Newspaper Page Text
rhe Tensas Gazette. .ri ay o 0 a.t " p. , 0 %eadmy dews " 2 " * Tu'lda Iy .* 4 "' Friday d"^" * 1 " r YFsaE T. I(,Iu'r .tA IT,. fwe S"*.J"I c@hp ..TeMday' sad Seo.t At 4 45. A.'t.-A' '. 1. ~. M^ny r (iu'm s.e *'*A ,q0T T.'%,?ºs. . R RlIAG1OtS NOTIG F.14 84smrvctes'n t. Jnwsph and Nev-* oelites em each nlternamte 8ulday. In t. Jnsepmh at 11 A. . and 7 P. i 3. ]eweillton at l:.'30 A. x. Appointmenta fMr Waterproof el4rdit for t12. Morning servieo 11 o'clork n. m. First Sandasy in each month. h Wesley ('hapel. a Seemed Uentlyd ia eneh month, tt Waterlwof. 1o Third $anday is oieb month, ,t L aseph. Feifrth Randaly is each month, P Waternrwsf.P S Ogdle's. Sfr ln Sunday. 3. p m 11 X. S. ConxaLL. P.O. O. TESA5 LBDGE N. S L 07 P. at Wle.ter meetih ret sad third Meledays l h e ay stt.S. at webpemer. IA. W. . A. OSOK) N. U. H. CLAWKR. I C. C. ... W. R RIt. at Wn)WargT OCPTION ]r . M. Iaeietr tes we aas t rM fe M*me galrter, lstnry. Apie|,Jev sead teehtwr. I w. a. 1W " P. a.W. M ,n. h qyihr mýties sewed **4 mearsh wd- d ý hiý t 'I*.n'tk . A. t. Im rrn J. lm? /ews.u. . . etI.& . C.C. al ---_ -_ -- ----- ui.. su4. Le .Pnm L. nes wry. . T. SI IKLODG No Z.T, . & A. . a 4eb lai their Laisn Haltt a Rt. Joseph es a Ma Pw W.daseasy at ver m na.t' . to. A. MUIOtK. W. .. a. fIr.UT..........May 11. 1 t$. LeCAL ITEMU. The rimst Is played out for lists v year. No mriun sllice April 24th. morpe than two weeks. We undlerstand there is mere or lesa ootton in the pearih wlic0h will not come ap utl t it iamint.. Dr. J: B. Bounmy has rectedl the l' reslde eand oies of Dr. Pasage, " 4n.Nrrwellhon, where he will estab. b lihb himeelf aid practice his pro. " fesown. i4i The dasetr is too well knows to hia New saoe to Need introdaction, and we eapeglrtato oar Newellton I Inends his e amiss among them. The asseway leadinIg to the up- , per leadeig was uneovered by the d falling rlver oe Monday and trame a wll I oon o renmed over It. 1 -Cotta. I now quoted at . 78 for middligl and futrem to- October at .?5. Thr o igoil to It sme Iody Ihengry I tlhis coanIry at a taas ptlees, for few people aur aldusl nrthing to eat, TIe meetiyng of the tb lIavee g Daie Beerd, whies was to have hren held n Meaday, last has he. poatpoied to Monday, 14th int. It whIoch date the Board will meet at , * Dd~tSI, Crep Beon. We aFre Wo e that the eotto. erop oti this pulab geerally wogml .g--the stand being gud-4he *leat ma he altbhy oo. dilae std ha nsds hoidtly engaged tbiOs e weather I wora.i g aIt oat. TIm e r is small, beitg lato plant 4 is a t u mgreo ad vcigem s. . ·be alagl platy ofd' moistle I. aeme,tih pleetersuom to thnt that i l th' has alsaahbe rainas te e et to weeks, a lair emrop, gleae wmll he ade. The areage I esrea hea ateri1ly imeream. t .4 eom tt #threghet tims pariah. a S eapudunese past years a *4 tho tow plew at estto bave wand ar paL that Hkls they raes their *m hrme feed ad ea d r theL hau*Ls that they mast ., to dh wal.' There asems to. ,,, se rt1 labor ad the .e 4tll 't waored. Peas rs gitmeod Il the earn and will I T~be..hw'ki,. S • ao last SndaI ,h flp le , d.a r osn bands aof . W.:. e, '* . . whleh took liare' se l1n Iti.oue. n" Ruasemu, Claiierne 4', M,-. s.e. attnurelay tste The daeist,. oft hI I* ... . 1 ;s1 ., not knowns tiu na. A'th ,,r g ,.." realded a sholt tile . hn " *" ,,, Watson Weahrtls'*'- * reallj" oere in To .. hi IMmenly -.l, ,:. ' .' .. .. ln '., 1 yeJarl , ill t' a .' . t.. Prebably Drewned. Proes lDepunl Sherift. B.ltidnranis. who left here on .atnrala, on the teaemr Notches, for Batoe, Ihnge haling In eastodly thef rctv"t- i swatened at the late' term of ncart to the penitentiary. we leern that one of the prisners. Armuread Lwis Jr., was prohahri, 0e1r.wned. while ellettng him esape. MIt. Potndrannt says that wu1t o2 'rInek Saturday light he left the men i i the eegline room. in obarge of tIh engineer, they being erarely hand. uleod nd chained, and went nat stairs to take a nap. When the heat was trseking not from ReuPger-s landing. COendas piariab. Arm. stead Lewis, Jr., was seen by the magiaeer to run and attempt to spring over the shabaft which was in moatin and threw bli into the hole through which it works. into the river. The .non was seen do I mare and the engineeo is et mAlhnt he was dmr ned. How he. mnIastedl to get free frem the hanntfs .end j shaetkes ts anksoern. hut evioideuilt I eaoe one assisted him. laianl Ipleak luilty at the lateI term of court of mannlaugihter mmlt was sentenceed to '~O years In the I pleeteetliry. The crime was etre. mitted on Bark kidge some years age. bet his arrest was ouly elected last year. The Ilehp's TWid Rt. Rev. anvis Seussne. Bi.ltop of lastiaana, will make his anulal visitation to this I.erish. this week. The Bishop will arrive at St. Joseph this (Friday) eveasing from Vickeborg; will go to newstllte.n on Saturday and oldl services there an oadays, at 1I a. m. Returning to St. Joseph the Bishop will bold servicesi to brist ?hlrrh aet 4.301 Ip. m. We ndlettaasel that tihe rite .rt eeslrmation will Ie atlminaister. dl b3 ihi, B-hbop toe evral perrsois h. i after the servicesa oun Basay even. les. -g Dental Card. Dr. L. H. Jefrmes, D. D. 8., of Natches, oners his services to the people of St Joseph sad virinily send is prelIsed to do all tiMte of Sdeatel work. Will he taned at hisa B oie ls St. Joseph on and after Touesday, 15th eat. Ofce at Idlewild Hotel. They Waist saee. The Raestl Art Pehilhing Co., tof 98 Areh 8treet, Phblldlploig , rdeires tbe names ntd addrms of a few people In every town who are nlatermted In works tof art, and to seeore them they oler tomed 33, I "Cpid GUolde. the Bea.? a ulperbI ly emoted water cdlor ionure,1 Pilr 10slS h'ilse, sutalae lotr" SframingIl, end sIxteen other pOle I tabot same m!se. ltr coW35. to ary wne nadlini them AT atNOI tie. namm ana addr, ess o twe I-S.hs (adiveraor at Iee pstaIee) toetrlhe' wath as two eint Istpan to ,*ve" espemse of maili.ho etc. The *reg I.r pr e oL fthei pIn oi 'SL II I. hit they csa all ho seeme free Ii ' Sany prson fIorwarding the sesens I and stmp romPTLY.. ~ No--The eitor of thi. paper ha mLsIad3n. ree.tred coiels of aoeti h pdsoriet5 mmd .,osiders ebhe waclls • *Gmas of AL t.I M.Uee. SI will b e mhutom y*emle O e tthe nezt 0day t Mneadano upson thle SLegsleatlsat stoe Roage. Amy o-e. respede diemNtd to m s tat totlat , wllmeetpromptttendmaae d I will retrn to St. Joeph st ay tmetoat-I tend to say legal matters mtrLd to amin 11-If. L k, SNYDIR, J SMr. crank A. Deanels ha hren Sappllteid Pnst Master at Jew Orleums. m The Ingletilslu meta most - Moundy. We pseme it will k a 0penty pelltlml mile mad very enanted. ELKIART A IASEid lAMIIIEM a . S. lle oom l Larln sMas. w U. IhiD. *o. Y., uata h uoe. SWuS. M. w. . PAT, ,, L.NArt, I. oe Orlea ii Inhtitute an Ieomoved uo NT* 21 Prytania . t. w Orleans, La. P Mu m . h o.l1 o1 , 1. w.n S - TIw onaslls Ii o . O: I - MONMRQU LA. For the treatment of the Liquor, Opium, Chlpral and Cocaine Habits, Nervous DiseRAs and Tobacco Habit. by Dr. Lrytnli E. Keeley' "h.aorde of Gold Rlemedes n For the treatment of the Liquor, Opium, ChlMoral Tand S.caut o( UnLs dtd S... M I t SlIm sand MillimU HIa - I- - d ebled -r --neem oabw sailoq. Als the oeri.l approal f amr em a. .snci d p l medidal aruriIs. HOTEL PIAZZA. r 44. Lrtu it s& r: A4Ja, S. .(. HiUt'U f. iit r"*l-.. M114. to Centraly located and ooevenleat to n toLth Railroads and Steamcers. A new Hotel with all she l toern tm,,rove nt ieo.ta. III n. "KOIT PIAzaI PePo IWPIts. ed lys 6m I - I -, 1 01l Ito tlle |ateel, rrb) gKive tilha the hbautiag 1nd( trappgtisg of prtriIdag.. i Is l forbidtlr on the O.)jls.i, B.oaedI he reset, lBtrun Bay, Munel, A'onlale Il aeli Mt. Arearat laltatesOes. All trerasmasera will th prm-setrteul 1OU CANNOT KEEP POSTED )p On What Is IHappening .l In This Busy Woreld k. '. UIJSS YOU BUT AD BD) aI I' The TIMES-DEMOCRAT l1 Its incomparable telegraphic news 311 service, interesting local matter, time ,V ly uad vigorour editorials, fall and a Scurate foreign intelligencc and general make-up place it at the head of Soath ers newasppers as. Its laie and rapidly increasing cir latlae readers the advertising col THE TIMES-DEMOCRAT of eo e Valibie Tha Thense Ay Other Dray i the Suth. o SUDBORZB FOR IT I r ADVIRT'IB IN I I IT wIl& r-vn. - AlICEELETINVTSTEIT DAILY. SUNDAY. WMEZ., S). s Pr rew. as p r rar re aw -*=, .. p . .= ... a fibnWA lt Iurime mui to O o ew r uo a. s. OOiDWEz a WAtwzOz b is walle at. Mew rtasm.. a. aISmaum e koe Seuth sl,ee Dp teSuaet ITotal samoet of [asurases Ia Frres sI -*S70,442oao. h. The only Itseraee Company plOasi ,. setsto adm ssgpr plasters on sa equa 1.r feein"g with akers, merehant and .. mnufheturers, unader preferred eles* Ieademe. The Preferred $10,000 opblastl-p -* Plley. gnlas protection at thme, ai I and under all condittlns. SCost--4. three months, 5$A. s months, $16 one year. Lxzasive ot _r $ e me~bership fe, paid but onee. WEEK FOR WILLIN WORKERS .. f det nass, asy e. srt of s e etry ea a emolemagat whish we .mruht. 'Tea oust 1t st besme bmse.erwu.b. Tessas ft ate eats. Asyi s Iamt mtnsired yem vserrs to w Wsaluers wo as a sIb eeded. It w eOt yer. miraul s bty ams enees. Awny r ds the wat. Bdeslame make meisy DHea 1M duet ds a i a knaswa with osr emies. W ems w is wtas a weat 6allomatedm*se Sae y w y ey s te a be es s t.s d Mamyesidarreemptrmeay. e sedr f e best appeas is. esssnt ie Imess. Il rILhlLuCLr~m dol. .ml r POYlAND, MAUlAL InI a i 0 ,1,rlSturrlr·Lrl iP P A:44lOSf A. *Ii ti* . P. 0j.I " fO) II.. IA.ARlUYT Clintof & Garrett. l TT OR.,VE Y3S AT LA W. I 4t..F omeph,.......... a. Will prsetlee It the parishes of Tea as, Cnaeordia and Madison, ame ia the Irederal and Supreme Ourts. Partleular atteatlon paid to esloe tiens, the ale sad lees of laads, msd placing of lesas. 1HU GH TULLI8, , 4TIOR.NEY AT L.d W. SW. TOOaYt ZA .C I YJ T4 .I I. il P a YOU 1 &, Y 4UN i. .IT OR Y 'YS. ..QT. "L.4 . ST. J 3-3PZ4,tLa.. ý. Ch*s. Young. for the last eight years Judge of the Nlnth Jadicial DI- tlet. and B. P. Young, who has practiced at the Teses bar fotee the put six years, have formed a partnership for the practice of law to the eoaets of the Parishes of Tenses and Coneerdia, and iu the Supreme Court of this State. Special attention will be gives tS the examlnation of titles, placing sad e oaring of mortgage iNns, oollsetis e debts, and the purehase sad sale of lands. saet Dr. DAVID KINGY,-Vt ' WATICIZ. I1 Gradeate of Oatuae oreesaeur Cel lege, Teeate, Canada. *See atlret I U it kata's table. DR. J. B. ASKEW, Doatal.-urgeoa Offic No. 31 Crawolrd. Street, VI :KSBULTR ............. MI88 DeJ. N. MOrTo sIBRY, PRACTTIC INO PH-IUIAN. Tesio.rrs has I.rdts monil serviesm I-#, ie peo4e or 8t. Juospi and vl. eliity. tr U*.c svir J..6.l, 11..w**.'a sr.. 1.I. It oIINN:.Y I tiltle h'. ptrIg.tisal nir r'hr is o111 rol's"ss'. 4e9 Nvs.irteon asold "i. 01 O'w s1.I t.tatlrnE Ithee esl" w.w.6e(,,l I"e,,esaI) ti Dr. J. B. ..). II lt iJ. S. nail Mitt. ST. JOSEd. se I.LN F-rl.WiKr I ATORiAND .L ees . 1asMes. IUDAT. T &DAT as sURh'iA!. Ifa. Iaswea.Vekte .rq, WObD t! WIIUWDAT ad PIDA V. s It s... se m'. t·eaenl ,it exum.. trats. TIhtt. IRNi. Sept. ltrvs ssan WDNkUUAT arl4 P. a. R 'OValoetaIIUl. ST. JIoaPn .ate,, en..s.P run Ad... s..+ I E s. Val !d- SN ITCH l CZ, 't. . l .seaUs. M5ter. V. U. 4atsam, I'n . _g,. a eweb bW pin ali--,eodiamge e ":msge ia-sple 1 Sw p@w .e ms. a3 st - . vhe P. un. e.i mb.Ydmgnew hsdlm P1 ILI.. i R. . 1ITE*WWWW P'. I. WILLIAMS. COMPANY wholesale Merohaxrts Provisions, Flour, Meal, t;rain, Hay. Texaems 1l4 it. Tobacco, C-OflIe, Sungnr, Rice, Mu]La'.it.s, Bagging, Ties, liue, Oils, and Coement. I V IC 'SB URGR . -....... ....... ..... , "`. SMITH BROTHERS & CO. LIMITED WTholesale Grooers And Cowfe Importers. , .,"-.I . NEW ORLEANS- A. '."" i Dl8RCCtwtU-. 3 eKINNIfT. P't & Il WImar. cGa. C. WaW V.r , m%. W R.iý.sor4 .IN. +e'r " Tý*. W. I ox.. W. 13. DICI(N: & , C(.., Have a Complete f3acok of º.adies', Mi~es', ' I4 s Oxfords sad ll - gas. •den's, Boy's and Youth's Shoes. Our Gentlemen's Challenger $4.00 Welt. T. Best Shoe in the .tarket for the .i oney. Good. bonest, reliable Goods, good Weste snd Perfect Fitting. 419 Main St. Natohez. M± ,I Toe. 0em. Prs't. 1In Wae, ~L.ý. .GLODWIN & WA'I ON. GENERAL INSURANCE Life -:- 'ire. -:- AoCcident Real Estate Commission and!, romkera 3 .8 * .m. s e, 5 . .O . Oar ne .ist. NEW ORLAi MS LI.lINWiA. iteterence Ameriean National IHank. i s ar- e * D*a a m age IN, To itgl ease _ lt Imae txreatd Vi6t. 1strmggp .r Palpnioae o tie ert. Presetem Deesy. Leek ot Caeds- , lW ltF ol aured (eiLer ex,) ad DeI en~rdee.- whle Sllowo l the trail el ef rrorno. Imrso sa~ rw xue. dee kev eao 4he day tu the viii1 Sare. extenls itslf to tie aI~tletest IeYltes, eLetivm the 4toe the, Sollowla tooanlals s to w l we ase Ieartaphe o e. I wasttb t .r th wiht I rellod K·hammatlas In agl s theI) ,. . WaaspB" i.l ', . hIe tWa I .heagh wo w.ll ad r o e lt . .- eI The ypooe ul .r r er. ha aatI a.hed. ibs. ed ,t aJty. wk a ry rPapttatl e e rth Pneem.remeatmsy, uIa m e..Ce miemere, ..M , ; s, adl' Derpeedeyo , that u~ ~Weth esee "iLe a* elo whie 5.oe *IaO a th ealae1 s 0tra read te teewr * trtlan,e, we toe we e ri g ptie e t " Il vs t(re Ow th Phate em e h PIleE r DESL TYLArgl , put .l. me mtee er am m*. ibm pll hee. yem ae dd qeens meek 1011WBOX ET. VOI N. Y. 0 IIA - wi epi ra.eefLs sba.taa~ ideWe er RUMBLE & WENSEL CO.. NATOBRFU MI8., lesad ail, eeted Meek eK, u . a"r m. Asi SmeohscC V. Ic. tihaan AIm se mr aron Mw.. Tsi us dismgu, ise. T1"7 ,. j ST. JOSE1U, I.,j All Work Aeraoatek. Osutry Ordes peels" Amilda.