OCR Interpretation

The Lincoln County leader. [volume] (White Oaks, Lincoln County, N.M.) 1882-189?, September 17, 1887, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87090072/1887-09-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Dovotedüto the Best Interests of Lincoln County and the Development of Its Resource;.
NIJMHK1! 50.
MohR$8lvyA OA flDS.
ADVERTISERS wp-" t,m.i
I.t Ucglstcr U. S. Land Ofllee, lioise
City, Miilio.)
Ofnoo White Oaks Avenue,
Wiiitk Oaks N. h
AnokNKY at Law,
Lincoln N M
Practioo'bcfon; nil Con rtsjof the Ter
ritory. nl U. 8. Lmid Offices.
Lincoln Few Mexico
Wm. H. Ciui.iikh Altiuyueninc.
C. h. Jackson, Socorro
Childcrs, k Jackson,
A Ihnq uerq ins a tid . Socorro. N . M.
WIT Will uritrtke in Lincoln County.
Notarv Public.
N. M.
John Y. Hewitt.
XKW Mf.XM'o.
John McMurcnv,
Miilii Contractor.
Will operate in Lincoln and
Socorro Counties.
Orders mnV I! left at this oflicv.
i K.O U . 11 All K " . Ci ,U A N VI I.I.K A . it I ' 1 1 A II I ( I N
Attornevs at Law
Will practico In all tin court h of the Terr! I lor V
Real Estate and Mining Agent,
W.., Oils. - - N. M.
tl lliim - - i
Clinrlty In l)ltr. Mo.lcnf. jou In I'linrtc-.B
A. . LANK,
Physician and Surgeon,
-Of tho Patron of the Citizens of-
whlir OhIch rimI Vit-tnHy.
Prompt. Allvn,l.inc... Pnm-tuaollecUon
wi.m., oU. N-w Meli
JEK3L. TX.' IloriiioXl.
A lull supply t
Alwuvs on hand. Call and .ee mt
Lincoln Coimif Lender.
Saturday, Scplnulicr 17, ISS7.
W. Caffroy. ESlíot Ja l?Tcjprlctcx
Entered nt the Post f!lcc tit "Whit
Oaks. N M.. iissccond cbissnmtte r.
Lincoln o. Lkadkk, 1 year $2.75.
When Messrs. Llewdlyn and
Dcveraux, ot tlie Santa Fe R. R.
Co., were here the other lay, wo
quietly gleaned the. following
inside facts Iroin them :
They nam that no doubt entered
their minds but what, active work
would be prosecuted on the Kiowa
extension line the present fall.
This highway will be run from a
point west of the Pcgos, thence
southwesterly, taking in, among
other points. White Oaks, Tula ro
so, White Sands, and San Augus
tine, striking tho main lino ot the
A. T. vfe S. F., at Las Cruces.
Another road will quickly fol
low from Rallangcr, Texas, cross
ing tho T. & P. at Colorado City,
Texas, nnd runrún; through Lin-
" The Villian Still Purnued Her "
Sligh has again shied his castor
in the ring, and resumed his rolo
of lying. lie admits all if our
chari;e-i, and then tiles others
against us. Three columns of his
(rut are devoted to us, and it is
presumable that he would have
occupied more space, had ho not
run out ot " C's" with which to
spell our name.
lie says that the moral delin
quinciea we iterated wore prior to
his conversion. Which conver
sion ! It is well known that he
fell from the pulpit into the gutter,
and crawled from the gutter into
the pulpit. Jn our first interview
with him, he remarked, " I used
to be a preacher, and a damned
good preacher too."
Hut the pup he presents won't
stick. Jt was since he was last
convert til that ho bought tor a song,
Sue. Y ounker's mules, harness and
wagon, an outfit which had been
offered to others, but refused be
cause it. was known then, as well
as now, that the party oflering it
had no right to sell it, and that if
he hail he could have secured sev
eral times as much for it. This,
Sliijh knew then as well as he
does now, and as everybody will
know it bo ever irons to tri.'il on
coin County in a diagonal dircc-
tion to Albuquerque, making the
shortest and most direct route from
the Oulf f Mexico to the Pacific
They say that an evidence of
contemplated business on the part
of the A. T. & S. F 1Í. 11. Co., is
to be found in the fact that hun
dreds of acres are occupied by
millions of ties, which our inform
ants are satisfied will not. "long en
cumber the ground they now oc
Mr. Llewellyn informed us that
the rate from F.ngle t Kansas
City tor cattle has been reduced to
$100 per car, a reduction of 11
.iiO per car over the past year's rate,
and 10 per car over the rate which
lias been in operation since the
passage ot the Inter-State com
merce law.
Mi.i. L expressed surprise and
pleasure at the strides which
White Oaks had made since he
was last here, and he said that the
dullest mind and most phlegmatic
blooded could see and feel that
the prosperity now dawning would
break with electric force in the
near future, revealing fortunes to
the patient workers who have so
long stood by the fortunes ot our
town through sunshine and stwm.
Had it not been Suiulav, he would
nave taken title deeds to sutne
our town property, but he will not
be content until he possesses him
self C)f some uf it.
J. T. REID & Co
WHITE OAKS.. .....N. M.
I K A 1. 1. US I N
ISirc lrJ M'l''c'
,;tU, JWfuwcnj, S.'j Toil'i
Article litent MH-
t;., av., tv.
Accurately compounded ' "
Ano the cry is ' still they
come!" On Tuesday the wife of
Ed. Honiicll presented him with a
pledge of her adectionate regard
in the shape of a bouncing boy.
At first, Ed. was so cestutie that he
1 eoiitcinplat. d wearing the little
lellow as a badge to the O. A. R.
Encampment at St. Louis, but bet
tor eoun.-el prevailed, and his wife
will wear it on her breast until the
old veteran returns from the wars.
We extend congratulations, and
trust he little lellow may grow in
stature and patriotism to the di
mensions of his respected dad.
Sioux City, la., is building a
corn-cob "palace" in which to
hold a "corn carnival." The fes
tivities are to begin Oct. -i th, and
to last four days. "The principal
streets w ill bo arched and deco
rated with corn, and the ladies
will wear corn as a deem ;dioi:."
ing over him.
What a spectacle for a preacher.
And then to see a minister asking
for a change ot venue in one case
because of prevalent prejudice
agai nst him. and in another a con
tinuance. Then it was since; his last con
version that he swindled W. II.
Weed, the leading merchant of
this town, whom he went out ot
his way last week, to pile insult
upon the injury theretofore inflict
ed upon him.
Conversion forsooth ! ! Convic
tion trenerally precedes conversion
a quickening of the conscience.
Conviction should follow conver
sion in his case, and it it does not
at the next term of court, then he
or the witnesses against him will
be dead, or justice miscarry.
Sligh then circumstantially relates
a conversation between "(jrand-pa
Henley" and ourself relating to
him, whereas Mr. Henley will toll
anybody that the name of Slih
was never a subject of conversa
tion between us. Also, that we
solii-itod an advertisement from
the old gentleman, which is also ;i
clean cut lie, as we never solicit
advertisers or subscribers. In
this we are. unlike the. editor of
the tint, who threatened Eddy ot
Socorro with an unwholesome pub
lication it' he withdrew his adver
tisement 1 roí 1 1 him, as also a lady
advertiser of Socorro under simi
lar eiicumstances. Parties in this
town were similarly notified.
I hit our hands are full this week,
and we will now wash them for
the present. We have hot irons
in the tire, however, and lordy !
how he will squeal when we apply
them. Meanwhile we respectfully
call the atteuton of the Farmers'
Alliance to the character of the
n., in whom they have delegated to
represent them as their organist.
He should be lired by them as he
Vii by the Congregational church
(ov. ÜAUfi.Lir of California is
dead. ThoCov. was a Democrat,
elected on his personal popularity.
The Republican candidate for
Lieut. Covering was elected, and
has taken the (lovernor's place by
riiiht of succession.
Headquarter, ! i t. f N. M.
Grand Army ot the Republic.
White Oaks, New M"ficc.
Sept. 12th, 1887.
NO. 5.
Kor the infoniiatiim of cnmriiilcs of this
DcpnrUm nt who wish to tti'inl the lst
Xiit ioiiul laicriiiiimctit, to lie hi Id In the
City of St. I.nuis. comiiiiiiciiiL' Sept. the
27th, the .'.following instructions are
ven :
Hali s have finally hern secured over
the A. T. & S. F. Kallroad for all noinls
in New Mexico. Hound trip tickets can
he procured at all the principal stations
alniii; the road at half the usual rates.
Sale. of ticket to hein the 12'2nd of Sept.,
and continue unlit tl.c2.j;li. These tickets
will lie good foi the return trip until Oct.
Tith, with a prohahlu exteisioti to the
:10th of same month
Comrades who wish to procure sleep!!!;
ear itceoiunimlalions should apply at once
to A. W. Heppy, the lujeut at East J, as
Department lIeadiiiarteiH will he loca
ted during the Encampment in Parlor No.
Planter's Hotel, one of the most cen
tral points in the city.
The Department Commander wishes to
see as many of the comrades present as
possible, so that New Mexico muy move
with the procession instead of hein sim
ply an appendage. Kearny Pust, No. 10,
of "White Oaks, will present the Depart
ment with a magnificent banner to he cur
ried at the head of the column at all oc
casions jf parade. As n further distinct
ive murk, it is earnestly desired that each
comrade provide himself with a cactus
cane, to he carried while in attendance,
and especially while on the liuu of march.
The uniform adopted by the Depart
ment, is the regulation Grand Army uni
form, not only because it is the most ap
propriate for n veteran soldier to wear,
hut because the price is in reach of any
comrade, no mutter how humble his cir
cumstances It is therefore sincerely
hoped that each member who attends the
Encampment will appear in uniform.
Immediately after the close of the En
campment, there will he an excursion over
the Louisville anil Nashville Huiboad to
the City of Atlanta and intermediate
points, giving an opportunity to visit
many of the old battle tields. The fare
from St. Louis to Nashville and return, is
fixed ut 7.50 ; to Chattanuga and return.
$10 ; to Atlanta and return, $12.75. with
the option of returning to Cincinnati! in
stead of St. Louis.
The attention of Post Commanders Is
called tolhe circular and blank.-1 recently
furnished for registering the names of the
comrades of their Posts who will attend
the Encampment. It is necessary that
these blanks be tilled out at. the very tarli
csl po.-.oie la. a.cnl and forwarded to the
chairman of the proper comniitiee at t.
Louis, in ordi r that Hie HegisW may be
as nearly complete, 1 ,-,s po .- Vie before
the delegations begin to arrive, otherwise
it, will be impossible for the committee
to finish l)i: work satisfactorily
The records of lien Hopper Post, No. 4,
ui'u now ill possession of these lleaibniar
Uts, nnd all former members of that or
ganization who were in good standing on
it's rolls at the time the cnarter was sur
rendered, can procure transfer cards on
application through the proper channels.
While it is not proposed to make the
Ib achinan ers of the Department an ex
hibition, yet it i- suggested that all mem
hers who attend the Encampment, and
who have uniipie or specially valuable
specimens of mineral, or other of the pe
culiar products and resources of New
.Mexico, should bring them to St. Louis.
Such specimens would not only interest
our comrades fiom the East, but would
benefit our Territory.
liy order of
John Y. IIi.wht,
Department Cftinmamier.
Lkk 11. llrnisiLi.K,
Assistant Ad jutant General.
Tin; New Mexico Hoard ot Im
migration must be a sorrv lot, re
flecting but little credit on Go.
Ross, who constituted the Hoard.
The Raton Independent says, the
representative from Colfax Co. is a
disciple ot lree rut-gut. The mem
ber from Hemalillo Co., is an ab
sconder u fid smuggler, and tho
representativo from Lincoln Co.
is an ex-preacher, one ofi whose
head now hangs an indictment,
freighted with criino and disgrace.
Wo mean J. E. Sligh, editor of the
Nogal Gut.
MURDER MOST FOUL.M'"' tlu- b..v "i the murdered
man had been found cove red up in
the White Sands, near an old stage
Txx tlao ToilH.
Our people were startled cm
Tuesday night, by the arrest of a
man who called himst.lt Charley
Neil, by Dept. Sherill Ltmgston,
accused ot a most cold blooded
murder, ihe tacts in the case us
near as we have bee n enabled to f
ascertain them are, that the pris
oner, .Neil, persuaded a Mexican
by the name of Edwardo Mendoza,
to go with him from El J 'aso,
Texas, to La Luz, with his team,
to bring a family from tho latter
place to El Paso, and that he
would pay Mendoza three dollars
a clay tor his services. A day or
two after starting, parties in El
Paso, who knew the prisoner, ad
vised the brothers c t Mendoza to
follow them, as they felt assured
from the well known character of
the man, Neil, that he would ei
ther rob or murder Mendoza on the
road. Acting on the advice given,
the three brothers, Antonio, ('ar
los, and Jose Mendoza, started
from El Paso on tho 3rd. On
reaching La Luz, they were in
formed that neither the prisoner
or their brother, Edwardo, had
been seen there. From that point,
they went to Tularosa, which they
reached on the 9th, where they
found their brother's wagon, har
ness and a mule, in possession of
Pat. Coghlan, of that place, who
stated that he had bought it from
a man who came from El Paso.
After eaiefully examining the wag
on, traces of blood were found un
derneath the bed, and also, that
an attempt had been made to rub
the blood off the inside of the
wagon bed with sand. Coghlan
informed the brothers that the man
who had sold him their brother's
property, started off in this direc
tion, on horseback. Convinced
that their brother, Edwardo, had
been foully dealt with, they came
to this place, where they soon
spottetl their man.
Wh -ii arrested by J opt. Shenil
Ltmgston, Neil had in his posses
sion, the murdered man's revolver,
hat, pair ot shoes, shirt and pan
taloons. The hat, Neil has been
boldly wearing around White Oaks
tor the past three or tour clays.
When arrested he was eating
supper at the house ol his halt
brother, Jim Price. The general
st.ition that formerly belonged to
Mr. Pat dubbin.; Mendoza was;
murdered by Neil with cither an
ae or hatchet, as shown by tho
head when the b' dy was found,
being si lit ojien. TI c murderer
took very little pains to conceal his
! victim, as the body when found.
was covered with a tew weeds and
grass piled on top. From the
blood on the wagan, he must have
been struck dead by his murderer
sitting on the scat, driving his
team, dragged out of tho wagon,
and left where found.
Neil is from Texas, a young
man, about 2." years, in whose ev
ery lineament Nature has imprint
ed the name ot " murderer." It
is to be hoped that tho caurt, soon
to be holden at Las Cruces, will
mete out speedy justice, and riti
New Mexico of tho murderous
Fort Stanton, N. M.
Sept., 11, INS".
Capt. 1. II. Rogers and wifo,
returned from Las Vegas yester
day, where they have been visit
ing the last two weeks'.
Capt. Taylor, Post Surgeon, will
leave this week, to attend a consul
tation upon the serious illness of
Lieut. Decil, Fort Winuato.
W. II. Fender, Post baker,
mysteriously disappeared from this
place Monda night last. He was
quito successful in his business,
and no cause can be assigned for
his sudden departure.
Two very interesting gamos ot
base ball have been played here
between picked nines from the In
fantry and Cavalry. The Infantry
have, in both cases won the game.
Score last Sunday, 13 to 12.
Lieut. Statsonburg played center
field in the hist game, and, altho'
somewhat out of practice, showed
himself to be an old hand.
Many here would like to seo a
repetition of the gamo between
Ihe Post club ami a nine picked
up from anywhere in the county.
teel sure that with ui'imn nm
on proiuo-ition principles, victory
will be ours.
fien. James Lonjstreet. lives
supposition is that the murder was I Ik
committed at the v lute and:;,
and the murdered man buried in
the sand, lie was taken from
here to Tularoso on Thursday, by
the Sheriff, where he will be ex
aiiiinetl. ,
A singuhu" cohicidon'-e is that
the murder was committed m the
inmediato vicinity of the slaying
of the Nesbit family, one of the
murderers of whom was hung at
Las Cruces a couplo of years ago.
Neil gave a bill of sale to Pat.
Coghlan of tho murdered man's
mule. To Coghlan, and people in
Tularoso. he gave hi name as
Henry Allen.
Tho inurtlerrd person was a
votitiL' man aced 22 years. On re-
turtiinii from his ill fated trip, it.
was his intention to go to Chihni.
hua, Old Mexico, there to marry a
girl to whom ho was engaged.
The body, at last advices, was not
found, but as tho wagon was traced
in tho sand t a point where it
turned out of tho road and back
into it iiL'ain, tho remains aro doubt
less found ere this, his brothers
having gone back on that mission.
Since writing the above, Mr.
Last Monday, S. Rurkhart, dep
uty Cierl; of the 4th judicial court
district, W. E. Gortner, Stenogra-
ieddy" Minner, of
! Las Vt".'a. paid their first vUir t..
White Oaks. We assisted in do
ing the honors t ) them, but before
starting out sought to impress
them by reciting in our most
impressive manner :
" Whisky r. Whisky '. mine of life,
Spnugof envy, source of strife,
Could I but half thy curses tell,
The win would wish thee safe in hell."
Seeing that it had tho desired ef
fect, we meandered forthwith thorn
and pointed out to their vision tho
places requited to deal in intoxi
cantss, so that they could avoid
them. I'efore leaving on Tuesday
morning, they called to return
thanks for our considerate atten
tion, and in parting said they
nevr struck a town where the li
quor averaged so good as in Whito
Oaks. We hope to see the jolly
trio here again at tho next
term of court. They made many
friends while here.
Si use un:i-; for tho Lkao
,i oiili.t liii'in bolleo on tbi KiittiTnit
ot i mountain in North Carolina. 1 .1. M. l e .n tt from the l! jiito,in
l!. S. Mahsmal Cozzcns, lather
of Phoebe Cozzcns, the St. Louis
latly lawyer and lecturer, is dead.
A good man has gone to hi, reward.
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