Newspaper Page Text
Page Eight f . .rA cUj. ,-. rAK7, NA NlliVHlK KWliT r ra?fflAY. MARCH 3, 1909. 'V ' .. ' .,..,.... 'V - . . .- .- ,. s- "--V A"TTTrkVr 4 OTfTrTTITJ. VTOT m ' "' ---' -i .' . ( '' 7. -.--.- fM i&: K Vlf 1: & WifM&M Sft IIP Iff Awtitft ze '-'Mimi ; a f 1 mil Pm. I i by f-c"Q7grv 'NY - J H EEGESTB don't bring money back to you when ft hag burned up or when you havo foolod It away. It takca WORK to do this. Put your monoy In our bank and it can't bum up, and you won't fool it away. FIRST NATIONAL BANK GLOBE, ARIZONA N . Capital, Surplus and Shareholders' liability, $300,000 SHORT STORIESJQF THE CITY Smalloy Buys Auto Georgo II. Smnllcy, tbo clerk of court, was" honk-honking all over town in a ,big. red Boo car ho .has just 'pur chased. The car" is o tho latest' model, a beauty in its lino, and tho clork of courts is busy studdying a inotho.i of honking "Hail Columbia" in b flat on an auto foghorn. Smnllcy says ho m sure ho will bo able to run tbo car him solf souio day. Bakery Changes Hands Vjctor Dicu has sold his interests iu tho Peoplo.'s Dakory in North Globojo Harry Dial and expects to lenve Globo in a fow dnys to mako his home in Chi McGlnnls 'Paid Fine J. J. McGinnis, who was nrrcstod by Doputy Marshal Bobinson for using profauo language on tho street, was fined $10 by Jnsttco Hinson Thomas yes terday. McGinnis explained that ho did not know that Robiuson was en officer. Grading for Miami Concentrator Bcports received hero yesterday were to. tho offect that tho contract for the now concentrator which is to bo erected by tho Miami Copper company lias boon i given out and thnt tho work will coin wonco at once. Gomez and Islas Delgado, arrcstod by Doputy Marshal Cochran for fighting, wcro sent in for fifteen- days, each. Idlers Sent to Work Fred Loodcr got ton days and Charles Mayers sixty days with Street Super iutomlcnt BlovinsJ chain gang yester day, when they appeared beforo Justice IIiusou Thomas on a Charge of vagran cy, Doputy Marshal Edwards, who ar rested them, testifying that they had been offered work and refused. Johnson in Lockup J. W. Johnson, a saddlor whoso homo is in Phoouix, was arrested Monday night by Night watchman Harry Templo of tho Gila Valloy railroad, who found Johnson asleep in a box car in the railroad yards. The man was., takcu beforo Justice, IIinson,Thouia.s yester day afternoon and sentenced to twenty days iu tho. county jail. Realty Dealers Chaugo Quarters Tho Copper Belt Realty company hus moved its offices from thb pld William son building which is being torn down at Oak and Broad streets, to tho south front room of Mrs. Scott's rooming houso at 177 South Brond street, across tho hall from the, Jticmon Realty agoncy. Tho Copper Belt pepplo havo taken two rooms in tho building, nu nrch being cut through tho Intervening wnll. Bock Thrower Punished Fcliciano Cueva, tho old Mexican who hold tho School hill pass against all comors until ho was, arrested, was fient to jail for twclvo days by' .Tustiof) Hinson Thomas yesterday. Manuel Back Into Railroad Work L. M. Jacobs, who recciltly resign cd his position as warehouseman with tho Gila Valley, Olobo & Northern, lias returned to work for that company as a tracer clerk, the business having in creased so much that it was found uecessary to add a man in that depart ment of tho freight offices. In audi tion to tho great 'quantity of freight mentioned as coming in, 105 loads wcro Joft at Bowie for Globe yestcrdav and will bo brought in today. An addition al fireman has been put on tho payroll The company has finished laying its heavy now stool rails from Globe ail tho way to Rico. Whitten Had Tough Time , G. Whitten, tho negro barber son tenccd to ton days in tho countv jail by Justico Hinson Thomas. for Using profano Iaugungc on the street, will also havo to do ' fifteen days for tho account of tho county. After Whittou was ur,rcslcd by the city officers, his wife went beforo Justice' Bert Pratt, who sentenced him to fifteen days on a chargo of ill-treatment. Death of Mrs. P. W. Mead Mrs. Matilda O. Mead, wife of F. Y Mead, will be buried Ibis afternoon at WVWMSf $SF Hies, SIS mOT s & Ye TuWAW hotels m vMMm HHHHHH hotels and restaurants the world over. Makes the lightest, most delicious and tasty hot biscuit. Makes the hot-bread, rolls and mut . fins sweet and wholesoijie . Protects the food from alum. Hill FUNBBAI. NOTICE. MEAD Tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Matilda G. Mead, wife of; P. v7. Mead, will bo held 'from tho funoral parlors of F. L. Jones & Son tod.iy at 2- p. in. Friends invited. 2 o'clock from tho funeral parlors of F. L. Jones, with religious services con ducted by Rev. E. G. Decker of tho Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Mead, who was 65 years of ago, died Tuesday at her home in North Globe. Sho was a nativo of Bermuda, but had been in Arizona about fifteen years, having corao to tho torritory from Colo rado. Mrs. Mead leaves her husband and two children, Roy G. Mend of Caniptonvillo, Calif., and Mrs. W. O. Hayes, who arrived last night; from Tucson to attond the funeral. Hickoy's Hiccough Too IiOud Jack Hickey, arrested by Countablo Duncan for being drunk, was sent to tho county jail for seven days by Jus tice Bert" Pratt, Elks Will Nominate Soon Globe Loilgo No. 4S9, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, is getting ready for its annual election of officers. The first nominations will bo made at Friday evening's meeting, 'and nomina tions will also bo made at tho mooting of March 39, whou the election of of ficers will be held. Will Not Sell Mines C. W. Soles of Philadelphia, one of tho directors pf tho Lost .Gulch Mining company, who has Jjeeu visiting tho property with President Harrington of that company, declared last night that tho Lost Gulch mines would not be sold. "Wo havo a good proposition there," he declared,, "and we. mean to work it ourselves, for it will bo a big gold mine not a small mine, but a big mine, and we have-no intention of sell ing it." , Dominion Hotel Arrivals Georgo E. Woodbury, San Francisco; P. O. Larson, Pueblo, Colo".; It. B. Will iams, Miami; W. A. McDowell, Los Angeles; Earle Remington, Los An geles; P. M. Gallagher, Douglas; J. W. Connc!, Columbus;" Den Sullivan, Col umbus; Jas. Christon, Denver. Died in Hospital Blasi Vidis, aged twenty-two years, an Austrian miner who had been in this country but a short time, died yester day at the Old Dominion hospital. Mrs. H. I. Listen Dead Word was received here yesterday of tho death of Mrs. H. L. Listen at tho camp of tho Rye Copper company, in tho Tonto basin, and E. S. Eisonhour of this city will leave this morning to bring tho body to Globe. Mrs. Listen leaves a husband and daughter, the last survivors of a fnmily of ten. One of the. sons died suddenly at tho Rye camp last January, and tho other seven mem bers of the family all passed away in recent j'cars. Presbyterian Notices Tho cottage mcoting will be hold to night at the residence of Il6v. II. P. Cory, f)20 South High street. Tho Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. Duncan near tho East Globe school houso on Thursday at 2:30"p. m. Tho quarterly communion servico will bo held at tho timo'of tho regular servico next Sabbath morning in tho Firemen 'h hall. A number of persons will bo re ceived into tho church at that time. Others who havo church letters to pro dent are urged to get' them into tho hands of Rev. II. P. Cory beforo that tinlc. Mrs. Cora S. Anthony has pre sented tho church with a beautiful in dividual communion service and collec tion plates, which will be -used at tho servico next Sabbath morniug. Purchases Eesidcnce Will Obey of the Finlt National bank yesterday bought from V. II. Har rington, 'through Guy Bunch of the Globo Real Estate office, a five-room modern bungalow on. Second street iu East Globe. The consideration was $2,750. To Build Residence W. H. Harrington .has commenced building a nice five-room Tcsidenco on Ash street. This is tho1 sixth houso built by Mr. Hnrriugtou in tho, last four months. , Carload of Goods Watch the White House, 501 North Broad streot, unpacking daily carloads of new flothing, hats, shoes, furnishing goods, etc. Wait for the grand opening. A Now Millinery Designer Miss Aretta Searcy, a now millinery designer from Chicago, is with Mrs. Fort's millinery establishment. SALVATION ARMY. Major Prank Wait of EJ Paso will conduct special meetings, in tho army hall next Saturday and Sunday. The meeting Saturday night will commence at 8 o'clock and Sunday afternoon at 3. The major will leeturo on "The Se cret of tho Success of tho Salvation Army." A special salvation demon stration will bo led by tho major at 8 p. m. Major Waitc will be assisted by Ensign and Mrs. McClelland from Den ver. Tho public is cordially invited to attend these upecial services. SHOCKED THE LADIES The Ladies' Aid Society, which met with Darcy's mother, had assembled on tho porch. A big turkey suddenly appeared near by, strutting and rump ling his feathers, when tho hostess was astounded to hear Darcy, who was at play jn the yard, call out: "lor shame Chucky, put down you clothesl" The March Delinoator. Tho Silvor Belt does job printing: FRED W: MOORE WRITES INSURANCE In the Most Rcliablo Fire Insurance Companies Local Roproaontative ARIZONA MUTUAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Office: Home Printing Co. Building GLOBE, ARIZONA Capital Pid to, l0,0eo.00 THE GILA VALLEY BANK & TRUST CO. Surplus $60,000.09 C. JB. MILLS, President; H. B. TAN GORDER, Cuhiw. O. E. MILLS H. S. VAN GOBDEB A. T. THOMSON We Invite New Business Dr. L. D. Blcketti, Vice President DIRECTORS L. D BICKETTS T., A. PASCO T. A. PASCOE, Vice PreIdt K. M. HTJBD, Local MngOT. WALTBB DOUGLAS B. B. HEGABDT E. M. KURD WE ray 4 yet cent on Savings Accounts EazOIlOII U A Foretaste of Spring Styles C Every department in our store is being garbed for spring. On every hand may be seen the best of the good things up on which Fame Fashion has designed to smile. This season we are proud of our slodk. It is by far the, best and biggest stock we have ever had. You will be interested in the NEW STYLES IN MILLINERY, SKIRTS, WAISTS, ETC.- and it will be a real pleasure to show you these new things in women's wear. Fort's E SI j Gold Medal Flour Gold Medal Flour is not a one-sided flour it is made to serve the whole circle of kitchen economy. It makes iood bread, good, biscuits, good pies, good pastry it is an all-around flour of the choicest kind it is made wholly of hard spring wheat, which gives it a nutritive quality unexcelled by any other flour. ilpMffii PHONE MAIN 62 ROOKNER'S PHONE MAIN C2 THE BIG STORE PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Sirs. L. M. Greenwood, the wife of tbo night dispatcher of thjo Gila Valloy railroad, returned Monday night with her son, Master Beverley, from a two months' visit to relative at Alpine, Texas. B. B. Williams of Miami is in the ciy on business. P. 0. Larscn of Pueblo, Colo., was ono of last night's arrivals in the '-ity. F. SL Gallagher of Douglas is trans acting business in Globe. James Christen of Denver is ono of the guests at tho Dominion. J. W. Conncll and Don Sullivan of Columbus, Ohio, were among tho ar rivals iu Globo last night. Miss Theresa Aguirre and Miss Mary Aguirre will leave this morning for lias Cruecs, N. M., v.-hcro they will attend school. L. B, Dunn, manager of tho Bank Ex change, returned yesterday from Will cox, where ho. spent several days on busincls. Mrsf. William Gaekill left yesterday morning "for Ogden, Utah, where she will spend scveral-montlis visiting with her sister. Miss Ruby Ako of Silver City. N. M., has accepted a position with tho L. Illinsaker sowing machine agency as bookkeeper and saleslady. Will Galpin will leave this .morning for Phoenix to remain several weeks ou a business trip. THE CITIZENS' BANK OF GLOBE IS NOW RECEIVING THE MAEKET QUOTATIONS ,BY WIRE AND IS PBEPABED TO EXECUTE YOUB OR DERS PBOMPTLY FOB THE PUB CHASE OR SALE OF STOCKS, AND CONTINUES TO TRANSACT A GEN EEAIi BANKmc- BUSINESS. YOUB PATEONAGE SOLICITED. S. F. SULLENBEBGER, PRESIDENT. TheGloheBank and Savings Co. Interest Paid ou Term Deposits and we have Escrow Money to Loan at all times. See us today. We have the. best and strongest Itte Insurance Agency in the territory. 14 big companies that paid .over FIFTY MILLION DOLLAES in tho big San Francisco Fire- J I NOTICE W. O. W. Regular meeting at Fashion hall to night. W. D. BEADING, C. C. CIIAS. T. MARTIN, Clerk. An Ideal Cough Medicine "As an ideal cough medicine 1 re gard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in n class by itsolf , ' ' says Dr. R. A. Wiltshire, of Gwyuville, Ind. "I take great plcnsuro in testifying to the re sults of Chamberlain's Cough Medicine. In fact, I know of no other preparation that meets so fully tho expectations of the most exacting in cases of croup and coughs of children. As it contains no opium, chloroform or morphine it cer tainly makes a most safe, pleasant and efficacious remedy for the ills it is ill tended." For salo by all druggists. STOCKHOLDERS' "MEETINO. The. nnnual mcoting of (ho stockhold ers of tho Consolidated Minos & De velopment Co. will bo held March 0, at 3 p. in., in tho Dominion Hotel. F. M. DODGE. Secy. Tho Silver Belt docs job printing. NOTICE TO SUBSOEIBEBS For tho Los Angeles Examiner that E. E. Nugent is tho authorized agent, with headquarters at the Palace Phaxmacv, 2S0 North Broad street, nud that aH subscriptions nro payable to tho agent, or at Palace Pharmacy, dating from March 1, 1909. If you havo heretofore been calling for your paper, leave name and address at Examiner agoncy and your paper will bo- promptly dolivcrud at your homo or place- of business im mediately on arrival of papers. S. S. CULVER, Traveling Agent for tho Examiner. Danco after tho show at Dreamland next Friday night; free- to all purchas ers of 50-cent tickets. Encourage the school girls and boys by your presence at Dreamland ne.ct Friday night. For Sale or Trade Eighty ncres of unimproved land in fruit belt of southern Missouri. Could bo made an ideal fruit and poultry farm, Convenient to markets, 1 miles from gpod railroad'town. Will trado for any thing of equal valuo in Arizona. M. F. OSTEEN, Globe. A Neighbor of Yours As well as yourself is liablo at any time to havo rheumatism. Wo'ro ail liable to have cuts or burns, bruiEcs or scaldn, crick in tho back, neck or side somo kind of an ache or pain. Then heed this advice and. tell, your neigh bors Ballard's Liniment relieves all aches and pains, and heals all wounds. ' The Silver Belt does job printing. Wo say without hesitation that Do Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills nro uncqualed for weak kidneys, backache, inflammation of tho bladder and all ur inary disordors. They aro antiseptic and act promptly in nll,casea of weak back, backache, rheumatism and rheu matic pains. Accept no substitute We sell and recommend them. Palace Pharmacy and United Drug Co. mUtU WAAACLges:. rvrf mfFff! S III UvO dih -SSLKXW- &y P.TVi..- ' v .u' ttttor rRADCKURK W Bby CarrUL -ZO fntiaxr nu, wr outgauit. cmwmm eo. ovomq ka. healfy you foave tfae fftttiedt $du m the mhM. Mz fiedA ati, mil S& a good thing 4Pi fodty. the rih Setter jPiUij UUeU vjo &i& MU 4eet In a $iand nw& eofthuuft. t?i& yeatyti&i¬f&od enough job the, new Safy oiA hne o4 Safy eaWiiafe& A mo&t eomhekhUe& anfhnfl -horn te5 to'Sffi. OLIVER' T,YPEWBITEBS IIEBBING-HALL-MABVIN SAFES (iM. We Sell - iij'.t,.js- Men S37SO S4.Q0 ss.ofi H pHSRB is dinner In wcarine shoes with soft. swnnr Inso!e V ; because this part of the shoe comes in direct contact with year I a sensitive foot solo and upon it rests the weight of tho whole body, j V, Crawford insoles are cat from selected firm, closcly-fibrcd hides in our 2 ? A Factory which Is maintained exclusively for the sole leather y. ucjuuuocui. vravyiora msoies never ciow v . -r ta." si apo. lSI X fe5 i rx L A JStai S roueh and uneven. c! ? :J The Crawford combination of firm a ',! !nt oUi and of "bend" outeriolel A t '5i. Injures a permanently imooth 'j v-.? bed for your feet ! i ' Ask your local Crawford deal:r Z about the other cd poltts fc j of Crawford Shoes-Craw- i J. ford patented "Trelitrate" I lasts, "bend" sole leather. ? J reinforced shanks, Craw-A", - ford "stay-up" Vox toes, '. J and other special Crawford , icarercs. Crawford Shoes contain cany .' . " s CRAWFORD SHOES art Union Mack. points of merit that's why j . they are such a coed shoe invest- js ment. Take my advice and buy a i, pair of Crawfords ! Charles A. Eaton Co. Makers ii Brockton, Majsachusetts 3 rt ' .SW-(-V ,. j&A jH,X!-V ' .-: XiXWXS . liii.,UB Lot tho Guarantee Faint company do your work. Best material, best work, lowest prices. Hear Jedcdiah Maple lay down the law to Sairy Ann Dreamland March 5. t,..-, tn.Bt tickets for tbf i urcuiisurn 01 du-m ., Declamatory Contest next irmaj ing at Dreamland can havo their reserved without extra charge PJ t nfn tUVnta of. thft Globe COIW cenpanr. h src. . V vA ' li'-v-u 1,3;. 1 - e-" tnf-' LV' "iMU Ef , v. 1 -'. iaV : cilAUJL. : r ySt.