OCR Interpretation

The organizer. (Oxford, Miss.) 1845-18??, March 31, 1849, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87090127/1849-03-31/ed-1/seq-3/

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from Ktuey wenx, a few weeks
er tU lm finable
..liner in ' Cincinnati : .'Ha?e yod
A '
'cord H interrogated Madam W.
yjs; -1 waal ubout ft cord. Up
V'oaf digging Ihe petticoata and
iiga has gin out. , I .see you ad
tut corded slirtj, and 1 thoufht,
JIa my hand was in, I'd tako what
a "had cordtd ftp."
Tfco milliner fainted.
'Ma.' PoiVa Tocn.-Tha Savannah
orgiarf of Monday states the rerep
n of Mr. Polk, family, and friends
. that town, with all civil and mill
y honors. On Sunday they atten
divine service at the independen
t Presbyterian Church in the aN
oon at Christ Church.
)n Monday morning, 'escorted by
t Republican Blues, Cap;. Andcr
f bv were to be conveyed to the
sut of the Central railroad,and pro
. .,.-1 r r..nn ThPir
jence' in Savannah had created a
,oog sensation.
t Mabsico On Thursday, ihe 15th inst.,
n Hannibal, Missouri, by Ihe Rev. Geo
t?. Light, Dr. I.lovd Selbv, Editor of the
fscksonian, to Miss Cathabib Cpnsiko
i am, formerly of Pennsylvania.
' Died At the residence of his father, in
his County, on Saturday the 24th inst.,
William Littletoh, second Son of W.
3. Johnson, Esq , aged two years and six
"Too fair for earth, like yon bright ur,
Thou shines! in heaven now
Gem in the glorious tnrone',
1 bat decks the Saviour's brow."
r Tft Pi'BUc: ' ' '
Bs cautious of Wit. IL Cai, constable;
ie is a mi iv who will meddle himself with
Mtmrs. . lie has told willful and notorious
ies on me, and wilt, no doubt, do the same
n o-hers such a mart, I fear, will do
vorie bad he an opportunity
1 am compelled in justice to myself lo
ram the public and all good citizens
iffdinst such a Liar.
Lafayette ciunty, Miss March 30, 1N49.
r!!E tSnderttt'tltd hw'gopenedv f
a hou.a in Oxford.-on Main vll't
ireet. South of the robrt-hwie,' for ike
Icciiinmodntiob of Travellers, Dey-Boare-rs.'nnd
fr 1'amllies, "respectfully solicits
share of public patronage. -He pledges
it inmost exertions lo reader ewnifnrmhlt
11 who limy favor him viih their custom.
Ian ami bur, all night,
per dy,
!rdf per month,
with Lodging, from April
to Octuber, per month,
to. do., from October lo April,
per month,
oerd by the Year, with quarter
ly settlement,
10 00
12 00
120 00
ms'e meal,
Masvh 30ih, 1849.
OO 25
TWE unoersigned, having solered into
roparineramp in we aonve ounncw,
ie just received a fine stock of materials
r finishing of
Carriages, Ilnggics, Ac,
i the most tpprovtd and complete style.
From their long expeience at the busi
m, and closo attention to ihe same, they
KiRJenilv lire to men I a liberal share of
ie public p.itroaage.
hop, the ejne formerly occupied ty
. P. AloBtow,
fTlrch 15tK 47
s A. LuVlS,
hating lortled
mU rcpcetTully oik
A Skare tae Faille ratremare,
Ad aopea Irixs ai (kill aoJ cloi alientioa lo
biuiacs w merit ih same.
comer, fomerlj c-
ijnta py isr. vonkry.
Qitoti, Km Mtrek U, I Si).
T1AKEN up, by WiMa E. Arnold,
- imf 12 miUs South Oxfrd, one
iy fi ly, a tout 14 hand hig soppo4 u
i thre years oil, no maria or WoJf fmr.
ivaUr, afpraiaed to - .
r.h. 1,1913. 41-3L
TAKJG.V UP by Dsrid Crtlf
Ui- 3 miles from Oxfofd,a
Cw CCet Hie road, oot Irai
by tsw llX ab-wt 14 band
b'ca, 11 iar til Jat may.
marfca -er triad perv Trbe j appraised
M jf 3 , - - .
Jaf. 19 110.-43, '" (5tofr
. t t : . in tbs , . , . t'
Uiiirrrsltjr or Mississippi. '
. ( '
In the, Ordsr oft their Matriculation and
joining College,
EvgZ Thomai E, Chickasaw county,
2. Gilliam, John T., Desoto co.
3. Ware, William X, Pontotoc do.
4. Holme, Finley, Desoto do.
0. Alston, John D., da
6. Nash, St. Q., Canton, Madison eo.
7. Morton, C. 8., Columbus, Lownden
8. Harris, $. IT, do.
9. Bowen, William B., Oxford, Lafayette
10. Butler; W. R., do. do, '
It. Mackie, J. M., do. do.
12. Kilpatrick, E. P., Marshall co.
VI. Puryear, T, S., do.
14. Ellis, Thomas F.. at the University
15. Griffin, W. P., Oxford, Lafayette co
10. JJf Jnnis, Hugh, Leaksville,Ureene co,
17. Oultspte, It., Wahalak, Kemper co,
18. AT Raven, Holly Springs.
19. Peguts, William C, do.
20. Pegues, Marlborough, do.
21 Welsh, Jos., Wahalak, Kemper co.
22. Conhty, Jos. J., Oxford, Latayctte
23. Jones. Levis B do. do.
24. Moseley, John T., Wahalak, Kempe
25. Rogers, Thomas J.. Oxford.
26. Lambreth, J. W Canton, Madison co
27. Ovens, William, do. do.
29. Phipps, J. M., Oxford.
29. Phipps, B. L., do.
30. Sheegog, John, do.
31. Phitws. W. R., do.
32. Jorden. W. T.. Canton, Madison Co,
33. Rayburn, L. M, Oakland, Yalobusha
34. llibler. R. T Belmont. Panola co.
35. Alston, P. G., Pleasant Mount, do.
36. Smither, R. G., Oxford.
37. Bramlift, J. M., Pontotoc.
88. BemietL J. M.. Barton, Monroe co.
39. AYron. M. L Barton, Lfjwndes co
40. Fondren, William, Oxlord.
41. Taylor, B. S., do.
42. Means, J., Memphis, Tenn.
43. Coleman, A. , Desoto co.
44. Ewiitr. A.. Currollton, Carroll co
45. Phitr. Charles W Water Velley
Yalobusha co.
40. Lester, S P, Belmont, Panola CO.
47. Burton, A. S., Holly Spiings.
48. Hurt, H. Hammet, Oxfvrd.
49. Halbtrt.J. L,. Aberdeen, Monroe co
50. Smiley, J. J, Reid's Store, Copiah co.
51. Headers. J. P.. Oxford.
52. Monltomtrv, C. R.t Siarkville, Miss
53. Evans, F- ., Aberdeen, Monroe co.
54. Cottrell. . M.. HuiUonville. Alar
shall co.
55. Smiles, J. IV., do. di.
50. Rach, J., Preston, Yalobuha co
57. Hudson. J. L-. Lamar, do.
59. Robton. W. J- Charleston. Talla
katciue eouawv. - -59.
UagUsmt, J. Par. Wtoc
CO. Qmrnrletf JJt Moatreet.
Olt Fmrrmr. T. Jackson, tfin.
C2. Kirtvmtrick J. Q . Cantos, Madison
03. Oliver, D. Jf, Rice's X roads, Pa
o(a co.
01. MGowan.R, Walerf.d, aMarshai CO
05. EarU, B., Aberdeen, Monroe eo.
6t). JlMee, Silas, Tchula, Holmes co.
07. M'Bee, Joshua, do. da
OS. Johnson, William, Monroe co.
00. Burnitt, IV., Barton, Lowndes e.
70. Mavson, J. H Jackson, Miss.
71. Andrtu, R. C, Vernon, Madiaon eo.
72. Wyatt, T. S, Tchula, Holmee co.
73. llerrine. John B.. Pun ton.
74. M'flure, Moses aV, Coosa eo., Ala
bama. Eince publirhinff the List of the Students
who had matriculated in the University of
Misaiafippi on Saturday last, Ihe 10th of
March, the following young gentlemen
have j 'ined that inatitution :
75. Leak, IV. Tippah co.
76. Young, Beverley ,Waverley,Lown-
Art CO.
77. Young, Thomas E do.
7N. Young, James II., do.
70. Watlcins, John, do.
80. Robson, Robert, Charleston, Talla
hatchie co. -
. r. sinscLEr.
I. c. TKoarroa,
I0IELKT I Tllirill,
AHentsTa aa4 OemaaaUors at Lav,
WILL practice in the Circuit Court of
De Soto and the adjoining counties.
District Chancery Court at Hernando and
Holly Spring, and United 4utcsCort at
November 18ih, 1 8 18.-3 Mf.
WHEREAS Letters Testamentary r
tho last Mill and Testament of
John F. Barksdale, dee'd, were granted
lo ihe undersigned, at Ihe Jaauary term
of ihe Probate Court of Lafayetie coun
ly, Mississippi tVow all persons, having
claims agaut the estate of said decedeoi.
are hereby required to exhibit the same
ithin the trmo limited ty law, or they
ill be barfii end thoao indebted lo
id estate, are required to make im
mediate payment.
Executor of John F. BarksiaU.
March 10.h, 1843.
lomli Herel .
A LL peraoos postieg strays wt'! pleaae
sewd $3 cents wiia the pot oota. iih.
erwiat tity rosy aot be attended tn. And
all pe rsofte aofferitg trsy rTWtj proren
away without a!! charges bs.ag paid, will
A. WOOLrrr.TC.H. twrr.
Arril UtlU' 3ft.
: Cnlrersltjr of Alisaisalppi.
THIS issiituti n was duly opened on
Monday (he 6ih of November, and i
now in fu'l operation; 74 studei.U ate
already in a tieuclanoe.
The course of studies are arranged for a
four years' euirieolum. The ieouiiites for
admission into the Freshman class, are a
competent knowledge of English Gram
mar, Composition, Arithmetic, Geography,
the Latin and Greek Grammars, six books
of the iEneid,of Virjr.il and the Greek Rea
der, and some acquaintance with Latio
Prod v. The expenses fr the ten months
are 937 for College dues, and $3 a month
fortxiard. Tho Co'Iege dns ard wholly
p iid in advance, and the board U paid quar
terly in advance.
Washine. fuel, and lights, are at the ex
pense of the students ; who willmoviJe his
own furniture alao. This, if desired, can
he hired or bought from the steward at a
fair rate. ..., '
Ptoctor Mus. Univ'y
Oxford, Feb. 3. 1819.
Jailor's Notice.
AS committed to the Jail of
Lafavette eountv, Miss, the
27ih dav of January 1849, a negro
man, who siys that he belongs to James
K. Polk, and ran away from his farm
m Yalobusha county. Said negro is about
lorty-five years old, about five feet ten
inches high call his name GILBERT.
The owner is requested to come forward,
prove hia property and pay charges, or
he will be dealt with as the law di
rects. .
W. S. McKEE, Jailor.
Febiuary 2d, 18J8. 41-tf.
TUTS su'iscriber has jut received a
new and splendid acsortment of
Cloths nnd Caiimtri, of every variety of
color, Pocket llanktrchiffi, frivati, superior
article, and GtDt'l. black and while K'.l
Silk and Buck CloTtI, very fine. Also, an
eicellent ariide of Silk, Maiino and Cot
ton Under-shirts; for sale at his old stand
Call and examine no troub'e to show
Sept. 23, 184S.-20-tf.
Cotton Plantation
I OFFER for sle, 8ecti..n 13 and 11,
in Township 0 Range 7 West, 1280
seres, situated 5 mi es South Eat of the
town of Panola; over 500 acres cleared
and in a fii.e state of cultivation, divided
by cross fences into from 00 to 1)0 acre
fields. Some two to three hundred a-, re
woods enclosed for lo's, with good water-
all under a good fence, and more than 30
fares well arranged, eooJ gin house au
cotton pren; a comlirtable double log
bouse, a story and a l.alf high, good negro
quarters with go A plank n ors, gNxi aa
bles, cribs &lc
This place has proved to be one of the
healthiest and moat productive plantations
in the country. I will sell it for $7,000,
holfcAsh, hallance in 12 months. S ime
10 to 20 firvt rate mules from 2 te 4 years
old, would be taken in patt payment at a
fair caah price, or Negroee would be taken
in part or whole, at such prices as may
be agreed on.
(ftrrhe overseer on Ihe premises will
h w the place lo such as wih to exam
ine it.
Cleir Creek, Lafayette county. Miss
epimlr 13. I $4.
Wool Carding Machine.
THE subscriber respectfully announces
to the public that he has just received
direct from Cincinnatti, a new HDOL
CARDING MACHINE, built nn the
most improved plan. It is now in opera.
tion at hia Saw Jill, 10 miles eaat of Ox.
ford, Lafayette county, on the road leading
from Hyatt to Pontotoc.
Those having Wool to card would do
well to send it in, as he confidently assures
all, that, by strict attention himself, and
securing the services of an experienced
person, they shall receive nothing but
good rolls in return.
Hool should be cleared from all hard
substances previous to carding, and one
pound of lard allowed to ten pounds 0
wool L. 1. WYINN.
P. S. H'ool mils for salt r-x 40 eta per
I. T. W.
sndersigned Adminialrator of the es
tats cf Zechariah Fuller, deceased, has
presented a final account of his adminis
tration on said. estate, to ibe Prvbate
Court of Lafayette county, Mississippi.
and will, al the next May term thereof,
apply M its audition and allowance.
Administrator, Sfc.
March 25ih, 1843. 4S
TAKEN UP by Greenberry Hellems,
hvinff about twelve miles south-east
ef Oxford, near Price's mill, one bay horse,
about seven or eirht years old. no maiks
or brands visibloappraiaed to f 23 00.
Alao,ee ran mare, about eight or nine
years old, ne marks or brands perceivable
i pp raised lo $43 &0.
Mirci 23d, 1S49.
a. We
ND Oa the Hemphia mad, be
rmds, Pionussory Roto for $11 &0 ets.,
which the owner caa have at th a cJTca, bv
piwrtg propsrsy sr.1 paying lor tai an
Ox'ard, lUn I7i 1513.
-o,. ..t.. VillUU , ........
nflHEsobscriber tenders his hearty thanks
io the citizens of Memphis and vicini
ty, for their liberal patronage, during his
eight years residence .'n Memphis, and by
his extensive arrangements for the future
booes to merit for bis new house, a con -
tinuaOce of the confidence and pnlronagelbe completed by the J5th day ol Aufusi
of tho public. FRED. II. CLARK.
Watches! Watches!!
EOR years ihe afrife .
- has been not w4o
coull innke the best f .fopSjrS,
watch, but who could fv ff i
make the cheapest, oi I 7! f
rather the lowest pricadL, .'vf. " . .. .'
a rtide, which il sot al
ways Ihe fheaiKSl, and consequently the
great falling off in ihe quality of watches.
We import our watches direct from Eng
land, France, and Germany, and have
been 12 months in preparing our present
slock. Our aim has been t have a splend
id assortment of Fine Watches as fine
as Europe can produce. This, in addition
to a full assortment of the l"W and medium
qualities, we are now prepared to show
the public, all of which will lie ro'd at a
small advance n the impornng cwt.
F, II. CLARK & Co,
January 13. No. 37 I rint R9w4
La sex Additions, and more extensive
than ever.
Having received our semi-annual sup
ply, we commence the New Year with an
assortment that is not surpassed it equal
led in the United States.
VVe have "Twelve Thousand Dol'ars"
in the article of Watches alone, and can
ibcrcfjre uppty rur friend an J the put lie
witn any aiyie, auu ai aitn w any price
We have
G. 1 1 Ptent Levers fr nr $35 to $250;
Silver do. do. " l - W;
with a general assortment of Lepine and
Vertical Watches.
The other branches of our Hoik will
be found as extensive and complete as our
Watches such as Chai.xo, Skals, Keys,
(Jewalry in alt ts fa icty ,) including many
valuable ' h a mo n us and foma full, sens,
Sfectaclks, Silvcb-wahe, Cow Jrixa,
including ihe genuine Dirrinckh's, Casks,
Tba Thavs, with a general asoriment of
Fancv Goods, in which will be found
many choice alleles for the Lidie.
NOTICE. We aim lo furnish thofe
who deal in Memphis wiih a home mar
ket and a home guarantee f t G.mkIs in
our hue, and invite the public to call sod
examine f r ihemselve. Our to'k i
laid in with Cash; ur EuroiCHn Good
we import ourselves; we get our Domes
tic Article direct frm t ie makers, snJ
being satisfied with a small profit, wo Her
great inducementi to our friends and the
Iiublic. We are alo prepared to do al.
tiiiHs of work in our 1 ne, in the be,
rnnnaer ofjd with d if path, our mount ,
17 Frunt Row, Memphis, Tenn
!F. II. ClARK,
A. C. Wdkxbacii,
J. S. Wttaisi-.
N. B. The trade supplied on liberal
terms ; and nil orders from the co jiilry
will receive epecial attei.tim.
Memphis, Tenn., Januaty 13ib, 1819.
fin HIS Inatitution re-opened ou the 15th
- day of January, under charge of J. W.
RISFLN At A. 1 1. CON KEY, bah of whrm
are well qualified and experienced teach
ers. The C aasea and the different branch
es of an Englis education will be taught,
and younif gentlemen well prepired for
entering the L'nivrriMty.
lioad enn be bad in private t ami'ics at
t8 per moi.th.
Terms prr Smioa of Fire lonthi.
1st Cliss Spelling. Reading, Writing.
ElfQ'enlarv Geography At. Arithmeiic 1 10
2nd Clas English Grammar, Geogra
phy, and Arithmetic, i : $12 00
3d CtAa Ihe Higher branches of
English, including Natural Philosophy and
Ckemistry, , t I : $15 00
4ih Class The Higher branch of
Mathematics and Classics, Lst n, Greek
and French, t ; t'2.1 CO
J. E. TAUantaao, (i C-G. Bortra
t D.Ro
(2) CM.
W. II. Smith mi. f 2 CM. Pmrrs,
W. II. I). WEN N DEL, 5rc.
Jan. 19, 1849-40 f.
2MrdicJiI C'op.irliirrhip.
I1TAVING associate! themselves in their 'ames Henry
profession, respectfully tender their! James Daniel
services to the public; and from the eiper- J "C''0,V)V
iaoce of the former of more than twenty j J"nes Uiley B
years practice; and that of the latter, in I
practical Surgery while in the Army of
Occupation ia Mexico, hope to merit a
continuance of the confidence and patron-
age of Ihe comm'inity. The services oil
both caa be bad witb-ait extra charge.
fxJ-Ofhce the west side side of ths pub-
Oxrosa. Miss Jan. 19. 1819-39-Cm
Final Settlement.
NOTICE is hereby given that the under
.signed dmintraior of the LVtaie of
G. B. Gosdaria deceased, has (Ted his pe-
. a a-
titi'ti in the rrobUe Court Ol Laiayeits
Couaty, Stile ot Misis'ppi, for final a t-'
tlemit cf bis acmiaisratxw, and wiil ai ,
1 Febroarv Terra of said Cair. weent i
aa accwai of h'S a4miaitratKn for alw
ance w.tS eotntaissiooa, and apply fcr a fi
nal bearing faaid acc on 11 1.
of O. B. Goodwia, dferl
De. 19, llf
Notice lo Cou tractors.
j oy th T
Prooosals will be received,
fiitees of the Male Aeady,
until tha 1st day,:6f Mareli next for lb
erection or If lricx Acaaemy xnjwvr, m
Contiactors will bo ellowed to bid f -rny
portiou of tbo work, with or wiibout mate-
' rials. The BuiIJing win i e rtquirc j w
next. Plane and BpenilicatKtns can we bscb
at C. G. Butler's or W. II. Bmiiher .
Jan 15th 1819,-10-Ow.
THE firm af NeiU.n & 'Wendi-I, was
t liia d iy dissolved by limit 101. It is
therefore necessary tba1 the busine should
be clo-ed at Ihe earliest posille lime.
All indebted by not or acc unt, are ear
nestly requested t come and sitile with
out delay, as indulgence will n4 longer
be given. Those having claims against ihe
firm or eiiher of the partners, will please
present them.
- Either of the firm are authorised , to
make settlements, '
December 30, 1848. 3m.
New Partnership.
riillE undersigned have punhased the
entire stock of Goods of Neilson At
Wendel, and are determined to keep the
same large and varied shocks, f rmeily
kept by them. We respectfully requets
an examination of our Goods and prices by
the friends of the old firm, and all others
desiring to purchase, and guarantee that
both shall please. VVe will offer great in
ducements i t cash buyers, aud to punctual
men, on the usual credit.
We "hall receive by next Steam Boat
a large 1 t of Groceries which w ill be sold
at the lowest possible price.
Jan 1, 1849.-37-lf-
REMAINING in the Post Office at
(J) ford, Miss., on the lsl day of Jan -,
which, if not taken nut before the first day
of April next, will be sent to the Gener
al Post Office as dead letters. Persons
applying tor lelteis in ibis list will please
siy they are advertised, otherwise they
may not get ttiem
Anderso 1 R iber L
Alexander Lewis
AUton Henry F
Anderson David
Bryant V. T Mis
B owles Barges
Rorreu llmlley
Burnett Zichariah
Utirross John 2
Rerksel Johu F
Bron Mary Miss
Hrown Eliza II
Barley Jarors
Byers A
K 11 a day DJ
Keni 'B iihn 4 2
Kerr John
Lou I W II
LMige n
Itcn J
L ll'e Ichabnd -
Lewis Polls Miss
Lane Ninn ais
Mitcliilt A
Marion J V
Morris James
McUoaaiCJ 2
Money Cnlin
N:K i SR
McCartney Jo'm
Mills Wm
Nc Donald Saan A
3as a John W 2
May N N
Nunnery llioins
Purk Andrew
Pass W II
()en Dy id
Pan Nancy A
Plts K N
Pnil G W
01 n Svlvanus
Palmer J D
Packer G II
Pnhet Robt
Rl eA J W S
Rockett II II
Fm th Lot
Swiizer J4io
Co ik Aus'.on
Curry Win
Chin C C
Carter Dr Robt
Ooa Dr- L
Carter James
Campbifl Dr
CI an ton Maihew
Canody Wilct
Daniel Wm
Davis Aaihur
DavidronJ S
Doad Alf.ed GJ
Dmiels Albert Mrs
Davidson Joseph 2
Dun J U
Ellis Win
Evsns John
Frieson J M
Freeland J B
Goodwin Ijouiti Mrs Stocks Wm
GodmsnGJ SbipFG
Girgnorett A care of Shelling J W
Sol Gullick Speicir JinceMrs
. ... s.t a
llii!ginitnam i J
l!ntchmsn Alex 2
Hill Jamrs
IIsfTimoes Wm
incr Ribet
Smith Lucy
Turpin Alfred
Turner Wm a
Terrell Samnel M
Tark J K Dr
Tliord J F
Thompson Denj L
Waiters Tbooua
! H.blcr Robert E
'WAX J ha D
I Ham lion James
) 11..k G F
Hewlett Martha E
' Harris Samuel .
Wi!.d W.o
Wo ids Jamrs
Wa:kcr Jba
Wtllix M L
Weaver J C
Weathers Ben L
Woods Jame B
Waller R L
Yoanjb'ood Wm
No 121
I Hunt A
Hygue Mary II
Junes J F
'ey iienry
Irwia JB
ft. 18l9
Tf will a'tend at the f.llowiog named times
and p'a-es for the pirpse of receiving
the State, County and Special Tax due fx
the )ear K48,tiu
Eutaw 18ih, Lc4SAi al.AilClh, Jau.
2 J
4 A
8 h
1 -
A rno'ds.
Gra bams
Libertv lul
Dte, e'.h,l"V9. . , 31 if..
la Press, a fftw. andl EaUrgedL-al-xi of
In 2 han'rjuTvoIuniialev .tie wbo?
ctlecied from the ofH .Md uiaenta, by
1. The Mttei-'e end ---M of iho
Preaidenti iot Ihe Uoi'cd l'uf-8, firm
Washington ii-,Uf wrfk jous anal
yt.c J iodcx to the same, of subjocU, names
and dates; . ..
2 An acco int of the inaugralion of each
President, and a brief notice of the prloeU
pie p lit c il events of bis Administration.
' 3 A Biographical sketch of each Presi
4 Artic'es of confederation, with a brief
history of the events andcircamstar.ee
which led 10 a uni-Ki of the States an J tba
formation of the Constitution.
5 Coostitiiii-o of be united btates, with
notes and references.
G A snipsis of the coaptations of tha
several Stales. ' -
7 A Chronnlngical table of historical
events in the United States.
8 Tables of the Members orCie Cabinet
of the various tJuiioistration. Minuter
to foreign countries and other principal of- '
0 Statistical tables of commerce and pop.
10 With portraits of the P.csiJents and
Seals of the 20 States.
The work is indispensable lo themer-
ican Statesman, and every lover of his
countrr. forming as it docs an unbroken
link cf the history of thia great Republic.
Wanted ia every town and village in
the United Siates, responsible meu to pro
cure subscribers and engage in. the aales
of ihe abve work, to whom a very liberal
percentage will be allowed,
Country newspapers copying 'he whole,
'of this tdvert'semeut and giving it six in
side insertions shall be entitled to a copy
of the above uorks.al who may comply
who the above terms will please send a
copy of ihe paper each lime of insertion ta
the publisher.
Ill, Fallon st.. New York.
1 JYcw Candidate
In the Field.
THE undftrsigned beg lave to inform
ihn Indies and Gentlemen of Oxford
and vicinity, that tkey have re-opened their
STORE, and having just received near,
and full supply of
Fdll ant! Winter Goods. .
They are now fairly in the field as candid
ates for sellingGoods. begging the p-itron.
nge of the citizens ofOxforJ and vicinity
without distinction cf Party.
Their Stock consists in part of. '
Dry Goods, a fall assortment of
Ready Made Clothing,
Their Principles will be f tke slight
advances on co.t and sell for CASH only.
Pieate give us a Ckll and yr u will cer.
taiVy be satisfied with our Go-xls as well
as wiih oar terms.
Oct, 28, lM1.-3I-tf.
Tile next session of this school wil
commence on the I9th day of Febru
ary next, under lb supervision of Mr.
A. L. LEWIS, as Principal, an able and
experienced leather, who will be aiJed by
competent assistants, ail of whom, are well
qualified to di barge their respective cu-
lies. We can safely recommend them to
ihe confident and patronage of ihe public.
The rnuise ofsiu ty will lm that usua'ly
pursued in the best Academies. The class.
es are tiivi lea in'O primary ana aciarmi-.
cal departments, tho latter Into three u. '
visions. ,
Spelling. Reading, Writing, Aruhmetic.
and Geography.
Fibst Class. History of Ihe Uni ed
States, Arithmetic, Engliah Grammar, with
daily exercises in read ng and wr' ir.g.
Skcomb Class -Natural Ii.l.iaoj by.
Ancient snl Moderfl Hiatory, Ubstorio,
Botony, Watts oa tha mind, Phys olojy,
and Chemistry.
Tbibb Class. Astrooruv, Natural
Pbilooyby, Prvblema on tho Gl-jbea, 5ir
al and Mental Philosophy, Rat'ic, Cotav
ay. Chrrri stry, La'ta and French laepta
ges, and Mathematics, -
To tho-e deir ng it, will bi taught Onta
mental Needlework, an 1 Musie oa Plana,
and s' net atuntioa gie i to reb ct reaJIny.
composiuon and definition tio-:w4 l'
whole coarse.
Pi i ma ry Department.
Acad -a Seal Department.
First C!ae,
Ferond clae,
Third elaa,
Mu Tin
Uo of lntnitf nt Prtctisier,
23 C3
23 tl
f 3
Orcimental NerdW Wotk.
Incidenial eipene, l
Bnardin? can be had at the Aed ,
cr wi h private faabi!ia at f S per nv 1,
wrahin and cand'e tttra thr;e. f i
ba'f T the frir (it ta4io an-i hoavJ
wi l e re,iirc4 to to f aiJ in tdvaae,
RonstT Fnrsoooo, Jacoa Tf rt: r.
J. M. HowiV. - Jaars SncK.it,
C. R. Crirwfct, ZiFTV C
J.A.Hitrs - T
Jir-iiT l, IS. ?.--?. -

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