Newspaper Page Text
Want IMPORTANT IM01ICE M tho future no advertisement for the Silver S want dopartincnt will be acoonte.l nnlnsQ lw ,...- :, .i v ,, , . t , . " 'iv j uL-uuiupaiuea y rue easn. Tile low nle u. y" . V- ! '" iiinae o n cnsh lMftis nml in the flt deviation ,, be made trom tins rule. CW. iitfrt acrowjwty a;W for classified advertisements. FOUBTEEH YEARS FOR NAUGHT I lo W ei iis m in f aken for Less Than 25 Cents A. JD. V WTKD- Position as a waitress in inming camp boarding house. Ad dress T .1. Long, Globe, Ariz. V WTKD -Girl for general house w..rk Inquire ."10 Mosquito stiver. wWTKD Saddle horse for food, or w.ll liny if good one. T. 'P. K I5o NW'THP- Thrco, four or five,' mod crnl fnruisliel rooms, cither a whole Ijouse, or desirable apartments. Must tic iirst class, jcoiorenees exchanged Phone 674. FOR SALE HOUSES WANTED Dining room girl and hue le ft girl, aho kitchen help. Mountain View hotel. , WANTED -Position of any kind. Ex perienced bookkeeping and collecting. Address C. A., Silver Holt. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE Concreto house, good lot, fotlr rooms and bath, Noftsgcr hill. 2100. Easy terms. Union Realty k Trust Co., 177 X. Broad. FOR SALE Seven-room house Nob bill. It is cheap at $4,000, and we an make yon good terms. Union Realty & Trust Co., 177 X. Broad. FOR SALE Three-room house, good lot; Noftsgcr hill; barn, fruit trees, flowers; $0, $3"0 down, or a bar gain for cash at $750. UNION REA.LTY Ss TRUST CO.. 177 v ! , .. .. Diiiiid. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Five rooms and bath, modern throughout. Nob hill. One of tho best buys in the, city. Owner leaving town, $1,700. Union Realty & Trust Co., 177 North Broad street. DENVER PREACHER OBTAINS DI VORCE ON GROUNDS OF MEN TAL CRUELTY FOR SALE VACANT LOTS FOR SALE Good lot on Scott street, suitable for warehouse, $000. UNION REALTY & TRUST CO., 177 N. Broad. s FOR SALE Now three-room house, good lot, East Globe townsite, .fDOO, easy terms. Union Realty & Trust Co., 177 North Broad street. FOR SALE Four-room modern house, lino corner, close in, $:i,150. Union Realty & Trust Co., 177 N. Broad. S room and hath Squaw hill $23. UNION REALTY 4: TRUST CO.. 177 N. Broad. FON RENT- Twelve-room house, suit al'lc for boarding and rooming pur poses; $40. Union Realty & Trust Co. KOI! RENT Three-room house. East (ilohe Towjisite. $14.00. Union Real ty & Trust Co. FOR " SALE Four room house with bath, on Pascoo Hill. Cornet lot, fruit trees, chickens, etc. Honr. i9 nicely furnished. This is a good buv. 1,S50; terms. Union Realty & Trust Co., 177 N. Broad. FOR SALE Lots Three good lots, Pnscoe hill, $.w0. Union Ilealr & Trust Co., 177 S. Broad. SEPARATED BV BIRTH OF BOY AFTER SON ARRIVED MINISTER SAYS AFFECTION OF HIS SPOUSE GREW COLD strike is over. It was called about three weeks ago to support u demand for an increase of wages from 35 to 40 cents nu hour. At the suggestion of i lie siaic nureau ot arbitration a com promise of 37 cent 8 was offered and accepted. Sa'n Francisco is snid to have a larger percentage of people employed than any of the fourteen other Inrgost cities in the United States 3(1.7 per cent, tho nearest to which is Boston, with .55.3 per cent. The wage earners in San rraneisco nnu jos Angeles also earn larger annual wages than those in any other city in the 'United States $034 and $(5S0 respectively excepting .Den ver, with $001. FOR SALE Two lots, 53:54xll2J., High near Oak. $350. Union Realtv & Trust Co. FOR SALE Beautiful level lot in East Globe, 50xll2. feet; owner leaving cfty and wants to clean up. For a quick sale will take $700. See Union Realty & Trust Co., 177 X. Broad street. Best buv in the citv. FOR SALE Three-room fiirnishol , house on easy terms. Noftsger hill. Very cheap. L'niou Realty & Trust ( o. FOR RENT Two-room house. East Globe Townsite, $12.50. Union Realtv & Trust Co. FOR RENT Two-room house, East Globe Townsite, $10.00. Uniou Realty Si Trust Co. FOR RENT Double house on 8. Hill ittett. Five rooms on each side; gas, water and bath. Each five-room apartment $45. Four-room house in arne yard $22.50. This is desirable proerty. Come quick. Union Realtv A Trust Co., 177 N. Broad. FOR SALE Two-room nouse, corner lot 100x100, Pascoo hill. Will sell with furniture $950; without $800. One-half cash; balance $25 per month. Union Realty & Trust Co., 177 X. Broad. FOR SALE Lot 8 in Block 14, nice and level; will take $500 if sold al once; come quick; owner must have the money. UNION REALTY k TRUST COMPANY, 177 X. Broad. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY" TO LOAN on valuables or real estate of anv description. P. O Box 973. MEDIUMS SEE CLEO, the materializing medium, Kin" Sycamore street. Globe. ARIZONA HEWS FOR RENT. FOR RENT -Furnished room. 320 East iiittonwooil street. AI COMMENT FOR RENT Broad street rooms suita Me for otlice or rooming purposes. ln ion Realty & Trust Co., 177 N. Broad. FOR SALE FOR RENT Two othce rooms' in Kee gan block. Inquire J. .1. Keegan. FOR REN'T -Furnished rooms, $5 ,,er month 70S North Hill street. FOR SALE -One steel range, six-hole, with hot waer connection, complete 'i.0(i. Apply Mrs. II. H. Pratt. 10R SALE-Bargains in secondhand sewing machines for cash at "Singer ktore, 177 North Broad street. Ma chines $5.00 and up, in good running order C'all eaily and get your choice. l0I SLE-Piiftv head of -lock cat j'c For further information address Box 32, Citv. FOR SALE, Furnishings of lli-room modern rooming house. Cheap; mod erate Three year lease. Union Heil t.v A Trust Co. lOR SALE Complete furnishings of mx two-room housekeeping suites. Impure Pal.-i,.,. Pharmacy. 'OK SALE" -Lri' lilt iriti mtnn im. l'Mvenieiit Suitable for corral, and warehouse; .,, w;n mnke fair llU(i. us property and good investment. Mm(i..h. Mllst i,0 S(lU ()lk.k ,,ur. ''it iiiforimir.iui, r.:, Care Silver Belt. r?K, ,s M.K Brnss trimmed bedstead. . - r'"K-, mimi Biiiiid. "wiser, chiffonier, four lid . coal T. B. Furth, a former agent fir the Pioneer Transfer company, has brought suit for $5,000 against the luita Fo, Prescott iV Phoenix railroad company in the district court at Phoenix. Furth claims this amount as leparatiou for being assaulted by Conductor Frank tt. i .-. .1.. T-. l :.. 1..1.- -r (inns (in i n.iuiu re mini iuiy ,i. The confirmation, of the reported sale of the famous Planet milieu in lima county to the Lewissohns of New York has, now been made, by A. B. 'Jones, for mer owner of the mines. The tnx roll for tho town of Yuma, recently submitted to the council, shows that tho city possesses more than .!, 000,000 in taxable property. fTbis val uation is, almost double that, ot last year. An important branch of industry, tho Esmeralda Lime Ac Cement company, has been organized by u number of Yuma citizens. The new comnanv is capitalized at $250,000, of which one- nan is neasury mock. It is reported that a $1,000 armory is. soon to lie mint in tempo uy i,onipnny C, the military organization of that city. To secure money' for the struc ture, the members of the company will sell stock to the. citizens at $1 a share. The now armory will be the first one to bo erected in Arizona. Plans for the building have already been drawn. highway between Tucson and the Grand Canyon. This road would probably pass through Florence, Phoenix, Glen dale, Prescott, Flagstaff and other smaller towns. To insure an immediate beginning of work on the part of this roau -lying witlim the borders of Yava pai county, the supervisors ask, also, that the full amount of taxes author ized by law may be levied this year. The town council of Safford passed anordiuance Saturday prohibiting mu sic in places where intoxicants are sold. Citizens of Pima are discussing the advisability of installing a water sys tem by laying sutiiily nines lo the springs of the Graham Mountains. SUIT OVER JIM CROW LAW EASTLAND, Texas, July 1!). A suit was brought by the county officials against the Texas Centra) railroad com pany to recover nearly (i,000,000 from that road for alleged violations of tho separate coach (Jim Crow) law, was called for trial here todilv. The ense has attracted widespread attention. The action of the county officials in bringing the suit has been bitterly op posed by many citizens. The road has suspended many proposed improve ments pending a disposition of the case. Rincliug Brothers and the Sells-Floto people, circus magnates, who are now waging war on each other in Denver, are said to have begun their enmity at Tucson, Arir.., last spring, when the advance men ot both circuses were on uresscr. chiffonier, four lid . coal I ,,,c""!" ",, u" Kf kitchen table, dishes, cooking I tho 'i"1'1 aml tr-vi" lo bMI 'tl, town "'"Mis, linoleum, rugs, extension I at tl10 s:iUH' ti"u'-' 'able. nfri....r.... ..I..;.... ... i.,,, ciiiur. rockers, 'neiiport center tables, lamps: cur tains, eoii i.or ........' ,i, , .......-., $;-. man., i iinidp mine u j-rescoii nv wie i ili A" KOiI as new. Will oil .... Jlif'.i .!..: , inn! ' '.. p,n ... - . ' " .. v.nvi I J it'll (II .HHIIIILT IlIIU -Mill II! LT ruillIIUIIV j,ing awav lnn;,. i?...i.. t-.i.. " " ' mon u...t.' ... -"i" ....,.,,, u- Work is soon to bo resumed on the old Tiptop mine at Prescott by the Tiptop Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy the Bast and Surest. "It affords mo pleasure to state that 1 consider tho preparation known as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy the best and surest, of good results of any I have ever used in my family. " savs P. E. Hcrrini'tnn. of Mount Aerial, Ky. This is the universal verdict of all who use this remedy. Its Clues are so iiromnt and efTapttinl thnf people take pleasure in recommending it. For sale by all druggists. DENVER, Colo.. Julv 10. Tim tf,,v J. Monroe Markley, formerly pastor of ,ul' ' ,rMl congregational church of Denver, who resigned to go with a lyceum company as a lecturer because he could not live happily with his wife. was granted a divorce by Judge Shat tuck, on the ground of mental cruelty. They had lived together for fifteen years, the last fourteen of which, ac cording to Markley, were misery. Shat tuck refused to grant a decree 'or hear me case until Mr. Marklev appeared in court. ' ' Do yoil find in your scriptural read ings any of the grounds vim s..t fri, against your wife for divorce" asked tne judge. 'I No, sir," replied Markley. "Then you iihk the court to do what the Bible does not sanction?" "I have tried fourteen years to avoid this, your honor," replied the minister. "But 1 find it impossible for us to agree or live together, and since the law allows divorces in such cases, 1 have appealed to the courts." "I am averse to unnHi... i,i i.:.i ... f " mm mini of divorces," replied the judge. "We are condemned daily by everybody for grairting divorces on llimSy grounds and the ministry is the loudest in this condemnation." Markley testified that trouble began at the birth of their son, now 11 years old. The nreacher said In. h-i.i ..... -i a, "" vuili hill his wife for the last fourteen years' and tried to win her over again." but that she had such an aversion (n l.;.n i, - 'ii nuv could not bear him. She also had lost faith in religion and his work, he de clared. "What provision aie vou willing to make for her" "I have already done that," replied Markley, producing contract which recited that he had agreed to pay her $1,000. The mother also is given tho custody of the sou. Markley stated thnr he nnI i.iv .;., had occupied separate rooms since the Dirtn ot the son; that she occsaionally visited his room nrior tn tho hirtii V tho boy, but after that came the final separation, so far as the relations of husband and wife were concerned. "An inexplicable antipathy entered my wife's heart for me and everything I did or said immediately after the birth of our boy," said Markley. "She could not endure me after tli'nt. sii. quit tho church, spurned church work, and spurned mV friends. 1 had to re sign my pastorate and sinned n con tract with a lyceum company and since have been on the platform." MOTES FROM IDE OF Martin, George & Morris Bricklaying and Plastering CONTRACTORS Monumental Masonry Our Specialty Estimates Cheerfully Furnished P. O. BOX 828 HOLLOW Concrete BlocRs and Sidewalk Reinforced Concrete tCutnf Mtutr ot Cement PrMd Brick 40-ton rur to tht brick. Estimates on Building Promptly Furnished J. MAUREL fwo-ttorj Conert Blok Houm, Wtr Glob Lambtr Tmrd. P C. Box 191 Wm. Mill Williams Phone 121 :: North Globe Dealer in General Merchandise Fancy and Staple Groceries. . Mason and Stone Jars for Preserving. ' Dry Goods r , .' And a complete line of Ladies' and ) Gents' Dress Shoes. Work Shoes and Gloves a Specialty. Whole line of Shelf Hardware. Also Franklin Price's Perfumes. Ladies, Call and Get a Souvenir Art Picture Free Architects General Contractors Estimates Cheerfully Furnished We aro prepared to loan money on building! put uy by ns. SIMS & SONS P. O. Box 486 Re. 780 Monroe SL, East Globe L.& J. E. MERRIAMMERRIAM Building Contractors Building: estimates promptly furnished Work guaranteed BOX 491 Office Opp. Kinney House. Opportunity Business location on Broad street, ilvo years lease on new store room- fix- hires for sale, including counters, shelves, safe and show cases. If vou aro looking for a location, here is your opportunity of securing five yea'rs time on an extra good stand. .$10,000 buys one of the best lots on Broad street, improved with Wo-storv brick and- various other buildings. Owner must have some ready cash and is willing to sacrifice for this price if sold at once. Booming house on broad street for rent, long lease; furniture for sale. This 18 a Chance SUCll .IS is rnrilv fnnnit in ;il, 1 i ..m ' , ...,. ... ,..,. ,v. iivMiuift iinvavs mil. ( Booming house one block from Broad street, partly "furnished. This place is a bargain and usually rents for $.10. Long term to desirablo tenant. - Globe Real Estate Office 165 North Broad. Office with Water Co. A GOOD BARGAIN, A LIVE BARGAIN AND' A FINE BARGAIN. In either a house or a lot is what the average speculator is looking for in the summertime. Wo haven't got any twenty-doUar gold pieces to sell for $4.99, but we have got some good clean live bargains for a live purchaser in Globe lots or Globe hpmes. Wc haven't got sny agents to pay big commissions too, therefore we are in position to give you a clean run for your money on the best bargains obtainable in tho mar kets of Globe, a $500 lot for $400, terms; a $750 house and lot for $600, easy terms, good location. We have sovcral other properties at midsummer bargains. Houses for rent, furnished and unfurnished. Buying or selling, give us a call. HOME INVESTMENT COMPANY PHONE 2801. ROOM 3, 288 BROAD STREET. JIM HOGUE, Mgr WORLD LABOR TERRIBLY SCALDED Is something we hear or read about every day of uur lives. Bums and scalds either slight or serious are bound to happen in your family, be prepared by having n bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment handy. Tt relieves the pain instantly and finickly heals the burn. For sale by Palace I'hnrnmcy. n ickcrsliain warehouse. Phono "ALB- Two-rOOm hninn-' an,t twn Inl V' , VHUy 'urnlHheVl. $M0. LSI n!,y &' Tr,lst c" 177 TOR SALE HOUSES C3I0. REALTY & fTUUST CO., I SJfAFN tsvii,-, n N. Broad. 15 ,'!. A. RNAPh. SNAPS. i mo." . : niftn Kast OI"be, -.w; ternii. ' ' S! b&tU' modcru' East Globo UNUN KKALTY & TKUST CO., 177 S. Broad. FOM f ii .", v.u.t, bixrooni Iwn.v.. .. iv,s.... It. I f' , , -".. - ... x tic-vun 'oiTsalp " r"Moo. wii,?ur;room h0f,c nico l"t .mi-. r.:isL (i it ui Small amount Iress Mimf ..ii down b, ,. 01U,(, S,ni,n 'x io- r(tn. Capitalist s at Phoenix have bought a controlling interest in 'the Arizona House Copper company and operations on a large scale will soon be under taken at the mines. Frank Johnson, n miner of Bisbee, 18 years old, committed suicide Friday by drinking carbolic acid. IJe leaves a wife and three children. Dcsnonrlencv lover inability to obtain work was given as mo cause ot ins act. Citv Attorney Sutter of Bisbee has filed papers asking for the condemna tion of the land on which the construc tion of tho new reservoir in that city has already begun. The Bisbee board of trade has at last triumphed in its efforts to secure suit able sleeper accommodations for sum mer toiiriss bound from Bisbee to the Pacific-coast. In answer to repeated requests, the Southern Pacific has an nounced that it will grant through sleeper service luniceforth. The supervisors of Yavapai county nilpTn Wi morns nnd bath, suPoms,ors of invnpai county Terms ' i"v KnHt 0,00- W,75t). have petitioned the board of control v-nion Realty ,& Trust Co. of Arizona to designate a territorial BoweJ Complaint in Children When six months old the little (laugh tor of K. X. Dewy, a well known mer chant of Agnesville, Va., had an attack of cholera infantum. Chamberlnin Colic, Choler'i, and Diarrhoen Bcmedy was given and effected a complete euro. This remedy has proven very successful in cases of bowel complaint in children and when given according to tho plain printed directions can be relied upon with perfect confidence. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take, which is of great importance when a medicine must be inven to young children. or sale by all drug gists. If you have pains in r':c back, weak baek, or any other indication f a weak ened or disordered condition of the kid neys or bladder, you should get De Witt's Kiiluey and Bladder Pills right away when you experience the least sign of kidney or bladder complaints, but be sure that you get DeWitt's Kid ney and'BIadder Pills. We know what thoy will do for you and if you will send your name to E. C. DeWil't & Co.. Chicago, yo will receive a free tiinl box of these kidnev and bladder nills. Thoy aro sold here by Palace Pharmacy and United Drug Co". Laundry workeis at Ogden, I'tah, have formed a union. Newspaper solicitors in Idaho and .Montana are about to organize. The union egg-inspectors at Chicago domand a Half holiday on Saturday. The Women's Trade Union league will hold its annual convention in Chi cago in September. The Manitoba government will ap point a commit tee to investigate' tho compensation of workingnien. The St. Pnul Typographical union has decided to affiliate with the child labor committee of Minnesota. The annual convention of the Mnsfor House Painters' and Decorators nsvi1 (tiation of Canada, will meet at Peter borough, Out., duly 27, A Cincinnati manufacturer was fined, $1!0,0 for unlawfully using tho label of the Cigannakers' uniou. lie paid the line under protest. Cigurmakers in Boston are taking measures against the bill, now before the senate finance committee in con gress, increasing the internal revenue tax on cigars. In Maine the workinir hours of wo men and children employed in manufac turing industries have been reduced by legislative acts from sixty to fifty eight hours a week. The cotton mill at Hnntsville, Ala., suspended operations on July 5, for a period of eight weeks to enable the operatives subiect to the commilsnrv educntive clauuo of the child labor law to attend school in compliance with the law. The state. supremo court of Iowa has decided that when a city advertises for bids it must not take into account the union label and must not discrim inate against any bidder because ho op erntes a non-union shon. This is con sidered a hard blow for unionism. The Kansas City, Mo., hodYarriers' " " SAH'SWr ' Tf,! 1 . An Excellent Business Chance Completely furnished store room. Fix tures new and up-to-date. Now occu pied as candy store and ice parlor, but could be readily converted into some thing else. One of the best locations on Broad street, being almost directly op posite the site of the new Postoffice. ' ' Lease, at nominal rental, has 14 months still to run. This is so good it should sell today. Union Realty & Trust Co. MacPherson & Dayton, Managers 177 North Broad Street r is ' M y-; tp ' y- t r f; , '. t A- J & i 1' -c 3 v.? t. r. 5 h f! 4' I" S