:tj i u1 JJSH3 407 AUSTIN ANENUE, MEN'S AND BOYS' hatters:ani:furnisheus, Sole Agents for the Dunlap Hats. Leather Valisesja Specialty. JONES i AFTERNOON NOTES. Insure mi thing jou have against lire with T. I lU)s, at offlcpofWncoIluildlng Association) his companies aro tin- best, and eomo one Is al vvajsln the otitic Dr. Saunders. Duitlst, SM, Austin Ave Take Peelers Clilll SyTiip--No Cunt, No Fa' I)r. Sanmleis, Dentist, KS1; Austin Ave, Dr. Saunders, Dentist. Wi, Austin Ave. feeler's Drug Store for Perfumery, Face Powders, Toilet So;ii, Combs ami Ilrnsliea. Chca.-'ost In town. Tlio work on the now Cotton licit depot Is being pushed rapidly to com plotlon. Tho cold weather to-day did not prevent the country peoplo from doming to town and blockading the square with cotton. Tho subjects of Dr. Halsell's ser mons for to-morrow will be : 11 a. m.. "Iniquity Abounding and tho Love of jjiany Waxiiifft-'olU;" test, Matt. 24, 12. At 7:30 p. m., "Tho Wagons of Josoph;" text, Gen. 14, 27-28. Two excellent subjects which morlt large congregations. Tho Sabbath school of the congrega tion llodef Sholem promises to be n great success. Tho rabbi, Itev. S. lioscnborjr, who Is tho superintendent contemplates delivering short ad dresses oh every Sunday before tho religious instructions, His sub ject for to-morrow will be "Good Man ners." Tho Gabert Brothers, fashionable tailors, under the Pacific hotel, carry tho biggest and finest stock of goods In Waco. They are just receiving a large stock of new goods, domestic and Imported, and have tailors Just from the east so they can get up suits on short notico. liestoffits nnd stylos guaranteed. Attention Is called to the advertise ment in to-day's issue of Mr. A. Haber, who has'latd in one of the lar gest and most elesant stocks of drv goods and clothing ever brought to tup city. Mr. Haber is an enternris lug aud business man, and his long acquaintance with tho trade of Waco ana vicinity has taught him to pur chase those goods which the citizens of Waco want, and his courteous treatment makes makes many friends. Cornolias Cook was fafnm .Tulro Sleeper to-day charged with using anusivo language to Ada Connell and aftor reflection agreed that probably her langnago was somewhat harsh and calculated, to dlsuurb the peace and dignity of the state and agreed to pay over to the authorities $5 and costs for her Indulgence in such lux uries. Hon. S. P. Mills will speak to-night at China Springs, Hon. W. H. Jen kins will speak at Hewett, A. J. Ca ruthers at Uosqueville, P. M. Makelg at Itoss. J. c. Jenkins at Douglas Store, G. JJ. Gerald at lloblnson School House, T. A. lilalr at Craw ford, John J. See at Duty's store and J. V. Taylor at Itoss. Fannie McNeil, colored, made a complaint yesterday against her hus band, Calvin McNeil, charging him with bigamy, alloglng that on July ICth last, ho unlawfully married with one Harriet Hurst. Tho Uniform rank Knights of Pyth ias drilled last night at Armory hall under instruction byLlouteuant Men douhall. Tho members have beauti ful uniforms and aro rapidly learning the beautiful evolution or the K. P. tactics. Hon. W. A. Kincald was in tho city to-day enroute to Groesbeeok where lie will pass Sunday having completed a week's programme in McLennan county and effecting great good. Ho spoko last night at Eddy to a large audience. Mr. Kincald will speak at tho court house Monday night. On vostor.iav ,., !.. ..... hni.iihnn.,,. ;;.::" ;:,::," remain roVi. 'JZZ Jo. JJV, .X SSf Sr wh,oh wa8 "I1,:; tonuou. The nroirrainmo was filled .hi i i . r . , . - with eutertaluing soleutlons oi musla and rooltatlons from the classes un- dt r the direction of Mrs. Itounsavall, wiionas no Blinorlor In tne arramriiicr nnil nnrrvlim nut n.t .tl.li.iii.l. I and carrying out of entertainments. aBIfB3 FINE CLOTHIERS, GOODLOE. "INFLUENCE OF MUSIC. Beautlfull Leoture Delivered by Rabbi Rosenborg Last Ningt. There was an unusually large audi ence present last night at the Jewish Synagogue to hear Ralibi Rosenberg lecture. The congregation are high ly pleased with his abilities as a lecturer, as well as an elegant cantor. The musical Dart of the whole nm. granie was executed to the delight of an present, me KaDbi spoke as follows: The subject of my discussion of to night will be "the influence of music." My Dear Brethren No art makes a deeper impression upon man than music, this noble gift of heaven. While poetry mostly appeals to poetical minds, and naintintr. sculnttire .ind other great arts have merely a limited circle of devout worshipers, music, by its universal character, touches the ear of every one, and impresses itself by its divine force upon the heart of nearly every human being. It often seems to me as if the whole universe is pervaded by the celestial strains of music, and that it needs only fine and trained ears to detect it. He whn. with a fresh and open mind, enters great nature finds music in the nm. ling of the brooks, in the rustling of ine leaves, in the roaring of the mighty billows, and in the majestic spectacle of a grand thunderstorm. Even the animal kingdom contributes to fill the world with melodious sounds. Those comine from the old country will nn doubt, remember how, when walking at an early hour during the sprine- time through a grove or park, their ears were captivated by the sweet notes of the nichtins.ile nnH nftr listening spellbound to this master- singer oi nature mey were induced to thank God for the musical treat thev had enjoyed. Imagine what the feel ings of the invalid must be who, after weeks and weeks of lingering sickness, is restored again to health and on en tering his sitting room receives as one of his first greetings the cheerful notes of the canary bird. There is no pow er on earth more conducive for the promotion of cood than that of minsiV In many critical moments of l'fe music nas restored io numerous persons their former strength and enercy. The greatest master-minds nf the nriH have acknowledged this fact in some of meir nnest proauctions. Une instance is Goethe' "Faust." Being on the point of committing suicide, the peals of the organ strike his ears and, over come with emotion, he throws the poisonous cup from his hands. In a quite different way Shakespeare, in the "Merchant of Venice," makes one of his heroes listen to the strains of music in a moment when his future happiness depends on the rieht seler-tinn nf casket. But the most benign influence wmen music exercises is when, like a soothing balm, it enters a HUp.ispH soul, casting a glimmer of hope and peace into the disturbed chamber of reason, the doors of which havp been barred against everything else, even against me voice oi Jove, inendship and affection. My dear friends, our ancient Hebrew melodies, chanted to the pres ent time in many of our synagogues, are full of wonderful nower and and at. traction. That Donular victorv snno- heard on our Chanucka festival that song of liberty chanted in our homes on the eve of Passover, and above all that "Kolnldre Melody" executed in our svnacoizues on the niaht nf Attonement, are real natural gems of cnaractenstic beauty. Let us hope that these soncs will never rile nut Irom Israel, but that they will be per- petuatea irom generation to generation. One of the greatest composers of the present age, whose singular eccentrici ties have made him intolerant toward our race, (I have reference to Rich Wagner) maintains the peculiar idea that, in the future, all the various arts win oe entirely eclipsed by the grow ing power of music. How far his asser tion is right or wrong, I will not investi- Eate, out suit it cannot be denied that in tne lutuie, music will foun a necessary ""!, rousic whi loim a neces Ie.ure e education of man. It W,H re,.,ne W tastes, ennoble his feel r- -tehisiins'X; ;a . i.:u... i r ...... i.ii.iv.iw u iii(-iicr uiiiiic oi immune, -rhmnnV. ;.. ,7....i-i i ... s. ...ft. probably link nation to nation, man toman, and thus continue to eman- icinate creert nnd puirrh Imm il, r.i Iters of prejudice and bigotry. And tare r.t rrnt.lUu J !.:...... jl BLANKETS j COMFORTS! Wo aro offering a largo size gray blnnkot, good wolght at Sl.M. Brown, IS x 70, good weight at 51.70, worth S.'l. Gray, GO x 71, heavy at $2.25, would bo cheap at '!. Sheopsgnty blankets at $2.2.1. full sizo, worth $.'l.2.". Giny 10-1, extra heavy, at S3, regular nrlco $11.75. Silver bluoti lbs at $,,!.7.". This I actually the cheuncit blanket In tho city, lied blankets, all wool, $.'1.50 extra largo and heavy worth $l.o(l. 11-4 all wool gray blankols, oxtra heavy, at $4."0; big bargain. White blankets, 10-4 at$1.2.), worth $1.7o. " " " at $1.7-i, " $2.o0. "' ." ' at $3, " $-1. " " " nl$3.r0 " $4.-10. " " nt$4 " $11. " " largo sl, extra lino, at $7..10; prolllust In tho cily. COMFOUTS F.xlra huge sle, niado of good calico at Toe, Dili'., $1.2.1 and $1.50, worth 2.5 per cent more than our price. Oil red comforts, largo sizo filled with good cotton at $2, $2.2-5, and $2..50. Sateen and cretonne comforts, largo sle, filled mMi tho very best cotton, at $2.(10, $2.7d and $.'1; thconro beautiful patterns with solid coloieil linliio. 7I. 3. JIBBER. as you, my dear friends, have here such a good opportunity to cultivate music, take auvantage oi it, prove yourself that you are fondly attached tn a divine art liv takinir a warm inter- est in this particular branch. Devise means in your minds, take every pos sible measure in this direction which will contribute to beautify and edify our divine service; in a word, to consider the musical part of de ine worship a potent factor of attraction, devotion and edification. This sub lime art, which has been all the ages ol the world the greatest blessing to mankind. SOCIETY NOTES. How Waco People Enjoyed tho Week in a Social Way. Thoro was delightful dnnco given last night at tho resldonce of Mr. T. K. Mnnn . tit Robinson. A number of couples wont out from Waco and par ticipated in tho pleasures ot the even In p. which wore nmrio donblv nleas- ant by tho delightful moonlight drive. Mr. Mann and his wifo are charming entertainers, and an occasion of this kind is a welcome event to their Waco friends. Tho Chess Club gavo their usual Friday evening entertainment last night, which was generally attended. Mr. Becker's orchestra was present, and the danco was not neglected. There lias been an increased interest taken in tills club lately, and its roll of membership Is boln? constantly increased by the names of the highly elito. A number of Miss Julia Bobortson's friends surprised her last Thursday evening, by calllt)r in abody, with Mr Becker's orchostra. Miss .Tula and her charming mother throw onon the doors of their beautiful home, and entertained them most hospitably. The orchestra was placed in tho largo dancing room and an impromptu gormau was indulged In. The entertainment itivou by the Phllp-Literary club Tuesday evening upon the occasion of tho formal open ing of their rooms iu tho Walker build ing on Fourth street, by far eclipsed ail tho brilliant outertalumonts which havo been given by that excellent or ganization. Tho rooms aro fitted up with moro artistic taste than any club rooms in tho state everything tend ing to cultivato a taste in tho mem bers for tho study of litoraturo and the arts. Thero wero fully threo hun dred persons prosont, many of whom had formed but llttloidea of tho worth of tho club as a social factor and wero surprised at what thoy heard and saw. The Ural part of tho entertain ment consisted of the following fea tures: Address of wolconio by Prosldont It. J. Tolson. Response on tho part of tho citizous of Waco by Capt. T. A. Blair. Vocal solo Judith, by Miss Lula C. Ilaynio. Recitation Vashti. by Miss Lizlo R. Chandler. Vocal solo Old Rostlcss Sea. by Mrs. E. P. LoDaux. Mr. J. M. Connor then nrosonted to Mr. R. J.Tolson prosldont of thoclub tv cold wntch nnd chain on behalf of tho mombors who doslred to recoir- nlzo that oillcors's ollbrts for the woll- faro of tho organization. Tho audi onco was then amused by the hold ing of a Belva Lockwood convention and tho selection of Messrs. E. A. Marshall, F. W. Fort and W. H. Cameron ns olectors on tho Woman's Right tlokot. Tho entertainment closed with a nromonado concert. t,ii muslo bolng furulshod by Mr. Book- ers's BDionuin orchostra. Tho Garland opera houso ofrered an evening of rollnod uinuniunnnt laBt week In "Struck Gas" which was presented by Hurry Popnor and ,n,( " 'Tutlon" a now and dIdhsIho- snnii. teitl' Nost weok Mr- Oarland will "ave kcnnlon nnd Koono .. 'rB' I. J' DOSS, IllllllllOr. FOUTtll Btroot Rig stock and low prices. I ItCMiaOUS .NOTICES. l'lll!lsll. Ctlt'ltl'll bnlilintli-Bcluiol ntun. Wntliliij;lon street, f-CANDl.NAVIAX MJ'I Ilt.KAX-CorXc.rth 10th wiu minium sis , iter i rorrlsun lmstor, biTWci'a at 3:3iji. in, to-morrow -MOItllOWsTliEKr t'IIAl,KI,--?Lnlci.s inorii liijrmiUfUMiiuir by th pnstor, l!cv W u I onnor suiulnv pchool nt 11. .1) a, in Kim i MitK.nT m k. ciiiitui, son ii- ( or. Sth ami Jiu'koii Btncts, llc. lluraco ltblioi instnr 'Sttniluy-iiilioiil u.so a m , . h HanLIno siipurlntciuUut l'rnji-r-lnictliiit inery Widnruliiy liljjlit. :iass iiiivtliiK at 1 11. in i'ri'aclilnir ti-niorrov at II ii.iii iiiii)7::,ii l. m by tin. jin-tor. -iTjboil) conllally liiiituil YOtTXIJ MKX'S ClimSlIAXAsSOCIA'lIOX Out Katon.V tluliian's, AiiMhihtni't Itooini o'H'ii ilallj irom s n, m , till 1 11 in A l.iwuuiiilicrordiili), m-iklv anil montliU paiura nnil lii-riuillinln on Hie. Kirbo.l (n I led tin-all mnijf Jlm'H iiici-tlnBuin puiulin afti'rnooii at i ,:iu o'l'lock Cl'MIIKllt.AXI) I'i:iNltYTi:ill.X CUIMSCII l!i' .1 .M llalsoll, I'ntor, (oltlco on 4tb utri'et In l'o.UTsbnllillni.'). I'ri'aclilnir lit II a in. nnil, Mi i in Mimlaj mIiihiI at .i.:M a in. rniM-r inci'tliiL' ccry Wi'diuednt nlglit at 7:30 p. in. woman's aid 6oeliti I'M'ry'llinrsday i'ci'pt tlio llrst. Woman's mlsiionnry society llrt 'XlinreiLivnt.t p m. hriiirnuiit (r.itbcrcrs vvr fourth 'babbntb at .1p. in A COLORED HAOKMAN Insults a Widow Lady Whom he Was Driving. Mrs. Xanoy llonsles arrived In Waco Thursday morning coming from Abilene over tho Missouri Pacific. It was then about two o'clock and sho desired to tako tho South bound Houston &, Texas Central at ton o'clock. So, she says, sho got in a carriago driven by Henry Wiggins and ordered htm to drivo her to tho Farmer's house. Sho stated that in stead of doing to ho drovo her out in to tho country dismounted from tho box entered tho carriago and -forced his attentions upon hor. Thosucceed ed In frightening him by threntdnlmr to cry for help that ho returned to tho oox and drovo hor to tho Central ho tol whore sho was entertained. Sho went beforo tho grand jury boforo leaving ror JSryan and rolated tho cir cumstances. Wiggins lias disap peared from tho city ovidontly under alarm of being-punished nUhourli tlio grand jury had not up to tho tlmo of this writing brought in an Indictment against him. Ifo certainly ought to bo seriously punished for so heinous nn otleiiso, PERSONALS. Hon. Geo. Clark has returned from Robinson county where ho addressed by special invitation a lnigo uttdir-nco at a barbecue. On next Saturday JlldgO Clark will nniwlr n,iti.f rl Jones at Marllu. i.Mr. J. P. Williamson of tho Fifth ward Is to be congratulated on tho birth af a son yesterday. Mr. 1). E. Hlrschflold. tickot airont oi tne cotton JJelt has relumed from Cairo, 111., whero ho went to witness tho marriago of his sister. Miss Sophio Sanger has returned irom tlio Jutst, whoro sho has beon summering. Miss Sadio Pearro. loft this morn- Ing for Dallas to ntfmui Mm r.,1.. ,,..,i visit frionds. Stark West returnod yesterday from north Texas, whoro In. n callodon urgent business. Mrs. P. R. Hengstand on returned to-day from Springfield. Ohio whom sho passed tho Summer. Dr. Hengst met them at Toxarkana and accom panied thorn home. Leave ordors for rnoiva. nl, i ii f ci IV,. 1 1 and ornamental troos at Perry's Pa clfio hotol block. Itnstnn I'hlna fresh everyday at DoWolls. IVclfr'n Turn llnmm n lnl,nn .. ... - - - - w..... ..v...u,v. iumib .in turns WH l- out pain or scar. No Cuius Xo I'.vvl Kuiip.v nickloH at ITnfirii'H .'in Aus tin avenue. Choicest incut in tnu ii nf ti.,. .., nuo market, nothing but tlio host'. DoWiol catch their own oysters try them. Uoat arrives twi'co 'each day. fcond in your orders, for oysters for Sunday on Frldy to DoWiol, Tl,e "ost beot, "mutton, veal, and ilsh aro always to be found at, J. O. Crlppen's market, corner Fifth and l'raiiKliu. . GDI nSTFJN i MIGFI CashCrushcrs thisWeek' u J0 J'jS Boat Four-Button Kid Gloveo. Embroidered Books 60 ct a pnir; Slid Gloves 25 ots; Llalo Glovos IO ots a pair. s tlRtlTEYSAil Wool Jorooys Worth 81.GO to $2, Ohoioo for $i, r,Al)H3S UXmueWKAlt-ARogulor 76 ot. Merino voBtfor6o'ot ARofrular $l.GO Lamb's Wool Vest for only 81. Ohlldron'H Wnm "i all Kinds, Very Low. ' of COMFORTS AND BLANKETS A lteiritltiv .Sl .115 Comfort for A Kcgulni' ijll .00 Comfort for A SplciidM li Comfort for An Elrjriint Sateen Comfort worth 1.75 for only,. e liavo a small lot ol Illiuikcts earned ovor year, which, to close out, X.JJP ",p Sh,,nM,tf Hit' DD PL7Q n,HI U1 ,'S('si l'lll,, ' I rimming1,, nnmrn IIAIUlO. ) at Almost Hair Values. ( f KluES GDiiDSTEIN 1 lil9BEL. CHEAP COLUMN. VXO 1 Rood famllj btipi?y inaro for unli ihtap liil to W. K .Montjxoini'nvn at this olllco. tf "J1 Oil SAI.K A handsome lieilioom set of J ' nirnltiirn. er iTap for imbIi Apply at the Xi ws olllci ii IjIUIIXISIIKI) ItoOMS ltb Hoard Tor tcentli' J? man and Mile, or three Kentlemen Ap ply to Jlrs. feherma i, .Hr.' Xortli hlth Street 171 Oil NAM: KM acres of land, W)ln llneciil ' thatlon and Kiln oxeellent pnatiira all un der a pood fence. Ki.i m Ii sltiuited about M mile 8 froin Waco, has ?oo I four room duelling, am-pleont-biilldlngs, laniH etc, wood clalern and splendid tank ol Mater. Will tiadelor ood rehldiiuepioiM m in am addreis tlit'Mu olllee. J 701! ItKX'l' a nice I room Iioiiho for rent, 1 corner t lay and Ninth htri'vt Apph to las. Shiars, 1Mb and I lay treet TTtOlt SAI.K Ni'W Milton and upan of borses iroml hnrnuNS houses, slni;le or ilnublo. Adilrosi.l. T. Montjrnnii ry, Ilo 31!i, Waio, li'ns, or a X'ous olliee. A barttiiin. tf 1 ,i 1"517,13'2 AVehac'0lilpai'eT9eon . JX.X JllXX O stmitlj mi hand and parties anting them can (,'et them at a bargain bj npliljiiiK at the hUMilng Xua oltlcp, Xo. ili Austin VM'iiue M KS. J. X. IIAU.'SIOX lias ikclded to com- llielice DresS-lIinklnir lltrnlli. nil Mnntli Jfli treet Xo i,Ji she hoIIcIIh tlm lUmn.ni r her old customers. WAXTKD-A lumse-keeper Appiylinim dlatily at Mrs .M A. Unlilimon's stoic iiieier tlio .Mitchell House on South Sd street. o IIAM1K IILOSiOMS.. llr. -Mnirlll'. r.mnn. J Orange lUossnni, Mrs. A. J. Itlihanlsou, ent, Xortli luth street. !l-:i-Im ITtOIl SALJ-A pair or lartre llrst-class work J mules, scM'njears old. Mrs. S Aajers, X "tli Bt., between Jeirersou and llarron sts.' ITtOltSAI.n One book ca-c. 1 step ladder, 1 tables, Ifoiirhorso vukIiio, lonr beating Nlnlnuntul ill.,., 'I ,l,,.la i.A.. i n...i . ti r j ... .. , ,, .dona, nun i UIIU IllClier, wash stands, half dozen chairs. fcllKraph typo- ... .' '..'"j'.' U'""B "u louiuer, paient letter Hies. 1 Hall salt!, I storo counter, 'J0.U0O old papers and a large amount or other eccond hand lurulture. J.0, E. Klc.in I.oiiislnim Mute Lottery. Order your tickets from D.'Domnau it RrO.. Olmnlltc thn MVininllnlirl l,r.ol Waco, or at Dallas and Tomplo. I.ib- uiai iiii'js io cuius. Hyacinths, lilllesand all fall bulbs 1 1, i -erry s cauuy storo, Ulldor X'aclllc hotel. - , - . Flowers for woddlngs, funerals and parties, in all dosign. l.oavo orders nt Perry's confectionery under 1'aclflc hotol. X M'nt Take Advantage or the llooiii SOMK &ri.KXIill) INVKSTMKNIS. I.. I. it. RII.MKIIACO. JO'i Wall fttrcet, Waco, 'leas, Mrs. Ert.'Wliite's llestuarant and Ojster l'arlor, IU South Kirth street, In a place where ladles out shopping can stop and gethotioirco mid a nlco lunrh. AH seasonable dellcniles on band and served at a moments notico. OjUcrs llsb, otc. Meal tlckitswlUbolssuid whin, call Tor llrst-class faro Don't forget tho place, No. Ill South Kinii, (.treot between Austin and Kranklln. $ .Ho l.lfl ... i.Trt ii.7r from ist wt have marked extremely i,MV Fines! Line of Dress VIluls f tfr ANN0UNCEHEHT8. IOIt THiri.KI.Sl7A1UUi:. I'apt. . .1. ish Is an Independent t-aiiilldnle ror tho I eglslntnro Trom Mcleimnn (oiinu M the election In Xo ember, ami asks tho oti's nl nil Ids frlcnili, without respect to party IOH ..ItKRIFF. .Mr J. UClabaiivli,orHoB8, Is mi Indepen dent Candidate lor Shiiitr or JleU'iinaiiioiintj nt the cnstiiiiRXovembor election. He solliiu ii"L-ic, of ll13 rrlcn',s n,,1 ncqualntiincei. piOltATI2MI'AfoiT- Yv nre authorlied to aiiiiouiiio Mr (ho V Stubbli,.1elil as Inilepondent candidate, for Stale Senator nt thebta'u election In November w. (i. 3iayfii:i.i). h. j. wii:i:i.. The Southwestern Sohool of PHONOGRAPHY AND TYPE-WRITING. Will oncii their winter term on Oetohir lSth WeaniKiHiici'wIlhinireabed facllltlesforteac ,- IK tlioMi arts In which wo embrace tho lo Ioh InirsjBt. ins: 1 en l'ltinan, Oraham-. Jlii,,8en'B I.iiulso 's, nnil tliobtenoirrniili. Our typ "-writ- IK department is unexcelled. Wo uso both i A?!.1'?1". n"(l 1!c,,'"'B"i iiinchlues an both arc tnuBht iiy uicrt. JVo are nlno nre liared to do an unlimited amount of short-haml work nnil in,.uriii,. in .:"!, .'""'" and neat ly eveci. ei ' Ivrn . V.., m '. . V drll!'sVV08.,lfo'xl1.0n 1lcn,,,h 'm' r '' Stolte - Brothers, FRESH -BREAD. GROCERIES AND PRODUCE. Delivered In any part of thn eltv. Inprn..i trade ast ures all or our groceries to bo fresh. STOLTE BROTHERS, Corner Finh and Austin Sts. CHEAP CASH MARKET, J. J IilDIXLK. Keeps the Choicest nnd Fattest Meals in Iho City. South Side Public Sifr. PRICES. Choice L'ortciliouso. IfloiCliolco roast sn Uiorcliiln. KiciSecond cut roast tV Cioco round TfiSclChnck roast Cholcenb. Tcllrisketroast... . : Chuck steak -'Mutton ) . ioc hausnB", 10c Veal . . . . . S Spare ribs . .. .l'tfclrinh ............ .lsjfc A NEW DEPARTURE. FKES1I 11AR1U30UI3D MEATS Kvorv day direct from tho kiln, and tlellv ered at your residence. J". J". RIXJ23X.E. R. H. Gray, DKAI.Kit IN STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries, Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Ito. Conntry Proance Bonelit and Sold: II. A. GOKI1KL. FRANK I.KNK. doeuel&U, BANK, STORE SALOON DO, 02 rnniiin Nt. IIOVNTOX.TKXAM. BRiSW HOTEL CIIAS. BAltER, Prop., Frankll.f Street. Iletvveen KourtU nnd Flrtli. Waco, texab. This house has been ovoihaulml n,l rm.i ,, hy.Mr. ltaker, and bo Intnmii in m.v i. 1 ond to none In the city. C i,-t V