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"vx W ,' L y i Vi : a Lv 'A - ! ,T Y.JS 7 wMrnm ',C "2aPaV3t X ft. 5T "'"" mmmm IKtoftfl W. ',WfUiAVJ!l, if iff?. !'L ' W Q "A -?,C-is: mm "mv?z2&t'' if. if &A ty iT'0-.r?... NY REGRETS dou't bring money back to you when it has burned up or when you havo fooled it awa y. .It takes WORK to do this. Put your monoy in our bank and it can't burn up, and you won't fool it away. FIRST NATIONAL BANK GLOBE, ARIZONA Capital, Surplus and Shareholders' Liability, $300,000 SHORT STORIES OF THE CITY Homo Investment Company Busy J. Watt Hoguo of tho Homo Invest ment company mndo two deals hi resi dence real ostuto yesterday. Through this agency, George Duffy sold to Mrs. Nellie Mnllory two lots nu Hill street, near Ash, upon which piopcrty alio will at oneo begin tho .rcctio,i of a cottage homo. By another deal, Mrs. Mattio Lobb sold to J. II. Nciruu.i n flut Louse and lot in the UU Dominion subdivi sion, near tho corner of North and Hill streets. Mr. Newman will retain tho property for speculative purposes. Entertained (Hobo Visitors Georgo T. Fisher and Gcorgo F. KItt entertained at dinner sovoral visitors at the Old Pueblo club yesterday. The gentlemen are enrouto to Mieir homes in Globe after nttendiug tho Arizona Commercial association in Phoonix, They were Messrs. James Kwing, pres ident of tho chamber of commerce; Sid ney Mauk, A. C. McAlpine, E. B. Gridor and F. F. Towle. Tucson Star. Washington, D. C Since wo cannot all go to Washington, D. C, on Washington's birthday, tho postor of tho Methodist church has had tho principal points of interest in and about tho city shipped to him, and in vites ovcrybody to coruo to the church Monday night at 7:30 and tako a trip about the Capital. This is a personally eouducted sight-seeing trp, which will bo of special interest to boys and girls. Tho conductors will collect the fares for tho benefit of the church. Odd Fellows Session Odd Fellows of Rescue I.odgo No. 12 will assemble in special session tonight at the office of II. II. Pratt, justico of the peace, at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting members are cordially invited to bo 'present. Warrior Reduces Shipments ' The Warrior Copper company, which has recently been making largo ship ments of ore to tho Old Dominion smelt or, amounting yesterday and Thursday to 175 tons each day, has withdrawn fifteen of the thirty teams, omploycd in hauling tho ore, and the daily shipment hereafter will bo less than ninety tons, which, howover will bo of a higher av erago grado. Tho reason for reducing shipments is not known, but tho low price of copper probably has something to do with it. Robinson Had Fiorco Thirst , v .John Robinson, h former .employe of Norris H Rowc's circus, is doing fifteen days in jail because his thirst was greater than his discretion. Robinson A factor for pure food antedating and national D?PRBCES BAKING POWDER No Alum No Be on yoar guard. Alum Pow- ers may ne Known ay incur price 10 or 25c. a lb., or one cent an ounce. ,. fr. Kafr?& xk r MV, W Yy "A r I hud obtained work as n driver for Gat ti's meat market. Yesterday ho got on tho wagon, but refused to move un til Parks, one of the partners in tho firm, gavo him a dollar to buy a drink. Ho wanted a big, long driuk, but Parks was obdurato and, when Robinson threatened to whip his employer, an officer was called and Robinson visited Hiuson Thomas in business hours. Cruel to Horses Prnmisin Plnrp. n MnYinnii unu nr. , .. r.. , ... rr..r.i i ini. . i- :.. 1... it ... Marshal Russell fdr cruelty to animals. Flores was cruelly beating six Jittlc horses that were struggling to pull i load far too great for their strength. There is a statute that covers cases of this kind, and it is understood Unit more prosecutions aro to bo expected in tho noar future. Firo in Machino Shops Tho Gila Valley railroad's privato fire department had a run for actual work yesterday forenoon at about 10 o'clock, whon the bijj whistle called the boys to tho machine shop. A gas oline lamp bad been left too near the wall and there was quite a blaze up tno side of the wooden building when tho hose was turned on. Tho department, organized among tho railroad employe, showed that it could answer a call with astonishing rnpfdity and work like et eran firo fighters. Threw Iron Bar Into Mine Rafael Palombo was placed under a $500 bond yesterday by Justice Hinson Thomas to appear for trial Tuesday. Palombo is charged by John Caveliri with having thrown an iron bar down the shaft of the Union mino and nar rowly missing Caveliri, who was work ing at tho bottom of the shaft. This is alleged to havo occurred February C, but it was only yesterday that Palombo could bo locatod by Deputy Shorift Ben Henderson at Gibson. Would Resuscitato Rooster George Jaconivich's inability to re suscitato the rooster of Anton Matino vich nlmo3t cnused a bloody riot in Justico Hinson Thomas' court yester day afternoon. George .Taconovich did not like the tunc the rooster sang and cut short the chanticleer's music by a surgical operation on the throat. Now Martinovich thought a great deal of that particular rooster. Tho bird at raised a pet. Jaconovich was arrestel and the case brought into court. The evidence showed that Jaconovtch ha J been nnd still was willing to pay for the rooster. But monetary salve ncvur did restore, a cock to l'fc. Martinovich scorned the monoy. "You givo inn back my roostor nlive, or I ill kill you," ho roared in court, when Jus all stafe food laws Phosphates s-- nrrr 50 ra:ug j!K&aV- mmimMmmM;$ $skib& vw-:&i&H&'am tlcoThomaBldjschargcdthoVdcfendant. MntfnovicT$joinVdinJ thocJamorl for rcsiiscitationr'andthreats of 'annihila tion. BlobdshcdjMiow'oveV, was averted when the court sent kthe " belligerent brothors toail, When thoyV cmorged sevornl hours later," they wero, recon ciled to tho fact that tho rooster was permanently dead and Hint they might as well mourn in silence. Motcalf Lads Sprout Antlors There was something doing lust night when OJobo Lodge No. 48!, Benevolent nud Protective Order of Elks, benevo lently started in to protect four tender young fawns, J, B. Crowley, a partner in tho Van Wngonon storo of this city; Frank A. Webster, a prominent con tractor; George A. Greene, storo man ager for tho Arronn Copper company, and O. J. Cotey, roadmastcr for tho Ari zona H Now Mexico railroad, the last throo being from Mutcalf, Ariz. Tho initiatory ceremonies wero conducted by competent nnd willing hands, nnd it a caution to see, a couple of hours later, how tho three Mctcalf men left their seats in tho lobby of the Dominion hotel when somebodv sang out, "Hello Bill!" Baby Brightens Maurol Homo A bouncing girl baby camo last night to brighten tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robort Maurol. Valley Visitor Honored A pleasant social was given last night at tho homo of Mrs. McAllister in Houth Broad Btrcot in honor of Mrs. Petar Anderson of SniTord, a visitor in the cityj Tho evening was madp gay with music, Mrrf. Cook and Mrs. Znmm ren dering cleverly several (selections on tho mandolin and piano, and delicious refreshments were served. Those pres ent were Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. P. C. Anderson, Mrs. A. M. Kyle, Mrs. Wal ter Zamm, Miss Susan Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Boulter, Chris Speliakos and Master Clifford Anderson. Dominion Hotel Arrivals G. C. Jaynes, Tucson; W. D. Freder icks, Miami; R. 1). Williams, Miami; R. R. Yeria, Miami; W. F. Pierce, Den ver; K. II. Mantel, Los Angeles; G. F. Ghisi, Los Angeles; Henry Krumb, Salt Lake; B. S. Gibbs, Salt Lake; C. T. Young, Salt Lake; A. W. Dimond, San Francisco; M. Grcenburg, San Francico; S. J. Davidson, Cincinnati; S. A. McMurray, Louisville; L. D. Chopia, San Francisco; O. C. lloyland, El Paso; C. A. Haight, San Francisco; W. F. Fillets, San Francisco; II. A. Hoyt, San Francisco; A. L. Miller, Mar quette, Mich. "Smoke Polo" Artists Hero C. A. Haight, W. F. Willctt and H. A. Hoyt of San Francisco, representing tho Dupont Powder company the Win chester Arms company, and tho Selby Smelter & Lead company, respectively, arrived in tho city last night and will give a fancy exhibition at the School hill park tomorrow afternoon, showing what can bo done to blue rocks when a fellow knows whoro the blue rocks are. Monday they will undertake to lead the boys out into the hills and show them how to go nfier quai) and other live anil capricious things. Hitting Cano Outing Thomas Baldridge is invited to show up by the officers of tho law. Yester day morning Baldridge met W. T. Ras co in front of the Old Dominion .store. Itight there and then Baldridge broke his cano over Rasco's head. Baldridge and Rascoc joined issue an,d started in to raise more Cain. Tho hearing was set for 5 o'clock yesterday evening by Justinco Hinson Thomas. Rasco showed up and paid a fine of $G.30 costs of court. Baldridge missed the appoint ment. Back From Phoenix President James Ewing and Members Purdum, Towle and Grider of the Globe chamber of commerce, returned Thurs day night from Phoenix, where they at tended the conference of delegates from the various commercial bodies of tho territory held for tho purpose of obtain ing beneficial railroad legislation. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS B. E. Leonard and B. S. Adamson will leave this morning for Phoenix to lobby against the anti-gambling bill, which is awaiting tho governor's signa ture. W. D. Frederick, R. B. Williams and R. R. Yeria of Miami arc in the eitv on business. Henry Krumb of Salt Lako City, the prominont mining engineer of the In spiration company, arrived in tho city last night with a party composed of B. S. Gibbs and C. T. Young of Salt Lake, A. W. Dimond and M. Green burg of San Francisco, and S. .T. David son of Cincinnati. A. L. Miller, a mining man from Mar quette, Mich., was one of last night's arrivals in town. Mrs. W. T. Tupper will leave this morning for Bisbee, whore she will spend several days visiting with friends and relatives. Bisbee is Mrs. Tupper 's old home. Will C. Roundey will lenvo this morn ing for Willcox to spend a few days visiting his mother. Mrs. H. C. Holdsworth will lenvo this morning for Safford to visit with friends in tho valley city. P. D. Eckhart of tho Silvor Belt force, will leave this morning for Ben son, whoro he will spend several days with relatives, recuporating. Mrs. Briggs says that since she bought a coffee mill nod grinds her Folger's Golden Gate Coffee Mr. -B. nover complains about the coffee. V -- - j. -,-j ,,-- -----, -, - ..j .... T,. .---. -j. - t , , , f. 'ijvjL-iir.ffi- is5SL aaT" waBMBK!' - tjfrSe ISP Sji & fcA &' TTTrvrrcw A T. FTJNESAIiNOTIOE. MIDDLETON Tho fuhoral of tho Into A. Willis Middloton will bo held from tho residence of G. M. Allison, Sun day at 2 p."m. Frionds invited. ODD FELLOWS NOTICE. The officers and mombcrs of Rescue Lodge No. 12, I. O. O. F., also sojourn ing mombcrs, are hereby notified that the interment of Brother Past Grand Willis S. Middleton will take placo en Sunday, tho 21st 'Inst You are com manded to asaemblo at tho hall Sunday at 1 o'clock p. m., to pay the last re spects to. our departed brother. E. O. BRIGHT, D. D. G. M. ALEX. SIMPSON, Bee. Se:. GHURCHES St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church. (Tho Church Around tho Corner.) Sunday school 9:15 a. m. Preaching servico 11 a. zn. Subject: "Courtly Manners." North Globo Sunday school 2 p. m. Boys aud girls class 3:30 p. m. Epworth lenguo 0:15 p. m. Preaching service 7:30 p. in. Subject: "Whoro Is the Lord God of Elijah." Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. t Bible club, Friday, 7:30 p. m. E. G. DECKER, Pastor. 185 East Cedar streot. St. John's Episcopal Church. The services at St. John's Episcopal church for tho coming week will bo an follows: Sunday, February 21: Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m. Ash Wednesday, February 21: Holy communion, 8 a. in. Morning prajcr nnd reading, 11 a. m. Evening prayer and reading, 1:15 p. m. - Thursday, Friday und Saturday: Evening prajcr and Litany each day at 4:15 j. m. The First Baptist Church. (Hill and Oak streets.) 10 a. in. Bible school. 11 n. in. Preaching. 6:45 p. ro. Young people's meeting. 7:30 p. m. Preaching. 7:30 p. m., Monday Teachers' meet ing. 7:30 p. m., Thursday Prayer meet ing. 8:15 p. m., Thursday Sacred litera ture class. Note that the last two meetings aro on Thursday instead of Wednesday, on account of the Willnrd memorial meet ing. D. C. WILLIAMS, Pastor. 320 South Second street. Presbyterian Church, (Firemen's Hall.) Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. Rev. John R. Gass, D. D., of Albu querque, N. M.,. synodicnl superintend ent of homo missions for Arizona and Now Mexico, will' preach at both tho morning and evening services. Miss Julia Eraser of New York, rep resenting the Woman's Board of Home Missions, will spoak at 3 p. in. Tho cottage mooting this week will be merged with tho union Frances Wil lard memorial service at tho Methodist church on Wednesday evening. African Methodist Episcopal Church. Preaching at 11 a. in. Sunday school at 3 p. in. Preaching at 8 p. m. i Tuesday evening Literary meeting. Wednesday evening Prajer meeting. Everybody welcome. K. P. BOND, Pastor. STORES WILL CLOSE MONDAY Washington's Birthday Will Bo Colo brated by Quiet Day in Busi ness Circles. Next Monday will bo Washington's birthday, and a petition calling for the closing of stores on that day was cir culated yesterday and signed by the following firms: Naquin L Co. W. W. Brookner company. Scclig Grocery company. Sam Koe. Arizona Fuel Si Feed company. J. S. Miles, Hardwardo. Globe Commercial company. Old Dominion Commercial company. Ingram's, Clothing. Sultan Brothors. GloboHnrdwaro company. Fort's Millinery. Miko Rais. J. W. Brown. Max Lantin tt Bro. O. R. Feist. Globo Jowolry company. Kroon L Motz. Globo Racket Store. William Mill William. Levy Brothers. ARCHAEOLOGY IN NEW MEXICO SANTA FE, February 19. Acting Governor Jaffa, this afternoon, signed a bill giving to tho American Institute of Archaeology at Washington, 1). C, the use of the historic old palace at Santa Fo for tho establishment of a school of American Archaeology, and nlso granting the sum of $12,500 for tho establishment of a stato musoum in connoction with tho school. An en dowment of $500,000 is to do. raised for tho school by tho institute. i - i -- -. -- - v - 'I jl . . . . . . i . i i i 0HM THA la, fiee.OMiMi tf v. a J&iJjJUD, nwiacHi. .M. ft. TAN OOBDES, Caihiar. O. X. MILLS H. S. TAN GOBDEB A. T. THOMSON We Invite New Buslneee r We Have Just Received A new shipment of "Good Things to Eat." We herewith give a list of jut a few items to give you an idea of what you can get at this store. The best Codfish sold, per lb - - 20c Monarch Asparagus Tips, per can - 45c Crosse & Blackwell Jams, all varieties 40c . - Monarch Preserves 3 for - - $1.00 Monarch Onions - - 35c and 60c : ' Monarch Boned Chicken, each - 35c WAGONS EVERYWHERE. GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE SEELIG COMPANY, Inc. Wholesale and Retail Grocers 8ATI3FAJCTI0N GUARANTEED PBOMPt SERVICE Ik, 3E ANMIUG BILL JAKES EFFECT ON PASSAGE NOW IN THE HANDS OF OOV- EBNOB AND WILL SOON BE- CEIVE SIGNATURE. WAS DRAFTED DY JUDGE NAVE INTRODUCED BY DUFFY, HAVING SUPPORT OF HUNT OF THE UPPER HOUSE. Special to Silver Belt. PHOENIX, February 19. The Duffy anti-gambling bill, which passed tho council yesterday by a vote of c'ght to four, is now in the hand of the gov ernor, and will undoubtedly soon re ceivo his signature. It becomes ef fective upon being signed by the gov ernor, thus giving tho operators of games no days of grace in which 10 pre paro for tho discontinunnco of tneir business. It has not generally been known that the bill was drawn by .Tudo F. S. Navo of Globe, at tbo request of the Women's club of Globe and Presi dent of the Council George W. P. Hunt, but such is the case. The bill was pre pared somo time ago, but vns only re cently presented, and passed with but little opposition, the vote in tho home being twenty to three and -ouucil by eight to four. The full text of the biU follows: AN ACT TO REGULATE GAMBLING. Bo It Enacted by the Leg:Blativc As sembly of tho Territory of Arizona: Section 1. No city, town or village may license the carrying gn or operat ing in any placo or in any manner of any game or games of any variety what soever, nor impose nor collect any oc cupation tax or other tax upon or from any person or persons for tho cnrryir on or operation thereof. Section 2. Any person who shall gamble by any device or in any manner whatsoover in any saloon, shop, store, storehouse, tavern, hotel, club, club house, clubroom, or in any street, high way or public place, or iu any outhouse whoro people resort, or in any place or room maintained as a gambling resort, or in any room or place where intox icating beverages arc sold or served, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 3. If any proprietor, owner or part owner, lessee, manager or any person having management, supervision or control, temporary or permanent, of any of tlio places mentioned in the preceding section, shnll knowingly per mit any gambling to be do no in such place, he shall bo guilty of a mis demeanor. I Section 1. In any prosecution for a violation of Section .' of this Act, no person shall be exempt or excised from testifying because by so testifying he may incriminate himself under the pro' visions of Section 2 of this act; but one who has so testified shall bo privileged from prosecution under the provisions of said Section 2 upon any matter in quired of him when so testifying. Section 5. This act shall tako effect upon its passage. Lots $10 and up. Room 32 Trust Bldg. TAKEN TO PRISON FREEHOLD, New Jersey, February 19. Albert C. Twining, former presi dent of tho wrecked Monmouth Trust & Safe Deposit company of Asbury Park, was -today takon to tho stato prison at Trenton to begin serving a six years' term. . Barplua ?60,OCO.oo ' THE GILA VALLEY BANK. & TRU5T CO. jr ix v. aiecora, Tice crvwaea. DIRECTORS L. D RICKETT8 T. A. PA8COI UL Jk PHONE 151 1! Jt. Specials We are selling many useful articles in our Dry Goods and Gents' Furnishing Departments. Space will not permit us to quote prices: Also many specials in our Grocery and Hardware Departments. You will do well to ask about our Special Prices, we will save you money, SULTAN BROS. 151 North Broad St A ROAST OF BEEF. Talk about roast Meats? Our Beef is simply perfection. Rich, juicy, nour ishing tho very essence of goodness. Fins enough U tempt the palate of an epicure. Our choice Meats are not ex celled by anything. The weak and the strong, the small and tho hearty caters aliko on Joy them. Haven't we said enough to tempt you to stray our way? H. W. MOUNCE & CO. 401 N. BROAD PHONE 2161 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Tho regular meeting of tho stockhold ers of tho Consolidated Mines &. De velopment Co. will bo hold March 1, at 8 p. m., in tho Dominion Hotel. F. M. DODGE, Secy. J. D. Houston has opened a barber shop noxt to McDonough's saloon and invites tho pntronago of his friends and their acquaintances. FASHION HaLL COMPLETED Tho lodge hall orer tho Fashion sa loon is completed and for rent to lodges, societies, dances and any public meet ings. Reasonable prices. Apply to BRACCb & GIACOMA, Proprietors. WAIT FOR SALE. Stock, of Mrs. W. O. Dikeman to bo disposed of. . WATCH FOR DATE. Firo insuranco written in best com panies. Room 32, Trust Bldg. a. ju MrAowE, vic Pieik w. ma MIIH11 llAal Sj. -m .t anle'. . njuiiiia lxinni..! B. B. HEQARDx E. M. HDRD ii" WJt ay I ft cent on Savings Accci XE THE HOUSE THAT SAVES Y00 MONEY ON YOUB GROCEBIE3 nJ T! at Sultan's TheGlobeBani said Savings Co, Ifttereet Paid en Term Deposits i we kave Escrow Money to Loan it i times. See us today. We have the nest and strongest r Insurance Agency in the territory. 1 big companies that paid over FIITT MILLION DOLLARS in the Hi Fraaaisco Fire- "I"-M"M"M"H-HH Carl L. Addy Manufacturing Jeweler and Diamond Setter STONE CUTTING AND ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING Room 6, Keegan Building, Upstirs Globe, Arizona A H 11 II M"H"M"I"H"H"H Hildreth & Thompson UND ATTORNEYS Patenting Mining Claims a SpWl PHOENIX ABIZ0X4 TOT CTTD3ENS' BANK OF i IS NOW BECEIVINO THE CTTOTATTOVR W Wllffl AND PREPARED TO EXECUTE YOUBC? DERS PROMPTLY FOR THE CHASE OS SALE OF STOCKS, ooirmroES to transact a o BRAL BANKUni BUSINESS. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. & SULLBNBERQER, PRESIDENT- tit, 5lfe