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WHY MAN WEAflU A MAT. qmspese re a s a newandanera the s evlatl of the. |hnma Raes PHrhrlp no a ri.le of clothing has been m-no frely criticied in respect to Is utility than that which lexicog. raphers describe as "a coveing for the head." tse, itnstructed by the e* ample of savage races and others widely differnt in various wrys. among them the leaders of feminine fashios, whose crowns of goamer may practically be dietardaed. would have it that the hat lees condition is that most character 11te. of mankind. says the Loadon Laneet. Against their opinion we find arrayed the combined force of civilized rwage in every climate. Fro'n pole to pole we find that man. If he dresses at alL dresses his head. Even if bootless and guiltless of such sinor trfles as waistcoat and coUar. he covers the head with some form of elothing. Nay. the very savage, though he may know nothing of silk or felt, will often so decorate his vortex with feathers or so weave his own natural wool that not even the conventional Zuropema cylinder could protect it more effectually. Surely there must be rean is all this. Thee is a clearly eonsclous led which exists not in imagination. It is thus practiLmly admitted that though the head, like any other part of the body, may, after having suffered the attrition of atmospheric variations, become inured to their action, It still loses somewhat In the process. In the Isat place, it is evident that in this e. Let only the Attest can hope to sr viva Ovilie an will not enanger his shames o survival by risklag the eprialent. Further, he nads that the lamrir animals thus exposed en dege esternal changes which do not aban, it aver, tend in the direction of L. and Instractively he shuns return of coasreness and barbaism. He also recognizes the fact that, ý wholesome custom In balid , the consequent effect ill be a healthy as it is beeoming. raeot among the santary pel - splhe whieh ought to control usage in thiaMttr are two-the avoidance of say but the lightest pressure and the admission through the texture worn or by special apertures of suflcient air for free ventilation of the head. If these elementary conskl"- tin;,s be duly re aardsd and suaikleo:t prof edo in bn pro vided against chtai: of wea'-o'r we shag And te man t .c better. not the wme , for tearin;t hii, "rov ering. for the head." IMPOSSIBLE CL .ASaC HEROES. The Charseters D . by Old Wrles.e Net at All 'rue tn Lte. dome of the older nove!istlAn deallng with eld Ilme, the feudal dsavs i France. Gerany o" England. or with Pi r life, make their characters be long simply to another time 'n the new world, istead of to another race and werdof their says a wrlter an the New Englnd g . In endeavor lb ato reprednee aoees and social aa dias aeM have passed away, many )ltedlst novelists confuse the condi ts al pererulal human nature. ThsyLie their characters according to thsir el statis and confuse these eelal o coe with the qualities of the 'spirit ,they give us men and woeem whom God would fall to recog nise, but whom the critics, more aetae seedily tall as models and types for all otter stadentsof human nature. Their hcabcetees are nearly all mountedon atltMt they are animated by motives and edsrdrations which are quite Im and they talk as human be S ier talked In this world. They eal not with the exceptional, which is poeible and artiste, but with the im posible,'which is earicatura Their old Romans and baron and highwar me,. Oaf,. stalk r'tbh the mene mothing 7platitudes and "senti manta." where.a we may be quite esr . ta that they occupied themselves ebLy with cheating, lying, cringring, ssalug. eshemi,s dfi(r, drinking, di-e ,, wo a. aotdplr, a- lang ad eslhiag slang, just a - are dela Ia the streeta, mr~ public . flee. theaters etCa, ct Paris, Landau and Iew Yohtoday. Andbeneathall this saen thie was always a ernie , or,.sal ylr ad uslyaLa a znraotn0a:d sseon one ome Imagnle btee the resmantle represent tism of the phase of IL that this imte Ath oYl f manknd we. In entie of yes, tea ,ad dd ars Iay date bom ld the t bhe Wea -mtethsph aa ec lviliani tic of GtiIees These same virtne.tnd ims eset today, and never wiil e tirael eadinItd, no matter hew high the titll ct elvlllentlen shee bet, oa et t the very lowest plano humn 3Mis twh erete realaon to huamty is semeelsy me tahb that c the Seem, I tL l ages hav soud gor ia midlrele ths riddle oi ezistenue, end hens. have tea oere a lesrndebb i, sref id· d ee n a -eto.L Orl e ap~pelat let ,U,,M to is egqatoJ about SM This fct is sIbm by the s year's rset I. th new mem irin Prei a Two mail sen eim handred and elst ninepy ineeminbumanthe swh seta .-a is, on Inesmes et betwem a ad n,000 sse Oly *14 persow have In .mc r 8M m a otm 5.Ma ye. The highest inaom do elda ns WMS arks, and from the Le-ten ywhrelt wam registered theper Er s beher wth had .:ag uesedt s opinion wams ased what <ts Mea a aI what might be sermed as Me wen. "My wise asked - e ears quent tha etaer day," he squas, npd t old her ay Idesiwe ambeas - ne tletter part cr e thLr . d seed the - e and when she ; 4 bimkve .sM hbe wam't g to' eal ,l Iwma ther ct gstw h wt ee to Ls." 4,, DEFENSE OF THE PEACOCK. s s i tes Tre, as easd. That mea Iest Ane ayI-U.w Uo Cour. w "Who says the pescock has ugly feat!" w remarked Taxidermist Wood. of the - Smithsonian institution, to a Washlnag Ston Sta reporter. "I have heard and . read that piece of nonsense ever since I Swas a child, and I understand that it is Srecoded as an ornitholog~lal truthin Selassic Greek and Latin. You will come s acrs mention of It eves In fabs. To . my mind it. astds as Illustaies eo the fact that most people sever se their own physical senses actively but d depend for their notion of Ie and d things upon the observatios of ofthere "I have Just fSished mouating this pair of peae3 cks Is't the male bird a Sbeauty? You emarn e for yourself that his feet are decidedly pretty nad well Sshaped and rather mall in properties to his alae. They ar very slightly big. t ger than those of a tarkey sad are de , dedly handsomer. The same can be said of the hen bird. inattraetive though the latter is In other points. Wherever a the feathered kingdom the eook bhd is the handsomer he does the courtig, Swhrh in the eompa y unanl as where the fcmale is more gorepeu she It is that talo inititive In the love makng. "It is a eurious thlar to obsrve t Sthe male peacock Ia courtiag his chosesn mate approache her mot with the brightl colored toce of his feathery 11 toward hr bt backward. Then, on coming close. he wheels suddely s about with every plume trembling I r the sunlight and dazzle her all mat - with his beauty. As for the pper r msconception respecting his ist, thee ean be no doubt as to how it eglated. When the peacock is pointed at, being Snaturally a wild bird he is apt to drop his fan and acuttle away. Thus the Simpression was conveyed to the Igeos ant that he imagined his toet to be oh ; Jects of attention and soaendigly Ssought to hide them. Of cours moth could be more absurd." AN ANCIENT SAYING. a new tm rarh.. en S a Jey S)rltssmated. - "The phrase 'beater to a mumy bea - been famihar to me from ay youth w and up, and I have always undeeedtoo i It as 'beaten to a jelly,'" says a writer S. In Wavery Magazine. "Does It mot . . fer to the medicinal substance formery e kr.wn as mummy, which kept its plan 1e in our di.,pewsatories until pretty lots - In the last century? It was variously composed and not always of the sns consistence, but in general appsaranes L would probably resemble that of soft * pitch. I speak now of the spmries kinds, whih were doubtless most cen. g mon. Even the 'genuine' sorts wee n a however, necessarily Egyptian. S"Penicheber, In his Traite des _1 - baumemens. gives directions for the W composition of mummy from hums d lksh expressly for medllcal p·poes " He recommends certain parts of the body to be aed. and these to be dried, m acerated and spiced out of all likeness to their natural condition. Mummy s Sprepared entered Into a great variety of 'balms' and other medioaats, Sr which Penicher in his concluding ehap. ter gives recipes from old writesm t Some of these have the eomaistehy of d oil othersth that of an.oatment. It is clear, from the refences la Naves, that mummy sad its preparsates were i well known and from the 'ma r mummy of my fesh,' whis Names , quotes from an old play, to 'beate toea dumnmy' is a natural and es stop." Not What Ther Are It is custcmary for the raleead rsm. panics to treat eitnesess well when they are subpoanaed to court. When a witness for a railroad company bas to leave his work to testify, mya the PLi Sadelphis Prow, the coa pyps him fully for the lossof his time s e e th legal witness ee is not as ameh as the witnaem would have earned It his l ocompatnh. In addition, witnesses ae gives an order for their dinner at a restaurant sear Sith sad Chef t treet The other day whenb the agt for the eding raiamd wot t pay for the ehbecks krmed is bl wi. r ea be found one for the mrnesli a lrge mam of two dollar "•Whs is the world did tlhe w a m"sked the agent, "thaLt s k should he two dollars?' "It wasnm't what he ate," replie caterer, "'bt what he end ed. his bMll so big. After he ald s diner Ihe ordlered a whole hichekm ia be to t~ae homre with him." aew thea lnerm Oew0ge. The Roman. in the time of Cleass SAugustua tok an early breakfarte tl three to four o' look i the mornig, a a lueheon at twelve to one and at aet Sthree o'clock the sen, or princpal Smeal of the day, corresponding wish our dinner. A :. .an dimer at the hoLse of a v..,t: iy ma selited Shiefly of three courses. A ser of stnimulants t, he appetite wesme bt served p. and eggs were hiatnpeebL to the £r .t ~our Among the various Sdishes w-re the guine hen. phessas SalghtingaRcle aod the thash. The IBs man iur:'nr.ds held peacocks gireat eastimation. especially their tobsges Msbrobius states tht they were s eas by iortenaius, the catr, aed Saquired such repte that a dlagil pe. Scorkwas sold for fity dednei ' anr being equal to about susatsa mats of our money. t hiem ts elaSh chen. A Awriterithe North China Bemal Sssaribee the fars is nortsra Clha SThLem but two mw e tls is ayeer when athe eple do set held largefeles almMble wants of U alt amn me ylied. The emosptema me tueldb t msthmw awh me rIras mewhdi l impeeabM and te first, an siete tso nd remretion. These is s oeatmat senousis of these gater i e g anygv ih h dinot a whie ki is act us ommon g r ten t gad per 1men to be eoesgreasd. There is an s, meshed advertdhg tihe mat dat st ,!-wh- e will bei e pta, b red r slp eropaperpstep lonmbe places, San Ihe se eess mse very a 'iad. A PLEA FOR " HARVEST." Sl a"e ne as £nmdnm as an me - " I have been reminded by everma Sftrleds that the word fall is not emc sively Amer an. but that it is msed I for autumn i some parts of the con Io ryto this day, ys a writer i t Squee. f bid lossed this feet bee, though m tnanteeaember evur to have hea Sthe wd used by ay mcoutry people I Ide molt malle Assrelcsami, it Swas doubtless takes ever by eamigrant I and qpla. I thik that ms Amer Ieams ome from the tg I New r at ad terdess a e n t lish rs e, ·therebie the stote t and startdle I people in the world. (Let ms aiway I my trmnds, when we cea, be atrioit.) It is a pretty word; but those wb o Ir coatemplat ,s we aiMede, the season as time of decay and deslic Sanad arproeabl death. Thewm h i e e t ateam thM et faiabeemewai S I sorry we have at bit our "ars ef English word. CoGM we not revive Sitmsadspeak o the earm a that Sharvet? 8prian, mummer, harvet, whe. * tar. Them are ar names-al -l good ny. the woad "bhrweMt"--url - a is actually the Anglo-aes for n-e Stms. September Is hwehst momea the month l hanmrve Let m sbellsk utuma--It ean go bask to the rLati ddat ary-ecadpeak hemueaeth tf JAPANESE STATISTICS. Mr. Omn. a Japeasme atalela has. Jest pMblimed some Interealng Mguer omoeralng thea remarkamble isererwm of populathoniu thst actry daring the roesest siganamad tspecis sie 1a- Isa Jammary, Ir, tihe population was ,1t,ie lae Deseember, st, it bad Is messd toh e4,,Ma. Since led? the s amml rate of irose has been tbdiee. in every e so that, it sts date is paerved, the populaten will dba itselt a cyear. la Eaglecd the rate a l U Imeaemas Is per 1,1M, whole l most Ewopemi oneatriles I between lm and bcs, a i e Vrams sem spal meek lower. r. Ono pootes fas the hember of lrth o Jps is ower thn In mot elvised emarirsm, osept Sramds, ad that the number bof Ulal ºmI a tee d is mller thee the m he tm tehsthse gema hsesr the pope. I tlos h the development wealth .am the reetorato mand to a deereas Sthes death-rate amew hilren.s iem the tales whlch he gves bhe -. furs that the astmal wealth bas doubled Japin he test te y eems mand bhe hoawsthat the smeasme his the population has been greatest a thI orthern ad muther prat l the e pia ad leat th the neatral part-s phenomosa due to migration from the astal provises ANOTHER IDOL SMATTERED. m leesease ot eel a MO w at as 4o ou r eed c e a.aDn. OatdeesmOoIotel. Byrou'ammsmahe, has herreputatlo for beauty sdfy e. pugmed by the athr of Ucealp of the Century." That literary osoneoet aysm that everal people whbhad haws the couates told bhim that she wuas thing bet bsatifuL "One assmed me, he ays. "h ha eremploa remiade himof " boiledpork (1) - other amerted that her figure was a solutely shapeleas that sh was ad beautiful, ad that soe far am posses ltg a p grm es a egaes of setye she had the appearace of a seet belter with a ts ra n mmd Its middl Wein thau this, It seems that GOaleetoell wad dIed es a dutk; her tek whMhk waw a le and Sat a Mme de tell ,em,rtelhne by her menmy, N e whm he described her ean teadge her grand pie do ltuel'-eamg Ih the aggetion t thi s dae Ams r her mcssme they were ser from e A eamee him. Tr Par)a palm - laudtead by the ladl aberliee ml the Odamu shea that mob sitameos were faeme rseism the rait ls prodmted wthout ees. whilee la ther em iteomat-e -aud the waratlom oc sr ria h the 'muitd the -bemamfsrom bensen at asmon. Whie beIed or emle d ta e h lat emethag om the taeren ad tate toa dry, mealy potato It I pal. arabl ead very sutritious The fuites, wMik are divMaly about the els a plgeoma egg, are boare he heaa it. fram forty ho dmty together. Ther are twer he bearing smemo Lh A h Te em am t a wer. Ade ot tbre taken by irds a by whi, requently lodge i smomes deea Ing mortar ersok on the ts p of high baldigr s and wIll grow ot and make i·-ltlet trtraee oeotths the ty of Utis. N. T.. where on the tape aetya t rek c ha rk a mauas wsh, theme h grow, mad ham new esoeds bhegt ml ao ama feet. TIb. reew -a thik way into th erorasha a Sstee Iem the m n work.m Durig the let tw er three yars It has Mesememd hmbio hl b betWat br the It ihteremi slgbwW Utesa. The werd Ug a applledh tolse a mre play e th word "noe." Wham lunm k melted it ems f inat. alohmd earled a "mew," the eral brebacmd wlk mealled the "pi" Bee the br emlas samd i led "pig kn." Ben, "new" he motar - h do with wine, bet ifam thebath "sawem," tomeater, Germ,4 "mean," h en and ohg t ebewitten "m" (aewa). Haing a mew br the maset it r e a qul dmture Mwt M maie te r esma s mewas sis LONDON08 COAL CONSUMPTION. L w aw w..a. chit ..e Mu w..p I m ve t8 AStmOdmeldma " In Lodesse 7 I Abeat 4.cUqU I tihy tihe am dmebg em .t t hpalaM.A a. M mUrs i leas"p a La add l e. u Ns Natoml Reiew. htb em. ieatalbs s sabetesm lstmpebun5,UemsmRed I with aulpbri smM, tweay sem - twmt,-egbt psoms ot elphat om 1 most. Th totwal ad -t Wtestin I .wl - lthwulor*ay ,SWm n SAs mthue prlted inlpba at amme.l. _i r f peash mad aulbls pee a,, wb -montamy loes it %,m psaub eaory year. IU we wrn lens waneedn we I shasM bet aas bebligmI ass ubk aill MA Para ter arwMelwat Smma Ift r ageesM s liars t.s itm a aisrogmmguter a t e 4,Uas WNirs o oea wlai .e ssd eesry yu I - 1 .. w•am rows. Sabesrg Mrla a rabsomw of I peamwb TMh batsd mulphds em smmeals as a Sertiirrll hew based I iho n l an am ON&e"= io " bmr h AB aw arama of amaet I o po.aed pola a /alp - me-sd -ela, although t qunits as" a - rtl-- amtstabs hul blb - e Mi Swith grnstr tuae. It eata a Sr, pee eat oaimesh is al r per ceted olrague. Thea theu me the r hydrnkum a ps I umm wihb (theh k a the dimis Wp at Kmauhm ml Pea bo4 eInal ainm, dyes bhae tLeat ThL e b hs hua ..e - d e sob to*es % onpas - nht tayt~ b -r f _ud hgmt. I ml yeLt thesate uibe.. . Luas taw wo 1 4e all the hie wms by ggIushimswth summ m It wSaotbh eIs aberih t rnus eqpma Iw pare lltid hl hmed, we bam da thal Is he.iM--i tess dt eal brsems th me stelpaU Aim. othur wre -.e-- - --M--MIb h d Bleb bowms we saes P. ISTOCKADE OS TUSKS& " I*m..ta e*m 4b mbew mep r ass me aor assea - e "Thu Lery ýL~m ibus a mee a Mhema wwrite. um the ogm e M th utm daspeam" "er iy the s - valumsb artlem emperedu Ite1 aam duos tha gho cousq hui moth am boftb d th rke. rtasamlw brlig it a htr yseatle, pool.mdkfs thuse is atds (two huabe akmw 1lt sale eaerhsr bring r sr t k barit I have -ee . in day sst hboo*" earb rt ursem t Matbdi. ehh --- ewer Saga tk talcgamea dae 514,.en90 to weIghnt whuasehowdghmus p onds, whet .4 raba.a h-pp.oa e -n ry Mmirs "MYet d the Leery eeg dews im knows ad leersy.' artd the elephame tins whik thne ibmsea m wrn Muld mes h adst ye agm ad the knat d vlkgs hae hu semsug ta. plaulag thu s ms beele la on sop of th plh asd whm ibY reenseme eow poi it. son am" t-as -S ac sum be m domb layWeS wes. tahu This qogm has pm luwrl boryms hadt Inl estlmae that is tsy at"" is thu ituraior e Iplly me worM her im sat eary. It in s.ekMue, hel up=m whus uatkootry lenastmlemeses, that thu. se atil at t taw.e huMeai toanml elephuat to .e.awl AhWe "Th. ears *iwr' or now Lery wush amw an ows ea i that rY hat...e. attachue ibs hgr a lmm us a e eass ha t A alat. a mks. bhIg -een meats age s the ibMeLr. Upue shedau S May wi a eerye, eaghtea has als hwee M.a, L. sears, paeasevms eiem w as -epibm us nelmmdbeueh atb umhrhsr bm ,s Summed kihk A me k ey by lChrl V. keer oarewme huelt h m ds mls bb he wrr seb eay hassses muulmta e ga 'hie hMw bymase mo w.amlhuI hel -ee ahuu. mbblf wmmsm -se sr stwimgup.. Waga r Ge me shut elghly yin. eM, ha had 'aly dlmurtatl by Satri. Thaeb * amy" " prJor," *miss e ." "pearimt" we equalla Me I Isd .Th odnt gm, wllta ml m wmm ml pm em b pe , amothur wha wrre srthbu hum lb mla isbepeuspm as m mtalr wllb its se whm p. - do e mreeutheser ibm mms asr r Y~r r I) (lrq 1 1 ~ro~rrAs~ n o o n e or Na ar of tahe eo Mw ie Tr .. Ma Ae weee s- . swee Lame, . SnemW pueoplem om ane. -.... wmm I. i rdly Wib sew Y Ho Lleo that PtIa esbrdr id iY mPea Oy mseTw t meula rMd ideealmraaoatha I the eal, r aem boeeps the ht .but wh sn doM. speakl d- "i i she littneo a ther dipmy aslun me re her mbaead hamedm, mu thei Mew Ia man 0. see Owm wham the 09 peke N4ar hebeea - a yse awmb al hmet a. mbh aý.Itr t ar imasild swam. aet rest asy Isargth ast sd si ks.iro pt .nI Te a1ei. willas e wail ma a"-haned It e- mner be firgaae -byl the wa we piylges nt bel thne sssat the p-in at. Ma euhl oe -il. The wee p eat seean mumbem of the eaMaie (ems, them pear Ter Welttlber, whe -hd bewas ed sle qI leh a.s b~r twei empoer ,td -hemaaser aý whe malaem get shesMe es ath doiem) ats whaet amE t ths n eot a . lwe s e a as et Sel il I meewk ven anawnesom W40 Tpmiy ha meWed ford oehar amw n aw igwith eae wa pvoa pelt late etai ss l ha d w6Mk hevoi aIeN .p Ian der .. aamb eet o esaM.m ame __ uis" ll --= A" 60 1 The wart ied n we aid S i a i. I te erawasth ewM. te -am-i teImi r aie y l dmnet hagrbe asea4 ha. dhea Y.m the mar we wee I "'- - ll-lalmwe " sr thene pwabeeme er awy tesg talk. the inp. e Ut adam ean I aii. batweesa t w einparee d ass. emadek da ate iwemit ad the a e aeima hae sliaw st. bees sieve -moa -s ie·a are. hea s b u Isp wwe bmeestot dm6 wees" ambta mpl 'th Impene h bem wall pb -mir t i. t. Me hieam i s e. th . weetly arrdw a m -I""Iha wItr ha*wbmd. a amio y en Madm.and e.a pealm, adewthe ai th Pu emi h.hema,,r aehri i Mmeasw ,,ieadI: ea:IEs, - S tami pa...b a ee, ,_ ba_ tw, mATT IV n OUNI UMMlS & ibne wea i ae sttoI boeL i,lili_ _- y- A N _w Ii a ~ i S- heia, w. dwe Ia ear. em. s e-e wUmhe am gemi e- aVh. see ptan d ewteime wless a. I ethy eapPes eat btibbl btlsee wiamr seaflyb eha.ed s M r ea p magehe My pahaa l ee iq bump te wdem, wasum e ad I. dbqeneeitetsser e wee - peopelpdeeeegeMs aensl teltaas THE .:-TENSAB GA AI :T A weekly newppelr pub libed at 8T. JOBEPH, ]A.' THE -OR TED OF TElSSl, --OF T'E-. Board or hom IDntm -AnD OF TW, SFifthle, IDaese BoaN _s rih, it is mah useoloe "--:. 1---.. who desee the InbusJae this aetheg. . i i ATIO i- prieI it wI eera the beet It r ofTs eralIly, seed the N* hr Maglmgegg, (* a med ether OOglikqe ·e. * et***lyes..l Suhgeat *ine~ **