f- i , i I; i f ji it ii ' 1 i f CoYcrnmctit of Mississippi. T. M. Tocfcfr, Governor, Hill Jan. 1844. Iwis G. lialloway. Secretary of Slate. 'J. K. Matthew e,Ati'for " iWiV ..ifrounf. Ufchard S. ("Jrave, Stale Treasurer. John D. Fresiuan, Attorney General. JlTDICIARV. Jtik of the High Court of Errors and Ayeah : Win. Ii. Sharkey, Howard Turner, and A. M Claytoa. This Court hn no junhttin rxcrpt wha trjerly btlunp to a Court of Ap;al. It rnn aro hMc n the firtt Mondays of Jan an! Jul at Jackson. Chancellor of the Sfafc IUutit IT. iJnckner. Clerk. U.I.. 'Dixon. The Court of Chancery ha jurisdiction orer all pleas anil complaints whatever cognizaMe in a Court of V. lity, anl hold t.vo session an nually, commencing on the 3rd Monday in April and October for the Oxford District, and January and July at Jackson. -- Jt-DQtgand DisTnicr ATTORNtvsof ihe Circuits Court. Judges. District Attirneyt. 1st, George Coalter, let, I., tl. Walker, 2nd, U. F. Caratherf, 2nd, CJ. V. Neill, 3rd, Charles C. Cage, 3nl, Stanhope Posey, 4th, Albert O. Brown, 1th, E. G. Peyton, 5th, Henry Monnger, .r)th, John Watts, Cth, II. S. JJonnett, t:th, Hmry Gray, 7th, John II. Hollinc, 7th, F. Smith, fth, J. M. Howry, 6th, G. A. Wilson, Dth, Stephen Adams, 9th, J. W. Thompson I Oth, M. I.. Fitch. 10th, It. (. Perry, Ilth, Van T. Crawford, 11th. J. T. Lamkin On What Monday Court ia held. First District. Bolivar, 5th Monday April and OctoW. Claibornj, 4th do May and November. Warren, 3d do April and October. Washington. 2d do do do Second District. Carroll, 2d Monday April and October. Choctaw, 4th do March and Septem. Tallahatchie, 4th do May and November V'alobasha, 1st do do do Third District. Adams, 4th Monday May and Nevcm. 'Jefferson, . 1st do do do Wilkinson, 1st do April and October. . Fourth District. Copiah, let Morula May and Novrmber Neshoba, 4th aft 4th do do Newton, 3d aft 4 tit do do Scott, 2d aft 4th do do Simpson, 4th do do Smith, 1st aft 4th do do Fifth District. Clntke, 3d Momday May and Novem. Greeae, 1st do April and October. Jackson, 4th do March and Sept. Jasper, 2d do May and Nov. Jones, 4th do April and October. Lauderdale, 1th do May and Nov. Peny, 3d do April and October. Wayne, 2d do do do Sixth District. Kemper, 4th Monday April and October Lowndes, 1st do do do Noxubee, 2d do do do Octibbsha, 4th "aft 4th do do Winston, 3d aft 4th do do Seventh District. Hinds, 3d Monday March and Sept. Madison, 1st. do May and November. Ilankin, 1st do Jure and December. Eighth District. Coahoma, 2d Monday April and Oct. Da Soto, 4th do March and Sept. Lafayette, 3d do May and Nov. Marshall, 1st aft 4th do do Panola, 1st Monday do do Tuaica. 1st do April and Oct. Ninth District. Chickasaw, 2d aft 4th Moa. April and Oct. Itawamba, 3d Monday do do Mon oe, 4th do di do Tippah, "1st do do do Tishemingo, 2d do do do I'oiitot-v, 3d after 4th d o"o 'tenth District. Attala, 2d Monday April aivl October. Holmes, 3d do do do fake, 1st do do do Yazoo, 1st do May and Novamber. Eleventh District. Amit, 2d Monday May and November. Franklin, 4th do do do Pike, 1st do do do Covington, 3d do April and October. Hancock, '1st do do do Lawrence, 4th do do do Marlon, 2d do do do 43KA1I Att'S MAGAZINE, FOR ONLY $5,00!! We havo made arrangements with tion for one year, for only .Tee dollars. It is idlo for us here to enter into a detail of the superior character of Gra ham's Maeazine it has in one year ac quired a celebrity and extent of circula tion beyond that of any periodical in the world. For the year 1012, the Maga zine is to be increased in the number of its pages, and other important and val uable attractions are to be added to it. The next new works of BULWER, DICKENS, and JAMES, will be repub lished in the Boston Notion, quarto and folio editions. Heretofore, the works of these great authors have been almost entirely inaccessible to country readers, owing to the difficulties in receiving them in a book form. By subscribing for the Boston Notion, you will obtain the works of these master-minds at about one tenth of what they would otherwise cost you. NEW SUBSCRIBERS TO THE QUARTO. We will furnish copies of the Quarto Notion No. I, to all who may wish it a, few numbers only hating as yet been published and the two volumes at the nd of the year will contain 832 pages, a sheet of contents and title page to each' volume. Upon remitting $5 to Mr. Graham, of Philadelphia, publisher of the Maga zine, or to the undersigned, a copy of the Boston Notion (quarto or folio edi tion) and Graham's Magazine for 1842, will be forwarded to you. The Quarto Notion will be sent you from No. I, if yo. wish it. GEO. ROBERTS, ' Publisher of Boston Notion. TANYARD. 0:.' " FTMIE undersigned begs leave to in form . JL' his old friends and customers that he still carries on the Tanning business at his new tan-yard in the East Ward of j Grenada Mississippi; where he has con stant! V on hand all kinds of well tanned LEATHER, which ho will dispose of at prices corresponding with the hardness of the times. Leather will at any time be given for hides. : . - . B. H. GREEN II AW. c Grenada Feb. 18 1843,-tf ..." Jol iTorfc of all kinds the enterprising publisher of graham s magazine, by which wo arc enabled to nffcr their Magazine and the Boston No- done at thi 0flkf NEW YORK WEEKLY PROSPECTUS. THE Publishers of The New York TaiBUNE,cncou raged by the gene rous patronage and hearty approval which has been extended to their Dai ly paper since its establishment, and which already renders it the second in point of circulation in the city, pro pose to publish, on and after the 18th Jay of September, a Wkeki.y edition, on a sheet v.f mammoth size, excluding all matter of local or transitory inter est, and calculated mainly for Country circulation. Tits Tribune whether in its Daily or Weekly Edition will be what its name imports an unflinching suppor ter of the . People's Rights and Inter ests, in stem hostility to the errors of superficial theorists, tho influences of unjust or imperfect legislation, and the schemes and sophistries of self-seeking demagogues. It will strenuously advo cate the Protection of American In dustry against tho grasping and to us blighting policy of European Govern ments, and the unequal competition which they force upon us, as also against the present depressing system of State Prison Labor; it will advocate the restoration of a sound and uniform National Currency; and urge a dis creet but determined prosecution of Internal Improvement. The Retrench ment, wherever practicable, of Gov ernment Expenditure and of Executive Patronage, will be zealously urged. In short, this paper will faithfully main tain and earnestly advocate the Princi ples and Measures which th3 People approved in devolving on Whig States men the conductof their Government. But a small portion, however, of its columns will be devoted to purely Polit ical discussions. The proceedings ol Congress will be carefully recorded; the Foreign and Domestic Intelligence will be early and lucidly presented ; and whatever shall appear calculated to promote Morality, maintain Social Or tier, extend theblessings of Education, or in any way subserve the great cause of Human Progress to ultimate Virtue, Liberty and Happiness, will find a place in our columns. The Weekly Tribune will be pub lished evry Saturday morning, in quarto form, on a very large imperial sheet, (31 by 32 inches.) and afforded to subscribers at TWO DOLLARS it year. Six copies will bo forwarded a year for TEN DOLLARS. Ten copies for FIFTEEN DOLLARS, any larger number in the latter proportion. Pay ment in advance will be invariably re quired, and the paper stopped when e. er the te rm of such payment cxpir cs. Subscriptions are respectfully soli cited by GREELV & McKLRATH,30 Ann-st A NEW SERIES OF THMPERANCK TALES. Uy T.S. Arthur, author of "Six nights with the Washitigtonians,'' Ax The extensive, and still increased sale, and the wide spread popularity of Mr. Arthur's "Six nights with the Washing ton tans,1 and the urgent entreaties of many distingushed leaders in the Tem perance cause, have induced the Sub scribers to make an arrangement with that admirable writer to furnish another series of Tales from real life. These Tales will bc publish in sixteen weekly numbers, at the low price of six and a quarter cents per number, neatly stiched up in handsome covers suitable for preservation. To those who have read the former series of Mr. Arthur's Temperance Tales, it need not be said tbat the forthcoming series will be not only deeply interesting, but will be cal culated to do immense service to the great cause which they are designed to promote. Like tho Six Nights with the Washingtonians,1 the subject will be drawn from real life, and it will oe the object of the Author to depict the hor rors of drunkenness in all its varied & appalling forms, as exhibited in ditTer ent classes and conditions of society, as well as to show the remedial means which Temperance associations furnish. In accomplishing this object, Mr. Ar thur will bring to his aid the same a cute observation; the same truthful de- lmeation, tho same clearness of narra tive, and the same lofty morality, which have marked his former productions; and it may be confidently predicted that, through the influence he will thus ex ercise, many an inebriate will bo rescued from the fangs of the destroyer. The n rice of these Tales is purpose ly made very low, that they may be brought within the reach of all persons, and it is confidently hoped that all who desire to see the Temperance cause nourish will aid in their circulation. Address, postage paid, GODEY & M'MICIIAEL, Publisher's Hall, 101, Chesnut St. THE GREAT AMERICAN NEWSPAPER DOLLAR JVEEKLY. . Edited by T. L. NICHOLS, published by Her rick & Ropes, No 1G2 Nassau St. New York. Every number of the Dollar Weekly contains twenty-eight columns of choice reading matter, equal to one hundred & fifty duodecimo pages, illustrated from thres to six splended original Engra vings. "; ;..;'. ' ..- ' Each volume of the Dollar Weekly, will contain one thousand four hundred and fifty six duodecimo pages, or -fifty volumes of the choicest reading illustra ted by more than a hundred, superb en gravings of scenes and characters in Amdrican,lifc,by the best Artist., All for One Dollar. - , r To give an idea of, the astonishing cheapness of the Dollar Weekly,'; the ! Publishers have made; the fotWwjng es timates,. The original rnaltcr of each V"rnc, at the most moderate price paid to writers of established reputation, wl cost not less than five thousand dollarl; the bare composition, orsetting of typ, will cost two thousand, without reckoi ing rent, materials paper, pres.? work or incidentals, the Publishers incur an outlay of over ten thousand dollars. The talent and character of Mr. Nichols, are familiar to the American people, and a sufficient guarantee of the terling ability, the exciting in teres1, the high toned morality, and perfect ii dependenceof the Dollar Weekly, upen all.subjects, and all occasions. Splendid Talc, Choice Essays, Brilliant Sket ches, and an infinite variety of articles of poetry, Wit, Humor, and IutelligeiMje will fill its varied columns giving the bright and dark shades of our Social Sys tem. Its grand tendency will be towar l reform, progress, individual enjoy mcrt and social happiness in every thing, the elevation of many, and 4,thc greatest good ot the greatest number. This Complimentary Notice of the whole American press, afFord the strongest ev idence of its real merit, and the surest indication of unparallellcd success. The Dollar Weekly will be mailed to subscribers in any portion of the world for SI a year in advance. All letters to bo addressed to DERRICK & ROPES. 1G2 Nassau Street. New York City. " CAIJEDAU FOK 18437 1 t t i 1 J o ts - 2 w S- H m Jan. 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1G 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 Feb. 12 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 52 2G 27 28 March, 1 2 .3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ArniL. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 II 15 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 May. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 June. 1.23 4 5 G 7 3 9 '0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 19 20 21 22 S3 24 25 26 27 20 2.9 30 July. I 2 3 4 5 G 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 h 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 29 30 31 August. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 If, 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -Septem. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 19 20 21 22 23 4 25 26 27 28 23 30 Oct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 Nov. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 Decem. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 " IVolicc. he undersigned begs leave to in JL form his friends and the public that he still continues the Tailoring business at his old stand, next door to the Post Office, on the square in the East Ward ofGrenada. All work entrusted to him, he pledges himself, shall be faithfully and promptly executed, . in the most fash ionable style, and at reduced prices. The following are the rates charged, viz: For making a full trimmed frock, or dress coat v g 12,00 F"or making a plain frock or dress coat . " S 10,00 For do gaiter, pantaloons 3,50 do do plain do 3,00 do double breasted vests 4,00 do do do do do do do single do do 3,00 do Jeans coat do do pants G,00 2.50 1,00 50 cutting coats do pants or vest W. II. STEVENS. Grenada, August 13, 1842. The subscribers propose to publish a periodical with: the above titled devoted to the investigation of Human Physiol ogy, Physiognomy, Pathognomy, Astro nomical AND HUMAN MAGNETISM, ilav ing made these subjects matters of seri ous and patient investigation for some time past, and considering the increas ing attention which has lately been giv en to them by the learned, both in this country and in Europe, it is believed that such a periodical is called for. and that it will meet with liberal encourage ment from tho lovers of science, in this and other countries. One object of this work will be to ex cite and encourage a spirit of inquiry, and to assist in such investigation as may tend to settle the following, among other similar questions; 1. That the magnetic forces not on ly pervade all matter, but that every living being has a peculiar magnetic na ture. "2. That these forces rc the means of motion and sensation. 3. That every Mental and Physical organ, and every muscle has its cor res ponding magnetic poles. 4. That tho magnetic forces from the different organs which terminate in the face, and by means of which the va rious expressions of Fear, Hope, Love, and Anger, etc., arc expressed in the countenance, & the muscles & limbs arc made to obey the human will. 5. Thai these organs may bo exci ted se per ately, or their action modified by magnetism, as the condition of the patient may require. G. That this magnetic nature is gov erned by laws peculiar to itself; and may be communicated from one person to an other. 7. And as to what tluse laws are, the number, location and funcjons of the different organs; the location of the corresponding poles of the Mental and Physical organs, etc. The subscriber has been engaged far some time in a course of magnetic cere bral experiments, the results of which go very far, as he believes, towards dem onstrating these assumptions, and if they should prove to be true, all must admit that they arc immensely important, as much so as any discoveries ever made illustrating the Physical or Mental na tures of MAN. The matter will be i.tustratcd oy nu merous engravings, some of which arc now ready for use, the whole render ing the work one of surpassing interest, and every way worthy of patronage from the curious and scientific, who wish to understand the mysteries of hu man nature. The plates will be of spe cial interest, inasmuch as they will not only explain many magnetic phenom ena heretofore unknown, or not under stood, but one or more will be given designating those features in the human face where the magnetic courses ter minate from the different physical and mental organs, a thing never before known; and thus will be seen the only true explanation of Physiognomy ever given to tho world. In a word, the work shall be filled with new nnd valua ble matter on every question relating to the Physical, Mental, and Magnetic na tures of man; explaining the phenome-. na of Sleep-walking, Somnambulism, Monomania, Insanity Madness, Dream ing and Manaticism; the whole design ed to exhibit the claims of these sub jects 011 the attention of tho candid, and to assist them in sisrerlnining hnw .ftr Magnetism has been, or may be, used as a medical agent. In furnishing articles for its pages, the subscriber expects the assistance of a number of medical and scientific gen tlemen of the highest respectability in their profession. Tho Magnet will be published once a month; each numlcr containing twenty-four super-royal 8vo pages, with a printed cover. Terms, two dollars per year, inva riably in advance. It will, in no case, be furwarded until pay for it has been t received. The first number will be issued as soon as five hundred subscribers shall have been obtained. OCT Any person procuring subscri-! bers, will be allowed to retain the pay for the fourth, provided the balance be forwarded to the publisher, free of ex penses. Every Editor who shall give tHs Prospectus (including this paragrapn; six insertions, shall receive the Magnet, without an exchange, for one year, pro vided the papers containing this notice be forwarded, marked, to 'The Magnet, 130 Fulton street, New-York City. LE.ROY SUNDERLAND. PROSPECTUS OF THE Southern 3Lftcrar iHcsscnjjcr. THIS is a monthly Magazine, devoted chie fly to LileratJre, but occasionally finding room also for articles that fall within the scope of Science; and professing no, disdain for taste ful telcctions, though its matter has been as it will continue to be, in the main original. Party Politics and controversial Theology as far as possible, are jealous ly excluded. They are sometimes so blended with discussions in literature or in moral science, otherwise unob jectionable, as to gain admittance for the sake of the more valuable matter to which they adhere: but whenever that happens,they are incidental only: not primary. They are dross, tolerated only because it cannot well be severed from the sterling ore wherewith it is incorporated. Reviews and critical Notices occupy their due space in the work: and it is the Editor's aim that they should have a threefold tendency to convey, in a condensed form, such valuable truths or interesting incidents as are embodied in the works reviewed, to direct the reader's attention to books that deserve to be read, and to warn him against wasting time and money upon that largo number, which merit only to be burned. In this age of publications, that-by their variety and multitude dis tract and over whelm every undiscrimi bating student," impartial criticism, governed by ,the views just mentioned, is one of tho most inestimable nd in dispensable of auxiliaries, td him who does will to di scriminate. 1 .- Essays and Tales,, having in view utility or amusement,-or both Histori cal Sketches and Reminiscences of ve n ts too minute for History, yet eluci- dating it, and heightening its interest,-: moy bo regarded as forming the staple! of the work. And of indigenous roE-j try, enough is published sometimes of no mean strain to manifest and cul tivate the growing poetical taste and tal ents of our country. The times appear, for several rea sons, to demand such a work not one alone, but many. The. public mind is fevcrished and irritated still, from re cent political strifes. The soft, assua siva influence of Literature is needed, to allay that fever, and soothe that irri tation. Vice nnd folly arc rioting abroad the) should be driven by indignant re buke, or lashed by ridicule, into their fitting haunts Ignorance lorJs it over an immense proportion of our people. Every spring should be set in motion, to arouso the enlightened, nnd to in crease their number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no longer brood, like a portentous cloud, over the destinies of our country. And to accomplish all these ends, what more powerful can be employed, tlian a periodical, on the plan of the Messen ger; if that plan be carried out in prac tice? The South peculiarly requires such an agent. In all the Union, south of Washington, there are but two Litera ry periodicals! Northward of that city, there are at least twnty-fivc or thirty 1 Is this contrast justified by the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the actual literary taste, of the Southern people, compared with those of tho Northern? No; for in wealth talents and taste, we may justly claim at least an equality with our brethren; and a domestic institution exclusively our own, beyond all doubt affords us, if we choose, twice the leisure for reading and writing, which they enjoy. It was from a deep senso of this lo cal want, that tho word Southern was engrafted on the name of this periodi cal: and not with any design to nourish l 1 ,, . ,i7. iuv-ai jmcjuuicw, vi iu uuuaic " i'l'' sed local .interests. Far from any such thought: it is the Editor s fervant wish to see the North and the South bound together forever, in the silken bands of mutual kindness and affection. Far 1 , ii 111 hr lino 11 rMilv rlrnu.-n nm hr Imnpo hereafter to draw, much of his choicest matter thence; and happy indeed will he deem himself, should his pages, by making each region know the other better, contribute in any essential de gree, to dispel forever the lowering clouds that so lately threatened the peace of both, and to brighten and strengthen the sacred tics of fraernal love. The Southern Literary Messenger has' now nearly completed its seventh volume, nnd seventh year. . How far it has acted out the ideas here uttered, it is not for the Editor to say. He be lieves, however, that it falls not farther short of them, than human weakness nauully niahwo Phaoticu Tail ehort of Theory. (7-This work is published in Month ly Numbers, averaging sixty-four pages each, at l ive Dollars per annum, Pay able invariably in advance. T. W. WHITE, editor & Propui. Richmond, Va. 1842. Anew Enterprise, By the former editor o f he Saturday Evening Post and Saturday Courier. Comprising the fruits of twenty years experience in the newspaper business; the aid of the most distinguished news paper writers of the day; - a valuable foreign correspondence; with troops of literary friends, and the determination to publish a newspaper (or all classes, which Shall not he surpassed! ! Philadelphia Saturday Museum Of knowledge, news, $ amusement, A Family Newspaper, neutral in pol itics, opposed to quackery, and devo-i ted to the useful arts, education, mor als, health and amusement. j The taics, sketches, narratives, hi-! ographies, essays and poems, shall be of the first order; the best productions of the best writers" of the day. Also articles on history, astronomy, chemis try, and ill tho useful arts and scien ces,. with a liberal portion of light rea ding, anecdotes, wit and humor; ma king a varied, rich and mirth inspir ing Olio. Life on the ocean. Furnishing nar atives of sterling adventures at sea, showing the courage and hiroism of the bold Marin- as Ha springs from hid hammock and f:iid tiC! Where amazem't tonfrontshim , ,-,.., dire Wild winds i. mad waveadrivet' sol a-wrcck. The masts fly in splinters ; the s roads are on fire, Foreign and domestic news, Congres sional proceedings, and a general view of all matters of interest or importance will appear. Pictorial embellishments, comprising maps, landscapes, architecture, portraits of distinguished personages of both sex es. In these, as well as in neatness of topography, the Museum shall not bo surpassed. Foreign correspondence. Arrange ments have been completed for securing a regular foreign corespondence. more extensive and complete than has ever enriched the columns of an American newspaper. Commercial. The state of business, of stocks, prices of grain, flour, and all descriptions of country produce, merch andise $-c., will bo given, from actual sales in Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, Boston tyc. Select Original Gems, from Miss Leslie Mr Arthur Mrs Sigourney -Miss Sedgwick Mrs Halo Mrs Stephens ' Mrs Loud - Mr Irving Mr Cooper Mr Morris : Mr Chandler I)r Bird Miss H. Gould, &c. &c. One thousand dollars. At an early) period,- will bo announced theofTer ofonr uwnuf, woigij InC prODriCtors 1 itend awarding in promiurn,j, for the oesi uterary productions, instructive stories, touching and aflfcetin tions, essays, poems ic.,Tn I list the strongest iifr.v nf ,.. er hn t talent in favor of this wea m I i 1 1 'I tcrpnsc. It being in fuel tuV yt5 nation of the proprietor to ing undone, and to spare no pain, !?: Hon or expense. 1 ' n"- Every subscriber to this paper fc receive a copy of ClartieY a Pocket Library,- noticed felL charge; thus rendering the ' T Muspiim thotnncf ,i.-o;,nii- a,'Jrc: tractive. nn,1 ll.n r. .. nlStaJ 'Taper that has ever been pub!i,ui the United Siatcs. P ",hctl ' ? ToAgents-Terms.Commissioxs. ! Any individual who will takeiL. ! bl e to procure the naTnrnr.t,:. r . ro and remit Ihe funds, will be cnt:ilr? I the commissions, which are ot pre,?' - f and will continue lo be until hnh'l i lice, more liberal by far than hav'e' i been offered by any newspaper of rv 1 character or merit. A commission of ! cents will, for the present, loalJowedb 1 agents upon each subscriber. ; 7V The i Pl.iladelpnia Satard,.' Museum is published cverv week at er annum, as usual, m advance, or i uiw enj 01 me vcar. J Fo copies 5. All orders and communist hons to be addressed, free of ponge, -A Thomas C. Clarke K r i fcaturJav Muscun, o. 101 Chestnut street, Vhiladclpi; TAKE XOTLCItr T)Y virtue of a Dot A nf Tr,,-. 'exceuicti. iiv 1 inmnt w ... a debt. due. to Edward II. VJ,Mi.i . ..j vviu uj SiTnr,. which 1 rust Dears uaie 01 1 st June 1E40 and was duly recorded in the town 0 Charleston and oonntv nT TVuu., .! . .. .. '-itar j n t ho ttu rd day ot June 1810 ia 15 j C. No. 2, pages 30, 37. and 33, and I lnc ,)UrpoSeS therein contained, x. sv proceed t0 iell t0 lhQ j hesl LiU !Cash, on the Ttcelfth da 7 of June r.nt 10 H f ,n the town of Charleston, and countv . ... . . .uuiu 1 J'hic, the following negroes! wit: Lewis, aged 27 years; Boh, ngejl years; and Henderson, aged 7 ycars.ir We shall only convey such title as in us Vested bv J Deed. t.iOS. A.Cm-VF.S.lTn. G. R GOODWIN. J tees. Dec. 10th, 1G42. 4? 5a. Trust Sale. 8 Y virtue of a Deed of Trust. T.wr, tedCto the undersigned as trustee t- 1 nomas L) JJarbour on the first day c May, one thousand, eight hundred as forty, and duly recorded in thcProb; Clerks office of the county of Yalobus':. and State of Mississippi, in Book (F)c pages 575 and 57G and 577; to sca the payment of divers debts then specified,! will sell to the'highest bidf for cash on the premises two and half miles South of Cofieville on tlieK leading to Grenada being the lafe r denee of the said Thomas D. JJ.irk On the 1th day o f June neit. the property in said Trust Deed m tioned towit: twelve Negroes, .Slaves .w lie; ciivia, Hissev, Dave," Jack, Suck, ' Jinny, Lish, Phiflis. Jerry, Mingo, , Sam, Darant. ALSO The following Lands to-wit: The bo:' east quarter of Section seven, Tov ship twenty four, Range six, East; tl east half south west quarter of sect" seven, Township twenty four, Rmj six, East; East half of the north c: quarter of Section eighteen, Town! twenty four, Range six East; the Nf west quarter of Section severe Township twenty four. Range six J West half of the north ens: quarter t Section seventeen, Township men',; four, Range six East; together with i vers Horses, Mules, &c, in said Vt -mentioned and described. Tho title of said property is belicv; unquestionable; but I shall make s-, title onlv as is vested in mc,by virtue ? the Trust Deed under which f he sale made. GEO. W. BELLAMY, Trusf Coffee ville Nov. 23J. 1 812. 40-'.: 1 Trust Sale. By virtue of a deed of trust cxea- ted to the undersigned by Thos. Pee'E ! j to secure a debt to James T. CroffW.f bearing date tho first day of Juae MH 1 and duly recorded in the county of Tal-1 1 lahatchie on the second day of Jui)H 1840, and for the purposes and consid- e rations in the said deed expressed, wci shall, I On the twelfth day of June 1 843 j at the town of Charleston the county seat of said Coint v; expose to sale at aac-j. mr tn'thft hifnest bidder for CASH w following property to wit. f . The East htlf of Section 31 of Town j ship 22 or Raige 3 East. The South H west Quarter, and the South half of W j North-west Qiarler of Section 31. H j Township 22 if Range 3 East. 0f half of North west Quarter of Section J 32 of Townshb 22 of Range 3 fctfW! n fill ci vttifinrl fim 1 fortv acres. "; Also, the Allowing slaves to Lewis, Bob, Hal, Alfred, Willie, Isva Mosey, Henderson, .Grandssop, Harry, George, Fanny, Esther, rbi'i Nancy, Caroline, Hasty; Maoon, Ao da and M illy, with the fcluro! iocrW of said femalo slaves. - . Also, twelve head or torcs, an".a mules, fifty head ofcaltle.tbrec yokeo-p oxent- one waggor, alL iho Tlal!tR.!1I I tools and utensils of every deicnpton-?; all .tU household and kitchea urD n Ure- . 'Selling as as trustees wc ana i 1 t .Mdn -alt ick vmbi :Mub vu"'i r THOMAS A. CHETEf GREEN B. GOODWIN. 1 1 or $20 in cur'nt funds, 10 copies c 4 ho newspaper and lCcopies oftheL :4 krary,will be forwarded, securely naV 4 ed, to any part of the U. States. Ti.L 1 - w