THE WEEKLY HEMLD TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1870. WORJtl.1V THE KOADVBY tut. TKACT. We commend to our people and the Board of Supervisors, the fol lowing on the above subject, taken from tbe Canton Mail of May Uth. The almost constant, horrible condition of our couuty roads, has been a nuisance aud a draw back to the settlement of the county. It 1st marvel how farmers living off from railroads aud water naviga tion, have ever succeeded in bring ing their crope to market over such roads as ours. And not only horrible roads, but horrible bridges unlit, unsafe and disgraceful. If our roads and bridges were In good order, heavy hills graded, the road way hard and Arm, and break neck holes done away with, why tbeu it would be no great hardship to live a few miles from town and haul produce to market As it is, it re quires a whole day for farmers liv ing fifteen or twenty miles from tbe city, to reach here with a load, and the best part of another to re turn. This Involves a heavy ex penditure of time, labor and money. It seems to us that there la only one sure way to have proper roads, and that way Is to have them divided into sec tions and made and kept In repair by contract, and giving the eon tractors tbe labor of those neglect ing or refusing to pay a poll tax when assessed, at so much per day until lueb tax is worked out. By tbii plan we should have good roads, and our county would settle faster and make more money, and we would all grow richer, wiser, and better. And so now read the article from the Mail- There la move on foot to make an alteration In the plan heretofore pursued of working the public roads It is found, under the new condition of affairs, the plan by which the roads were worked and kept In excellent order, before tbe war, will not do now at all. Either such force as can be brought cut by the road overseers Is not sufficient, or else the labor bestowed upon tbe highways is ineffective in con sequence of demoralization. It is more probable that these causes combined operate to the disadvan tage of the road work. But whatever be tbe cause, under the present system we have very bad roads, except when Dame Ma ture herself puts them in order. There are times when It is impos sible for citizens of some portions of the county to get to the couuty seat at all. Aud sometimes months pass, duriug the winter, when our country people comider Jordan such a hard road to travel that they undertake sending their wagona to town only In cares ol most Dressing necessity. But it is useless to say mnch as regards the condition of the roads. very bod y knows they are dreadful, dread I ut, and if any uew arrangement can be devised by which tney may oe Bet ter attended, let it be done. Every man will vote amen to that. Well, the plan proposed Is, to have the roads worked by contract The Board of Supervisors to lei out contracts for working the va rious portions of the road in the county, at stipulated prices, or make propositions for the lowest bidders. It la unnecessary to treat this subject at length. We merely de sire to let It be well known and discussed. We have heard a num ber of the citizeus of the county ex press themselves, and we have yet to hear the first dissenting voice. Than will doubtless be aoetition sent to the Legislature in regard to the matter. Thb council of tbe Choctaw Na tion, at Us late session, passed an act to submit the question of divid Ing their lands so as to be held in severalty, or as heretofore, In com mon, to a vote of tho people, on tbe 4th and 5th of July next Pbesidiht Giadt contemplates purchasing the estate known as Rlversdaie, nve muesirom. nasa I mm Sla tnmmlbe fAarl 1 nuA Ins- to Baltimore, and adloiuing the Batata of the late John C. Rives. It contains one hundred acres of land and ahould the President purchase tbe place he will reside there during the summer monins, going to mi office at the White House every day. Food Med.CWU. Br. Hall, in M.WiW lust nublisbed. relates the cue of a man who was cured of bllliousness by going witnon. ms nnnfir and drinking: freely of lem- rtl . ! . R I onade. Jtvery minimis, m doctor, "this patient rose with won derful sense of rest, refreshment and a feeling as though the blood bad been literally washed, cleansed and cooled by the lemonade and the fast" Hia theory Is that food will be used at remedy for many dliaaae successfully. Vnr ATmnle. belnstances cures of spitting blood by the use of aalt ; MatArmniona. anilensv and yellow fever; kidney affections, celery; poison, olive or sweet oil ; pounded Cranberries applied to the parts .r..t. arvaintilM : hvdroDbobia, i "onions, etc 80 that th 1 thing todo In order to keep in good heal th la really to know what to eat and not what medicine to take. a at reft hot Iron entered the abdomen and passed through a .nrtm.n'i hnAv In a Troy mill, re- ntlv. vet a nhvslclan It made to say that "the wound it not neoet- n,,,u uu , . ,h rr.r. jipos sinntix m h. If :iieL-i,i:it!iicof .MiHi(.Hi1,pip(.r BrothVrs are ready to fall I ' de-iir.- to do a sensible thing it'.Jown and worship him in blind! okxbtokxtui boses tauk. eh..uld at once enact that no State adoration. But the whit man of In his letter to the committee or county oil!cersba:nereiiiir?.r the Soilth on ti,e 0,n,r hand. ' of invitation, explaining why he could not attend the celebration of the ratification of the 15th Amend' w give oon.i lor the boaest per- jtn these foul mouthed slander-forman-e of duty. The history erg, are entitled to 110 ridits, are of Radical rule in thia State his, inhuman, untrustworthy, aud dis-jmcntin this city last Friday, old shown that nine-tenths of the loyal, fit subjects for national out-' JonATnaii Tikbell, by the grace bond given are straw bonds: not rage and persecution; beautiful of Governor Alcorn, ouc of the worth a dollar. When the full stepping stones to enable the col-'Justices of the Supreme Court, Hymeni of corruption fhail have ored man and brother to mount the indulges in the following spread liecu fully inaugurated with every ladder of fortuue. It is somewhat ; eagle paragraph : office in the hand of a Kadienl, singular that portions of one Que by one the best minds of most or tnera carpet-onaeers with- mce sual become jo embittered 1 our own. as well as tue other out interest or reputation in the against the remainder or a portion State, then will the whole plan of 1 0f the same tare, and throw all demanding and accepting bunds sympathy, aid. and support in become a farce. So inoperative favor 0f another race so com and worthless indeed will become I pk-iely inferior. But while it is the nystem that it will be one in-1 unaccountable it is nevertheless ducement held out as a sort of re- true. :ird for dishonesty. There will jD the number bearing date May be no responsibility attached to 14xfa, these men lecture Governor anyone. Principal and bondmen 'Alcorn of this State severely for will le alike irresponsible and as ' advocating separate schools for a natural result the principal will ' white and black; they hope tbe be tempted day by day to commit Legislature will rise superior to dishonest deeds by the weak and; the influences which surround insulllcicnt safeguards thrown It"1'"5- an'l the cause of "human- about him. Meditating upon the 'ty. enact that there shall be no corruption and dishonesty which separation and distinction; that enable him to palm off a worth-(the negro is the equal ofthe white less bond he will eventually con- rebel, and no legislative action ccivc it to be but riL-ut to steal , suouia ue permiueu mating any VS..L " and MeriL"M Railroad remove their track so it only runs within two er three miles of Forest Instead of by your doors ? Hat is the wny to look at It Planes!, Pig ee M. AenS ee from and defraud the State. Just as so many Commissaries aad Quartermasters in the army who distinction. Permit us to inform the Messrs. Harper that the Leg islature of Mississippi understands would not, from conscientious mo- 't d,ltics without receiving in tives filch a cent in ordinary private I struction from such source as that transactions, yet felt there was no sin or wrong committed in plun dering the general government. They seemed to think that if a loop hole was discovered through which they could perpetrate a fraud it was their doty to do it. It was a sin and a crime to steal from an individual, but eminently prop er and even commendable to steal from the Government Such will be the result of the loose and corrupt form of government to which the people of Mississippi will be called upon to submit dur ing the continuance of Radical rule. Then why keep up a form which is only intended to de ceive? A cloak behind which fraud and dishonesty can be and is perpetrated. Let the system be discontinued. It is no safety, no safeguard. It is a fraud in itself. It simply deceives the credulous and uninformed. Destroy it and in its stead enact that every defaulting oflicer has been guilty of the II and try him for the otVence, making his pun ishmcntmuch severer than that of ordinary criminals. Let it be known that a man in possession of an ollice, where money is en trusted to his care, unable to ac count for the absence of a single dollar, is a felon, a thief before the aw and in public estimation, and that as a punishment for it, he shall be puished by imprisonment, even more severely than other criminals of equal grade. Whnt would be the difference in effect between this law and the old one? Simply thut under the present law the man can escape punishment and with the money entrusted to him, no body suffer but the State, and he eventually by 'the magical influence of the money at bis command, become respectable. By the operation of the plan suggested, the money is lost but the criminal is secured, and be is made to work in the pen itentiary for a number of years for the benefit of the State. It is a clear gain of the services of the thief, whereas, by the old plan, there was a clear loss or tmei ana money. HARPER'S WEEKLY. Among the most bitter and vir ulent of the conductors of the Northern press in indiscrimate abuse of the Southern people, the Harper Brothers are possibly foremost There is neither sense nor reason in the vindictive spirit which seems to actuate these men. A blind and impotent but raving hope seems to possess tuem. And in each publication, like a maddened hurricane, they mouth and foam and fret, call harsh names, and indulge in all of the vindictive explctivee which are at their command. There is with them, at the Sontb, naught but disloyalty, bloodthirstiness and rebelliousness. Here, however, we are in error. There is a class, or rather race, of people at the South, with whom the Harper Brothers are fascinated. That race 1b the negro. He it persool- ficative of loyalty, purity and loveliness. He it endowed with all the noble attribute which go to make the perfect man, created In the image divine. He it to from whence this emanates. The Legislature of Mississippi has seen the necessity of having separate schools, and yet these officious in termeddle of a distant State thrust their opinions and gan- greened prejudices among us. If the negroes paid any taxes they might with propriety themselves claim these rights. But it is known that there it in tbe whole State, out of the immense amount of taxes collected, not over twenty thousand dollars paid by negroes, and yet the negroes manage and control everything bore. It is suf ficient that we submit to this, and pay to educate the negro chil dren without being subjected to the additional humiliation of fore ing our children into social equal ity with a raco which we claim and feel is in every way inferior to us The Harpers have ever been the bitterest enemies of the South, and wo are surprised that South ern people patronize them. Book sellers ought to drive their publi cations from their houses with the same tense of duty aud propriety as they would the publications of the obscencst character. There arc thousands of other publications equally as attractive and not at all hostile, which should receive the patronage of the Sou-hern people, aud such vile publications as these should not be permitted to reach a single Southern reader. ErBEsiti'eLY root.. In nn article devoted to "l)cm ociutic Editors," who arc assumed to be in a "dyspeptic stnU" the Times of Sunday has the follow ing modest pussurfe: "Of course It would be a mere waste of time to attempt to pur suade these asses who have ob tained a fortuitous control of types, that the country is not go in? to ko backwards for their gratification, and that if they can not live in any otuer man -a white man'e country," that it is high time for them to pack up their carpet bags and be off to tome climate where niggert can't vote Sidney Smith, once character ized an impertinent bore ho had the misfortune to encounter, as "the cool of the evening,", and the enterprising genius who penned the lines we have quoted, has won for himself the endearing title of the "cooV of tho morning ! Southern Sutes, are yielding to the logic of events. That accom plished scholar and jurist, Judge Simrall, plants himself squarely on the Republican platform, while tbe old Democratic war horse of lt68, Gen. Freeman, who deserves eminent distinction for his bold, brave words, declares in a recent letter. "For my own part, teal ously as I have heretofore oppos ed the tenets and past measures of the Republican party, I shall now yield obedience to the powers that be, and give the national and state administration a hearty and zealous support." Such sentl incuts are a rebuke troin high sources of those who seem to have no other ambition or occupation than to inflame the passious and keep alive the prejudices or the people, unfortunately to tho injury ofthe latter. To those who know the man, tbe announcement that Jcdoe Simrali., hat planted himself "SCjl'AKELT ON THE REiTBLICAH Platform !!" will create no sur prise! For three years, Judge Simrall, hat been more than sus pected of a tender passion for radicalism, and those who know him, felt well assured that hit nat ural hungering for the "flesh- pots," would land him precisely where he is to-day, into the arms of the radical party. It has been common talk for tome time, that it required the strongest kind of pledges from Judge Simrall to induce Radical Senators to vote for his confirmation, and now he hat been confirmed, it it eminently proper that Tarbell, hia colleague on the bench, should be selected to make the announcement that "that life scholar and accomplished jurist1 has "fallen like Lucifer to rise no SEVSH 00LD MEDALS HAVE JUST been swirrled to CHARLES M. 8TIEFF, At lh dlff.Mint tain klt la UMSoulb, ll Octcbar sad Novrmiicr, 1HM. For the Beet Piano. owrdfhl rtirerant Daw York, Phltadal- pnia, uu Damnurv riua, orrici raw WAia-bootf, Ko. North l.llwrtT ilnat, Balttnora, ktd uTtEt r'S PIANOS Ht all Ma lato-t lm. arotwreau. Iaelu.ln the Atrnfa Treble, irorj rrale, aal Improved rrenck Aolloa fully warranted, for FITS THIS, to uar-cha-en. Seoond-haad Planoa aad Parlor Org aul slwart ob kaad at from M to SSUtt. aaraans, wao suva ova nam id can Gen. R. E. Le, U)tlnjrtoa, Va, Geoaral Robert UaBwn. w llmlngMa, M.O.i Uea. 1. H.HIII Charlotte. N.O.iUur Letcher. Lex V -T M. . T1 1 1 MOI , -C Mill, aiM. Geo. C. Baldwin, Kollvareo. Mlae i Bishop wilaer. Mew Oiieaaa. Send (or a circular nontalalne aamea ol SOO pereoat in te South who kaveptirchaa ad the Stelff PLnoatlm-eihe wareluaed. Tenaa liberal. A sail U aollcltad. rebSS-nyllwlr Of TH3 UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE COMP - ... . ... err"-- . Ia the St&te of Maryland, for tiit jear e , dy of December, 1869, made to tli Aauit' M Isslstippl.irarsuaQt to tbe laws of tall State. t Capital. The amount ol the Capital etock ofMid OmpmyN) WiJOOQ OS The amount t the I apital aMa paid aula tismtt t tMeorn. The earn or tbe rraaldaas la jobs w RANDOLPH. The uae of the Vloe. Pntldaat Is 8K0. Tke name ol the Secretary la JAKES T. KAMDOUl'tJ. . . more! The reference to General Free man, may, or may not, be true- assertion ot larbcll is not evi deuce and we shall wait to tee what "White Surrey" has to say for himself. 3 Aaawsa. Tf rain a of ike Seal EataM 1 weed hy theioupanr The amount of eaah oa hand.. . The amount o aaahdeMMlwd la Hants (glrwg aaejaor Uanke) Sd Nattxnel Bank of BalU-mo-e ..... The amount of oaak la hand of aerate aad In eourte of treat-mlaahia Tneaaieant of aloukeaad boada or uie u a item atatee. nan au other bond. (e tekedulo 'B'l. Tho amount ol Baak Blwoka (too ' .-I I ..Lb t .. .... The amount ol I' Ureal actually due aad unpihl. THE MX. AUBUBN Young Ladies Institute. Hat heanUral sad eoavenhjnS location, apoa the eminence from which II take Its aame. Itehliloty hat been a record of unin terrupted prat pertly. Ita connect Instruction rant throak three departments of four rear each. Special er electtTeeonrteeofttudy may be pursued at far at students may with. Peculiar tdraa- tagea are thut offered yoanf I ad let who aart already taken la ordinary Esfllth ntnxllea. The bet t of Instruction U alma la ttutle, drawing and palming, aodera languages and taker axtrae. Kone but the nweteotn pe rn! tmeben art) era ployed. Apparatus It fura liked for every depart ment. Libraries containing soreral thou' sand volume of standard booki art always aoKStlbte. Phyileal eollara It carefully at tended to. rarcatalognes or further InfinaaUoa, ad drnat Rsv. A.J. ROWLAND. PretlSeat, er LH. WHITE. Treaaurer, no. its Kaoe ntreet, umciaanti, o. U- The amonnl of all other property of tut Company, oontuuag ot tbe following Items i Bill leoeiTaute lor Marine I niur- aoe -. Sal rage and aavlkgt So aocroe M li mpaay on louee Onion fun Uim, Ao ti.ixisea its at )S,t1 SMC 00 ,S9S0 twsse TB.OOI is tout wi Total Atsats teW.W tt 4 Llakllltlen. Louo adjusted and dne Lnvet nnjuited aa4 aatdaa. Loaaee nnatljatted LfM os In tutptaat) and thereof LoMca rmUied and In lltlgaUoa Olerdende deolared either la TMewatert ameti it ; .'.utrd la nay see rtk t .. SO Theamouuof rlk w auitir- legtneyear .i lfl The aieuuntof h. lor than one J- r ' i i "SW Tie rme er rmmL. (jist'i n- evtvedot tame She aavteat ol rik in sm hre. .. I aiara than one ai nut aunt thMUreeyea.aio'in ICI.IjS C The nut ar oxnt. (nag) rn , ceired on tame . The aaxmnt ef rlJkt karlBf ' 1 morailwathrwyMritarna.. t,23) Ot) Tbe rate per ent. Unti-tge) ra. , oalred oa tame. , , . ' Stati or SfARTLAsn 1 ' City of Baltimore, j . Jokn W. Randolph, PreaMen. td Juatw T. Retflolph, Senrotwy of th tj'md it we Fire aad Marina Jii.aroene tomimnr- ' ? duly worn, repose and Hf.aed mm tat ti"a ' aetraayt that tney are Uie above iw., 4 omeenof the sali toespanyi and skato ti.n ' thtrty-trtldayof Dewmiwr lasttaii of tia tiove deteribed asw were tue almoitita property of Use aald Company, fre aad litoer torn any laiae or rlaiins thereon, nmiK ea Iweese-lediaad that IM forcguisg . la ment wills tka aoh4ul(a ant e" -. bereoanaexed nod bf ttirtra u....jri.M"l, are true, full and correal etatemrnt of the condition and at7lrt of ti4 Centuny oa She SIM dav ef lMotmtwt- U-t. aed tut fit yar aniline on triat day, aunoniint; so too best af their laturmauun, Jusewkitk n4 belief, Itapaoiltnly. (dlcnoii) , JOBW W. RAT"M Pl.Pres't. ' : JAMaa X. ttAJSiiOU-ti. neey labsnrlhed and sworn ro. he tort me tola Hon. tS'JHS It t 19tt (Signed) tVm.B.0ARTOW. Jnatioe ot tise PeaotV .enporeaea ise aw.. .... Dlrldendt dee and and d ul aanaid Amount required to re-lnsuiw nil outetandini risk on tka ba- iitot to per oena. of tlie pre mium oa all eximeed risks Its) pereenk oa Merle rttke Tbe amount due Ranks sad otker era lion Tke amount ot BOaer borrowed Ity given taeiw- SS,000 09 Hone Dr, Common, of the Holly Springs Star, leaves the editorial chair to assume tbe duties of Med cal Director of the State Insane Asylum. There is something worthy of meditation in the strange coincidences which are now so frequently occurring of Southern patriots(?) forsaking tho people -end incurring their questioning rebnke for the sake of high moral conviction ! and so goon tiler such "high moral con viction" being inducted into a Supreme Judgeship, Medical Di rectorship, or some other "fat" office. , Tbe nsnal May storm is brewing. People who think good health a blessing will act aad govern them selves accordingly. Much sickness in tha result of carelessness In dress and disregard of the daagert of exposure during oaa siorrastna inddcBchangetof tempsratursv . Our coteraporary of the Ticks burg Herald will please bear wit uess with ua in that we mean no inJUHtice to any Yicksburger but we (bought mey were siauuing in tlielr own lignt in refusing to lei our road to tbe nver. out, prunee, Captain Spenrs, Is it not a fact that our frleuds at Vicksburg are ouly willing for the road to extend where "It can's be did ?" Are we right 1 Below the oily, it seems Is tho ouly pracucanie ruuie tor ex tension. Our cotfmporary of the Times and ltepublican, we believe, so charged, by figure that cannot lie. We rather like that long leatt- cr in said journal, showlug that the location ot the depot witnout me cit), proper, will not iujuretbeciu or us business as uow situated. However widely we may ditfer rem the politics of tbe Times and HtDublicuti. we endorse its views on iliU question, in toto, and regard Ins article unanswerable. We have simply to say this to the enquiry of the Register. Tbe peo pie of Vicksburg de$ire that the road shall have a terminus upou tbe river bauk. But tbey say the road can and should have that ter- miuus within the city limits. Mow we would respectfully in form our brother of tbe Forest Uegisler that the people of this ity have just as much sense and judgment in this matter aud are as fully prepared and luformed with regard to the "cans and can'ta" of its feasibility as the railroad company. Does tbe Register think our peo ple wonld be so foolish or so hypo critical at to ay they are willing for and want a river terminus for the road and yet insist upon one that was utterly impracticable f We hope our Forest friend will give us credit for more sense aud fairness. We have time and again stated why. this people object to that ter minus being tiro or three miles be low the city. There is no neces sity for tbe location being so for away and if there is any it is not a sufficient one to weigh against the wishes and interest of the whole city. All tbe Interior can and do ask Is a river terminus to save cost in transhipments. That we also wish them to have. What right has tbe Interior to ask that this terminus shall be at a par ticular point to tbe injury of our city? Or can they justly aak to be benefitted at our expense ? Bat it ie no especial benefit to then for the road to go below town, and it or weald be a decided injury ut. Greatest lareitioi f tie Age! Cheapuess,Durablllty,Convenlence. Agrents Wanted TO SILLOUU CSUIBATSa GOLDESI FOUNTAIN FEN ACKMOWLRDORU by nil who have used them to bo inn beat Pen made or told in tbit country. No blottinil No lolled Sogers I Sixty lines written with oae pen of lnkl Will outwenr nny steel pen tree made. Bankers, merchants, teaehert, aad all classes eadorto them in the hlgbeet term! of praise. Put np In neal tllila boxee. No. 1, for eneral urei No. t, m -dlumi Ko. 8, for ladies' tue or See penmanship. Liberal Commisslou to Ag'ts. We arc prcnnted to glra nny oner It person taking tbr agency of these Pens, a onrawttsloa which will pay Swe per month Wntnelte all persons wlsblag cmploymoal to aena tor sample- ana ciiouiara. res sample Boxes mailed ror Ml cents. Tbe amount denoelted la atatae and Territories, as se curity tor the policy katdars therm. All other claims a.alntl the Com pa a r, eolUBg u w Bi lowing liemt: . . Salaneedue '. BIUS payable Sw latent Total Liabilities Ittceanc. The ameaat reeeired for preml mi la cask duriug Um pact year.. The amount ef premium no tee receiver! annua see pa as jwmr. The nawnntoi laterals recmerd during use year, ire as nis The amount of Income raoaleea dnring the year rrom ait otner soaraee, eomietlng af Ik fal lowing Itemti Assessments to repair capital..' Address. WiuSKRf Pt'Bl.ianiOCO., tistntf Mono. s Rene. svoo 00 t PW7 SI exist at misast Total ttn.otiti ' asm at Win si M,nsot sm.jTS u sntt-wSm mo. Maaufaotutci't Agents. Wit EZAT7, Jfat(octiirr and Dealer in BxMWtUtwrsM The amonnl of Los tea paid dar ing too yeareraitan now munn acorued prior, and how mnek aubeenuent, to tec data af me precwiing statement, aa i tka amount at which Intsae warn astimatnd la prso41ng stata men!.. Dont know now mnek prior. . . . Tbe aaranntof dlTl'leadi aanl. . . Tha ameunl pa d for teiariee. we aai outer marges Of oat- aa aad ill ran ton The nmoont paid lr eoamle- aloaa, eaterHH, oa pen era ana other chargea ef ageala, clerks aad other esevloreat The amoaat pal l tar leeal, Stale, national, internal nerenue ad other taxes and dntieu, national Tbe amouat o( cask paid or re- tarnon during tae renr to mem bers who bre discontinued tlielr nolieiet The amount paid during Ike Tear tor interest on sorro ecu moaer The amount paid nr all otker expenses, loeinniag pnnting tt4ilnnery, reata, furni ture, Ac. Total Ixpendltures STATB OP MlHIItlPPI, Btatb o Mahtlaud,) t. City of Baltimore. ; ".' X Oeorgn loblntoa, Clerk of tttt tnporlrrr Court of BalHesora Utf, de bert wruiy that Wm. t. niartoa, wiiiwe n no is ai n-mii-d to ihe Jurat el (M a hoe dep-n '- " dey w the date ther ut, a jwmm of Pnaen la aad tor tbe cHf af s-..uif, ( : kutboriaad to alrniaistr o." tur ..! parpsaea. aad seat 1 am i . t iud With tin hand wrltlngot i, aad verily belreee ttit e aanautie ef tka said deiitIUon It g-enl. In testimony wiercf I bare bwn tSBAklatt jmykseil ami i';vf f ' . ' ctnlt4 to J' !n'"'. " Bo ' (Signed) Otufcu i.uin.B ..' . a i.i. - 8caui;i-a t Aeaoantof tteekl sod m4 of TJ P ! , all ether Itonec nuc -a (enl IX-jrS. (ages and Bank estuckj a. exaed y tan Company." .. X . ni . Total ...J ' ,. T Ft Vaitst. U'U la Sharrst eaek of Vlr-- ' .. x glnia, . eaadts. "a aL im , atooe,..., , ,xa IiSOet ' d 'eaea of.Teneeea. - u .i;. aaa bot'ds, esaefe i tSOOt.., tJOt , d aeohof Vaiumora. ' city Stock, ttook SD,ON Ml .00 ' dt . enek of Annaaa "". ,.. elu Water loea .,, . Stock. ., ' M i e,wo da each of A abeata ;- ." -M v. . bendeeteaM-. . . U OM 0,09t 00 shaiwe t 't eat- b bal. ... . ai- i. ... ... ... ... ... . ri anissa vnte sfcantiyaw -s 1 . stock. WO shares each ef Wil- ' mlogt n Weld a JL fconul. , Total par and market ' ralue (earned out, at market falua...,. ...... v .to.oot tsooe SADDLERY AMD ALL HtXIHI" IK THAI Unas Vo. 181 Wasliinrton Street, Also agent for Dayton! SAPETT BRIDLE HIT, a aew nnu usmus imprvvaww. JaaSl.lT MAPLE LEAVES ft tks Cheapest, the Be-t, and me mott U ....inn nulilished. ft con tains Storlrt. Skcehe uieiui anu Bciensiim a ..iaa . atorles tor Bore end wlrlt. Deny Momenta, Pnaalea, Uluitrailons, etc, etc., te. . Only rirty sjenit a a curs Send I roar tubeertpUoni without da- Upelaen copies and premium litt sent oa receipt ot tin ocnto. Auurase o.A.aOORBACIf. tot Wassau street. New York. Say Ik what ptperyon saw this edrertlen lent. JnnSO-wSm S3SI.SSS tt 1MWW . ivneee iv '.A ' ..: ,W -i. 8C11IDULE -C., Busk tteekt kbeolktely awae by tteCai i , . .. (el Ttl -. ... Bntaai. ' patvaL ekarae.tlflSeaeboftl , -,-national bank, Haiti- J '" motettoek . - t ,( SH S9,384 tt 1173 41 srti ts l,SM H MM. ana . -a each ( S4. Haii.. in ti.iui, ItauU sm ressonk ......... , .bare, oi '0)100 e k of National Afbaaga, BalHaveia su,, Total.' Vewf'e1 J'io.sve" io joo ' ; ' .- . i . ... 10,W 1000 .'tsls"elMt STATS OF MI-BISSirPI: L Henry MiurroYe, Auditor af Pnbllo A caeiials ei ana aivr. sa iii. do beieof ertiry MMst tb f.fH.g statoraent of lb Ual'ed hta ee t and Marine Insurance Company. o Haliimurrt, lSaryland, la truly and correctly copie-J Iron lb original ea tlelamyonic. T i hmt my nana aaa eneut teat, aa this II day of April, isvo. .i . . U. MI-efeBOVB. uVtreauederi H.ttltt Jaokoa,UiUl i Lai ,. tie ttttl Akditor of ruuue Aonmait. '1. warren Countv. t U I'UlDbUir 7'ISIL.aMk.MriH.alaMullhS.tlllMlial Al SMSfrtll that Harnrs A Vernon haeo this day tied la my oSce a SUitmail -t lli t i. : :.a ol t:.:s Unlton a sat e nra ana manna iMuraaeMuompeny.oi nsi'iswra, sMr mnu a earuu- caleof the Auditor ol Puliiin Aoooonu, auinenaiast narneea r - lor said eomnane. al Vsnk.bure. naUl ton Br-ldaecf March A. D. 1-1 tjiT-k nndnr my kaad ana real ef OSsoa, this k day of Ma A. V. I T). ( ' ' 7, . J.H.CesAPPELUClerk. mal4 & TEI.;;cr, Ageats; WARE & WILLIAMS, WIIOLE3ALS AND RETAIL DEALERS IJf ; . Furniture, Chnlrt, Carpets, I2at tresses. Yni inper, WINDOW SHADES, CHILDREN'S GAEELAGE3, . Wikanalsoa M asauMaaawtar-i. .tui r ', . ,: l CABUAOKt, BOCKAWAXt, BUOOIES, tPXlJf WAirOKS, AO, AC. Which we ef er at Maaafaeturen' prlent Witt frefgtil added. .,. - . , . ., B am prepered torurnitb Country! Deal art at lower prices Uaa aa; Sons la Uus Orleaaa. txm-exnm r joiettnm omewiVkset euno inja .pw aui v !5 M iSttJeteM H"8 "HV? tilt SO H O f enj, i1 - -jeirM pun Mrtojtis ai)tre iutooitrweut ezl'i aaaiixa la none loinaninut mil V pum ma e Mopjosia inoueH put i pooig 'ilini'KI 'eee.iioonei 'msemneqa Iuna neindiost reennoneTua iaw une.f, 'smilment ieatt 1m -OK UVH11IXS una nJiQl eJt1tut ff a t ux E. J. HABT eft CO., Wnoletelt Dttlnrt, Importers Commission Merchanti Groceries and Draft, Kos.B, n, T7, and Tt Toknpltoulkt Street, MIW OBLBABS, LA. e.j; (Tco) ICQAR. COrFEK, TEAS. SPICKS, Liquors, WURS. TOBAOCO, PE0VI8IONS PATENT MED1CINSS.1 Proprletort of . , BABTS STOMACH B1TTBBS, HA&I SE53. JAMAICA GBNGKB. HAETtCODUTKBOIl, I , , BAtrS 1S0ELIBUI INS, 1 Snpnoat, Mr. EegUter, thai. tit?, .i,"6 ...!" '. X ,rJ. la".i..'v-i.''- a'v, w. City or Mew W Manufacture our Mattresses and guarantee) taUsfoctieiL, Furniture of all kinds and Mattrettea Repair ed lit the best manner; daalt-dAw THOMAS B. BQDLEY, DEALEaiN V UACniNEBT. AGEICULTURAL mPLEHENTS FEBTII4ZEBS ' ,.' ...''f..'.. "t NO. 9 PERDIDO STREET, NEW OELSAJra ' frii i wi-r itii. anrtn cotto.V tni, Cui:,. Tunnard noutbera Cora Planter, Taaaard Southern , Cotton Pi AND t, SaUleyGaag Plows. Colemsn't Corn and Wheat Hills. , walk k rlable Steam Kuglnet and Boiler. Clar Saw Mills, P ..we. mbined Mowers and Reapers, with Kropper Attechmmt, '' IJrtlle. h ami Wha.t Th..h.r Monk Hieder' MhohtnerT. . -i m Pumaa. Ing Maobery, Corn Cruahera, Hawaii rinja, Ce' CUterns, Crawford'l BurJi a Cultltatore. Veetrl Co Plows, Sweeps, Scrapers, VM Mills, Cook tOttea rrsussa. . SUTiird f-.uii,.Z walk ItitlDmiy and atone rawsrs. tecn .r Wood Pnmpe Pw H and r rw, eneuarn, nalhr-a. kraporatora. ,, mnriv-vy E. C. PAXILS t CO ' ' toportarsorkBd ' 1 ;!" vnUfttl AVB k IT AIL tliU-S I Cierpett, MatUBffa V Cil ClothBy Window fc ete St kSt W CJa" tTE'ETt i . rzrr. cbleak s, la. ..Te L. CMAPSIaIc, ; .ittOESil AT tAW. -I-Ae iav i, j i . Btifca,. tk.l llllt-d Juilli-lnl ili'.i.f to tue pavmnntot M , lacua tut Bvn-rc. wht J (