ON TELE GRAPH BUSINESS CHICAGO, February 19. In point of damago done, the storms of last Satur day, Sunday and Monday were the worst ever experienced by telegraph companies and railroads. Thousands unon thousands of noles aro 4till down and hundreds of miles of wiro prostrnto. Throughout tho states 01 tnuiana, Ohio, New York, West Virginia, Mary land, Delaware and all Now England, trlngrtipli service is curtailed und in "onie sections discontinued. One east em railroad alono lost eighty miles of criblo. Every repair man in the afflict ed territory is sti)l working to the limit, but resetting poles in tho frozen gronnd is slow work, nud it will be weeks be foro normal conditions are restored. RYE COPPER COMPANY MAKES GOOD ORE STRIKE E. F. Eisenhour of tho Ryo Coppor company is feeling good over the news of an important striko of copper in that property. The report was brought in by Mr. Black, foreman jjf the Max Bonno cnttlo ranch, who stated that the parties doing assessment work had struck high grado ore in nu adit tunnel, 200 feet from tho portal and at a ver tical depth of about 175 feet. Also bornito ore running well in silver wns found near the surface, nt a distance of 1500 feet from the strike in tho tun nel. Tho outcrop on tho Rye Coppor Company's property indicates the width of tho .mineralized zone to bo 250 to 400 feet. Baby's Hands Will, got into mischief often it means a burn or cut or iwald. Apply Ballard's Snow Liniment just as Foon as tho accident happens, and the pain will bo relieved while the wound will lioal quickly and nicely., A Fur- cure for sprains, Rheumatism imd all pains. Price 25c, 50ct and, $1.00 bottle, . - Boldly TalSc'ohSrmaTy. "" GAIRMAN i WIRES the market for First-class meats PEERLESS JOE RYAN, Prop. IV I Fill Your Wants Today I 1 111 iuui noiiu luuajr t ft For Sunday and Monday as the store will , I be closed all day Monday on account of it my- being Washington's Birthday. O Store onen tonierht until all are served. O I PHONE MAIN 62 BROOKNER'S "THE BIG STORE" 1 o Brick Brick Brick Brick Brick Globe Cement and Coniftruction Co. FACTORY AND YARDS COR. OAK AND WILLOW STREETS. Sales Office No. 15 Trust Building: Have on hand ready for delivery any amount of well cured Cement Brick. No order too large for us to fill. No order too small for our prompt attention. B RICK. Plenty of Brick Silver Belt Want p E 3 v Quality Printing There are many reasons why the Silver Belt Print Shop can truthfully lay claim to a reputation for excellence of produc tion. The plant is the best equipped in Arizona, and it is the pride of the man agement to use this excellent equipment with taste and mechanical knowledge. QUALITY is the keynote of our success and the motto to which we tie. HIGH GRADE STATIONERY Your letter head is your business repre sentative. A live business man should no more think of sending out to pros pective customers cheap looking, poorly printed stationery than he would of em ploying a business representative dressed in rags. Think it over. Intelligent re flection will result in your next order being for Silver Belt Quality Printing u SILVER BELT PRINT SHOP Page Fivtf; -m MARKET PHONE 71 668 N. BROAD ST. 1 I PHONE MAIN 1 i Ads lc a Word EK lttai iJ '& ! ' ! V n . -m & -W3 4 fi -U-&S r v fti m i 'm vrM " ?ti f1 fe- rlil's i -, i .: v' .- V t- Jfrs , ' . ' 'UJc . .'. ,.,-' - ..." J jff,jtf -Sbfc. .v,v vg - - Jfr-ji" r If k.wfyM&wm'