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I ., mil I,..,. I,., aiiiniiii iiiiiiirfiliilllUMwill iiillllill ItnilBlflliMIMIIMWnWnWWIii ' HP? J .. ' r , "V !$. w J " . Mr I ,age Six ; DAILY ARIZONA SILVER SBLT , j WK& &J ' GLOBE LIVERY STABLES 4 il N. BROAD ,Saddlo Horses and Bigs tot Prospectors ' McBroom & Oo. Phone 1221 FREE BATHS McKevitt House 650 N. BBOAD Booms 12.50 a week, np. Beds 25c and up. Pioneer Saloon Wulclch & Pavlovlch, Props, FINE WINED, LIQUORS AND OIGABS Box 992. No. 679 N. Broad Mountain View HOUSE Wo would be pleased to see our old patrons. Good tablo, home cooking. Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Edmonson The Lantin House 160 W. Push St. Phone 1952 Nicely Furnished Booms Baths in Connection Mrs. A. J. Leonard, - Prop. DeLocy House f 391 N. Broad : Nicely Furnished Uooms Over Roosevelt Stage Office .. DcLacy, Prop, Frank Hock ' PRACTICAL TAILOR N. Broad Now woolens for fall and winter suits. Our steam and dry cleaning 1 makes old gar 'ments look like new, hats blocked. O.R. FEIST THE Jeweler Watch Repairing; and Band Engraving A SPECIALTY N. Broad St. Stationery Sporting Goods .Wall Paper G. S.VanWagenen & Co. POST OFFICE BLDG. GIBSON Copper Co. STAGE LINE Leaves Globo 8 a. m. Betums to Globe 5 p.m. O. K. Stables Livery, Feed, Sale Stago Stand for Gibson Cor. Cedar and Railroad Sts. W. P. KELSEY, Prop. Phono 481 SHUTE'S LIVERY STABLE 585 N. Broad Phone 731 Best Bigs, Prompt Servico SADDLE HORSES GEO. E. SHUTE, Proprietor Alfred Benjamin Suits & Overcoats REGAL SHOES AT LANTIN'S . ARIZ0N STEAM .LAUNDRY & TOWEL SUPPLY CO. (fine Day Work a Specialty Phone 461 3M&t i .70 N. Broad THE SINGER STORE Sells Seeing Machines on Easy Payments Teaches how to use thorn properly and keop them In perfect order. All Machines Warranted S77 N. BROAB ST. Exclusive Ladles' Fur nishing Store. Swellest goods In town. Dolph Baatz & Co. C80 N. Broad, Phone 178L Majestic Theater Globe's Leading : Theater Continuous Performance Prices 15c, 25c. 35c Public Carriage At AU Hours. Open oi Closed Rubber-tired Hack PHONE 171 or 561. The St. Elmo SYDNOR & STEABNS, Prop. Tho finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. 474 NORTH BBOAD ST. THE ST. ELMO SYDNOB & STERNS, Props. Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars '474 NOBTH BROAD ST. The Newport Fint-Clasa Barber Shop L. E. HOEYE. Prop. 440 N. Broad. Beet Baths Always Beady. RYAN & CO. Druggists ud SUtteten Office Supplies, SportUg, Goods, Phonographs, aai Beoords. 23 NOBTH BKOA MIAMI STAGE LINE J. L. SPOON, Prep. Stage laaves from ShuU'a Livery SUbleTlme schedule: Leave Olobo dally at 8:15 a, at. Leave Globe daily at 2:15 p. hl Leave Miami dally at 10:15 a. sa. Leave Miami dally at 4:45 ju su Tolophono Numbers: Globe, 731; Miami, 1533. GLOBE LABOR UNION DIRECTORY CAEPENTERS AND JOINERS Local Union No. 1030 United Brothorhood of Carpenters acd Joiners of Amorica. Meets each Thursday at Firemon's Hall nt T:30 p. in. S. II. Wood, president; P. W. Toilbrook, financial secre tary;. J. M. Bell, treasurer. MINERS Olobo Miners' Union, No. 60, W. F. M. Meet every Tuosday at 7. p. in. John Mitehell, president; P. J. Holohan, secretary. PRINTERS Globe Typographical Union, No. 3G7. Meets first Sunday ia oaofc month at 4, p. in., in Silver Belt office. C. V. Marcellus, pres ident; Carl P. Holdswurtb, secretary. CLERKS Storo and Offlco Employees' Union. .Moots second Monday of each month In Miners'' liall, nt 7:30 p. m. A. II. Hargravo, preidt, R. K. Ballard, secretary. BARBERS Journeymen Barbers' International' Union of America. Meets last Tuesday in coc'i month at 8:30 p. m.t Newport Barber shop. Sol Flora, president; Otto Perdue, secretary. BARTENDERS Bartonders' International League of America, No. 512. MeotB first and third Thursdays in Taylor's Barbor shop. A. J. Leonard, president; M. L. Perry, 8ecrotary-trcasuror. PAINTERS , Erotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers of America, No. 217. Moots each Tuesday night in Keogan 's hnllv W. B. Aiken, president; A. P. Estcs, vico-prosident; J. A. Clark, Sec retary. Union Announcements Victor, Edison and Colvmbia Talking Machines and Rec ords at Wightraan's Globe's Music Store PHONE 1525 Guarantee Paint Co. Cottonwood & Devereaux Eagle Restaurant 415 N. BBOAD Good Meals Best Service Seasonable Delicacies Private Booms for Ladios GIN & CO., 'Props. Globe's Leading Home Furnishers 8CHLITZ "that made Milwaukee fa mous," SOHLITZ that makes all men akin; Wo call for SCHLITZ and who can blame us We drink and call for OOHLITZ again. - Sam Kee Geieral Merchandise 460 N. Broad Phone 361 Tony Faust Beer Cedar Brook Whiskey at THE PARLOR M. B. Monahan STRANGERS HOME RES TAURANT " We invite Your Patrraage Day and Night Service. Billy Cunningham, Prep. Globe Real Estate Office 166 N. 2XOAB 8T. ssslsii sjasji" - Mfctl attarf XABOAXNI Watch etsr advertisement m Pago 7. r. I. TSCBlM, MMg Los Angeles Cafe 652 N. BBOAB 6e4 Meals Beet Btrrtee Seasosable Delicacies Private Beeaa fer Ladiee HONG LOEY, Prop. Elks Restaurant BAY AND NIGHT Beat Meals Bet Service Balkan Saloon Popular Resort for Geatlemen N. BROAD ST. Lunch Counter Out, Italy, CMTMieit 1SKA r Oeafjr SaUM W. K .ii Pref. Wm. Mill 'felliams We uaderseU any stere in Globe rder by Pheae Pty at Teur Deer Phone 121 OUR NAME "The Globe Jewelry Co." 18 OUB Guarantee' 340 N. Broad Phone 2081 FIRST NATIONAL lANK GLOBE Capital, Surplus and Shareholders' Liability $300,000 THE Bank Exchange SANDERS BROS. 454 N. Broad Pbene 471 Keegan's THAT'S "ALL" i 290 N. llroU Phone ltl Bmiweiser Supplies Force, Energy I Vitality Call for It When Ton Order "TH1? PACIFIC" 481 N. BROAD Jack Martin, Prop. Sasauei's 80 Tear Stock Aobeuser-Busch Beer 'I FAMOUS Cedar BrotK Whiskey Always ta eteck. 0.I.MUNN, C8$noSa!on V. BBOAD ST, GLOBE. ARIZONA NEWS AND COMMENT Walker Property Sold. ' For tho sum of $50,000, tho proporty of J. Ernest Walker, tho real ostato man who disappeared from Phoonlx two years ago, was sold at Phoonlx Wednesday. The proporty wai b'd in by S. II. Mitchell, roprosenting D. D. Horning, tho principal creditor of tho estate Tho property loft by Walker consists of bo in o choice plats' of yalloy lands and city lots, but all was mortgaged heavily, nearly all to Horn ing. The total indebtedness was some thing like $45,000. Several real estate men woro present this morning and a number of bids woro made upon tho Various pieces of land offered for salo. Mr. Mitchell, however, was propnrod to offer tho largest sum and tho cntira estate was knocked .down to him. Alfalfa and Strawberries. Tho Yuma Examiner says: Every day wagon loads of fragrant alfalfa pass through tho city streets. Tho farmers havo been cutting hay for ton days, and this crop is luxuriant and tender. The last cutting was made in December, and this crop has come a fow days earlier than past records. Straw berries aro also ripo in tho vnlloy. Mrs. Recdor has some fine specimens on her valloy ranch which will bo ready or market within a wcek. Telephone to Courtland. Tho Southwestern Improvement com pany on Monday began active work on th( stringing of another wiro into (Ilea son, ayB the Douglas Dispatch. The company has ono wiro passing through Qleason to Bisbco. An oflico is located in tho front room of tho Hunt lodging house, whero tho telephone and tela graph instruments aro installed for tho present. Fifteen phones havo been or dered and are now enrouto to Court- land. Thoy nro of tho Mngonto typo but the company announces that just nR hoon as the nntrnnnL'n amounts tr fifty or seventyfivo phones placod, the ' " drop phono will bo substituted through out. At present messages to and from Douglas havo to be relayed at Bisbeo, but tho company Is proparing to ex tend its linos to Douglas, Fcarco and Tombstone. Rosuming Operations. Clifton advices statu that tho oro bins, trestle works and other nronertv of tho Arizona Copper company that was re cently destroyed by fire is now about replaced with now structures, and whilo tho improvements lack a great deal of being completed, they nro far enough advanced to permit tho company to operato three furnaces, tho leachcr and several converter stands. Oro trains have been put on and the concentrators at Clifton will h going at full capacity. Practically all tho men laid off on ac count of tho flro havo again been put to work. Banks in Good Condition. Adolph W. Lautz, assistant territorial auditor, nrried in tho 'city yesterday from Nnco; says tho Disboo Minor. Mr. Lautz is on tho regular tour of the territory in tho capacity of bank ex aminer. It is tho duty of tho territorial auditor to examine tho books of banks and building nnd loan associations one or two times a year, and this work falls to the assistant nuditor. "My observation is that tho banking insti tutions of tho territory are in nbrmal condition," said Mr. Lautz, speaking of his examinations. "I might say that they are a littlo bettor than normal, but it is saying a great deal to simply mako tho conservative statement that they aro up to tho standard, ns shown by the balances and deposits. In many of tho larger centers normal cpnditlons have not been restored yet, and it is therefore gratifying to find our institu tions in such a condition of stability." Governor is Insistent. A Phoenix dispatch of Wednesday says: Tbo mess cooked up by Gover nor Kibbey for B. A. Packard and J. C. Adams, territorial fair commissioners, and which the executive apparently in tends to servo them in courses, was heated up again today when a letter was mailed to each of tho gentlemen, notifying them that if their resigna tions, called for somo days ago, wero not in tho governor's ofilco by noon, Saturday, February k"0, ho would issue an order requiring them to show causa why thoy should not bo remoed on charges ho wouuld lator formulate. Mr. Adams stated tonight that ho would tomorrow adviso tho governor of his intention not to resign. Mr. Packard, it is said hero tonight, 1ms informed tho governor that ho would personally call on the 22nd. Tho outcome of tho affair is frcoly speculated upon by mem bers of tho legislature. Boundary Disputo. Yuma county is trying to annex a strip of land from Maricopa county thrco or four miles wido and extending along tho entire western boundary. In other words, a bill has been laid in tho committed on county boundaries pro viding for moving tho intormodiale boundary between tho 'two counties eastward. District Attornoy Timraons of Yuma conuty is in Phoenix to push the bill through tho legislature. Yuma county claims that all speciific attests of the survey of tho present lino havo been lost, and that the lino is thero foro not valid. The Democrat states that a search of tho Maricopa records has disclosed the cortlficato of report mado by T. A. Hicks and W. M. Brock- Inndgo in 1889, tho county surveyors of Yuma and Maricopa counties, respec tively. This cortificnto gives Maricopa county a clear titlo to the strip of land under disputo and destroys the validity of Ynma''s claim. Enforcing Dog License. Following up tho general warning given to Tucson dog owners that they wero to be prosecuted if they did not sccuro dog licenses, tho officers arrested Joso Medina and F. Lucra, on warrants sworn to by Poundmastcr McCorWck, charging that iho prisoners owned dogs and refused to pay tho license. Thoy wore nrraigued before Recorder Linden feld and each fined $5, which is tho minimum penalty that can be given. They paid their fines and then an nounced that tho dog catcher might havo their canines, stating that they did not care to pay any additional money on them. Ijinco tho notico was issued to dog owners o got licenses, more than 250 tags havo been issued, but there aro still a number of dog owners who havo not complied with the ordinance. Yuma Land Rulings Provided thoy hold title as sopurate estates, a man and wifo will bn entitled to 160 acres each of patented lands un der tho Yuma project. Children over twenty-one, if owners of land in their own right, will also hold unquestioned right to 160 acres each. These ques tions were thoroughly discussed and 'understood at tho organization of the Water Users' association and have lain dormant from that time until the pres ent. Distinctions between the size of the farm .units or patented lands and those filed upon tmbscquent to tho re clamation act, as. well as the farm unit for tho Indian rcsevation, havo bcon confusing for the noweqmers. Original 100 aero tracts of patented lands were signed for shares in tho Water Users' association, which guaranteed 160 acres of water rights to tho owners and their successors in title. This insures 'I ll' U...I . ov" inuivmuai over -i years oi aKo tho right to becomo tho owner of 160 acres of patented land with wnter rights, under the Yuma project. Set tlers havo been allowed to flic upon government land under tho project in amounts reaching 160 acres. In case the secretary of the interior -decides to re dueo tho holdings to a smaller unit, am ple notice will be given to allow hold ers to choose the portion of entry ns well as to assign whatever interest they mny havo acquired by improving these lands. It is the impression that the offi cial announcement of the unit will not bo mado until, the project nenra com pletion. It is possible that a special ap portionment may bo made, as in the caso of lands on the Indian reserva tion. Flagstaff Wants Clark Road It is thought at Flagstaff that Sen ator Clark will certainly build u rail road from Jerome to a connexion with tho Santa Fc, probably nt Davenport. An effort is to bo mado to have the junctton nt Flagstaff instead of Daven port. A correspondent of a Pnoen x paper says: "Flagstaff people have ben building their hopes on this road ior years and now that it is a certain ty t- would surely bo shortsightedness on tho part of our merchants and lax payers to allow tho terminals to bo built at any such place as the station men tioned above. Somo action should be taken by iho board of trade .md town council nnd overtures mado to Senator Clark that will insure tho terminals of this now road for our town. Wo have everything to offer in the way of induce ments, tho chief of which to a railroal in this desort country, is water, and nothing should be left undono that will bring the connecting link with the north and south to our town. Tho loss of the Grand Canyon railway was a severe les son to us. Do not let that oversight bo duplicated." Says Mexico Would Not Sell Scnor Garcia, Mexican consul at Na co, at Bisbeo last Monday, expressed Biirpriso at the action of tho Arizona legislature on tho mcmorhl- resolution to tho president, requesting tho govern ment to buy a slice of Sonora bouth uf Yuma and add it to Arizona, in spcik ing about this tho consul sta'el that Mexico has no land for sale to tbo "United Stntcs government, and that the pooplo of tho United States no ery much mlstnkon if they thin'c for ono m'nuto that Mexico is in tho market with its erritory, just like morchan disc. Tho consul taid that if Arizona people are anxious for tho Ian.1 (south of Yuma in Sonora, they eau easily buy it as individuals, and that their rights na individuals would bo respond by tho Mexican government, which would give them all tho protection in -ts power, but when it comes to a sale of land in a block from one government to a'nother, tho Mexican people would uoc staud for it, as it is unconstitutional. Chamberlain's Ceugh Remedy tho Most Popular Because It Is tho Best "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for the past eight years and find it to be ono of the bost selling medicines on tho market. For babies nnd young children thero is nothing bet ter in tho line of cough syrups," snys Paul Allen, Plain Dealing, La. This remedy not only euros the coughs, colde nnd croup so common among young chil dren, but it is pleasant and safe for thorn to take. For salo by All Drue gists. ' b For that Terrible Itching Eczema, tetter and salt rheum keep tholr victims In perpetual torment. The application of Chamberlain's Salve will instantly allay this itching, nnd many cases have bcon cured by its use. For salo by AH Druggists. WOK FAITH CONVICTION OF WARD MEANT DEATH BUT GIRL THRUSTS DOUBT ASDDE RICHMOND, Va., February 19. "Oh, judgo and you, Mr. Jurymen, I love Roy ho nnd I'm going to marry him and I bad to tell you this, becauso ho never harmed ah) body." , With this declaration of faith in her Jover did protty Graco Adams of Now York, private secretary to "Brg Tim" Sullivan of Tammany Hall famo, gain the acquittal of Roy Ward, 23, charged with having attacked Miss Maggie U.uer, a yoling society woman. With conviction tho penalty meant death. Ward had been in jail five months. Wnrd,who is a chauffeur, came to Rich mond for the automobile meets at tho state fair. Ho met Miss Bauer and sho ncccpted an invitation to ride with him. During this rdo sho leaped from the automobilo and made hor escape, be cause, sho said, ho insulted her. Ward denied having mado any advances to the young woman. In tho solemnity of-tho court room his trial was in progress. A little woman, dressed all In tan, from her daintily clad feet to tho becoming hat upon her head entered the court room. She rnmo unannounced. All of tbo witnesses had been examined. "If your honor plense, I havo ono character' witness I want to introduce," snid Harry M. Smith of counsel for tho defense. The announcement created a mild sensation, but no ono coupled the little lady in brown with the ugly, worn oak witness chair. "Who is it?'' asked the court. And there, fatigued 'with a long ride, that little lady in brown walked bravely bo fore tho twelve men who held tho life of her sweetheart in their hands, nnd spoke in a sweet girlish voice, that wavered now and then ever ho littlo. Nobody can tell what was in the minds of the jury before they heard Jhe girl's story. Many thought it was a conviction. The prisoner at the bar turned slightly in his chair, caught a fleeting glimpse of the girl, and smiled. In less than five minutes tho jury came back. Tbo clerk read the verdict, "(not guilty." Then caino tho handshaking and good wishes, nnd Roy Ward was a frco man and ho owed it all to the littlo lady in brown. . Roy and his sweetheart drove at once to the city jail. Thert, at her request, tho more than fifty prisoners, robbers and drunkards, highwaymen and second story workers shook hands with tho little lady in brown and with her sweet heart, and wished them both joy in their contemplated matrimonial venture. 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC AND SOUTH WESTERN ENGAGE IN BATTLE OVER CONFLICTING RIGHT OF WAY NEAR COURTLAND. COURTLAND, Ariz., February 19. Tho men who stood on tho hillside fac ing Gleobon Wednesday afternoon saw the merriest and most exciting railroad clash recorded in tho southwest. Tho "Espco" and the Metxco & Colorado railroad companies tried to grado tho same 400-yard routo on tho side of a hill. Tho ono began to plow up tho stakes of the other, and in turn the other put its scrapers to wrk turning over the roadbed to suit its owu engineers. For a time it was a caso of the cart of one railway striving to pass over the fecoop of the other, and as fast as tbo "Espee" would plowo-er a stretch of soil tho Southwestern would scoop it back out of the way. Messages flow thick and fast in all directions. Automobiles began carry ing into Gleeson the head officials with in touch. Tho "Espco' strove to es tablish their line, while tho Mexico & Colorado (Southwestern) fought for a right of way, and thus tho war contin ued on the hillside until tho big bosses came onto tho battlefield. Then arrived in automobiles, running at tho last notch of speed, Superin tendent Campbell of tho Southwestern nnd Superintendent McClure of the "Espee." Under theso eyes tho battlo of the flying dirt, tho contesting horses nnd scoops and plows went on, neither side mnking a move beyond grading what tho rivals wished dono some other way. Finally both sides agreed to let tho smoko of battlo clear away. Tho forces of both roads wero withdrawn from tho contested field, awaiting an amicablo Hottlement. During the meleo tho foremen of ono company caught the' bridles of tho other company, and vice versa. Nearly 200 mon engaged in tho blood less battle. If you neod a pill take DoWitt's Little Early Risers. Insist on them; gentle, easy, pleasant, littlo liver pills. Sold by Palace Pharmacy and United Drig Ce, ( I GRADING 1 U w SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1009 ' Commercial Gas Engines and Hoists Lateet, safest ana most impm model, guaranteed for economy aa4 liability; simplest scientific engine baft Agent for MTNTNG AND IRRIGATION FlSlSti Betd and installed on absolute guarantee by JOHN WOG BOX 9UL GLOBE 'AS! Building Contractor Building estimates promptly furnished Wwrk guaranteed J; E. MERRIam SOX Ml Opp. Eloney Bouse. Architects General Contractors Estimates Cheerfully Furnished We are prepared to loan montj em buildings put up by ns. SIMS & SONS P. O. Box 466 Ree. 780 Monroe SL, East Globi Concrete Blocks estimates on Gildings promptly furnished CONCRETE BLOCK and BRICK Daniel I Hota P. a BOX 466, GLOBI HOLLOW Concrete Blocks aad Sidewalk Reinforced Concrete Ifaaaf actarer of Cement Pressed Brick. M-tea pressure to the brick. Estimates on Building Promptly Furnished J. MAUREL fwo-etry .Concrete Block Home, Wnl 6 Globe Lumber Yard. P. O. Box Ztt. Bank Exchange Restaurant J. T. LOUIE. Prop. Now Opea in Bear of Bank Exehu Saloon CHINESE CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES Meals All Hours. Open Day and Ni DR. P. B. CALER DENTIST 285 N. BROAD STREET Over Palace Pharmacy. Edmund T. Sttchell Jame. K. StctU Satchell Brothers Assayers, Chemists, Metallurgist TRUST. BLDG., ROOMS 10 AND 1 P. O. BOX, 1005, GLOBE, ABIZ Wiley E. Jones Thos. E. FlannlP JONES & FLANNIGAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW surra 4 -8 TRUST BULLDnf0 J DR. H. A. SCHELb 9Lfe Arizona's Leading 'tMB Optician, KP TUCSON, ABIZO Sead broken glasses to be repaired ' duplicated. Next visit to Globe December er January. SULTAN & WAYNE MIMK6 ENCKNEEE8 2A1 North Bread Street V. O. Bex M7 iiiiiiiiiiiiviiniiiiackiBVKiA4K;i. s.jswu( , .h s v&V? al H' -v . yrK 4o . . ,tfjt' JiA '.'; ( fctft 'Kwnr i