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Waco evening news. (Waco, Tex.) 1888-1889, August 30, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1
NO. 42.
Ladies' Suit Department,
Wo respootfully invito tho attention of
our Lady friends to tho announcement this
wook, of our white and colored suita, assur
ing them that gonulno bargains can bo had
in this department.
Wo havo but a limitod stock of these
goods left, and will close them out at prices
that will Justify any one purchasing for
next Bosaqu, oven though tlioy could not bo
worn this soasou.
Wo solicit u visit of Inspection. Many
styles are greatly reduced which wo can
not enumerate, owing to the limited space.
Lai, Solomon k RnM,
(Isaac Lewis' Old Stand.)
Cleanfast Hosiery !
o No Alore Trouble nor Worry I o
Lndioa' White Lawn Bolt, Basque, and full trimmed rullled skirt, neatly
made at only $3.00.
Ladies' white Embroidered Lawn Butts, tastily uiado and trimmed with
embroidery and ruflling at $4.00.
Ladles' white Lawn Suits, tucked and heavily embroidered, stylish and
well made, at $3.00.
Ladies' Swiss Embroidery Suits, elegantly trimmed and tastefully made,
short overskirt and long back drapery, only a few left, at 10.50.
We have various stylee p finor qualities, which have all been reduced to
near dealers cost.
Also a large lino of of light figured Percale Suits, neat and full trimmed
skirt and Basquo, w hlch we will closo out at 4.00 a suit.
A nice variety of Combination Suits, in various colors and styles, very
neat, reduced to $0.00 and $0.50.
A good assortment of Sattoon Suits In Black and White, Garnet, Blue and
Figurod, trimmod with velvot, colors and cufFs, rovers of velvet on basque,
reduced to $0.00.
"We call special attention to our Summer Weight Woolen Suits in Cream
Nuns Veiling. Ask to see them.
In Biege Colored Albotros, Genuine Bargains, and many others in all
styles and colors. '
Nnot from Ambush.
Burton, Aug. 29. Alfred Hudson
was in wait for Ed Bracken last night
as he was returning home and shot him
dead. Both parties are colored. The
killing was the result of an old feud.
Hudson gave himself up.
Republican Mnte Convention.
Austin, Aug. 29. J. C. Degress, of
Austin, chairman of the state republi
can executive committee, in compli
ance with the request of the special
committee, which met here yesterday,
to-day issued a call for a state con
vention of the republican party to meet
at Fort Worth September 20th to
nominate a full ticket.
Fntnl Boiler Explosion.
Denton, Aug. 20. Robert Kirk
patrick was instantly killed and John
Benson seriously wounded to-day by
the explosion of a boiler of a portable
engine.' Kirkpatrick's right leg was
blown entirely off and received other
injuries, No water in the boiler was
the cause of the accident.
Killed Dead.
Greenville Aug. 29. J3TIn Blades,
a young man of Greenville, was killed
last night in a saloon row by Gus
Spencer. Blades fired twk at Spen
cer bclore the latter returned the fire.
Blades fired at John Cameron after
he was fatally wounded, but missed
his mark.
Honor to Mr. HIIU.
- Chicago, Aug. 29. The Iroqus club
gave an informal reception to Roger
Q Mills yesterday and entertained the
distinguished tariff reformer at a din
ner of the rooms of tho organization
nn llp.irhnrn street, lift. Mills was
accorded a hearty welcome. Among
the prominent gentlemen present were
Thief Justice M. W. Fttller. Hon. It.
J. Smith, Collector Saoburg and Post
master JudJ. Mr. Mills left for the
east last night.
Wot It in the Vtfo.
San Antonio, Aug. 38. John Ire
land, not the "sage ot Seguin," was
shot in the right eye last flight and is
laid up for repairs in the county jail.
He is a burly negro who for fifteen
years past has been the terror and the
pest of the neighborhood. He once
served a short term in the penitentiary,
and has been arrested for vagrancy
and having burglars' tools in his-pos-session
time out of mind. Officer
Dolan was informed this morning that
a wounded man had taken refuge in a
house near the Lone Star brewery;
going there he found the negro who
said that he had been warned by the
authorities to leave town, had intend
to leave town and was preparing to
go; that the rain came up and he was
looking for some place to lay his tired
head, poked it into what seemed to
him to be an empty house near San
Pedro springs, when "zip" a bullet
took him in the eye and knocked it
out. The simple truth appears to be
that he endeavored to burglarize some
body's residence and was shot. The
bullet struck him fairly in the nose,
and, glancing, tore out his right eye
ball, which hangs by a string. He re
fuses to allow the physician to re
move it.
In It C'liolern.
Galena, 111., Aug. 29. The dyten
tery epidemic which prevails in sev
eral of the towns in Southern Wiscon
sin is causing great alarm among the
people of that section, and grave ap
prehensions are felt lest it may break
out in this country, which borders on
the infected district. The number of
new cases lor the past four days is 74.
Sixteen deaths were reported during
the past week by physicians. The
cause of the epidemic is attributed to
drinking artesian water, which has
been extensively advertisdd of late as
possessing wonderful medical qualities
The total number of deaths to date
is 31.
lijrnph Lnwin Ohio.
Bellefontaine, O., Aug. 29. Satur
day night a negro know as Pont Poe
forced an entrance into the residenc
of Mrs. Bliss, white, and criminally
assaulted Mrs. Bliss and her young
daughter and a daughter of a neigh-,
bor, aged 14 years, first choking
them into insensibility. The next day
the sheriff and a posse arrested Poe
at a re'igious meeting, where he was
Great Special
For the Next 10 Bays.
Wclac Lall Out mid Tlckilert
nil (foods, nt Prices Les
tlinn Half their
Usual Worth.
A Lot of Early
We have heen Appointed Sole Agents for the Cele
Ladies, Misses and Children, and take
Pleasure in Recommending
them to the trade as the
That will not Stain the Feet in wearing nor Fade
one Particle in Washing. Every Pair .Guaran
teed as above and Money Refunded in ev
ery instance where they fail to
A Trial will Convince the Most Sceptical.
Lessing, Solomon & Bosemtial,
Corner Stla and Vus-tin. Sts.
At 8 cents a yard
that is worth i 5 .
A Line of Double Width
Worth 40 and 50 cts.
per yd. at 20 cts.
DouHe Width Bench Clolli,
Regular Price 75 cts.
wul close out at
25 cts. per
taking a prominent part in the ser
vices. While the sheriff's posse was
en route to jail with the prisoner
next day a mob of 300 men over
powered the officers and took the ne
gro to the scene of his crime, where
they hanged him. Poe confessed his
guilt and said he deserved death.
Appeal to Conffrean.
The state Alliance at Dallas makes
the following appeal to Congress:
Dallas, Aug. 29. Hon. Richard
Coke: Dear Sir Each cotton state
has elected two delegates to appear
before congress on Sept. 1 to ask that
a special bill be at once passed re
moving the tariff from jute bagging.
Hon. Evan Jones, president of Texas
state alliance and the nominee of two
independent conventions for governor
of Texas, goes from here.
We believe a courteous reception of
said delegation and prompt action by
congress will greatly neutralize the in
dependent political movement in the
south. Repecfully. E. B. Warren.
Secretary Nation Alliance.
J. D. Fields.
President State Alliance Exchange.
Clintuiiooira'N Wild Cain.
Chatanooga Menn-, Aug 28. Five
wooks ago, Policeman W. T. Russol
shot ami killed Joseph Bishop, a no-
pro, for resisting arrest. To-dny
Chief of Pollco Howitrd recoivoil tho
following communication, writtou in
red ink:
"Death to Russet and nil police that
shot a negro. Beware, Policeman
Russel, your time is short."
In the center of the sheet of paper
was n skull und cross bones. The
matter ha caused qulto a sensation in
pollco elrcles.
San Antonio, Aug 20. Henry Ough
ten, a prominent young ranchman of
Kendall county, was drowned, to
gether with a lino span of horses,
while attempting to cross Verde croek
near Roorne, this evening. His body
has not yet been recovered and the
current of tho stream is so swift that
it Is cousidorod dangerous to search
for the drowned man.
Another iinno fur It.
Tuscola 111., Aug 28. A few day
ngo W. F. Pursoll and Miss, Llbble
Miller, daughter of Ellas Miller a
a wealthy fanner, disappeared and
were married at tho neighboring town.
Tlioy roturned yestorday nnd showed
their marriage certificate, but Farmer
Miller was relentloss. Ho had a war
rant Issued for tho young man on n
chargo of kidnapping his child, but
the papers being defective Pursell
was released to join his bride. Miller
is still determined tho marriage shall
be annulled mid tho kldnappor pun
ished. The partios nro widely known
and tho affair has fronted a great sen
sation. A Dying Woman's Strnuirc IlcciiicNt
Poru, Ind., Aug 20 Mrs Mary Mag
daliuo Verge, a native of Franco, died
hero to-day with tumor of tho stom
ach. Her Inst request to her daughter
was that her hourt bo takon out, nud
her hands and foot amputated and
sent to Franco for burial. According
ly this morning Die. Passage and
Banisey amputated her hands nnd
took the heart out, placing them In a
glass globe filled with alcohol. They
will bo sunt to Franco as directed while
to-morrow morning her remains will
bo takon to Somerset, this county, for
burial. Whllo standing near a
window during n thunderstorm, sev
eral yoars ago, n Hash of lightning
blinded her, from tho efleots of which
she nover recoverod. 8ho waB well
educatod, and a graduate of medicine
from n Fronoh college,
Yellow rover Report.
Washington Aue 20. Surireon Gen
eral Hamilton said to-day In regard
to tho yellow lever In Jacksonville,
that there havo boon 131 cases to date
out of which forty recovered, nineteen
have died and sovonty-two aro under
treatmont. Dr. Starkbuck, of the
Murine hospital, sorvlce nt Feruuu
dlna, Fin., telegraphed Surgeon-General
Hamilton that that city was nov
er healthier and In hotter sanitary
condition than at present and thoro U
no truth In tho recent report that a
doath from yellow fever ocourred.
Worth Regularly 35
cts. per yard, will
be offered at
20 cts.
Large Accumulation
will be Closed
qegflPdlBis of lfilues.
Immense Bargains in
Immense Bargains in
Immensa Bargains in
Children and Boys
New Hats and
Lewiue Brothers.
N. II. To accommodate tho Work
ing Peoplo, our Storo will bo open till
Op, in. during tho week, and I0:if0.
p. in. Saturday night.

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