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T TE'NSAS Z ET UGH TULLIS, EDFroU, SAINT JOSEPH, LA., FRIDAY, MAY 11,189L Naw Sn.t..-. VOOL. , 18G s mqn n_ • nm [ nu• nn b n i. . ..I I l l . . . . . . ' - . " . - . . . 2 - " "". . ' m Established 1863. IHENR ] Y FRANTK, 7"WHOT .MBP A T .Rn. arT a5* s, Te@Se , iOOTE An& N 3es . It will be to the laterest of Buyers to write us for qtatiomas sad prares Natches, - - iss.. OUR BEAUTIFUL STOCK New Fall and Winter Dry Goods isReady FORI INSPECTION. A asnal leo Is aM soleaelt to show the saprrty o wr all ethrs iL Natehes, sad we eto forn ear paerm Isto Teases persh, a eesasuaeo o ar Matt Oler Department weetlves tas est a ttetiao, and we aratoee ** ides In every partlelar. Samples Furnished Free. CHAMBERL.AITN & PATTERSON, 48 Mdal 5tret, Natcheu biss. K. K. YLKM.AIT& C O0., Dealers In Pine and Medium Clothing, and Furnishing (Goods. All the latest novelties as soon as they come out. Will not be under sold by any one. Call and see us and *oavinoed that we are leaders of Fuahion and Low Prices. Suits Made to Order.'1 100s and IaN Commeroo St.' Matobhez, M ie. _ ---- £ PLOWS AND CULTIVATORS, , BTINDLY, BLOU'TT AND AVERY PLOWS; " PLANET JUNI)i CULTIYV ATL I, : SANDr", DOWLAW AND FARG UA IA COTTON PLA.NT R&. Harrows, Sweeps, Sorapers and all improved Agricultural Implements. Hamnes, Traces Oellars, Bridles, BactBanda, Curry Combs, Briar Hooks, Wedges, Hoes, Hoe Files, Nails, Wagon Material and Urb Wire. The largest stock of tools and general Hardware in this section, for.which we solicit the continued and much ap preeiated orders of our nu merous Tenam friends. SCHWARTZ & STEWART, N .to he - - - - riss. effl OPra 8 0 lDIBIg 51oeaI: LIar*As.W U Lae. arsu a. C. J. sE A.RLF.S CO., WHOLBESALE. •usI, LOUs, mL, re3oVm.o, 4a0e11e, Ise. AND SInAYrr GuRalsI. TICt 8 B UR, G....................... 183. Sla.' For Culb ua! We have sid sme vwery preasng tLIpe t tShe pmes sheet the qsdilte of ser ·a, sI.tand 535, 0ults ander O Oeas, Set ts seemso's array doubae Isseusts thee al1. KEuersee. has breg as knwlege that a ta woe e tneo good seemnet. It ie mo sq stter to Nve from o to P. Oe a eit, ear . Over ost Mud me e is ithe QualityI, hu we ae doing It. We talt )eu todrs ~*ummpari. e am s Im tner tyorselves. If tis Wesmer is .an tea Chasn0e e Welghts, o er to these thrme gradle with thr fell eamJldes that satldmtinom will he famie. oedm with your eled ma n any fuesbuumma seta-I-TIey'm all her. L B. STEVENS & 00CO., (LIXITED). 12 & 124 Canal St NEXWORLEANSI La. INSURANCE AGFNC1Y OF I. H. WHI'lTNEY, Agent. Il9Gs- w Sktreet, New Orleans. soe Agespt fr eaw' Odlsm ed the Iellwsug ]r Lenad and Lamoswhipe. Imperil Fire, FParr.fuba ?senaqgsylani Zeonwio I Uo.' .' Aigara . *mass. liejweor*, D Ciaiasre, * %suheefue Li4p Isaueraiwe Comnang, Ao 'eu iork, aempt * m sbn ..... e snes l Kere .1Y.S. wr TIES LYEL. I e - - - 1 ofes t.1 mm I Iese eser d~e**a, .stam. le.w 'iare.. IA.. ppri t9. Utao. Ti BstmsI s.y Irppy J. Pasw, E.iweO* of il*.sias. I :sir-Iln with dime. this, the Bsedr of Steate respeetfellp s aumits the #ellowsl rpeport of operatinus from Apsit 5 180 '. to April 10. 184: L1V25 WOBK OF THN PAST TWOs At no petriol inluded is the reaerds of lease beuiding in this 8tate has so large amn aount l1 work bhen aeeompialrd within a samilar time as during the past two years, The orgsmastloe of thel loer new levee ditllets created byI sets of the General AsembsMy t its seas..i of 1802, the eslarled powrs gra"nted at the ame armim to the Bel River, Alehalalays and Basn 1 Boruf Lerve Dultriet, with the m reu ample tIeed appropriated by the Ifongaess of the Unitld State. Sli lthe iarslveutent of lthe Mini.e. ,siqd t tl R ed rivers s wa t 01t181ei to n l.Iese holihdigtg, h.e* ties.s the pI nripal eeei of S the guest liIagrueeu maode. The tivers and barbars set of Julb 18t, *I'alelo.rleted SU011SO , for tihe implroIemet of the M1iees. Saldrqd river, and a.uthrsedw tihe Imatilsg ol eleestracs. tor emtinorut ly f L reir)lsg inl the ork lior three l sm rp seers. Uniter tiss Ilthelity l the Milassaappi River (.mi.alon ll in August, 169, Itlliatted 18I0SS,ei0I per annum for time IArl years from * Jane, Itl". to July, 115 i,0t l+eve wiark; $11',7.000 of which wasll allottedI to levees in asisiems esl 01.100N,0 to levees in olth of the Arkansas tlher, wLhibL dlare o equal impottalen to this l iState (see Appendas D.) it Contraetl have already .l0 a . lmade to a eeiderable etteat, for a - wort to eo paid for with feIde yet I to be appropriated. While he Ia work to be deew uder ws ee 1 truets wae net requieti to be bogus I It eoec or to be comapletd before 1 the ewed o. s the loal yeer fr whb Ich the emntreate were made. i' hats proved of grela bestrilt. snd in simel of the distriets n aesdolte@ neesety. In the Fittil Lenlslsna and the Postcbrtrain detrtet the ( ommIaslieers, by arr.ugiag withl the seatratorms r muc welk to pay as additional prise for the early smplotlIee o Ite wors, have1 haes able to aerate the eeootrmetia orfa number of lImpirtan leveesI before the manel tiie of sprinag londS, whiel roell ea havbeles Il bilt otherwse. ThL sms pyra bie a seoa ut of sc additlke prices will proably saoget to about SThe realits of theo tok h t Slast two jears laI lelisiss sald io 'thet port of Arhuewus ups. which w# are depeseekt fio leve priestlesk , lat s p p approtsharelt as feilosa The ssIIltrets nder which thek work hiss been dosew eemprieu the enellleg of @ l.4 I tie see leveIr. ad tle reassing md Imsrgemeet et 334 Ile ate of lii levee to paste. of rem trwo to, thbre le shave tlhe hbihst remeIrdee *mt aseri. with errespoesdlg Imuier o @ serlliwU. Tie eartllhwLrk does asets I.. lshlet 3.84,3f 1 irute I st h. at * eua---sueIuelll edetloeesl "seuis prisee strem metlesed.-eIt abuslee V9 about IT.$ nests per ese*p prdi. I aLiditoe to th ·hver, ce6a I sentrthlutig am ite gree Iie a pelrmets Impeowemuat at lde levee srsae, sronet s it lles' of *o** reveteut have beec built, 'seet 81..5 mls ol hoeb ww by daries levee beds atS a esIa f sheet OS ,U5, sad abret SM m mile by the UTited SWtate The epeesms ittemduag the pre teetime and preservatios ot lewes, mad the elemsag e orevasmes datsg high water by tim mveral levee distris nd the iUnited Sates ihev asmelted to a ltarlp eu; bts We are eable to state the em it, mm they. of eoerae, form a prt at the rmet bettermeat of the lever stes m . iT LS 3* 38 Leis DUMPUT. ' TpI dietriet, oprislag the aof Mori eers, Wet Oer. Snd le.lnd, FranklH eknd Oets heses, with that pert of Oeaebhlt to lnd aklwell east of the Otmeeit ivewr. was eeryalid .l 180. It is abject to oevrlew espeug frem Mthe Mississippi mad the Arkanees rivera In the State of Arkme, to greater estet them tree ay other oa e. The work at the di.srist N has base always meetly edee84 to levee seestreedes sed impreOwemat i Dheen ad Obi et emeeeti Ark. The United State IUplermr Tsima Duetriet"' evere the mesn terimry he from the Arkam rver to the 'a L·seuiama lime, and by far the itag. part of dIhe leee work dMe im i district dmumri the past wo y,er, and, f lin . msee 18l1, has huen bi thie United States. The apsnrislmnte length of new rlees hebad misme April, 10. I 181a Smrle, mid of leve* r+ard mad em. arged 6.16 wlles, Ivelvleg sheet S3Kl9c1O eamle jamed at earthw,.rk, at a oet of sheet Xlt,3~t. Of Sthu work the Tenes Basle lever l Distrrtg hab kelt .* mles t msew. u eve, emd lees raised and ealarged . A4 imlec of old levee, moeenting & to 634,03 estae ea rda e. earthwork. am at met at a . $7 AI.. I Two yere a preevios to the Selluloattee of the lood t 1863, It wee eatimeted that the lis. Sleveeezsteadlrg frees Ames Bayes 1 to the L oJiama hla. absou eghbty. Ilve ile. had ever 0 per east of s its length of wetk sod emNal em Ia tees, with grade lees the a leatr above the height o prevlem lees, d tad that the tage of the or river beeame higher ths tom 1I ,t there emoe be llttle espestatle be that t lise dasd e hel d Mteel. b Thsees Gdatl1 was higher leeg ma the etie lime of leve thee Is Ior i1t by ftly oe feet Ina ome det plasces, ad while it prevailed is as eresrame eaeerred. via: Au Brnks' Is Midle Msy 1; at Paier L owelred. ste Mau 13; at [L, we lead, May s5; ua at rutreed levee (bkeow Arkame he Olt,) Jue S3; alt Upper iried, 111 Jeme is, and at Lekesprt, Jane A teo The discharge frem ttbhesoare a, le gatl a still larger vole., of water, we maally frees the Arkamma river, an which pseal seress Ames Basye ,es rdge hee the beard of the levee m.g. var, . vrlew.d Itarp arhs i a the PFrhb LreamI miad Teem i Btuen lavees datrrter. Darag the year etween the Sel of 1886 cad 185 very Itle .eak wa dense y the Teame lSeel Irvee Diatret, hut te wa of the mew klwee wen miii, diig o enewte lmgl oe g*a *w emiedmbly gredegem the leIb a0t el ie with weak mod l ee aestlem. bt shk hellad a IL3 remed measly the *i mnae heihSt aming the i ret *me a hell tu h u -eeo har so. Ihe vseeS d ma: At Adam ' sh(rIw lat perI). May II; at. ' Keerb May II; at Mathee Beed (teet Greud laSt .). bus l1, mt 'lray . The aueldlw rram t, hs , reas1se wha sot a.lm estemell or t 4 veumle of eawr p.5 ,g segad the' ads ,seeeesrrim(klrlb IIt, The ridge ed by the e ofI I.vagina termla* wee btemu I es eldred aven ovl er leIt estrme high wtageJ a thoe Ari. - riser w, te. te ewaled 1 M oeees alebt the Artatess, base evidestly linae edrwed this I rlge. Ii flas d taI. as aboee sed. t , as Well as tIm 8, lbeg. velemes of ester doeed sue the ridge ad added to the overse*. lThe Tei el D Oltriet hne se a eder asstruat soa eateetis at the lbas qe sp the radge *a the arthest beak at Aess Dasei shtee as sad half mim, ebiek, with the rpaer rweestly sade Os the levese * the bkahe of the Adrtues sad their eastees seesheIlrd, oew seder esatrae by the Imitee 8tates, t s biped sad epeted will aeed prebomtee agaIast verlees tree stis dies. tSie, alb free greaer memad thean meoe et hbees ke*. Tbh ThesseDe el lIens. Dtlats blid sentreutd 0sN tIwardh the ses. atruhose of se hues almiont the Aehors as Arkases river. whgib seeamse has bea epee ere a suher if peare peat. sad he. wheb a large paert Of the waterl Iewlag areas Ames Beas rmge seeaped fhm the A ksese. The wert of the Uatted Itates sad of the Teams Bal Ditrine drlang the peat er has geastly I ispreved the kuaes m Dasha sed Claest seitles, sad while the Has l san set eatilty m.teihatery. there o a better praspeae t hm s er belere that seh Seeds mas 6a thsm far bhee espertleed may be mi stressed mad every seas to bipr mad believe that eltbhl a sw lyers mere, shea the wat as s e. tusplateJ by the gOerml gakero. meat, csd to a e.edderMsM iest t stready entradted er. esas be ee. plated, the aste: t lenes dag the upper Teans free will he as bhgh and atresg as that t may due trist is Artae.e., NeIuppuui o6 Leldmas. Im appeadis A vrll be fead tabmlated slatmetet aheiueg de. tails of the levee k Wart the peat tWe ear is thia ditrista IPTPE LOUISlanA L.V I eger. This dlrist~at.empiraeg the Sparles et Beet Osirell, Madiasa TuAae musd Oseedum--snes. sepa I Ilue In 1iiS. The beIts at se Iriver for a ditames ef sheet 313 aItre, from the Upper sad of the distria t the lawer sod of the lesteavely mt d raphidy Sr a us., Ihr of years thma thU o e y 'a lte teragtb a tShe satire imse ,ippi river, whel is g~ag y tI a lrge doegr a se se geees If the Neet ab'" wkhit ave eseered Sthis trreetb ef er d artlg the l as twetyreIght pars. This a I eJssve' ea" of the bhast has n vsqaredk the regert eesstraleso a of see IBoe of hlevr earerity w a nwer garead lkamn thee they i lbesd, mad his made thi adilea en uo wise the mutlssaeo ot ma , adequate qatee if buses mad il lO t, o theauerd o d deem ,d esesary hr semshby bea 8 alwas hues so ae usius sold eas r aadettslag. The dietr t is smb jrnteum eslsw as est ealy Ib a vse alseg las We 5 hek but , i* a geami rae stest ker Ie o that senp sesa le Deehead CMheet Seeoeslae, le Ark. I at ueawlshetsedis he tiLel. 'latgeans if the dllistmi, k tdaisg . sdaatI IOf ad the reamueaIm hr i ehtasald meusaeo mad me. W. Sestried tb She tes. kma hus hr i pMesla tlew le be so so so . ke.,, l ht seet arth te at . evr true Sgit w ait Ie lirgir I. Stake t, h euaIeassaee mad .mi,,sesJea ee lteve Ia shvlsd i. if t.. pqhwme ud. . . .s..- h - kh ppint - adttl Ipu bu aIIi 3Dmw a I m " id the 0bw pat'., ,m U.he soo d sesU. e s~ses tmie la. a'bm app prtw so at aw il M.oonh 4*. II. * .MWi es.. isiee a pt w Mbase .wow B... 4 i" b bI 0i is anbl ZI Idi parts.... a I W b tI W iL t Dotlst wor .mssb mom ums Ieg a . U.lapsid with , ir WEsdb , -t "e he feweo 1rms US. o.watth d s.. K p b! .. haw.nsM t....m e his *Is . .lrn lbs - rns - i rl.ii3ii - Iam '.es IsinMat hew o .e ems •Inr IoIe sna- --r aiA as .w wo.rk ba i u .ns lS loI in telless Im [st i visas' is SI saesn.. .s" ds 1eb a m ILUse. noais. a s inh a esi 'Mb v ea ad bIas.i . s smrthwork as sea t sbat Si t - U.iol il.iMo as o iis n. - aw. o i . n r mla - .i'. iii t eatse smst tp n e om- I 'I' . Aar o -- - e.l w o a9s- .-- .-~O m. Iie -i Tabsmel .. ..a . .u . "r w .ai ,[ilts.[ r,. atIs '.,h 5twMans * f 1* I* ilkhf nt [ ..lst o .. I d es .o sh e .' a saa . .w-sm S. atal es ' e .e-, sh Sb t mesk nws. h ' eves e a" tl".aim sI .s ShM . - s ..sss .,,s M asq' . taren 4e pen· ands a p.I E r EL. t .ilbbs UE.q Gaada at st Sb uhy 5Si as ca ship s . ss r g Mee as rs out a Ils s a s onet as on to kih stlrbta 45mm Sb bu Isam Aele ..eese4 e Wob warin , mu aord ·': Tseessehis h w ek e uass u pedumi atidb bbdVU C CT~ 'Lull. * "- -