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f Lincoln (taly IMtw Sit unlay, Oi-h.Jnt lN, UXl. Ancient Xonaiua;3. Tliciisin i!' men lífivc envied Astor, S1..U111I, V :inliTlii!t, Mic key, Kcetic, (ioul l : 1 ' 1 1 the oilier I'. .1 Ii tii-u v fun liliv fr:t a'ii it!!"-1 lit l rr lox; (mi tin' lii licM 'it ! 1 1 li. til lire llUTo V!lp!l!lt-. Win !1 COMi- inred to hi, mi! nt' the i: ( n!s. was Minus, tur instance, lie WilK the SOU lt" Nillll'l'd, the lll hunter, who made linn-, m niteii tor IióIih üiil tijrcrs take to lililíes. Olil N i 111 Irtt iiis hoy iihoul sii.Vi,- IMMI.00H ill cash, hoidcs lli'S'l'M.) cuttle, 1 i'iciv of land iJioiit hi; as Arkan-as, mid I l,or) likely slaves. There were 110 lawyers, in those days who made ; i-jucialtv of hreakinir wills, and Ximi: quietly look )'('. i'Ss'ii.'ii ami cast ahoiit for Hum; plan to ki!C) hint nclf out of tin' poor hoii 'i'. Ho was c i'-ii'i'i '1 :. )')(. r yonn:; man, :t 1 1 1 1 t;i I hi' hern seen lii,'r!n!' his prl to an ice cream salo , 11 or rilling out in a livery riurliis friend woiil.l have said he v,..uM lirinir u in a jrarrct. Hy a lucky caiiure oí' territory from the Assy ri:i:i., to gether with L'ii,oim) slav":!, I'Ji.ouo rattle, tin vu;on o:ulsof silver an! jewehand a few other trille:, Minus walked ii tlin Mxial ladder until I litr Imiiís asked al'ler 1 1 : .s - and bahies, and he could loose three j panics of billiards without wonder-! ini if the owner of thesaloon would lake a "stand otf." lie was worth l,7fo,oi)i.,(ti when he died, mid yet lor the last live years of his life he went without mutton because the price hud raised to tin ee CuiiH per pound. The heiress with a $.rUM0 bank account considers herself some pumpkin:;, but what 11 thrce-cent-piecc she would have hi en idon Milo of queen Seinirar.iis. She not only had the lucre left by jS inns, but in ten years she had increased it fourfold. Just multiply 1,7511, (i0(, -0U0 by two and you have the amount of her bank balance, to say nothing of jewels ami clothing and furniture and palaces and slaves and cat tle. J lad she sold out and cleaned up she could have drawn her little check for about $!HIO,OO0, (HMI. She didn't worry about where her spring bonnet was to come from, and when a new style of dres.s goods came out she did'nt sit up nights for fear some neighbor would secure a patcrn lirst. While the made it lively for her enemies she was soft on her friends. She guve her waiting maid s2, 5011,11110 in a lump I'm- dressing her hair in anew style, and si: o tossed lhe sanio amount to her drvs. ...:tker as a re ward for the excel lint lit of one par ticular dress. One day when she saw a po,)i' old man traveling the highway on foot she presented him with it 11 asses to ride on, and in sisted on his accepting í;l'"o,oi)0 to pay his toll and tavern bills. Cyrus, King of Persia, from the year 53S to so, bad some liitle chance to begin with, and in ten year he could draw his check for 100,000,000. Jl(. didn't haggle over lhe juice of a slave when u man came to buy, but presented him with one thousand, lie at one time owned :!'). "00 hoisi s, lotion rattle, ''i'0,000 sheep, 15,0110 ases and y.),ooo slaves, and, when he got tired of a palace costing &.", 000,000, he gave it away to some loor washerwoman with sevin children to Mipport. lie one day sat down to a dinner which had cost sir.o.i 100, a,.,! jn t!,,. afternoon he went on a .'0,000 drunk. The policy iidu"t run him in, or he would i.i ahiles.? haw insisted on paying a line of s 1 ."lO.noo iml j. re senting his honor with a corner house and lot in the tonicst part of liabylon. King Mencs was ..Mother will heeled man. It Was d,o liiihli trouble to count I. is cash, and so he weighed it. hie day when all old friend a-ked him for the loan f a few dollars until Saturday night, he sent him a proce.-i. .li of sixty a si s, each animal loaded with loo pounds of gold coin. lie .'.id ÓOO,WOO for a bird that could whistle, the same for a trick dog, and he had such a fondness for white o.xeit thai he hheik'd out ,7.!'.ooo apiece fort hem, and at ode time had a drove of ',000. "When he got out with the boys ho made things lively. Dur ing one spree id his city of Memphis ho guv o away 'J,."oÓ,ooo dollars and didn't get drunk at that. At one time he had t.oo.ooii goldehains 1,000,000 linger rings, loo,nio costly swords, :00,ooo daggers, 11 ud land only knows how many lelilíes, jack-knives, coik -screws tobacco boes. Jlis wife bad i(io,oii uyear n phi money, Hi when his eldest nou went up to Thebes to heclhc elenhant, he was followed by Mm 1 lrieiids. l,iuo slaves. U.ooi horses and .."ioo.oou for fare, clu ik; and hc.c in iin-v. The Situation Ovtr theEiv:. The fol'.iiv. big i'l oi". the .,, .'; ;ivi a :ieity fair idea of the c-.n Tlio Eiovif-ht cf 1G4D. Iran;. r, I t;:ke tí" ol iservti diiioi! in the Lake Valley country coiiürincd by our own citizens w have n turned from that invate-t of mineral inonstro-iiies. Mr. J. iist returned to tho city this morning from a trip 'to Lake Valley and the Percha country, lie says the testimony of people 11 the Percha district is very conilict ing regarding the permanency ol' the mines there. Thus far, 110 rich mineral lias been develojud oth-.;r than the rich sulphide lloat of which so much has been wriiien. Mo shafts have been sunk on the loca tions yet and it is not positively known that tfiere are any g urine lode. Those interested in tin; mines of course say there are, while the bulk of the testimony of other people is to the contrary. Seve ral wr.goij oad Hot' the lloai, have been shippod. Mr. (iist met six or eight on the mad. Some new strikes are reported, runnirg from (0 to Si;oo to the ten. Regarding the towns ami the Irene nil outlook from a business point of view, Mr. (iist, thinks Mttit lias the best, chance thus far, as it h ike shipping point from the road to all that section of country. If tho rail read should be extended a.i elder! v iv.-idt nt theoibrv day. SMis I stopped mm amiasKi d n mere (Were any I h" kin rr tieis around I. is way. "I siiouhl judge so. was a si ranirer myself w hen I test That; was summer kim here of 'p.. Hottest summer ever known in these parts." "Any warmer than tinsT'l asked him. "Siiuimut, Rummut. The sum nier of ' l!Mhe eeilar trees njclted and run along the ground; you notice how red that ere. die t is ''' "Pretty warm," I ventured. "Why, sir, duiin' the summer of '30 we kept meat right on the ice to eep it from cookiir too fast, and we had to put , the chickens in the refrigerator:1 to get raw eggs." " here did you get the ice?'' "We had it left over ami kept it in Viliu water! Ves, sir. The tem perature of b'iliii' water was so much lower than the temperature of the atmosphere that it 3cpt the ice so cold you couldn't touch it with your linger!"' "Anything else fi'arlliug that season f "That summer of 1 Í "Well, guess! The J laclreiisack river began ti b'ile airly i'r",hme, and we didn't see the sky until (.K-iober. for the steam in the air! And fish! iisli! M. WEITBMAN, The Pioneer Store! Carries the Jjirgest Stoek of LO, Clothing, Hab Boots and Shoes, Farming Implements, STOVES, HAEBWARE, TINWARE AXD General Vlerchandise in r.mcqLNcouNTY. All Goods Warranted Strictly First Class. Pricss Lower tlxasi tlio Lowest. lar;'!! !I(Hi!i(Í!:i! mi Ouh hil m Oriiiiul Parkugfls. PoDular Store, (juiot, the excitemeni; nt present centering at Kingston, tho new tov.'ii on trie J eren a. 1 lie i,a.iy Valley mill has starhsl ui again, after being thoroughly repaired. The fact that one company controls all the minea there militr.te against this r.s a very large miring ramp. It is said by some that the town is notan lively ay it wui three months ago, owing, probably to the iloatmg population going in a body to the Percha. About 4!) or .K people are coming daily, passing on to Kingston. The latter town lias a population of from .'350 to 500. Jt is laid out in a narrow canon and can never have more than one street. Con sequently, ii it should become a big town, it will necessarily fie a very long one. There has been a scar city of lumber throughout that whole country, but considerable is now coming in. Kingston town site was located as a mill site and there is trouble about titlei- to town lots, as the parties who located the site can not, under their location, r.cipiiro title for that purpose. Lots, bow-ever, are selling at from &;',.() to i00. One woman has taken a lot and built on it and rc-fu.-;es to pay for it. She is not being molested. It is probable there will be a lull in the boom this winter; for, as soon. :r; people find out there are no mills and no way to reduce t he ores and put money in circulation and that there is great doubt, about the permanency of the mines, it is probable that immigration will cease. At present, people are liv ing o.T the immigrants arryir.g daily, every one of -whom brings a few dollar:) with him. Jf immigra tion should stop the country would be dead, Ililbboro is now piiet, the Per cha, concentrating the attention ol' every one. The road trom N'att passes through bake Valley and llillsboro and reaches K mrs!on the There wasn't sniything but lish until the river iliied up!" "What did you have tlicn?"' "The line.-t oysters and dams yon ever heard of. They walked right ashore for water, and they'd drink applejack right out of the demi john! Ves, sir. Von call this hot! Í feel like an overcoat!'' ""W lu.tis your business f I asked him. "I'm a preacher," he replied. "Py the way, you wanted black berry trees, .fust, keep up the thumb-hand sido of this road until you ci'iiio to the pig pasture and there you will ilnd the trees. Climb up 011 111 v goose roost, and. you can knock down all the berries you want, if you can find a polo long enough." Jiroolhjn l:ul - Postal Servioa. On June ?,0tb last (hero were in o eral ion 70 'J railway pott offices, conducted in 312 wí:oe cars anil lld'J apartments in cars, and run over K 7. miles of railroad, mak ing 7t',7!l,-bN miles of annual service, with u total of .'i,57( postal clerks in the sen ice, with salaries aggregating :.-J8t,77!b oran aver age annua! salary of s7t. During the year the railway postal clerks handled and distributed Ü, l.V,2bV sso letters and postal cards ami 1,27X,17,!00 pieces ef other mail matter, or a total of all classes of oniij ai v mail majter of :5,-i:S:?,:!!M!.-P-0, besides U.L'.M.3I registered packages, and .r7o,-l3 through registered pouches. A Nevada Bridal Tour The other day old Uncle P.ailcy's niece was married at the plank house. The next day the "ole man"' took the new couple on a "bridal tower'' in his old wood wagon, drawn by iwoof his angu lar steeds. Night overtook them at Saint's Rest, 011 the Clenbr,,ok I. i'hev asked whelher thev .Niittto Lake Valley and from Lake ! could have accommodations, and the proprietor of the tavern said ihey co'nd have uli they wanted to eat. "Hut how about the lodg ings if'' iio jtiire-el "de ole mini."' 'l he tawrn keeper, who took in tho sit uation, ointing to a barn on the ot tier side' of the 'road, remarked : "There's the bridal chamber over yonder." The new couple exainin id it, and finding it to their satis faction, turned' in, and the "ole man" slept that night 011 the soft side ( f a plank in the liar room. Thev h ft for home the next, morn- FRESH GOODS! Choice Cigars and. Tobaccos ! 2"vJ fidl line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Provisions arid miners' supplies always on hand. Corner Fine Street and White Oaks Avenue. Everybody Treated Alike. Call and Seo Out Stock. Grand Central Hotel. EVERYTHING HEW ! ow Open for Guests Tili'fhciie Fr? Tor (iaests. Free Coach from All Trains. Fare from Hotel to Trains , l!oard'and bodging, per day Table Hoard, per wci k , f! 50 2.00 7.0(1 50 GEORGE EAYFIELD, Proprietor. .T"0(lh:e of Southwestern Stage Co. dav. The fare h Valley to Kingston $1.50. Oiiio ludeuCiidence. ii'oin roar.. The glory of ( )hio islhat her vote has never beiii tee i.c!usve prop erty of any political party. Asm the prisenv. year there has been in the past a dial of independent vot ing, and i he man or party mu kieji a sound record who a-pires to ihe si'd'ragesof Ohio voters, ( back to l 'il, at the time when the 'rreiit. u.iion republican thirty was UK! eiioV' in i'.s prime, we lind that ( ovenior j ing in lhe best of spirit loo was fleeted by a majority .of id the "tower"' as much as ii" they .Win! ov er Mr. Jewi tt, w hile in had been to "L'aree." (tmm J'j- I1: Colonel Armstrong of the Cleveland 'ittn.ittlci was 1 lei t cd Secretary of Slate of the demo crat ie ticket by 5,5dO, a change of ;',7t'o. In the following year Ih'oiigh was elected (iovcrnor by a majority of l'io,M, a clumgu of l;,H;i. In Js7ü (ieueral Wikoif, republican, was elected Secretary ad. If you liv e; in human society, you must submit 11 its necessities. If you wish to live free, you must con sent to liv e responsible. And, while the facts of sex stand unchanged, the only basis of free, happy, iniio ,.,.nt 1 ,,.,..r. ,.ti.. .,..(,....,') ,.''.i.,,: ol State by II, l. niaiornv, and m 1 . ., . . , t, . , 1 betv.eeu tne sexes h that 01 married uini-iin'i .ineii as i:ieeii'H lo' 1 j'.i". 1 . . 1 "ii dv a miiyirny 01 1 1, a enange 11, MiV, ami in 1S71 Wikoif was defeat ed by n majority of I7.J17, ai-hange of 2-2.7li. ' In Í 7d Colonel J'.arnes, llepulilican, was elected Secretary of State by a majority of i;,!,!'',, and in 1 S77S ovenior ! j-, hop wits ele'-ted by a luajoi ity of ''.j,51, a change of ;l,l.'(. ' In the following vear Üarne.s was iv-chcted by a majority of a, 15-1, a change of 2f',71. 'J hese ai'e some of the past changes that dibrd u parallel fir the vote of ISm' over the vote of lSi.- Tfldn J'HtfHld. B. O. WELLS, HORSE-SHOEING, pairing & JiiniTs' TtwLs 1 SjM'rialtj A1iit'0iki Ave, (pi. Wkiieiiiiia's VJliH'c CsJirf, IT. Z.Z. T. J. LYMAN, Practical Asajer, WHITE OAKS, N. M. lVif. J. M. líiitiiiisMii, OfoloL'ist mal Mining Kiieñnerr A., T. & s! F. R. H. Co. I'm!, ii. K. l'l.uiek. Kansiiii ffiiitt; tnivcTíiUy, l.iiwre'iie'é', KnimM. Ail Reports Strictly Confidential. JOHN JONES, ( CuccsiEe-r to Jones & Kelly,) MAXl'FAC'Tl'UEIi or, AND DEALER IN. Harness, Saddles, Whip, finishes ind Combs, A Full Stock of Every thing in the Line, Skcond Stukkt, Ojiposite Trimble's Transfer, NKW ALliroiMÍÜ'.ílTK, .... XEW MEXICO. Exchange and Feed Stables, Corner of Vino ni JicarríILi Streets. WHITE OAKS, KEW MEXICO 33jaJE5L3331jB2S3 JSLT n"7T Sample Eooms the Best in the City. lMr)K.TKl AND DOMESTIC Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Iiailroad Avenue, 1'et. Second and Third Streets, Ai.imia'i'iiQi'i'; new mexico. PrhaN m l',t SI.íts. . V!, Pr-!ri.r. Lincoln County Leader JOB OFFICE Offert the bent Inituccmenti in Nuw M- Icu fur Job l'mitiiK. Promptness, Neatness and f licapness OUR MOTTO. Work of ETBry 'Deiioriptlnn Furulshcd al lliu uliortcst uolicc, tut our AJtOP TUB Latest and Best Styles. WM MA IB A II'IMITI O I Dodgers, Letter Heads, Pamphlets. Business Cards Visiting Cards Statements, &cM &c, &c. Also a full lina of Mining Deeds, Notice of Forfeiture, Location Notices, Title Bonds, Proof of Labor, &c, &c, &c. KEPT CONSTANTLY ON II AN Ü Add ADNA LMS0X, Manager \n\n t., Vi:!lcv, tl.ut. of c..i;r.. 1 1 i.';v ;r ..m.., ! i.vcr I.;'.vm.