0^7" We are authorized lo innounCeO.1
_ F. AlcCARTY Esq., of Monjicelj^i^a,?
candidate for District Attorney fort We 2nd
Judicial £8?trict,*cofWM>sed of theieouinies'
ofCo^)laW,‘‘PiW!, Lamencifj Marion,'ftan*'
. cock, Simpaon, Covington, Harrison, Shiiih
Rankin aniBcolt.
0^7“ VVe are authorized to a -lire *f •
Y. GRt.NSTEA f>, ns a pandidate to re*
—. present Ijiwrence county in. the lower
branch of the nest Legislature. ,
Q£p W«nre authorized to announce Wm,
WEAiTHERSBY, as a candidate to re
present i-nwrencc county in the lower
branch of the next Legislature.
are authorized to.announce .1.
R.CHAMBERS, us a candidate to re
- present Lawrence county in the lower
' branch of the next Legislature.
- Cir toe are authorized to announce W.
A* STONE, *s r csHidste to represen'
Luvvretire county in the lower branch ot
the next LegMature.
- (KrWe are authorized (i announce
JOlitf D. BOWEN, ns a Candida'a f>r
the office of Judge of Probate of Lawrence
We are authorized to announce M.
.. B. CANNON, ns n candidate for rc-c..c
t. ii. to lire office of Probate Judge of
Lawrence county.
We are authorized to announce ED*
WARD L. BOWEN, r.s n candidate for
re-election to ilie ofln.e of Cic.rk of the
Lawrence Cirocit Co"kt.
We nre authorised to a ...ounce THOM
AS F. MOBLEY ns a candidate fui thtf
•' fClcrknf the Lawbence Circuit
fC^” *Ve arc nuthoii/.cd to announce M.
I! 'WITH, ns a candidate for the office
ol Cl k of '.he Probate Court of La wren.-e
fA'Wti are authorised to announce
JACKSON V. COWART, as a candid
ate for 'he office of Clerk of the Probate
Court of Lawrence county.
(gT Wc arc nii'horizcd to announce
JAMES M. TURNER,ns a candidate ffir
re-election to the office of Sheriff of Law*
renec countv.
£-*r*,v- ere authorized to announce D.
F. N. TURNER, ns a candidate for re
election to the office of County Treasurer.
We arc authorized to announce
POLLARD MULLINS, ns n candidate
for the office of County Treasurer.
(t^rWe are authorised to nnnounce
JAMES E. HARPER, as a candidate fur
the office of county Treasurer.
We are authorised to announce JONA
THAN WEATHERSBY, ns a candidate
for re-election io the office of Assessor of
Lawrence county.
O^-Wc are millions 'd to announce L.
II a caiiuuiaie f>r the of
fice of Assessor lot Lawrence county.
(£r We are authorized to announce
CH ARLES II. FOX, ns a candidate for
county for the Moaticelio Hk'iI*
Tijc fctate of Mississippi,
M auiox Coitntv.
The Honorable Probate Court,—July
term, 1815.
7o all persons interested in the lands, tene
nt’StU a»d hereditaments uehtreof Jama
II'. l’ittm^* of said county, deceased,
eefted.. i
ar3 hereby cited to be and ap
per.r at b-set Fepfrr-brr *»f|
the Probate Court of Marion count«,.hcic ,
nod then to shew cause, if any j*u hive]
or can, why the foilov. in" real estate of 'lie 1
raid decedant situated in'he town 01 <
hnnbin, consisting of the lu.lowiag to*.nj
lots, namely: lots 1 •imbtr *uxiue« end s-'
enteeb fronting on M m S*r*e«, and lot
number sixteen frontmu on Sever Alloy
should^..) l>e sold fortoe benefit of i:*e
* hnfs of wd estate, pn' to an order
of ttte said Cnwr*-, nt'he said Jnly term,
A. D. 1315, upon the petition jf ITeur)
T- Prttmau the administrator of said es
Witness the Hon. El>enrzer
Ford, Judge of the Court of
L S. Probates iu sod lor Msiion
county, at the Court House
thereof the third Monday
. t ef Julv 1645.
Issued Julv 33. 1845.
August 4, 1& .J—1-yJw.
Thmarr ofMississipph
Marion County.
tm 'Honorable Ptobile Court, July
Cira, 1545:
’To ail prisons interested in the lands itnt
menlxdniheieiliiameiitt.whertof P.\
Tyner late of said county, deceased,
■^TOU are hereby cited to be and ap
■ pear at the nett September term of
the Probate Court <d Marion county h-ilj.
en at Colombia on the third Monday of
September, next, then and mere to show
cause il any you have or rail why the fol
lowing Estate of said rteeedant, to
wit;—-'ftie north division ot tiaciicn.ilsec'
tion thirty one,towr)»|up five of rouge nine
•e*n tvei. ' oiguining300 57-100 acres.—
Also, division No. live, six. seven and eight
Fractional section iwemy one, ami tlivi
sion No. fiair of frac ional section
five of range nineteen west containing
404 (53-100 acres. A iso, the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section
No. thirty three, township No. five <>l i
mngfe nineteen west containing 79 9-1-100
acres. Also, P e south division of frac
tional section No. thirty, tnwn?hif> five
raugenineteen west containing 220 3/ 100
aerr? lying ana being to '.I tri-in county on
she nasi side of Pearl Ritershould ro t lie
sold lor tiio benefit of the heirs of said
Estate pursuant to an ord. r of the said
c<-wr., it ihe suid July teim tht;: awl, A. D
18*5, upon 'lie \ ’:?ion #f James M. Cai/
thck_ ninislra:or of said estate.
Wi’-ers ihe Sion. Ebenrrar
Ford, Judge of the Court of
L. S. ■ in and for Mtrjon
county, nt the court boose
thereof, the third Monday
in July 1845.
Issued .Tulv 23d, 1845.
JAMES M. CARR, Clerfe.
August 4, 18i5-4-t5w
The State of Mississippi,
Lawrence County.
THE undersigned Administrators of
tlie estate of Josiali Lard, late of said
county deceased, would hereby inform
all p-r-ons interested in said estate, that
they will at the September term of the
Probate Court, 1013. o' said county, pre
sent tlieiraceounts tor final settlenii. at ard
allowance and resign their letters of ad
July 29,1845—3-8w.
- ____ ■/
The Stale of Mississippi,
Lawrence County.
THE undersigned Administrator of
llie estateoljsjiep’ncn W.Spe:ghis!ate
of said county do-cased, would hereby ir
form all persons interested in said estate,
tbut he will at the September term of the
Hrebate court, 1845, >d’said comity, present
Ins accounts tor final settlement and al
lowance and resign his letters of adminis
tration .
July 29 I245-3-8W
The State of Mississippi,
Lawrence County.
The Honoiuble Probsio Court, July
Term, If i.’».
AGREEABLY tonn order of the Hon
orable Proi.ate Court of said county
and State, made at the July term,
1845, thereof, notice is hereby given to all
persons inte.eaied in the Real Estate of J.
ii. Kerrei. L.; ..-fra;.! county, deceased, to
he and personally appear before this Court
at the September, 1N45, term, thereof, and
show cause if any they have or ran, why
an order should not be made for the sale
of the real csta'e of the said decedent —
Tu wit:—The Northwest quarter of Sec
tion eight, township six, of range nine
teen west; containing one hundred nnd
fifty nine acres and filly-three hundredths
of an iicre.
It is further ordered that a copy of this
order be published in the Southern Jour
nal, primed at MonUoelto, fur six succes
sive weeks.
E. TAYLOR, Guardian.
Whness, the Honor aide M.
B. Cannon, Judge of Pro
L. S. bates for Lawrence coun
ty , the fourth Monday of
Jtfy. 1845.
Issued tlie 28th dav ol July, 1845.
Probate Clerk
July 20, 1845-3-8w
The State tif
Lawkkm'k v.
The Honorable Proliste Cuuit, July
term, 1845.
MEt»*dcrsigned1 riogheen appoint
ed Aw-o r. end Adni’x. </« b.mus urn, ai
the above s'ated term of the Hut. Prohut ji
(.'our;, in and for said county nnd State, i
on the estate of Zeluion E Penoleton, late
of said count/, iccexaed. no'tco is hen-ny
given to sll persons .ndeif ud to the c.&tu’r
of the r .i.. deceased, to come forward and j
make immerliate payment. Also, to ill
person* who may have claims against tin.
said estate, to present them, duly authen
ticalcd, ailbin the time prescribed h\
law, as litis notice w.'l lie placed in bar to
a recovery of all claims against Ihe sa.t.
estate presented after that . one.
JOt.N GaRTMAN, A finer.
Adn.’;- , dx. 5uitV# NJU,
l July 29 1045—3-flw.
“The Star**of
Lawrence C'Ofvrv.
THE undersigned Adrniriirt utor, with
the Will annexed of the Estate oi •
Pli mt is Mallard, dt-c<*sed, lute of aa.~ j
county, hereby inform all persons
in'C'Csted in sold estate, the* he will at the
•September term «f the Probate Couii.
1846, of said county, present his accounts
l»r final settlement and allowance and re
sign his letters of admunsiration.
Adiiiini.-nr.itoi with the
Will annexed.
July 29 1.845-S-h G
Administrator’!* Sale.
BY virtue of an order from the II nor
alilc, the Probate Court of Law •once,
toouiy, Mississippi. at the June Term,
1845, the niHler.iigned, administrator oi
(he estate of llann<»> Kunutls, late of suit!
couritv deceased, will proceed to sell si
out,he auction, to the highest bidder, on a
credit ol one. tW‘'aod years, notes
:o lie mo a payable /is* rf January JS17.
’18 m l ’49, at the door ' f the court hom e
oi Lawrence countv in Ai,ni*»c‘-*|!o,«ui li e
fourth Moikmv in Nn-:ei,d er .lie fol
lowing desermed .<!«« <?«•«,r,.•'•log'.u'li !<•
rho estriic of the euiu deceased, to .s it:—~
ti’c c is! h.-i!f.of «or* v*rs* q- .,rt. • ot1
■ec ion ilii1,^', lira iSiU*.. j:x, King i . ,**ii
east, co'ituiiiing (-ij 'hy-one a:ic; 8-Un>th .
acres. Piaci i::ii foot- n twr ntv«ei^ti'
township ‘■•even, range elm t p♦ jsvonit in
i’1'- six h: Oibc-J id tinny st Mil nod t;U
lOOtbs acres. Tue south fast quarter of
section three, id tor.r.nh jj six, range e!j
ven east, c. nininiiig one hundred and six*
iy acres. The north east quarter of sec
tion three, township six, range eleven
aas-., containing ora hundred and sixty
three and 4t)-ili0 hs acres. Frartioirb
section two, towns 'ip, six range eleven
east containing or.e hundred and ninety
four acres.
Purchasers will he required to gin
notes with slilFici.'i.t and upp.oved si cu
AilrmtiLir&lcr dr bourn ncn.
J • •1 y 1st, 1845 51-ids.
The Stitc of Mississippi,
Lawrcxck County.
The Honorable Piobate Court, June
Term, 1345.
TIIE undersigned having been appoint
ed Administrator de bonus non. r.t
the above stated tero of the Hotuvub'r
F’robaie Court, in and for said county a no
State, on the estate of HARMON RUN
NELS, late of said county, deceased, on
tice is hereby given to all persons indebt
ed to the estate of the »a'd deceased, to
corns forward ruid tmilte i.nirnK'uite pay
ment. Also, toal! persons >vlio run . ha-’C
claims rgtiti-t 'lie said estate, to pivsenyJ
thorn, duty* authenticated, within the time*
prescribed by' la»’, as this notice will be
placed ir bur to, A recovery of all claims
■ gainst the suid cs'atc presented after
that time.
Adin’r. de bonus non.
July 1, 815-51-Gw.
S. ODELL, Gunsmith,
main srevi.., natch ss.
THE subscriber most >f.’j> ctfjlly iri
forms his friends unJ llur }•.-■!«<•
generally, that he has rented a shop no i!;*
Vorh side ol Main street, second door
Iron Comar*" *, here re avid continue
or. h:s accoutii, the (sun bmhh tins’
nrsj tn iu us branches. I4i- respect
fully solicits a continual.ce ofihe pairon
age so. liberally besiowed on the firm of
Fitzpatrick &. Odell.
Persons tending work will please ac
company it with a note addressed t_. him.
Ap il‘29, lS45-42-ly
A List of Letters
Remaining in ihe Post Office at Monti
cell •, Miss., on the 1st day of
July, 1845, which if not taken out by thM
1st day of October next, will be seat to the
.General Post Office, as dead letters.
A M Morris William B2
B Murray Rev A
Bourne Benhet 2 Mobley Thomas F
Bailey James N
Bostick frederic Nelson John
Bridges Mrs Alla P
J 'ufn John Powell Rev James 2
Boon Robert Janas Pounds D (J
O Pendleton Mrs F
Crump W'lliam Pulierflon W B
Fox Robert L Rice Cornelius M
G Ri'ey E !*va rd M
Green William Riley John S
Grant Francis M ft ’te.< Leii)u<*l
it o
F (jh:il A SpcighisS cplien A
ting..-.. fu* *1 S 2 t 'nr ntr 8'e; ''i’ll I
Hughes .urs M«ry A8t*ci.<i. I.ut.on
Hog gat Isaac 8iii'o.)ain»a
Hanisoj* luiiin i blu n .1 iiucj
ijeri'i.gten Enoch E ;t|ii g«T John S2 |
Hooker liymric* Stuckey oiiuoii or
J John
Jrl "sen Andrew or T
Muiliew W Miller Taylor William R
Jen llmdion Terrol E M
Jones Nvb- n W
K W my 'Vm
Rn'cht M'S Violcy AVW.reer J. i„es
Will-- Fnncis W
l.o'iin r rekiel v Elbert M
: «*rj* B YYritH.ley .b on
l.tnnir A .
tV i>—Persons '-tilling for env of llu-i
above letters wi:i pieasosoy they ate ad
Monticeilo Miss., July 1, 1846.
■“•RTerraM) *
Main etreet, next to the City Hotel.
rTHF. subscriber has constantly on hand
-*■ a supply of STATIONERY of every
description, for sale cheap, for CASH,
Sopor rnya', royal, medium, demi, folio
pos', cap ni:d letter PAi’Eii—plain and
Quills, Steel Pens, blue and black Ink,
Scaling Wax, Wafers, Sand, Ate.
Also—a supply of B ank Books, viz:
I ,edgcr<, Jou'iials, Invoice-', (.'ash, Cotton,
Record and IJ.iv Books; together with n
larietv of Catholic Bonks.
BLANK BOOKS made to nnv order
and to mv pattern which tuny be requir
es. O'd Biwiks,Newspapers and Peiiodi'
cal*, r.irefolly rebound.
(c7“ Any orders sent to Natchczor Jcck
sou, will be punctually attended to. j
April 20, T845- I?-! V ‘■ 5 "
The State ttf Mississippi,
Lawrence Count .
The Honcrtible Probate Court, June
term, 1845.
rW'^ HE nrdersigned having been p.ppoin
too Administrator at the above Mu
...I te-inni the H'.norehle Probito Coutt,
in and for S iii'•uo'tnty and state, mi the
estate of ELM A PURVIS', Into of Law
rmco coutt’jt decease ‘—notice is Ivie
oy given to all person* indebted to
the estate of said deceased !« come for
ward and make immediate payment. Ah
sc, to all per .ins whn may have cla-bin*
against the snid estate, u present them,
duly authenticated vi Tn the in e priori
bed by law,as this tv.iiee w ill bo place.1 in
bur to a receives y of i • .bairns a.c-ti hi the
Aaid ee;a>.} presented n.'.cr t;w ,.n«
June 24, *0-I5-'>C-fjw.
Eagle f2®te],
' <?d'S
i» i i ? t- ;■ '9
L*j*c&£k mUrffcA
M o n t i c e 11 o, ?*1 i s s i s s i p p i.
y '* * HE subscriber would inform his
li lends and she public gene^'M
(! ..' be now occupies ihe EAGLE PO
TEL in this place. lie has used much
. it..!.;y • n<t piiias in making imp'i'Vf rnt'nis
Mid an/ : inn< to his bouse, andiitts«i'yt*icr
od in it a l a i j i in nc ioinrnVidaiion of his
Cii'-iWims. f> : f uiui.d eytii-i- ya'riey .f
i'iyiiiii* liquors. i f< . ve, witlreor'i solicits ibe pitHonagf) of bin old
«Woods ,tn<i cusUiiimis,. and ire'srf'.ern
that nothing shall be wpuu ig n render
•t e n coitjtin-i.iido. iu, fact hy is.duteitu
mti! to ken,! r tuMo lin'r io bo ihirpass'.il
:i anv section or 'h- irhnie.
Monticelfo, M.uch ~J *>, ». i'/'4 -3. ■‘■1 —iy\
Under the Free Trader Cj/icc,
hakt rTurvT, sr.vtc i.z.
H’A** cunshinlly on hand, a large as
sortment of cheap g-M.ds, which lie
wuiscll at veiv low prices tor cash A*
Ii.s stock is selected .e.\prt;s.-iy f,r v
•sisici. e.s, ha solicits a call li nn oil v.iit
whom economy these hard ii:.r s is r-ti < h
jeet. His assortment emi-sulo in part
Blankets, white and coir red,
Large and small Bed and Raddle*do.
Casssmeres, Sattinets, Kentucky Jeans
and Tweeds,
Kerseys nnii Linsevs,
Ked. yellownnd while Flannels,
Bed Ticking and canton Flannels,
• • . . « . • • i fi. * . . .. I* .1 .
mill UIlUILUUi' U ClHHIlijS VI 1111/
best briiids,
Loach Osnnb'irgs. 4-4, 7 8 and 3 4,
ins!) Lim n, brow n, black and white Hol
Bombazine, Alpacas and Merinos,
Plain ami I willed Moussetiu dc Laines,
Crape ami Ch'aniehous do.
Blanket ami worsted Shawls, all sizes,
Bandana, flag and f.inoy silk pocket hdkfs,
French and Italian black and fancy silk
Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons and Fancy i
Goods, «fce.
CLOTHING—censi-'fing of dress ami'
frock coats; a good black diess emit for
$12 00; Pilot, Pelto and Flashing Over
l-cits, all prices* Cassini re, Snitine',
I’weed and .leans Pants, do; Fine line.' Shirts; Lambswnol and
Undershirts and Drawers; \vj:h a general
issortinent of everv article in the line,
BOOTS and SHOES —a very compV’e I
iseortiuent. Su;ojr » -If sewed H jis,
r /’rpioef do. «r.d jv.ggei ,n«»r«i-.
tip and chit lii.'^nis; Ih»,s and m./s,
tatt'ao.! kip sowed and |s*g^ .1 do.
SADDLERY--Men’s Spanish* |
Uiiglssh fuddle?; I’adics’Side Saddle.- jet
^ to; gOlt?. Eor 'ish do. fiir ,$B; hoys do. I
" HATS, CATS and BONNET*—? ...
listing of al* varieties shapes. F.-t- j, 1
issiniere, Nutria nod WuoMIa'i; C! ■ i. i
Velvet and Hair Suit
Florence Braid r,: ri l ocv R tpi s; a j
few B 'mhnzhi' i!e. | ... .i.ruing, J? -i.cli;
widi mmicr-Os o'lie* articles depot.. c u>
ji.i into isurcvcnisjiiirtr'. ’
0^r,' *r.ii’; f. .get tK pi..r«. t| o »>
" ..ii ' tiiO certier lioir. Get; .•
't! ','n ,.
}?■.. 2D,lrt|5-4?-’y
S'nLANKJS, ofaL kiiido, on h ad an.;
lUf *iao at mis *tnes
Selling off at Coot t!
Ait L, UrlKri, prcpttrat >rj to going
• North lo fepfentrli theif stork, ar«
now selling nt ©*l—persona wUIntig to
purchase goods Chtap, will do well to-Qijl
as they hre determined lo reduce their
stock hy tins lUih of July, when they will
leave fur New York and Philadelphia.
June 10 l84S-43r4w
JUST received n large assortment of
Misses and Children Shoes; IJ'iok Kid
B«»ts.MoruC.eedo., Light Kid do., high
Ki.i Hellucs, Cloth Gutters, Nu1lifkr.»,Slip
pe>s, &.c. dec. &c., for .a'n low hy
A. ii. L. PEER.
Family Medichies.
ffflHFi siihci'iis ,avp just reeetv#>
_j|. bud will kootioe.ii.ii ;,ti, ton hand I
general nsmritnmt of tue liillowing liittgs
and iMtdi.•tuts:
Grttllrey O (' •rtiirti, Rhlthirh,
Opotltiii-jc, S',
R.-deni;ir.,s Orcps, >e->ti
Laudanum, Ginger,
bVegork’, Cuh mat,
R tru 'o Peppermint,Car.r.i Oil,
lituish Oil-, Stvcn: Oi.
I}*'?; at t. ip.tivn, Joints rurpmtine,
M-ig-iutt Spanish Kites,
Oayemv Pepper, Guta Myrrh,
L-.vs P t. Gait; Arabic,
Wi.rm L- zncgcs, Gum Giacum,
.vSa)i|>tilgn>il,.r t-iii3, Alice?,
!’•"*, (’ii .es,
i in iV.sile-s, 0,i!ntn,
-id!* Po a tiers, fc'lue Sioue,
Qnir'-o-*, Jai'-ip,
iltit iVh'-A, Brown,
I liii.-’er i’h.iiertt, M t*brf,
| Peruvian tiatks, Suip-.ur,
I iFtriisy, C'opev’ts,
I . V cnor, Auuiogs,
I " N-tX V-)i||i<”t,
I i 1.1 iStt 'l, Ca. 'er.' Ptap,
I i- Alum,
j Ejw-ai: SJ‘s, S,.;kv,’!ui j'unitr, . li-KK reaper.
i)f*n Oil, Hair Cii, Soups .njpil perSjjaSeiics
of (he must upprcA-'eii brimtfe';'
A. & L. SEER.
April P, 1845—30#tf.
p A’. L• BEER, fnvojwi onenerf u.
./ Ijv • large i.tid -plendu! Stuck of new
Spruv; uvt(l Summer fcou&a
Tie.r si. i'K • fi.iiii'ises 3ln>o?t every unfale
usually of;- „:i far sale in a conr.try
Store. Among tWn n <.y be found n
ivtn .is-mc :.s;-r, 'men! uf
.‘ailcv nmi Staple Dry G-orfa.
A fan pattens? of plain, eulwt-l, ttitiin.
striped, nr.d embroidered TAKTALaNE
Super fine Black Bombazine.
A large'aV.-ud'tmvi! ol the l.-.tpst style,
A b-antiful assortment i.fOrnbn «*rire,
1 RLOcvDE. (TIcvELlON it.*.:NiiCVV
-•mi LJv.iIiOilN lif'NNL'f S; NECK and
APK’i'iiMA PranA Wrought MVS
!-7\ CO!.l.A IIS; I. si- and Ashburton
ditto, t 'aml,rid' ana Mu iin tidings,
Ttlhck’Trugle Gimp's. A large assortaaern
uf fancy o.'iinred gntm? and
P A111 S C O HDS.
B'-ick and colored Kid cl! -ve~; Black ,
nnd White Bugle Mills, Lutiioo null Silk
V' tve’ nnd
SI22.5S <5
Frcpcli Uevreie nonier and various uilii.i
Liunrii Cnnibr-c IM'ijkerch'cfg.
Srk Merino. Cnshtr.oie nnd Colton ho
siery, Childrens Lnm'-V Worn ditto. Irish
Lindens, Long Laws Ta^le Durnask, Birds
eye soil
Russia D i apers,
IS'.. t < b' tdn and Silk Vestings,
Tweci.-, • raii.'iPto, Sai;net>*» Keaitieky
B’.-di'n> i and Brown JJoniestin
Sheeting, »«J Shi" \u.S, Usd Ticking;
A print nn-» I'm niiiiro Click.*', 3 1 and 4-4,
Wilde II* 1 ».-• Ham.-U, a.’s*' Salisbury
llaaiK', i'.,r children's tv ear, Sjridle Blau
aet-*, 7-S Mid 4 4 Low els.
Silk, Secth {iir.i>h"..i»a and Colion Um
brella*, Afc , iko.,
£ onnet 9.
Adelaide, rettc- Flail, nnd jt! .in En
glish noted S . HAW BO\N5S S.
B^ver, Si k, Clnrtd, . i, S'fiw end
Leghorn llat«.
Pgady niuds Clothing.
of .«-t every vn eiy.
LOOI d,iti.itt A'tl) iti.ii i.i\S.
S. »tt. *»ni!v .-f\D
S.i ' o’, li i.t'*i, h»* rimipiie*. Sk>'>.*!•*
Vo**, Calm*. Arc. A very large Mo.
e e.r t'r 4 o k *t"
tiurJunrc and Cutlery.
i.?,*?!**' ni.r iWr. h* LH w'l. Leevu
i *» I\ r-.'s, »*<] lYois <4* « -tvim every
* * f F if ' ’ i' V' • 0 0"i f f *J|4 4#C*» •* ■
:i*l ! v * ♦ inrf t*\: t*i
4 i * 4.* wfi "» v' * . .i 4« fffl n.M iw
- #i eftjHrrtrip
Aiv-'eli* -Ol*-', A|*« *1 «Ki U>< \ . ^
CMIlE undersigned b v« epnne4 tVflhop
*“* firmeriy occupied by Asyoij Hargis,
where they nre prepoieri iJe.vec'ite Ej|.vk
ymilli work in nil i!» various braiiCbn*.—
Every pains will ho vJseh to give musCic
iion, nodal) work aiint lews tile s?i<ipi.jvill
be done weilr.nd in a real mai;rief. .We
solicit a Itbord share o! pniconago.
Wl’.a.VM VA'IKKE 4VC0.
■ MopttceUo, Jimnery T. !y
Administrator’s Sale.
IN pirrstmnrc of an order cf the Pro
Imre court cf L1.v1pr.ce county, rt
the April terra, 1845, thereof— \jjtn-,m
dersi/ned, rdini!.Ht *inr, r*e buncos, bon,
on the estate of Zobulon R. Pen Helen,
decency!, will, on the fir^l Monday, in
•i’iine, 1C45, before the court house dv'ir,
in lire town of Mpmicelto, offer for sale
to the hr bidder, ob six months’ ere
<ii'. wii.t note and approved security, a
okcly t. ,r»ro 'vi-rrum n amed
Diana is about 35 or 40 venrs of age}
'he ts >i first rate Cook, washer and irnn
er. Persons wisluttg id pttrt-hasc a vnl
•*iaWi* slave, vrVit do well to attend to
the sale.
A-iiii’r. ile bonmnon.
May 6 1S45-43—5tv
Tlie arrive sale is postponed Until
the tin*! Saturday in Aitgu't, being the 2d
iiav of the tno'oh. J. W. P., Adm’r.
June 3184S—17-9w
Slate of Mississippi,
L.awo?$.\ce iXvtnv.
The Ilonororabto Pedhsio Court, May
term, 1845.
'T^HEundar?i"ne'i having been Eppoin
"*• led sirator «i urn ii'iove aimed
.’erinot the Uoo. Pr bsto court in and U r
sui! county and **<«■• . n thn estate ot
J H N S 1 K12 L i N Q, lute os U-y
r*-cre co. is'v i is hereby
•_> vo,. lo ::•! i-t-'ton’* i •(' Sis,i to ihn cc’r.Io
>■. ,brt isnn oi.ul’i'Sid in c.<nw forward fcr.«l
:n:kf! inline ido (ui.hienf. Alsu lo all
iiovsonp who n. ->. .1 ive clniirif ngumri the
s.od estate to pierrc i them, holy iiiiilienti
oati’d within ihe ' r-1 [ nc,
as 'Ins notice .1 placed irt liu.* In a re
cowry of u'.l c:..i«n» « odnsl re said et
‘ate |nesf*pie'I : riv.t iin»<-.
MnyH7, latfW.O-iiw
The St a le of Mississippi,
Lawke.vcb Cot.Nry.
E. Foster, >
vp. \ Attachment for *724.
.T. Ty. Williams. )
In trie. Circuit Covrt of Lawrence county,
Alissifgippjk, to 'Verm, 1845.
r|4l2Ettl 1 untune it t in tbe above staled
^ 1 w' ’ ’•••«,
offii.ob the proper t‘finer of «m.i m ..v,
1 liillf-.iill if .. ii.' •' ny In-’f »*;,
.eos iii! appears. put in speri-.: and
nlcrnJ lo (i!<iinitfiv- «<*,.ion ou n.* i f iieiho
first d iy of the ner 1 te«m of rani courts to
be huldt-n at the <•!*;• Nh^u-mif »? id o-on
ly-cn i;:o.fiist .VSiioiiuy in April nt-vi.jVir
ment final will be entered ig^io-t vid
the proper iy and effects rr ire panda of
the garnishee in this case, »yi!l he npp-Vd
tu the payment ot' pUmtuTa claim uod at!
Witness my hand and stvJ i.fp.rin enart,
at the Iowa "'if Ijniiiicelio, c«ni>il»' afore*
said, tills 2ad day of Jt A. It IP 15
i:i>W \Ri»L. BOWLN, clerk.
T. S. .'Jivirri Alfy.
June 10,1&45. 4&-r>i?
The State of Mississippi,
Lawrence County, .
Rankin, B-pi’s & On. 1 i
vs. > -Attachment for
Jackson C. William-*.)
in the Circuit Courttrf luivyr& cow \
Mhnnsijipi, to .Tune '.lerni, l tt; 5
•fttiE utlach'cei.i id vop atirUe *n,
*“ casuhixv’tig baeriteutraid t.
office bv the proper .emetsf of • -id cwid
the defendant is hereby notified, tbit i
les-? he appears, nut in special '(>»«* und
plead to plaintiff's notion on-or before th**
tl'st day of the next term of said court,
t.i be holdcii at the court-house of said
county on the first Monday hr April nevi,
j"dgtr.cnt final will be entered avaimt tr n,
and the property and ellecls tn the t; m.
ot the garnishee in’his u#, viti t»n ippmv
io the payruunl-rf'piiiiniiflRB tfh».ui u.d ah
WiriKss m v frmd and Sea ! of said court
at the town of Montieelln, county store
said, this 2nd dav df June, A’ D.. 1845.
EDW ARD L. IJOVMtol, Clerk.
T. 8 Swiet. Att’y.' ™ it
June 10, I845>. 48-fiw.
L?ft Notiee. '
t LL those iiidcb’ed to lhe undersign
£m. ®J,citlier by Note ct Account;for
he yeir 1844, ure requested (aonutc for
v trd mid moire immediate payment.—
* ‘ iarbui; in iv-upiy with this reqy&t,
ex ■. * ;.* iiar cost,, na we are de
siiidi.e.: la Vtipg. suit S^fifist si!l neb
toilbwtdk. i
- A . & L.
June 3 1S43—47-4w
1 * ' c Hxitn t, \fi