Newspaper Page Text
V WEDNESDAY, March 3, 1009, ,' ,''& 'Ti'ir'";" -i wr-jMfti(Bt-j9asr,T (? mjjraHPV'Esir rfs. a' '('-w 'mi ' ' : ' '.ia ""ji FAr.," " -i 7' w in? -i. i'.lT"n, as"Trii -. 1 1 j -- n- -' "-riT .K? '-DAILY ARIZONA SILiVERuBELT s i ii nil I I ILVER BELT'S WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD CASH MUST ACCOMPANY COPY. Ste. WANTED. WANTED-Boomers Noatly fumiskod rooIU1, I" v I'W muuiu. Liiiuira or ci-ntlomen. Miss Kittio Young, i i. . i hill. Squa RANTED Situation, by young mar ried woman uuiug Kvnuriu uuuwowurK. Address M, this office. WANTED Girl for genoral housework. Mr. v omoorgor, next uoor iu Catnoln church. I WANTED To buy ten to twenty acres from Globe. I WANTED A young woman with little girl wisnotf position 10 inne caro or room". AddTCM U, Silver Holt. Iff ANTED Daughter and mother want work in hotel or goon ooaruing uouso. Address "Experienced," this office IffANTED Housekeeper. L. Walllman, South Ulobo miry, xeiepnono tsi. IffANTED By two young men, Largo room not too fur out. Address A. 1. Z. P. 0. Box 752. WANTED Copy of Weokly Silver Belt dated January 10, 1909. Circulation DepU this oflieo. FOR BENT. IfOE RENT Furnished room with bath; pi tccsi reasonable. jIS Alod- cuite. I FOB RENT Two well furnished light housekeeping rooms. 354 South Hill. I OB BENT Store room 8x60 foot on Broad Htreei, lareo year lease. Ad drers Itox 923, City. IfOB RENT One elegantly furnished front room, with uso of bath. Close in. 130 south sutnorianu. IrOB RENT One four-room modom cot tage, furnished. Close iu. Copper Belt Keulty Co. !0B RENT Thrco-room house fur- HHhed. Inquire 358 South Dovoreaux itreet. FOB SALE. !0B SALE Thirteen-room boarding tod lod'ng house, completely fur tislied, close in. Niek Milick, Room 32, Trust Bldg. FOB SALE. FOB SALE Two-room tent house. Call at Kinnoy Park. FOB SALE Two burros and pack sad dlcH; also two horses, very cheap, Jloro's a real bargain. Address J. T., care Silver Holt. FOR SALE Now bale of Navajo rugs just received; anyone wishing to see them call at 387 South East street. Mrs. E. C. Bright. FOB SALE About four acres of wcjll Improved property adjoining town. In quire Globe Coinmcrcal ntpro. FOB SALE Furniture at -142 South High sheet. Fine gasoline, range and oak dresser at half price Call at onco. FOB SALE Two young parrots. In quiro 319 Dovereaux street. FOB SALE A good saddle horse. Call Mrs. Purdurn, 619 E. Cottonwood. FOB SALE Good toam and wagon; everything in first-class condition; will sell at a bargain if sold at once. Address T. B., earo Silver Belt. FOB SALE Interest In well es tablished business, first class location, paying well. Apply to Nick Milick, Itooin 32, Trust building. FOB SALE Location Notices, 25 c:nts a dozen at the Silver Belt Office. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Pain rimloss glasses, attached to spring-winding guard. Return to Justico Hinson Thomas. FOUND Gold cuff uutton with elk head engraved. Owner can recover by paying for this ad. LOST Between room 32, Globe Office Building, and Odd Follows Hall, one gold bracelet containing eight Mex. dollars linked with gold clasp, initials J. W. C. Return to room 32, Olobo Office Building and receive $5 reward. w ' Character of Geronimo in a Different Light from Popular Tales WAS NOT A BRAVE W, BUT CUNNING; WIFE OFTEN BEAT HIM (By Charles T. Council in Bisbee Review.) . - . ' PageiSevcnM?MH ' : : r-'v '&HMH ' - fv- tjGsfl FOUND Ring of keys, including Yales. Owner can rocovcr same by ' paying for this ad and proving owner ship. This office. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On Diamonds and Jewelry. Mindlin Jewelry & Loan Co. The Nine Lives of a Store "THE ONLY ONE OF A OAT'S NINE LIVES WHICH IT CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE IS THE NINTH." 1. STORE LOCATION: Important, but not vital Most any poor location may bo turnod into a pod one. 2. FIXTURES: Shwld bo "right," bat particular kinds are not lndispensa- 3- STOCK: Must bu up-to-dato; must havo intrinsic worth, aptness to human needs. 4. SALESMANSHIP: Clerks should glow with good naturo and know peo ple as well as goods. 5. DELIVERY SYSTEM: Should mako tho storo "nearly" 'to v every borne in tho city. 6. DIRECTION: One head and many "helping heads," all in perfect a'ceord. 7 RIGHT BUYING: Stock pur chases when prices aro "bca.-i3h," and alwayg with local demands In mind. 8 RIGHE SELLING: Fair profits on most things losses on some when oc casion demands. i 9. PUBLICITY: The "Kovstono of tho Arch." If not amplo, if not in diligent, If not continuous the storo rails. A Store mut be as , careful of its ninth life as the cat. The other eight lives should not be imper illed nor impaired; but the ninth life should carry the heaviest insurance Docs not tho abovo mean somothing to you, Mr. Merchant? Does it not suggest an "intelligent" advertising campaign in tho Silver Bolt? !'d be glad to talk it over with you. Just phono 231. THE SILVER BELT By E. S. KELLOGG, 1 Adv. Mgrr. Only 1 Day More OF THE ig Sale at Levy's t ladies, wo urge you to tako advantago of tho wonderful bargains r offering you. Goods aro actually being slaughtered. You ncvci seo h bargains again. Geronimo, whose true Apache name is Pco-ah-ly, is a mombor of; tho Janos tribo of Apaches that dwolt in tho range of mountains that divido tho states of Sonora and Chihuahua, Mex ico. Ho was born ou tho Jauos river ou tho eastern slopo of the Sierra Madro mountains in tho northern part of Chi huahua about tho year 182SJ. This" Iribo affiliated with the Warm Springs or Qjo Caliont''H, whoso homo was on tho Mibro river in southern New Mexico. These two brandies of the Apache tribo weio ou friendly terms and inter married with tho Chiricahuas who lived in nnd around tho Dragoon mountains in tho southoru part of Arizona. Thoy woro allies in war and during periods of(peaco with tho whites exchanged visits, being considered by he govern ment wards of a siuglo nation. Goron imo1 was considered uothiug but an In dian " rounder" by tho attaches of tho different army posts throughout tho southwest in early days and it has btieu stated upon good authority that bis per sonal valor was sorely testo'd by his first wifo, a Mescalero squawt who boat him sovoroly many times. Geronimo, by those, with whom ho came lu contact iu the early history of the Indian icservations on which ho re mained, was never known as tho bravo man ho is represented. Men aro living toduy in Arizona who know him when ho roainod bnck and forth from Mim bres river to tho Sulphur Springs val cly. At tho time, nioro particularly when he loafed around tho agency at Sulphur Springs which was located about ten miles Bouth of Cochiso sta tion on tho Southern Pacific railway in Arizona in tho years 1871-75, ho was simply a hangur-on, a recipient of week ly rations, with no standing othur than tnat of an ordinary, shiftless buck, roaming hero aud thero, looting and raiding under tho leadership of other men. Geronimo 's reputation as a warrior was mado by tho newspaper. of Ari zona and the correspondents during tho Apacho outbreaks from 1S31 to 1886 on accouut of his being selected by Genoral Crook as tho most pliable emissary to treat with in conciliating tho hostilcs. Every raid that was made by tho dif ferent well known war chiefs, Chatta Nana, llonito, Loco and others, who raided tho country in different sections of Arizona and Now Mexico, also far down in Old Mexico,, was credited to Geronimo. Whenever any depredation was committed, or murderous raids con summated, it was heralded as the work of Geronimo. No matter what section of Arizouu, New Moxico or Old Mexico was subjected to Apacho deviltry, it was sent broadcast that it was tho dread Goroaimo again. To thoso who know it was Bonito and Chatto, Chi, huahua and Natchez, Loco, Nana or Chili-kaua. 'Those were tho masterly hand that led tho murderous raids throughout tho stricken country. But, it is asked, How eamo Geronimo td havo any power and why is ho looked upon as an Apacho chieftani It is noc ecesary to go into tho history of the Apacho nation to answer. One must re alizo that thoro woro eight different Apacho tribes. Tho ones wc havo to deal with in figuring out tho power of Goronimo are the Chiricahuas, Warm Springs and Jauos Apaches, bis native tribe. In tho first place, tho Chirica huas were placed on the San Carlos reservation in May 187C, at which time Geronimo was an outlaw with Pi-ou-so-. nay. Tho Warm Springs banded with tho Rio Mimbrej of New Moxico with a sprinkling of Janos Apaches in 1878. The dominating branch of these allied tribes woro tho Chiricahuas of Arizona, moro particularly after tho death of Victoria, tho chief of tho Warm Springs, in 1S79, who was succeeded by Nana and later by Loco. The Chiricahua Apaches woro headed by Cochise until his death .Juno S, 1874. Ho left' two 'sons, Natchez, who is still liviug at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and Taza, who died in Washington whilo on a visit there in 1879. Natchez is tho hereditary chief of tho Chiricahua Apaches and has been sinco tho death of his brother, but a powerful man among his tribo named Juh, was tho recognized war chief. Ge ronimo has often beou heralded as the chief of tho Chiricahuas but it is a well known fact and corroborated by Jef fords aud Hughes, tho agents of tho tiibo in 1874-76, who aro living today, that tho solf-stylcd chief is but a scheming interloper. As to tho Warm Springs, Victoria, tho successor of Man gus Colorado was tho head of tho'Miin bres branch and was succeeded by Nana and later by Loco. Chatto, a Chirica hua was a renegade from an outlawed band of Apaches gathered together from the lopoteros Whito Mountuins in Ari zona and tho Burros iu New Mexico. But upou tho Warm Springs being taken to San CurloS ho accompanied them, with a fow followorsi. Bonito was a full blooded Chiricahua, as was Chihua hua. When the Apaches, consisting of the ' members of thoso branches broke away from tho reservation in October, 1881, Juh, a full-blooded Apache, was tho war chief that led tho allied forces among whom was Geronimo. At this tiuio Goroniino was but aa ordinary buck, and the writer know him person ally, and can tostify that this was true. At this outbreak in 1881, Natchez did not go with his tribo nor did Loco of tho Warm Springs and it was not until April 19, 1882, that they did go,, at this timo boing forced to do so by reason of Juh, who romained in Moxico, sending a forco of about; 100 bucks to San Carlos under Chihuahua, Geronimo and Bonita for that purpose, becauso Loco then, had in his band many of tho squaws and young women who wero left behind in the flight in the Soptcrnbor previous. This is tho first timo we hear of the celebrated Geronimo. However the first outbreak in October, 1881, was under tho leadership of Juh, tho ac knowledged war chief, and the second in 1882, undor Chiricahua and Bonito. After tho raid was mado and tho women takqn to Mexico, wo find that a fer months later, Juh, while crossing tho Janos rivor in northorn Chihuahua, fell from his horse and Was drowned. This incident put, tho gathering clans of tho allied tribes under different leaders. Bonito and Chihuahua bad separate bands of Chiricahuas, nominally under tho control of( .Natchez, tho supremo head. Chatto had his sulking baud of renegades that raided New Moxico. Go ronimo was in charge of a mixed family of Janos Apaches under tho direct lead ership of ono Chil-a-kina. After tho death of Juh, Geronimo began to mako himself known as a leador. It was al ways acknowledged by tho Indions of tho three branches that Geronimo was a great schemer and before raids wero mado into the different parts of tho country, he was generally consulted, be causo for many years ha had been a wanderer from tho Rio Grande to tho limits of tho Apacho country on tho west nnd far down into Mexico in tho Sierra Madro mountains. Ho know overy trail, every mountain, every ranch, every settlement, every water hole, the mountain passes and desert plain ovor tho vast area claimed by tho fierce Apaches. It waa for this reason that Goronimo was sought by the dif ferent chieftains when the bloody raids wero contemplated. Again, Geronimo was nn cxhorter and bis power of per suasion was great, but his faculty did not develop to aa extent to lead him into power until tho great outbreak from San Carlos in October, 1881. Through consummato cunning and tho assistance of his right-hand man, his son-in-law, ChiM-nina,, (Waving Held, so called on account of his wavy hair) his plans woro carried out. Chil-a-nina was a captive Mexican and married one of Goronimo 's daugh ters. Ho was ono of tho most fero cious, cunning1 and dnring men who pvor led an Apacho raid. It was ho, who at tho head of Goronimo"'s fow followers, carried out tho schemes of tho wily Go ronimo. To him should bo given tho dreaded namo that followed tho deeds attributed to tho jflkill of Geronimo as a fighter, but for all that, it bbould not be forgotten that this scheming ag itator lead tho plans that brought doath and sorrow to( many homes, ruin and desolation to hardy pioneers, hardships and dissapointrnent to sturdy prospec tors, stagnation to business in a pros perous country and dotted the plains and mountain passea with crosspB that mark tho resting places of the murdered travelers, ambushed aud mutilated- Firo insurance written in best com panies. Boom 32, Trust Bldg. ESKLMO MAY TIKD POLE "Tho explorers who aro trying to find tho North Polo now don't know how to do it," says Meno, an Eskimo living in Now York. "Thoy fit out comfortablo ships with a crow of 50, carrying oloctric lights and things to mako life pass pleasantly up fhere, where thoy know it will bo lonesome. They stay in a comfortablo harbor until spring, and then mako a dash to eoo bow far thoy can go. When tho sum mer is oyer thoy start back homo, and when thoy return they write books and magazino articles. "Tho North Polo will never bo dis covered in such a way. The man who finds it will go as far as bo can in ono season and mako a permanent camp thero uutil tho next season. Then he will continue on his journoy, and; in such a way ho must succeed. That's what I want, to do. Not only do I want to be tho first to find tho North Pole, so that tho honor will go to one of my raco,' but I want to explore tho vast unknown tracts of -Greenland, which contains moro country unknown to man than any other land. With what I know of my race, their languago, folk songs and customs, I want to study their origin. I remember tho stories of tho mythology of my peoplo told mo when I was seven years old, and I am sure that if I havo tho opportunity T can writo a history of tho Eskimos aud of Greenland that may show tho rela tion botween my own people and the other races better than it has over been done." Now York Sun. Highest elass job printiug at reason able prices at Silver Bolt. Today's Suggestion by Ellen Stan. A TAILORED WAISTS ARE IMPORTANT. .THOUGH 31 might be said that the tucked or plaited stylo In waists la not a extremely fashionable as It was some years ago for tbe rration that It is not now used In dressy costumes, still It is a type that the American woman cannot afford to put aside, particularly women n- gaged In business, outdoor sports or house duties. The design illustrated 'Is suituble. for stout flguresTiml may be made o? rub materials, ucb as madras, linen, tucked or striped nainsook and similar fabrics, or of tafT- la. surah, loulsinc and other silks, or of lightweight wool en materials, such ms albatross and nun's veiliug. When waists arc Intended for wear with tailored suits they usually, match in color or tone with the suit mate rial. The collar is made high nnd pointed just back of the ears and often ornamented with hand embroidery nnd the top edge finished with a nar row ruche of white. For a different development of this waist the long, tight leg o mutton sleeve may be em ployed The mate rial should be tuck ed before cutting out. and the collar could be mnde of the material' ar ranged In narrow folds. For a garment constructed in this way the dlrectoire sasli would make a pretty finish. This may be bought ready made, or It may be arranged at home. It is brought nrouud the waist and tecured where It laps by a long, narrow pin thafcomes for tho purpose, then drap ed low on the left side and knotted Still another pret ty idea for a silk waist is that of combining two col ors, This is done by the use of narrow plnltings. Take, for instnrice. a brown silk and trim tho cullar, cuffs and edge of the front box plult with a plaiting of green satin one Inch wide. This pattern provides regular shirt sleeves as well as those In leg o mut ton style. Tho pattern Is cutjn seren seizes from 32 to 44 inches) bust meas ure. To copy It for the average person requires '& yards of material '1 Inches wide or 2-H yards 3(1 inches, wide. ' Any reader of this paper who desires to secure this, pattern may do so by sending 10 centR to office, Give the number, 4344. state size desired and write the full address plainly. The pattern, wilt be forwarded promptly by mall. f rf - ' ! x tittk ifllj mm I ! Ill i,. Home Investment Company's "DoinV' WITH GLOBE BEAL ESTATE, IN LOTS AND HOMES.- ' When a good live speculator or homeseeker gets acquainted with a good live bargain in a good live town like Greater Globe, there's a good live chanco of "Eomethlng doing." If it is your desire to bo a llvo man with a good livo bargain, JuBt remember we are inthe live bargain business exclusively; with a choice selection of tho afore men tioned articles at prices and terms to suit in many different portions of Globe. And Globe, as yoa aro aware, is the only Globe on tho map, and the map is a "hefty" sized article. ' Wo have for salo a good tbree-room house, pantry, closet and porch, to be sold at $1300, $700 cash, balance ono year. With this home we will throw in as a gift, and chajgo -you nothing for a fine pair of lots, level and in a good location, fine neighborhood. , Nice two-room hoaso, three lots, East Globe, to be sold for $1000, $500 cash, balance easy terms. Lots in East Globo, $250 to $350. Three-room house, fine lot, well located, Noftsger hill, $1000, $250 cash, balance $25 per month. Three-room house, lot 75X1121-, for $800. $400 cash, balance $25' per month. Fino home East Globe, four-room brick, pantry, closet and bath room, with lot 50x100, to be sold for $2800, $800 cash, balance monthly. Will trade good houso and lot, East Globe, for lots. Wc have houses for rent, and lots and houses for sale. Buying or selling, see the other fellow, then seo the HOME INVESTMENT COMPANY NUFF BED" JIM HOGUE, Mgr. $25 IN GOLD For the School Pupils of Globe, Boys and Girls Fox fuU particulars regarding this interesting and exciting contest, see tho large announcement in last Sunday's Silver Belt. We want a nice appropriate name for that section of the New East Globe Town site that lies on the beautiful slopo of the hill east of Dreamland. Don't fail to send in your choice of name. Yon may be the lucky winner. This contest will close on Saturday noon, March 6th. Ecmember, $25 in gold in- four prizes. First prize $10 in gold; second, third and fourth, $5 in gold. Use tho enclosed coupon and follow the directions in Sunday's Silver Belt. COUPON I select the following name as the most appropriate for the new East Globe Townsite: My name is Address Chas. ten Real Estate Broad Street, one door south of Trust Bldg. Globe Real Estate Office HOMES Five rooms and bath, lawn and shade $200 Four (rooms and bath, East Globo .. .$2300 f Four rooms and bath, First street $2500 SPECIAL Elegant modern home, floor space 30x50; five rooms, comodious bath room, servant's cottage; barn and fence; lot 06x100; price (ISOO-r terms if necessary. SNAPS 45xlC0 feet on Broad street ..,.: $6500 100x120 feet on Bailroad .' $1000 50x100 feet, partly improved, dose in , '. . S2000 50x125 feet Knob hill, very choice.". t $1200 MOEEOVEB Wo still have a few choice lots on East Globo at FIBST PBICE. Sec them and save the profit of tho speculator who offers ybu his bar gains. We want builders and will make inducements. GLOBE REAL ESTATE OFFICE F. L. TOOMBS, MGB. PHONE 1101 105 N. BEOAD ST. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEATS WE SUPPLY THE BES' GATTI MEAT CO. i HERE'S A POINjTER FOR EVERY COAL USER IN GLOBE Be sure your coal is free from slack, slate and dirt. We sell AMERICAN BLOCK COAl and it is always delivered to you in fine con dition. We also sell Wood, Coke, Hay, Grain ARIZONA FUEL & FEED CO, PHONE 751 Opposite Depot FILL OUT THIS BLANK. .v.? .100.. ARIZONA SILVER BELT, Globe, Arizona1. Please Order for me, 10 cents hemniili" to cover vour , charges Pattern No Sire. ....., i ' ' Name t , "N . r Address '...-.ft) NOTE These Patterns are ordered for you from New York and. rcuuirer,' about; 10 days to got Lthcm to you.?, t ivuL-tmlzxSt J$$$k J ' ,F f 1 m I1 H v if 3 v "i 1- , ' v ' J" A : 1 A J- r .. If , . k -. ,, . i.. r :. - ... r,0 ' -V VW.fc JE ' 1.v A-V ', :w;m .Ff J.aiJ - -s--s. & r . ' f ei 5BJ. ! 4 JZfiVSWti : if ' Ti-vwyw"