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there will also be preaching at the same hour in the Academy. OC;- We are requested to stale lo the citizens of this county that the Rev. James Murray and Rev. Joseph Sandifer will preach in this place on the 2d Sunday in August next—on the evening of the same day, there will also be preaching at the resi dence of George W. Wilson. in another column ol tins paper will be found a communication signed “T. Greenhat” which we lay before our read ers for a careful perusal. We hope that Greenhat will continue to send us some of his production every week. Have every disposition to pairwise “mo* dest merit” hut really boys, there are so many applicants besides you, Jones, La vine and Johnson, that we are in “a fiix” how to accommodate you all. We are ready however to receive proposals for each and nil of you to the fair object of your de sires, and lecommnnd you to her favorable consideration. Address the “Divine Belle of Yalobusha,” care of Howe o d. Coffee* ville, postpaid; and be careful to describe your persons, sizes, aces, habits, and the number of dimes and shirts you posses, and your respective dispositions, tempera - ■ ments—in short conceal nothing: but can didly dcrelope yourselves in full. We are rec’ies.'ed also to require I. .m every appli es., i i.ii opinions fully and fairly expressed on the imccsting subject of Pvstltt. On V.? momentous and all engrossing topic f’-re unis! be no disguise, no reservation, no n w-rummittalism. Each aspirant must come out “flat-footrdly,” and state whether lie has or has not been for Bustles first for Bustles last, and for Bustles all the time! > fiSiher ihe lovely umpire who is ihe p iz o; >he successful applicant is or is not ir i'vor of the ‘“Great Measure” of the limes, is studiously concealed, in order that there may be no“irimming” or “chon ging” by applicants to secure iheir obj.-ct. * Forward y ur epistles boys as early as possible—nothing like promptness in affairs • of moment; and don’t forget 'o pay the t*esi —Dot. Democ at. 0t7“ Does the right reverend editor of the PoHar Democrat call lii« horrible de jri'and y! nventory of our wardrobe, n fo* C j! r: u require of us, before he v. s ! use , ;iys<ly influence 'o nur favor n h ihe “DrrWfae..o of Yalobusha f’ It is itturu that the dear creature should v -b to ano’.v sr.tneihipg concerning our parses,hot - J-rrs «hecomes to the counting of our shirts—sm* Lord! Wef , icvereiid sir, we must say that your ideas come a little short of thechival rous standard of ihe olden time. Dimes, shirts, bustles and postage ring in the era with a base and modern sound, compared wiih love, truth, courage and virtue. But Howe, you are married yourself, and sell little books fora dime apiece, and the ro, mance of your younger and purer years ir lost and swallowed up iu the earthly reali ties of life. You may soar a very little, hut yeu never get higher than the bustle al the farthest, and since yon express s i mud doubts as to our success, we flatly tell you that we strongly suspect, the “liule wife” . (hat you hold up so temptingly needs a bustle it* she has out already got one— Belafa. ——w—mer- - - *«*■" For the Journal. - t Messrs. Editors: i I cannot imagine how a person without ' grer.t trepidation offers an original com- I position 10 a newspaper fi-r publication. 1 Now 1 am an old bachelor, who makes ; twenty bales of cotton and doc 3 not owe a cent to any one, and consequently am independent, yet to confess the truth I am as nervous in addressing this comniunica tion to you, as a young girl on first coming into society. Our neighborhood school master who lives wilh me, (and who by the way is a very shrewd old fellow) will be found terribly in fault, if by his encourage ment I have been perruaded to do a foolish thing, for he says that the Constitution and Code of laws which i have draw n up for the government ot California is well worthy of the public eye; indeed on cne accasior. when we had got a little mellow over my Mnnongahcla, he wee! mo far a3 to asseil that if my production were adopted and fully observed, the golden age would be restored. But 1 forget that you are in the dar!c « to the causes which induced me to undertake •his tny great work. Well, about a year ago as I was enjoy ing the pleasant htec7.cs, to nav piazza a tra veller on fvit carrying a little bundle in his hand was parsing my gate. Being verv anxious to hear the news that might t>e in circulation f courteously invited him to stop and partake of some refreshments.— Poor fellow—Another look satuned me 1 that he w as crazy. I da not menu that he was a vicious, rav- 1 ing madman, but from some cause (possible unrequited love) had fallen in u that slate of innocent derangement (if [ may be al lowed the expression) which is ch .racteri it-. «• • -• . . me ui v. >rivjnar> schemes on which the excited fancy revel with a kind of intoxication. Having re ceived a complete education this unfortun ate wanderer defended these fanciful schemes of his with astonishing ardor and plausibility. In a day or two, during which he, was recruiting his strength for the prosecution of his weary journey, I had Uj)on ^is confidence so far th*’, he with an air of great mystrry pressing my arm significant 7 at the Seine time, told me that he had a I-1,1 ii on foot to select a chosen company of ■heright kind of men, and at their bean occupy California aud hold it independent ngR'nst the world. f.ook ai. >ad over the Un led States, said ho, and behoh! the n, lititudeuf errors in morals, in R- ligion, in polities that n>e inseperably combined aud interwoven wiih the existing order of things. We must start anew and by the lights of experience ove'd the rocks on which we are about In split. And that is the country for a wise innn to go to. It possesses that charming medium which unites ihe principal ndvan I ^ei oft.vo zones. A salubrious c-iuna e, a fertile scjjF. On (he one hand the broad Pacific presents facilities for unbounded iritercov "ith other nations, 01. the other hand the gentle unduL.ions of the surface gradually increase in uolJncKS until they swell up into lofty mountains, whose snow covered summits op. the verge of the horizon reflect back the rays of the selling rtin. Tl __ • _ I* K o uciu wiiiim uiv uituiiiicicu^e hi a »ew miles the emigrant may find all varieties of temperature, and facilities for prosecuting any branch of agriculture. W* should be independent of foreign countries for there is u’o necessary nr luxury bat what there abounds. Besides, added he, we and our descendants would always be uncotiquered and UQconqnerable. Should an overwhelm ing host 'nvfdeour land we will retreat to the mountains and defy the foe. Ah! love ly terrestrial paradise—Iio :r dues the blood course cheerily through the veins, and the wearied spirit glow with enjoyment as one breathes that fine mountain air! Life there is an enjoyment. How different from that, your rich lands in Texas from whose wet alluvium streams up continually, pois onous miasma which pervades the hot at mosphere and chokes up ‘he pure cunen's uf life. Here, said he, you can be of some ;se in the great w ork. Have re. dy for my inspection when I see von again the outline of a constitution and code of laws, cr yon may point out eiiors in the existing state of throes here. By enjoroing this upon alt that are capable, we shrill have a tre mendous amount of information to act upon when we get into operation. Break through ail prejudices. If you should come to the corc.usion that money is the root ot all evil—say so. I believe mvself we oogh: to abolish money. But of that beieaftei. I have thrown together some hints on the subject of religion which you must take tune to look over. I must be g^ne, I roust enlist ten thousand men and have no leis ure to remain with you. Farewell! And selling Ins Utile bund'e tie up .n a cut!on i .ndkerchiet this interesting monomania" vitlr r dignified wave oi the hand took his eavc. A though the injunction placed ip m me was highly ridiculous, yet itsug pts’ed n plan by which 1 can nvoid thr onewnrieness of ninny a vaeant hour, mil I have occu.dona! engaged in this work will* ns much zeui as though I were & talon or a I.\dirges. Ad hough f i&teiuN ;d whin 1 wminr ,ced thi.t piece to ffitvc idvanced some views on p •lilies, which ! rave pre ty well digested, yet ns I Iru =pgn out n.y communication to a coils: dr rble ...vcni already, I will ot a subsequent lima present them ibr your consideration. T. GREEN HAT To be Continvetf. More of the Movements of our Troops. The Picayune of the 22d lilt, rays “if. rave been favored with a letter from one' »f the brave officers of that favorite regi* nent of the West, th j 2d regiment of Dra goons, dated Tort Jesup, July 17. Hein* terms us that seven companies of the regi ment, under command of Col. T wiggs, a re here prepared intake up the line of m. rch iverland for Corpus Christ!, as soon t»s hey are officially informed <>f the passage if the Annexation Resolution by the I’cxan Convention. He goes '“on to !:ry:— “The command, consisting of seven rompatries of Drag--ons, will number 450 nen. A train of about six'v public ins will accompany us on the me di, for !;e transportation of supplies Our lurie hiigablc quarter master, Oapt. O. Crus*, ■xerted unusual cneigv in I'isnreparc'.i i.Tj j taf l!lrt milio? f. ! ti.. . I --.v IHU1 , I..need so mv iriv in ihc imaginations of I tome of the 'W.'.i-wishers or the 2d Dra gons in Washington have vanished ere ihey have been fairly grappled with. “Amongst the preparations for our e;,. iranee in'o Texas, and not the least im* poitant either, is the arrangement, by our distinguished 'oand j„.injctol>, Otoffi, of an ''■Aii*exation March and Quickstep,” to h. performed by the Dragoon band upon the occasion of the planting of the American flag upon the Western bank of the Sa* bine. “Asa list of the officers of the 2d Dra goons about to proceed on this march mat not prove uniiiteiesting to yourself and your readers, it issu'-j .ined, tor the H..tilde purpose of keeping tMeir f:tends n.farmed of their movements, and to inform them that letters will be receive.J by any cf 'hose named with the greatest degree ot certainty, if they, aie “po-’-piiul,” and directed to Corpus Chrirti, Texas, care <d‘ die Umttd States Qj u.etmaster, New Orleans. FIELD AXD STAFF. Col. J. L. Tv. i^t2d Dragoons. M..j. T. 'I* F.-mitVrny « Aiij’t. II il. Sibley, “ Quartermaster—Cap'.. O C.«, s. T -’in. of Sabsisteme—wt.Cupt. R. A \rno!d, 2d Dia; x>r.s. Surgeon—W. L Wharton. Assistant Surgeon—Georg-j Buist. Topographical Engineer—A.G.Stevens 2d Dragoons. UNI?. ) Captains—VV. M. Fulton,(8); C. Ker. (K); Sctli Thmuit.ii, (• );C. A Maj.IK); W. Hunter. (H); L. P. Grr.hain, VV. J. Hardee, (<J|. First Lieutenants—C. P. Ransom, (K); A. Lowry, (B); VV. H. Saunders, (C), Fowler Hamilton, (li); O. F. Winsinu, (D) . Second irentenan's—It. B. Campbell (E) ; William She's. (H); LewisNeill, (K); It. H. Anderson, (U;; George T. Ma son, (C). Brevet 2d Lieut’s—J. H. Whittlesey, (D); Augustus Cook, (F). First L'eul. Juge, ?d Dragoons, wiil bo | left in command of this post, in charge of the sick, &c. Since the above was in type, we learn from the Captain of the steamlioat Champ bin , 'hat lie took down and landed on Sou day morning, at the tnou'h of Ktd River, a detachment of 71 men of the above re giment. They will join the seven cora uanies at Fort J'-Mip, ar.d proceed with ihcni 'n Corpus Chris?!. Mexico. The Mexican brig, Deifme, 14 days from Vera Cruz, brings advices to ihe 3d ult. IV >m that pluce, and la tl.e £8ih from the Capital. The Mexican papers are nrutuaHy si lent on ‘healthjuct of Texas and |b< . ,=i Hon she bolds at piesen* towards the U. States, although the intention of the U S. Government lo send troops to the fr< niior of Tex as was known in Ik a Capital on the lOth nit. The Mexican Government had made * I«v division of the Re ubhe into ten mili ary depart meat?—the fifth comprise? Vueva Leon, CoahuiU, Tamaulipus, and 7i.r<M—-thereby intonating that she him* intends tn pjovalc for the TeJtrr.s us cili sens of the Mexican R.;p obL-v The Diarij del -vbirn.i announce* |! - vniire peace e-tabli.-L . -nt v( th* Atoxic in ’.rn-y, ti rnrsi.: ofnbntd 30,00 > i ’9.0 *0 lo«4,0f&p0 cuvu!ry, 2 £00 aritilci v ind 1.300 ,.'ie*? n:..l t. ibc-rs. c*c; soil, s l?'-rt:o»- of which ire it p**»ecnt engage.) v'o the frontier against. tae inditas. The President Las convoked the CSt;~ !>!«:«.> Tar the ConsjileraiinB of various inter nal improve.item?, affecting the tariff, t c„ nod alto to place before them tej proceed ing? taken Ly the Government on the *le su'u'ions concerning Texas, passed the lest session. These resolution* empowered the President to maltc terms with Texas on unyi .-nddmns save her annexation io the United hu‘. «. Wc shall now sic wlmt dye consummation of this act will lave on die Gin :rs. A new military in tvemont has taken date in the orgir.izi.ion of tee miiitia, tuder the title of Inc “Iiafeuders of the Ij'i'V*,” Gen. Rangel, the leaders rf the last at* tempt al a revol’iii .n, lias been sentenced <» *en years’ im;ifbot.:ncnt, ha- of rank imi pay, and Gen. Besadre, the ;•?*•■ iatoof i'ana tz i, had hfoti removed to the Castle >f San Juan de U'.loa 'YW llesprria says “It has 1 c'-n under doc I ihiii fc’anta Anna has received ih** bcind Cross or Charles III. of Spain, and rails on the Government for information on Lr^ particular; as in such case ho ha? !• r oit-al niS light nnd 'iile to 'be pension id !..'.ved Inn: by Mexico—as weilasih.u of a Mexican citizen. Vessels are permitted to enter Tobasc > in ballast when freighted with dye-woods. I'!*.e Tolmsquenos have petitioned for the f ee entry of flour. The two war steamers are still lying at Vera Cruz in an unfit state for sea.—N. O. Bui. General Jackson’s Last Will and Testament. Extract of a letter Jrom Nashville, dated June 7, to a gentleman in Washington. The last wi I and testament of the old hero, was this dsy approved in our county court, and is of public record. He com mences by giving his body to the dust whence it came, his soul to God that gave it, &c., devoting his estate, first to The payment of two debts, viz: one of $3,000, with interest, borrowed of Geri. I’lauche, ■jfNaw Orleans; anmhcr of $IO,OCO, wiih interest, borrowed of Biair & Rives; nnd the balm ce 10 bis son, Andrew Jackson, jwith the exception of a few servants, to Iris grand children. The sword presented him by the Stale of Tennessee, he gives to A. J. Do’i^ldr aor, (hi' nephew,) now charge de affaires t'i Texas. The sword presented him at > • Orleans, he leaves to Andrew Jack sen, tl e son of his old friend General Cof fee. The sword presented him at Phila delphia, he leaves to his granJ son and and namesake. The sword and pistols which he carried through the Bri'i&h and Indian wars, he leaves to Gen. R. Arm* strong* The pistols of Washington, by him given to Lalayttte. ird by”' giver, to Jackson, he lea: - to George Washington LtiCiyeltt, the sen of Li.ttyeve. Sundry other presents rr.adc ruin during ms tnr,arxl e* of tut career, ire lei I wall bis tijm-li'u sen, Andrew J.wksnn, jtu, with instructions to him, i that, in ti,e event of war, they phu!i, | tho resiunuiep of pence, be distribute-l | amongst thn.->e w!ra shall ixive conducted themselves most worthy of their country I in tin! conflict, in the opinion of their I 'viMinttymen nnd the Indies.’ I' is ha ed, t (bin!:, in September, 184*1, soil revokes n will made by him several years before. It i-= in bis own steady and ikm hand w;itmg, arc like all thing' that ever fell liuni hus pen breathes the purest jisttin'ism thrm; iuint. The Pi enfant.—Toe L ran, in a re* fent article thup, lei'ets to the President of the United States: •‘Our foreign relations have occupied no inconsiderable pnrtiou of his >ir..e. lit* is em;.l atbuilly a wo.kir.-g P.rsw' uit, and hr* Iris boon most fortunate in having nro . ’j hi»i5 a talen'od, baintopi.xir, and vvekit.,* cabinet. To bis energy, w isdom and '.jre cast, is the Ciiimfry, in a great mcn-u.e, indebted for tire speedy, harmonious. -nd g! inhumation of .he annexation c.f Tex"# to the Uiiin d Stales, according to he .ci.iis prescribed by the resolutions ol Congress. A strong naval force was promptly placed in the Gulf of Mexico, nnd the army in the southwest concentrated on too Sabine; thus giving assurance to the Texan people that so soon as annexation w wWfWtlw-rK* itTthey »#«u lie ■# tier die protection of c m fl ig. The naval force O' played »»if Vera Cruz wave a cb» • met „iid ?ij..ifn.u*t i.iji< at ion In M'ln.ii' that at lint'senM’ tune i»i:r d***re was Spid tho S'rieJ uhskYv; *i.rC of "at treat*, •• - .Minus'wIth power, we wrrw|tr**j.a»* -v to iorifci th •• ggreariv.’ tvi 'ti'e* v In ■ il.XiCo iitr :a!v»ujd .it tli.-. citrliV |e*.. cfcp 1’ijj ;l.« teinjs , k. ticxa.i .1 ,tHcpy soil hr vc Ctvog' ;s*i. “!• is dufii 1..1 • csiiro«t».. tho winch heto me-gf-i ,e ro*msnrfs o* ihe ad igiitisM I'iiMi produced in dti' Iticvro t>i,f!i im-kmc n.iy hmule mo. emrttl, « web as :.ig:v.i)g cmihitmiD in Ti v.» nws she would ho frutreted and do.ended In giving her c*f cut li» iho I'nmo.’' Hen 11. J. Walker ~ l lie M el Mississippi may well be proud tl her dis* tingufshed son, the Hon. ft. J. Wiikef.— Hisi.kise attention to the dutiegof the ; ti» iioii over which he has b^en culled to pre ’ide, his onpnetty sed his unremitting in dustry have won foi him golden opinion* i from ev„-i-y pari of *he counlry. 1I;3 rtf declaration that tho “Tariff must he reduced to the revenue standard,’’ h.v be.en hailed, with joy by every one who is ! :n laver of Iree-Iratle, jusf legistntion nini unrestricind commerce, The aide Secre tary. of the Treasury will doubtless con •.oc!, and present for the people's represen i.tiiive* in the next National Legislature a •y.mfor revenue founded o» the principle >( justice, and free f fO»Yj fVynpa fp&4??rC9 I *h:ch like the present Tut iff system rear a 'it'd ;j< t! Hass who fatten anti become er> :-*( >i it t lie ; x[ u.nsc of the masses.— Ya zoo Democrat. The Stcraar-j <j the Trtaniry—This i;tiiit!enmn 1ms keen made a mark for the bitterest d» ntmeintions of thfe whig pte-s His unyielding devotion to Republican principles—liis sagacity in first proyot-ng ■ lie name of Andrew Jackson as the lead of the democratic party—his energy in de velop ns the immense benefits of the an nexatiyn of Texa«, and the learning and n bility which he displayed in impressing its importance upon the American mind—but above all, his stern resolution to reduce the Tariff to‘‘the revenue standard,” in accordance with his long cherished prin ciples—a'l these things have tniule him pc~ culiarly objectionable to the whig parly, and no exertion has been spnred to break down his influence, and, t’ rough him, 1o sltike a fatal blow at ihe Republics fruits of Mr. Polk’s administration.—Richmond Enquirer. 1 he Laboring Man. O In his late celebrated pp^wh at Washing ton, Mr. Bn ncr ft thus forcibly expressed the views of Gen Jack-mo and of the cein ocralic party, in relation to the tights of the wuikinp r-sn.—N. O. Jrf Rep. “It would bja sin ng-iost i!,e icc!,«mu wete I to to commemorate the deep devoted.icss of Jackson to the eau.-e and the right', of’ -Lor. It was for the welfare ol the laboring classes ilia: he defied nil the storms i f po'.Ucal hos'dity. lie lon ged to secut,: to labor the fruits of its own industry, and be unceasingly opposed ev ery system which tended to lej?en then reward, or which rxpo-ed them to bede fr»ud< 5 ol their rues! The laborers may i.'i'.u > -••r j-lti grave with affection i*e sor* row ; uev-r, in the tide of tit::'?, d.d a !,ia>rmLfi exist, ri.-re heaitily rexolvito •m*a‘ >oi 11 Liiit t I'lrnr i ■ vkt^ i n.l Ira _ c » ‘ nappiiiLKj. Tor ti eir benefit, he uppos’ii j.a-tii.l 1. gb; fur tbfir hem fit, be resisted ail artificial meihoJs of cuiit.ui>g id!, >r. and en1 jelling it to c»pi-‘ tal, It v,as for their benefit that 1.3 loved fWcdotn in a!! its forms—freedom of indi« viiinci in personal inrisperidcnoc, freedom •if the States as separate sovereignties.— lls never would listen to counsel* tending to the centralization of power. The tine American system presupposes the diffusion of frstdom—organized life in all the part* of ins body politic, as there is organized life in every p ut of the human system.— Jackson was deaf to every counsel which sought to subject general labor to a central will, his vindication of the just principle the constitution derived its sublimity from its Jeep conviction that this strict constt action is required by tbe lasting welfare of the ^re .t laboring classes of the Toited Stales. •‘To this end, Jackson revived the Iri bnnicfj power of tbe veto, and exerted a gainet tiie decisive action of both breaches •'f Cingrcss, against the vn eg, the wishes, the entie.iiies of personal and political f iends. ‘Show me,’ was his reply to ;hem,‘show me an express/claum in tbe c nsiilntioii authorizing Congress to take the business of State legislatures out ol • heir hands.’ ‘You will ruin us ail,’ cried a firm partisan friend, ‘you will ruin your party and yout own prospects.’ ‘Provi —■ J ’ c t. •»,* «o> *« red J*. ‘will fake cardfl of o*,' M.1 he |lgr»rt»r^^(.', A A Beautiful sentiment. ■ a‘M.iwt»ef un,W nod di*cun«*!ate the I |-.h ./hr seem t» any torn, there ii I i. h-..r uf Jeep and wMi-turbed repose el ’ when the body may aink into! i »r ii. • - lei pdl the ir... ‘V.rtM i' Iim le.thig | <*f best* • of down, I. < ii be a *,.•<! djE •/ravel, or the rocky pavtmet i nf .1 to* Hij No matter wlr.rr ;!;»• p-*.. r-mnna of |H; nsn may he,’!,- is deep and uadis* B 1 ir'ocd, • ho ?0f. »•* t.*t lv ■;-;u Iteavca no ■ •o re, tli***e>ir» *r? dried no in thj.r fouit* I ts me, the .ehn^ !•»>.»! a ut n:*t end tbo I stormy wave* n! cxrtuU tiilniaiinn pos# I u:if!ixd'Ml over t* e j.laPe of gMvee. Lot 1 um.ic*cognac in i’;. ifbl o'er the I very Sogmn of fh- ( »t d, not 01.c of the f .deep.-is hear the .p i. curing trump, or, respond to the n r:ii !•„ sounds of tietn»y. 1 “LIow quiet lh.>-e cou^tiesti mil j slumber in the arm* <1 tbetrmmhor eanh! 1 The voi. e of th'jr.drr shall not nw ikon • hem, the loud erv of the elemt ti's—dho winds—the w^ves—nor even the gisnt tread of the esf'itq’iak* aluili lie aide to Cruse au inquietude in the chamber of death, They shall real and pare away;4 the last great bat'ie shall be f sight, and then a silver voice, at first heaid, shill rise to a tempest and penetrate the voice less grave. For the trumpet sh ill sound .J and the dead sh'iil heir hi--: < .•i»e. j What Ftapt" can Jj r-tt.'. -tr—!V**-.“ I kind Might do without pluss/i u» 1 they 1 would 11,.serve the laws of hcniih; .v houl ■ soldiers, if they would o'ostrve the law* I of Christianity; without lawyers, if they A would keep their tempers; a;it! perhaps, A without preachers, if eio li would lake care W of his conscience; hut there is 00 way of I living without farmers, or—editor*.* fl Interfiling fad. —It is pel lisps n flic* , which is not generally known, tint tlis iU J lustrioiiF Washington and ltrituiu’s | cclehralcd captain, the gient duke ol Marl* I borough, were reinoteiy a Hied by the tics of blood; having both descended, neemding j to authentic biographical records, lVotu the I house of Buckingham. J Calculation in Printing.—E'Oijr col- I umn in a newspaper c •mums, according / to the length and width of »I e column,from tan to fifteen thousand distinct pieces of metal, the misplacing of any one ot which would cause a blunder or typographical error. With this curious fact before the teader, he must wonder at the general ac curacy of newspaper?, and be more dispo* sod to excuse than magnify errors of ths V press —Raleigh Regi ter, \ A nice point of Law.—Blacksone spea king of the light ol a tvifu to dower, ns • is if luiid nhide in the ! "'band for a single minute, the wife sitnll be endowed thereof: and he adds, in a note, that this doctrine was extended very far by a jury in Wales where the father and son were both hanged in ono can; but the son was 1 supposed to hare survived the father, by appearing to struggle the longest, whereby he bet aine seized of an estate by survivor* I 0 t ; Iiij>j in consequence o! which scizeng, his . i ... . ..... i:.t „ru.. Lucky J'ri .ttr.—Mr. John F. Phelps, editor m ' ayrvillf! Sentinel, on going to the Pa i« ’ice the iiilit-rday,found there a letter from m;e of his subscribers con* turning two doliurs in cash1. He still per* sevcros in his temperate habits, and asso* ci»lo? with commun peop’e as before.— Tor P puli. A Ilird Hit —A. n.\n boasting nl his Iniig1 ni.ii’ In ard upon his chin, ask'-ii a you eg Inly in >7 iie looked? She replied,‘•you i ml: like ; < •; lutd swallowed » Poney arid left the tail sucking oul of your mouth.’ The Gnat Beast.— \ itTo-ornnco Lee* timer is now attempting to prove that the beast was chained for :: thousand years, & then lot loose to scourge mankind, is no* thing else than jR-u-m. This, then, the Philadelphia Cirzctte rays, is what is meant by (lie beast’s having many horns, and so many mouths to match (hem. list op candidates. General Election, 3d and 4th day of November, 1845, FOR CHANCELLOR. ft^r We are »i'it.horiz.:d to announce JOHN M. TAYLOR »b a candidate fot the office of Chancellor, at the ensuing election. We are authorized to announce C. PINCKNEY SMITH, ol Wilkinson, as a candidate for Chancellor, at the en^ug election.