Newspaper Page Text
Liiscchi foiKiív Leader. V rtóiih h) Hie latolBl'inrt) PotwiAine (an3j U.ñ U. HITBI5IJ,L"3, Editor. Mi?A Kansger. STITVO un Tiran of tabxripliaa. One year 9 3 0 Hix inontlm 1,00 Three months 100 SuWrlptloiiH lnvnrlülih- n advance, ñinplc copies 5 cents. Specimen copie f reo. Which the Doctor Applies to tho Iiitck of That OKI Spoilt DeLaney. Ill T TGVi&'-MTS m, EnV-rcd t tlio Post (Tiro at White OukM, N. M., M second el mutter. Saturday, November 4, 1882. &MLAH PEOPLE'S TIGHT. For Pclcirato in Congress, TRANQUILINO LUNA, 0 Vteds County. For the Oonncfl, D. M. EASTON, JOHN A- MILLER. For RoprceetitRtiTe, FLORENCIO GONZALES NICHOLAS GALLE& For 8hcr1ff, JAMES A. TOMLINSON. For ProbMo Judira, WILL. DOWLLN. For iTobate O rfc. SAMUEL R. CORBET. For Treasurer, ARCADIO 6A1S. For County Commissioners, JOSE MONTANO, B. T. STONE, ANDREW WILSON. For School Commissioners, JAUEZ HEDGES, GEO. L ULRICK, FRANCISCO ROMF.RO Y LUXIUa Tho Foghorn man has an attack of tlio Jims. This timo it is Jim Tomlinson. After the election is over, he'll Lavo tlio jams, and lie vriJ Lave 'eta bud. David the And Fiita tli5 Blame on tho other Party, where it Ihlongs. It also Bervee na a Counter Irritant for tho Other Political iuiubca who have rcrstoal Grudges or Grijiings fur Govcmacnt Grub. Aye, There's the Hub ! The Wool a Found EtioSt- ina; in the Teeth oí tie Other Fellow. If tlio Lradee Las accomplished nothing else it Las at least ruBtloc! around this journalistic, ta veyard until it has waked the FogKm from it's Rip Van Winklo sleep. Hello! Good morning, neighbor. "It is alive!" When yon meet a man with an u i leasy tli i nk-wc-will-geti t-on-tho-noot sort of a look on his faco you may 6afely eet him down as a sup porter of tlio dry-waHher ticket. The Regulars are all hoalthy, con iident, wido-awako sort of follows, who snuff victory in tho air. TIiobo who havo boon there, say it is truly pathotio to watch tlie garrulous old crone who mlxea tho witches broth for tho dry-washer conclave, draw down the corners of h'H mouth and slip 'era into his vest jiockota as he sits down to dish it up to tho "Whining bolter" of the Lkadeb. "Pull the string." The Foghorn has gono and blow- cd it all ovor town that tho Lkaixck man is like a fire-cracker makes a loud uoiso and a bad smell, (new joki ). If the L. M. has been steal ing Lis thunder ho is truly sorry and will fire it back to him at once. After carefully watching tho vacuum where tho editor of tho Foghorn had becu spreading himself over its columns for tlio last two months, wo m.edo up our mind that ho had bcoorno so thin it took about four toon of him to make any kind of a HI Hull. ". J I A statement is going tho rounds of tho exchanges that a man has just been released from tho oui tentiary of Pennsylvania who has been in prison thirty years, lie was a forger, and was com icted and sentenced in 1862. What changes that man will find in tho world, and what Ins thoughts must bo' lio owned a house and lot, whici was worth alut $1,50 when ho went to prison, and tho increase in its value, and the incoiuo it hns brought him, now gives him a for tuno of $10,000 to start again iu Jifo. It might bo well lor somo of our fifteen cent capitalists to invest their money tho saine way. There is more money in it than in dealing in mines, besides it would not take near tho amount of "rustling" with the boarMing-houso keepers. South Fork, Lincoln Co. N. 21., October 28, 1882. Editor Lincoln County Lender t In tho lat issue of tho White Oaks Golden Era, somo grave charges aro made against Mr. D. M Jbeston, in winch my camo ap pears : I morely desiro to say in cannec- tion with tho subject that Mr. Easton did not rceeivo, cither from or through tne, any money or any consideration in lieu of money, nor tho promise of any or proposition to that effect, to influence his action in the last Legislature. Mr. JJtiLancy paid mo to go to Santa Fo, as a matter of business. and to further Ids business, he gave mo to understand that in tho event of a Funding Bill becoming a law I would receive the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, to uso as I saw lit, or aa JMr. UeLanoy sug gested, to bribo members of the Legislature, tliis Litter I did not oven sec fit to make tlio attempt. Tho bill passed and I received tho seven hundred and fifty dollars uud kept it. If Mr. DeLaney supposed would leave my business, go to Santa Fo, in tho middle of winter. remain theré ono or two woi-ks, just for tLo sake of charity to him, lie gave me too much credit. My principal anxiety for tho pas sago of tho funding bill arose from tho factv that I was on Dowlin & DoLauey's paper, held by tho First National Bank of Santa Fe, to tho amoujit of nearly nine thousan dollars, and if tho bill did not be como a law, there was a stron probability that my property would bo taken in satisfaction for their dwbta. My telegram to DeLaney, as fol lows: "The Santa Fo party whom you referred to haa offcrred to sac rifice your wool," did not refer to Mr. Easton, but to Mr. W. T. Thornton, member of tho Council from Santa Fo county, who think ing that Mr. EaKton's action on tho funding bill would bo influenced by his enmity toward DoLaney, and knowing that tho county warrants held by DeLaney were tho proceeds of tho Balo c f tho present court house building, offered to accept an amendment to tho Funding Bill, excepting from itá provisions all county warrants issued by the County Commissioners of Lincoln Co., fur tlio payment of county buildings. I am not awaro that Mr. Will Dowlin was at all conversant with tho facts as stated above, at that timo. I merely make this statement public in justice t: Mr. Easton and Mr. Miller. Very Respectfully J. II. ULAZE. Hasten Ar. Charges J)roii Aguin.-it Him. Mors ht South Fork, N. M. ) October IS, 1SS2. ) E"itor Rio Orando Republican. In the Convention held at Mes- 11a, tho. other day, ono of the 'planks" in their platform reads as follows : 8th. Wo are in favor of tho ro pe al of all that liortion of the 'Town site law" pass'.-d by the ant Lcjrielatnre, which requires the owners of lots within town sites on the public domain to nay exhorbi tant and nr.necasary ices to the 'róbate J udire to obtain title to their property ; and wo assert that Keprosentauve JJ. M. Jaston in introducing and securing the pass ago of caid law was animated by no roper motive, and that, said law was passed to benefit individuals at the expenhe oí tho people Tho statements made in tho above extracts aro false. Tho bill in question was written in Col. F, A. Blake's room, at tho Exchange Hotel, in Santa Fe. This gentle man, now a candidato on the "Kickers'" ticket for the Territo rial Assembly, approved tho bill, as ho ho staged to me at the timo, Tho "Town Site bill" was net in- introduced by me, but by the Hon. W. T. Thornton, member of the Council from Santa Fe, passed tho Council, and was referred to tho Assembly for their action. When the bill came up for discussion., I amended it by reducing tho fees allowed to tlio Probate Judge, when the proposed town site ex ceeded eighty acres. The amend ment made a scale of fees ; for as the town site embraced a greater quantity of acres, tho fees were re duced proportionately. Tho bill passed the House as thus amended and was returned to the Council for their concurrence. By V'f, i:i ul i!i he War; i:i p'.itv'f sin.i I't'idouce to S!h had b blackmailing tat 1 I i;it ci'.iiic:. tin- eill.t ',al Mr. en omr H:ccl in tonic " Pcheini', and that if Sligh did not let up on him, he (Thornton) would publish the same. Mr. Thornton also told Mr. Dolan and J udge Toinlinson that he held Sligh's lettters, that if made known would placo Sligh in a peculiar position. Mr. Thornton was present at the Monilla Convention when their platform was read ; took a promi nent part in tho proceedings, and knew thut this part of their resolu tions rtferring to mo was utterly false, totally dev oid of foundation, and by his acquiescence in the pro ceedings as published, mado him self a party to the lie. Very KesyectíuliV he invr-tigale'l in the calm, co.l n:er uviv;i!l of the cainpaL'n. It is the fiiidt of political precedent that the acts of our public Bet vants are only discussed during times of greatest excitement. "Peoples Ticket." Now Mr. Edi tor, we are free-born AmericJn citi zens who at tho coming election intend to exercise our right of suf rago as our judgement dictates, and wo do not propoao to bo guided or influenced by tho Tall Sycamore- or his candidate for tho Council, tho Post-trsder's assertion to tho con trary ! We intend to vote for tho men who aro qualified to fill tho different positions they nspire to, and we believe thesu men to bo tlio candidates whose names appear in your paper on tho "Regular Peo ples Ticket," and I would add that tho above is tho sentiments of tho inhabitants of Precinct No. 7, al though some of them do not wish to D. M. EASTOX TES LOCAL WOOL 51 ARRET. The following Mere received just before going to presp, and are tho very latest quotations. Ono is a copy of a telegTam sent to tho Jiio Orando Jiijmblican, and tho other a letter from Hon. D. M. Easton, and arc reliable : (COl'Y OK TKI.KflllAM.) Four Stanton, N. Mm 1 October 28, 18S2. Rio Grande Republican, lias Onices, N. M. The statement in the Golden Era .1. 1 mat any memoer oi tno last legis lature was bribed by or through me or that any money was paid through mo to either Easton or Miller, in a direct and vilhanous falsehood. (Signed) J. II. BLAZER, Lincoln, N. M. November I, 1S82. Editor Lincoln County Leader : Have just arrived at Lincoln : have had warrants issued for the arrest of John C. DeLaney, S. S, Terrell and Ilelphingslino oa the charge of criminal libel. Iam de termined to push this matter through to the bitter end, and have tho scoundrels who have been en gaged in propagating infamous lies against me punished. 1 . Tl lours res.pecnuiiy, U. M. EASTON. some means, after tho bill reached the Council, the amendment was mids- ing. Mr. Hazledine, of Albuquer que, informed mo of the fact. I . ii lit men wroto anu nanoeu mm me amendment, and he attached it to tho original bill. This was the ex tent of my connection with the wholo matter. Col. Blake not only approved the bill, but, in reference to it, wrote mo the following letter upon hia re turn to White Ouks : mito Oaks, Feb'y, 14, 18S2. Hon. 1). M. Easton, Santa Fe, N. M. DkakSir: I expect vou have received copies of the Era of hist week, and would naturally wish to know how 1 tell about things gen prally. Well, as you may think if I keep oilerce that I cudomeevery- tuin said or unsaid in the r.ra. 1 will state just how things are. On my return troni hanta l'o I had a talk with Mr. Sligh, and expressed myself in strong terms of praise in regard to tho work you wero doing in tho J louse, and urged him to sustain you. I also stated to him that, in my opinion, your genera course would bo a credit to tho county and Territory. I meant what I said, and while I did not presumo to dictate what course he should take m reference to you, liad a right to presumo that mv opinion would receive Romo consid erution. You must bo 3rour own judge, from tlio hies oí the paper. about what amount of considera tion it has received so far. Vou can rely on the above. Very Truly Yours, (Signed) F. A. BLAKE, The GoUUn Era, of tho h.suo refered to in Col. Blako's letter contained an editorial, headed in flaming head lines, "Snkak-Tiiikk Thoknton's Guau Town-Site Bill!" in which Mr. Thornton's course was very severely criticized, as was also my action in supporting tho bul in tho Ix)wor House. Iu a conversation with Mr Thornton, he expressed himself as feeling aggrieved at the articlo in question, and informed mo that h would ma);o Mr. Sligh retract that ho held the whip-hand over him and would into it. Mr. Thon Ion then read to me a letter ho ha written to the editor of the CcU.n Prom tho Eed Clond Precinct Editor Lender : I to givo a true and impar tial statement in regard to the Gallinas mining camp being a legit imate voting precinct and the per sons who were instrumental in so curing tho saino, with its bound aries, etc, I have heard a great deal of talk from the opposition in regard to tho Gallinas as a voting precinct. and m above ntated wo desiro to hurt tho Tall Sycamore's feelings givo a correct detail therein tho by expressing them. voters of Gallinas aro intcrosted. I TREODÍOT NO. 7. In tho first place tho opposition it trying to make it appear that the I JCZLl A. KILLEIi, Alkali Wttllu ara not F.ituAtod in I Lincoln county, consequently tho ÍT1ÉEU ZM FfiM &UW 10130 10 the people ol that locality cannot leg .1 ly voto in Lincoln county, but if these influential parties who had tV:en so much pains to find out that it is not in this county, will take ono half tho trouble to look at tho map, they will certainly fiud that the base line running from east to west runs clooo by tho Wells, but upon a closer inspoction they will find tho county lino several miles north of this baso lino leav ing the" Alkali Wells in this county, If tho Alkali W ella arc not in this county, why ha3 our sheriff been collecting taxes from them for the last two year of more, as wo are creditably informed ho Las done, for the support of the county t Of lato that galvanized smut ma chine known as the Mesilla New and its echo, tho Foghorn at this placo, havo been industriously throwing their filth at tho Hon. John A. Miller, candidate for tho Council on the regular ticket. It is needless to say that in this mutter Mr. Miller has always main tained a comniendablo silence, pro fering rather to let them exorciso tho only talent they possess in their own peculiar ay, much after the manner of other harmless lunatics. Howover,some of Miller's friends, thinking that tlio public generally might not be acquainted with tho T. , V . ' , ' T, I unfortunate malady of which these It has also been asserted by John x. ' , . Yt alters and Frank. Lea that it was through their influence that tlio Gallinas became a voting precinct, but in tills I bog to differ. There was one petition presented to the County Commissioners something over one year ago, but owing to a Another Batch of Wool in Danger. Lincoln, N. M. October 30, 1SS2 Editor Lincoln County Lcador : An article armcarcd in vour isiuo ....... . . oí the 2Sth mst., with reference to certain Lincoln county officials speculating in county warrants. Hiere can be no doubt on that question. Fram January 1st, 1881, to September 30, 1SK2, inclusive, merchandise and honor licenses have been issued by tho Probate l-Ierk, and turned over to tho Sheriff for collection, amounting in the aggrigate to $3,0d7 50, of which sum il,5:.!3 io belongs to the Territory, and an equal sum to the county. lJut not a single' dot lar in currency of the above named sum has been paid into tho county treasury. 1 he bhcrin has no cred its on tho account current book in tho Probato Clerk's office between the 4th dav of April and July 7th, of tho current year. Tho law states that On orle fore the tenth day of each month the Collector shall pay to the County Jreasurer alt nioneus due the count for tajes and licenses or othir-nise collected by him for county or otntr jntrjtnxes, etc. Why has not the law been com plied with i JSecauso it was more profitable to buy cc (in vUdation of uvw) issued prior to diililt with tho county money collected from licenses, and havo said warrants funded at tho July meeting of tho Board of County Commissioners, which bonds were selling ata premium, and then pur chase at a liberal discount warrants issued subsequent to J uly 1st, and not convertible into bonds, and tura tho same into the county treasury ai ineir iaco value. GRAND JURYMAN. The foregoing statement needs no comment from tho Lkadku furthe than the assurance that tho maker of it is in position to learn the facts and does know just what he is talk ing about. Should any one doubt our authority wucan readily satisfy them. Our opponents began this crusade on tho records of candi dates and wo cheerfully take up tho gauntlet thus thrown down. Our only regret is that wo are coinpellec to discuss these matters political can vass, and on the evo of an election, when men's pasuions aro somewhat inflamed. These aro grave mt'Mors which concent tho whole people and should only be 'J I Kf T WD ÍTTV X M I summer, I think In June, Mr. October 24, 1882. ..nine ana sar. uiarn were nero Edltor Rlo 0rande .p . ooking after some mining property, Of all tho reprehensible things and they talked tho matter over resorted to in a political contest. with tho people in that section, and that of tho defamation of the good it was decided to get a petition with character of an opponent is tho tho required number ot names and meanest and lowest íave tho County Commissioners Any man who will Btoop to this act upon tho same. O. D. Kelsoy, 1 practice is unworthy the confidents John Bolton and another party, I or support of the public. have forgotten his name, drew up Not only has this boon done, but the petition, sent it to Judge Tom- wholesale lying has been added. mson, and ho sent it to the County Aa an illustration, take the articles Commissioners, and they declared in tho Mo3illa Ncwsy headed "Tho tho Gallinas a voting precinct. I Graveyard Ghoul. The Dospoiler N ow, 1 am not inclined to be in- of the Dead," etc. It is well consistent ia regard to this, but known by the residents of Silver only desiro to show to tho parties City that the old graveyard in tho that I believe in a true and honest valley at the upper end of town statement of facts, and a fair repre- was a drain through which came at sentation of the matter to tho people least a portion of tho water used by parties aro possessed, Lavo come to his defence, and the Rio Grand Republican this week publishes let ters from several leading citizens of Mr. Miller's own county which ef fectually deodorizes tho filth thus far thrown. Wo Lavo space for but ono which wo give and it will of the county. GALLINAS MINER. Punkin Roo, near ) Roswell, October, 25th j Editor Lincoln County Leader. the citizens living below. It ia well known that our City Council passed an act forbidding further burial in this ground. It is well known that subsequently they Dear Sir: Punkin Roe, so decided to hare the remains of named by one of natures nobleman thoso buried there removed to the who resides, at the present timo, on cemetery established on tLo Fort Bitter creek, (near Roswell also) is Bayard road. a scopo of farming country, lying Mr. John A. Miller mado this on tho ridgo between Roswell and offer to the city government : "To South Spring River, this ridgo is remove all tho remains and placo settled by Grangers, tho writer of thora in tho new cemotory, together this being one of thora, who, to withaplatshowingwhereallknown gether with his neighbors, Lave be- remaias wero buried, taking in con- come dissatisfied and utterly dis- sideration therefor the old cemetery gusted with tho falso representa- ground." tions made in tho Golden Era, by Ho placed Col. Lcdbetter in that worthless vagabond Ash Up- charge of this work, than whom a Bon, who of lato has been in the more conscientious and honorablo employ of tho Tall Sycamore, of geutleman tlses iot live ; and to Roswell, and lis candidate for Col. Lodbetter I refer the writer of the of lico of Senator from this dis- tha infamous articlo, in tho Mesilla trict, writing newspaper articles News of tho 14th. for and in tho interest of this would The articlo above referred to pnr bo Senator, who cannot put three ports to Lavo been written at Silver sentences together intelligibly, ail City by "A Mourner." It bears of which is well known to the set- tho car marks of a scribbler at lcrs on tho ridgo, and in tho faco of Mesilla who visited this city a shoit these facts, the Tall Sycamore is timo ago, and who, In my opinion, working night and day in this is the only man in Southern Ñe .. neighborhood (look out for him, as Mexico who would stoop so low, ho will bo in your vicinity in a few aml 60 degrade Ms maidiood, days) to indueo ns to vote, at tho Politically I am not a friend tc coming election, for tho would-bo John A. Miller: but knowing as 1 Senator or Councilman, and the do that the article referred to t bulunco of tho new and uutricd men baso and villainous fabrication, 1 whose names appear as candidates cannot stand idly by and lot it gc for tho different county offices, on undeniod to tho people, what is termed In these parts thf c. BENNETT-