'.L I'O l8eMAS ;AI4uo 1,. MAILS (co KAtwi tdAsl4 "p It a (CI frmhrndy .e * .. .. 1I Pri4ay 4*.*. " t a* .Rw TIIr .C I A IT,. Is, f..e. Q. *I.wpih ..--Tuesday's sat Faturduay - ar'Y.'-4* 9 .A . 4 t*,**r i4srqs a I.m. 4 s r* , . ,.',s , .*.* .. A. qg1P"rt" P M RE1lGIOlST NOTICE.S. Bertee. is St. Jrs.pb end NeO elites N seer alternate Bonday. In St. Joseph at 11 A..  i 7 P, K. olewlhou at 11:S0 A. X. Appstastrnta for Wasterproan' circuit lte 1U92. Modting ervic*. 11 o'clerk a. O First uandey it motnth. Wesley ('khapel. .seesd .en4eay itn eek antth, Waterproof. Phirda Ssuday ih each month, St Paenlb Sunday io eaeb .mnth,t Wa ternrwof.3 Ogdena's, V~eeld Sandsy. 3 pm Y. 4. CownmL., P. C. TERIrAu LO) No. 4 Lt OF P. WBrne.l oeanstie waa ua third Meadlys In evenry lti. gt Watwera. ,,. W. 1. ooa'on. o. . OTt tKR. .. c. 1. of Ia. a. U3WaNg IT SUOHON 0. 811 gr usetlem a. wtm Medev- wf earl I narter, leusar Aprilil Jee n o(r**hr. W. R. NkWrWE1, L w.U M OrvVl. ebl mgesg' e i .ews4 * far sh Wed- J de4ssY i .rvr mUneatk, ast Wet.*la. 1L. pIlRW Jeoagr, [,A .rva. K. odta. CC. --- ..:-_o a 3.-!. 1544. Aso dew TRW Aanta y. R a, tl IT.3 UIKLOUISuB I.*, eT, d . .& L idets ia eibte le sM att t fhl. J n a al.s Ur'' Weda.oai eft o*t*f t I ... t, t. M.lUiWKot . W. V. r' A WtttflWAt.... !ect. FRIDAy .......r.....M Wy 1$. I104. al.IAL ITEI#R. q UO-er is - eginalua to sitAer tfron drosth. e. water 0. 0, C(dill. left on Saturdasy for faton Raest whe e we are guII to nots he voiyel the snlihmnts* of libll Irllt Iar volinI .or Seaoter CaIqi. The river isolltblly rsa thie p gride at tints polut, and to riasng lrem Memphis dlows. but the rise will la o.f short duratltrn and ran anesu no alarm. SbWerll W. C. Yonssl les gone to St. Lgoe to bring bask Albert Davis, w% killed Cat. Boees on 1Mr. 8. F.HoLpkln's ple in 1800. Davis was asretetd. resently in St. elst and pliaed to jatl to await reqalttllou trom blis Satte. BIlows Collins, lwho killed a ms i on Oapt. W. H. Beek's d lae, a aborl time ago, aa ben* eeslbL t t at Isadville, Mis., and will a I brolght heal ore for trial o asto , as reqsiaties gpps oa'n be ob. talmed. Miss Matlsi Lowis, teacher of the pbilo heeool, sod her pupils were smoewhaj startled eo To"eday by a pertrfdgle which ler bthroegllh one of the open widnows of d eeelboo bounse s in its frlghtenod eforts to ses w with neasb fori ogainst a ass In another wwida0 as to drop dd aon the foor. .. -. We are pleoased to note usat oar ouag fsed M eam Andrews, wro SaIu~ 't the Usver·ltl of 5Teois, a w*s o the medal fo" orer tory seoierrs by,, the Athesasom Literary 5euolest r the Ulvtersty.r Tee werse oilght sststaLts fot k baser whih Is moet highlyv gareumed li the Usiverslty. Crop The weather La boo veryI dry fe re poet nweek, a few showers of robehtlg bls is e prodtns I small es.. Work haa preogrsei toadlly ant esottos le deling well. t a good rat rweold be theellal tow s. we War of eesederable sente le is ns get sp sad wil net . -e sutis it rue. +C TB a!:opsep V -::t. A.s u ItlInolw d i* aoa . . }(AZPTTE. 11M:":,, s "' *  ..*lt .r,,. on Frl.leY in I. .h. Je.lh wlspre he se;eilt flhe l h. I altmal n1e 4tueil,.s itarnuifgi he aie l o t N .e l.1tfolo as14111l tIeld anrvirer in St. ~,s's C(slr*tlr, ai t Its I , l et*Fe lisnt I i it fiti. .If. .t.. Jluni .Ih ., ese h-ll at 11 . , . .* Chi, b. the Bi6shln. :1e1l th. reqt P rhonl*h. !.v,. . 11 ll "inog. A earlr-gorr.ssi wili !Ii ehure*h ta e.vearl,,, In - i Iie *"ile'a a e'l 11i,1,. n.f ut i st .llIerto 1 11t.. After serriec tlhe s:irr"til rihe ol c.nrmanI linns was adaslijsi.lerre tIo .seo reaspoNwela of o n.. iSnyder en.t Mist Lbari Caitlemrsn. uls.eihterse of SMr. K hfrt I,. E':.alr.t. u,e. tr ,oingwarlla pleri.s ; Mis'ssese .ar. ar.retrt, 1 li* Yaulg and E.ni!le Thoe hl; comnlannion wees sl1*t eleb.hl,taed by t.. Bishop and Rev. Mr. Smith. Thie Ri*chIp left on the St. J.rIsel on Sunday night. Penrsnab. We regret to hear that Mitss SNoa Slimer, who returned from New Orleans ont Frineat hoas Oweto ill ever siner her arrival at homse ansi hope that her health will soot. de restored. Mrs. James A. Clitaoe and Miss Roth Slone, of Naeles., are vieitsog Jadge and Mrs. Clsnton. ,Mr. ad Mrs. 0. (:. (.Veilmar, who are ever welcome vislt ars tr St. Jeweph rcam up on WedInes.l. as the guests of Judge and Mrs. Miss Ir.mie. Smyth of Wavertree and Mi.e lemiable of Ne'elss. are visiting lMrs B. F. Yitigr. EFIsAOPIL CONY SNTI N. felored Chmbtch Admitted to lIep resestaille. 4p .tat to M Ti me'.D.amanet Volimahia. 1. C(., taey 10.-The Soeeth arolina Di),ew.es. (t'.,`.·ig tiosl to-la3, by a toat of 40 to 2.1, elei4elee to alsllt Dr. (Caeopliel Asnl Mr. Trapier of St. Paan's andl St. Michael'a churches. Siance the iagitatlm of tie enlahr quell.tion. nseverl earsn ago !he'e ileiirgt me. with their parishes, have bahenH en, of active onIsserton Wilis lia je*o, keutioa, ai4d the notion to )1ae marks the end or the COsettoers.y. The debate ws a slrled. Ba."rn1,4 Capers in hi snnmual addlses alludels feelingly to the latlers at Bishop Lsman of North Oarolina tand Bikhop Atlasndllal ('GaI Tellas, the latter sative ui sieas. C(arlliia, who behe . he beca e reahieit of that great .tal fe Ioulmt Sbat al1derglt eil wislhie ilts twr tele i bet II'ved te aee it wittsl tlor.' httd. I ops acd Iheoasmeli of eeaIlettlgI.l'.~t. ·lshop nCapwra stated that he had Stoufirrmed 164 whicte persons nll ~8 ,solore . ie salid that withoet the aid of the board of MIlsiols the *hour o*h edt have aceeiplllhed eucth igmta Ntdithatalndmlg the Inasesl arlngenoey, he d*elared tlhat the peole have met thlir Sobligalmles mohlty. see the Wedd. Fal ibr ac leei (eat . Ullm re1t of yror address and flfteen * n Isesltage stamp we w Uil e rttta IsregaCIl aeut gv -r Portilhlist utes WVorisis CUolcmecsses r Btypoug, the reglar pries I aL Ftty e~4 lat as we eant yoe to Sbhve es, we make the pie, HaOen nal. !, will hsel it a werk of art aod a thing to be prie'. It eoc. t Itlres Ipage tIhea fi tbe Igea* *l lat dirg4, f el deae'rertttteeas s M *e. an4 to .'eoaeed Il helloet " 4la! It not -aatte4 wite II ;" . it. we weill releed i. .A I. r . B(10KUr . Obheagu, Ill. I ital Card. * Dr. 4 (. Jetrese, D. D). 8.. e 1 Bsteube 4'ra ·la searvices to the I. pnPle i~ Ik. Joeputs aid vitmut id iad is urerl to els all knsds e. dental i Willl be hfiad ot ha Sde b4L Josept oe gad altM tesd eOed, l ElUIAT 0ARRIAEal HAiIRNE WIF. . s o to oraeiern Trt Writ owna ea.. i s wBs...-! f37.. W, . ATSeO St , _lýae LtNma t karol 3ai for 610 I S o For the treatment of the Liquor, Opium, Chlo al and ine Habit, ervour as and Tobao Habit, by Dr. Leslie E. Keeley's bloride of Cold Resneies t ,, r --,l M , in, W a e .. 1 R at.. .Om'y, md.; sath i Ne. - E" 7%e ( e I sI 11 Mm rtinirs . Aloe . A t.let. oWNeial Iabona of r t . Smd. Cowesl M oat imen. For the treatment of the Liquor, Opium, Chlland Cccaine Habits, Nervous Diseases and Tobacco Habit, by Dr. Leslie E. Keeley's Thxoride of Cold Remedies ! t e Kemrley tt..tnee t -r the Lique, Opin Morphiug sad eaboeoa Habtsa ha rrelad Ie M S.Int of the united ".t. for see in the State and Military Heniae f« disabled wolnaseerdum al a satlors. Also the officil approval of aulmerota Mate, munidpal ed a ediscl eatborit ul e HOTEL Pri:LZA, ' . ". ) N T.. 1'i KiJtl . MI .. Centrally located and convenient to both Railroads and Steamners. A new' Hotel with all the Modern improve meats. VlNscNT PIAZZA PROPII TOIK R.: jly8 6m xOWICS. Nntle" cx hellri ;It. n lieit file ltentlnrg nol( tr:s;ilsto ,t los:rlrlig.*i is fCalt IIdPIe es, Ileo 4 1" "..n°', B suite reset, kltrnl. Rev. |, liI.s i. .rus'lailes'1 anld MS. Arare;t llatallsomt s.. All trstsl4swrs will Iw r, s.ruutsle4.l They Waist Names. The i Ies1+ r It 1 1'bliiollcl; (ro1.. eof 9I As'th ' o ,.. 1. 'htl.,li..li, e. .l.elrre. thei i se i.,. i ti0a.l i'.:.3 *" i few pr .' Ic 1s .*t-rv Ioans 4'. . oe |iot.Iesstu 1tcs It';I . . t t se' l . 31 "11.| 0 -.*l*i l5he'" l ii. , Ie~r to sclcl PRKP., •C.us ,eti ( .,Il,.h,. o he Host, a I e iuprb ly ezeentel water color picture, sire lIII13 inihes, ..aiswild. sr framtr g, sus d siater"i ,le.r eIitis'selS nlmee:Jt