Newspaper Page Text
V-, •■a* « V:' A _# 0* ær Î3ÜI' 1 ff É a i# 'Æ a IË . F' 1 ' I m G 1 ,4 ii « SJ ,X ■ r 5 #' f f V® / € * - v y • . •!■•'? '■•''J I: /■ V» --C; Subscription $2,50 Ter Year , ,i^-= r <' T'JiSMCITJA $rW HO MIME S. %; i7*ia » ÆJ Mason, Editor and Tublisher. *_i JlL". NO. 45 PORT GIBSON. MISSISSIPPI, F11DAY. DECEMBER 15, 1876. \ OL. I. ';! \ fi iu-Lü! -^ ape 95g? *«Si JU 44 -= vrrT ~- " -—■ j^R. A. RISER, V * w 0«c. sp .Mire *>« tons. Febrnary \Z 1870. ^ÜiTN/lcUALEUMAin A^torney-ats-I^w, I'OKI UIliSON, MISS. iiasr Â, IN, / ©i-pirii witli Hod. E. 8. Drake. Will gUe «Mention to business in tbc. Cir ei.t ami t'luiiieei v ('onus of this l)is trL-t, a ml in the Magistrate's Courts of till County. 15, I87fl. in id i J. J.KWW, Jit to/ -/ter- at- arj, .MISS. si * POiT UIliSON,. wil giv* prompt ntteution to all butine** trtifit.l to bun. < 1 Main SI loot, ver E. KfsrneyV ' 1 . : It|*c!i 4. 1S76. J H. VKUT.NER . Alt orner- at- lair, .MISSISSIPPI To irr oiBsoN. Will gift prompt attention to all tnisines the Circuit amt Ctianci-ry e«uru ut i bis p, strict, and iu the hunieim* t eurt. 1 . Mein Str.cet, lutely occupi-d by J. If. Iiiury. - THnuary li, IS78. fatru-tej to hiui i - w ' t Oui AJ y ^UKjASUEK &. Mi LAURIN, Attorneys (ft hair, AND SOLICITORS IN, CHANCERY, POKT UIliSON, *lei\'i£ue<l Imvjpg foitucd n <*o-p::rtnpr ship ia th* pnuuieo ot I 11 Ihv cc* r ihe r?»c» I••© in ts uf tho Fifth Juiiiciiil tot, in and U. t'ourt* at. ,1ack.-«oii.— «# frupr« I niupt uTt*utioii "iveu tu all Luüinpg* entru.Htfld dthfir cure. Uu* or the uth*i will bi* found iu uüiodut till bouri*. _ _ CM Ale LAI-KIN. it? IU, 1876 - L.JI -1 5 *** ....MISSISSIPPI. é - - MISS. aud Claiborne f * >Ue past ! l| M S3«. »3*Sls A tu fii« old ihtmR, lei iler« hi prolV-dfional pf-rvic«»« to the public. «pond prutupliy to cull - 4 for town or <at ihe ulii r-sideuc*. Fwbruhry I-, 1876. Will country. Sells & Co., COMMiSSiOM MERCHANTS Otfiuer I'ine nml CornuuMclal St.'»., HA (NT LOUIS, M0., special attention given to th* purebnse ak 4 ^alk of h 11 kiudt ot »eoteru Piuduce uiul tuurch 18 Oottou. JONSOJUAL, Hobart Boatsman I A SilfaL at bis old Stiitd, nnd rrady to at» ooiaaio'at* his ol«i Friends im«! Patrons, *** v?*U as l raii*i'.*nt CUftoiuer», iu I ho most iui pf*vt'i tyl* of ih* Tomorul Ait. Uuh' Culling. Shutting Sham pooing, ÊCi C-, J6ou* with Äottlue*» und Di-putcb, und ut • h«*tip juno 17-tf r <im. THOM. It VAN, Toot and ■ ShoemaJcer, MAIN STREET, FORT GIBSON, - • KLUS loiv* lo in form hi* ul<! friends nml tli* public thut ko in still ut iltftouM "nlièbang" turning uut tmeh VI rs ywjt Af BOOTS AND SHOES • * t.U* p*»ojl* »f Fort Oib on <?«*tujy baro b**o g*ttiug from hi Ut Tears. 11 Iber* mro any modern improvements in lib divine art, h* ha« tb»*ui all ; uud b,*ing hu • l>litb«tl rau r*r of tbe eubliiu* bcience ui a good judga <>I loatb • I hut bi« appeal to the uml«*i(«tauain tkii community will not go CCOU1 toniy, as «.It ken W, hèedidi Pftirrairy 19, 1876. — HINCiEK ff I af .»*, Sawing Machine. .4. J. lMUI3ER,»1grut, — AND— heater in Attachments FOR ALL MACHINES. Call and see them, corner ot Walnut ami Main Streets. RBPAlRINfl CHEAP F0U CASU-fc* •*J « Deeds ef Trust« 5,000 'Stank Deeds of 2rust, Gotten up iu tlie most Accurate Legal Form, fur sale at this Office. We are iraw prepared for nil kinds of' .TOM WOIflv, '«eluding Blanks of every Kind, at T prices. -** F. W. POLLE, » Hus Se-opened his Guns. for the Full Campaign, nnd prepared to do ull kinds of win l e. lie has on hand it fine I i Pistols and Guiti Moll iie is helling at greatly jCr « •» 'dece of work guarantf^J', I't Kl. fr. F. W. POJ H > s* SB f V J The Mttle llatui. t k That hnnd of thine, my prscloas child. How of*, its soft c.irt',s I woo, And o*k, with insny u hope nnd fear, IVhst ie that little lmnd to do ? How ductile, Foft, unworn l*y toil, 'Ihe ready instrument of p It executee the fanrt«* quaint That muke tby life one kolltUay. ; ; iv, fib IT, it guides the nm, .**vspira can deft retrace; u mu it u^ell oun yield, thj «0*11 and bteadj eteed, And when we coil the lettered p-ge, ' Pdijott* to the tiny words we read. And in tby parents* honda' tis clasped, When r.urbt nml morn our prayer id prayed, And pillowy oft thy rovy cheek When alumbe» *« spoil is ou thee laid. « 'Twill not be nlwn,v8 thu-', my boy, For »enl life hue'oilier taeks : What in thut little hand to do ? Once more thy yearning mother ask£. In it to guide the eenmilft** helm, Or j.oint thegiin 'mid fla.-bing aworda? Or will it wield the studenl's pen, And clothe thy thoughts» in liriiff wordii? Will it lie hard and worn with toil, Or pi Ip with eickne?.-' Tivid hue? Ô, could thy mot he V heurt divine 1 Wbut is thut little bund to do 1 But might her fervent prayer f revail, Un-uUied tbould that bund remain. Clean from corruption'll filthy touch, And pure fnmi every duiul «tain. Still ready for ihy Master's Work, The servant of a willing uiind, ore piompt to give Lima to receive, An-I grmp- d in many a greeting kind. And mny ar oth^r l and be found To hold it in love's tviKidf'd ijrasp; Aral inuy the .'»niidt which Ood thi n joins till death shall lose their c'tyfp. And j ' Be - I.ittle Jinks." lil A 1 .OS DON DKTIX'TIVK. I never could he harsh with any one having a real love fur liis mother; mou-, the moment that 1 saw that liis case was u d- serving one, I was ready to exert in sell lo the utmost to help him 0 it of ie aiiie. Aly own mother had a haul snuggle lo keep lier baium s'-arnu hoy iu older;, but,sooner than c.iuRe a tear to gather in her eyes, I would have chopped off my right baud. 7 ho was my idol wiu-n I used to wor ship i ; secret; and many a time wlicu she t .ought me ush-ep, ! have, been peeping ant from under tile blankets, watching her sewing, and wishing that 1 weie «I; M4h«oningll ruuL bi^Lu. - ugb to work ftur her igyseff., list let me ex- piait.. I receive* the following note tf*i- luonjiag u*'*f 1.libeled the offl< lYn'»n«e. s* lay. Oiù ' iCJ i". picked .ouihwlUoe between tile Mau é oh lioiifte itird Fimditwy W|uai*K" Tills brief cuminuiiientfoo was sign ed by a well known hanker, a jolly old In-cbeliir, living in Finsliui-y njuure.— He was a little man, and inclined to he fat ; hut he hud H huge warm heart— ns 1 bail discovered lung before.—uud seemed to li.« iu a kind of gonial at mosphi-ie, liked by tveiybody and ea vied by none. 1 even felt a momenta ry sinprise that a thief had found it iu liis in-ait to victimize such a man. Calling ut his liuu«e, tlie following ensued : "It is uot se much the money that concerns me," lie said; " though the loss lit that would he serious to a pool mull, but in thu iuner pocket I had stowed uway same papers and an o4tk memorandum which I «liait mt-s very, orach. It you ,ju«t get me them, y cau let Ihe poor wretch keep the mou e - T *' This proposal w as against ail law und order, nnd lie must Lave kjravru it; ban I bud lo remind liim of tin- Ts^t. "Ab, yes, I know,'" be «aid, ir\,.lji» qtiiik way, with it merry smile. "It'« agiiiust the law, of einii.-e. but you <!e trctivcBcau easily stieteb a |»oinl when you have u mind to; and, beside«, I only tlumv out the hint. Get tlie eon temsof the iuuer pocket—the rest also if you can." " No, sir." " Y«u did not feel yourself tagged or jostled auywhere on your way hoine." Alter eliciting all the facts 1 could in eauneelinu will, tin; matter, I returned lo the ollicc, determined to wink wiib a will to truce his p live and its eon tints. But I did n I hear of it. No one among my nuineieus neqiiiiiutaaees seemed particularly flush of money; the empty parse wm, uot picked iip aiiywheie or brought in; und I begun ! to fear dial it had left Loudon, aud the thief with it. In this, however, I was mistaken. A laiiii. before tgu o l| ing, while w e wefe e M slidi iHoreij of u hoy uiaihiijii snee, with his eyes all ,red'll m lock next uraru itiioa. «.way: » UAI'IWJH' Wit as the „I *«d gated at tha little iphitider. I lie «ffa'»îjfi*»t thtiî" nbtfht Irf'.i, Bnt "ekTii' ay ness"— lie was a mert shadow «I I my, though lie had a prepossessing face, in spite of the blearing effect «: tbe crying. Being answered i'i t,,e affirmative, lie reuiniued a moment silent, during which I could ce, liy the quivering ot his lip, that he was struggling haul to appear manly and firm while mukiiig ins next speech; lie tlieu suddenly dueed the purse of Mr. S—— er, nml hastily got out the words: "It you plusse, I'm à thief—and mo ther is dead—uud I've come far you to put me iu jail." lie was choking and slinking all as he got the words «ut, hut it use. À blinding rush of tears eu me to liis eyes, and the heavy purse dropped af his feet. There was a strange silence in tho room. Nobody rushed forward with a pair of handcuff's, or grasped him by the collar to hustle him off' to a cell.— He was so small—so forloru aud piti ful-looking. 1 touched him gently *n the slraul " What's your namet" I a«kcd; bnt not- picpnred for tho cluing*, the liplo question produced. r-|ed up, and every tear burnt out af Hves as he said : Äly name is Willie Bell, but they Jjf all mo 'Little Jinks' now. That's whÿl ran away freai I lie 'home.' Bnt j Impelled into theai before I left—not that, liut lor soaielliiug else," and recollection seemed to nff*rd tlie up.,' man a kind ot fierce.pleas',re. jSw, »0 yon rnu «way from the j a pr.. , the iuink ever was in» der. I Ilis face ♦ 2.J |T 'home.' I suppose your mother was pretty poor, Willio—not well off— eht" "Tliat's it-, sir," lie cried, with a sud den intelligence flashing out ol liis tear fui eyes. " That's hvvw she died—I'm suic'of it—because alte hadn't enough to eat. 1 tried to save Iter by stealing the pnrse after I ran away fiom the •borne tint when I got borne—she couldn't eat—and idle died* without knowing what I had done. Do vAn tliipk I tiny tel) Jim; iu IlyttTejiitkat j^j He appeared'so anxieus for a nega tive that I was forced to say : " 1 don't say they will, Willie, be cause that would he sure to make her uuiiappy—wouldn't it T" This broughl a fresh burst of sob bing, und then be said: "I hope I'll be Imaged. I want to die now. It's no living wit baut moth er, and everybody else cruel. There's nobody to put then- arms round me when 1 mu hungry. I—I—Pm trying not to cry—I made it all UP belote I came t hit t I wouldn't eiy, but somehow I can't help it. It seems very hard that God should lake hor away, for I loved her so, and I'm such a small boy.'' I could not get au answer, and uo body else seemed ready to speak. I picked up the purse aud motioned to him to follow me into another room, and lin-re poor Willie told me Ids mo ther's history, and a sad, sad story it it was the «hl story— a gurret, pinch ing want, aud a loud straggle for baie life, which dually drove the mother in to delicate heultii, and the boy into one •f tbu "liotnes" of Eondon. lint here poor Willie's troubles in creased. The bays of the "home" crowded around flic strange Utile «ni val, and dubbed him "Little Jinks."— No i udciiens or ui.kindness was meant — it was their custom, and lie had to give up asking them to frail him Willie, tin- " Little Jinks," they ivould have him, aud nothing glue. The first day passed all well enough—lie made one or two nequniutHiices, aud at night when all \vete asleep, and the cold moonlight stole into the doi mi tory, he had a good cry, keeping his head uinf fled in the hedelot lies to stifle the'sound. Uut fresh griefs were iu Stine for him. in an evil hour lie linn euiilided to some "f his new acquaintances some partiell iars of liia own life and history ; nnd next day when he found Ihefir tortirr ing mio of their number, a mntejfcwnied Johnnie, lie bonified them hyiflfitig op, kuoekiag down oneiif them, re leasing the siitl'ei ei-, «ml daring thelm Ui touch him again. .. wfL,,-. x»ii(, f-iMV.-J •IkK' ! a- is tt f" cried ope. ellmwittg 4» » Jmk.-, ilie In-Jjg.t!, tlm st.n ,-ae spttehilly „«swelled the fl^fGh IO.V gath.-m,g^ .maud the blood trou, lus nose *W R/oJltld 11 t tie stay 111 his bote, Hud ay./©me iu att î^1. K ;* U, !: ':r f .vr / "Stm-i »,ïf,! r S | 1 • ,1 . - • • 1 itdET ■ ! aliU tho jeeiuig laVglrfruu round all. I don t care what say," clink tngly let a Hied "J inks," kiluahing to the. wllfäk ""I,»','*" ^»■•««Aoxrojv » H., . ,,, t ? VT k V 'i n T l V*" 1 " 6 - .. »Vi mV "" ,fer, 1 1,ltt , . llL ' hoys.— | h til f ,u * t|jer ,au t here, "IWr ïoL. f „ r Don t »pe*k °f my mother, I warn y««, «Ion t. said - Jink, > with a | * «' i" S , o1 ,, tl '" L '- v, i H ' .. t II« t ho ho! Do yes hear linn Î — | » rn " , , . ^' a *'" r * , . ' ; Ot enuise slie is. lie told me so; 1 «mf ms imele tlnew her a ta. thing on ; .'hll'i K',!!.; 1 ','. 1 1,0 , j r **'V du,IJ 1 *5 cl ,,l< * join, f»r 1 limigli he towered up tall and , l-tiong, "Jinks" Imd flashed througti j 1 lie air ut liis throat like u bloodhound. 2» »«5%as.tra «"'""s •> »■ •;■-• ~ -r .1,, ■ ontheseene^rid put an L/t'o Z * . „.P t:. 1 1, . , , "* 2 p s» . e » a hoys, one und all, gave qmte a differ eut one; und theJonty earned the '"jinks" and J»R, nie were taken in and eat,ed till ewry hone in their 5irÄÄirÄ"i«' with « hunch Of d.T bread und a „rag ° Poor 'Ju'll s" tliaioht it I i 1 1 * i buck .0 his mother "Äiug tîiraugb xfcä ri v - h ! S - : SÄi M<|. tut+ir, u i a 1 >I \ «lutk* b. lit'Jun* M lwi ■ could rise to his feet his tenor «•«* in et eased bj k polteemuh urPhrkig ou tbèlwitli ' ,, 'ü . .. , „ » , I Gb, sir he mamigod to gasp out, ï ""pi. ° f uu ww> * t 8r,, P ! mi* T 1 lu^y H'Ut 1110 uil over tor no true version j tiling. But 1 didn't uiind thut ; but they called my mother a beggar ; au j I'm rulining away from, them. *Oli, do let me go ! Mother will he glad if y let me off, she will, indeed !" Tlie puliceniuu looked down at the little atom, with l,is tom shirt aud «tains of blood coming through, and pitiful face and wildly pleading eves. He didn't shake him or grasp him roiighlv. No, he took tlie b„y nn m r' his aims. He tried to speak to hj,,, j but for u long time the words stuck iu ! I,is Iliroat, and when hu did get them i uut they were strangely husky, and uot at ail harsh or uiikluî. ' I "I'oor littlo fellow !'' The unexpected words went straight to little "Jinks'" heart. If tho man | had kicked him, lie would havo been ; stone ; but tlie kind words drew from I liim a convulsive sob, and must liiivo set his braia reeling, for tho next thing ' lia wai conscious ef wns the policeman ! putting a sort of ilery stuff into hi8' ainntli oat of u flask, aud telling hint ta keep up u heart, lor be would n't let any body touch liim. They were frieuds in a moment. It ended, however, by the kind po liceainti currying little "Jinks " to his mother; and tlie poor woinan »vlien she heard the account, received ki'n with open arms, and there he remained wi h her until tlie day af lier daatii, aud the day, indeed, on width lie stole the purse to keep her from starving, when he brought the stolen purse i an in. - 0 Hut the lie fonnd bis mother dying. following conversation took place be twee* tbelli t "Who gave it tvi yon Î ' she managed to ask, and then a fearful, guilty re morse began to gnaw at little "Jinks ' heart. . T-^ifrVriAimii " A woman down there," tys got.tmt. !5nt could yon not get up nml walk about, mother t 5 ou would itok fc»t» t.-, then ami I-" bap- ye ■ ;iil'PWIl.»"* "No. VVjiln« I mmSt îi*- «P 44 hmis ' sei! lW ;g words that were coming, bnrsf Horn as be placed bis little hand on ber mouth "Oil ms.her, don't sur that, or 111 die ' lie Wildly cried I II i nn for a doctfir; oh, now fust I'll go ! nnrl yau'H tie well to morrew, won't you T" lint she only strained bun closer to *. r. liny after me, \ lllte, she faintly w hi speed ; and the« choking with gnet, and burning with a sense of guilt, be repeated after her a little prayer, that God would look after a lit tie poor hoy w ho would soon have no mother, and raise him up a great many Kind It tends to look atrer him, and Uw the same as a mother to him, am make ll.m grow up to boa great ami good , n .; ,, ^ , ., After Baying the pm.ver, little "Jinks had but oun thought, how be could 1er * ins mother die without contessn.g Ms c-rtfne. Every moment tt was at the ip of .Is tongue, but then lie thought tbo awful news would sinke her dead ..Ins arm* lie let her sleep on while he,watched hrealhing, foward morning shu sUrred slightly, and opened her eyes "Kiss me, Willie," she said. It was only a whisper, hut he heard every word. "Now, pat your arms around inn— tighter, tighter. These were her last words. Her breathing got fainter and slower ; and alien, as liar eyelids drooped, Willie's screams brought iu soaio ut the neigh hors. They took liim gently from the room, and weic. kind ami good to him, poor, i though they were j hut when they told , him ihat 'kis mol her was away auifle I where, nnd would not he back for if i while, lie had surli a wild burst of grief that iliey-were ai'iaid ef hris^slender life, But lit* was calm ut last, aud then ha | iu sis led on going out, ho wouldn't tell w i _ isiejtt fpoyjf, and found his, way Io {Je m, j'ltnwL , F ind;,and this eudeR Iris sioj^f.' 5 , i .l'ilidn'tiakc iiiui aw ay, and limit liim & iV'lAfter giving him I.i2 pm-,, aud'iuj contents .fntire and uulnoken.^Tt him liltlo. "Jinks'" st.lrv pretty .„ueli j have now put it lielhre Hie reader, , As I have already indicated, he was of that del ided ela-s euR.-d s«ft beurteil ; 1111,1 l,, "k r before I had finished, he was blowing Ms nose, wiping his eyes ; and. finally,crying and sehhing liken child. But when I slopped hint by asking if lie wished to press the ease he staited , right liaek iu his chair, aud looked per 1 fectly fierce 1 "Mr. Re,„.ids I" he etied, " do yon t ,k, ' ,,,ü lor " tnonster ? ' No," he add | c d, alter u miaute, "I will not niera it. nor will I let von press it. Do yen bear met I nm determined. I will see Willie -your'll let me see him, | won't you f I think I shall like Willie, jierlmps Willie might like me.— | Tin's is a big house, too ; he wouldn't ' 1111 macirspace in it ; and, besides. 1 lie'd he soiuebmlv to talk to. Ves, i'll ; B ,. e Willie. Rut Mr. Key holds, her« stop ! if you say an other word a limn ' |ju'KHiug the wwc,' as yeu cail it, I'll , kill you on the spot !" j 1 _ ISo«l K'asli for Brick Residences ''f"«, ■ StS Ü&Z 'R's ^ Ä."'Ä taken y<»aiR ot dial bet«iu> a mixture sÄt« aç.— ... awg jx&xrsz? ,,mthm to suit the taste re 1 . led Uh a quantity of water ' tô make a T\. m'ltle'tl.e'r wï' ra° C n \\ Æ^evtnÆ ^ } "* ° V " '* h e mixture forming the while li p ■! T'rÜmÛ-' *lOt "JH tÄ m 1 a^pï-«Â.aï.: ï^â " Ue t«»' "I gliwiof'a p.My, *| hia-untiv Js liicii Miiiiiicd tü i lut wal ta ÎÜ5 tbèlwitli a lieadiug tiRwrl, tin, distamw of ine joints haV ing pieviodstv heen [measured. Caiq «houhl ha taken, in applying l\ii* putt?/M prew it straagly against the wall, to pfevent any water creeping bet wee« it and the lirlV-k. Iu wiuter.jltoe we should suppose that the water would freexe, expand, und de tach the while join t, thus spoiling the looks of tlie building. u A, last tlie f'ol nes P«a ( 'hment of Giant. On the satire day, r' 1 "' > llld World in New York, »nd the Democrat in New Orleans, de '»»»ded, in behalt of tlie people, tlie '«ifijnehraent of this nreh truftor, wlio * |1MI I'fei G» t <•»! at neither falsehood, law ■ç«*"''»», nor military violence, to over tide the will of the people and '' le of hi« corrupt party, Other papers have now joined in the » n <l we have no ilnubt that th " House of Representatives, very ;8no " llfu,r it8 organization, will im l' ettc i | t, i | i* >"»" >u the mime af the An.orican people, and iu the nmno of ' u,ll '*" it i'■ ^ • ^tl,olli ^^ l '' !liB,, ' 8,! « ,,,u ' , - ««leatiors ha has committed in ifls «»OIcp. Let him ho impeached.— N ' D cm ocrat. iMi E.umvKNT.—VVe aie glad tiiat so many journals „re railing for Hie in laniii-* to The Grand Republio wsut into New Orleans this week carrying 8,500 bale« of cotton. Claiborne at two trips. Pai is dates, as hue as Tuesday otii, „«■ounce tlie rcsiguatiun of the Ficncli Ministry, nnfl tUngs louk critical. Slie ennid lake the crop uf *«Si nt on : hr to a »Father's Better off." ft wlii'e-liended man who laid p iss* his fonfsenre years, snd was owh iiieth wailing till be shim d be „„mincdlioine, though t<< pivelfral ),i s or Mai tha, John's euer JHitffcjlf l "' seldom #f late had spo (.edinedniing this, |M;|11 I, u l ki „ g ,,f him to eael.'hth J ,f. eÎÆff4k«t "liSWy pitj * CWIil l.s was MWWpnVnsiMie,- üun. ô» ire Idiü ;g m f temflilAA 1 fine wcafl^r; Sitting H.i-r. with bis ope» bible till be "avs „I de setting kui, threw their fading over B tlie rilll , )f tbo WCrtU . ln fflj when lie quietly went to bis own j Noi that they were unkind to Mm, 1 llo) Only John said flint "father',! fi'idflsR arc not what they used to lie;' .edÎMiirtliu. who was orderly to n p,i„ ^degree, was "worried" Vvhou she hu ,.„ ne or hjs Bpcctn( .| e8 mis ,,U-d-nnd the* ho ofteu forgot to hill . tlll , e , sv . c |, air in tvoul ,| l( , p„, t i omitted to bang his baton its c ^, lt y nail in the entry. —^do w ish von w ould be more par tiot - !lr , f at |,er," she said, rather sharp | y , | il>u I,-ft ihe west door open twice turfy, amt vuu always forget to wipe j eet ol , tllp bllsk U)!lt .o° * , W118 „ot the words that touched bi k 0 deeply, hot the tone, L |„. ( u „ k J |' ig aeeustmned ,.laee, af , y dinner, on tl.e pleasant p. rtico ho $ * K ,c a 'ter degree of hiuguor steal „V lJj ul than imnui, so much so that |ysljid rather teeblv to Martin, who r ,, 3 vfg8ruU8 | y sweeping tha little el a ' 1 b ti*c lieiiHvl ovw frd 1,1 1M *" 1 f.v : '' •'•rffuess, Miirtliv, if yon will give, me yp l arm, I'll lay down a spell on tlie the ditiin'-t ooni; I don't feel as I could-get up stairs to bed." " «liseuse, fallier." was Manila's eaiiA-s» answer, "tlie diain'room's got t'i b swept, and aired, Hie furniture dnsi d, aud tlie drugget put down; yssHf+retter sit still a Spell, «nd If you don; fed better, I'll come out and help (j'imtip stairs." Tie afternoon waned; and as the old niaiyvateln-d tlie shadows creep over the turple bills, a golden ray lingered f.r 1 iimiueut on the open leaf of liis bih+J by wltosesoftewed liglil bis dim mneyes read : "je givetb power tu tlie tuiiit; nnd totirui that have no n ight, Hein V'erfath stieugth. - .... , , , . ''Ä&ÄÄJttLX «ïr, taking 1 , 1 s own path, that led' p.iAir throngl, flower, rneadMv«, bnt offdmsT flCi-r Steep nuiuntaius «nd hr t heedg« ot terrible nbyssrs, pluck Fag fro,. over hanging bongjis fair fruits uiiih mmi«e«U*d, iind vmnly nftfinpt ing to slake his thirst with hitter wn ttn. nlwiiys striving to reach a gorge oue i lly vvliMse palaeed es appear ed ever ahead-the city of cioudhind. Am then he saw a bund outstretched lead«,« the wayward youth train the raadhe has chosen, ami with a thrill ot tulJftSMot joy Kiw Hi mi cmcijit»«! "F.llow me;" and iu rose «p and followed: the past with its sius in the hand Huit first guided him, no tears migjit avail to ldot them oat, no re mar o could atone for tlieiii-ouly in G«ds keeping was the past lost to v! 'A; . . ... Oftentimes fainting, with feet weary anik-Bim-tiuies bleeding, lie followed theilivine tootstep« through the year; sunetimes so nigh him that lie could u 1 mist touch the hmu »if His garment«; souvi-ttmea at a distance, when His to u seemed tndUtiuet aud shadowy, ho fiiiiied by lit won u rest; prolhiTV come true, Rlnfligtk was iiM-.ii-.ase4. Ilis way, iu the !n*t years, hud beeu throni-h deep tiiats their wuteis had almost gone ove- him, and yet had receded, even tlu-a had In- seeu the form of Him lie followed still beckoning from theotlicr sbqre, and In. bad heard Ilis voiie Haying: "Lu, I am with yon all the flays even unto tlie end !" "They that wait .ill the Enid." The gloiining of evening «-«« around him . buche wist not —the words seemed to shijie frail! the page before him. •'Have I not waited «u thee, Lord T * was tho cry of his heart, "imperfectly and feebly, yet «.-cmdiag to tlie strength which tliou gayest me I Loid, Jesus, let not my waiting be very long, if so he thy holy will.'' It was dark whoa Marti: ed thut be ll'.ld not yet tea-table was sthmjj/'g a, s»A 1P V r lm (-im pm ien t ly eg, "I W&h fuifjcr « ouldp't always keep us 'waiting I " " Wi"* ,, -ra -And Manila, tlie aid man'* shoulder, hud u like, ut terance oil her tongue, hut there un nrad of it : His stiffened finger hud fallen this senteuect "They shall mount tip with wings as eagles, they shall weary, faint." "Currans coincident, wasn't it (" said Jaliit, after the funeralj And Martha, who w as putting aww bUrenne and spectacles in the little hack closet, answered with a mechani cal sort of sigh: "Well, father's belter ofT." fteyomi all comparison and iimueaB arahty "better oft'." Hltijill cam, Inc yontli _Kvch •Wiutiuid be went y , and t(ie youn^ ibii 1 \ « r • • 4 tide of yt*ara roll«*«! btwk, and he 1 1»: Kpir t he ugaiu leaviu*; wayside, aud fain and even tlmn did the and, asking, his wuiers; but when ut u reuietulier ■tunc in; tlie id Joint had la iiued; she laid lier hand was on lim nml not lie they shall walk aid not he Titxvi'S—A good head aud a kind heart gave birth to the following,which we clip from tlib local columns of the Batesvtlie, Miss., Blade: We hear frequent complaint about tlie number »f tramps that are passing tbic.ingh tlie country, heggiug bread from dutir tu dear. Doubtless many of theye. men are worthless vagabonds, wlm descivo nu favurs from uny one ; but we should not forget that the country is jiassing through nu era of great business depreASion, and (list hundreds ot of men are thrown out of einplovme*t and torced to seek uw field* of labor. Some of tai'so trump«, if given employment, w.unl make goml citizens, nnd tlie-e "hu need labor plight find ia them J't>! what t'.ey want. -^ ape The IVuiilta Mills. Prora ths Uute«vi;i», (Mitsd Bl-uU. Oae of tlia Biost attractive feature* nt tim rebuilt fair at Meridian, Mm*., wan the display of nianiifactnri-d goods frfim the above mills, which wore pro non need by competent judges to he in jjv£T-Y way equal to the production of mtoiif-s. H'has been clear- I t.*rd hoieioforc'in She col ■MhHpolo , 1*1 iupbufflnVest ! ecrt4^iS^ctories in oitr- tisojtlioi n I country pay -, a larger per rentage than i B«y other po-silde investment. When TuisTnesS 1»en and capitalists come to fully uiidorstnnd the imuicuse profits to lie derived from the successful »p« ration of umuiifHctories vviihiu the cot ton growing ststes, they will hesitate no loiigef, bnt boldly launch ont with a vim ami energy tiiat, will goon pro duce ti|o most satiafaotory results, and render us wholly independent of our Northern neighbors, convincing - the most skeptical that we.are really capa hlc of •• living within ourselves." The cotton factory venture ill the South, which was at first tried as a mere ox périment, has proven a success far be ynnd the most sanguine expectations uf the levy courageous, enterprising men who embarked in it, and lias shown unmistakeably that a large per çentage of the enormous sums of money annually sent Nnrtli to swell the plethoric, poaknts of New England manufacturers cau be saved to our people by erecting mills auu munufne tui ing our own fabrics. Tho following letter, from the Mori diau Homestead, speaks for itself, and we commend it to the careful perusal of oui- readers : i nmi frd in gUiior'Upriiliitn Umi|«ste<cl : Permit me through the column* of the Homestead to call the alten lion of the publie lo the most attractive sight, 10 my mind, that was shown at onr recent fair. I refer to the magnificent display of Southern manufitetured goods exhibited b.v Captain Ezra Lyeuy, the su id goods liaviug been mauufactured at Ins (W.raita) mills, situated mit fin 1 from onr sister town, Enterprise. While, owing to the scarcity of money-, the general display ol the \Vamta Mills ut cassimeres, jnaus and other fabrics- equal iu every respect to the goods of Northern tones-swat surely gratifying to every °"mï k ° 0,, r mtuny South Ibis display shows a marke« ad vm.ce.uent (..ward He «alloua . ... dependence *1 l«e S mth. I hone gpods, manutactured almo-t at onr dm»,« are equal ... lim-ness „1 ,- rr. greater duraliititv than iln.«,Timid k ! &«Hll. Let our good people pntrani^ ! ou r •V« 'man 11 taetorie*' i 11 pk-fera^ ! to' tliosr"nf Nhi-e «.-etioii* Ask Von r 1 merchants for cassimeres, jeans ,*nT ; bur ou* m ide at oüv .SotitUci n r mill*. In o'nr own State we have two ! facto,ies, which tara out the very I, est I of goods ; I mean the Wesson and tho W,mit» Mill*. Besides these we havo others that, do Mot manufacture so great a variety of goods, vet whose ar tide* are well wo,thy the attention of a nr «uercliai»U und muijors Now that Tilden is elected and we are guaranteed a« hottest government, with a great reduction of taxes, let us uuitedlv work mi every pnMilil« wav to build up the waste »laces in our lovely laud. Let us puironixe home indiLstries and foster borne manufuc tories, and soon our lovely Souih will blossom as thu suiray i use. Ell. Bcaaicgurtl. A correspondent of the Brookhavon Ledger says: You would perhaps like to know bow WO towu peuple manage to live in these extraordinary dull times. Monthly there is an average of ilia,iu six thailsaud dollars paid to the factory people. A large sum of this money is traded oat iu Beauregard, because of tlie inducements offered by selling cheap for cash. Then, again, we are surrounded by saw mills which give labor to a large majority of tin colored people iu tho town, and i* ad dition lo these, Ferguson's wand yard keeps e-inistiiutly employed from Iwen ty to thirty choppers, who aro regu larly paid aud pmuhase their provi-io of our merchant«. Taking everything in consideration, Beau regard is about tlie liveliest little towu on the road in point ef business. our genial hotel' prince, Nut. Hmiker, throws In social entertuiii Ml-UtS pen his ddors, und the young folks trip the light fantastic toe to sweet njuxio. Oar girls are beauties. An Dtl'CRtïANT DkcISKRS HL-RkgaKU to SiiEiiiFFS.—Thu t««lluwing d«x'iHi(>M of our «npreniu Court is «f special ia terast to Sheriffs ; " Whenaver an escape is sliewn, tlie law iai|,lies negligence on the part of the Sheriff', into whoso custody tbe prisoner laid bee« placed, a»d it '** uot necessary for tho State to prove aegli genee t« pracure omivictfon. the escape has. tu en sliowu t« tho s»t isfsetion of the jury, they «lionId fiud the Slierift' guilty, unless he shows that such escape was caused by tlie act of God or other irresistible adverse foice, for this defease alons can avail the Sheriff in «licit entity «'f the jail constitutes no de fense."—Sliattuck vs. the State. When Tli© iiiBe casoa. How they Vote.—T ha New Orleans Democrat «ays : The Republican veto of Lafontclie includes IB dead tuna, 7 cuavicts, I fugitives (Vom justice, 4 absentees, 21 duplicate paper«, 03 repented paper» and fraudulent voters ml libitum. It is quite common fir newspapers to advise « vote early," etc., hut it is. net coalmen to voto dead men, convicts and absentees. A party of disguised Amite City, La., men j went to , , . >» 8 t Sunday t.ight, entered the jail, took out Dick Durbin the noterions hm sc thief of Tun-iua hoa paiish, and hung him in front tl.o jail ami. lelt tmu. He reiugiuefl hui,ging until an inqiieg. was held un der hin body to determine Imw h« came i« Ins deuUi. The court of inquestrale ruled that u was by hanging,—Vicks of 95g? vrrT ~- " -—■ The Mon to Live Loaii. Hr lui* a proper nml well - proper* tinned Mature, without, however, lie in« too tnll. lie i» rather of th« mirt dle-sixe iiuii ««mewhat thick net, complexion is not too florid; at any rate, too much llldiltnt'Xs in youth is nota sign of longev ity, His lininnp* I proaeheR to the fair rpiher ihsrn. SfcjlW'j^ieadfjii black. Mis skin is stfojig '•,W»itW- ! rough. His h,,JH|.k|} '> I shoiihlevs Are 1 ortnd ratlirt' 'C.-i a -lat|tsßi*"" i his neck is not i no long;his abdoineo [ does not piojeel; liisbaiids are large, I hop but not too deeply cleft: tilb Riot ii rallier thick than long; and his legs are I all firm and round. Ho lifts » broad, arch- ed, ed cheat, a strong voice, and flic faeiil- to ty of retaining his breath for along time without difficulty. There is liar- lier ninuy in nil his parts. His senses are good, but net too délicat«; bis n\t|se is of slow nod regular, his stomach is excel- of lent, Ilia appetite good and digestion easy. The joys of the laid» ate to him on of iinpnrtnnce; they turn his mind to serenity and hi« son! partakes in tile of pleasure which they communicate. He does not eat merely for the sake of eat iag, but each meal is an hour of feativ ity. He eats slowly, and lias not too by much thirst, the latter being always a sign of rapid ac1f-con«utnptinu. lie I« seien«, loquacious, active, suscepthle ufju.v, love, and hope, but insensible to'the impressions uf hatred, anger and avarice. 11 is pasahip never becomes violent or destructive, if be ever gives a way to anger lie expsriom es rather s useful glow of warmth, an artificial and ed gentle fever, without minverHnw of the bile. Up ia also fond of employment, particularly calm meditation and agree ilhlu speculation. He is an optimist, s friend to nature ami domestic felicity, He has no thirst after honor or riches, and banishes all thought of to-morrow, ed Tlic ter ed 1er *dny II is T l* second issue ot the Empire lia* | MIU T e jt 8 mvslfiimi* anpeuvauce on our 8trei ., s . wi,«,, the first number-.1 lids 8il ,gulai* publietltiou was issued, we as „ ," t it Wll8 ft j„ kt . ()r (l sa ,„ t . „„ sitllatiB11 . - r i l6 J „ppearaneo of 8u( . OB( j numUcr, however, begins lo lu „ k BPlioll8 . th( . !J„,st of ,| le |,. H( |i n g Republic«« papers of tin* \,uth, iraiong them the Tribune mill rimes ot New Y««k, the Cincinnati caiuMie , cli ,i „„j t | )e fldeago Inter 0cü .„, bave noticed the publication, j, «■ ^i. It j* rs. turnfi,ibie, t •«, that 1 he Eiïpîre tfphegr , ,| ||ul j, th .**. . . ! . ' »*- •• Sr«* ...,prl»oi. vFm ! ' "'f 'H'"'"O * *»'!«*.*»*<« ! ! li ' ' ,, " r * ,i " , r 1 ICI ' t! 1 " lu,w «'«••ll «"I'l'oit then ; mmder wouid ic-elio trom nur (ample r ,OU10 a te,npt tÄ assu, " (, the lfu ! ■'."'i'? 1 ' ,ur « ,,< '- T , hc fblh'wiug. the eon I V. 1 '"'' 0 « P; l,u « ,a I ,l, >> "ie lender it, the , " uuUt 'r. « s >M'»Hi thtssur - AVI,at tin* emintry now requires is " n 1 L 1 1 1 "i K : rol \ {>"» Grant tho nerve, the "•Wieet .'.nd the eou.age equal to the msis uud to fill the public need f It l,u buH ' ,w * thousand Smith V a .. u '?' ""V'" 1 "'>«» *lev„totl ^ "le t com,try will assemble under I**** at a»Ml«M'l and uphold ins-swoid, nnd «*'"** u >" ,u l,is Llow ,hu i»l>«i»' Tfie Jî!!i|!ire. The New Oilcans Democrat say*' 1 Da go tenor si. y Bi'knf.d.—M rs. Rail, living on Locust street, met with a se vere .-rail dangerous accident Sunday night. Stic was standing before a fire in the grate, at Iter house, when her clotiiiug caught fire, and the flames rapidly enveloped her. Her daughtir who came to her uHsi^tance, fainted at the sight of tlie spectacle of :.|ie tire, and fell to lire floor. A gentleman the house, hearing tlie cries, rushed to the araistunce ot Mrs. Hall, and by wrapping her up in bed quills, suc ceeded iu extinguishing tlie flames, but uut until tlie ludy bad beeu badly and perhaps dangerously burned. — I Vicks burg Herald. The Board of Visitor* to the Univer sity of Virginia havo thus far been un able to asceitaia the. mime of the gen erous patron of Rochester. N. Y., who gave (hut institution $50,000 some time ago to build a museum. The secret is only known to tlie Rector, and to him it was camniniiieaicd with stiict in junctions of l onceiiltnciit. The modes ty is certainly eoinmenstirqie with the large-hearted henevoleneo.—Vick »burg Herald. ' ' y "I am willing to risk niv reputation as a public man," wrote Edwuid Hicq t* the 'flverpolftfliorclfre , '' ■ flh l l B it ' Bl ü t rasu of «mall-pax ca«u)>t lie cured in three day s «imply by the list of cream* tartar. One ounce of cream .tartar dissolved iu » Mint of water, drank; »t intervals, when cold, is a certain »ever-foiling remedy. It bas cured thousands, never leaves a mark, never It*Xh.*"' d,, * M ' " Ud " VUid!i U ' diü, " , & Col. W. T. WitJiers' steam gin house, near Edwards, containing twenty hales of cotton , , „ , was des troyed by lire on Friday night last —supposed to be the work of an incendiary.—[Hinds County Ga zette. Rrof. Bourchardt, of the Paris Council of Hygiene and Salubrity, has pronounced against Cincinnati I »aeon, liants and beef dope tip in tlie usual style ivlth cloth wrappers, covered with yellow paint. He dé chirés that tlie yellow paint is chro mate of lead und a dangerous poi son. that uot ed, The New York Times, wbicijfhas lieen claiming everything for tlie Rctmblicuns, comes out in its issue of the J2d, and acknowledges that the Democrats will have a minority of ten in tlie next House. , „ - r A writer in Blackwood s Maga, ssinc says tliftt the moon lias no more effect on tlie weather than red her rings bave on the gore: n tient of SfcjlW'j^ieadfjii event of a futility hi«' '> S""'-™** -lat|tsßi*"" I - STS"; y v [ Lpto n. m., a->5 beSe-s were ta. ' hop fram the rum.', ot ho HroUklva tTlioUier. und work wHl tie coiitiuucà I all night. The streets are ».ill crowd ed, and the excitement is giving way to a feeling of intruse gloom and do pr'etsion. it is now feared the mm. lier of dead will rench 600. Wlist might hare added to the immense los» of life and, lesulted in the killing of more ladies and gentlemen of tli» theater company, was the pnnic-stricks on movement of the janitor at .tbo stage door. As soon as ho got an idci* of what was going on, be hurriedly locked the stage door aud kept back the astonished crowd by refusing nd mittanco or egress. A party, beaded by Mr. Paul Nicholson, however, brake open the door and puslird him aside. Ia the excitement ef the m» ment uolmdy took any count of tha members who mode their escape hr this means, nnd who would otherwise Imve been sacrificed. This afternoon a gentlemen living in Rumsen streot, came to the police station and inqnir ed for two friend« —a Mr. Gesrge A, Grange aud Mr, D. S. Mur tan, both of Galveston. Texa». They were stifp ping at the St. Nicholas Hotel, in New Yoik wiili their families. The gp ;t.!«a men came over to Rfortklya to dine with their friend iu Uenisen street, and after dinner they went, to the theater. Iiouglit thotf tickets, aud then went in, bat lie re: nrned borne. 'I'b.-y have a at been lpurd of sjnee, and have not re turned to t|icir hotel. Their laniiho» are wild with grief. Mr. G ra nge was a millionaire, and leaves a «fife and child six weeks old. No trace Vf them has been found. '' The number of dead bodies iceotev-, ed had, at last accounts, reached 6|3. ' <Wei» -— - -- - A Nt'.w Coxi'ox-Pictcr.R. —Tito Scicmifle Aniorioan gives tha fal lowing description of a lnacltnt for picking cotton, that has bear re contsyjuttciiijcii ; Wieliiicri A. Tlic Barnlng of *!io BrasklfN Theater, The burning of the Rieh mud Then-, ter long ysars ago, is a well r nombei- ed horror, hut the burning the the*i 1er at Uroaklyn, New Ye on Tues-i *dny night, the 5th inst the most, .h-V ,T# ~\ HTfOpÔ^jJ jiy lnihois sbWf iH-nvivo, and mac 1 -ose have, fniii-ii mffM in sive use, first, on account cost, and seeondlyjl heir imperfect operation. The poKntee lias, there. tore, devised u cheap but eilioient) tueutis ior facilitating liaud-uiekiug, *w and the same consists of gloves or •* luiud-coverings,provided with fangs, n hooks, or claws by which the cotton may lie rapidly remove«! from the bolls. To free tlie cotton from th« fangs or claws, a brush-is pruyujoi!, the same being nUaMiml tu i ho body of tho iiioke.r in a convenient posi tioii ;to allow the gloved hands to lie passed a cross and in eon t act with it. wTm r tiro es (J K'iV Tim cotton thus removed from the fangs by the brush, rolls off and falls into it bag or basket, which is also strapped to tlie bodv of tbo picker. The Mbbsage.—.YVo jilaot-d tho Message in the hands of our town subscribers iu advance of the mails». The Southern Reveille Extra sold on tho streets was on Saturday moyuiug, at an curly hour, iu large Tho Vicksburg Herald Compart y published the message on Wednesday, in. the Daily Her ald, but as our ne\ys-dealers only sell tlie Herald of Tuesday aud Fri day, we were enabled to-beat "the world ■' iu Claiborne couuty. numbers. ^ it it el aw Reid as aJ Failed —Mr. A liny, publisher of a tiuui • rial newspaper here, states that A. Dana told hitu a few days ; ,! that the jSo\v York Tribune i ./ been sold to G. AY. Childs, tlie i iX »täte excepted, for $500,R00 disputclied to you W^l (1 ,.-ùai night. This shows a shrinkage ii tiearl.y * 4 ^ 0^00 pi Wè \Àtu j.t me Tribune since JTr. 6eid took chargé öl it. In tiiat interval Mr. riincJair di t tfu* publisher, luw bcconio a .yl.L'iH clerk in tlie customhouse. Mr* Cleveland, the financial editor, died the other day intestate, and Mr. , Reid l»*s given up the cxperinteiil; of revolAionixiug New York ideas, ou the subject of jyuj'Jiaiism.—, Cincinhiti Enquirer, / Mr. Lyman Jennings, of Athol, Mass., has given $9,000 to tiiat town under somewhat siirgujag com'*, tions. He is to be pa«l the gum of $510 a year during his life, aud af ter liis death |ijs wife is to roeeive $180 and liis t hree children $1B0 a year each during thpir Ijves. Tito proiierty js then to revert to thu twain. Although these qondition.i * make the gift of a kind of iito in vestmeut tor Mr. Jennitigs am! his family, the town has decided to eept tho gift.—Ex. / au J Three members of tlm Indiana H Legislature have died singe the Or- J tober election, which lias somewhat changed tlie political character of that body, and the Ruilical print-i assert, tiiat Gov. Hciidrieks will uot order tin elect iou to till the va ciuicifcH until the Scinute is or^uaiz ed, thereby providing against the coniiugcucy of a Republican ma jority. The coming session of thq Legislature will Ik.* oae ot' iiuppr«-' tRuce.—Vicksburg Herald,