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ette. skVEYa PRIDAY. c.., :-idll" e.. i. 3AN h i lle bersnea nd lA Thelaw r *atleant. Thiteen ats rsa IA uae. n the rst Ind serts ent smbgnnt isertioen. Thelaw regs fteertlasats. Thirteen SW the Arnt and 50 eents The eslnmas of the te Poltleal Agri sd goel ews, we S all siashaubjects qise or ees, ne year (eb, ehrgud for at rsg. Im" Awtleas.when admitted amtenfleag zates aI ad 1Ham at ather r" at be . Cntster line. Apey dC Gasurrra--S0 Pratks Wateon, Ag's iaeCetpMie and rake 0 :r.... May 18, 1894, , Immadllately after mc of the 1lgalatre, was held for a United t f. the fall term pie 4th, 189 cand the °mster, lea. Doelidurn was cbeses bh a large ma. ker smmpeultor, BHn. B. et Senator OCaery aSlegne eonelecion, t will he lalked by the Democrats ihai mae for hirmelt lity let* the Senate aen Me ma u of aoility. 1S aslieblag devoetiem er a.e s aSeIS. Sioeth Louiilnma. Oghr for the siair to q lthe Stati and behas . IIn htaileag duy on eager Seepstable to he plantera. beaen seempiabcie by ir. lebteat a msuelle of politt. cid be be amot , ahi De mo ac rat ,td that Senatr selery. sl apethL with tem etrese Sg the aim*gast pliatern wh iehlg i* wreek tee Dmearsteo and eangss the people et to the hldeebieeu of rule for thir eeibh giin, as mge atmlate hbi en bin *al snand hel that the henor 4iM walhm at th sbiue men of laitelame, betber they plant el. tenor sager meek sae io bia,hbed 5J·TBlND. Thb Daeemsaae ennes at Bats. SeadWi en Telay Itart, nminatel th IlteeDe . De Ceery cad M. (. .lethard to III the vaanelee in te tjted SItee Senate eased bit deith et Senator (dbmen sad -!e appsstment oa Seateor Whilet * be the Sepe ms *eh. i a.ewtlemes .1ll he fnrmali. yp~edi the legilstatre, ex b, t.e~ etenes of seai. en i-s Menday, the inyese sua* <paMsute1o t- ---- m I., _ ! _ S Ameg the architects of thie world who have gives especial at. testion to hotel constrection tle name of Iease S. Taylor stsnlI i Pre.eminj nt. For entire noefrtS, especally fra. rU.e, and for cotn. venienee of arrangement,tbe famous Southern of St. Ials has long been eoneendl . anunsrps.etd ansy were. while the Planters', of the some eity, is regarded by hotel mee as ofsering when completed the proud. eat conception for tes purpoes yet eeneevedl, Both of these aitclitec toral triumph, are the work ot Mr. Taylor. This emin.ent geptleman 1to i now in Ne-w Orleans, attractoed id hither by the dlemastnd tr anih talenats as his, remaitlgl fro.m the r '-nrinlsg of hee at. Okearies. Mr. Io Ta lot dr.eclare, ulsrqnue rally r the mite of the late botel Is onser. Spaeed In tthis elty' i.r thalt inesIis. and he will sou'mit to its owners plans for .. mew modern atqeotare. hl upon whirls he will empllon fr the t i fruitt of bhis Iret knowlelg.e ~,o1 re esperienre.-T-m-s..Deon.,ra.t. Lesbllan Levees Caipt. A. P. Martin. eotreactor fur Amos Baynes sed Felton laske levers, is here attenalin the lee Ir hoard meeting. Fulton iake lever. d said to be a work of the most mass. ie character, was AsIished rseveral weeks ago, and Capt. Martin hollue to eomplete Amos Bayou lever hs thlee weets more, thonih in this im atamee there is nto ores-ion for! baste, the lnle hteing at lnterior one and the high water ueamnon drawing to a dour, with no Indisatieos of more water the savigation tre. 4, qairns.-Oommerelal..Beraldi. esmaster Eaflky IB-Iected. Baton BouHe, May 14,-Tbe rr genestl ansemhly this afteriosmon e, elected lo. Domnsldson Oilders . United States senator for the lonsb. m term, ieglnasing March 5th, 1S1, . The total vote, bou.w and senate. wn woo as rellows : O1 Calery 97. B. F. Jones 21. Jualg. B. Allen Barkedale 7. -- ý s-- levee eard I eetlig. ry A special meeting of the hoard of n" eotmiussioners of lhe Affth Isonlaitie district wais hlid .,estersld., ti The following named were iese at : Presieout W. P. Ogdee, andl t members J. B. Hiserodt, A. I. Ir Newton, F. L. MauwIll, +nid W. G. . Wyly. Abste.nt-Messrs. Cordll - I Oolctarp n:sl B sekner. The eomsoltte. .l'ipOin.ted toa , amine buibons and o.lopons. rep.sirclet that hey Iha.: espreased a sepons am eN sing to $2,9:3.17 to the Sta . tremurer, to, he placed to the ac.l lenet of the special stunl. u Judge T. P. ilititon, ts.wet'siting I -the Marydale. Lansd auompnints t. '"r. wstd the jaelldgmet of iusd neom tpny against tLhe ,sardl. Iamistting lto _$1i17 ani WI.?i. sM' i am.k that' 1 wrranta of theb. botard Io iseed ion m attlement of the elair. On motion tde requt of .Jdi*e yr. COlite ware irated anIl the aere el tary imetnated to iles the war. m rant. ite The seeretary was alas lnrneates pl to ssue warrant. in settiafetioi ot .r the jmdgment or 8. . Bertroe. -. amsuntlng to 07)rm. is On moto of Judge WIly the ,r followlaigl resoltelse wise udlted: ,l Wlrns, It hLe eo*me to twe -i keowledge et thLe board, tlat the. mI United States nginteer in charge. entemplaets theim letting et' the metreot fr lilldilg a neow lev Ihm (raen LAkeo to Sterhlng, Ark., a 180,00 rubie )ardls ot Mial I,-l.r to 4 ho bulk eat out (Junist oltatea all**.. • .met tor 1II0, oe.w, mn an ieInde,. ,I ment to ,ie Iseely eunqletmy s,,f S1 ew levee. Ii Be It reesled, That this heardl , ereby agree to paly t3 eats plet yard on aid IIw.ao0 vrards t. ad s dton to thie prie for whpb hsiI Swork may he let, prnvlde the oeer trartor shall go to work and rco, plete ails levee frem hiun4 Lake to Stetlieg tbeolee the hned .eters Theoellow was als adlopt_:_ ruslred, That the meumunal at * noflw to ,,tim . . of (na-i-a , SI -kg hr the a"regatlsn If the tas tel * we wont per ure ns fll mdel a e the dihslut, he ,riqmsi oJedge wrg, w** e esin utmse * h w.jtea ser e es U 3.. as lag he deemw.l ece..sry at t the |aressat seallius ofl Ur l.giasla. tore. On moateas, Jesdge 0. C. (Cor.hl was reluesltetl t, ustmoler with ihoe Hmon. W. (}. Wyli amis lrei/ariul nt bill oar illi whies will clse Iwefore the legislature reglrding the finman. new of the IhoartI clt the fith dia. tret. Thme f iloweg resolution swa. of a motion of Mr. Maxwell, adoapte,: ri Resalved. That tbe ilgenell o aewaly or LIeNi.I.mna t1W rreqgeated C Io anuttlmons this elotarl to iaseu E $.11,1t.11 in I, lani to py the osating a iaebhtednemss of this Imcid, amid lo a iarnrslal adequ.aote fiunds to Ianli R an1,1d elarge l i le Ieles ofl this" die IIlel. tea imI- end 1cm 11 si id ' Ot*.e locly he m-ael thbroughml syon asnd priteel the cememtrt froits n er. fHow. One mti.on of Judge Wly. stl followilsl mesMnolutinaltu 4*l.,le t: a lKs.ealv. That the lo.ial csam,,me Ia adsmerr in Rost Crrelil p.criil hee. asthelanmtl to Contram feor repair ,' Tbe wave weash.esI m the- mew W 1)3 I levee cd thau t a v the hw, sales Ih ve. thwra-glmly 1hah.ledl. Alo, 'last list lsagal rome mI,.sMlommera i Mcadieis0e1 iaiwrl t 4 lt iorlarss,.l to Iave Ile. wave wishes repairedl its tihme ne levee at Villi Visti asnl MIlliklm'.es Bend lasil the anss. re.eneldler.l, m1lnd amdl that the lWoi in r front osl Mald l levees sle dramoeul ; also lt wave. washes mn Cattonsm ood aMid Else. levers te repsirod alss rr.-*nddhd. On mteti00me'tbe ltmardl aljnirmned.. arhjict to call of the presileoit.- (Comatlerelail. eral .. WEL(COis, IUl..I IGreat RIeJektcl I the roath Ntrlckea Sictioa of Texasn, anu Autenie. Tve., May 12.--the slresth..alrlkekn ectliona of Dllval *minl Z4patias enntlnes, where rai,, lalod anlt fallenm In taer yors, w.m a visited i st.erdl.rey Iy ai heavy rain, mand the rejealulg ammasg the. ertarv. Inl Ieople is beinSg maeifesatl is .anys temouarkablche ay. W ,eim it*i mrai laeg.n falling tihe pee ,tle rils. rd olUt of tbrlr haetume. at Carrito' an.d ot her villagees in fllvmtwel ce'amtim and creed, wisl jay. Men, wI wnem amI' cl ,,rlileee mariehl, Iarelagh the asIserts, alemagieg seld I", enimagI ti e Ird tleam the Il-ls il, ishat ail Aeally laeenl givei thelhm. P Tbe dralllih hmal eaueel tllousallsl. ,of helad of earlle m11 Z spatl coasi'ty b to im5e Intom stlrlaslimo, Jn All Free. Tie.ase e, *' h .r s-e*l Dr. K'"egi'. Nw I)ool-.ely knlae IImt v':ee, andm shome weho.have int. haspe sio the aoplllrlsooea) to, "*. m Foe,. .Call o . is d1 adesslesl L)ruggh t andr ge STelas i.n Iatle Flow. S teid leais J e. Keadms t'e . Ir- ,e . I ieeA A ia.,, ael get ms.emeih*l*le 1ai0omf Dr. Kmmhg's hew Lmrte Pills k. re, as well a -emnlp of (emele te. To le th ideI james a. a pu yed to ao aseom tt 3w mse e -tI opened J. P. Klllnerw's ptrmn isre, Frm ., d aeith te o. r Twsad tamerla stglolreleotd In t e'Oene s batackee, e di. rerver Reober Nrk _ aIt riU er h t, nd re i To the loadles of Teaseso to oPar ieah. d ad pleased to attendoWe that we have and American styles selected la person io, the leading establhmn ts r. of Np,.I _ng will lccr March 1rth, and we -t aI tr.d a cordial nitalo to ulr frisMdse sad patroms to attend We respee tlily o solicit your patroasge. Every Boy Mhoeeli Learm ,wst eallmr nerseews csa what a Ilsari hes, s *w'Sa steinmLeolg te s o fattest I t. als desirable bhat t salmUp - " aggag S ' I Fr ale-Cew fteas. I have for sale a hit of eow peas, wbiuh I will dliaplos of at roeasoaale Ii prin.s. Addreas A. CoaxN, i 0,3,3*t New.lleoa. La.. S VAC INATION startel a riot I Brmokly0 reestl.y, no and our CLOTHING. omr down.' right Noveiltie In NBOIGIB S 1HIRF8. NIGHT 8IIBTS FAJ. rd CY UNI)EIWE AR sad U081. 1 . i ERY. all have started a i aaltilon ag iere. Seits maate ito eodr n short o,, seInee and a ERFEC:T FIT ,l Raaraw.tedr 'I WAR\RBA QRARI,ES CO. S 18 . C EZ," r- NATCHEZ, Mi[s, ,., I fIA m ern, Itueln Hotel elegrady silllshd sad eIquipped with every T a tenaeloe aid laxrry to Iasr the b: comtort of guests. The "Natches" is admitted to be the meot elegant betel in the South. NMl din.a fat eern s1:. I1n0 tlu. itla I Il .*SL BOS, so Petl gds*..New Orles. For '; LACI(SITI ANE WAlS1I SlNOP., iIOesU IH11S1KEsN AD U SE o. PATCIRES A 5 LTYV. 8. H. ANDREWS S'r. JOSEPHH' All work quiekly sad aotly dea.i "t qpecial tatteion givens eoeaatrl ,I orders. 1118 ly i ,-I " --T#E PEf ItL- SOUTH PRARL iT. IATC , umls. EUIROPEA1. AND AMERICAN PLAN. Restauramt. IaemS , mad Cate. S. DUNOAN BAKER, Proplstr and Manager. Iael4 y S JOee.I) .g nl u..dwee. 1.0. mo0Nu e ,LIG gPd We 'i o dl 1oe".. LOW C r T., " /....- Awr'.o W...kt frIas. ,MR dvS aLmamsme N.N. 1' " Bacldea's Armles Salve. The beat aislrls Ise . world ut U (,.. Is . llraiiwns, B4rrp, Uler, Salt i" tihes. [aser te o,c.e. Teiter. Chaps ,.' '.l* H.n,. O 01Jld .sijls, Cna, a, nl v. all Skan. Bcl,tions *.,n s eei.itc'p!? i'* Pjlers. or ts. sar seqssred. I1 Ia. gItarante s.l to Kite . ti'iSItl.noo o r Ia,.a areinde' SI's ie 'Si ,**-t pawr Itw. Fuwcsa hI i Nl J.,?. KnsrAw. ,l FOR 8Al4 ' The Dtxie plantation. near Lake St. . Peter. oeatstalnag 8M ares of sad. t. Tetmas rsmao ahble. One-fourth eash Sbalane to suit purchaser. Apply to Houe Tows, Att'y-at-Law, - Janutf St. Joseph La. I ' I.. ET AY NOTICE. t S Takeso up, nsear Nrew Urthlago IaI Landlng, ,r. 31th . b) Gartbsk a s l O'V\el. oase .eitrel i.ruie mualse ,buht f; 7 3ari old; 15 handlus high. Owner I lai lint ia laug elargis- G.t llUISH A (r.EIL, ' OINT' To LE0D. The hard times are over wlth theo LOAN (:OMPANIES and we an now ( vepased to LEND MONEl on CO 3 TON PLANTATIONS. I Addre, a ;CLINTON A GARRETT, St Jeseph, I,. r Frl RAL, 03 EALI TrIlN.l SWe have ad fer sale n the "DIUN h AR" place, "WEST POINT," sad other piastatllos to Teassa wrb. la Sures, whldek we will sll at prices a ringhin free tea to tweta dellars; r se in cash sad bolasce Ia 1, ,, s8qp Syears I ,MONEB 10 LND. We haew b e arranaate with the ageot oa sevral mertggrae 5 ms tI Memphis, Tens, to leahd e 8ust mSrtgages ea apprd real eatoe, thebo loas to be estoaded ea A * ra. and lterst payable UemuMly Applyhy bl sal or lara pUe a "Iur oae l Gamm.i, *ell ItI. ,,,slephl. I I"AdvertIe o th. TImas Ge. _!u Uall Leugal 7lberttimoe t. e SlKBIFrPP. SALE. State of Loulslans, Parish et Teuas. Seveath Dlari Ceert.: De Nederlaadaeh Amorkasache Laud Mastsebappy. vs. No. 4380. Mrs. Lglada BRollins t ala. PUBLIC NOTIC o uh ereby gives that by virtlm of and n obeodleoe to a writ of seiseat sand dle In th I Sabove styled and nd m beret altfemthe above styled Honorable Court, have sersed sad taken latomy possessea. and to pay sd satisfy said writ, will oe 'i Saterday, Judb bh, A. 1)., rt 1804. T Jor fir sale at te Court House door, In the town of S~ Joseph. Il this puWarh between the boers of 11 a. m.. and 4 p. i. to the highest bidder for I eesh, the flllowing described property. 1 to-wit: All that pertles of the Beek Ruidge plantatlon. whieh lie Easterly of the Irregular line A. B. C. D. Z. G. H. .. L ly K.. as shown by map and survey h nexed thereto annd rneorded h Ded s Book "I" pue 5 et seq of the m rs of Treass prish La.. and contaianng o seven hundred sad sixty twoandS0-100 (711 .100) acres, being the portios of the Suek Ridge plntatstion st apart to SMrs. Leulada Rollins by act of partition to between her and Luclen Bland. wMlb I Set was recorded. July 14th. 13 ! I Book "I" page 54 et eq of the of Teases parlb,La.. reloa ee to e . act I. hereby made. Said Buck Ridge pleatatlon Is Its etirety being on* - posed of the followang lots, or saetls 1 to-wit: No. 1 14, 15, 16.17,18 sand p rts olots or sections 1. Sa sad t; I also hfeUonal seet'oes m mad 67 Il I atownship 18. ruange 13east, and tantu i ed In Tesase perish. La. That part y lquired by Lecinda Rollis being now known s th Arera piatatios, to gothor an tdie belidlsgmesblnery. I Ip and appurseaasess thereto beloeging or In say waet appe. W. C. YOUNG. Sherit. I. t. Joseph, ., May, 4th, , 18. * SU0CCESSIO SALKE. State of Louisiana. Parish of Teases Seventh District Court. Sueoasclon of Samuel Payto1 deceased. PITRBLI( NOTICE in herehy gtr en that by virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the above named Honora. 1 bi eourt in the above styled suoes- ' sle., I will on . 8aturday, the "24th day of May A. I)., 1804, C t r for sale at the Court Rese door in the town oft St. Joseph. In this peish Swithin t h ours preseribed by law, that Is bet the ours of 11 o'eloek a. m. and 4 o'elok p. m.. to the bleb *ot bidder for ush. In order to pay 1 debts, the followting desribed property situated In this parish. to wig: 10 her, mannr ad colts. p I malo. I wage . a Sbead esttle. I eae let fiArmig tm t pIemeta. L 1 lot heuseholdoratee. C Terms of sale Cash. THOMAS WRIT', Administrator. St. Joseph, La., May 1, 1804. - I. SPUCHBIION SALE. U SState of Louldasa. Parish of Teases, Seventh Distrlet Court. Seeaesis oft Mrs. EmL.a .:. mese, - deem d. , PUBLIC NOTICE is herhy gives Sthat by virte o ofra dem r to esltoa as directed by the above amed *Homers eeIs court to the above styled aosese ton. I vlla o S Sterda, the 234I day oe Jnwo perish, hte e It o of II e. sad4p, m.,to tIe M4dor Sir "eeh Is oeder to per d Me e Amew. "8 dweetki, property alttosd hi th p6inh, to-at: a T'oe rverl treets f hlead leHsm s th WMoerpreel, bem Miller mad a l tm pIattlem amtute Ia the e l Parisht e, St at lamtellas, sand embraligl fArtieml semi l em r() "g. oio (. toe ml Else (1) tra +eleve I) Iint; sles estees thirty-Ave (1) and tah il (s 6 I. a pert of mselm thirtIy-mnu i mUth of the Tesu reed and part s u.rto (n etownship ia () t t0)s Bnestes parofsetea ( range eteve () a iee-/ L lisur A Na .1 In d Midwy ple1t-. Mess, rest by the MIo ssippi rIver, 5. !S8h by L'Argsm ,nuowr e~iu.51rg a - Ia menswuflao and ,by Ia en (le es eas or less, wn i Sal mte Imupevemests e thees. g I On wMLk mual Dove.. I Oe mailu thrr. Os. olM mule JulIa. . One ha mule Sube. oo blek male drm. Two news ead selves. Two old wageme. Lot 6 plows. 05 old armer, mime (9)ebls, see a u I JAMES MOORE, Detv Tetmeaetary Loet· r. May ns.,0 '. A HANDMADE CYr.33S IST3Rt It IaM elsms, . ILIs Om'lses, ps. ~ BS Geuines, ass. o GOaiese, p5. A.5 assnbo., iorda. St . ;p. t lyr S*vsies der the Tina * GA 'V - - c cvee o oos., tI.. A NEW FAST SCHEDULt New gism A t mtt. i . ssiass ppiVailey Route 1. 1 .A i. Mr.V. O.d ,M 0O N k' em S UAtt IA WGUPATE A. t T 21 ......ý ham "* .A.. 1 i.4 8.I t.... 4IdwI q* .. W Y IAlr7s...... " flr· " "...t.SS.on Oh. PMe .... *'s elkel e ..s.. t111) 5.6Im p...... * e*m Ar .... 1.m iste ..... ' unesie . **...... S S .l 1 .1 a 1......** P",me l " ..... OS em TOI.. 1 . ...... ac ltemlh " ..... t7.4 i ir lsen .... "* ( mel ..... pIm t'. Tm. .sy, l* resau.. S"lew h al.. btwees. el. fIew Odree and Mephle. SP. ew er4 sdabrlh desemlle. tp~ to ale . L Aee*s*.s u w. I. PassA. C,. P. 'AT. Od Os.. r P APe. The as. ms u . T-ee. aFFrICIdL. DIRECTOfl. R . n.......................... se* As e.. C. .................... 4 o,,, tRt .k w rl...... t.w e I ast no Omsu rcmed i@4w s..A.o. Dmely.rI Es Oslaw,. Wher DOh ss...............s.. , aus.. I; 3 Pont .....l.O. Mhsui, Eiod. l Firth Diutade........C.S. Ieam.r, Osse te Ir I .......e. I. .d in . $ia Diirlu........U.. n tsrm . f Iehls Fr(.e O. enr. , M .C a.s. m,.o .................. a. .Irled V. a, sm...m.s.....n - N w. C.r .ur..... ................ em S. GIs Pdal ..................a i . r MRS . J. D. P s........... ... . eI,&vuug - ( rbs tt . ,,eas s......... a esemr u eogag W. W. B.l .d.................... Aetto id . JbsI P eIhe A r 3. J. '.asmnah............. Aresp eral a A. D. Lsat s....... ..... pt... t Ms. . ie ra . v. Re'I ................/4st.. .e ases. 1$ 'l rsI . Ilehoed.* ....elr. *ass ea.!.t.e J.. .Lisle,..... , t ss... . ... e .. s my 36th euat hiavl . Cnpg... i e the Parimhesa t. sem agl Os. or *.rdla. • easrs.,.c.CA.. wae ...R..... etu " . Oa I . wad .................. M (T.. . N. UlteMr. .. tS ...n O L. mWsmol .. ed i .... .1. er.s. of rrs @.l4 T g J ' . ... E ..l............... ... IS.... Y , as • . O. s . ...... ,,l........ More It. Istar • e• e a • eit I . C. IMkas. ......... l..r... e Par s~t bes rtlNesters .m bus (ied K, -Jury m ..I.. T...-hs. ".d"Al as N t CI E... s, .. s..s... s ... .... Wae I. La ble b .th... iss.. .... . F. F .. s **r. *...................8id * M w. ca. bi........... . i... W.l g . *O. * **...............C 4 Owes . hall......................... ...Chdt a. . EL M. ... hr. I. Ole l •. S a..., . & hes.............. . L.J.Rhg. b......... .n ud e, B eash Tub ? As..............l....C b PA..So Idsms O I. L.mmebr I BI re,. -~ *Wr~~Ylr Uhhl lee Sinadhu· m bass preyed k~k be ~ ,(~i d Wmmu. Ol( y~Y r~ - I&.s,~ ce 1: E"g.