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L SILVER WANT BELT S ADS ONE CENT A WORD OASII MUST ACCOMPANY COPT, WANTED. JTvteD Miss Young wants to buy Ttr -ijfTED Men to rom at Miss fJj'i rooming house on Squaw hill. B,th and oeleotric light; $3 and $0 monui. jer jfiNTBD A fow boarders by day or .1 tirat-ntfUba ifthlfl tinran -nnVinii al tickets for Balo. Crawford & hiker's, next door to Kpisoopul ikureh FOE SALE. FOB SALE Span oJ ponies,' 'aubsm and buckbonrd; panics good for rid ing nnd driving. Enquire 953 North Broad. FOE SALE Ostrich plume, varioty of chrysanthemums. 469 3. East street. WANTED Horso and "saddle, about IlM hundred pounds, state price. Box fANTED Copy of Weekly Silver Bolt illed January iu, iuud, viruuiuuuu fwpt., this oflico. FOR RENT. pOB BENT Two rooms furnished for loust'keopmg. 550 E. Cottonwood. Inquire R. 7, Trust building. roE BENT Three rooms fumishod for housekeeping. Reasonable. Inquire Boom 7, Trust building. FOR SALE. f03 SALE Furnituro; inquire at bo Globe Bakory. FOR SALE Thirteen-room boarding and lodging house, completely fur nished, close in. Nick Mllick, Boom 32, Trust Bldg, FOR SALE Half interest in HJgdon & Wright transfer and express business. Apply E. L. Iligdon. FOR SALE Good team and wagon; overytliing in first-clnss condition; will soil at a bnrgnin if sold at once. Addros T. B.f enro Silvor Bolt. W S BUUbtl iSSB V .- FROM FOB SALE A good saddle horso. Call Mrs, Pnrdum, C19 E. Cottonwood. FOR SALE Now bale of Navajo rugs juat received; anyono wishing to sou thora call ut 387 South East street. Mrs. E. C. Bright. FOR SALE Location Notices, 25 etuts u dozen at the Silvor Belt Office. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Pain rimless glaasoa, attached to spring-winding guard. Botnrn to Justice Hinson Thomas. pOS SALE New furniture. Address fetters to "furnituro" caro of 8ilver Belt. 703 SALE About Tour acres af wcl jnprored property adjoining towa. In fture Globo Conunercal store. reB SALE Furnituro for fnr-rni Wnse; house can bo rem ted; sail to Uj at premises, 42S Soatk High, itreet FOB SALE Bluo roan saddle terse, k;nj and gontlo. Address letter to Mn L. Keefo, can of Silver Belt; FOUND Watch charm locket. Owner can recover same by paying for this ad. and proving ownership at Silver Blt office. LOST Malachite pin. Please return to this office and receive reward. FOUND Gold cuff 'Button with elk head engraved. Owner ean recover by paying for this ad. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds and Jewelry. Mindlin Jewelry & Loan Co. FRED W. MOORE WRITES INSURANCE In the Most Reliablo Fire Insuranco Companies Local Representative ARIZONA MUTUAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Office: Homo Printing Co. Building GLOBE,, ARIZONA SAFFORD, February 10. Tho Saf ford Social and Literary society will bo delightfully entertained this even ing by JMissoa Lillio nnd Alico Morris. Tho infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Goorgo Llledgo, whoso death occurred yesterday, was buriod iu tho Safford cemetery this afternoon nt 1 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Elledgo hnvo tho sym pathy of tboir many friends in tho loss of their littlo ono. Newton Hollowny, who has been tho guest of B. P. Fostor and family, loft yesterday afternoon for Globe. Tuo following is tho program which has boon arranged for tho V. C, T. U. meeting at tho Baptist church this evening: Song, by members; Beading, Mis-H Margarot Robinson; vocal solo, Vorna Clifford; reading, Object of the W. C. T. U., Bov. C. Wardlaw; instru mental duet, Misses Mildred lnnd Blnncho Birdno. Y7. Winiratp. of Uvalde, Toxas. ar rived in tho city yesterday and after il short visit with his daughter, Mitts Win gate, who is a teacher in tho pub ic school, will go on to Ulobo. Mrs. W. E. Piatt is quite ill at her homo in S.iilord. Bov. and Mrs. Norman Burley of Sol omonvillo aro in tho city today, tho guests of Mrs. J. M. Foster. Mitt SimniH and A. J. McAllister of Solomonvillo, having boon appointed ujon tho committeo by those opposing tho divlhion of tho county, left yestor day for Phoonix. Tho movo for the di vision is being fought with a great deal of zeal by the majority in Safford and vicinity. Tho members of tho Aftornoon Bridge Whist club passed a delightful after noon yesterday with Mrs. Charles P. Solomon acting as hostess. Tho timo was devoted to tho usual gaino and there were present several guests out sido of tho club members, who aided iu ranking tho afternoon especially on joynblo. Tho merry company was served with cako, cocoa, dntes, tigs, fruit nnd bon bons in tho dining room, and tho refreshment tnblo was made attractive with a contor-pioce of fruit. -Tho ladicu t;apw,"- ----- nitornoon were: i?W. -. v enioyluc tko'ii Mosdamos Preudonthal. Solomon nnd Chambora of Solomonvillo nnd Mos damos Mnshblr,' Olnqy, 'Clayton, Thum, and MisscB Margaret Robinson and Mao Dowtllo. Bov, Burley of Solomonvillo filled tho pulpit nt tho Southern Methodist church thlH aftornoon at tho 3 o'clock service. Ph. Fruedonthnl of Solomonvillo was a visitor to Safford yestorday. A. number ol tuo pupils of tho public school will spend tomorrow picnicking in tho foot hills with Miss Lucy Pur dum as chnporon. J. N. Purdum of Globo passed through Safford yesterday enrouto homu from Phoonix. Mr. and, Mrs. J. A. Wardlaw will oc cupy tho now brick cottngo of Weaver Brier, which is nenring completion. Miss Lillio Bishop was hostess to a fow Safford friends Thursday evening at her hospitablo ranch homo near Sol omonvillo. After pleasant hours of con vocation and music, tho hostess sorved sandwiches, cake, coflfeo, bon bons and fruit. The guests enjoying tho good timo wero Miss Simmons of Philadel phia, who is the house guest of Miss Bishop, nnd Misses Mao Dowdle, Elsio Fostor, Lois Anderson nnd Lottie Col ton, Messrs. Jesse Poster, Horry Fos ter nnd Ernest Wickorsbam. The DowdJo & Witt livery stoblo has pnt in a new acotylino gas machine, with burners in each stall, Buv. Seaborn Crutchfiold will lcavo Monday morning for n visit to sons in San Angelo, Texas. Walter Truesdalo has Returned from n boar hunt in the mountains. Preparations aro being mado for tho entertainment of ono of tho largest crowds ever seen in Safford for the races nt tho athletic nark. Monday and Tuesday of next week. HOD E F Fill SAFFORD, February 19. Mrs. Jas. 8. Abbott is out again after a woek's illnesfl of the grippe. Arucgr Jlros. have tho contract for tho building of the now rcsidenco of G. P. Houck nnd work hns been started. Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks have n new baby at their home, Dr. Stork having pain mora n visit Thursday. Bay Hunt of Thatcher has accepted tho placo of delivcryman at tho store of A. C. Hunt of this place. A number of fine horses aro in train ing on tho rnco track at Athletic park for tho big races to bo run Monday and Tuesday of next woek. Today's Suggestion by Ellen Stan. T r Have You Rooms to Rent? 71 Have You Real Estate to Sell? Have You a Horse or a Dog to Sell? Have You Something to Trade? Any or All of These Deals Can Be Arranged Through The Silver Belt's Want Columns Only LL One Cent a Word Daily or Sunday mm IF YOU Are using or contemplate vsing POWER for any purpose, see us. We want to demonstrate to you Mm a4vaatages ef ELECTRIC MOTORS tor power over any ether prme mover. Remember, oar service is unin terrupted itwcaty-for hears a day. GLOBE ELECTRIC LIGHT & GAS CO. PRACTICAL BOY'S SUIT. FIR boy's Russlon suit Illustrated is one of the simplest and most com fortable aults that could possibly be mode. It Is not only easy to adjust, but It Is easily made. It can be made with removnblc shield and with or without tho wide collar. The sleeves are plaited to flt tho arm to cuff depth, and the bloomers are finished nt the bottom with elastic bands. IThe bolt can be of tho material or of leather. The sailor collar Is n natty feature and will look well finished with rows of stitching or with two of tbrro rows of sou tache braid. Flannel, pique, lln en. crash, gulatea, chambrny and ging ham are suitable materials to use lu Its construction. A Wne gnlatca with a separate shield of white piquo stitched with bluo and worn with a leather belt would be both at tractive and com fortable. Any little man will be delighted with this comfort able suit made of white pique or lin en. Tho wide sail or collar gives tho suit a boyish effect that it n I way a pleasing. Thcknlck erbockers extend a little bolow the blouse and are ar ranged with an elas tic bund that flta the leg. At least two sets of knick erbockers should bo mado for each suit, as these are tho part to become worn out first as well as soiled. For averyday hard wear during the fall and winter sorgo Is an uxcellent mate rial for a suit of this character, as It will stand a largo amount of bard usage nnd still look neat Sometimes pretty blues nnd other col ors become faded In the wash, and If such Is tho caso these suits can be rcdyed easily nud Inexpensively with a few drops of oil colored paints dropped In gasoline until It Is of the desired color. A. sample of the suit material 3hould bo tried until the desired color is obtained; then tho whole suit mny be dipped, wrung out nnd hung out to dry. This suit Is mndo with a removable shield. The pattern is cut lu three sizes from two to six years of age. To opy this suit for n boy four years of ago It requires ! yards of material 27 Inches ldo or 3 yards 3(1 inches wide. Any reader of this paper who desires to secure this pnttcrn may dw o by sending 10 cents to this office. Give the number, 4102, state size desired nnd write the full address plainly. The pnttera will be forwarded promptly by mail THATCHER. February 19. R. C. Ballard of Safford has been employed as clerk for tho Wilkins Commercial company. Tho Big Six has torn down tho old pprch from tho front of the building, and expect to fill its placo with a nico awning. Tho building is being painted and otherwise ropaired. Tho plasterers havo nearly finished their work on tho now Acaraody. Tho roof is on, and tho work is boing rapid ly pushed. It will bo photographed as soon as tho building materials aro re moved from tho outside. Tho girls in the ncademy havo been making a specialty of basketry in their domestic art department this week, and some spionaid worK is. being dono there. Superintendent A. J. Woods is visit ing schools in tho uppor end of tho county tthis week. Tho city council postponed its mooting on account of his absence. Jack Dnloy met with a painful acci dont whilo at Safford tho other day. While driving around tho bank corner, his carriago struck a post, throwing Mr. Daley out of the buggy, dislocating his left wrist, and othorwiso injuring him. Mrs. Oscar Webster is regaining health rapidly, and hopes to soon bo out again. Will Dameron writes from Los An geles that his health is much improved and that ho hopes to be homo in a lew weeks. Tho children of tho fifth grade of tho district school, gave their teacher, Miss Ettiq, Lee, a pleasant surprise on vcunwaay evening. With refresh ments in hand, thoy went to her homo at 7 o'clock in the evening, and their merry games afforded much amusement until about 9 o'clock. O. C. Boynton and D. K. Edwards, two prominent business men of Los Angele8t were entertained a few days by President Kimball, whilo onrouto to (Hobo. Thrco new families havo movod hero from Indian Territory, and are buying homes in Thatcher. Tho rocital given by Caroline Mon tlerth in tho amusement hall on Thurs day evening was a benefit for tho acad emy. The following program was car ried out: "Saunders McClosseau"; Scono from King Lear, "Dividing of Proporty"; "How Jonnio Eased Her Mind"; Paul Dunbar's poem, "Whejn Malinda Sings 't, "Tho Soul of n Vio lin." A good sized audience was In attendanfio, and Miss Monticrth'n ef forts wero much appreciated. Inxtead of tho regular work meeting Thursday aftornoon. tho Belief society gavo a social to tho retired officers. Mrs. Nancy Knudsen was sustained ns chorister, and Mrs. Mao Welch as or ganist. Mrs. Emma Morris was unable to act as secrotary, so tho vacancy was filled by Mrs. Ellen Choney. After tho prenminnry nusiness, tho following pro gram was carried out: Song, by Mrs. Knudsen; recitation, by Emma Cluff; remnrks by Mrs. Phillips; recitation, by Medio Lnyton; song by Patriarch Clar idgo; remarks by each member of tho retired board. Mrs. Cynthia Lnyton, retired president, was prcsontod with an autograph album containing tho auto graphs of all tho Belief society mem bers. A Hook was given to Counselor Mrs. Susie Clarldgo and to Secretary Mrs. Iocs Lee. After this all retired to the hall below, whoro dainty refresh ments wero served. Eighty-two mem bers wero present. Highest class job printing ai reason able prices at Silver Belt. SKV7ErarTT trx tr--n - I " To Lot Buyers If you aro thinking about buying a nlco building lot anywhere In Globe and ospcciaBy in tho NEW EAST GLOBE TOWNSITB, you can ill afford to mako a purchaso boforo scoing me. I have somo of the very choicest and most reasonable lota in Globe ON EITHER CASH OR TIME PAYMENTS. Tour nlco building lote en Sycamore street, top of hiU. A big bar gain, $500, time or cash. , One four-room rcsidenco on Noftagcr hlU, with two lots, $1350. This la positively a snap; rents for $22 per month. Four choico lot3 close in, beautiful view, $750, a real bargain.' List your property with me and I wiU seU It for you. CHARLES RIEMEN REAL ESTATE BROAD STREET, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF TRUST BUILDING. HI Lame Shoulder This is a common form of muscular rheumatism. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberlain 'a Liniment freely thrco times a day and a quick cure is certain. This liniment has prov en especially valuable for muscular and chronic rheumatism. Sold by all drug gists. FILL OUT THIS BLANK. ..,,. J 190.. ARIZONA SILVER BELT, Globe, Arizona. ' - , Please order for we, 10 cents herewith to rover youreharges: Pattern No SU I1 ' Nnmo ". .s f . X Addrm .'...' ?..,. t.v. '..... "I .'..,." NOTE Those Patterns are ordered for yo from Ncw; York and require abonl 10 days to get them to yon. ", ' "f ' " J U' ) ' ft- v ' ,"- : 1 v '., ,;. Wa ". :" j .e-i.t..rtiT-r . kj fc. $ -W. - V p-.HVrt. T . 'JLOL .9 . )U r V 1 . at- ,1 ' -j. i. i t acu an h . v v.i j0u (Kif si i j vrvia r - iu 3HJft. t p 'c rvi -MkOK Wili 'VJMaK.TlWr " fk-J. , .. -f . . M . ". fj.K -- i i WV ,! iO. ' VH-UJTCKV I i ' ' aL - lit' ''H- ViAOn.'T'-. ftaWNML , fcL, 4Aift.SiibttanJ'. Jlfet&Lre? l,..-C . i - - . -m ? wrir fi2rm7 x"j .; .:&. aarm -mm weiaranwvT. . BWOT'...,t-"i &. r -i..iWi .rA'iB2-M'.JBfciim1'ff "": oiAJBirJSutis. Mi&mmv&., ,$ fc -,e wtfip ; w & v. ". ras-53nr.i " rff,H-t talfc i'jwyraiwng.. m-.imnwiViSkSs at i i iv. hrjii-'.. . jiftiB imt -k. twcLrjrf nnc..iBUiinumnua - .I'mmrvit fiKTSDUtv' -.' sasmsf vmKmmFwuMciVFKtrx sm.'Xixsexmda&. . mamisMRW-iZ Toek All Her AttentJen. "Did your wife enjoy the Swiss scenery?" -I don't think she saw a bit of It. Bhc was kept so busy adjusting her camera." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Net Sa Common. Abandoned farms oft And you cam Weed grown and dank. But what I'm looking for U xm Abandoned bank. Philadelphia Butlettn. There is not "any better Salve than Do Witt's Cnrbolizcd Witch Hazel Salve. We horeby warn the public that wo are not responsible for any injurious effects caused .from worthless or poison ous imitations of our DeWitt's Car bolircd Witch Hazel Salve, the original. It is good for anything when a salve is needed, but It is especially good for piles. Be sure you get DeWitt's. Sold by Palace Pharmacy and United Drug Co. Meant to Be. "I ordered a midsummer view front that dealer, nnd he's sent ire n snow Bcene." "That's cool l" Baltimore American. Old Nature. Old nature Is the finest thtns That meets our contomplatnre. Ita faults are mighty few. by Jlng Kxceptlne human nature. Kansas City Times. Tho Jumping Off Place "Consumption had rao"in"'its grmp; and I had almost reached tho jumping off placo when I was advised o try Dr. King's Now Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life Im provomont began with the first bottle, and after taking ono dozen bottles I was a well and happy man again,'' snys Ocorgo Moore, of Grimesland, N. C. As n remedy for coughs and folds and hcalor of weak, soro lungs nnd for preventing pnoumonia Now Disoovery is supremo. 50c and $1.00 at 'Palace Pharmacy. ftTrial bottle free". Highest class job printing at reason able prices at Silver Belt, Home Investment Real Estate Company's "DoinV Last evening, at the office of the Homo Investment company, the directors held a meeting, and after grave deliberation, decided to con solidate. Hogne, the hired man, bought stock in the new company, pay ing 30 cents (Mex.) for 1000 shares (preferred). It was decided to give tho stock a good watering, and raise tho value of tho stock to a few feet abovo "timber Uno." By this method, the company can "pan out the pay streak" on good bargains on a very conservative commer cial basis, on scUlng houses and lots, at right prices, right locations and right bargains on "waUt easy" terms. Each stockholder of tho new company Is authorized to buy and sell nothing but good Real Es tate bargains In "Greater Globe." Jim Hogue, tho manager of the company, is authority for the statement that "the , Homo Investment company handles nothing but Real Estate and Globe dirt, In such bar gains that will appease the desires of the most fastidious tastes. Here are a few of them: Lots, East Globe, from $200 to $350, terms. Houso and three lots, East Globe, $1000, easy terms. House and lot, Nob HIU, close In, $2700, easy terms a bargain. ' House and four lots, Nof tsger Hill, $800, $200 down, $25 per month. Vz, $800, $400 cash, $25 per month. Threo-room house, lot 75x112 120 acres, near Safford, partially Improved, four-room house, stable Land to be sold at $25 per acre. Terms. READ OUR BULLETIN BOARD FOR BARGAINS. HOME INVESTMENT COMPANY JTM HOGUE, Mgr. Globe Real Estate Office 3$ HOMES Five rooms and bath, lawn and shade v.. $2700 Four rooms and bath, East Globe ''.?$....: ;...$2300 Fonr rooms and bath, First street .. .i ',. .$2500 SPECIAL Elegant modern home, floor space 30x50; Ave rooms, cemodions bath room, servant's "cottage; barn and fence; lot 96x100; price $4500 terms if necessary. . SNAPS 45x100 feet on Broad street ,.. ..,. $5500 100x120 feet on -Railroad - $1000 50x100 feet, partly improved, close in '. $2000 50x125 feet Knob hUl, very choice $1200 MOREOVER i We still have a few choice lots on East Globe at FD2ST PRICE. See them nnd save the profit ef the speculator who offers you his bar gains. We want builders and will make inducements. GLOBE REAL ESTATE OFFICE F. . TOOMBS, MGR. PHONE 1101 165 N. BROAD ST. For Bargains in Real JJstatc come and sec what I have listed with me. I have some of the most desirable Business and Residence Prop erty in the city; also mlnixg claism, small ranches, and land In the Gila vaUey. Lots in any part of the city, houses to rent. Just let me know what you want and I wUl try to please you. ALEX SIMPSON & CO. 230 N. Broad St. I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEATS WE SUPPLY THE BEST GATTI MEAT CO. HERE'S A POINjTER FOR EVERY COAL USER IN GLOBE Be sure your coal is free from slack, slate and dirt. We sell AMERICAN BLOCK COAl 4 and it is always delivered to you in fine con dition. We also sell Wood, Coke, Har, Grain ARIZONA FUEL & FEEp CO. PHONE 751 Opposite Depot - V ' , . r '.. . ' -J . , ( . Vj. '.-- c,. i.&.. A: ivL!rfr . a.KJ-'i - , A .-,.'. f. '....'. tt vYt.i' f- -Wtffki,ilfflkW' -T,..v, , .. , ,. - . .w X, ft. ,, ',' X k. I ii , f. .if..,ir..JI i.'Ah.r- I ( 'i i Hi !!.... ' Htffi 1 ' . .. ir V -rf4f ;Sulty.M' dM'V.Jt &. I jikzLZr,: L, . . ," .... A j& ZuM2gSE3im$ WMBDnra9i.t , lEMff. ?t .. :'J". , ;. 'ii.. ,.' w ,. , i.Tri.i.raDr..ii u7wiJi.,'f irjt ut-.trn,: raE" a.iii' WBj.iflKuramar rmntmaiTPinmiiyicjitsimnimn'mnmi .saxaami'jnsemtus.z. .ajmiEzsw KwsxB'nRapakM TiMjafiRftHcar a ma.Mis .-.utfr ,..-if o-v wassmmusKJSi&SBt tsm&mmwmwmrju mimmmx&SL &&v&m&&-zsiL .immBBkawBEFTKmsjeamF.sKaa v r . - .' vlfcVt ' iiV &&i IfPjl B J ? 3 4. ( t y K$ S A V v -r t i A' 'K A t l "::4 IS gs$B&ggwmm NJ