1 - t J.
Terublc Slaughter or tue
Nobility. A London dispatch to
the New York Herald ny:
"Among the killed by the unroatik
ing of t battery of mitrcllutiso at
Mars la Tour were Counts West
orf, Wesdnlen, Union Kleisli,
Witzlabere, German Prince Kenns,
and other noblemen of bi"li r:uik."
The Radical party throughout
the Union know that all of the
fraud practiced in the late election
in North Caroling was by that
party, yet Gov. IIoMcn is now
busily engaged manufacturing tes
timony, by which he hopes to
have the election set aside. lie
evidently goas in for VoWcm -mi
to the olliccs.
Tue Carrollton Conservative
of August 27 says that on the
Saturday night before in the vi
cinity of that place, J. L. H'-ggie
was halted by two highwaymen
and robbed of 8".0O0.
The Ya.oo Haiiner of the 2iitli
8338: ' II. ll. licrry and A. S.
Howell (whites), who live upon
the Glandercleugli place, 12 miles
below Ya.oo City, on the Yuxoo
river, were riding toward Salartia,
when they met two frecdmcn by
tho names of JauKff Koss and Jclf
Malone, who were in their em
ploy. A dispute arose between
Howell and Ross regarding the
contract between them, which
eventuated in Howell's giving
Ross both barels of his gun, from
which ho died in an hour and a
The McndTillJOuunial of Aug.
25th says J. C. Olser, a Norwegian,
died in that placo on the Saturday
night before, from bleeding at the
Mas. Annie K. Smith, relict of
the late Luther L. Smith, and the
sister of the Hon. Jellurson Davis,
died at the Locust Plantation,
West Feliciana Parish, La., on the
13th inst
The Democracy of Maine is
stripping for the fray. At a re
cent convention at Bangor, Gen.
Charles W. Roberts was nominated
for Governor, nnd the followiug
terliug platform adopted:
"That tho national administra
tion has proved a failure, has vio
lated its sacred pledge to the peo
people; promised them economy
and faithfulness in national siilairs,
but it has given them extravagance
and corruption ; it promised them
a liepnbliean form of Government,
but in if iny of the States it has
established military despotisms,
trying thereby t intimidate the
people thereof, and make.liciu
subservient to their wicked rule.
That the onlmary expenses of the
General and State governments are
swelled beyond all precedent and
calculation by the ruoruious in
crease of the number nnd salaries i J""'1 r.-inaikable feature nhoiii i
Of olllecrs; in this we iind glaring!' , r;"',1 ,ll,:lt :i "-'I'-'clable joar
nvhlnn r il. vi. ..
system which is rapidly corrupt
ing the public services, robbing la-
borof the bread it has earned, and
endangering the liberties of the
people. That the act passed by the
last Legislature, which withdrew
from tl.e people of all the several
School Districts of this Slate the
right to regulate the mode of edu
eating their children as they deem
best, is one of the many dangerous
attempts to abridge the rights of
our citizens, and abrogates a time
honored law and usage of this
State. That the larilf for proles
tion is mainly for the protection
Of the wealthy, nnd tho monopo
lists; that free trade- is the right (
the people. That . we invito the
thoughtful consideration of the
people of Maine, with whom ship
building nnd freighting have here
tofore been successful pursuits, to
the fact that the seaboard of . Maine
languishes and daily grows poorer,
because of vexatious taxation and
the refusal of the Kepuhlican Ad
miuistrntioii to afford adequate
legislation. That while the Dem
ocratic party are in favor of a ju
dicious regulation by law of the
solo of intoxicating liquors, they
are opposed to the great Prohibi
tory Law and tho restoration of a
IState constabulary." An anti
Chinese resolution and a resolu
tion of confidence in the nomina
tions were also adopted. The
Convention was quite full and
very harmonious. The nomina
tion of Gen. Boberts was received
with salute of artillery. A rati
fication meeting was held in tha
The gravel train on the N. 0., 3
k G. N. B. B. ran over and killed
ft Scotfhut.m, m-ar Canton, a few
appears this morning,"
ridicule the statement VI
Confederate Soldier, wQ it. .
puranpil from tlm Drv f from
j . u
and whose account was piiblisliid
in a Abingdon, Va., journal.
It is all well enough to ridicule
such statements, yet it is some
what singular, that the very argu
ments which are adduced to dis
prove the statement, evince the
inont heartless und atrocious cruel-
j ty on the part of the general gov-
emnient. He says the Dry Tor
tugas is a barren sand deposit,
containing about five square acres,
without so much as a blade of
grass. This island is situated al
most in the heat of tho torrid re
gion, within the dread belt to
which the Yellow Fever confines
its ravages. What exhibition ol
hcartlessncss and cruelty is there
in a government which would con
fine honorable enemies to such a
place. Win, was iguominioinly
executed for alleged cruelties
let the atrocities charged to his
individual account, pale into in
signilleance beside this act of
a strong government which
held at its command such n
...... ., e. . , ,
"mi sicil
limitless means and resources and
seiu us prisoners oi war to
this place, which is shown he our
corresLniideni il, .,i..;, ....
the ,,,, i ' ?......,.
; r. : " uiu'mc
in ail its phases. The statement of
the poor wretch whose account we
published is declared by our cor-
r..-......i.... . i , , .
rl ' lu "u il H"wr 1"rlC!-
,, eiUieaois lo create
uiu impressioii that it was nub-
lishcd for political iiurnoses and
ns he says to "lire the
heart." How
innocently the ad
voeates of the Radical
pa re
charge such designs. To hear
uiem oni! woiini ihinK thev were
iiiunaeulati!. They never "cook
up notiuiern murders, Ku K!u
outrages" and all that for political
eiltei. l ney never set lip politic
lioiigohiuis lo frighten the weak
and timid, but they are everreadv
to charge such design upon us.
Why is It ?
Our Mulberry co-
temporary we notice has dropped
..in. ... i' , :,i.. i ... , . .
...... ,i,m i,-, une. is it, auout to
i,, I.-.. ,,.,ii,.,.. i . ,i , i .. .
lejij in uiu uaiKr Is
it about to wash its hands of Radi
calism and come out with the par
ty ol true purity.' Or is it dis-
gusted with the name of Republi
can that ilcaif no longer carry it!
Something- certainly has come
over tne spirit ol our neighbor"
dream. He is no longer the man
'he used to was. Why, we can
not tell. We only know he is cur
tailing Ins cognomen.
r.uiron iu:i!.n.ii: i ani very sor
ry to spoil a very pathetic little li
which you copied rom the Ah
bington irgiuinu, in your Sun
day s issue, wherein, one Kdmuiu
I ai ker. who represents that he
was a I.ieiiiciant in the -loth North
'(arolina L'oiile lerate Ie.'iliien:
aeits that he has jijit eseupei
jlVoin tl(. Ory Toruigas. tul.
; is indeed I, strange one, but Un
Inal should
ll- "'d you
not sec tne evidence iiuou i n
laet'oi it. ,,i.-i! it is a lubrication
from beginning to end;' If not, let
..... ...:.. i i . .i
im: iimii.iim yn mm, mere are no
"levees on the Torlir'as foranv
Hue to worn imoii. Do von riot
know lhat men do not ustiallv
"tvaiK up tin; .viisMs-.ipiu to tne
'mouth ol the Oi.io, a diiai:cc
more, than double that bv
the iie.i!i..,t wagon routes, anil
that too through an impatsa-
me country.' Uul you or a:iv
one else ever hear of a vessel
ing to a:i Il ind composed of less
than live acres ol barren sand.
upon which not even a spear of
grass grows. lor a load of "coll
or anything eUe?
J lie truth is. Mr. K litor, that
mis leiiow i'arher never saw the
Dry Tortugas, or he would not
have concocted so 'atrocious" a
lie. And what do you imagine
his motive t,. 1,,.- II., ,,,,
'know that the man who will li,.
will steal? And cannot you see
that he is an impostor, hoping to
gain money from a sympathetic
people.' Or is it pi
ihie that he
s ai e,iii,L,.,g vt urc tne aoiithern k -
Ihe lact that every prisoner of
'"' mio nus eoniiiieii, at ii.-
termination ol the war, in
prison whatever, was released
by a general order, and nro-
vided 'with transportation to
such points as enabled thorn
to reach their homes, is or should I
be known to nil the Southern noo-
pie. That there are several scores
of murderers, horse thieves, et ut
omiie ijenim, in confinement at the
Dry Tortugas, is a fact for which
wo owe Uncle Sam a lasting debt
of gratitude, and it is devoutly to
bo wished that the aforesaid U. S.
will continue to safely keep these
Ishmaelites out of harm's way,
and when they leave the Tortugas
that it may bo for the only place
we have any reason to suppose
exists, which is more disagreeable.
Tours, -
A D n Yi v
V ' - "
a the dltor of Ike Herald :
I noticed an article In the Sun
day morning's Times and Rerun
licao, nnder the heading of -The
Wantt of the South." I do not
think any intelligent mind will for
a moment controvert the proposi
tion in that article as to what the
wants of the South are. Immi
gration surely is the one thing
greatly n ceiled, and it may be tn
ken tor granted that we need an
increase of population, our cities
and towns built up, our vacant
wnds cultivated, railroads built and
manufactories established. The
article above alluded to speaks of
tne great increase of population in
the North West; how it has been
transformed from a wilderness to
a great empire ; how Missouri has
in one year received one hundred
thousand new settlers within her
borders. And then very correctly
says that we have here the raw
material for an empire; that we
nave tne soil, the climate, the pro
duction and the location." Yes
we have all these things; eoual if
not superior to any other part of
the glolie. The article then a-ks
the very pertinent ipiestiou, '"Why
do they not come'r" Ah! sure
enough. Why? Doss the article
give the true reasons in its an
swer V I liiink not. It lays it at
the door of Democracy, ost racism,
ifcc. It wusalwavs iiudcr-tood bv
l',al ostracism belon
to the
P-'Wer that be ; to lie ostracised
literally means lo be bauished bv
lmj ,,, .;,,,. , '
ished from society; Hitically,
oanisnen iroin oillce. it the writer
of the article meant the social ban
ishmeiit, then there should be no
"I "'at. U ater seeks IH level ;
so will every gentleman and lady
find theirs. Water and oil won't
"lix- While it is true the large
of People who have come to
ll,is S11-' tae not been made
much of, or very cordiallv treated,
there was a good reason why they
snouiu not ue. ihev were not
I worthy; and when they were, thev
1 1 i i ...
I have lilivacii lni,ii tv..!l ii-u,itA,l
Th.. i.-;..,i" ti,, i,.,.. i '....n'.i
carpet-baggers .lesprvwl that iiuiuc.
....... i.,.,, m. . u .f.iu lain.'!
iiiv. niuunnciMiu ii ou oi pa -
l"'r collar, ami perhaps with one
-'-" sunt, not 10 worn, wnnoiu
t,'4"lfl'i without credit, without
respectability, and with nj oilier;
piuposcuiau id get onice ; and ny
1 1... I...'.. ..r t i .
the heip ol tue Oavoiiet and as -
sUtaueeofal'ewiiien ol'the South, 'loss, in the prime of their inllu
whose auiliitioii was greater : euce, for many of the most bril
Ihau their principles, they have limit writers "of the age. Tho
succeeded HI hlliii ' ad the olliccs
from the Gove
ntor down, bv iin-
l'"-'ug upon an uneducated race of,
i.uoe. iiiey ( carpet-nag ann er so lull that ho does not find
scalhtwagj"' are now so fMioj competition on every baud. As a
the people by taxation and other-' student he has written essays flash
wise as to make it perfectly fearful in -r with the brilliancv of wit. and
lo contemplate; anil while this
shall continue to be the cae no'
immigration can be looked lor at!
icasi sin.n as are desirable, and has -pread luraud wide; both rep
may God save us from any more i utatiou and livlihooil are at stake,
vampires wo have euoii'di of; He mav think the task an eusv one.
them. Unless the taxes are made
more tolerable, emigration will be-
come the order of the day, instead :
ol liiiiiii''ratlon. Just think of it.
where forineriy ten lliousanil dol- 1
inrs was only demanded, now one .' daily, and usually the salary af
limidrcd and ten i, exacted. ' ford's a living but not a co'mpe
Uiuler the present inaiia-emeui of tence. If he ohjecls to the amount
mr citv, how ion will il he ueforel
nisiiicss hoii!,.'s wiii Ijeeiuiitv
wiihoiit renters, on Wasii.u
street' I lear not im.g.
The anieie p.-ak of vi:i l.-iit
piviieluc lor po.i: ,c:u op:u m,i.
Strange piu'.ivilioi., when il is a
ivi-li known fa -a that not a ih-ino-
oral hold,
in tie; e;:;ir'.- State.
whoiv th i.'
wi-r, t.r.it ,e had any
'. er. The. Iicj'ii''ii'-;i!i
V ill tile n.aj. . i!y.n:e.i '
IV ill lie i,i;
party is , ,,g,
ill a. I t!i- "lii' i-s in the N i
one J
Dciuoera";!-1 irtv ( if there
are larg. i ,' in the iii.no.Mc, an I
lolds no "llices. Vet Hole colli"-
compiailil nl Deliioelalic ost.a
'isin, lieini.i.ii-au-, how d v.'U
like tha! V A leit hand tin jiil-;
inellt, is it not 'r it looks like
there might be some such conclu
sions us ili.-su drawn. I lie com-,
ui -rcial cii'.sso'.' iiumigraiion will!
not come here because none but'
Jtcpuoiicuiis will associate with
them: or it will not come beeause'
Democrats will not associate with I
them. T.'ierolore, the latter class
ol iiiiinigrat.ou cannot find st.ita-
hie associates m the Uepubi; can '
piiity- t-L.vy. i
:F""" ",0 wa-ini-uton -t.r. ivh.;
mi- oiuriini i,r inn .irtrii of
Itoil ruk Ititudoiii lln l..e.
The lollow iiig is a copy ol a war-
ran' i-siied to-ihtv :
District of Columbia, Washing-
ion county, m: Uu this day of
Aug., A. D. lbb!), l.rr,onnllv no.
pcared beforo Ales iniler T. (irav,
acting .hi.leof the I'olico Court Of
the District of Columbia, Freder-
k M. Clarke, of the special Ser
vice or the tailed .'stales Pension
Ollice at Washington, who, being
-wuiu ueeurtiiuu; 10 jaw, (loth de
'" -"',0"er, isoj, or thereabouts, B(
"' cw'y "foresaid, the name of
""I ns turner wh0 lalsely
awn iwf,.
the Italeiih National bank of X nrlh
Carolana, dated October 25, 1809,
for tho sum of four hundred and
seventy-three dollars aud twelve
cents and payable to the order ol
said Ilotbauy Farmer, aud that he
has just caue to suspect, aud dotht
suspect Roderick It. liutler of com
milting paid offense.
Sinned Fbbdebick M. Clause,
Sworn to and subscribed the 15th
day of August, 1870.
Signed A. T Ghat.
Aiog Jodge Police Court,
..Mini '.District of Columbia, i
u will be served on accused on
-Ivalherw, and tl ., wi'l
taa lb PriitiigUuXW.
The address before the Michigan
Publishers' Associatun; at its last
meeting, was delivered by R. D
Bingham, Esq., of the Detroit Ad
vertiser and Tribnae, and was
chiefly devoted to a careful consid
eration of relations of "The Press
and People." We append an ex
tract, bearing upon a point that is
too little understood and appro
dated both by the public and the
most of publishers the exactions
or editorial work, which arc as a
rule greater than those of any
other profession, and which bring
lesa reward, to the great majority
of those in the editorial employ
ment, than any other class of in
tellectual labor. We quote from
tho address:
"As a profession there is none
who have more work to perform
or do it better thau tho editor.
Those who have followed it, but
are now engaged in other and
more congenial labors, will agree
with us in testifying that for wear
mil tear ol liody nnd mind; lor
its constant deinind upon
the brain and nervous sys
tem; for its often unsea
sonable as well ns unreason-
able hours; for its tliousand an
noyances and responsibilities, it
anuot lail lo intensity life and
therefore shorten it. Few there
nre who at the threshold of man
hood took tho pen in hand in thin
field, either as editor or reporter.
that pass over the valley of mid
dle life, and reach the hills where
the golden sunlight makes bright
the childish happiness of age.
Bryant, Greely, Bennett and Weed
are left. But Raymond, Pren
tice, Halpinc, Dcraers, all of whom
but one laid down the pen for tho
shroud when the sun was in mid
dle heaven, and ten thousand oth
ers that could be named, proved it
a short lived profession. Nor is
this fact surprising. The most
excellent labor of the editor still
Iocs not reach the possible, and,
lkf ( llil'ftl Tll'lut U..II ... It. .M'l in
hand, the expectant public stand
. ever wishing lor more. And us
I there is no beadle to reprove or
. punish the culprit, there is noth
ing v do but comply with the de-
maud at the sacrifice of life itself.
I And not alonu the public but the
.... . . .
1 imMis ill'I'lllmi lo lihlliln Ii.pIIk.
I vonii-f neui sei U-s lids iiroli.iiMtf ,n iu
ihe lield for exercise of an lionora-
hie ambition, but its ranks are nev-
proved his skill in the" use of logic
and aiL'iiiueiil. lie hi;-Ic t, nil
the place of one whose influence
' but learns at the outset the large
measure of its duties as well as the
responsibilities. On a ineiroiioli-
Man ihiile hit v 1 v,.,,i,ir..,l t
write from thren t (ivn efiliininn
of labor leoiiiie.l us wi.ll M H...
iiiii-:i-i iii:ii(K! Hours when it may
lic:iilcd for, he is told that there
are a dozen applicants who will
i . t .i ... . .
uieieruiKc tue worn lor the same
iay. T!i-y pr-fer his ipialifien
':m:is and In; undertakes the '.ask.
I-'re-li and vigorous for a lime, -he
f" -nis rui lhat is ii ipiirod. and
daiiy do-. ihriee what his physical
and iie-n'al s'ainini can endure.
Then conies lie.' reaction. The
brilliancy, wit and pungency are
lo-- and i' -s apparent in Hie tread
mill wheiM t.ici-ir is no re,t for the
weary. Tho man who might have
stood in the front rank of the pro
fesdon. had tin; lllei-sinvs of his
inlior not been beyond his ability
lo ac' oinplish, is shovel aside, af
ter a year or two to make room
lor another vieiini, who. ten to one
shales tin; same fate. Or, if he
remain, it is at the cot of the net.
ive biiovant s'.eo : and the red tide
is no ionLO-r the foiintniii oil I a l.
and v, ' -r. Without lime i'i- .v.
eiviso, he takes none, and soon the
nehhc' l.r-iin or hiM-tie hnsh hlm-i.c
him for the hand of death. This
ii not an oveidrawn bieture. And
in fc iinoc'.ion with this point,
eoi.ihnrc for a moment the writers
of tlic loading English and Amor
ican Journals, and it will be found
that the general excellency of the
lii st is due, not to superior talent,
but to the fact that publishers
there are satisfied with quality und
finish, while here both quality and
luaulity are deemed essential re
quisites. As the result we do not
know of a dozen writers upon the
leading papers of New York city,
who have reached, middle life, while
a great majority of those who
maintain the power of the press,
in the face of all competition, are
young men from twenty live to
thirty-live years of age.
A Woman's hair is sai.l to bo her
crown of beauty ;hut uow-a-tlayg It
is impossible to tell whether a wo
111 11 11 Is wearing her own crown of
beauty or that f souio other woman.
It is said that on the day of his
arrival in Chicago, Gen. Grant re
ceived letters from three hundred
end ninety-seven ihyetcn of that
city, each offering to procure him a
divorce and take it out in executive
patronage. . i
ManTladloi wr entire ir,
t: a f 'e r ' h- ... ...
Edward Wilder'!
It prepared by the ablest Physicians,
Il will euro Dyipepsia and Liver Com
It will cum all ipeotet of ladlgestloa.
It will f It Immediate relief la Colic and
It will cure CostlYeness.
It It a mild and delightful Inviforaul for
ueiitaw lemaies.
Iti body it pun Bourbon Whisky.
It it uKd by the lllnlttry.
It allays pain and In teases tho dlfetMre
It r Morclh avp'tito, am! bring twcot ro-
oei aim lopo.o u urou numanuy.
1 liitlNG YOU
Edward Wilder'a
Sarsaparilla and Potash,
1 the haii .est nnl l ettoninhtnatlon of ilcd.
icintt Uiu world bu ovur known.
It il rw Scrofitla in all lit lornit.
It will euro Chronic Ulicumatlim and Ncu.
It will remove l'lmplct on tbo face, and
curat all skin dlauasos. I
It l wurr.Aiitwl to euro While Swolllngand
scaiu ucau.
It cures at once scrofulous Soie Kyes.
It If, In short, the only Mudiolne which
otiicht lobe uaod in a1 1 suchcaoi( at Its ef
h'ai are rapid, fallowed by certain ami
poriuanuni cure.
It Inrnllllile In Couaht and I olilt.
it itl'U Iminu'limo cnnilort and rulu l' In
Aslliniu and Uionchins.
li ha- the liaiivt effect In ' oDiuniitlnn.
It i- liiillieiuiililo in 1'i.cuiuonlii or Winiur
Ill nil I'liiniiii-urv lili?iihu i,ttRnle,i with
cough, 'lilllriilty m broiiihlni;, nr 1 ii". It
im. nu I'onat, hiki iiiik nvvi-r li en miihwii
lo f.ili In (ivluv ti tant rvliif, IdIIowi- I b
rurlitl i euro.
Edward Wilder's Chill Tonic
Ik never fallinif In Chilli and Kerer.
Itl (iiin-ly vonciubii-
It CMiit;lns no unicnlc.
It will cuieUilIlt iin 1 t'eve ,
it III cure Dninli A cue
it not only enrts, but erui:ic,iiu tii'' b.,iua
Ini ilinuKut frum tliti nti m entirely, und
leir.e- r. Iri-u irniii in n ri ,i umi
U-u II uml have no other.
Mother's Worm Syrup
Will 1.1 oni.j rrlkio your little ones o
li i u siini'le ri.i iliut cuililreii will renill
v til e.
i- tiniiile ami hariuics in It- tffur.ls u-e.
ti.ltll r i-
1 H e.-rt:ii.i worm di-in-yi"
It is Me it i tit wo- in-, la wiutcvc luriu,
the hum.in tyu
1. 1 .It,
i-hll.lr.-ir .1 liuht, ns it it oi co ro-ihi-m
Imm w'tiiis uid II klmls, aii'l
hem from I'lrkiug their noses ai. I
Am not excelled as n purgative.
Xiiey nro lur Minvilor to liny known cnrald.
11 ll.ui 01 BU-dlulnos iu Consliialtd or
siuuKeu liowi'ii-, uiiu vnoiiiii niwnyn in
liil.en In I'lintm-llon Kith til ward Wilder')'
..tlier iiri'iiuratioiis.
215, (Murblo Front) MAIN ST.,
Whales n la Afaaca,
tzz cones cue? cf
Can n f jtfcera-t la the I oll-hulli, leant,
ttaaneadali. Th drop cotton and unopen
ed eollt eaa he saved.
TBI Sbtautim coTTnw-Sia will tne
all, and (ia U est oleaner. late est, and lest
aspped lint, thtt eaa beaiade Croat tnetama
eld la tba ataal way, by u best gist bow
la um
Send (or circular.
84. Loot, Missouri.
JjM Sola Makers.
ToPIauUnofXbulssIppl A Louisiana
is rairiais to . ,
File and Replace Gla Saws.
Fill and Repair Gin Brushes.
Ontera left at the store of Manlove A Ho-
btrt. MuIIwitt street. Vloktburr. II 1m, mi-
torllilns; the work neoeMarr to bo done, and
the kin-i ui gin uud, will be promptly at.
itintir.1 w.
TKIIUS CASH, and my expensot Invariably
ni. inmis-UAwiy.
Vaa'l Asent far PlistUalppI,
IBS Washington Stroel, Vlckihurf.
Itf IntirnctloB glrsn aratii to all pur
chasers. JM
All Mar.hlns told at Manulsrturer't
prions, and wamnuxl. Maehlna Necllei,
Thrvad anil aUarhmonts for all Hachlnoi
always on band. Ji it d w,
A Ilcok or tbo Mtlliou.
MAPTJIArCI a rivAT conn.
ulAnnlAUt. ii.ioKTiiTiia )h.
niHrry, 01 tho ,Iit
I iIoIokIouI mystiries
mil rcvolstwnn ortlio snximl ssteui, wl'u
.In- littt-kt ilUcovorm-1 no.lnrliu anil n e
v. ntnirf offniiraif-, ini-,civliif the ooniu x.
Ion. aij.
Till- Is fin Int rfit'iign-.irlof two hundred
and twenty. lour 1'ukiv, with numerous on.
irialnit-. androniuina viluulei iiif Tmnllon
He tlmsa whu ie marrini or co-itontilaia
raarriiiKOi -illl l ' alxiok tloit muht io I e
u-.iler lo-knuil k.y, ,Ull nol ,an cardtsly
lllmtit'llo tion-f.
(M't 10 anyone (fr' sol iiosUne) for fifty
A.idnt s Dr. Itutts lilwniary, No II S
mUk rwic rfc IHIItl., THO.
Jfot!c4 lo IM affltctrd and smorfaans.
Hi'foro npi'lylng lo llio notorious CjeaOIl
who r'l yeru- in euiillc uicrs or ii' iix any
.ri.iii i-m-u ur- ssiisis- work
no niattei uhut rmir dlnca-a it or how .lo.
Ill r.i lilt- y.,nr i;ondlt on.
Ir. llllttft Clin I 11 rdlikiillml nAruii.all.. A.
.-, w iim-iii- miTuionrii in nis
'll, OllllV. NO. I'i N. Kltfl.t .,n...l I...
tms-n M irkul ind Choitnut, bt. Louis, Wo.
The (.'feat Sootbing Rcniidy.
ftiirBs i.ol o nnd
I orliung in
I In-
UUcmnli'tl Mown in-. I in.
1 "imiii'n im' pr . 1 .
81 HIT. I r -,1.111 1 i-etliinir 1 Cent
iii.s j -siiifiiH'ri coiivitl. 1 a'rlcf
n'liltcomb'a !i-..i:m..iii.i a i
I tii(-'t'i-iif 1., in. ,
-SYIti;i'. '.I .iit.i thil.l inj J'cnla.
JMS. I : uri II r,rrhv;l.) Prlea,
.lv-l tltil v S .'.mi 1
litlr.niiib'k ' inn- 1.1111..11111.
t n i Mti.li.ju ofi
svi'iT. l ,,il a... J Tenia.
II III. t.M',,1 ll,., .j,;', H; , ,1,; L'i
Hi.leri: i'i ...v !n i ll diMi-.mi, liiui:h
i' 'I'i i.i;i u i.i .it,- ulii.-r mine
11". i ill' . hv I .: IIIIAI l'(i M I ' ! II I IVL
CO., ST. Loris Mo
s,ilil h liniKKiatt and Hcnlots '11 Mull.
emu erma-hiiru, tuail-il.tw.ly.
How Lost! How Restored!
Jutt puUUktd, lit a in.i.Vd tnt'lu. Pria
A LECri'liKon me NVli:n.W. TiikAT
ment, and ludintl 1 tin' oi sperm uurrttru
ii- no iu 1 111 n ..it'll--., i,v unit;. ry e in ls
Inns. MiMiit' I ). : .1 : it . 11 1 l.nii -ahiio.u. ,..
MllirlaKOK'-neriill' , Nervon-m-to,. nn-u nn.
-.., .,iivi- , nii'i riis; '-1111,111 .nil V..
oal Incnii oii i. r. -'iltniif (rn. , -eli ai.u.b
by i;ot..I.i 1-i.viiKWKtt, M.U.. uuLior
oitlio "tir !., Hook." An.
A Kaon tn I'bousunils olMrtf forer
sent under .(!, in a I'l.ili. cnvi-loim. to uny
ad'IrosN, pottmltl, on uti'!i of i-k ,-.-tit-. or
two iiuhUku -Ulliis, h CHAs. J t; Kl.lSn,
181 ltowpr, Slenr Vorh Pont,
olflee box I.'.hs.
Also Dr. 1 ulvui well'i "Mnrrl, ;e t;iiii! .
nrKo i'i capU. ii..') j 'i.v,iin
Fever and Ague
Alwaya Hlopa tba Chi I la.
This Modicino luu been before tho Pub
lie fifteen yean, and ia artill ahead ot all
other known remodiea. It doea not purge,
does not aioken tba stomach, ia perfectly
aafe in any dona and under all oirrmm
atanooa, and ia tho only Modi cine that will
and permanently erery form ot Foret
and Agna, beoanse it la a perfect Aata
sUrte M lrlalariau
Bold by all Druggiata.
eTurnlp Seed. ,
r AVrtRFTB-ll NKW fnop irwh ef
, Jlrtoi.JiKt remiiteil, a trail aeleru-.i ..
". ! .. ll.H umii-e '!,is I',, -a i i
SaS ! V
j sMuA.'av
B I ' '.'fc,.I.,j, iMi- Jr $
W -'s, 4 I",
I f.l-cH tiUlATJ- 1. ., il 5,
Twia. 1 .
l feir h IsU'i'x f .;..., :.
a-.gi, i,'j.
Siaiia Snyitaa, HilmlBl'ttrat'ort
of j
W . b. sloan , derttSMsI, i
. f
8sri.ii tn km, Et at. i
Upowofiaalnetkepaps In "
nd it o.wi -n ut ti
tiie t.imrt Irom tris am tnit i i.
Birrhtiit. one of ti. s.i:. ii.i s f-r
ant. that th sum iii-i.-u.- r.t, f- .r-.u 1
Catlwna sia'r-t"n, k r H.-i ?
WaiMtar. haraasbaaii Jana W
and- Wynkooii. b"r hu.lmiid; i
alisw. WUIisns B. ftliasr. mi op- . I
latherlnataylor, and Kmilii
mikoaad; MnrnftFit V.inn:, fci . -J'in,
and William J .ais, hsr
li -Mnas laveii"rs. Jamas K r
s.imiel w. lii,Tiiirt. Jnhm Vi
James Vanrlaror, WiiHbib U. V
ur, Msry I'srknr, and John I'.irfeur
oitaii, atary anoflroort, aiel '
toort, her hunbiind; Hsiburt Oilltiil,
Hoylan.Joha b,l, Jnn bsmuoi i
kU-uurd Kllltll, Kli-jinur fevi-m 11
Ryan-sa, ttrt kusnawls t"" W
and Ward, bar hamnndt t.ln
and Wast, fear bum. mm; b. '
IVuiok, Voorho-s Qnirk.anil II
heirs o( SJuria Oui.-a. it,---, - 4,m i-
mvl.. Williim H.11U11 I. . , . -
Orin, ad W. je. ferae. br ih.
wakiun Iwrlan. Wchtoa k M'yluu, t
ilia.nio hamael Hloaa, lr J, .n
and Hie uok' on tielrs ot Auu .
ensrdUia unknown heirs "t K m
deoessisl. tho unnnoen heirs m I
Wnllsni H. Mo,m, doee!; are ni-n r
dents 01 the Htitte 1 MttstslfiH, ami ii-.
theonlinary pn.vss oltnis Umrt. ani i
the plneaol rosidenoff and lost omi - 01 v
derecdants. te pi-etivi-ly b ii-irr
upon niltaonteniiuiry, is ss fo! lows 11. i
Hnnih I'urlii-r, cstiietlne 1. ,-r--'u,
&iii, n i.mi., m 1 iti ui" .-
of New Jarsari JM Wyim . h
Bounty, N. X; tl!a Wass, Ii u. . 'i, r
, arvtiim ,,nni- i niisw. i's'-'
Vert. I llliam It. SUaw. Sow H,.ra , .',
rounc,, il,ioi slhi n. a Taylor. ) t 1
hu.lMuil, Jllired Taylor, tvaidner, Jt,',,.- u
C4unt, Kitnsasi Marixnret Vnnaest, I'iir , -smino,
hew Jonor; tiuinor II. ilonrs .:, ,1
Wlihsm Jonrs. her ansbaart, ut l'l nr, 1 1,
Now Jor-eyi liioinss iavetiKrt and J ,m .
8. lururKrt, Jamey City, Ksr J":--- 1
Maajuel W. Oiremwrt. Honwnrilla, T(m -..
see; John Vanusriir. l'liickamfne, hew .1, ,
soy; James VanileTiir.Lhesuir, .New Ja- -Wllllniu
B. Vanderiir. iavenmrr, 1, s
Mary Farkor and nor nul.and J"im Pn' -Klicilieth,
New Jemtyi WarT Viind"-. . :,
Pluekammo, New Jurseyi ttooert t. ,..
Aaron, Oliioi famurl ll'iylji i, .si .).. .
alissnurli Kl.'hsrd Klnell, lisleiKli. ki :u
C'arollnai Kkunor Kyervin, Wuiill 't i
Oslo! kiln Ward, oiiringljoro. 1 i
eoun.f, Oliiot Boylun Wuii-a, rii-i'"
new jursuy; voorueea tjiuca, ri nut..
New Jtniev: John ti, liojlan, !! - ,
Nurth lar.illnai Wm. at. If 01 mo, I
Nortn Candlnai Kate Iloylan Ii .
Norlk Carolina) Jane Ureenand Ii" h
band W K. iiieen, t hariotte. V
Kale Wtldon lloyian and Wu'ikinj: IS -, . ...
Homrrvilld, Tonneisea: C. kuy..,iia fcs, .
Flue.kauiire, New Jersey; Hisiuuel ,
No-tll llrnnr.h. Now Jorwr; lr. .limn i-e'i'i.
Crawfonisvllla. Indiana, and thitiiira 1
otrisi'lunoeand I'OstniUi'e irf Julio lii,-.
and John Hamuel Iloylan, u nr..',,"
aud eannot be asoeitained upou 11
( nt oinulrT, and ll Kirtticr iimw
iron snitl mlidavll, that the nuinioi, im - .
rokideniMi and p t e. Hoes of said do 0 iitun
Wehsler, kusbr.ud nl Kllta Wehskv,
n vnaoo)!. iiusoano or jjiio wynki-..-.-Went,
hu.li. nd or Klleo Wait; (a!,,li
ronrt. ku-buid ol Alu.y Vaudevooit, .
i.yursiMi, bns"nd or Klranor Kvimi, n 1
Wanl, hiHiliandol 1 1 as Want su-
ntiwrlslntd np-.a dl irnt aniiury. H 1 1
tliensino-, places i l iisrmoiw and n -
eisoltho laid dolemun s, tho n
heirs 01 Anne oan. deoenn " tne "s
k'.own heirs of tv t llaio Hlonn, di ee si 1."
tlie "nnki.ovtn beirs o, Maria Ontrk,
d.'4eil," tho unknown ueiiul Iisvld hi.' in.
d.eea-M "nnu ihe-unsBown heirs of u-
Hum II Mosn, ileoenti d." cannot 00 a-", r-
tnlned ap n dilHenteniinlr'. " !l -
ure, in ra. ao tiiovrn iu mo sawi ''".
a mud di eudiinn t'ir.il faM', 1. ,tbf 1 ?
Oarn-t. a, -ll Welutor ami
hvpiiiib.).iuii; ,1.11m it'nKU p, ani w v ci
koop, h.T hiishaiiil; .lames li Mi, v iii.i..,,
11 Bliuir. l-jmnc W ilson. Cat lermu Ti..i.
and Alfred Taylor bar huimi;
garet Vuni et, Rieaeor 11 1 ,
and WIIIIhiu Joues, her liimliun'l; 1m. ' ,
uaven port, j nines it. Ueretipoit, nsmioi ,
Dareuiiort, Jmin Vnn.iev ir. jinro-i V -
ur. nilll .m It. v.odurur, atarr Park-r.
and Jonn Parker, her husuaud; sl -v V .
droort, an 1 Vando. own. Iter liiuli.-ii;.! j
Hohirt oliett, Harouol lloylvi. .I.'un
I110, John aamaal lloylau, liiulmr i r, ,1,
Kleunor Krrnrin, and Itveiwii, her b.
band; KliaaWard aml r.i, her li, -luiudi
I'.llen West, aoil Wont li-r bu,
handi Boylm Quirk, Vooih-a k. , i
the "uuknoan beirs" ot Mima ijim, .,
deoeaMsi, Joka II. liojlan, William U
Ian, kul iloylan, Ja.iu i,m.n. 1
W. h. Uriwi, uor i.usl. 11. ,; I. ,iu e.
Boylun, We' don K. Iiojlon. C. H11. 1
Sloan, sainuelbi.ian, Ilr.-tohii dom ami
iinkn. n helmoi Anne Slo n iin e.i ,Ii '- ,
unknown hoirs ot Wi.uaiu hlean, .le.w ii
the unkvown li ilrnol Hav do ui,, .) i t. ,
und me unknown hens 01 Hln.iu ii.
Moan, deeutisi-di that uuloss tit y Uu -I
aiipe.-ir 1 eiore tbo Clmnet-ry ourt 01 V, u-
r.in:oiiiitv, In ka held In nnd lor s.,idn-'in.' ,
mine O'or House, a the try of Vn. --
burg, ou Uiu
1st Monthly in October, A. I), 1 s i
tbi u nnd theio Ui idoud. im im.,- or demur.
loU.e a.tl 1 1 oult l Iik.iim llill 01' i ii.n .i
tint i.iii.e n h tne al legations ibe.eo ,
iw taken loruonle sad as tu Uiein. .. t i
e iUMinoi ..own lor bearing as to laun i .,
i- .Mrti" r nriierr.T, Ihit n oni'i' or y,.
on er ' un I'l.hed iu ilm V icksiium m. v-
Mora .1, i. i.ewn'.ull ir t-rlf'eu Itle' li'.tl, n
In -mil hi .10 oneu a wvek for our -n i
ei. , ne-l ins a eoin nf Cils , u i.i-'st ....
neiu t-, unc.i ol ih.ifl'i d ft'ioi-e naia d ne?in
l.-ilir hy mult, pi.t' ,ii i n'l'itl i in tile"- r,i.
peeti-.-e i, t,. lies o, rtnl l neo sn i li "th
iu .I, mmii.ie.i in he i IU unit alore aid, kiwi
wini i ti ii. i r- n ihis n,e
lione hi leru nio, Cler4 01 iho su'd (.'h.-m-
I'en i' ua ati uio-,1-. myulll.;oln ih'"-"
ol Vir'.diu a.tliis the lm ul i . ...
I. Iht" A. II. AltiilUK.
,t l'.in holt,
-el', lor Coinplni't.
an; 11
In Vacation.
Krrol llovd, t at. i
No lis rs.
Loutui Punl, Ja It. f'urdy, et tl.)
Wntren t'hancerr Court, at nii!w. . .
til3i, 1!0. ...
UPON oiienleg the wrs In th s em, r,
nil . It MailIli lo tuo sillt,icli .... i
thu.ourt fii.ni the aiNdarit ol d. p. i, h.
mar, tgeni and aituruey n lam lor f u ...
tut t li uiu. id Boy I. ilmiihe d f, .
.Olll-tl I'llldi UO-i JIUes llMft l-iiniii
luuhiii i; I-ll. lliiil.eW sum W .Ui,u, ,.
Ilul iH-k. war nit. hand; Charm to rrlgi-. r i
John i U'v her tins!' inri. i.nd Auui, IV,,
ami i .y.l. n i r.gir, hor linslian ii am h . ,
ie-i i n,oi ihe Mala l .Mlsisiiil, ant s
yond 'i.tiotiliiii.ry I'i'k'o., 01 tins t oit -
Hi it the id deli ud lit , i.oiu,,, l-nrii..' L
Im noil Hurt Pnimy, her hu bnd; rn-iiii.
tne oily of Mom hie. in ten Sine of Ti n-
oe und hnvo llielr iiostotllee ttOMjne.i m ,
tho ueendants nils llnll.mk and Ail,,,,.
V. Ilullotk, her biuband, rrodde In 'ho t -
of Mielbyville, in Iho nuu of Kenttn .
and havn their pc-l offiee then!) ai d t , ,
Chana'te Trigg and Joba Trigg, hor
blind, nre re,.tenis ol tiioolty in l,mn. , i.
Inthosiuui oi Iki-.ntiicky. and h--- r
poitolllive there; and thai Amu !,,. k .;
Iltiy.len Trigg, Ii r hunltniiii. am i .
Ultvgow, in ihetsttileoilietitiiek,tiii,i tm.t
Iheii ll iilliuet tkeroi his Is limn u,i M,
muko snnwu to the unl Ijoutsa I'unn
Jitnes Hurt Pttrdy, K!H Bttllm it, RiiiiBn
llnlloek, Chanoitn Trie. John 'In -Anna
I rigg and llitydon I rigg, that im ,
tltey ln.l appear iMiorelho inmi.iuiii, ..
thaecery Court of Warren couniy, ut t,
houlen in and lor tne roomy ot r,.,, ,
Ihe Court llou.e thereof. In the cllyoi Vi--
burg on the , .
1st Monday in October nest,
to plead, answoror demur to tlio Midi"
platnaiiti Bill ot Complainant, the i,
with tlie allegations tbunKii, iil bit t,
aae ale-sod as to thrnt, ami tins can mi .
lor hearing as to them ax-parts.
It is further ordered that a omi rf
onler be published onea a weett.'i. ,
siioeatkire weeks. In the Vh-k-iu rr
Herald, a netpper printed -im
InttieeilyofVliskslturg, in.
thattbe clerk oi tins Cotiis ., i
aiail, itostnge prepaid to ti -fiin.luiits,
ui ij,;.r resjiert : ,
donee e ai.r....:.t i( u ...
copy of this t.tii.,1, ii ' .,
Done I...1, , i i ti -.ir of ihf ci.
Court, as !( . u nf Hire in ...
iet -.--"-j, tin", 'tie -i .!v nf
D. W, , A.il.AI!..
H.t.i . sutleitor t.t ..