OCR Interpretation

Holly Springs gazette. (Holly Springs, Misp. [i.e. Miss.]) 1841-18??, December 02, 1841, Image 4

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

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BY virtue of a deed of trust bearing date on the 31st of May 18 H;
execated by Andrew R. Goran, late of the County of Marshall,
to the undersigned trustee, and for the purposes and considerations
mentioned in the said deed, I shall proceed to sell at auction, to the
highest bidder for cash,
On the Eighteenth of May, 1842,
at the town of Salem, in the County of Tippah, the following tracts
of land, to wit: An undivided interest in Five thousand acres sit
uated in the said County of Tippah, with MILL FIXTURES on
the same; another tract of Three hundred acres near Salem, with a
GRIST MILL and CARDING FACTORY: Also, another tract
of One thousand Six hundred acres, lying near the Basis Meridian
of the Chickasaw Cession; and on the 20th day of the same month,
at Snowdown, the late residence of the said Andrew It. Govan, the
undersigned trustee will proceed to sell, on the aforesaid terms, the
following tracts, sections Twenty-one and Twenty-eight, the half
of section Fifteen, and the Fourth of section Twenty in town Two
and range One, West of the Basis Meridian.
Also, sundry TOWN LOTS in the town of Holly Springs -also.
Fifty shares of Bank Stock of the Northern Bank of Missis
Marshall County, Miss. Nov. 12, 1811-18-Cm.
07- The Natchez Conjicr, Nashville Banner, and Ilnntsville
Democrat, will please insert the above weekly till day of sale, and
forward their accounts to this office.
Chancery Notice.
Thurstin Crane, George Carlisle, William"!
E. White, Charles J. Steadman, partners un- i Chancery Court at
der the firm of T. Crane & Co. ' V Brownsville, Tenn
vs. Nov. Term, 1811.
Jessse Goodman &. Wright II. Rutherford. J
THIS day came the complainants by their counsel, and moved the
Court for an order of publication against defendants, and it ap
pearing to the Court from affidavit filed, that defendants are non
residents of this State, and that defendant RuthCTl'ord, resides in the
State of Mississippi. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that pub
lication be made lor said defendants, in some paper printed in the
town of Holly Springs, in the State of Mississippi, and also, in some
in the town ot Lame hock, in me ocaie oi AFKansas,
From the (Philadelphia) Saturday Courier.
Stranger! I know thee not by name,
But still my heart is knit to thine,
Our Heavenly Father la the same, :
And thy Redeemer too is mine. '
Si rangei! I read it in thine eye,
And in thy accents meek and mild,
And in thy words of charity,
That God has chosen thee his child.
The moment was a fleeting one, '
In which we felt the christian tie,
But while these eyes beheld the sun,
Sacred shall be its memory. ,
Perchance beyond this world of care,
God may permit our souls to meet,
And in the realms of bliss to share,
Remembrance of our hours so sweet.
Meanwhile this guardian care attend,
Thy pilgrimage where'er it be,
The blessing ol his grace descend,
Into thy bosom constantly.
Unslol College.
From the Scioto Gazette.
It would be curious to trace the history of the new doctrine
which the Locofocos have advanced to the fore-ground, "since
they were passed into the minority, to its original source, or
rather lothe first recipient of the abominable tenants from the
Prince of Evil. Satan in Paradise, as we are informed by
the inspired Rook, desired to revoke the immutable laws of
Heaven, in order to procure his own advancement. In the
attempt, he was signally foiled by the Almighty arm, and
banished to a place more congenial to his unholy amb lion
and desires. Having become unworthy "to serve in Heaven"
he is suffered "to reign in Hell." But it would be more to our
purpose to single out and hold up to public indignation, the dis
organizing madman who first broached the doctrine of "Re
peal in this country, when applied to contracts made by duly
constituted legislative bodies, with individuals or portions of
the People. This dogma assumes that one party to a contract
has a right to annul it without the consent of the other a
most demoralizing and dishonest doctrine which a nation of
pirates ought to be ashamed to own much Jess a great peo
ple whose laws are basedjprofessedlyjon principles of Divine
justice. Let but the public mind become so poisoned by the
reckless demagogues of the day that the possibility of such a
doctrine ever succeeding shall be seriously suspected, and our
boasted liberties will soon vanish into thin air the corner
stones of human liberty will be rent in their places, and the
whole fabric fall and bury beneath it the beautiful columns of
justice, equality, religion, and law, which now support it the
social system will soon dissolve into its orignal elements,
and anarchy will reign triumphant. There is no strained fig
ure or exaggeration in this language. If you can "repeal"
or "annul" a solemn and lawful contract.without the consent
of both parties to it; you have also a right to turn one orth33L
out of possession of whatever immunities may have followed
such contract, and step into his place. The marriage contract,
written obligations between debtor and creditor, or any other
honorable agreement between two parties, stands on praciseiyj jVn
the same grounus. JL.et dui me odious aoctrme prevail,' ana j ,he tille of the jnd reU,ined tin the purchase money is paid
there will be no security ior person or property, unaer sj"i.
a system, we might well envy the Arab of the desert, xvub
acknowledges the patriarchal laws, under the influence of
which he has been nurtured. We confess our astonishment
and grief that the moral sensibilities of any number of Amer
ican Senators could have become so far deadened as to permit
them to entertain, for a single moment, the disgraceful and de
grading "doctrine of repeal" They have not the public sym
pathies, thank Heaven ! and, therefore, there is yet but little
paper printed
for four successive weeks
requiring said defendants to enter their
appearance herein by the next term of this Court, to be held on the
second Monday in May next, and plead answer or demur to com
plainants bill, or else the same will be taken for confessed, and set
for hearing "Exvarte." A Copy Test. .
SHEPPARD M. ASHE, Clerk and Master.
The Bill states that in February, 1839, defendants became indebt
ed to complainants in the sum of S'lG-2,11 for which sum they exe
cuted their promissory noie, which is still due and unpaid. Tha
some time afterwards defendants failed and are reputed insolvent.
That defendant Rutherlord, owns an undivided interest in a tract
of land ol 9290 acres, lying in the County of Lauderdale, Tennessee,
a part of a 5000 acre tract granted by the State of North Carolina, to
John Rutherford, by Grant No. 109, dated 10th July, 1788.
That said Defendants are both non residents of this State.
The. Bill prays for writs of Attachment, to attach the estate of said
Goodman & Rutherford, (the defendants) lying in Lauderdale coun
ty, and particularly the tract of land above described; and that upon
final hearing said estate so attached may be decreed to be sold in sat
isfaction of said debt.
SAMPSON & HILL, Sol's for Complainants.
November, 25, 1811-18-lw.
Executor's Sale.
PURSUANT to a decree of the Probate Court of Marshall coun
ty, made at the October term, 1811. I will on the second Mon
day of January, 18-12, at the Court House, in the town of Holly
Sprint?!. llon a credit of one, two and three years, the valuable real
which John B. Moore, deceased, resided ht me tune ol his
dealh, consisting of sections twenty-nine and thirty-two; and tne
South hall or section twenty-one, lownsiup iour 01 iwne
West. There is on the premises about FOUR HUNDRED ACRES
of cleared land with very comfortable houses. The same will be di
aled to suit purchasers.
ds with approved security will De required 01 purcnasers; aim
ircnase money is paia.
Executor of the last will and testament of
Nov.21, 18ll-l8-8w-tds. John B. Moore, deceased.
Private letter from a young ojficer at the English factory
Canton, to his brother in England. .
Dear Tom: Every thinj goes on gloriously the British
arms are triumphant, and weiiow only require the Emperor
of China's consent to our taking possession of his territory,
which, I am sorry to say, there is at present no likelihood of
obtaining. However, there is little doubt, if we be not all
swept offby ague and cholera, that we shall be able to main
tain our present position a few months longer. Our situation
here would be very comfortable if wg had any thing to eat ex
cept bad beef and worse biscuit ; these, however, are but trifling
inconvencies, and, though we have no fresh meat, we have plen
ty of fishl'ri the rivet. One of our men canght a fine one the
other da v, which was bought and cooked for the officers' mess,
by which means we were all nearly destroyed the fish un
fortunately happening to be of a poisonous nature; in conse
quence of which, a general order was issued the next day for
bidding the troops to catch or eat any more fish. The country
around the factory is beautiful j but we deem it prudent to keep
within the walls, as the Chinese are very expert at picking up
stragglers, whom they usually strangle. Beyond this we can
not complain of our situation; fowls are extremly abundant,
but I have not seen any, the inhabitants having carried them
up the country along with their cattle and -provisions of every
description. The water here is so brackish that it is almost
impossible to drink it; there are, however some wells of deli
cious water in the neighborhood, which would be a real treas
ure to us if the Chinese had not poisoned them. Thejweather is
extremely hot, and the advantages of the river for bathing
would be very great, if it were not so full of sharks. I have
much more to relate of our present cheering prospects and en
viable situation, but a ship is on the point of sailing for Eng
land, so must conclude in haste.
Ever, dear Tom, yours, &c. ,
Death amono Presbyterian Ministers.- In no pre
ceding period in the history of our Church have we been call
ed, in so shon, a space, to witness the death ot so many useful
ministers. Since April last ten have fallen. Seven of these
were of the Southern part of the Church, viz. Messrs. Baxter,
Jones, Holman, Phelns, BreckcnridVc. Sloss. and Winches
ter; two were from Pennsylvania, viz. Messrs. Tait and Ter-
7 ttUU one r- won, trom Ohio. Messrs. Sloss and Win
chester were both members of ih Ut n
This is a mournful memento. We stand still, and reverently
acknowledge the hand of God, and at the same time plead
with him to spare his Church, withhold his hand, and send
uuwu ai3 most precious blessm-s. Presbyterian.
Executor's Notice.
THE subscriber having on the 26th day of October, 1811, obtain
ed letters testamentary from the Probate Court of Marshall
county, and duly qualified as exect'r of the last will and testament of
Robert Hairston, latcjof said County, deceased; hereby notifies all
persons indebted to said deceased to make payment to nim; and all
persons having claims against said deceased, to present the same,
properly authenticated, within time the prescribed bv law, or they
will be barred M. M. IIAlRSTON,
November, 25, lSll-18-Cw. Executor.
21. ty,
T the November term of the Probate court of Marshall coun-
State of Mississippi, the undersigned, qualified as the ex
ecutor ol WILLIAM B. FANT, deceased. All persons hav
ing claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby notified
tc present their claims, duly authenticated within the time pre
scribed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov
ery. Those indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt
payment to JOHN B. FANT,
November, 25-1 8-Cw. Executor.
Attorney and Connsc or at Law,
Holly Springs, Mississippi.
""FFICE The one formerly occupied by Anderson . Fivlev,
S. W. corner of the Square.
aug. 4. tf.
CHARLES O'CItlAN, Dentist.
Resides at Holly Springs, Missp. :
HE is prepared to perform all operations belonging to Dentil
Surgery. He feels assured after two years uniform success,
that he will realize a liberal patronage. He wdtild just say to the
public that they cannot be too careful who they employ as a Dentist.
August 4 2 ly. .
L CAGE & CO., v
WOULD inform the public that they have removed to tbe store
adjoining the UNION HOUSE, (CraptV.) That they have
received, and will keep constantly on hand, a large and complete
supply of
Drugs, I Paints, j Dye-Stuff's, I Surgical Instruments,
Medicine, j Oils, Perfuviery, J &c. &c. &c.
All ot which they intend to sell for Cash, at prices lower than
can be purchased at any other house in the South. Particular atten
tion paid to the preparing and putting up of Physicians orders, and
prescriptions. Holly Springs, April, 1841. ,
THE subscriber will open a school in the North East part of th,
town of Holly Springs, on Monday the 15th of November
for small boys, &c. ; ,
Terms op Tcttiov, S8 and.$l0 per session. . ,
Holly Springs, Nov. 0, 1841 lfr-4 J. F. GILUORE. .
THE partnership heretofore existing between LEWIS, PEARCE
& NELMS in the practice of law, is this day dissolval by mu
tual consent. August, l&h. 1841. t
- "v A. PEARCE. J
tf - J ' V-
August 2G 5-
NOTICE. The subscriber offers for sale his preseni stock ol
dry gc ods &c. at cost, for cash. His object is to close up his pres
ent business, as soon as possible. Those wishing to pureiase will
find it to their interest to call and examine for themselves, i
To the Creditors of the Mississippi Union Hank
WiifcuiiVo, iae iviississippi kjuiuu iiiiiuc --.j,.-
nient of all its property and effects to the undersigned iriustee
for the benefit of its creditors generally, which deed bears date the
iEMi o! October, 1641, and was recoraeu in me proper vmcc m iuc
kuuuij jl uiuu.1, auu i i -
an1 whprpae it i nrnvirl"1 in said deed of assignment that all creu
Inrc'nfcoM ko'nl- nrhi cl-ll fil thpiT C 1.11 HI Of rlailDS Within CI?
1 VtA -.- r-s it'in o vniil ipf( iMth tht &iiil trustee
iUC IClilftilvu v , ------ - '
shall be considered as preferred creditors, (except as in said deed
carrying into eti'ect said assignment,) and as relinquishing all claiiE
for more thanseven percent, interest on the debt or claim so hied
from and after the registration of said deed, in the said county tl
Hinds: that is. the Drincinal and all the interest at the rate allowed by
the charter due on the claim so filed, shall be added togeiher, and a
certificate be issued lor tbe whole amount, which certificate -hall
state on its face that it bears interest at me raie oi per ccm. u
num from the time said deed is registered as aforesaid; and where
-o ; Jo v.o Atr thi nnilorirnpi' tmstcps bv publication &c
to notifiy the creditors of said Hank, of the above provisions there-
... " ; ' I?. 11-1 - .... l..rK
lore ail tne creditors oi saia xuissuMppi onion uau
notified to file their claim or claims with the undesigned trustees,
within eight months from the date of the registration ot said deed
of assignment in said county of Hind, if they iutend to enjoy the
..1Mntoc ilU. In nrpforrpit rw'iliiM nr In Midi WllO file lilCIf
claim or claims in accordance with the provisions ot aid deed ot
assignment. jamiv-jllliui,
Jackson, November 3, 1811 lf-lin
A CARD. . u
MR. EDITOR Permit me respectfully to announce to the Pub
lic, through jour journal, that I have succeeded in making an
arrangement, by which I shall be efficiently susiained, by the Rev.
Ambrose P. Merrill of Boston, MassHn the couduct of my ScIhhjI
to be opened on the 1st Monday in January next. .
Mr. M has had considerable experience in teaching, and will act
as associate Principal. Mrs Merrill, his wile, a lady of the like
experience, and of full competency to instruct in the highest branch
es of a thorough English Education, as also in Latin, French, Dra w
ing and Painting, will accompany him. Mr M, who is now on ms
wav to this place, will brimr with him a Cabinet of about 500 miner
al and geological specimens. "
. - m . t f r. .11..
The way has been prepared lor oDtainifgany numuer vi i un
qualified teachers.
I purpose to commence with three female assistants as the pros
pects of the school brighten the Faculty will be strengthened.
l shall mate every enort to give the scnooi character auruju as
well as at home. And inasmuch asa shool of cliaracter will give
character to our town, I do not, therefore, hesitate, to call on mv
friends to aid me in enlarging the mineral cabinet, and commencing
a library, by donations of, specimens for the former, and books ot
History, Biography, Belles Lettres &c. for the latter.
In the September No. of "The Guardian " a Family Magazine,"
edited at "The Female Institute, Columbia, Trin," there is notice
taken of my intended school in a manner, indicative to the most su
perficial. reader, ol a little something a little jealousy! 1 nopenoi.
For what has that Institution to fear . Assuredly, in my opinion, no
Institution that is or can be established in the United States or else
where. It stands too high to be excelled, all therefore that lean
do is to strive to mount the same eminence. Upon that point my eey
, j i t? . . : . l I . .
is iureu, ana n energy ana unausiry can encci any iniug, iui nit
blessing of God, 1 will yet plant my toot upon the towering height.
It, however, my purpose have thrown needless fear into the mind oi
our lnendot "the Uuardian " it is testimony trom abroad thai tiiere
is likelihood of my success.
I shall avail myself ot my Southern visit to make known the pro
jected school, and, by God's permission, will return in time to
open the same.
Oct 14th, 1811. tf
IN pursuance of the authority given, by virtue of a doedoftru-t
made by Patrick McDavid, to the undersigned as trustee, for
the purposed" securing John 'U. Rodgers and George Pool, against
Mriais itilts iMamd mat ii4-rj iiiiilMturili. fll
said McDavid. I will on the 2nd Monday of February, 1M J, un
less the debts and liabilities in said deed specified, are previously sat
isfied by said McDavid, er for sale at public ou:cry, to the high
est bidder for cash, at the court house door in the town of Hlly
Springs, Mississippi, the negroes, land, and other projerty, convey
ed by said deed, or so much thereof, as shall be required to satisfy
the objects and trusts therein specified. There are twelve negroes
all young and likely. The land is the beautiful, fertile, and com
fortably improved tract, now occupied by said McDavid, North of
fludsonville. For a more particular description of said negroes,
and land, as also, the other personal property, reference is made to
the trust deed, of record in Marshall County, Mi-sissippi. I will
make only. such tittle to said property as is vested in me.
July 30, 18112 . ' JNO. II. ANDERSON, Trustee.
THE subscribers have commenced the above b:iinessiu the town
of Holly Springs, on North center Street, where they intend
carying on the above business in all its vaiious branches, bcinsr de
termined to sell low for cash. - WALLACE & PERSON.
N. B. Repairing done on the shortest notice, and all orders from
a distance thankfully received and promptly attended to.
September, 30th, 10 Gm.
15. A. MITE IIS,
STILL continues to carry on the above business in the town of
Holly Springs, on Main, Street, three doors from the squa re
He has on hand a handsome assortment of hats of first rate quality,
which he offers low for cash. -. B. A. MYERS.
N. B. Hats made to order on the shortest notice Also repaired.
September. 30th, 10 Cm
r-PlT'n : 4 w -v
X virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by TIIOS. J. DYE,
ffftV fc r.m'n nn rfwcoe tKrA.n mrt!Ar.A. ! .-" A a in tlr
Probate Clerk's office of the County of Marshall, in Ihe State ol
Mississippi, on the 2d. day of September, A. D. 1S3J, in Deed
uu-vjtv vjt. iii ptj;c jo, x Mian proceeu 10 sen
On the first Monday after the fourth Monday in November
1841. ' - . ' J
at the Court House door in. the town of Holly Springs, to the highest
bidder, the following described property to wit: the North half of
oecuon u lown l liange 4 West ol the basis meridian ol the
Chickasaw cession. The title to thu above property is believed to be
. V J 1 . - m t -
uuuouuiea; dui sucn tine only win De made as is vesica in me oy
said deed of Trust." Terms made known on the day of sale.
T. B. COLEMAN, Trustee.
September the 23rd, 1 84 1. 0 tds.. k
Nov. 4, 1811 15 tf.
By virtue ol a Deed of Trust executed to me by E. T. COLLINS
and A. CAMPBELL; and recorded in the Probate Clerk
office of the eonntv nf fars:linll in t. KiaianrM::;nn: ii,.
I3th day of July, A. D. 1840; in Deed book H. on rages 420 and
: . t On Monday the 20 1 h day of April, A. D. 1842
at the Court House door in the town of Holly Springs. M i-vs. to sell
for Cash, to the hiphflst hi.T.lpr tl. r,.ii
with the valuable improvements thereon, 'situated in the town of
Holly Springs to wit: Lou No. 7 & 1C: and the Eastern portion of
j-nrvo j m, as icicsciucu in mepian oi me town oi iiony
SDrinirs: on Sertion No. 31 rT.rxhr AT i n nt o -iir.
I Ol f iU.mir i,u, Fj tWUC HU. II
The title is believed to be undoubted; but such tille only will be made
5 O YfkC-twJ r tm - WM rnM 1.J t . - j. '
u t A , n O. DAVIS, Trustee.
September the 9th, 1811. 7Cm.
THE subscriber is determined to sell his valuublc.half sec
tior ol land, lying 3 miles west of Holly Springs. There are
on the above tract, one hundred acres of cleared land, nrinci
n 1 1 .. 1 1 r.t. i?....i ... .A .
Viiiy vuney.oi me uisi quality; me suoscriber will divide it
to suit purchaiers. Persons wishing
will hnd me always on the premises. There are two wells
.T J . .i l , . VI,J
oigooa water on tne aooTe mentioned land.
Sept 16,1841. 8 tf N.E.HAMPTON.
The Vonu- lrtl' liooU,
OS MGII.C OT UUA U i; tr.-, v v I
ILLUSTRATED with s; letwi i tit. .s
taia and Sd-I, Lice Er-.Trav:. ti,.- ;,; . ,
Cheney, Ac, and nuu:.r.u v.. . : .
There ate many ptu.!ical r-ui..-i;u re. v- .,
The friends ct general rd acAU.-o. the zl v ;
useful knowledf, lave U-zz vi-r-ire-i to tu .
monthly magaim dvuc J i!Ut;.-:i-. ti,s . :
young person 4 both xc, tuni. -,! vii.L. , - -
provement in literature, M.-irr.cf, -it ! ;L- r.ii. . . : .
in the colonial laa;tmf itbtcl t a. i-Jie---,! : -dren,
but with such suruu. n tv tt- -tj !.-.....
the atter.tun i'f thoe m h are s ..r ii. c t : ; :
forming their literary u-u; a:.d :.:d t.
and valuable matttrr.a ha:t rcrdr tt- . ; v
worthy a place ia the Fat:.!j r -! .i L ; .
It iy the purine cftLe rrv-i u-t r 1 i. r I . i
furnish such a .M.iirazu.e. lie s.a j r. i
' .... '
: a ;
i i : ,
complishtnTit of hU it-evt; at-i l. j :. :., :
liberal and judicious edaoat;.a t.ri"'v ; r.
he will pnv.uce a wor hi i La'.i W is i c: :
their attention and patr. t.j
One of the leading tb,xctt (tie rc: t'.i ! t. ;
last rate by raticl etaiatiati a th pi . .
tion, in the variou di-paitiairti! tf h'.et: ire ir!
propt iate dt'Tirttrirr.t . f staJr at d t: , ..." , !. , :K
reading, and to indicate the J tv:r I : - t
encei, o far a it liu.it 1 1 tic t k a'
The fru into h to h diff rrM 1 r.r f ;
tertainment will tv tUri n. vu l t tr ,
ject in view at tte ihue,at.S thcl'iv . sr . r . j .
Kssay, narrative d "t , tz-, J.. : i '. -sketches,
critique. drtil.i", - . ,
ral history, anerda'o ai;i tra ci. 1 . -; r : , ' !
will till in turu Urt ia- tLe . r ?' r i
The aid of the arts tf pamtir-:: an.! "!.-. .,
ever Milled iivct-c it! - t ff-:; .:: i. . . . .
by well executed r ivtarrs.
Airanseuitftit' Kie tcea t;a le :'. : :t , , , . : j : .
now in the actual receipt .f-n I-.il
f-izn with tl;atof t!ie Voun; IVv;"-- ti i-., 4 i'
and tber patts of the Cox.'.si.t r.t ! L ;r lr
and from the choicest jart t-i f:tiz ' . - :. . i
varioti depa rtmfr.t, tratt:; u i
will serve to promo'e the ruin f -h . -
aud entertain meet .'f Auen .: S. "J : ? .
cr, of a truly nat't-ni! spirit, t!.e ;ci ; ,
rv American chi.'!ar oes t-. Li o .-"r . , jr. : t
capsbilitics i f earlv Li-tcry, r. t Hi .t;a --t . .r c
ior s.upplyio all the iuaU'tu! it a eo; at- i ,
will be constant t'tjecti f a:"er..i a, a; I us u
discuoion, exauipie and illuiri'iv i
In order to injure the e.'ti?eteut ec?u-. ;
the work, the aid tf eiperietcd it .--r . ,;I "i ;
to the public, has teen s-ecured. ar! it " :-"
committed to John Fnt, A. M , Pr r t 1.
i . , .
. 1
High School of PhilaJe!: hij, u h
er, and a writer in the dcjMittuo v : c .
will form a sufficient srujrar.tee, r-. J :. lv l r i t t
execution of the work, o far a lit u --. -are
concerned, but tor i:r;ijui! ; al j , c. .
and for ii invariabledrviiti r.;r ... i -,- u r . s
fill radeis in science, Irerrt ;rr, zi-l t;.e .
The z Vv;.Vi .vi ill W ;.; r ,
each U eon ta in thirty-txv pa--, e I :,i ! i m. ,
vin?, and neatly il-ne up m au t.ri.i:-.
be such a ti make t! e v. .n c . : ,
tion to the shelve t t?.e Mrrsrv. T. . -i t : .
on l he firt dav of Se-le:S'r, I 1 1.
Sixcopie .d lh Twent v c ;- .' -.-.
with on the mt l.lral 'er:- TlmvI it ..z
... I 1 I t I
o. k well ra.'-il !?-; ut a .1 v hr . . r f
tae p.iii. mitt al 3v a- in t.i n i-; .'- r : ;
.MOItTON MMll'IIAlIL I ,,:,'. S i .,, j.
Gli'or copvinti a I- r-.- i ",. l-- t . .
Tlu- S c w fu r hi.
THE Enlarred Cl'itt. Hit r. t . i ,
ha- been rreatlr improvett, Uh it .. j. .
b.'llihmciit- and it eordcr ar .: : ,
cure the a.'ii'ota r.ce of tf.e in tuilei.'-d r.. r
roie as e1 'utors to if rin.!.. Tti i- s;
subscribe for a sool Pain il v Ni- m ji;vr, 8
rmij the Wi. e vcom t ! tl a rstt f.
tlie paper ti suit every cU- of rcS't. I I rt-tt
original and selected, canui 4 t eiee.U-J tr s:.x - .
ca. The bet writers in this ? :.try n.f P u ; tr .
Contributors the let arth ia t4i tnm.j Lr.-t - r
piepariii" tautitul eml'ellibni'i.i. u;i.r:.i i .
der still more attractive, l r picto-rial tef ir tttar, t., ia r
articles winch are written r seWted f r tie zrzi::.- i . ,
.lers. the AV HVW i ill eou'aia f:t'r ii-r (Ki
. Vise tn Wood, d (. i u I he v . j 1 1 , -- t , . , i r. i .
the most ItU-ral eipeiIiture pft'-r:i-'4 tv tit ; er, u
am its present character . tte Utz,- z. : j ..:
count rv.
A v.
1 . - N.
The well known reputation of is I7 .r, Puk P.t : ,
guatantt e for the tb'li.v vi h w l.-h t - N V . : d t
as is evi-'en'-ed by th- tit'pu.i!; l .-." .
to It o tLe public 1 ti irc't ... i- i. .-t .r i
sand copies weeklr, at..! it i a t-e in. .
paper esi: t.',i-.hin'ti; in A hi-ti t'. '.i rt r -
isMie of the tirM nuusler. TSrf Utu.i iV. r. i t v .
half Tearlr volume, rr t! i' cir;i:. u i !?.
The Iviimr announce she? iCt.o.i m i ?-. l,: - f 1 ; ;
Leml. Esi , a re title man wrll k a i.. i ! I"- , r i it
one of the oriental edi; r of ll.e Nf Y l?v T. . i
two yean edi'or of tLe V?iimr.i i M.-,ium';i Mr. M
sailed in the Acadia. An,'tii 1C, l r t i t , jV..ft : -to
the American Minister, cud has nkn i; I. r -.. :x u
great inetrox!is ofthe world ,at.d i c ! ... t . if P r i
pondence, make select ia fioia new rA p.pn!.. :; -
contributors of euiinebt leputatki, w ri e s n r: t.- ;
affairs a bread nt.d, in short. d. all t'.at ts !...- n - r
New World, reidcui iu the gtani tue:r.'jvji ( art. s. -f
The splendid story of miluarr hfe enti:!,d U'ihh i M i
the Iutsii DkCion," givir.jr a viri 1 dc -riii ti fsie p..
War under Wellington, dnriu ; th- euti.a ( ; .
tugalby the French, is iu course of put-UcAUoa iu ',!..'f V.
(the pnx) sheets of hich are lUairted in dvar.e t ;
the author's publishers,) atid is without tl --a the t-. -graphic
and popular novel f ti e dar.atd !.:. i. v
except with intense interest ar d eUz ' .t.
The subcrificu priee is S3 t year, for !.;-!, a i.r r-
li'.v of reading is furnished. The U.turt rair I C j ;
columns each, and is in a form well a4-M e! iv r t e j,r ? s: '
ration. Letters, jhi paid. ir-.s t a.d :rwl tz lit p
J. WINCIIESTEU, Ar:i si., Nf
A 2VKW Wllin JOl'ItVlf,
.. The undersigned hive been in-laced ty ttreLl c '- !"
mence the publication of a re w Wh J.'urajl a; tie i; -
General Government. The scheme ta U n .ifaU
mediate development, by the extraordir.:ry drf.t x i ;
sner lermjoi a pom on m tLe h ig fatty, ana bv . gr--c.n'
of indignation which is maaiffe i ia all d:f-4 a. ;
chievous and fratricidal purples ef a au.titi pit
tician who aim to destroy the fruits rf the stortt r? r;V
Wcjhall raise lh true' Whi??tat. Aard. I d . .ai t i
ourabilities, for the tntcgriiv of the great w h:g rartt zzi r
5umation of all the Reforms contended t r ia U e he i-t 2 ?
shall go for uch an administration -f p-t lie aS'in a f
rr a nrAii s. l 1 1 .let t .,.. i i
u,,-'uii voiiuucae, aca lair.i tr.e r-a ri a- ei;
part of members of Congress and titers.
The SIlHsjf rinf "nr nrirf i.f I K r- ' r fVi'i !i t"5 tC XT -
in the recess, and thrice a wtrk during the sek-s -t -
willbe five dollars per annara, iatan lr in 2 Jn ne.
Sept. 4.1811. JOHN U. riJAS AV-
Ijt Whig papers generally, are r
:t i t j c. 7-r t
Executed neatly, terrtctty, and wirii i-rr.f; i, at tt G:

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